Question from a 7/3/07 blogger, you tell me!
Anonymous said...
"Here's an issue we need to address, why is Roy afraid of the press reporting what he does?"
12:12 PM, July 03, 2007
In my humble opinion I don't believe Roy, or for that matter anyone on the BOA has any reason to fear the press. The "paper" you refer to is well known for it's constant attacks on Crestwood, and the BOA. Why should any of our people show them anything but the door?
For far to long the "paper" has continued it's slanted attack on Crestwood, Green Park, and whomever else they deem to be "out of touch" with their line of thinking, and I for one am glad to see them get the "bums rush!"
Now this is your chance to rant on, so please use it wisely, and don't be mad if someone disagrees, this is a blog, and that's what we do.
Tom Ford
"Here's an issue we need to address, why is Roy afraid of the press reporting what he does?"
12:12 PM, July 03, 2007
In my humble opinion I don't believe Roy, or for that matter anyone on the BOA has any reason to fear the press. The "paper" you refer to is well known for it's constant attacks on Crestwood, and the BOA. Why should any of our people show them anything but the door?
For far to long the "paper" has continued it's slanted attack on Crestwood, Green Park, and whomever else they deem to be "out of touch" with their line of thinking, and I for one am glad to see them get the "bums rush!"
Now this is your chance to rant on, so please use it wisely, and don't be mad if someone disagrees, this is a blog, and that's what we do.
Tom Ford
Tell us again why you can't link to the newspaper in question.
I think I will let Mr. Shaw answer you.
"I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence."
George Bernard Shaw
Tom Ford
"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
Oscar Wilde
There are rags and then there are rags. Knowing the difference is where its at.
Small town journalists can be great partners in promoting the good things about communities and being helpmates. When they chose to be sinister and assist in practiced and coached negativity, then they lose fair and balanced. They become a rag.A dirty rag.They don't sell papers, they stuff them in people's mailboxes.
If you want to finish off a city by distortions rather than being on a team to move a city to the positive side, then become a patsy, run a rag. Plant enough regular diatribe to make antiobiotics fester. Stir up trouble, and listen to those who supply the venom and are such bitter sour grapes that they actually are willing to destroy their own property values and justify driving away business.
Anytime a tiny city of 4 sq. miles and 12,000 people stirs up this kind of commotion from the same tribe, there is reason to believe that somewhere under the tablecloth there was a very big crumb. A crumb no longer part of the pie.
According to today's rag, the city's going back into debt in a few years to the tune of three million dollars. Comes straight from the horse's mouth Frank Myers himself. Guess Prop S wasn't enough after all.
Wow. Guess all that "good news" from the audit was just window dressing after all.
And did anyone else notice the city's sudden change to the meeting notices? Apparently a little pressure from the CALL was all it took. Roby wants to bring it to a vote of the BOA and expects a unanimous vote.
Guess even a rag can be right sometimes.
Folks these financial troubles coming down the pipe are no laughing matter. The city has tracked that and now it's up to the mayor and C/A and our aldermen to fix it. Now we get a chance to see what theyre really made of.
Glad to see the city's changed their minds on telling the paper about all their meetings. I mean, who WOULDNT want to let the press know? Not doing that makes the city look like they have something to hide even if they dont! Kudos to Roby for wanting to a vote. And kudos to the Call for pointing out this disservice!
Is anybody here thinking what I'm thinking? It's going to take another tax increase to get us out of this mess forecasted down the road. Me thinks some of you may not like the sound of that. Wasn't Prop S supposed to rid of us debt? Now it looks like we're making more.
Wow, the previous "bad" adminstration was right on with their projected city deficit! I figured that Roy would be able to limp along for a couple of years of "pay as you go" before reality set in. I guess they were not that stupid after all????? hmmmmmm
The real question is who's Roy going to blame for the NEW debt now? Can't pin this one on the administration from before. Roy's going to have take a long hard look at the one he has now. I guess the blame will fall to the next person that leaves the city. Or how about a logical blame? WESTFIELD! They've done nothing for the city but delay delay delay as a former great mall decays and the city loses sales tax. But with better malls in West County and South County, can you really blame people for not shopping in Crestwood? That mall won't get turned around by the people of Crestwood. It has to draw people from other areas too. As long as West County and South County thrive, Crestwood will suffer. The mall can't make it on Crestwood citizens alone.
