Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Local paper slams Mayor Robinson for telling it like it is!

In an editorial a local paper has accused Mayor Robinson of "playing the blame game!" Why you say? Well it seems they do not want to hear about the past. Now, I have no problem with that, however I am reminded that "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it in the future."

Let's look at the "constructive criticism" the paper has to offer. The Mayor is not allowed to blame former "City officials" for anything prior to his becoming Mayor, nor is he to mention the THF / swim club deal, or the fact that he may have been lied to by "previous officials."

As I see it, the paper would have us all forget what happened in the past to land us in the financial difficulties we have faced, and we should all forget the $1400.00 chairs, the police palace, and all the other "small problems" we have had to live through in the past!

The paper calls these thing's "self serving," and an attempt to "shift blame!" Well, that's a neat try, "paper," but I think most of us in Crestwood (with some Mayor haters as exceptions,) can see through your agenda, and I for one reject your premise, and your liberal bias in bringing it to us!

What the heck ever happened to telling the truth about what happened in the past, and why we don't want it in the future?

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a difference between telling it like it is and doing so over and over again about people that can't defend themself. I think the word used was overkill. Here here! I commend Mr. Wasson for having the guts to say what others have thought for some time. The mayor has acted like a bully for too long.

7:50 PM, May 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So anyone who disagrees with you and your buddy the mayor are liberals? That's like saying anyone who agrees with you is a racists.
Roy would have us believe he is the only Mayor lied to, as he doesn't feel that Kent lied to his mayor and aldermen, according to Roy, Kent was an OK guy. But the facts don't support that at all.
One more bit for you to chew on, Roy is against TIF's TDD, CID, claims its corporate welfare, yet Roy doesn't want to collect the merchants licence for service business in Crestwood. Isn't that a bit like corp. welfare? This in a city that needs every tax dollar it can get and based it's budget on those taxes, now the Mayor doesn't want to collect them. Sounds like Ole Roy is playing favors with some business at the expense of others.
Chew on that a while or is this too conservative for you?

10:18 PM, May 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens if the Call Newspaper is right about Mayor Robinson?

Mayor Robinson knew the lies but continued to hide them but the same old excuses.

Mayor Robinson has lied to the Citizens of Crestwood for not cleaning up everything according to the law.

Mayor Robinson is setting up the City for a huge lawsuit for all of his excuses.

Mayor Robinson knows the truths which became the lies before he ran for office!

10:28 PM, May 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop protecting Mayor Robinson.

He is what he is!

He is sacrificing everything for his title!

He will live on the farm when he retires!

10:31 PM, May 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something told me that this weeks "local paper" would get a rise out you Tom. For someone who claims to be "independent" you sure seem to have a crush on the mayor or at least are tied to him at the hip.
List all the people who roy has blamed that could still defend themselves? I just did and it's zero!!
Classic example of a politician at work, defuse, deflect and defer the blame, Roy is just like your favorite guy, Bill Clinton.

10:43 PM, May 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge fan of Mayor Robinson and I'm a Republican. If anyone that criticize the mayor is liberal, what does that say about me Tom?

10:52 PM, May 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The confusion is that the Mayor is not consistent in straightening things up.

Why blame Kim Cottle? Kim only did what she was told!

12:20 AM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you truly reject the article, why even bother to comment on it? The Call Newspaper owes you. You've just made them more relevant. Good job.

2:06 AM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me that the previous administrations claim that they were lied to on several issues (ie. former CA Kent, architects) in the past but Robinson didn't believe them.

Maybe the Mayor's wife's family business is service oriented????? hmmmmmmmm becomes more clear.

P.S. Good thing the articles were written, T. Ford needed a boost for his blog!

8:13 AM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant we talk about what is really important...Crestwood Swim Club...I mean, that is all anyone is really interested in!

8:29 AM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Robinson is right when he says old administrators are to blame for the sale of Swim Club property.

