The Crestwood Independent will remain on line!
Well folks, I have just put up another $100.00 to insure that the "Crestwood Independent" will remain on line for another year!
Please post away, keep it clean (or your gone,) and give us the full benefit of your wisdom!
Tom Ford
NO. 383
Please post away, keep it clean (or your gone,) and give us the full benefit of your wisdom!
Tom Ford
NO. 383
Thank you Tom for your service. You have given us in Crestwood the opportunity to rant, discuss and debate...and tell the occasional joke or two! Thanks again.
Thank you so much Tom. You are probably the MOST important man is Crestwood. This communication forum is VITAL to the safety, health and welfare of our community. It is more important than TV, radio AND newspapers put together. Hopefully you will achieve your goal of somehow destroying the Crestwood Swim Club in the coming year.
Run Tom Run
8:33 AM blogger: despite your feeble attempt at "slighting the blog master, I hope you too will reach all your goals!
In fact I think we should all wish the same for Crestwood! May she prosper, and may all of her detractors become mired in their own muck!!
Roy Robinson in 08! Remember friends don't let friends vote for sitting or has been Aldermen!
Tom Ford
8:33 am 9/8 You say Tom is destroying the Swim Club???? Then you haven't read all the comments or you would see that many people feel put upon by the likes of your club. Personally, I really don't care about your new pool or what people think about how you were able to fund it.
To me, the swim Club members have always felt they were better than everybody else from years ago; and I don't see anything changing. The older ones have just passed it down to their next of kin and they all feel that they are high society. That's what I don't like now as well as in the past. All it was from years ago was one big click where people socialized together like friends but talked about each other behind their backs. They were players who felt superior to us common folk. It was a game of pretend and they felt so important when speaking about how they belonged to this fabulous social club.
Now the young ones just copy that "I am better then you" attitude. They "put on the dog", at their swim club, at their church and in their homes.
So why complian about this blog and Tom destroying it, when you have all been back stabbing people for years with your little social world. You are not Ladue but you play pretend and you think you are at least for a little while with few exceptions. Just because you have some members with titles behind their names doesn't make you anything better than the rest of us. Many of you should get "over yourselves", cause it isn't working.
11:42 AM blogger: Gee, thanks for coming to the aid of a defenseless person such as myself!
Please don't be to hard on them though fellow blogger, that's all they have! Have pity on the poor misguided souls, what would their life be witout it?
I imagine that since Labor day, a great cloud of depression has settled over the cement pond. One can only hope that all the sharp objects have been removed from members homes for the long winter's nap.
Tom Ford
Tom, F.Y.I, no aldermen will be running in '08 election, just the Mayor who has turned his back on your stand on TIF, etc.
11:42 blogger must not have been invited to the awesome parties held by the swim club members, or simply can not entertain in the same lovely and gracious manner...too bad--go buy some books by Martha may find them helpful
12:54 PM I am not nor will I ever be good enough to be invited to join your group or be at your parties. Hey Pal, you too look down your nose and wonder about my comments all you want. But I have been surrounded by swim club people who live just a few blocks away from my home, and never, ever was I encouraged to join the swim club, where the "illete meet". They have always made sure that an invisible stone wall was put up between them and the rest of us.
If I were asked to join, I would be like a mouse in a room full of rocking chairs. I would be a nervous wreck trying to make friends with people who feel so superior about themselves.
I have no doubt your parties are wonderful, it's just that you all think you are so much better than most of us that nobody else has ever mattered to you. It's passed down from the previous generation.
It's a pity that you have all been so self-centered for so many years, that you have never embarked on anything philenthropic in all of your existence. Nothing to assist the rest of humanity except your own special group. No blood drives, no special get togethers where proceeds go to some people who are in need of help. No it's been all about your own enjoyment. You are the special privilege group!
Many clubs and associations that are worth their salt, always manage to give something back to society but then again, there is no society like the swim club who seeks only their own self-serving purposes and even are able to elect their own aldermen who make sure their needs are all taken care of.
