Westfield to sell malls, Crestwood up for grabs!
Please click on the header for the story. Well it looks like we may find ourselves a new owner in the future. By the way, there were two excellent letters to the editor in the Times this week reference what to do with the property.
If you get a chance please read them.
Tom Ford
If you get a chance please read them.
Tom Ford
Well at least we know where we stand. Since Westfield has sold all but the Crestwood Mall I believe it is time we move to redevelop the area. If you think the mall is empty now just watch what happens over the next 6 months. And Tom you are right, the articles in the times were very good. Obviously citizens who have proactive thoughts. It is just a shame that Westfield is so far from their property here in Crestwood. Australia? I doubt that any of the corporate officials have ever been to our city. If they had they would know that we are a diamond in the rough. Yes we have been neglected because we don't sit within sight of a major interstate and all the development around us is newer. But we are survivors. Very few cities can boast of citizens with residents who have lived most of their lives there. We have many. We were the only mall in the south county area for years. and because we were successful, St. Louis County supervisor, Buzz Westfall, thought we should share our wealth with other less fortunate communities like Chesterfield, Frontenac, Ballwin, Sunset Hills and University City to name a few. By the way, now that they are "big dogs" retail wise, how much money are they sending to us? well, let's not cry over spilled milk. Let's do something about it.
So, Tom, do you think this is the beginning of the end of Crestwood as a city? I know we have financial problems, should we bail now while we can?
The issue no one has talked about is if someone buys the Mall and wants tax relief to rebuild it, will there be any support from current elected officals to lend a helping hand?
Another question is if the new owner were able to rebuild the Mall with outtax breaks, during the rebuild would the City be able to operate without the sales tax dollars from the Mall while the rebuild was going on?
I recall Alderman Maddox and Miguel being against the City having a reserve fund for such an event, they called it slush fund, but know we can see the wisdom of having one as set up by Mayor Fagan and C/A Greer. If the Mall is to be a source of sales tax dollars for our operating needs I am sure all of you would agree it will take a major rebuild. Where will the $ the City needs to operate come from with out the reserve fund while it is being rebuilt? What is the Mayor, current C/A and BOA plan for this?
11:15 PM blogger: Not on your life my friend! Crestwood is coming back on track as we speak!
"bail now while we can?" Well now what would have happened if the American's had felt that way at Concord Bridge? There would be no Crestwood!
But, thank the Lord, there is, and in a metapforical sense, we are once again standing shoulder to shoulder in defence of our homes!
Now you can choose to run and hide, or you can get into the fight! Which will it be?
Tom Ford
Standing shoulder to shoulder in defense of our homes.....? How exactly do we get into the fight? Do we take our lawn chairs and march up to Crestwood Plaza? Since you told me I can't shop at Kohls, where should I shop? Do we need military uniforms? Do we march on City Hall? What exactly are you suggesting here?
"But, thank the Lord, there is, and in a metapforical sense, we are once again standing shoulder to shoulder in defence of our homes!"
In your case the first thing I would do is get on the bus, go back to school, and learn what a " Metapforical sense" means!
That said, I think you know exactly what I mean, and I think you know what you can do. A few posts ago I suggested we give the new E/D director some ideas. That was met with some attempting to be cute, and some good ideas.
What you can do? Get off your couch, talk up Crestwood, be proud of your town, and for the sake of all that's holy TELL your Alderman what you think (that's why they get the big bucks!)
One thing though, this may cause you to use your real name! So be very careful what you say to avoid "black helo's" from hovering over your abode!
By the way I never told you not to shop at Khol's, only to help stop the free pool giveaway associated with the TDD! You may feel free to shop where you please (gasp, the Salvation Army store? Well, not quite yet!)) it's OK, I won't tell your friends!
Tom Ford
I know when someone is speaking in a metaphorical sense , but would you please tell me what a Metapforical sense is. They hopefully aren't teaching that in the Lindbergh school district.
Get off your high horse because your spelling and grammar is atrocious.
Gee, that's my "blue collar" showing through!
