Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Folks, lets help out where we can! This is a former resident.

In case you know this former Crestwoodian/Lindbergh Alum.....

Some of you may know or know of my brother, Steve Foelsch. Steve has quadriplegia as a result of an accident and uses a wheelchair to get to work and family events. Recently, Steve's 1987 van with wheelchair lift was stolen and never recovered. Because the van was old, there is not much insurance money available to replace it. Steve's family & friends are hosting a benefit to raise the money to buy a new van and to have it modified to make it accessible for Steve.

We are inviting you to participate in this fund-raiser at whatever level works for you. If you are unable to attend the fund-raiser on August 10, but still want to contribute in some way, please feel free to contact me by email: sweetirene55@hotmail.com or by phone: 314-963-4498. (If you are unable to open the attachment, please let me know and I will be happy to mail a hard copy to you.

In addition to contributions, we are also in need of items to be included in the silent auction and raffles. If you have such an item to donate or if you have any suggestions about businesses who might be willing to donate, please let me know. (A copy of the donation letter is attached.)

We would really appreciate it if you would share this email with as many family members and friends so that we may reach our goal of buying Steve a new, wheelchair accessible van!



Tom Ford

NO. 354


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Relitive to the above, I have known the Foelsch family since 1978 when our kids played ball toghether in Crestwood!

You will not find a nicer family on the planet. They lived in Crestwood for many years, and were very active in community affairs.

Now it seems we can be of service to them, so I am going to issue a challange to meet, or exceed my donation of $50.00 to help Steve get his new van!

How about it Swim Club members (and all other clubs and individuals,) can we help this fine youn man get his mobility back?

Please call Donna (phone number in message) and tell her what your willing to do to help. If you can't afford a monetary contribution, how about some of your time?

Tom Ford

4:33 PM, July 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When and where is the fund raiser? If csc actually meets your challenge, will you shut up and leave the club alone? Will you put your differences aside, Tom, for a fellow citizen? If so, I will do it, as a member of crestwood swim club! But there are wittnesses here... Lets remember CSC held a fund raiser for a members son, which made the papers...

11:15 PM, July 11, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, in the first place I have no differences with the individual members of the CSC, only the TDD re embursement of any funds from public tax money, pure and simple.

I am glad you did that for a member, and I wish I had seen the article as I would have put it on the blog for you.

Will I shut up? No, When it comes to the TDD monies I will remain vocal, but I will put aside all of our other differences in the spirit of community friendship, and you have my word on that!

As far as when the benefit is, please call Donna Foelsch (phone number in text,) and she will; be most happy to get some fliers to you.

By the way I will bring my check to your house so you can include it with the others if you ish.

Thank you for thinking of Steve, and his family.

Tom Ford

4:49 PM, July 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When and where wiill the CCSR have their fund raiser?

9:38 AM, July 13, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

What's a "CCSR?" And do I hear an answer to my challange?

I hope the fine folks that post here will find it in their heart to contribute!

Tom Ford

5:40 PM, July 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CCFR, Concerned Citizens for Fiscal Responsablity

5:50 PM, July 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I do not know about the "CCFR," That group no longer exists.

But what about you? are we going to see you give, or are you "all hat and now cows?"

Tom Ford

6:03 PM, July 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess they disbanded so they would not have to do things like your asking us to do, how interesting.

4:34 PM, July 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

No, they dis-banded when the name was registered by others with the election commission.

Are you going to put up, or shut up?

Tom Ford

5:15 PM, July 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will when I see the canceled check from the "others" who registered the name with the election commission.
What are the names of those others any way Tom, care to share with us who they are?

8:47 PM, July 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:47 PM blogger: Trot over to the Board of Election Commissioners on Big Bend Rd. in Brentwood, take a look, and send your check in!


Tom Ford

7:37 PM, July 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Board of Elections has a copy of the check from the new owners of the CCFR brand name that shows they gave money to this cause? Huh!

4:32 PM, July 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Grief, there is an idiot loose on this site, too. Darn if it doesn't make me feel grand.


10:05 PM, July 17, 2007  
Blogger Donna Foelsch said...

Dear Crestwood Residents,

My name is Donna Foelsch and Steve is my brother. My fmily has lived in Crestwood for over 40 years. We are all LHS graduates.
The fund-raiser for Steve will be Friday, Aug 10, 2007 from 6-10 p.m. at the Stratford Inn (across from Chrysler). It's $20 for ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT & DRINK (pizza, pasta, salad & house bar). We are also having mouse races, 50/50 raffles & a silent auction. For more information or if you are unable to attend but would like to donate, please contact me at sweetirene55@hotmail.com or 314-963-4498. Thank you again.

12:33 PM, July 18, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:23PM blogger: Now let me explain further! The Board of Election would have the names of the new "owners" of the CCFR name, get it?

No they have no idea what (if anything) they donated to this cause, so all you are going to see if the names.

I have an idea, how about just sending in a contribution, and settle back for a long summers nap?

Tom Ford

6:18 PM, July 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have the new owners names? Why not share with all of your readers who they are?

9:23 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:23 PM blogger: I posted the names when the switch was made last year.

I believe if you will go back to Sept, Oct, Nov. of last years posts you will find them.

Tom Ford

4:33 PM, July 20, 2007  

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