BUT who wound up reimbursing THF? If the previous officials are to blame and they really screwed up then why pay THF at all? That decision came at the encouragement of Mayor Robinson. So he wasn't lying when he said old officials are to blame. But he's only saying so to deflect the blame from his approval of paying THF back. He even thought they could get reimbursed for more. I think someone on here already said it best that the Mayor is not consistent with the way he does business. One thing that's usually consistent though is that the man will always blame somebody and nothing ever seems to be his fault.

9:23 AM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the citizens are to believe Robinson when he stated he was lied to but can't believe the previous administration when they said they were lied to?????

11:21 AM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Roy ran for mayor, he told people he wouldn't pay back THF. Now he has. He did not keep his campaign promise. Can't put the blame on anyone other than him for that.

12:07 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The call doesn't want Roy to look back at the past or past administrations.

Remember, the call supported Robertson, Fagan, and the police station.

12:49 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe those individuals are the ones that were telling the lies. They just believed the lies.

12:54 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checked out the Crestwood web site under the Mayor's Message. "It was refreshing to see these citizens conduct their campaigns with dignity and professionalism."

I guess he was reflecting upon his own campaign.

1:34 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robinson ran his campaign in the most nasty manner possible, down to telling lies. He never addressed his opponent, however picked a target that he had 'dirt' on and campaigned in a manner similar to the Jerry Springer Show.

He won his prized title (fourth time is a charm) and now over two years later, he is STILL blaming others for everything that goes on. I feel sorry for any employee that leaves service there, because they are automatic targets to place the blame.

Robinson doesn't stand a chance of another term unless he lets go of the past and quits finding scapegoats.

4:33 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:04 PM, May 17, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ok troop's, for once and for all the name of the blog is "the Crestwood independent!" As for me, well I am a "raving conservitive," as I have told you in the past!

When the Mayor is wrong I will be on him like a cheap suit, but when I think he is right I will defend him to the end! Now, pray tell, what's wrong with that?

Please allow me to once again explain what a "blog" is. I write my "opinion's," and you answer with your's, plain and simple. This is not a local paper, this is a blog, so please say what you will (but keep it clean please!)

My job here is to start the conversation, your job is to respond, and somewhere in between we hope to find some constructive ideas that will move Crestwood forward!

Stay tuned, there are a lot of items on the horizon concerning the pool, ET AL that you very well wish to comment on in the near future!

Tom Ford

6:54 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure Tom, I am holding my breath for what you will next post on your blog, NOT!!!!
Your support of the Roy puts any position you now take in a new light, and its not a very nice one. Not only is roy playing the blame game, he's got his supporters like you and Martha Duchild doing it as well. Funny thing is Martha is now blaming the Mayor and the Board for the change in Crestwood's (un)Civil Service laws allowing nepotism, she said so right on this blog.
What ever Roy has must be catching, can we get rid of him before he wrecks the City and let him return to his farm where he can hunt turkey and drink his beer?

8:13 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you and the Mayor move Crestwood forward when all you and he do is talk about the past and blame others for his failures? Now I really understand what The Mayor meant when he said he wanted to bring Crestwood back.

8:22 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see Roy's 2008 re-election campaign now - Greer screwed up, Madrid screwed up, Fagan screwed up, Robertson screwed up, nevermind that it's the same campaign I ran on three years ago and disregard any mistakes in the last three years and vote for me!

Gee, that worked in 2005 when that was FRESH. If Roy's still playing that blame card now, what makes you think he'll stop in 2008? Any problems the city will have experienced between 2005 and 2008 will not be his fault at all, of course. But he'll have no one to blame it on! That is, except for any employees who leave between now and then.

8:57 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very curious why you and your friends are so intent to try and harm the pool in some way. The THF deal is done. Explain your continued interest in the pool Tom and how you think the "facts" are going to benefit Crestwood as a community.

8:59 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank Myers had better watch out for his scalp, if things dont go peachy kean, some body will have to take the fall and it wont be the mayor. He will be playing the


10:42 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Now!
There is plenty of blame to go around. Repeat. Plenty. Time to share. Huh, Huh, Huh.

