Growing apathy in Crestwood?
My friends and neighbors, I have been reading some of the post's here on the blog, and I am concerned that we citizens have grown somewhat apathetic when it comes to our City.
I know we have come a very long way under Mayor Robinson's leadership, but there is still a long way to go! I see questions asked that are pushed aside by some with no answer given, as well as the "well, that's the way it is" answer with no reason given.
Folks, we have a brand new board, a group of people with the knowledge, and courage to move Crestwood forward, but they need our ideas, and help. Now is not the time to back off, but rather the time to offer suggestions, and what ever else you think is a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed!
Please give us your comment's, and I promise I will forward them to the entire BOA, and the Mayor for their edification!
Tom Ford
NO. 329
I know we have come a very long way under Mayor Robinson's leadership, but there is still a long way to go! I see questions asked that are pushed aside by some with no answer given, as well as the "well, that's the way it is" answer with no reason given.
Folks, we have a brand new board, a group of people with the knowledge, and courage to move Crestwood forward, but they need our ideas, and help. Now is not the time to back off, but rather the time to offer suggestions, and what ever else you think is a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed!
Please give us your comment's, and I promise I will forward them to the entire BOA, and the Mayor for their edification!
Tom Ford
NO. 329
Tom, You are absolutely correct. Too many of our citizens figure the 'other' guy will take care of the problems. When this doesn't work, then they complain. Things are better than they have been in a long time, but there is still room for lots of improvement.
I agree completly, so let's break this cycle and get involved!
Tom Ford
Break what cycle? Your man is the Mayor, your friends run the BAO, your gang got rid of Greer, your gang stopped the Police station, your gang stopped the Bonds and got Notes instead, the law suite against the former CA has been stopped, and most importantly, the Creston Center remains standing and still 30% vacant.
Anything that goes wrong now belongs to the current Mayor, BOA and CA, so why would you want to break the cycle and become involve again? Your friends and the people you supported might have to take the blame for their actions and their failures.
Face it the only thing that has been jumpoing on this blog for the past six months has been the Swim Club/Kohl's issue and unless it pops up again on the politcal radar screen of a few of your readers, nothing new is going to happen.
Poster 10:47, buddy you got that right, this blog was nothing but a political tool for the current mayor and his supporters, the anti swim club gang and the owners of the Creston Center.
This blog is what you make it, not a "political tool" for anyone, just our opportunity to "sound off" if you will.
Say what you will but there are larger adgendas than the swim club to work on, and I hope you will become involved in them!
A blog is a simple thing, I write, you, and a lot of others answer, and that's how the flow of ideas works. And the best of all is that when we do this, I forward the good, the bad, and the ugly to the BOA, and Mayor for their edifacation.
I hope you will continue to give us the benefit of your wisdom in the future as we are all in this Town toghether.
Tom Ford
I think I have discovered the cities new source of revenue. The great and powerfull code enforcement officer is sending people to court and fineing for putting their trash out early. How is crestwood supposed to recover when they are too busy giving tickets to its senior citizens for putting their trash at the curb a half hour then they are supposed to? Isnt there something better that they can be doing besides making our fixed income seniors pay for a ridiculous ticket?
Follow the rules and you wont get a get with it..doo bee doo bee doo beep beep
Don't feel bad poster 12:01 your Mayor and half of the Aldermen are senior citizens, I am sure if you will have their ear if you go to the Board Meeting and complain about this great miscarriage of justice.
Trash tickets? Traffic tickets?
I guess the city has to get revenue somewhere.
By the way, just drove by the new Ace Hardware. Very few cars in the parking lot. Sure glad our boa gave Grewe a 2 million CID!
Since he got the 2 mill CID to 'help' his property, is Grewe going to put in anything next to the Ace Hardware?
I think that it is an absolute joke that the city is fineing its citizens for putting their trash out early. I know many senior citizens and handicaped citizens who are unable to take trash out on their own, but instead have to rely on other neighbors or family to take their trash out. Why should we punish a person who cant help it if their help can only take the trash out a half hour before the "allowed time" There are much better things the city can be doing then chasing down senior citizens and the handicaped and slapping them with frivolous fines.
Which ward(s) is this happening?
The joke is senior citizens and handicap can get around the fine if they ask for it from City Hall.
Someone needs to add up all the special deals we senior's are getting just because we have lived as long as we have. Wonder who has to make up the differance in what we pay and what is charged the younger citizens?
