Saturday, July 14, 2007

Time to band toghether with Fenton Mayor Hancock!

Were you aware that Wildwood has a surplus of $9,000,000.00, and is planning a new City Hall? Or how about Jennings, now building a new shopping center to dwarf Crestwood Plaza?

No? I didn't think so! Well I do love to see our brother Cities prosper, but why are they doing it on our money? If you remember these two "poor" towns are getting almost a million dollars between them from Crestwood! That's right, ONE MILLION dollars from us!

Why you say, well it seems that the county exec. (deceased) had put together a "pool" to award funds to these poor downtrodden towns so they could survive! SURVIVE? Good grief you cant' move into Wildwood with less than a double bag of solid gold in the bank, and Jennings, well it is what it is!

It's high time for our State Rep. (Jim Avery,) to take a stand here, and help us end this load of used hay. I am given to understand he has failed to return calls to us and others on this subject, so when he is up for re-election next time let's see what we can do about failing to punch his ticket!

Mr. Robinson and Board members, please contact Mr. Hancock and tell him to get the fight going, after all it's our money these guy's are spending, and if could be used to stop "the coming storm!"

Tom Ford

NO. 356


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What other elected representatives would be worth contacting?

2:15 PM, July 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Mr. Gibbons, State Senator from Kirkwood, and while your at it please do not forget Mr James Murphy Sr.

Mr. Murphy still has a tremendous following in Jeff. City!

Tom Ford

2:51 PM, July 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sure he does, why hasnt he done something already?

5:45 PM, July 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, why not ask him?

Tom Ford

5:49 PM, July 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Murphey hasn't done anyting as of yet because the blame lies with crestwood swim club! Their influence reaches well beyond crestwood!! Its their fault... lol

11:34 PM, July 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:34 M blogger: It's your tax money! Are you still laughing?

Tom Ford

5:43 PM, July 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its only your tax money if you shop at Kohls dumbass

9:40 PM, July 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Kelleher, is that you?

10:44 PM, July 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you shop at Kohl's, what is their sales tax rate? 8, almost 9%???

Sales tax is sky high in Crestwood.

Now that sales tax has been pushed to the limit, they (the city leaders) will be going after your property taxes. Prop S was just the start.

Crestwood - a bargain? Not for long.

11:33 PM, July 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much debt was did the city incur from the new police station situation?

How much in legal fees has Crestwood paid in the past five years?

11:40 PM, July 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is hard for me, as an outsider, to understand why residents of Crestwood continue to beat one another up over such things as a swimming pool, sales tax and other trivial issues. I would be thrilled to live in a community with my own police and fire services and be paying as little as you people are in property taxes. My husband and I looked at homes in your city when we moved here 3 years ago. And property taxes were a concern as well as a good school district. I have to tell you that my tax in Fenton for fire alone, is more than twice that of your entire city tax for everything. I"m sorry but what is all the whining about?

10:31 AM, July 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trivial issues and whining???

Let's see,
1. the city lost 2 million or so on design and consultant fees for a proposed 40,000+ square foot, 14 million dollar police station for a community with stagnant population growth,
2. thousands and thousands spent in legal fees over the past several years,
3. 8% + sales tax at various developments,
4. a mall that not only was an anchor for the city but surrounding areas is in sad state of decline,
5. continued spending (ten new police cars, radar guns) in the midst of a city administrator predicted "financial storm",
6. infrastructure needs not being met (streets)
7. and little economic development.

If you notice, I didn't mention anything about the swim club.

Other than that, everything is just great! I'm surprised you moved to Fenton and not here.

1:32 PM, July 17, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:40 PM blogger: Please, you can do better than that, can't you?

To reference a blogger "your blue collar" is showing when you use nasty words.

Tom Ford

5:14 PM, July 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our former alderman aka dumbass apparently has too much time on his hands. But then he seldom attended meetings.

6:51 PM, July 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if you live in Fenton and in the Lindbergh school district you will also notice a considerable difference in your property taxes.

All the whining is about the fact that we had a relatively good thing going until a few folks who were supposed to be providing public service spent more time taking care of themselves.

