Friday, July 27, 2007

Is the City Administrator being "interfeared with?"

Back a few posts ago one of our fellow posters made a statement that due to "elected officials" meddling in the day to day work of the C / A he was not able to do his job properly! One poster suggested that I contact him or the City clerk, or the Board president (Alderman Roby,) and ask them if it were not true.

Is this worth pursuing I asked myself? Well yes it is, so I asked! I did not bother the C / A, or the C / C for fear of interfering with their assigned duties, but I did talk at length with the BOA President, Mr. Roby.

It seems that this is not true at all (to he best of his knowledge,) and seems to be a growing "urban legend!" It could be that for the first time since Pat Killoran we have a "hands on Mayor" who is at City Hall during the day more often than not, or it could be someone who would like to malign the Mayor with eyes toward the next race, but whatever it is, it's not true.

Please allow me to remind you that the Mayor is like the Captain of a ship, and as such he is responsible for the running of said ship. So if he were to request something from any department head, it's their job to respond with said information. We elected him (I think he is doing very well,)and if something goes very wrong, well guess what, it's his failure, and he knows that!

In this City we have certain factions that want something else other than the current Mayor, and no matter what he does, they will never be happy! They say "all politics is local," and in this case, he has become a miniature G.W. Bush! No matter what, it's his fault with some, and there in lies the rub! Can you do better? Well you will have your chance very soon.

By the way, the BOA President did tell me that the only disruptions to Mr. Myers day seem to come from local newspapers demanding dates, times, and minutes of meetings. Now in my humble opinion, they may just be the culprits here, and why don't they do what I do, go on line and get them for themselves? Try it sometime "Mr. Editor" it works just fine!

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curious that you would not ask the person directly. Odd.

8:20 PM, July 27, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Odd? to you possibly, but to most, I doubt it!

If you know the name of the so called person, please tell us!

Tom Ford

8:51 PM, July 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Tom for the clarification. I would imagine if the C/A were being disturbed, he would be handling the situation personally and in no way would want someone sticking his nose into the matter. Trying to interject this 'bothering the employees' bit is just one more stunt of the dispossessed. I would think municipal employees would welcome questions and concerns and appreciate that aldermen think enough of him to enlist his input. So whoever is trying to start just one more rumor, go jump in the pool. The C/A does not need meddling ninnies to interpret his feelings.

10:34 PM, July 27, 2007  

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