But you understood it, and that's all that counts!
And, by the way, it's my horse!
Tom Ford
Thank you, Walter Mitty
In the imortal words of Walter "TAKA, TAKA, TAKA!"
Your turn.
Tom Ford
It's embarassing to Crestwood that this organization wanted every mall in the area EXCEPT Crestwood. Saying it's 'up for grabs' is a joke. It's obvious we can't sustain a mall with quality shopping, so the question becomes, can it sell and become something that isn't a total eyesore such as a Bass Pro Shop or Super Walmart, or something else to cause us to rival St. Charles?
I would hope that some work is being done to cultivate something new to the St. Louis area, such as a Lifestyle Center with condominium living and service-oriented shops. We lost this opportunity at Grant and Watson, and unfortunately got stuck with a low-end living facility and still have our illustrious Value City.
We need to keep our ongoing deterioration in mind when elections come 'round next fall. I'm sorry, but I disagree with Mr. Ford that we are coming back on track, I don't see it. I also don't blame residents for wondering if they should sell their property before it has no value.
Lastly, the alderman have NO control over what becomes of that property. Sure, they can veto development plans, but that's long after the property is sold. Only Westfall has control over that property, and if they choose, they can shut it down and let it sit as a tax write-off. Look what happened down at Applebee's, properties sitting empty for years. It sat so long, the new businesses that eventually went in can't get a decent clientele to keep afloat.
3:04 PM blogger: You have a few valid point's there! I still think were on the right track to success, but as you pointed out, we will need the right vehicle to get there!
Like you, I would love to see a "lifestyle center" there, and who know's, it could happen. But whatever it is, "the plaza" as we know it will be gone!
Before we hang our collective heads in shame, let's give Ms. Brown and the City fathers a chance to come up with something, anything!
Tom Ford
How much more time do we have to keep giving this bunch of elected officals before the bottom drops out? The Mayor has been in office going on 2 1/2 yrs and hasnt made any cuts at City Hall, they were all make be the guys before him. He hasnt brought any of the new business to Crestwood, they were coming on line before he got elected. But he has supported several tax increases!
What are they going to come up with, a RFP for development of the Mall to anyone who wants a crack at redeveloping it? How would that company afford to redevelop the Mall with an annual decrease in income of over 15% per year in the last 4 yrs and a complex that is falling apart if the City Fathers won't vote for TIF, TDD or CID? Better still, why would they want to take a crack at Crestwood to make a buck?
Sorry if this sounds gloom and doom, but do you know of any developer who would want to throw several million dollars into our Mall with the hope of getting a good return on their investment? As long as the Mall has been on the market for sale you would think somebody would have grabed this jewel of South County and made a bundle of it by now. That no one has speaks volumes for what we had better be ready for with property tax increases or decreased services, or worse yet both.
I agree with some of your points, it's not doom and gloom, it's concern. How much time do we give our elected officials? The clock is ticking NOW! They need to start doing something immediately.
I think when it comes to the redevelopment of the mall, TIFs or any other tax assistance package will be seriously considered by all of the aldermen.
Whoever buys Crestwood Plaza(or if Westfield should decide to hold on to Crestwood though not likely) will certainly have to think of new and innovative ideas.
I agree also about city spending. That needs to be evaluated once again.
Crestwood to lose Dillard's
By Gail Appleson
The Dillard's in Crestwood Plaza is closing the customer service department confirmed on Monday. The department said the store hopes to close by Oct. 20.
A spokeswoman from Little Rock, Ark.-based retailer could not be reached.
The news follows Westfield Group's announcement last week that it plans to sell the Crestwood Plaza. Advertisement
11:59 AM blogger: Well there you have it! It was only a matter of time before that happened. Macy's may very well be next, so now what do we do?
Ms. Brown, now is the time to shine!
Tom Ford
What the heck do you mean "what do we do", none of us are elected officals. The question is what the heck are they going to do? Good thing we have a reserve fund set aside for this kind of event, opps sorry, Maddox and Miguel got rid of that, called it a slush fund.