1. The blame game is a long tradition in the city of Crestwood. It started long before Robinson ever became mayor.
2. Did you ever consider that a lot of people don't shop in Crestwood due to the high sales taxes?
Prop 1 and then Prop S was to work off the debt created from BEFORE. Think of the money we would have if we had not had the below listed ordained BEFORE expenses.
Settlement of lawsuit with former City Administrator plus legal fees, pension and backpay
Settlement with replacement City Administrator plus pension,comp time payout
Settlement with replacement Finance Officer plus legal fees, etc.
Lawsuit settlement against a former official plus legal fees
Large payout to THF for the Private Swim Club changeout
A big software package (somewhere around, $120,00 to 200,000, which proved to be too much for the employee for whom it was purchased.
Architect renderings for a 14.5M city hall
Architect re-renderings for the revised city hall
More Architect re-renderings for the above
Contractor changouts
Luxury Car and stipend
New Furniture and plants for offices (i.e.$1800 desk chair. etc)
$25,000 City Audit necessitated due to a lack of faith in city gov't because the above was more than the average native could stomach a/k/a the vanished trust syndrome and surprise, mismanagement of funds was found to be on both audits.
A new copy of Robert's Rules of Order for one of our more loquatious aldermen
Several executive positions with excessive pay and no appreciable results
Did I mention lots of legal invoices, have you seen these invoices from BEFORE???
With all the blame put on diminishing revenue during that time a projected city deficit was a given. Where is the surprise? How can you explain the above; how can you explain the expenses which were avoidable when the cupboard was bone dry? How can you even consider building a 14.5.M dollar city hall when the bank is paying the electric bill? How can you not predict a weak bottom line? How can you not go around singing "I wonder where the money went."
Oh, by the way, how much of the above can be attributed to Roy Robinson?
Rant all you want about the past. It is futile.
This is the present and the projected deficit is not about the past.
The current problem was not created by the past administation.
Prop S is taking care of the problems of the past not the present.
The past BOA tried to get Prop 1 - at least it was trying to get a grip instead of trying to "pay as you go" which apparently is not working, no?
Sorry, the past is what got us here.
When the controversial Mr. Greer left a year ago, he already had a budget in place for this calendar year that had us in the black, and if anyone bothered to read it, they would see it was the same one instituted by Mr. Meyers, just with fewer pages.
This begs the question, what have Mr. Meyers and Mr. Robinson done to keep that 'in the black' on track? It was great they already had that in place to brag to the public that they were getting us somewhere, but where are we going now?
If you actually time to read the article and not the headline pronouncing an arguable "storm" you'll see that the debt is only revenues and expenditures. Revenues from 2007 on and expenditures from 2007 on. Sure the city still has legal fees and settlements to pay. But the current administration approved of those. In making a budget for each year and several years, I'm sure the administration is trying to stay in the black. But since they keep giving out extra insurance to city staff, new police cars, new police radios, a shooting range on the way downstairs in city hall, new parking lot at city hall, and who knows how many more TDD's to developers, as soon as Prop S cleared the debt, which it did, that money was burning a hole in their pocket. Smart spending guys. Now it looks like they'll have to pull some of it back.
So you see that even with the CA and staff trying to make a budget for each year and even after Prop S got rid of the debt, there is another storm coming. And that is clearly the responsibility of the city. If Mr. Meyers wants to take responsibility for something, how bout that? I'm sure even Tom would agree on that one!
Don't blame Mr Myers for everything. Robinson and the board had a say in these new purchases, and they mostly said yes!
"Blame Mr. Myers for everything?" No I will not, but if we are to prosper I will ask him to tell the board why we can't have everything!