Shall we list the shenanagins of the past, they are many. Want some show and tell!

Naw! I'd just rather read this site and enjoy all the hate mongering spewing forth from the swimmers. Go ahead, cast those stones. It beats the heck out of blind truth. Have at it. Imagine Roy is enjoying it as much as you are.

Please keep it up. You have been on this blog so long, I would be disappointed if you did not flubber out. Go Man Go!

10:51 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 8:13, the Mayor's wife ownes a business in Crestwood, what is it and what does it do? I am pretty sure some of the Mayor's largest supporters like Mr. Anderson operate a business out of their home and that may be why the Mayor wants to protect them from paying their fair share of taxes, but I didnt know his wife owned a business.

10:53 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only thing blind to the truth is a Roy supporter.

10:54 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, according to a recent poster, the mayor reads and enjoys this blog, wonder how many of the posts on here are his? Wonder how many of his posts are like his article in the Crestwood Connections and his letter to the newspaper, written by someone else.

11:02 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor of all people must remember the past or as Tom says we are doomed to repeat it. But everybody already knows about it. The mayor has been mining that same vein of hatred and disgust for the past City officials for too long. He is not adding anything new or profound by saying these things. We are tired of hearing the mayor make himself look better by saying something bad about someone else. He should be responsible for his own actions and not obsess over the past actions of others. If the city faces something bad, here's a thought. Address it, move on, and don't waste your breath making other people look bad and crying IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S NOT MY FAULT! Remember past mistakes? Yes. But the mayor obsesses over it and only makes himself look more full of hatred with each barb he makes. Why anyone is shocked about this is beyond me. He's been doing this for a long time. Too bad it took a newspaper to point out the obvious. We should have demanded the mayor act in a more civil manner long ago. Not act like a bully on his throne. I'm glad someone mentioned he reads this blog. If this doesn't get his attention and make him shape up, nothing will.

11:46 PM, May 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should demand a new Mayor that can keep his promises. See the letter from Mrs. Duchild in the Times today? Now he has her writing letters attacking Alderman for passing the TDD money to Kohls while she "overlooks" the fact that the Mayor was on the TDD commission who sent the bill to them for approval. I guess Mrs. Duchild forgot that the Mayor has the power to veto and he didn't use it.
More blame others by the Mayor and his supporters.

4:55 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:13 p.m. May 17th

I did not "blame" anyone for the change to the civil service rules. An incorrect attribution was made, I merely corrected it. You're free to dispense all the accusations you please, but they're no match for the truth.

Martha Duchild

5:13 PM, May 18, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:59 PM blogger: I find it more interesting to note that your not a bit interested in the "pool deal!"

I would think we all should be very interested in anything that has as many twists and turns as that has.

I for one would like very much to understand the entire processes from start to finish, and I am getting very close to doing just that. Now as for my friends, they have their own reasons that they will have to explain to you.

Your people have said all along that there is nothing wrong with the deal, so you shouldent worry too much if that's true, should you? So why get yourself all up-set?

I guess it's just my analytical nature that want's to know why, and how this took place, but then with "nothing to see here," I guess I am wasting my time.

Tom Ford

5:22 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, why didnt the Mayor veto giving the money to Kohls?

5:43 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask him.

5:46 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay, Roy, we all know you read this blog, so why didn' you veto the money going to Kohls?

7:18 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because he was out of people to blame!

7:43 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you know that Roy is ALWAYS right and NEVER has any regrets and CANNOT do any wrong? He's a legend in his own mind and a bully with authority in most everyone elses. He's like that show South Park. RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!

7:45 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cannot respect a man who doesnt have enough respect for his fellow and former employees to keep his mouth shut when he should. Lead, Roy. Don't blame.