ALSO, BEWARE IN THE LINDBERGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. Capital spending is getting out of control. Look at the fact that they are rebuilding a school (and this was their words not mine) because there may be a new home development across from Grant's Farm.

10:13 PM, July 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure Crestwood would be better off if we kept all of our own tax dollars? With how poorly our mall is doing and our lack of other quality shopping and dining venues, we might be doing better by taking our share of the combined pool of money.

Most of us are travelling outside of Crestwood to eat and shop. Until we improve our draw, maybe we should stick with this pool and enjoy the benefits of more prosperous cities. When this was implemented, we had a booming mall, and got the short end of the stick. We've become one of the cities they were trying to help.

10:15 PM, July 18, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

10:44 PM, July 16, 2007 and Tom who hates all CSC politicians. I can say I know that was not Kelleher, he was at a swim team banquet at CSC and went to partonize Crestwood mcdonalds with the team afterwards until approx. 12:01 am. I was there and YES, I'm a member of the 2nd division winning swim club in a row!

1:55 AM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The paper makes it sound like the BOA and Mr. Myers are spending too much money. Why on earth would they do that? I thought at this point in time everyone understood we need to save all we can. I have been very disappointed in why I am hearing and seeing. The next thing you'll hear is that one of our alderman thinks we still need a new police station. Does he know about money we don't know about? I sure hope this man's thinking doesn't get followed up by his running for mayor next election. GRIEF!!

1:59 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I drove by city hall the other night when the swim club was having a party or meet. The lot was jammed and flowing over to St. Elizabeth's.

1.During these meets when the city parking lot is full to capacity, can our police vehicles get in and out and find a place to park?

2:00 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:59 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this weeks call paper, it again comes to our attention that the same three aldermen voted to give THF more money. People are commenting that these same three aldermen always vote against/or with everything the same. Now at first, it wasn't so eye-catching as it is now. Why do these same three always vote for the things we do not have the money for? Are they not aware of the money peoblem Crestwood has? Saying we need to have a plan to follow and then turning around and voting to give anyone more money now. I believe we need not so many plans for saving money in the future and start action now! Talk is cheap!!

3:26 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:59 PM

No, just a concerned citizen.

5:17 PM, July 19, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:15 PM blogger: Great idea except for one small thing! We have the centers, so we pay into the pool, not visa versa.

Staying in the pool will only cost us more money, it's time for this outmoted imbecile idea to be put to rest.

Tom Ford

5:22 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he wear his bow tie and eat a Big Mac?

5:25 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we have to hire our own economic development director that position should be subsidized by the county "County Tax Pool". The system is screwed up.

1:59 PM
Remember that you really don't have to have any real qualifications to be an Alderman. So until the Alderman position becomes more attractive to run for we will be stuck with mediocrity.

9:56 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points!

10:38 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:26 I guess you have no problem how the other 5 alderman always vote the same way?

7:19 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:56 PM
I disagree, I don't believe making the job more attractive will do anything but bring forth individuals looking to make a fast buck. And even if we did make the position more attractive who would want the job with all the criticism they receive. I certainly don't need anymore aggravation in my life. I'm guessing that they are doing it because they want to improve the city.

9:48 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You aren't paying attention as you said the other five always vote the same. This is false and if you attend the meeting and/or read previous minutes you'd know better. The best way to get the best alderman is pay nothing. Let's find out who really want to help their city. Also aldermen shouldn't be able to vote for an organization they belong to, no matter what. Example a man voting no for more taxes because he owns a dozen homes here or a man who votes against correcting the problems of those living around the 'pool' by building a noise barrier because he belongs to the pool. We need more people with no alterior motives, where are they?

8:42 PM, July 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to the developer for bringing such an attractive center to Old Sappington and Watson Rd. I wish them much success and look forward to hearing what other tenants are going to locate there. It certainly has turned a sows ear into a silk purse. Let's get more of these going in our city. Cleaning up our city certainly can't hurt.

7:27 AM, July 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should get a judge to issue an injucnction allowing the city to keep our Tax revenues until a court can decide if the "Pool City" concept is outdated. It definitely needs to be reviewed in light of all the major developing going on in previously underdeveloped Cities. I think it is time laws are enacted that keep a city from being formed unless they can prove they are self sustaining and don't require outside money to operate.

