Friday, September 21, 2007

Crestwood Pointe TDD board to meet Sept. 26, at 2:00 PM at City Hall.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Crestwood Pointe TDD board meeting is now scheduled for 2:00 PM on Wednesday September 26 at in the BOA chambers. This is supposed to be the meeting when the TDD board members vote to give the $295,000.00 to THF Realty for the property that was transferred from Rosebrook Realty Co (AKA swim club,) to the City for parking spaces.

By the way this was all done through affidavits, and not a contract, or deed transfer. So if you, like some of us think this is ridiculous please join us at the meeting. After all this is coming from the 1% extra sales tax at Kohl's, and is funds the City should be getting, not the developer to reimburse his purchase of a private pool.

It's our money here folks, so please make the time to come to the meeting and let the board know exactly how you feel about it!

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah blah blah blah. It's over. Who cares? Resume your little blog of hate now, Tom. I'm sure you and the anti-pool cretins will jump all over for this one. I don't like the pool either and will never join. But I know a hater when I see one. Hate away!

4:16 PM, September 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Hate the pool? Not a bit of it my friend! I hate the way the money was moved around to pay for it!

That is the real problem for me, not the pool, not the members but the fact that it was included in a payout of public tax money!

If you think about it you too should be livid. That's the real underlying mess of this entire deal. Some would attempt to change the focus by saying Pool Haters, and others want you to believe that we hate change, but neither one is true.

The people who have allowed this to happen are the problem here, not me or the others who are against it. Think about it and I believe the light of truth will favor you.

Tom Ford

4:55 PM, September 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so full of it Tom, you do INDEED make negative remarks about the members, the elitists, the cocktail parties, the alleged RACISM. Gosh, it is amazing how you are so quick to make sure that ACTION is taken to get the Plaza deal moving forward. Public money is being spent on consultants, Requests for Proposals, the word eminent domain is being thrown around. THis is exactly how the Kohl's deal went down. People were tired of the crappy corner with empty stores so people in the community pushed to get action taken and make sure the Kohl's deal went through. Now everyone is second guessing it and thinking there is some kind of fraud.

5:15 PM, September 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:15 PM blogger: Nice try but if you read back a bit you will see that I advised aganst going out for a RFP, or pushing the Westfield people to far!

Eminent domain? I have preached against that for as long as I can remember.

People pushed to get action? Fine now tell us who pushed an appraised at $88,000.00 delapidated pool into an $850,000.00 establishment reminiscent of a Beverly Hills movie starlet's pool?

Everyone is second guessing it because it's clearly wrong, not because of the development, but because of the fungable funds here!

I bet if you call THF, they are not happy with this deal either. After all, someone must have suggested that the $850 K would be paid by the TDD, but who?

Tom Ford

5:46 PM, September 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a supporter of our Mayor and one who is urging him to run again in 2008; Tom, please explain why you can look the other way when it comes to the Mayor's support of the use of eminent domain for the Westfield property, but are against it's use for the property at the intersection of Grant and Watson?
Please explain how you support the Mayor who, while under his watch, allowed a RFD to be issued that states the City is open to TIF, CDD and TDD, which you are against as you have stated time after time on this post?
Do you feel the Mayor is talking out of both sides of his mouth on these issues or do you now agree with him? If not, what positions of the Mayors do you still support?

Thanks for reading my post.

6:32 PM, September 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:32 PM blogger: If Roy Robinson does in fact support eminent domain, he and I will part company, and I will be searching for a new candidate!

That said however, I seriously doubt that Roy Robinson will ever go along with that idea. My take on this is that all of the board got some really poor advise from the City attorney reference this "power flexing!"

Yep they did it, and yep it backfired just as some of us said it would, but I doubt that the Mayor will be hood winked again. At least I really hope not!

Watch this blog for my comment's as this plays out my friend as I will change horses if it becomes needed!
And, thank you for reading and contributing to this blog!

Tom Ford

7:27 PM, September 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the City Administrator Frank Myers term expired in May of 2007?

If so, were are of his votes counted?

10:35 AM, September 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was reappointed. I figure his votes counted.

11:04 AM, September 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am confused. Are you saying that if the TDD monies ($295,000) were not given to THF that we, the city would get that money? I thought the TDD charged an additional 1% on purchases at Kohls and that if there were no TDD then there would be no 1% and therefore no tax for the city to receive. Besides, it is my understanding that the TDD is also going to cover the renovation to our City parking lot and therefore if there were no TDD we would not be getting that fixed.

11:27 AM, September 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:22 PM blogger: I spoke to Mayor Robinson today and he assures me that eminent domain is not going to happen at the plaza. I know you were worried about that, so I wanted to pass it on to you.

11:27 AM blogger: If we have $295,000 less to fund the TDD will end just that much sooner, and we will get the tax monies. Ask the school district how they feel about these tools, they get less also you know.

As far as the parking lot is concerned, I believe the bid's for that came in a $695,000, so I doubt that part is connected to the pool reimbursement.

The $295,000 is to pay back THF part of the $850,000 they gave to Rosebrook for the property where the old pool was, plus a 1/3 acre plot. Now that's the plot that was sold to the City for $1.00 and other considerations minus a contract, or deed to the property.

All that would be fine and dandy except that THF never owned that 1/3 acre, Rosebrook did! Now they (THF) want to be paid for it! I don't know how you sell property in Missouri without transfering a deed, or having a contract.

The latest idea was to have three affidavids written by THF, Rosebrook, and the City which purport to show a line of progression which is supposed to satisfy everyone. Well I am not hppy with it at all, and if you think about it, you won't be either.