7:47 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you and the Mayor would have us remember the $1400 chair, but Roy seems to have no problem not collecting $10,000 a year in service business licenses fees. I guess he now wishes we would forget about that.
Hmmm, which is costing us more the chair, or Roy protecting his wife's and other business from paying their legal tax? Corporate Welfare anyone?
Tom, you have said on this blog that you give the aldermen and the Mayor the feedback from the postings here. What does the Mayor have to say about this thread that you started? Does he wish you hadn't brought it up?
And while I am at it, Tom what is your attendance record at the Committee that Roy appointed you to? I understand it is, shall we say, less that stellar.

9:11 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all that danged Call Newspaper's fault. How dare they expose the Mayor for what he is! At least I'm sure that will be His Honor's reply to this. How predictable!

9:33 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what I predict, Tom will start a new thread in an attempt to divert attention from this one. He's just waiting for his marching orders from the Mayor. Could be about the Call or the Pool or something that has happened in Wash. D.C., but what ever it is he will attempt to divert from further examination of his buddy the Mayor.

10:41 PM, May 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How true--and have you noticed that Tom Ford never answers a question directly...he just starts calling people liberals and dodges the question.

8:20 AM, May 19, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:20AM blogger: The question has to be worth my time to answer, and since it didn't meet my criteria, I didn't answer!

You have all the answers anyway, so give us a wee bit more of your wisdom, and we shall all be be satisfied!

You see it one way, and I another, but hey, keep it up!

Tom Ford

12:53 PM, May 19, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

In case you missed the fine article on the pool property in the South County Times, cut and paste to be taken to it!

Looks as though another part of the puzzle has shown up here, where will this lead?

I was going to put it in a new thread, but I know how that up-set's some folks.

Tom Ford

12:57 PM, May 19, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:11PM blogger: Say pal, do you want the job? If so, I will resign and gladly let you take it!

Give me your name and I will make sure your on "front street" with the people who will get you appointed!

Not interested? Didn't think so, as you seem to be one of the "all hat and no cow's" people that post here.

Your so willing to tell others what to do, but you never come forward with your name, or to do it your self!

Tom Ford

3:19 PM, May 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, to answer your question on the next post you need your email address, which I dont have. So I'll answer Martha's and your question here.
Ask the Mayor, he could have vetoed the bill, why didnt he do it?

8:57 PM, May 19, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

here it is my friend:

Tom Ford

9:11 PM, May 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about Ms. Duchilds letter, the question of why the Mayor, who sat on the TDD board and could have vetoed the bill giving the money to THF, still needs to be addressed. Why was he the cheerleader for giving THF the money?
Why didn't he keep the promise he made when he was running for office to not allow one dollar to be given in the Pool deal to THF?
Ms. Duchild blames the Aldermen, who voted for the transfer, but she over looks the Mayors role in this issue and his BROKEN PROMISES!
But then she hadhave felt a need to repay him for appointed her to the Civil Service Review Committee, maybe that's why she wrote the letter?
And you Tom have to repay the Mayor for the change in nepotism rules in Crestwood he requested and pushed thorough and that may be why you over look his role in this?

9:32 AM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am astounded that Martha DuCHild doesnt have anything better to do the scheme and plot about Crestwood Swim Club.

10:07 AM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:07 a.m. May 20th

You're right...I do have much better things to do with my time, which is why I only spent ten minutes on that letter. "Scheming and plotting" indeed!

Martha Duchild

10:48 AM, May 20, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:32 AM blogger: Wow, you caught me there! why the change in the rules has brought me un-told success in every reguard!

Now just how in the heck am I supposed to benefit from a rule change reference civil service?

You are grasping at straws on that one arn't you? And by the way you should care a lot about Mrs. Duchild's letter after all these type's of deal's impact you as well as the rest of Crestwood tax wise.

Some day we will all find out why the Mayor and Alderman Miguel went along with this gift to THF, and I hope sooner rather than later. Until then I disagree with both of them.

I would not have voted to give one cent to any developer unless, and until the paperwork (deed's, ETC) was all in place and duley registered with St. Louis County (that does not seem to be the case here, as the question still remains who owned what, and where are the deed's?)

As Mrs. Duchild stated in her letter, who transfered what to whom, and when? We should all be very interested in that answer!