Tom Ford
Let's stop for one minute and listen to what we are saying. We want services but we don't want to pay for them. Since when is anything in life free? Take for example all the things you are saying the city is paying for. Police cars, staff, legal fees, upkeep of the city,(streets, buildings, fire services,etc.). All these things are primarily supported by sales taxes. General fund 100% supported by sales taxes,Capital Improvement Fund 100% supported by sales taxes, parks and storm water fund 50% supported by sales taxes. Now take the City out of the cenario and insert yourself. Is it really any different than your personal life? IE, when your car breaks down you replace it, When your roof leaks you replace it, when your health insurance goes through the roof you pay it, and when you lose your job and thus your paycheck you borrow to meet your obligations, and if for some reason you get sued you hire an attorney. You have on option our city doesn't, you can get by with 1 car instead of 2, send your child to Meramec instead of Harvard, And you may have to take a lower paying job as a result. But as citizens of Crestwood we expect someone else to pay for it,and in todays world there are no free lunches unless of course you are homeless which means, of course, you have already lost everything. Is that what we want, to lose everything we have?
One last observation, the Times reported that citizens of Crestwood have cost the City a lot of time and money($40,000)because they are not paying their trash bills. As a citizen, i don't appreciate all the money they are costing us in legal fees, court time, city employee time, and $$$$$. Wonder why the Call didn't catch that one? Hmmm Talk about a free lunch!
Why didnt the TIMES cover Ms. Tates report about the upcoming budget storm? What kind of local rag would overlook something that important but did report how much the 2006 budget was in the black?
Poor reporting, poor coverage, liberal paper, that much is clear to me.
2. Did you ever consider that a lot of people don't shop in Crestwood due to the high sales taxes?
Sales Taxes have nothing to do with it... Crestwood Mall thrived for MANY years with higher sales taxes.... You have to have something that offers what people want to buy.
Kohl's, everybody’s favorite whipping boy, is doing great… It has the highest sales tax rate in Crestwood and one of the highest in St. Louis County. Sam’s has the second highest in Crestwood and it is packed.
The Mall is the problem… Westfield is not going to fix it. They will sell it to someone, who will ask the City for a lot of $$$ to help them try. The City can either help or figure out some other way to pay the bills.
Folks we still get one heck of a bargain for living in this town. Most of our bills are still paid for by people who don’t live here.
I read in the paper that the new owner of Northwest Plaza (Another Mall that Westfield ran into the ground.) is proposing a $250,000,000 rebuild. If they can do it up north, why not here?
9:25 AM, July 07, 2007
I don't think that is what anyone is saying.
We are asking that public tax money be spent wisely to provide basic services.
At some point local governments all around town got out of control and decided they needed to be the jack of all trades. Adding lots of employees because times were good.
And now we can't afford to pay their salaries and benefits.
They also thought annexation was a good idea. But it's very expensive to maintain all of the extra roads and to pay the premiums for Affton Fire Protection.
Our local government continues to take on more obligations with no resources to cover them.
Is subsidized Fire Protection a "Basic Service". If the City would get out of the muncipal fire business, it would intantly have be in the black by serveral million. The residents would end up paying $400+ a year to a Fire District instead of having a Municipal Fire Department being paid for by mostly sales tax dollars collected form non-residents.
I love our fire department and understand that if you want the luxury of a "Personal" Department that provides outstanding service you may have to pay for it.
You need to review the latest fire fighter agreement with the city.
Step #1 as goes credibility and stability in Crestwood's budget is the reality that the C/A and BOA should be able to roll up "united" sleeves for operation "get serious" and remember that our hiring and supply freeze should not have expired. As of now, we cannot afford a C/A all the Dept. Heads he/she deems necessary or an increased workforce which in turn entails salaries, benefits and pensions. We cannot afford the notches on a C/A resume a large workforce implies to then take up the road to a new job. To hold onto what we do have (fire, police, etc.)we must remember this and we must expect our C/A to have the total talents needed to fill in the gaps, handle needed studies, make sensible recommendations and do cross training. A great deal of municipal expertise is also needed in the C/A position and right now we cannot afford a larger than life salary, although this position is primary glue and a very important one. From outward appearances, it appears Ms. Tate carried a lot of the financial load and she is to be commended. Now the C/A will need to pick up the slack. The financial picture must be clear and it must be paramount and readily available to the decision makers. Otherwise blaming a Mayor or a Board for financial distress now is no more than 'politics as usual' in a tiny suburb where this has grown tiresome and is actually a burden.