Folks, unless I miss my guess the City "code enforcement officer" is not a sworn officer with the power of arrest!
If that's a fact then any ticket written by him / her should be null and viod if challanged in court, as a "ticket" is a summons in lieu of arrest!
Call your Alderman and tell them that some of our seniors need a break here, and if need be they can be issued a special sticker to go on their trash can to ID them.
This is past silly, who in the world thought this one up anyway? Is that what we are to expect from whatever salary the "code enforcement officer" is getting, and if so, why?
Tom Ford
The sad thing is that all the people on this blog want to do is bitch about things...null and void the ticket...If you want something done, place a polite phone call to the employees of city hall...EVERY time I call them they are pleasant and offer guidance and solutions. That is why this blog is so ridiculous...bitch bitch bitch...all anyone on the blog cares about is the pool. No one has their facts straight about that either. Toxic, negative, waste of energy.
6:00PM blogger, and your point is? All I see from you is complete negivity so far!
Come up with an answer, or don't you know how a blog works?
Tom Ford
The answer is there is no need for this blog, it has out lived it's usefulness. In the past there was a "chat room" on the City's Web Site were we could go and ask questions like this one of any Alderman or the Mayor or the C/A.
Shortly ater Roy was elected it was removed from the City's Web site. I think we need it back on the Website for all answers to the questions we ask can be seen by all who now rely on a Blog for their information.
That "chat room" got somewhat political at times and went beyond basic questions. It essentially became a political blog.
And your point is? Since it got the answer from the elected offical or dept head in charge, what was political about it?
You dont thing the Anonymous answers on this blog are not political, then I got a bridge for sale for you.
Fact is the "Chat Room" gave the name of the person who answered the question, so what is political about that? Real reason we no longer have it is Roy didnt want anyone but himself and the C/A to answer any questions, not any Alderman, and since he couldnt control it, it is now gone. It'd didnt cost a cent to run and the City still has the softwear that could be used to restart it if Roy would allow it.
Ask him sometime if we can have it back.
If you ask me the code enforcement officer doesn't do the job. Fining for putting trash out early? pitty. I have a neighbor that has many violations and nothing has been done (fence not installed according to code, trash out on the curb a day in advance, etc.). I guess the code enforcement officer is justifying their salary.
7:31 May 8th
The page on the city's website to which you refer was deactivated due to personnel changes approved by the board.
Martha Duchild
Wrong again Martha, wrong again. Current staff can restart the program anytime they are told to at no cost and with no new employees. Wasn't turned off due to personnel cuts, it was turned off right after Roy was elected and before any cuts were made. Doubt anyone at City Hall will tell you this since they are prevented from speaking to anyone since you changed the Civil Service rules, but that's what you and the Mayor wanted.
And by the way, since you say the Mayor and Alderman approved the changes in the Civil Service Code allowing family members to work for Crestwood, does that mean you don't approve of the change and were forced to do it by the Mayor?
Tim, is that you?
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
From this date forward, all business transactions with the City of Crestwood can now be completed by affidavits instead of establishing an Ordinance with a General Warranty Deed.
The precedence for all business deals was established when the Mayor and BOA approved $295,000 to THF for a private real estate transaction with Rosebrook Real Estate Company.
If THF can receive $295,000 without both a deed transfer between the City of Crestwood and without listing this Transportation Project on the St. Louis Circuit Judgement Order for Kohl's TDD, a new verbal Policy has been established for the City of Crestwood, St. Louis County, and for the State of Missouri.
We are now welcoming all business transactions to be allowed by in a closed door meeting, affavidits by other business partners, and private meetings to be acceptable in the City of Crestwood!
THF is receiving $295,000 without any positive proof.
Did someone forget about the IRS Tax Exempt Bond Department?
Does the IRS allow for affavidits to be included in Transportation Development District bonds?
Does Armstrong Teasdale lawfirm and THF Realty Company have a Missouri Real Estate Attorney reviewing all of the affidavits?
Why haven't you posted anything for APril 24th Board of Alderman meeting?
7:31 AM
My point is if I remember correctly, I think there were political opinions posted. I wonder if the city has any of the old entries available?
So it's OK to use CITY RESOURCES to post opinions? push agendas? Is that what you want? If that's OK, then why don't we use city workers to put up campaign signs? or put campaign signs up on the dias?