Tom Ford

11:53 AM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Tom don't you know what Roy's answer for paying back THF will be? He'll blame someone else! It's never his fault! Wonder who else he'll blame Tuesday night at the next BOA meeting.

12:44 PM, May 20, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well we will see on Tuesday. There are not many people left, so who knows, you or I could be next!

Tom Ford

1:42 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure that Ms. Duchild spent more than 10 minutes on her "research." Why?

3:42 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim Cottle was following the guidance of the Missouri State Auditor's.

Is our Mayor Roy Robinson planning on not following the Missouri State Auditor's opinion of how to straighten out the Business Licenses and the Court fees?

What is our Mayor afraid of by straightening everything up?

Is our Mayor connected to the dark past somehow????

3:42 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What compaign promises did our Mayor promise?

Mayor Roy Robinson was quick to settle all of the lawsuits with Leichliter.

Was this to keep the public from knowing more secrets of our city is really run behind the closed private sessions?

3:46 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A quote by the historian Lord Acton that "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

3:48 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Roy Robinson's business is

How many offices does PermaJack have in Crestwood? two or more?

For Franchise Information:
If you are interested in becoming a Perma-Jack franchisee simply contact the Perma-Jack Company.

Perma-Jack Co.
9066 Watson Road
St. Louis, MO 63126
(314) 843-1957
(800) 843-1888

3:51 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also included in the report are recommendations related to the disposition of city property, fixed assets, accounting procedures, the administrative costs charged to the Transportation Development District, and the municipal court division.

Who is not doing their job at City Hall?

4:02 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roy is not letting those who know their jobs at City Hall do their jobs.

5:17 PM, May 20, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Humm! Can it be we are seeing this right here in Crestwood City?

Tom Ford

5:54 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Perma Jack a "service business" by definition?

9:09 PM, May 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't Kent Leighliter, Matt Conley, Robert Golterman, Don Greer, and Gary Vincent disclose the Rosebrook Real Estate Deal with THF in the TDD?

They had from October 2002 to May 15, 2003 to add $850,000 to the St. Louis Circuit Papers for the TDD?

Who would exclude a deal close to $1 million? only a fool or someone who wants to hide a deal!

They included the $100,000 Landscaping Costs!

I would probably do the same thing if I wanted my own swimming pool from Sales Tax Dollars!

It was a sweet deal for you know who!

12:30 AM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, and since 2003 Roy has know about these problems, promised voters he wouldnt allow a dime to be spent and did it any anyway, what the heck is wrong with him?

8:27 AM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:42 May 20th

Re-read my post. I said I spent 10 minutes writing the letter, I did not say I spent 10 minutes on the research.

Martha Duchild

10:47 AM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad Roy didn't spend more than 10 minutes thinking about the promise he made about the TDD/Pool money before he made it.
Too bad for all who supported Roy and really too bad for all of you who have an issue with the TDD money (taxes)and supported Roy.
Ah well, there is always April 2008 to settle the score, I know I plan on doing so!

11:00 AM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do??? Now it gets interesting!

11:27 AM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Roy changed ihs mind because he realized there is no scandal, no mystery, no smoke, no mirrors. Has everyone forgotten that the NW corner of Watson and Sappington remained run down and undeveloped for years? When the city had the chance for a development, they went for it. The pool got very lucky because Kohl's required their property to make the deal happen. All of the pool haters seem to forget that key detail. You go ahead and write your letters and do your research and sizzle with your pent up anger. Let the rest of us enjoy the new Shop and Save, Walgreens, Las Margaritas and Kohls. And let the members of Crestwood Swim Club enjoy their pool. You can stay at Denny's, smoke your cigs and keep raging about Crestwood. The rest of us are eager for the new Starbucks to open.

1:02 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your expensive coffee!

3:43 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget to shop at the new Ace Hardware. I went by there the other day and there were only 4 cars on the parking lot. I'm so glad the boa gave a 2 million CID for that development! Maybe if you're nice enough you can get some coffee there.