A city of 4 square miles and 12,500 people must "get real" and adjust itelf to the fact that our operation must square with our budget (i.e. Planning a 14.5M dollar city hall project while acquiring a 3.5 M. LOC while advising that revenue was seriously down was irresponsible and should be lesson learned).
A good place to start economizing is in the immense payout to the City Attorney and perhaps make some of the positions part time, i.e. animal control, code enforcer, city planner, and cut out all payouts for Municipal League trips. How many white shirt policemen does the city need? Crestwood has not been collecting Prop S long enough to become smug. We are still obligated to tighten the belt. This slide into predicted financial insecurity has not been a secret - it has been on the horizon since the last administration wanted to build this aforementioned 14.5 Million Dollar city hall while running on empty and using 2 city properties as collateral for the LOC; and since the audits showed mismanagement of funds and political and Dept. Head turnovers gained media attention on a regular basis.
The current Mayor,BOA and C/A are mostly blameless - however, they now bear the responsibility to turn this picture around. This would not, then, leave room for anything but frugality. Anything less and the blame meter starts ticking.
Unless BOA politics has the magic capability to bear fruit ($'s for the till) then it is a safe bet that the constituants of this city will remain irreverant of any form of non productive infighting or tag type politics from their elected officials. We have simply had enough of this fruitless kind of leadership. It wasted a lot of time in the last few years. And, another thing, when/if politics rears its ugly head among city employees, i.e. City Administrator, City Attorney, Financial Dept., Fire Chief, City Development Planner, City Clerk, Police Chief, etc. it will behoove us to change the deck chairs poste haste. A leaky boat will eventually sink, or so I am told.
Hmmm, firefighter agreement. Well, between today's developers who refuse to gamble with their money, and municipal and county firefighters and their unions, seems it could be time to reconsider alternatives. When push come to shove, tis time to put on the old thinking cap. When the cupboard is bare and the residents fed up, somethings gotta and gonna give. The CALL newspaper has enlightened us as to the heights to which some of these unions persist. What good is a highly paid "employee" with all hard fought benefits if the employer has no clothes?
Fire and Police protection? May you never need either one (not to mention the EMT's!)
I can tell you though, these people are like a parachute, you may never need one, but if you do, nothing else will suffice!
We all like to think we can protect our families, but truth be known, without the training, you will be a statistic in nothing flat!
I thank God we have the dedicated people to keep us from harm's way, and to respond if we do get into trouble, and so should you!
Rather than spending time reading some agreement, stop by the station and thank a "first responder" for all the do for us!
Tom Ford
I keep hearing about the union firefighters and how they want certain concessions. Many of these jobs are stressful, those in the city even more so (tall buildings, arson, etc.). But putting things in perspective, a city can only do what it can do within its budgets. A small city cannot be compared to a large city with highrisees and other factors making firefighting so hazardous. Perhaps our military needs to go union. In the scheme of things their sacrifice and often that of city police can easily exceed that of firefighters and paramedics. I just don't understand the "tough" stance often taken by the fire people. Why the differential? What is feeding this fire? Why?
At some point the inner-ring municipalities are going to have to start to consolidate if they wish to survive. Only the efficient ones will go it alone.
City Hall continues to talk about declines in sales tax revenue but it's funny how they never mention the yearly double digit increases in property taxes.
No one to my knowledge is disputing your word, Tom, about skill, dedication, response, etc. Since your son is a policeman and you were one, one can understand your stance. But the blogger was talking about firemen and the reality of working within budgets with the outside chance if too much union muscle is applied, and a decline in revenue continues and the gov't does not practice expediency, this triple threat will not sit well and taxpayers will respond, often with skill and dedication and thoughts of consolidation. There is little percentage in biting the hand that feeds.
