Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The "local paper" has "issues" with the recient audit!

In a stunning editorial that came out this week, a local "paper" asks the question reference the audit just announced. Now, I know they know the answer to the question, but I will lay it out for them.

Boy's, it's all a matter of trust, nothing more, nothing less. The Citizens of Crestwood are forming a trust in this administration that was sorely lacking in the previous two. You see, it's not a matter of who hires whom, but do we believe in the people who hired them?

You profess to be learned men with a proclivity for finding the truth, and yet you ask the obvious questions, the answers to which are known to most all here in Crestwood. Now just why would that be? I reject your premise that "politics's" is the answer, and put forth the hypothesis that your editorial was designed to create "readership" for your increasingly shrinking public!

Tom Ford

NO. 344


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does this mean you believe the City has a surplus of over $6,000,000 in the bank the end of 2006 like like two "local" papers have reported? If so, then why did we need to raise our taxes?
What happened to your "trust but varify" position?

7:29 AM, June 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of that money came from the lack of raise's to the employee's. I know they should be thankful for that 1 percent and the one time 400 dollar bonus over the last four years they received.

Hey maybe the city will come though on the insurance since they saved 94,000.00 last year on insurance.

10:52 AM, June 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So your solution is trust the city and everything the mayor and BOA says as the basis for not even asking the question of a state audit? Wow. That's like hiring somebody just because "he's a really good guy." I agree with 7:29. Like Reagan said, trust BUT VERIFY.

3:54 PM, June 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

No, I have not gone over to the "dark side!" I still "trust but verify," but so far I have had little reason to verify (with the exception of the Kohl's TDD, and that's still a joke!)

We have the right people at just the right moment to make the come back we all want, and I do trust them to do just that! If that is not the case, I will be in the front of the mob, torch in hand, to rid the monster from Crestwood!

We have had "leaders" who couldent manage their way out of a revolving door for the past two administrations! Now we have a no nonsense BOA (minus the TDD goof,) who I believe can, and will get the job done.

And just for the record, I am sick and tired of a person who calls himself "an editor" that can find nothing right in Crestwood (or Green Park for that matter) telling us what we should do! I am reminded of Sir George bernard Shaw who opined "those that can, do, those that cant, teach!" I doubt he can do that either!

Tom Ford

6:36 PM, June 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the editor continues to blame the Creston Center for the State Audit. Wasn't the editor bothered by the outrageous expenditures found in the State audit? The computer equipment to be more specific.

The state audit validated my suspicions of careless, wasteful spending. Even if the scale of waste was small it was still wrong.

10:48 PM, June 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the City employees don't like their pay they can look for another job right?

10:50 PM, June 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, anyone who isn't happy can look elsewhere. That said I am very proud of all our City employees, and if I see one at the celebration, I am going to thank them for their service!

Money has never equated to happyness in my book, and I doubt they feel differently. What some fail to grasp is that PRIDE in your work is much more important!

Tom Ford

6:34 AM, June 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe these guys that you trust so much can explain how there is only $300,000 being spent on Capital Improvments but the Capital Improvments fund has over a million in it? Where is the rest of the money going?

6:41 AM, June 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:41 AM blogger: I am sure they can, and will if you will just please ask one, or all of them.

Please look at the City web site (on this blog) for their phone numbers.

Tom Ford

7:12 AM, June 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Blogger at 10:50:

Without giving raises, you will only lose those who have other options. In other words, the hard workers. Keep giving the employees nothing and nothing is what you will have for a workforce.

5:05 PM, June 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the $2,000 Chair for former Mayor Robertson, the $800 Plant, BMW Gate.

Maybe we need another State Audit to cover the $100,000 wasted on the Accounting Software that couldn't count. Oops... I forgot that was under the Fagan\Greer\Madrid Rein so it must have been OK.

11:49 AM, June 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure hope the city can get out of leasing the new police autos when we have to cut services. "Pay as you go" has caught up with the current administation (mayor).

8:22 AM, July 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, did the Mayor request these police cars? Did he, did he? (But then knowing who you are I know you know how this works) Or, did the whole board approve them and have the ability to decline? Why don't you when you blame, place it in the right square? Huh, Huh. Keep it churning, you are sure one turnip green.

3:17 PM, July 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who do I trust the glowing report from auditors who work for the City, or Ms. Tate?

12:06 PM, July 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question. This would probably best explain why that state audit was a complete necessity. For my part, I have not been comfortable with the bottom line in this city for a long time. Whether or not it was due to ineptness or corruption, I am beginning to think Crestwood needs to spend any/all discretionary money on some penetrating financial investigation. The seriousness of this need for total disclosure of our financial decline during the last 2 administrations and the lack of a lifejacket when all facts led to financial distress, plus the many entangled lawsuits, settlements, administration conflicts and the resulting distress signals certainly make a strong case for suspicions of cover up or at the least a complete disregard for efficiency, integrity, skill and sense of duty.

6:18 PM, July 10, 2007  

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