4:11 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, in 2008 he wont get my vote again and if Miguel runs I will not vote for him either. If no one else runs I guess I wont vote at all. That's how strongly I feel about the promise these guys gave and then broke.

4:30 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miguel just ran again and he was unopposed. Robinson comes up next year.

4:36 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:02 PM

Oh me too! I love shopping at Kohl's, ShopnSave, Walgreens. We have to help those developers!!!
Don't forget Ace-a 2 million community improvement district. Gotta help them out too!

5:20 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That doesn't even make sense. ARe you not going to support retailers just because they were provided incentives to locate their business in Crestwood? Go shop Kirkwood or Fenton then and support the stores in those communites. At least you wont be supporting TIFS and CIDs that were granted by Crestwood. Great IDEA! Typical response from the bloggers on this site!

5:25 PM, May 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:02 PM blogger: I doubt that anyone "hates the pool" per se, I think most of us who post here want to make sure that no public tax monies are used to fund the project!

There are very serious questions about who owned what when transfers were made, and until those questions are put to bed for once and for all, were not going to be happy.

Why not you say? Good question, but does anyone in Crestwood really believe that a transfer of public tax monies (in this case a TDD,) should be granted to help re-pay for the construction of a PRIVATE swim club? I think not!

As it sit's now THF want's to be paid for the monies put out to Rosebrook Realty when they bought the land then known as the swim club. The problem is that a portion of that land was used for the Kohls parking lot.

From what I gather the remaining property was where the swim club is now located, and there in is the rub. You see the swim club gave a portion of that property to the City for $1.00, and easements, and built the pool on the rest of their (the swim club)property.

Now we have THF wanting the entire amount paid back through a TDD (using tax money.) That was shot down by an appraisal of the property that came in at $295,00.00, so the TDD board voted to give them that amount.

Now if the swim club owned the property they deeded to the City, THF should not be paid for anything. If, however THF owned the property, the swim club could not have transfered it as they didn't own it.

Now I hope you can understand why we want this cleared up befor one cent is granted, after all it's your money, you, and I pay the taxes, and I think we all deserve a full and accurate accounting here! Sadly such is not the case as of yet.

Tom Ford

6:18 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you dont shop at Kohls--as you say you dont--then you dont pay the taxes.

8:04 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of this could have been stopped if the mayor had vetoed the bill.
Both Miguel and Roy can run in 2008 for the Mayors spot.

9:58 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If THF cannot get reimbursed for the old Crestwood Swim Club pool which became Kohl's parking lot, why can THF receive $295,00 for the 2nd parcel that was never listed in the Crestwood Ordinances and in the St. Louis County Circuit Court Paperwork on Kohl's TDD.

I thought it was a two parcel deal between Rosebrook Real Estate Company and THF for blighted property voted by the Crestwood BOA.

Can we have all of the TDD properties reappraised? Grewe? Kohl's? Crestwood City Hall? Crestwood Parking Lot?

How can you just have 53 parking spaces reappraised?

There is a pattern. The rule applies to next two parcel but not number one. The rule applies to THF over a Rosebrook Real Estate Deal but not on Grewe's property. Who is benefiting by all of these exceptions?

Shouldn't the $295,000 go to the City of Crestwood?

THF should get their money back from Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

10:23 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if the City of Crestwood has to pay $295,000?

6:38 AM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Roy the Mayor about this, he is a wizard when it comes to financial stuff in our City.
And while your asking him questions, ask him why he didn't keep his promise to not give any money to THF from the sale of the Pool Club money etc.
He could have stopped this as he was a member of the TDD committee and he could have vetoed the bill when the Aldermen approved it.
The blame belongs totaly to him on this cause regardless of what took place before it got to him, he could have stopped it like he promised he would when it got to him.
He can not be trusted to keep his word.

6:50 AM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So ... does this mean you won't work on Roy's reelection campaign???

11:20 AM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got that right Skippy!! Nor will I give him any money, cant stand someone who breaks their promises.