Yes, I know the anonymous entries on this blog are political. Yours is one of them. Don't want your bridge.
If citizens want answers, why don't they put a FAQ page and expand it as needed?
yes it is, so what?
cant we talk about the most important thing in this city?...and that is Crestwood Swim club.
4:19 It is what? What are you referring to?
8:18 blogger: All evidence to the contrary my friend. There must be a "need for this blog" else why would you post here?
I hope you stay, we all enjoy your company, but if you must go, we will miss you, and don't hold out for a "chat room," you have it right here!
Tom Ford
Bring back the ability of the Citizens of Crestwood to ask questions of their elected officials on the City sponsored Forum. The tax payers money is being wasted by it not being run as we have paid for the software to operate the Forum. There is no cost to the taxpayers to have the Forum running and it's being shut down only plays into the hands of the leader of our City who wants to be it's only spokesperson.
First question I would ask is one that Mr. Ford has asked and that is "why all the closed sessions"? We should be demanding a return to a transparent government!
6:15PM blogger: Indeed we should! Call your Alderman and tell them how you feel, that's why they get the big bucks.
"Remember, the squeeky wheel get's the grease!"
Tom Ford
"We should be demanding a return to a transparent government!"
Ha Ha! When did we ever have a transparent government?
Yes, let's bring back the forum. Then we can bash each other on the city's website instead of here.
What's wrong with here, pray tell?
Tom Ford
The issue of having a City Forum on it's website should be the issue that decides once and for all if apathy has taken over Crestwood.
When the City had it's Forum there was no bashing, just honest questions to our City's government with answers that had names attached to them, IE no anonymous answers.
A Forum in which all can see the questions asked and the answers provided by the officials of our City would be the first step in providing a transparent government.
Are we apathetic about this too?
Do you have any of the entries posted to that forum? I would like to see for myself if there was or was not any bashing.
In answer to your 8:25 post, my answer is nothing is wrong with here. You have been and are a gracious host. This is a great place to read, vent, and express opinion.
I just don't want to see political opinion or venting on the city's website.
10:31 all postings are long gone
12:44 pm May 8th
Civil service employees can speak to anyone, including the press, whenever they want. That ability was not changed by the adoption of the Civil Service Rules.
There is a distinction, which you have failed to grasp, between speaking on your own behalf, and speaking on the city's behalf. The civil service employees can do the former but not the latter. If you cannot understand this concept, I'd be more than happy to give you an example.
The information I received regarding the web page came from a city employee. I'm sure if you are serious about your concerns you will let the administration/elected officials know rather than confining your complaints to this blog.
There are many options available to those who wish to express concerns/opinions about the administration or its elected officials, the most obvious of which is the public comment section at the board meetings.
Martha Duchild
But Martha, I'm too old to go to the meetings.
Oh come on now. No one is ever too old to attend meetings. Perhaps you need some physical rehab? If you do, I know a great place. The Crestwood Swim Club. Contact former alderman kelleher or current alderman pickel to join. They'll be glad to help you out.
I guess that is were Mr. Ford is since he never attends the meetings.
But back to the real issue here, we need the City Website to have the Forum turned back on so we ask questions, and offer suggestions in a public manner.
12:09 - Are you upset? I'm so so sorry!
12:09 blogger: is that the best you got? Wow, what a brilliant statement!
Did someone lick all the red off your candy?
Tom ford
3:49 PM blogger: No, Mr. Ford is not there, you see, I would never be a member of any club that would have me as a member! (to quote Groucho.)
By the way do you want to know wha happened at last nights meeting, I will tell you if you wish.
Tom Ford
Nope, after reading posts 11:27 and 4:40 I now have apathy and could care less on what happened at last nights meetings.
Have a great life Tom, cause the people who you have supported on this blog like the child who posted 11:27/4:40 are going to take a lot of your limited future time running interference for the Mayor and his supporters. The heck with the City Forum, we don't deserve open government in Crestwood. The heck with you Tom and your blog. I am now apathetic and hope your readers give you what you have wanted all along. Attention.
I really thought you wanted a better City, but I guess not at the expense of your blog, which a City Forum would compete with.
So long.
P.S. I'll wait to read about last night's meeting in the Call, someone whose reporting of events I can trust to be the truth and someone you can no longer use a source of information because of your bad taste in humor.