We had an economic development director and it's questionable if any development was a direct result of this position. Revenue is still projected to go down.
What's the better move? Take on more yearly debt to pay another salary/benefit package? Or roll the dice once again on another economic development director.
Seems like a better move would have been to go with a consultant who would work on comission than take on more head count.
9:22PM Well said!
I am starting to think the best thing we can do is to return to a full time Mayor to run the City and to do away with the job of C/A. Pay the person who is the mayor about $55,000 a year which is a lot less than what a C/A gets and if the Mayor fails in their job we can always throw them out office. Course it would mean changing Charter.
Well we have a new "economic development director" who has told us what we knew before she came, namely "Crestwood Mall, we have a problem!"
While I may not be the brightest bulb in the harbor, I do know that " brick and morter" stores are (and have been)losing out to internet sites for some time now.
That said, what is she going to do to help our business people develop web sites of their own to compete?
Mr. Myers should know that filling a chair in the office is nice, but it often does not pay the bill's! Frank, we need to see some concrete results here, not report's, and not just good intentions, RESULTS my friend!
When can we expect to see the first business move to Crestwood as a direct result of our new E/D person? The last two didn't have a track record of success, so I am hoping to see this one do a lot better!
Tom Ford
And they got this one from O'Fallon? Crestwood was like O'Fallon...about 50 years ago.
We need a finance person from a corporate background who knows how to balance a budget. This person should be at every BOA meeting calculating how much money the BOA is spending. Showing them the consequences of their actions.
Time to stir the pot...We need a mayor like Fenton's Dennis Hancock.
Yes, full time mayor and a corporate finance person is worth trying.
3:40 and 8:16
Good ideas!!!
I thought our mayor was full time and knows what goes on on a daily basis. I don't think paying him $55,000 to be there everyday would be justified.
If he/she was full time and replaced the role of the C/A, I think it would be justified.
3:02 PM July 5th - Yes, as you stated "a crumb no longer part of the pie" and I agree.
Tom Ford says that it is OK to give our opinions, so here I go with mine. It may not be worth much but as I see it - Mr. Anthony has been exploiting issues and stirring up the "pot", since he started his paper and received 100% assistance from the new alderman at that time, Jim Robertson. Had it not been for Robertson, Mike Anthony would have had nobody's coattail to hold on to.
Mr. Anthony has always enjoyed "shaking things up", as I see it, and you can disagree with me as much as you so desire. But Mr. Anthony has done nothing but play politics and loves pitting one administration over another, all the while giving credence to Robertson's views as well as all those joined at the hip with Robertson.
Hence, Anthony is definitely NOT going to accept this administration with open arms. He's got his favorites and anyone can name them one by one if you read The Call regularly. Biased? Absolutely without a doubt!
Further, Mr. Anthony has shown his bias in the past, since he had more than enough opportunities to get to the real reasons why Robertson resigned, but chose not do it, singing Robertson's praises instead.
Therefore, those of you that would advocate how fair-minded and honest Anthony and his paper are in seeking honesty and truth, et al, he is just another "political pony" that chooses what he wants to bring to his paper, just like so many others.
So make your choice as to which paper and whose words you want to read. I do not choose the Call. But it doesn't make me better than you or you better than me. It's your choice and all the quarreling about it, doesn't change a thing.
If you want to know the real reason Mr Robertson resigned ask him or the City or Ms. Graves. A newspaper can not report something the courts have sealed but the partys involved can tell you and then you can put it on this blog.
Mr Anthony is not the owner of the Call, Mr. Millegan his wife, Ms. Baker are the owners. if you want some interesting insight into who was hanging with them at the start of their paper, why not ask former State Rep. Jim Murphy. He should be able to fill you in.
4:40 pm OK so Mr. Anthony is not the owner of the paper. BUT, Mr. Anthony is in charge of what is written in the Call, which is all I am speaking about.