7:40 AM, July 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:27 blogger: Correct my friend, that is a very nice rehab of that old, dilapidated cornor.

Now if we can only find someone who is willing to renovate the Plaza we will be on a roll.

That said, anyone have any info. as to where that's going? I have heard that it could have been sold but was turned down.

Tom Ford

7:42 AM, July 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plaza rehabers make request TIF, CDD or other forms of public tax dollars, what is your position on that if it is requested?

7:47 AM, July 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I think we need to be VERY careful of how we dole out these subsidies.

At first blush I would not be for it. We just did that down the street (2M,) and what did we get for it?

I would, however be willing to have my mind changed. Let's say we were to get something that was a real draw for a change, I would be open to suggestions

Tom Ford

9:04 AM, July 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sense a change in your position, have the facts of what today's market place is finally sunk in? Kohls regardless how you feel about the Pool property is still better for Crestwood that the eye sore that was there before and with in few years (under 5 ?)we will be getting 100% of the sales tax dollars (after the County takes there skim off the top) collected there.

9:38 AM, July 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Not really, the fact's are what they are, but we can only afford so much.

I have never been against the Kohl's change, only the way some of the funds were used to fund a private entity. Please tell me that you don't agree with that transaction, you don't do you?

The reason all Cities are in this mess to begin with is because we bowed down to the alter of the business tax god! We have given in to anyone who is willing to put up a peanut stand if they tell us we will have more "taxes in the future."

The future is great, but what about the present? Some tell us we have a coming "storm," while others say that's not so, who is right?

When I first moved here the tax rate was higher than it is now, we had fewer buisnesses, and all was well. Now we have a business community that has been tax drained to the max, our taxes have gone up, and we still have a coming "storm," what happened?

Yes some of it is traced to inflation, some to poor business decisions, and the cost of todays goods and services. That said, I still believe we must be aware of what were getting into before we do it.

It would appear that has been lagging behind the OK prosses. What's wrong with having a list of businesses that will occupy the new development before we sign off on it? That's one way to get "more bang for the buck," no?

Tom Ford

10:35 AM, July 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we will be able to better gauge what kind of development the Mall can support by taking a look at the types of retailers that move into the Sappington development.

It will be interesting to see if there are any national chains or higher end stores.

10:18 PM, July 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point I am unsure if the mall will be "redeveloped". I know progress takes several years but since nothing has been communicated to the city, I doubt if anything will be completed within the next 5-7 years.

Glamor Shots has also moved out of the mall....who's next?????

10:05 AM, July 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little is known about the future of Crestwood Plaza. The city knows little and Westfield has been rather quiet. The clerks and store operators I've talked to say that Westfield would like to sell, and possibly came close one time.

I also found this on the web:

4:47 PM, July 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redevelopment does not necessarily mean another Mall as we know it today. I would think any type of development is possible at this point.

10:32 PM, July 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Grewe is looking at buying the Mall.... Going to put in a Super Wal-Mart in AND ask for TIF & CID that will make Kohl's look like a bargin.

8:41 PM, July 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That will not happen on this Mayor's watch!! You can be sure that even though Grewe gave money to his campaign for office, this Mayor will not support any TIF, CDD or any kind of money for any project of Grewe's in Crestwood. He promised never to back a developer with tax give aways. He has been firm in his belief that a developer needs to spend their own money to make money. You can bet on that.

7:25 AM, July 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That will not happen on this Mayor's watch!! ....
He promised never to back a developer with tax give aways."


8:25 AM, July 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? The Mayor broke his word, why I never thought such an upstanding, thoughtful and kind man like he would break his word to all of his supporters. Do you think he has broke other promises he made when he ran for office and those he has on his website? If so please list them here so I can join what must the real world that I don't live in.

8:52 AM, July 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was amazed at how easily Greer got a 2 million dollar CID. Only Miguel and Neider asked any tough questions...and Kelleher blasted them for that!

1:35 PM, July 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said... bad! Sorry. No disrespect intended.

1:38 PM, July 26, 2007  

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