6:14 PM blogger: Gee wiz, your the second person I made angry today, the first one was a flaming liberal also!
Were going to miss you, but "my limited future time" won't be spent answering your posts, so life is still good!
Tom Ford
6:14 I doubt you can stay away.
Perhaps you need to calm down and reduce stress. I know a great place...
6:14 - A city forum should not compete with a blog. A blog is for opinion.
Have all of the BOA read the affavidits by Matt Conley, Gary Vincent, and Michael Staenberg pertaining to the 54 parking spaces with THF?
Where is this mysterious cancelled check for $800,000 from THF to Rosebrook Real Estate?
Is Alderman Miguel the only one City of Crestwood Public Official who has seen this $800,000 cancelled check?
What is the exact amount of money that Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club actually received from the Kohl's Deal, Whitecliff Deal, and City of Crestwood Interservice Fund?
7:45 who cares?
10:12 May 9th
But you're obviously not too old to use the computer, so how about a letter to one of the local papers, or an email to the city? As I said, there are many options available, and if you're truly serious about bringing back the forum page on the city's website, then you'll avail yourself of one of these options.
Martha Duchild
Catherine Barrett has the cancelled check. Ask her.
Who cares indeed! If you don't have to be at work by 9:07 am I to guess you probably don't have to care about much of anything. Welfare check or spouse working so you don't have to 'go in'. Life is good when others carry the load and we have a lot of 'leisure time'.
Maybe 9:07 is at work. Maybe he or she is the owner of the company and can freely surf the web. How presumptious and clueless you are to assume that a post made at 9:07 am means the person does not work, their wife works, or they are on welfare. Congratulations, you have summed up the fans of this blog with this one conclusion.
9:42 a.m.--takes one to know one, I guess...are you on welfare?--you dont need to be at the office either.
nah, 9:42 is at home watching Opra, and eating ice cream out of the container. They are too old to go to Aldermen meetings, or lazy.
Are you saying that the president of the Ladies Against Roy's Giant Enemies club, (Ms.Duchild) who made her post at 9:34 AM is not at work, is at home watching Oprah, eats ice cream from the container, is on welfare and is living the life of leisure?
Why poster 9:42, how come you know so much about Ms.Duchild?
I just love it when someone hit's an exposed nerve! Just look at the posts that seem to feel that just because your home you must be on walefare, or watching TV, or eating ice cream!
Could it be we have "stay at home" mom's that actually take care of their own children, or people on vacation, or people who work from home?
Nah, that can't be right, it has to be more sinister than that right? Now you know why I love certian factions so much, no fact's? No problem, just hurl insults, that's all we need!
Flail away my friends, but are we giving ideas to the powers that be to help Crestwood, or are we just wanting to go to the cocktail parties and tell the "bud's" "I really told them off?"
Me thinks it would be the latter!!
Tom Ford
I would ask all of you to read the postings on thus far (61). Then ask yourself something.
Let's say you did not live here and were from outside the area. Let's say you were looking to move or re-locate within St. Louis County, what would you think of Crestwood based on the entries of this blog?
Obviously, you would not base your decision based on a blog, but if you read this, you would wonder about or question the internal strife that is present here.
Any thoughts, or just more insults?
6:29 PM blogger: Thank you, what more can I say!
Tom Ford
You can say you support the return of the Crestwood Forum.
How would that change anything? Or would it make it worse?
Since apathy has set into Crestwood, I guess we will never know.
That's not an answer.
Quess we will never know now will we?
Apathy runs deep, into your soul it will creep, there's a lady standing over there, saying pool member you got to beware.
Turn around now, stop Crestwood,
dont be aware of what's going on behind closed doors with this Mayor. Focus instead on a private club
we all know there's the rub.
The return of the "Crestwood forum" is up to City Hall, not me.
If you have the time, why not go up there and ask to be the new moderator (no pay) and give us all the benifit of your wisdom.
Tom Ford
UHHH touched a nerve did we?
Ah, no you did not! I am simply telling you that you too can be a moderator.
Or perhaps Mr. Trueblood can take a break from the CRESTWOOD POLITCAL bolg and volunteer to do it. As for me, I am very happy right here.
Tom Ford
PS: It would appear that the Crestwood Political blog is no longer. I visited it the morning, and, well, nothing.
I am sorry Mr. Tim did not continue it as I enjoyed reading it from time to time, and posting as well.
Tom Ford
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