Oh yes, but our Mayor has a plan and it doesnt include a tax increase, this ought to be good.
We, as in Crestwood (the City.) No were not officials, but I just E-mailed the "officials" and asked them to get something started here.
"We" can do that can't "we?"
Tom Ford
Would imagine the reason Crestwood Mall did not sell in the package is that it had to be divulged Dillard's was leaving. While Dillard's was never a bastion of retail energy from day one, it was a very nice store. Don't really think that Dillard's or Famous-Barr, now Macy's, were ever too enchanted by the fact that we handed Kohl's a key to the city right across the street while they tried to keep their stores afloat in the mall. "Too many stores, not enough people." Give them E for Effort.
I'm sure we all have ideas, but it does not look like Westfield gives much of a hoot or they would have tried a life raft earlier on. They can do what they want and probably will. What on earth are the probabilities that any more retail can survive. Does it get any better than Dillard's and Macy's and Sear's? We are surrounded by retail. How much is too much?
Another thing. It is truly the lamest thing I have ever read, when a blogger blames the Mayor and/or aldermen on the demise of the mall/local retail climate. We all know this mall thing was more than likely just a matter of time. But leave it to this total moron to keep trying to divide. Just what we need, another sorehead whose time has come and gone. For heavens sake, don't even make an effort to be positive and be a team player, just keep on riding that dead horse. Given the opportunity, you in your great wisdom and virtue would have built that 14.5 Million Dollar City Hall, which would have really put the lid on the city. I don't know how you can look in the mirror.
The BOA and the mayor have talked within the past couple of years what would happen if one or 2 of the anchors of the mall left. Dillard's was even mentioned as being on a month-to-month lease.
Did the Ways and Means Committee try and adjust the budget knowing this? NO
Are the "guesses" presented by a former employee that far out of line? Could that deficit increase sooner? Probably.
I hope the BOA do as they have stated and look into the storm instead of waiting for lightening to hit!
The current CA has had the budget balanced by previous administration. He has not had to do that part of his job to date. Hope he does his job for the coming years and informs the BOA of budget cuts needed and the amount needed to be cut - not just "guesses". That's his job!
It takes years for development to get off the ground, especially if they ask for any type of financial aid in Crestwood. Seems Grewe got all the "financing" this current administration wants to give.
Poster 8:28 Talk about beating a dead horse, you and your 14.5 million $ City hall story every time anyone points out the current problems are the current elected officals problems is sooo funny.
I am positive, I 'm positive that the Mayor said he has a plan, and I'm positive he wiill share it with us one day soon.
..thought Macy's might have been the one on a month to month lease too. I do hope Macy's stays.
I also hope the board is proactive. I think the mayor should have not used the term 'guesses' either. Whether you think these or guesses or not, a lot of work went into these projections, which I think is a far better term.
I hope the voters are given a choice for mayor in April 2008.
I hope the voters are given a choice for mayor in April 2008.
Perhaps you should run.
I hope you run
7:14 A.M.
Didn't have your coffee yet. Well that's okay. You must get up and hastily sprint to your computer, so you can lowrate the Mayor and satisfy this urgent need you have to "look back in anger." Man, you are one MAD man. Have you considered outside help? At any rate, best you realize the business of the 14.5 Million Dollar city hall redo has cast a pall on our city and will continue to do so for a long long time. For this reason, it will be referred to for many a day. Get used to it. Why don't you quit trying to escape from the truth, this very sad chapter. I mean really, what kind of morons would approve this building when the city was dead broke. Nothing our current mayor could ever do would top this. It was insane. I have a list of the names of those who voted yes for the "rental" why don't you look it up. Talk about blame. Gezzo, what do you think the bank thought of our city as they were lending us 3.5 Million to keep us on the map? As they made city hall and public works collateral? Here's a better question. What is and where was your plan for advancement?
Please go back to bed. You are one tired bugger.