Hey you have got what you want, a new pool and your own special alderman to do your dirty work, so stop coming down on me because I see things from the outside looking in where you can't see the forest for the trees.
I look down on the Swim Club anyway. I have a pool in my backyard. Why should I have to pay to swim in a pool full of public pee?
I think Groucho Marx said it best. "I woulldn't belong to any club that would have me as a member."
"Remember friends don't let friends vote for Sitting or has been Aldermen" Did I read that right? Are you saying our sitting(current) aldermen are not capable and should not be re-elected? Certainly, this is a mental error on your part and you didn't really mean that? Or maybe I took it out of context. Either way it sounds like you aren't happy with any of our aldermen.
9:13 AM blogger: Good eye! You are entirely correct, my bad!
I should have added the words "for Mayor," but alas, I did not.
I am given to understand that a sitting Alderman, and a used to was one are considering a run for Mayor in 08. If this is true, I don't see the leadership qualities in either one to do us any good.
I assure you that I am very happy with "most" of the Alderman we have today(two exceptions,) and I will vote for them should they run again.
Meia Culpa!!!
Tom Ford
Those on here who think the pool members think they are part of the elite class had best consider the less than appropriate behavior of several former aldermen who claim membership in this pool, and who did not recuse themselves at proper times. One in particular who was a train wreck and thankfully not in office now. Not to mention the dubious sale of the property by the Rosebrook President (a former alderman) during the Kohl's TIF, etc. There is not a thing elite about any of the bloggers who resist any and all doubters who blog over the illegality of this pool and the ridiculous immature postings full of hate which reek of fear and worry trying to protect the private swim club turf. No matter how hard the Rosebrook President tried to bury the truth about the purchase of property pertaining to Kohl's, and how hard he and his politics sought to bury the evidence, the truth will come out. Until this city sees the ACTUAL transfer of property, the bill of sale, the 850,000 check, the surveyor renderings, who signed the agreement, who obliged the city to this obligation, and who and who did not disqualify themselves from any agreement, will it be possible for any official to carry forward. These questions explain all the pool members noise and stress and angst. Just touch on the subject of the pool and invectives flow. Pretty obvious that most of the pool members do not have a clue as to the ramifications to skirting the lawy is going to end up costing them.
If you have to drive across MY parking lot to get to YOUR pool, then you best be ready to explain why I have any obligation to a developer who has already made their ton of money on their developemnt and just wish to try and push the money button just because the Rosebrook engineer of this fracus said it was possible. Soon as the developer proves who told them they could come and get us, I will listen.
As for anyone considering voting for the 295,000 turnover. You are way too far in "I don't have enough facts to vote" stance to even consider this vote. Rosebrook and THF need to re-noodle. Their is just too much slime in this deal to convince me of city liability. But then, if there is solid proof, names, dates, documents - bring it on.
3:50 PM I commend you on your thought-provoking words. I agree with you. But the swim club members still feel far superior to the rest of us. They swim in the same circles and amongst themselves have a superior attitude.
Previous aldermen who belong to the swim club that you speak of have acted poorly, but in their circle of associates, they are still accepted and that is all that matters to them. There are swim club members and then there are the rest of us and that's how they feel and act. They all act like friends with one another, but they all compete with each other and play the role. It's been that way for years and will never change.
I just don't understand how they can build their exclusive, private swim club, with public money. Makes no sense to me.
Ever heard of the "flim flam man?"
That's how.
"I just don't understand how they can build their exclusive, private swim club, with public money. Makes no sense to me."
6:58 PM, September 14, 2007
Don't you think it's high time we found out?
By the way, Can't say if I could ever call a group elite which has gone to such lengths to be self serving in a totally community setting, while being private. The KKK was private.
This poolie clan is not a classy outfit. Do you remember their former representative who went out of office last April. If you do, I rest my case. "A private swim club is only as classy as its unclassiest link."
