Crestwood celebrates it's 60th. annniversary June 23, 2007!
Please click on the header to be directed to the Crestwood web site information page. This is shaping up to be a great celebration, so please mark your calender, and be sure to make it.
Tom Ford
NO. 342
Tom Ford
NO. 342
Anyone know how much this is costing us including the time spent by employees to put this together? Can we really afford this when we had to "borrow" $30,000 from the General Fund to pay off the 1st Note Payment?
Why is parade starting in Sunset Hills?
Is this the mayor's kick off for the 2008 April election?
Just would like to know, wouldnt you?
I think a lot of the time has been free due to volunteer's working on the project.
Why start in Sunset Hills? I don't know, but everything has to start somewhere, and the border seems as good a place as any.
At any rate, lets all get out and enjoy the day!
I will be un-available to respond for the next four days, so please enjoy your blog while I am away!
Tom Ford
Get out and enjoy it. You paid for it!
How sad you are 9:02 am. Please promise you won't attend ANY of the events on June 23. No one likes a party pooper.
Party Pooper??? I thought we had to watch every penny we spent, now when someone asks legit questions they are a party pooper. I guess the police palace and expensive mayor's chair is ok now?
By the way, anyone know how and when the General Fund will be repaid the $30,000 lent to pay for the first NOTE payment? Anyone understand that by not doing what Alderman Miguel wanted to do with the Sewer Fund that that fund will have more money in it that it needs and may become a slush fund, anyone remember Alderman Maddox stating that he felt it was wrong to have too much tax dollars just sitting in the Sewer Fund if it wasnt needed, anyone recall the Mayors statement that he didnt trust himself with a lot of money just sitting in a fund?
So much for the Watch Dogs of this City on this Blog, I gues the only thing anyone watches here is the Swim Club.
Well, I bet the plan is to use the sewer lateral fund as "cash flow" as long as it is paid back. That's how we got in trouble before. The individual funds, to my knowledge, have never been straightened out from K.L. days. I believe the GF still owes other funds.
If you go back a few weeks to a BOA meeting, a couple of city employees asked for the funds for this event. I'm sure the dollar amount approved can be located in minutes if you are interested.
So who were the city employees and did they do this planning while on the "clock"? Who were the volunteers, who approved them, how much did they spend? Where are the receipts for the taxpayer's money they spent? If they were a Committe formed by the City, where are the minutes of their meetings? How much is this parade lead by our self appointed Grand Marshal the Mayor, costing us in tax dollars? How many resturants are going to be from outside of Crestwood at the Taste of Crestwood? 50%, 60%? Why not exclusive to Crestwood business only?
With our speed traps, laws against windows being too tinted and laws about wearing seatbelts, this sounds like a "sting"operation to boost the lagging CIty funds.
Yeah, I'm going to go to the parade and have a big sign that says,
Roy, who you going to blame next for your failures?
Maybe some of you have better sign ideas for the Mayor to read as he rides down Watson Road, share them with all the thousands of people who read this BLOG.
When are we merging with Sunset Hills?
Who will this benefit?
We aren't.
No one.
I wish the city employees would ask for some money to make repairs to the playground equipment and the basketball goals at Whitecliff.
Perhaps they could install some cameras to monitor the park after hours instead of Wi-Fi at the pool?
2:59 June 14 poster ...
How many bad hair days are you planning to have good buddy? You are one unhappy camper. There are meds for this sort of vitriol? If you want answers to all those questions, why don't you visit the BOA Meeting with questions in hand and obtain your answers. Actually, you don't sound like much of a Crestwood patriot. More like an ex-official still trying to get their licks in. At any rate, planting your questions here is really not the way to go, you are just trying to make yourself feel big. Ain't gonna happen. Man alive, you must have been a mess when the former administration was trying to build a 14.5 Million Dollar Super Dome when the cupboard was bare.
Toolie Oh!
Where are the minutes to the meetings of the committee who planned the 60th birthday party?
How many on us knew there was a special open meeting of the Board held last Monday (6/18/07)?
Why are there so many behind closed door meetings these days?
Just back from the parade, and a fine one it was indeed! Crestwood should be proud of units fielded.
The only down side was that from my vantage point I could count the number of viewers on two hands.
Come on folks, we can do better than that can't we?
Tom Ford
Gee, with all the support Roy has and after his personal phone call to every citizen of Crestwood reminding them of the events of the day, you would have thought the sidewalks would have been jammed.
I know there weren't any resturants at the Savor Crestwood event at Whitecliff and the crowd there was small all day. Maybe that is why the crowds there were so small? Plus the weather wasnt the greatest that evening for the concert. All in all this based on thelack of public support (except for those in Green Tee shirts) may be this was just a poorly run event or a bad idea? I mean who thinks of have a 60th bdayparty for a City? Isnt is normal to have 50,75, etc but 60th?
When Pat Killoren was mayor in the '80s, Crestwood had a party almost every year. I remember several being held at Long School. Ten years ago, there was no one big celebration for the 50th anniversary. Neighborhoods were encouraged to have block parties.
7:21AM blogger: I doubt that it was "poorley run," I just think that this is one heck of a town to motivate to do anything!
I hope we will do better in the future!
Tom Ford
Tom and all,
From what I read, the parade had fair to small attendance. How was the attendance for the rest of the festivities? (I was out of town)
The owners of the Creston Center had no problem motivating this City to put their man in office, maybe they should be in charge of running City Hall?
What do the owners of the Creston Center have to do with the 60th anniversary celebration?
They (Creston Center owners) must be better at getting the folks of this city behind something like they did when they worked to elect our mayor than our mayor did in getting anyone one to come to the 60th birthday bash his administration put together is what I mean.
WhooWee, someone is still p-oed about Creston Center. Now let me think!
Who could that be?
All that money under the table just vanished with the killing of that proposed project. That free condo, etc. etc.
Probably better get over this one fella, too many facts are known. Too many moles.
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