At the particular time frame I was speaking of in my previous comment, Jim Murphy and others were supporters of Jim Robertson. So what? I don't really care about the particulars. I am using this issue as an example of how Mr. Anthony was partial to his buddy Mr. Robertson which showed in his written words.
Mrs. Grave's case did not go to court, as I understand it. It went into arbitration and did not go to trial. Mr. Anthony spoke of the settlement choosing his words very carefully in the Call and indicated only that it was a harrassment lawsuit that had been settled; never indicating that it was a sexual harrassment lawsuit. However, when Mr. Anthony spoke of Mr. Robertson's resignation from the City of Crestwood, you would have thought he was the greatest person in the world and someone above reproach. Like I said, biased.
Just trying to make my point; nothing further. Journalistic hype is alive and well in The Call, and Mike Anthony paints either a good or bad picture depending on his own personal agenda, never fully telling both sides and using his gift of the pen at its worst. My opinion, that's all.
If the ex-Mayor Robertson was the Sunshine King, then pray tell why did he vanish from the city scene never to be seen again?
Don't tire me with this Sunshine business because when the Sunshine King slid into the dark, overnight, with no CALL tape running, there was no sunshine.
Harrassment eh! You know, I think I will get the story on that and tell it to the grapevine. Since Mr. Anthony forgot to and could not help but remind us of his greatness. And, since every single sigh uttered by new leadership is reported, and every possible slam is made against them, then I bet it is possible to slam the slammer. Yes, let's do talk about sunshine.I don't recall the CALL mentioning the x-Mayor since his departure, much less shining any sun on the sudden resignation. Would have made a good story - eh!
One can only hope this Mayor the CALL despises so will not harrass any employees and cost another lawsuit. But, I bet if he did, the CALL would find a bright bright sun which would shine 24/7.
Maybe while the sun is shining, someone can find out what papers were shredded while Rome was burning.
10:51 PM I ditto your comments fellow blogger. Wish everybody in Crestwood that seems to think Mr. Robertson wasn't protected by the likes of everyone in the Greer/Fagan Administration including aldermen on the board, can go into the archieves of The Call and read how Mr. Anthony in his journalistic excellence left out a few words in the Grave settlement as he reported harrassment but not sexual harrassment. If they did, maybe they would think twice before they stick up for Mr. Anthony and see that he, too, is marred by his political posture just like many others.
The story ends by stating that you can stick up for any paper, as long as they are saying things against the administration you hate and Not Reporting Both Sides.
And The Call isn't the only one that does it but it doesn't make it fair.
Wasnt the settlement for age discrimination, not harrasment?
What has this to do with Tom's lack of information except that which he gets from the papers?
Maybe he can ask all 3 of the partys concerned, Former Mayor, Mrs. Grave and City what they say happen and then report on this blog their answers?
No, it definitely was for SEXUAL harrassment. He is such a disgrace that his picture isn't even on the wall along with all the other former Mayor's. Check next time you're in the BOA chambers.
3:46 PM It doesn't have anything to do with Tom. It has to do the Mike Anthony from the Call, not giving people the correct information. It has to do with the fact that people on this blog seem to think that Mr. Anthony does no wrong and he has his bias on every page of his paper. That was just an example of our he is just as much to blame for not reporting the truth as others have. That's all the comment was suppose to show.
As Martha says: Trust only the minutes.