9:22 PM Who are you referring to? Elmer Gantry, who sold us down the road to further his own personal needs? Then decided it was time to leave Crestwood and travel to Fairview Heights and see if he could con them in his voyage for "dictatorship" and total supremacy?
Unfortunately, again, where was our City Attorney? Making pacts with other lawyers who know the law and therefore know how to get around the law on this swim club issue and the Kohl's issue.
This whole city was held hostage while years were flying by, and now that it is falling like Jerrico, this mayor will take the brundt.
And you are right about "the flim flam man" but in this case, it would be plural "men" as he did not act alone.
Know what! I doubt the naysayers on this blog bother Roy. I'd guess he gets a kick out of their postulations and grief and attention. It's not a matter of being pro Roy or against Roy, it's a matter of being pro Crestwood or against Crestwood.And what a pity. What a waste of time.
Anyone who spends so much time being hostile must surely have back pain, gastric distress or constipation to the extent that relief comes from poison pen. To this end, I hope it works for this misguided, disallusioned wart.
Move On Dot Crestwood.
Is it possible the intent of a private swim club is to restrict membership. Limit it to one race? Is it possible this might be against the law. And the city officials who are members of this pool became civic minded when assigned the job of keeping the status quo? Hmmm, just think all this happening right under our noses, right behind our city hall, using our parking lot, picking our pockets to forward a deal. Sponsored by elected officials, members of the private pool. Clever, this business of implicating us now isn't it? Proud moment for any city. Anyone figured out yet how 3 affadavits signed in 2006 for a pool built in 2002 designate anything legal? Anyone know how many of the members live in Crestwood? Anyone had the pleasure of reviewing their income tax forms, profit loss, food, snacks, drinks, dues, membership? Anyone scoped out the backyards of neighbors of the pool and the noise and privacy level? Anyone wonder why this pool couldn't just have moved to another location since the value of 225,000 was jacked up to 850,000. This could very well be the greatest story ever told.
Just wanna get the facts, man! Just the facts. It is the perogative of all who smell more than chlorine!
11:15 PM blogger: Excellent questions my friend! Just one correction though, the old pool property was apraised at $88,000.00 not $225,000.00 (and re apraised at $295,000.00 last year) which makes it all the more interesting!
It well could be the "greatest story ever told" providing the news people had the courage to look into it!
In this town that will never happen as the news folks are liberals, and they don't go after thier own kind.
Alas we are left paying the bill while some enjoy the fruits of others labor (1% sales tax at Kohl's) to enjoy their safe, private "swim!"
By the way, I am told the majority of members do not live in Crestwood, rather in Webster Groves, Kirkwood, Glendale, and Sunset Hills.
Tom Ford
Does this pool use our dumpster and our parking lot? Our sewer line, water etc.? How did this thing ever get approved? Not just the financing, the whole thing? Somehow it just does not sound civic. Why are people from other cities using a city parking lot? Why are resident lives totally turned around every summer? Sounds like it is very sensitive subject. No wonder!
Tom, where do you get your infomation you replied with to 11:15 PM blogger?
Hey, now, 12:54 PM blogger, I know for a fact the club had a fund raiser for Ryan Patrick, 10 year old kid (??), and necessary equpiment for his comfortable existence while he slowly dies. So come on: As momma always said, "if you don't have something nice, don't say anything at all". I'll change that a bit, don't say things when you have NO idea what you are talking about.
9:46 One fund raiser? Wow? How long has the swim club been around? Gee, I hope they didn't strain themselves.
9:34 PM blogger: The info on the numbers came from copies of records in the two volume book that lays out the entire mess from the start.
As far as the majority of the members not living in Crestwood, that has been admitted on this blog servral times. The usual come back is "well they shop at the plaza when they come to swim, so what difference does it make!"
Funny, I have never seen a person in a bathing suit "shopping at the plaza" though.
As far as the books are concerned, please ask Don Clark for a chance to read them, believe me this will open your eyes completly! By the way, these are all copies of the documments reference the Kohl's TDD, CID, TIF, and how we got into the deal.
Tom Ford
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