That's not a very nice thing to say about South County Mike. Perhaps he can save the day in Crestwood. Look what he did for the Mehlville School District.
new advertising jingle: "Crestwood Plaza: Where the Big Stores Were."
When today's CALL had an editorial concerning Crestwood's concerns on revenues, expenses and a faltering mall, I found it straightforward until I noticed it wasn't much more than a lead-in for an ex-Alderman to write a "letter to editor" and challenge our Mayor to back up his mention that there were more cuts to be made. The ex-official wants our Mayor to provide these cuts before the April filing date and explain why they have not already been made.
FACT: The red pencil is not wielded by the Mayor, sir. It is a joint venture. There have already been major cuts all agreed upon by all our elected officials with the guidance of the CA and Dept. Heads. I do not recall these cuts being blurted out at a BOA Meeting, nor a Mayor being held so totally accountable for them. This is a serious matter and affects employees and services. It is not a time to ressurect old political fires.
FACT: The residents of Crestwood voted to retain term limits. They chose a change of scenery for good reason. They did not, however, expect to see an ex-official let contempt for the new administration color any achievements he may have made during his term. They did not figure on plain old ugly politics raising its ugly head during a time when our city needs to band together and face our worst fears. They did not expect to see a former official so publicly show contempt.
FACT: Ward 2 has a history of scrappy officials. It has on occasion been detrimental and embarrassing. Right now for instance, tag team politics is not appropriate. Why ... it will not for a minute help us find the answers we need. Will it?
FACT: Encouraging plans for a $14.5 M city hall rehab when the cupboard was bare was not an especially proud moment for any alderman who can be so concerned about "cuts" that he publicly challenges a Mayor knowing full well they are in the works.
FACT: Ward 2 Aldermen had a perfect opportunity to show concern and represent constituants in a more meaningful way when a PRIVATE Swim Club was approved to set up shop virtually in the backyards of neighborhood homes, destroyiig forever the peace and tranquility of summer and property values for these residents whose pleas were ignored. Sure, we know how the vote went, yours too. But where, sir, was the fight, the justice, the accountability, the CHALLENGE?
FACT: The best way to represent your community during and after holding public office is not usually taking the low road. It has and always will be better to be part of the solution than part of the problem. Besides, the CALL is perfectly capable of keeping the pot stirred. They don't really need partners in this endeavor.
FACT: There's a dusty road ahead. Might be a more plausible idea to try and keep it from turning into mud. Fortunately, I believe Crestwood has great soul, good heart, and hope. Today's BOA will have every opportunity in the days ahead to fully represent this hope. Encouragement along the way can only help.
Just read it too. I don't see it as a lead in. I see it as a more well thought out version of Trueblood's short sighted suggestion. Trueblood's letter looks like it was motivated by a tired hatred of the mayor. The editorial was actually good. The CALL reporter has a point. The city can't afford to offer all the expenses they have. And it may only get worse if the mall goes under. I say let's put the petty differences that Trueblood has in his letter away. Let's work together to find some cuts that can work.
Mr. Trueblood's letter was motivated by his desire to run for Mayor in 08!
I wonder if Alderman Bland knows that? Oop's, gee I guess he does now!
Tom Ford
7:14 Aug.14 blogger
Beating a dead horse eh! Must have struck a nerve. Perhaps the dead horse is your fixation with the Mayor's Plan.
What is your plan?I'm listening.
In the meantime that $14.5M city hall rehab you don't want to hear about was, without a doubt, the worst example of municipal debauchery/stupidity ever. Anyone associated with this pathetic example of progress in sight of impending bankruptcy should consider its impact on the city rather than think it is beating a dead horse. It will be a long time before it is forgottten, if ever. While the retail revenues were sinking fast (no secret), the last administration was busy with this $14.5M re-hab while approving the borrowing of $2.5M soon to become $3.5M.
I would presume the Mayor's Plan which you seem so fixated with was to try to make sense of all the extravagant things the former administration did. This, of course, would need time and patience. If you could help with your plan, it might take less time.
My plan is to follow our Mayor's plan, what is yours?
That's what I plan to do!
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