1:24 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skippy??? Well, I've been called worse...

2:28 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the City of Crestwood pay THF the $850,000?

It would make everyone happy!

If our Public Officials promised this deal with THF, then we are obligated.

We could have a fundraiser to reimburse THF.

How about a car wash?

3:26 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my car could use a wash.

4:10 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roy's Premium Hand Car Wash. I can see it now.

5:42 PM, May 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:23 PM blogger: Correct, THF should get the money back from Rosebrook Realty Co. plain and simple!

They want $850,000.00, Crestwood gives them $295,000.00 (through the TDD,) what's to stop them from suing to get the remainder? In a word, nothing!

By now all of you know how I feel about the transfer of public tax funds ( 1% tax at Kohls) for private entities.

The only reason I can think of that the City is willing to pay anything to THF is to fend off a possible law suit. Well, if we give them anything, it's saying that we (Crestwood,) owes the money, and look out from there!

This project has so many twists and turns that it will take a "Philadelphia lawyer" five years to figure it out! But, "it ain't over till the fat lady sings," so on to "round three!"

Tom Ford

6:48 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a Rock n' Roll fun raiser dance to bail out our Mayor and Alderman Miguel?

Can our Mayor and BOA sing a tune for a fun raiser?

Maybe a boxing match would sell tickets!

7:21 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, what if THF sues you for your involvement in this...everything is documented in this website..just a thought

7:30 PM, May 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:30 Pm blogger: Why, for telling the truth? Good Grief!

Tom Ford

8:06 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no Tom Ford, et al, the denoument is at hand....Elliot Davis is doing a story on you.....

8:54 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't understand how Roy and Jerry could have voted and supported the money going from the TDD to THF? After all the work Tom and others like Catherine and Martha have done in exposing how wrong and illegal it was to do so and after Roy promised us he wouldn't let it happen, how could he do it?
Unless of course Roy found out it was all right to do so and the rest of us were all wrong all along, is that possible? Tom what say you? Is that possible

9:53 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That can't be possible. That deal must be illegal because the 4" binders said it was illegal. Right? All of the information contained in the binders is accurate--isn't it?

8:01 AM, May 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:54 PM blogger: Wow we get to talk to Elliott Davis?

Great because the "binders" you buddy spoke of at 8:01 AM are in fact 6", and they are all copies from St. Louis County, MSD, ET AL! (amazing what you can get with a F.O.I.A. form!)

I would think Mr. Davis would love to chat about this, no?

9:53 PM blogger: What say I? Well I can't speak for the mayor, so ask him, please!

Tom Ford

5:49 PM, May 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Elliot has cancelled. He said he is sick of the crazy people in Crestwood. They called him last year about the 6" binders and he told you there was nothing worthwhile in there. Too bad!

9:59 PM, May 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:59 PM blogger: Gee wiz, and here I thought he would be coming to your house and I could stop by for a visit!


Tom Ford

3:55 PM, May 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He will be looking for you at Don Greer's wake if you dare show up.

4:23 PM, May 24, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I will not be attending Don Greer's wake, sorry, but I doubt he would have attended mine either.

Tom Ford

5:20 PM, May 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

5:42 PM, May 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is what I think. A man has passed away, Don Greer. He was once part of our community. Some did not agree with him, some did. This is called mankind. This is what people do. They disagree, they agree, they carry on. Whatever our opinions, they are no longer terribly relevant. The death of someone we know is clearly sad. Don will be remembered in many ways, some good, some not so good. His handiwork will be remembered, of course.It's all in how we look at things and how we judge. What are our expectations and our limitations. Perhaps his legacy in our city was not profound, perhaps it was. But it is history now and forever and it is time to drop the snide remarks and simply and kindly put it in a memory book and grow our city into our idea of perfection. Or close to it.

Carol Casey

10:26 PM, May 24, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well said Carol, I trust everyone else can see the wisdom of your letter.

Tom Ford

12:22 PM, May 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they just tell it like it is.....nothing more.

3:26 PM, June 05, 2007  

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