CITY OF CRESTWOOD MINUTES FROM CLOSED MEETING OF CRESTWOOD BOARD OF ALDERMEN September 28, 2004 The Board of Aldermen met in closed session on September 28, 2004 in accordance with Mo.Rev.Stat. §§610.021 (1) and (3) and 610.022. The following minutes are provided in compliance with the City’s Resolution on Public Meetings and Records. In attendance were: Aldermen: Duwe, Miguel, Maddox, Labore, Breeding, O’Keefe, Kelleher, and Trueblood Mayor: Thomas E. Fagan City Attorney: Robert J. Golterman City Administrator: Don Greer The City Attorney reported that a settlement in principle was reached at the mediation in connection with a former City employee’s Charge of Discrimination. A Settlement Agreement was provided to the Aldermen and the City Attorney explained the various provisions of the Agreement and answered questions posed by the Aldermen. It was again pointed out that the City did have insurance coverage for this matter. Following the discussion, a motion was made by Aldermen Maddox, seconded by Aldermen Duwe to approve the Settlement Agreement and directing that the City execute same. The vote was as follows: Yea: Miguel, Maddox, Trueblood, Duwe, Breeding, O’Keefe, Labore and Kelleher Nay: None. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned. Prepared by: Robert J. Golterman, City Attorney NOTE: A copy of the Settlement Agreement is available through the Clerk’s Office.
To 7:29 AM July 19
"Trust only the minutes" and "The minutes are a source of unbiased information" are statements with very different connotations. I did not say the former, I did say the latter.
Martha Duchild
I guess if someone gets a copy of the Settlement Agreement from city hall it should include "sexual harrassment" IF that was the case. I can't imagine it NOT being included in the agreement IF that was the sole reason for the allegations against the former mayor.
Or better yet, I am sure there are those on this site that have a copy, why not post for all to see?
9:15 AM Re your comments....On 6/7/2004, a charge of discrimination was filed with the Missouri Commission on Human Rights against the City of Crestwood. It was not about age discrimination it was about an incident occurring in December, 2003 where.... "a city employee was discriminated against because of being subjected to a physical and sexual work environment and being expected to provide sexual favors as a condition of keeping a job. This conduct was in violation of Chapter 213 of the Mo. Human Rights Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1991".
The case was settled through arbitration. You are missing the point of this whole blog comment. The point being made was that Mike Anthony did not report the true harrassment charge and skated over the sexual harrassment part only stating that a harrassment lawsuit was settled. Age discrimination wasn't the reason for the charge in the first place.
Mike Anthony, did however, commend the mayor when he resigned at that time for his wonderful job and all the good he did while he was a part of the City.
It would have been better if he had just left all the plaudits out of his paper; but since he was biased, he glorified the mayor, i.e. Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 Vol. 9 #5, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2004; "Opinions" by Mike Anthony "Crestwood's recovery due to Robertson's Leadership".
I just feel that if you are going to comment on the subject of being fair in the newspaper, you should recognize that The Call is no exception to printing bias. Mike Anthony is a perfect example of showing the people what he wants them to see.
9:15 am Settlement Agreement? Being the smart lawyer that you are, I am sure, you think you can use the word "IF" in capital letters in your comments and feel real smug. All the while knowing in your mind that the settlement agreement is not going to show an admission of guilt on the part of the mayor. A settlement agreement/arbitration is nothing more than a way to come to a concession between two parties. The written discrimination report given to the EEOC that started it all, is where the "beef" is.
The city was more than willing to agree to going to arbitration because, IF and that's my IF, the City of Crestwood's attorneys felt they had a real case and the allegations made by the city employee were false, they would have not settled and would have demanded it go to court to prove the case.
But you already know that don't you? And you already know that because it was a settlement, in order to get this done and over with, the city had nothing to loose because they were covered under the liability insurance on city officials which meant money didn't have to be taken out of the budget to settle it.
Now can we talk about the obligations of Mr. Anthony to not be biased in the Call, or are we going to keep talking about ancient history?
If you have what the settlement was for why not share with all of us? After all, can't anyone sue for anything and then settle for something else?
Ancient History?
Don't understand why you keep harping on an old settlement with the city, as if anyone wants to get into that. Stick to the post which is about Mike Anthony. I agree with the previous poster. Life goes on and has not ceased to be since that old news. Sounds like you just want to aggrevate someone. Maybe you should get your own post which would be all about beating a dead horse.
Weren't we just reminded by Anthony about Robertson's Sunshine Award given in 2001?
Would that not be "ancient history" as well?
11:47 AM Maybe! I couldn't tell you what was written in The Call cause I don't read it. I use to receive it but not anymore. I use to put in the bottom of my bird's cage.
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