Friday, September 14, 2007

Crestwood BOA article in the South County Times.

Please click on the header to be directed to an article in the South County Times reference the last BOA meeting.

Interesting in that some of the things are not quite what was said (so I am told by the people involved,) but interesting none the less!

Tom Ford

No. 389


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who sits on this CID State Board?

Is Attorney Robert Goltman receiving a hourly rate from this CID?

9:44 AM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who owns Brinkman Construction?

9:45 AM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean the CALL got the quotes right?

12:43 PM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I read that Viking was for sale? It is in Sunset Hills. And that their board of aldermen sent out feelers to developers for this property? If so, is the Viking threatening to sue this city like Westfield is to sue our city? I believe I read where S.H. actually sent out the feelers prior to hiring the PGAV firm.

I am beginning to think that Crestwood is the place to go to sue and that none of our legal advice is relevant.

Don't suppose we could get a legal opinion on this without a big bill. So, guess someone should check this out for free. You kno, take the bull by the horns.

Tell me, what is the intelligence and effeciency quotient in the departments of our city? Is there any intuitiveness? I would guess there certainly is. But where?

2:53 PM, September 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:53 PM blogger: Indeed the Viking center is for sale. I believe the owners of that property contacted Sunset hills for their assistance in the sale.

No the Viking property owners will not be threatening the City (Sunset Hills) at all.

Crestwood on the other hand (in my opinion) blew it when they jumped in with blighting, eminent domain, and whatever else they wanted to use to get Westfield moving on the sale! We have waited this long so what would another two weeks have been?

In my humble opinion that was the ultimate threat which left Westfield with no wiggle room at all. I would love to know who the mastermind behind this "negotiating idea" was!

Tom Ford

3:48 PM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, think back two years ago when the race for the office of Mayor was going on. Think back on which man said they would be running the City not the C/A...Who was that man, it was our current mayor. This all happened on his watch.

5:53 PM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosebrook Real Estate Stockholders, Rosebrook Officers, Crestwood Swim Club Members, Crestwood Officers in the City of Crestwood, Missouri:

Bratsch, Grana, Duwe, Green, Beasley, Breeding, Kearney,Vincent, Pickel, Kelleher, DeFoe, Mehan, Will, Detjen, Scherrer, Compton, Bell, Werkmeister, Genteman, Wroble, Theiss, Leyerle, Pimmel, Wall, Topping, Hirlinger, Massie, Milford, Cross, Gardner, Longo, Becker, Cortopassi, Casey, Lavera, Grave, Drewett, Schaper, Klarsh, Cunetto, Eisner, Deutschman, Hoffman, Applebaum, Wall, Sidlo, Meyer, Ellington, Doyle, Lucchesi, Randall

6:02 PM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen this couple in Crestwood and in Creve Coeur at the TDD, CID, and at the Bond auctions meetings?

There faces sure do look familiar. I wonder if they like swimming with the Big Frog!,2933,296885,00.html

6:38 PM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:02 PM I don't know where you got those names of swim club membership, but I know it isn't from any membership list because one of those names isn't a member and other are spelled incorrectly, so you better do your homework again.

9:59 AM, September 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:02 PM I am still waiting for you to correct your incorrect list of swim club/Rosebrook members. I respectfully request you eliminate my name, for one, because I have never been a swim club member, and unless there is a "little" Cunetto I don't know about, Joe and Marian Cunetto are both deceased. Thank you. Nonetheless, please restate your comment without my name.


2:28 PM, September 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell is freezing over, I can feel it

10:11 PM, September 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction to Rosebrook Real Estate Stockholders, Rosebrook Real Estate Officers, Crestwood Swim Club Members, Crestwood Swim Club Officers in the City of Crestwood, Missouri past and present:

Elmore Riggs, Aaron Rose, Stanley G. Brooks, R. J. Adams, R. F. Hoel, W. G. Williamson, John S. Wyrsch, Maurice Johansen, Harold E. Beasley, Walter G. Brooks, H.W. Reuter, Jr., Wesley Ben Finke, Catherine E. Kruger, Eugene R. Wehking, Lee W. Kearney, Walter Zimmerman, Gary L. Vincent, Glenn H. Jackson, Jr., Charles P. Scherrer, Jr., Arthur Werkmeister, T. J. McGuire, Goree E. Waugh, William Duwe, William Knopf, Kopff, Kromm, Doug Massie, William G. Lucchesi, Nick Becker, Gerald Bratsch, Grana, Green, Greene, Lingeman, Louis, O'Keefe, Grigaitis, Graff, King, Lux, McGinnis, Miller, Oldani, Meyer, Merritt, O'Neal, Breeding, Pickel, Kelleher, DeFoe, Mehan, Will, Detjen, Scherrer, Compton, Bell, Werkmeister, C. L. Gentemann, Wroble, Theis, Leyerle, Pimmel, Wall, Hirlinger, Massie, Milford, Cross, Gardner, Longo, Saitta, Rosenthal, Becker, Cortopassi, Casey, Curran, Lovera, Louis, Drewett, Schaper, Klarsh, Cunetto, Eisner, Deutschmann, Hoffman, Applebaum, Wall, Sidlo, Meyer, Ellington, Piland, Owen, Doyle, Stock, Emmett, Driscoll, Dudukovic, Albers, Abelin, Bertelson, Blaine, Bosso, Centracco, Claridge, Cram, Degenhardt, DeGreef, DeSutter, Dickson, Doyle, Draeger, Edelman, Faulkner, Fales, Gilbert, Hamilton, Heine, Herman, Hughes, Keller, McLaughlin, Meyer

There is more to come!

12:23 AM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so awesome for doing all of this research! Thank you for devoting all of your time and effort to cutting and pasting an inaccurate list of names that really means nothing and proves nothing. We are so grateful that you have nothing better to do than this. You are an asset to our community!

8:14 AM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if you are not a member, or have never been a member and there is proof of this, why don't you blog it. No big deal. Having reviewed the list, I have known and seen many of the names at the pool. Why does everyone get their shorts in such a know.

This is a blog for C. sakes. Not an oil war.

5:14 PM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Grave,

Has your daughter visited Crestwood Swim Club?

Were you a guest of the Crestwood Swim Club?

Maybe that is where all of the confusion of naming you?

Does the guests were blue and the members were pink?

7:12 PM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:12 PM Stop acting like a idiot with your questions!!! If somebody wants to put names of swim club members on this blog, on a billboard, in a bathroom or any other place, I don't care as long as the names are correct. But if my name is on anything and it isn't suppose to be, I want it corrected. Capeech?

Cut the comedy routine and put a sock in it and stop instigating trouble.

Sandra Grave

7:53 PM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please check on
12:23 AM, September 17, 2007 for your name!

Is it there?

8:08 PM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know who was a member or a guest when you view the photos and memberlists?

Can our Public Officials make that determination?

Were they only a guest and how often?

Was a free membership?

8:17 PM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that you were handy, you received a free membership to Crestwood Swim Club?

Was this reported to the IRS?

8:17 PM, September 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not handy and the only club I belong to is the auto club.

3:44 PM, September 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask how many received free Crestwood Swim Club memberships for asphalt, tree trimming, grass cutting, and maintenance work.

It is a great way to get you in trouble with the IRS!

6:08 PM, September 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, ha - sorry amuzing. Try again.

10:07 PM, September 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be nice to have all of the political connections!

Who fills out your IRS forms?

7:57 PM, September 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must be nice to have all of the political connections!

Who fills out your IRS forms?

7:57 PM, September 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great bit of reporting by Ms Duggan in this weeks TIMES. Glad to see important stuff going on in our City is finally getting the coverage it needs. Like, I was worried to death about the two buildings that the BOA voted to spend $21,212 to tear down in Whitecliff Park! Wonder how come the other 2 local papers missed this earth shattering news and instead focused on the developments or lack of same, at the Westfield Mall?
Of course we could have gone to the BOA meeting like the owner of this blog does every couple of weeks and not have to depend on those liberal newspapers out there that hate us so much.
Nah, he is like 99.9% of the rest of us, we are to busy to go and have no desire to be bored to tears by Alderman Miguel or treated to the latest form of the Kings English by our Mayor.

6:43 PM, September 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:42 PM, September 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not bored to tears by any of our aldermen, nor does the kings english appear to be in trouble. I am, however, sad to hear any resident in this city would even bother to write on a blog and say something so critical about volunteer civic minded people trying to do their job. This is not much more than a very sad sack with an even sadder soul, terribly upset over the fact they are so translucent in their need for attention and no longer an integral part of our city. I hope this poor soul can find a support group for dismayed exers. It seems that anything they ever did that could have been beneficial, has now been lost to the dark side. How very sad!

