The final, and definitive meeting on the "tanks!" at City Hall today!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been to a meeting with Mr. Jim Eckridge (Crestwood City Engineer) today for the sole purpose of finding out for once and for all if the "tanks" are still there, or not!
Mr. Don Clark and I went through two file boxes of documents reference the removal, or remediation of the old tanks, and from what we can tell, they have been removed, or filled to EPA standards. At one point the City was in violation of the MODNR rules that provide for the remediation of under ground storage tanks, but that was at the City shed on Sessions St. and not at City Hall (and that was completed also.)
While we were there we also attempted to find out about the Kohl's property and the Asbestos, and tank removal at that site. It seems that the tanks also were removed, or filled to MODNR standards, but we could find no documentation that the asbestos from the bank building (was there any?) was properly removed, and disposed of. If The Bank bldg. had a boiler, and chiller system, that would have all but assured, that given it's age would have used asbestos as an insulator on the pipes. Perhaps one of our retired City engineer's can help us with that question.
Don is going to continue to follow this at the State level for us, but at this time (with the exception of the asbestos question) it looks as though we can put this to bed for once, and for all!
Tom Ford
NO. 373
Mr. Don Clark and I went through two file boxes of documents reference the removal, or remediation of the old tanks, and from what we can tell, they have been removed, or filled to EPA standards. At one point the City was in violation of the MODNR rules that provide for the remediation of under ground storage tanks, but that was at the City shed on Sessions St. and not at City Hall (and that was completed also.)
While we were there we also attempted to find out about the Kohl's property and the Asbestos, and tank removal at that site. It seems that the tanks also were removed, or filled to MODNR standards, but we could find no documentation that the asbestos from the bank building (was there any?) was properly removed, and disposed of. If The Bank bldg. had a boiler, and chiller system, that would have all but assured, that given it's age would have used asbestos as an insulator on the pipes. Perhaps one of our retired City engineer's can help us with that question.
Don is going to continue to follow this at the State level for us, but at this time (with the exception of the asbestos question) it looks as though we can put this to bed for once, and for all!
Tom Ford
NO. 373
Thank you very much for your research! The questions I had you answered.
I am kind of disappointed that there was no truth to those rumours perpetuated all these years....Tom, where should I direct my anger now? THIS IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION.
benzene - cologne
So where is the proof!
Why not post the signature and invoices for all to see?
How many tanks?
Superfund would clean up the city!
Clean up the city? Why would the city need a clean up?
thanks for ending this urban fairtale once and for all!!
hard to understand how the person who had the concerns about the tanks and claimed they couldnt get an answer from anyone did't do what you and Don did.
thanks again!
Then Alderman Maddox, an ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER, reviewed invoices for the removal of the asbestos in the Bank Building during the TIF and said at a Board of Alderman meeting that it was done properly. I think he would know what he was doing......
Perhaps we should focus on what we are going to do about Crestwood Mall. We beat the Kohl's development to death, I doubt if ANY developer is going to work with us on the Mall. If we think somebody is going to redo the Mall without a huge TIF/TDD/CID, we are living in a fantasy world.
Yes, it's time to focus on the mall and other issues. Let's move forward.
A bit of a follow up on the Asbestos question.
I am wondering why the wrecking company was paid for "hazardous waste" removal by the TIF / Tdd when they never filed for a permit with County or State?
I am also wondering just where the Asbestos wes taken to and dumped? We have the name of the trucking Co. that hauled the materials from the bank bldg. but no records of where they took the stuff.
We now have copies of the enviromental engineer's report on bore samples, and that is interesting indeed. Like I said before, I feel that the tanks were either removed, or filled, but I am now begining to wonder if they were drained into the gtound before removal / filling!
This may well be why the City Hall parking lot has never been re-done. You see if they take up the existing asphalt, and there is ground contamination, well by by parking lot, and pool.
I pray this is nor so, but we are quite a bit closer to finding out for shure.
Tom Ford
Why didn't Burke Wasson properly cite his source in his editorial in this week's edition of The Call? This seems to be a pattern with Wasson and other editorial writers on The Call payroll. They cite facts in their editorials, but do not cite the sources. Did they graduate from journalism school? It is my recollection that these are skills first learned in high school, where basic writing skills are taught.
"The three anchors produced $486,000 in 2006 from the city's one-cent sales tax alone." The Call, 08-16-2007
For the record, Burke, this was part of a quote from Crestwood City Administrator Frank Meyers as cited by The St. Louis Post Dispatch.
Folks this nit picking is just a mask for the real problem. And that's the free falling revenue at the mall. I thought Mr. Wasson's editorial was fair and timely. Seeing past the message that the city needs to start making cuts is nothing but a cheap shot. To Mr. Wasson's credit, he chose not to criticize anyone in the editorial. He only suggested ways for the city to head off trouble.
See what being fair gets you? Burke better get used to that kind of treatment as long as he reports on Crestwood. Of course I'm sure his editor Mr. Anthony can tell him all about that.
Well yes, and for the most part it is well deserved!
Tom Ford
Why didn't he properly cite his source????
Are you kidding me? This 6:01 blogger's really grasping at straws now. Ignore the real problem and desperetely try to discredit the messenger! The city probably gave the CALL and the St. Louis Post Dispatch the same numbers.
I agree with the earlier post. Cheap shot indeed!!!
Can you please explain why there has been a high cancer rate in Ward 1 and Ward 2, Crestwood Fireman, and Crestwood employees?
Manufacturing air pollution?
Chemical smell at night?
Sewer lines?
Water Lines?
dumping into Gravois Creek?
Ask your neighbors and friends in Ward 1 and Ward 2!
Ask the members of St. Elizabeth's church!
Maybe it is from the Bingo nights!
What kind of cancer in Ward 1 and in Ward 2?
How many air polluter companies in 63126?
What can cause brain cancer, bone cancer, acute leukemia, leukemia, breast cancer, MS, thryoid cancer, and birth defects in Ward 1 and in Ward 2?
Why was Mayor Pat Killoran having the water testing in Ward 1 and in Ward 2 to solve the Cancer rate?
Why did Mayor Pat Killoran ask for the EPA staff to visit Crestwood to look for solutions to the cancer rate in Ward 1 and in Ward 2?
Who knows the truth so that we can get this cleaned up?
It could be as simple as replacing the water and sewer lines down Rayburn!
Once benzene, TPH, and ethylbenzene from hazardous chemicals like gasoline leaks into the clay soil, it drops down to the ground water level to move underground.
Once in the ground water level, it may try to come back up to the surface because it cannot mix with either clay or ground water.
During a very hot hot summer, you may start smelling a chemical odor to the leaky hazardous tanks.
How do you hide the odor?
Lots of asphalt! Seal in the leaking underground storage tanks by asphalting the ground before a hot summer!!
Ask a Brownfield Engineer or a LUST or UST expert!
Why is their a LUST field next to the Crestwood Swim Club and below the City's parking lot!
Has the neighbors been officially notified by City of Crestwood?
LUST = Leaking Underground Storage Tank
UST = Underground Storage Tank
How soon can a Hazardous Underground Storage Tank start leaking?
What do you think?
What was the real reason for not building a new police station?
Bond Financing?
Hazardous Waste like Times Beach in the soil under the City's Parking lot and down the grassy knoll!!
There are no hidden underground tanks, get over it. People die of cancer for a lot of reasons including geing stuck by gama rays from distant stars that can go through lead walls.
You can get cancer from where you work, what you eat or dont eat,and the gene pool you are from. Tom has said there are no tanks and that is good enough for me, why isnt it the same for you?
Lust in the dust is better than rust. How do you hide the odor? Deodorant.
It seems that some are not happy with the answers you found!
9:26 AM
It's Pat Killoren with an e, not an a. Be respectful and spell the name correctly.
Well whatever was underground has either been filled, or removed (so say the records!)
Now as to where the contents went is anyones guess as there are no records on dispersal that I found.
Could it be that the poster who is un-happy has information we do not? If you do, please post it here for all of us.
I am sorry but I can only post what I saw in the boxes, not what I have heard.
Tom Ford
Other possible causes of cancer can be attributed to chemical fumes like Orchard Paper Co. put into the air due to insufficient stacks when at the Industrial Park by Sappington House. This was a big problem in the 1970's. BIG! Mrs. Rugh Sims of Chatwood had many problems from this. Everynight you could smell the fumes.
Where is the proof?
I would believe Tom Ford if he displayed the proof.
Wasn't Tom Ford a policeman?
Ask Mr. Kniffen
Ask Mr. Bill Eastwood
Was the tanks removed across from Kohl's?
Where did Benzene, TPH, and Ethybenze come from?
Diesel tanks or underground airplane fuel or truck fuel and oil
How many Chatwood Residences were affected by Orchard Paper Company chemical odors?
Thryoid cancer?
Brain cancer?
Lung cancer?
How many people have moved out of Crestwood because of the chemical odors?
Have you read the EPA report?
Did the Crestwood Officials and employees read the EPA report on Orchard Paper Company?
8:46 Pm blogger: Go to City hall, see Mr. Eckridge, and he will let you look at the same "boxes" as I did!
Good grief! have you become "obsessed" with this? It's what it is, go look for your self!
And yes, I was a police officer, but I NEVER tried to see anything that was not there!
Tom Ford
Sorry to get off the tank topic again. But...
The Times Newspaper properly quoted Frank Meyers. I'm just pointing out that some papers in this area are more professional than others. How can one trust a journalist/writer if they don't properly cite sources, especially when the journalist/writer has a documented past of inaccurate reporting?
9:23 AM blogger: Very good point indeed! Thre are "reporters" in this area that use their position to trumpet their agenda (or the boss's agenda,) for whatever reason.
I would stick with the Times, more often than not they get it right. Others seem to enjoy low rating Crestwood only!
As far as the "tanks" are concerned, for once and for all, go see it for yourself (whoever it is posting for the "truth!") Mr. Eckridge will help you out there, but please, make an appointment, he dosent have time to waste!
Tom Ford
‘Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran up the clock.’
How many mice have run up clocks in the city of Crestwood?
Were these clocks keeping good time?
Where did the mouse go after running up the clock?
Did the mice know how to tell time?
Did OSHA inspect the clock? Were the mice trained for this procedure?
Did the mice know about any underground tanks in Crestwood?
Did the chicken cross the road because there were underground tanks?
The mice were blind. There were 3 of them. I was told 2 of them were from Ward 2 and 1 from ward 1 in the city of Crestwood. The ones in Ward 2 suffered from genetic disclosure, passed along from their predecessors.
They also hid their cheese!
As for the chickens crossing the road. Oh, no, they were termed out of office and are using their spare time to cock-a-doodle-do
nothing but whine and try very hard to de-feather the city.
LUST = Leaking Underground Storage Tank
UST = Underground Storage Tank
ABBA = Musical group popular in the 1970's
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