Mr. Miguel has for my part asked all the right questions. Questions I myself want answered. As does Mr. Nieder, McGee and Roby. I applaud these questions and the sunshine they apply to our city government. I do not challenge the time they take nor the consideration to the facts they offer and ask for. This is my business and I appreciate the attention to detail these good aldermen apply. I fully feel if this kind of representation had been in effect over the last years, our city would not be facing so many detours. I have never felt that too much time or attention was happening at BOA meetings, but rather not enough. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

6:24 PM, September 24, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:24 PM bloger: OUTSTANDING! tell them like it is my friend!

Keep up the good work!

Tom Ford

7:17 PM, September 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:24 Well said, I guess that means you're behind the named Alderman and their support for the use of Eminent Domain, TIF, CDD and TID redevelop Westfield's Mall?
Also, have you ever noticed how even the Mayor gets out of sorts with Alderman Miguel when he goes into one of 60 minute tales of concern and woe, that never offer any solution's just his plea to go slow? If not, then it is only because your never at a BOA meeting.
Mr. Ford has asked many times on his blog for us to offer ideas to help turn our City around. Can you name one idea that Alderman Miguel has ever ever offered that would do same? I can't find one in the Minutes, so I guess his job is not to come up with new ideas, but to ensure that nothing gets done.
Name one ordinance that he sponsored that was passed that helped the City out of it's problem, except the Salvation Army Store there is not a single one to be found.
By the way, have you seen the lines at the Salvation Army store? They almost go around the building waiting to get in!

9:25 PM, September 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:24 is indeed behind the named aldermen. Not once have any of them embarassed their constituancy by their public behavior. Not once have they made clear by their voting posture that they are serving to protect a private enterprise such as a private swim club. As for lengthy dialogue, no one ever said facts and figures were a form of entertainment. Few would argue that they are reassured that someone has a grip on fiscal responsibility despite the fact it is not Comic Central. You see, the trust factor and fiscal responsibility is exceedingly important to some of us. To have both talents in the majority of our alderman is a touchdown. Serving with distinction is a good trait. It is one of the best "IDEAS" any alderman such as Mr. Miguel could possibly contribute. It can only enhance our future. As for tales of woe or concern. Ya know, our city has more than its share of those. Trying to dig out from under the past is definitely time consuming, sometimes boring, and uncomfortable by those associated with the past. If you are looking for excitement, you are looking in the wrong place at this time. As for introducing new ideas, besides integrity and decency, well time has not run out. Has it? Is there a deadline? Have you offered any ideas? Did I see you at a meeting?

I truly do worry when someone such as yourself can find nothing but fault with a good alderman. You would have to come up with some more "stuff" other than what you mentioned to convince me that it is not okay for each official to offer the best of their time and talent each in their own way while doing what is best for all rather than their private special interest. I am guessing your reps are the Three Muskateers whose politics are the hit and run type. This then is your contribution to their crusade. Just as soon as one of them begins to play fair ball, I will compliment them. I am an equal opportunity type. In the meantime, I hope you will blog us some ideas for our city. It would be a good start. You may also want to remember that undermining the character and service of those who serve with dignity and vote with open minds does nothing to enhance our neighborhoods, our commercial, and our property values. What it does do is show that you have some major bone to pick, enjoy foisting your sorry stuff on us, and refuse to work towards a better day because this would be construed as civic minded and fair and beneficial.

11:42 PM, September 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:42 That is so much B.S. (Barbra Steisand).

8:28 AM, September 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:28 am Listen Up blogger. It is just like you and your kind to call the truth - B.S. You obviously can't smell the difference between truth and lies. You must learn the difference some day for your sake.

1:55 PM, September 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your "truth" is B.S.

7:31 AM, September 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:12 PM, September 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Are you "amen"ing yourself?

8:10 PM, September 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Nope, ya dope.

8:50 AM, September 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Are you sure you're not Amening yourself, you ass?

8:29 PM, September 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Takes one to know one,so there baby brains, got a snappy come back to that one.

10:50 PM, September 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you admit you're an ass, so you've learned something today. Congrats!

11:37 PM, September 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, gosh ... The Amen chronicles are back. This sophoromic heap apparently has so much green that positive contributions to a blog fester his soul. Does not need to help support our city or protect our property values. Just whail and whine away cause it is such a rush!

6:13 PM, October 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:47 PM, October 09, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Take a nap my friend. This might be too much of a strain on your mind and body to continue! I would hate to looses such a valuable blogger such as yourself!

Tom Ford

6:36 PM, October 09, 2007  

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