Tom Ford

3:08 PM, September 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:27 a.m. Sept. 22nd

You haven't got it quite right. The cost of the new parking lot is one of several projects listed under the TDD, and it is completely separate from the disputed real estate transaction between Rosebrook and THF. The acquisition cost of the Rosebrook properties was not even listed on the original TDD petition to the courts.

As for the added 1% TDD sales tax, half of the revenues from that tax go to pay down the TIF, the other half go to pay down the TDD. The city receives nothing from the TDD sales tax dollars.

If there were no added TDD sales tax, then the overall sales tax paid by Crestwood Kohl's shoppers would be reduced, thereby making that store more competitive with stores that are not burdened by the need to use additional sales taxes to pay off tax increment financing debt.

I hope this explanation helps.

Martha Duchild

3:16 PM, September 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, so if the BOA approves E.D for the Mall, the Mayor will veto the bill? I mean after all, the according to the Charter the Mayor only votes if there is tie vote on an ordinance, so if he doesn't vote on an ordinance then it fails, or he can vote nor or yes, or if an ordinance passed, the he can veto the bill.
Are you saying that the Mayor would stop the a redevelopment of the Mall if it needed E.D. to get done? Or are you saying that the ordinance for E.D. will never get passed by the BOA?

7:05 PM, September 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I think you should be calling the BOA and asking that question relative to ED. The Mayor doesn't have the right to make that decision and I don't think our BOA will appreciate it very much that our Mayor is again making promises he can't keep. And as for you Tom, did you tell the Mayor that you were gong to put his comment on your blog for all to see? The Mayor knows his veto can be overridden by the BOA

9:08 AM, September 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:05 PM blogger: In my opinion after speaking with the Mayor eminent domain will not come up in discussion at the BOA for the mall.

The eminent domain remark was tossed out with the remainder of the "tools" to insure the other party knew we were serious.

I believe both the City and Westfield will come to an understanding very soon, and this will be a moot point.

Now to the veto part the Mayor is, and has been against eminent domain from the get go. He said so from the start, and he has not changed his position that I know of.

Eminent domain is a terrible way to seize property for development, but in some cases where an owner refuses to allow progress I guess it must be used. I am still against it, but I suppose I am in the minority on that one.

If we are to believe the campaign littrature of our Aldermen it goes without saying that they too are sgainst eminent domain. So I doubt we will see it on the dockett in the future.

Tom Ford

9:21 AM, September 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:08 AM blogger: first of all the Mayor never made a promise to me that he would veto anything. That question never came up. I asked a question reference eminent domain and he answered it.

Second, your right, the BOA can, and apparently will do what they wish on any given subject, so why should I call them?

As we all know a portion of the Board will never be happy with the Mayor anyway, and a couple of them never respond to my E-mails anyway, so why bother?

If you wish to, please call the Aldermen, ask them the question your self, and post it on the blog for all of us to see. In fact we will put it up as a lead header for you.

Tom Ford

9:32 AM, September 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the private pool members because they may not have been told how they received their money from THF Realty and who is really paying for their new pool.

Why should the Kohl's shoppers pay an additional 1% sales tax to reimburse the $1.4 million private pool with a new sewer, water lines, utility lines, and a new pool? Add up the numbers, it is close to $1.4 million with all of the perks.

The $1.00 sale for $1.4 million of freebies is a great return on your investment but this is public sales tax dollars not your money!

By they way, has anyone seen a copy of the $1.00 check made payable to the Rosebrook Real Estate Company aka Crestwood Swim Club from the City of Crestwood?

As of today, Attorney Robert Klahr from Armstrong Teasdale does not have a copy of this check.

So, does this mean that Rosebrook Real Estate Company aka Crestwood Swim Club still "sorta" own their 50 parking spaces if this $1.00 check never was cashed.

Former Alderman Kelleher last words in office were "I am still waiting for my $1.00."

11:25 AM, September 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"Attached please find all documents in our files that are responsive to your requests related to the TDD. I have no documents related to any payment from the City of Crestwood to Rosebrook Real Estate.

Also attached please find all documents in our files that are responsive to your requests related to the CID.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me."


Robert Klahr
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
One Metropolitan Square, Suite 2600
St. Louis, Missouri 63102
(314) 552-6683
(314) 612-2330 (facsimile)

The above response was sent to me by a Crestwood Citizen who asked Mr. Klahr for a copy of the check for $1.00 to transfer the parking spaces to Crestwood (the check is missing!)

Now in Missouri, if no money changes hands it's not a valid contract! That said, how can the TDD board give a dime to anyone without the proper documentation on file?

In my opinion, the TDD board still does not have it's paperwork streight, and should cancell the meeting once again!

Good grief, where did this go wrong, oh wait, I know, when the deal was first made!

Tom Ford

3:41 PM, September 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, are you saying the BOA, with the Mayor' approval, sent out to over 80 possible future developers a RFD that included the Cities promise to use eminent domain without any real intentions to use same?
Is it any wonder that the Mall is fast becoming empty and that Westfield is talking about legal action against the City! If at the recent behind closed door meeting between representatives from Westfield and our Mayor, C/A and Mr.Golterman, the City committed to Westfield there would be no use of Eminent Domain in order to get the threat of legal action removed, how is that going to play out when developers turn in their bids with E.D. a part of their plan?
Will this have solved anything?

3:56 PM, September 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened to catherine barret's blog?! it was such great reading material! i'm sad to see that it is no longer online....

5:39 PM, September 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If no $1 was received, is there no transaction? If the city property would be surveyed, will that space be shown as belonging to the city? When was it deeded over? How was it deeded over? Is the private pool going to be helping to maintain the city hall parking lot forever since that is the only way they can get to their pool? You see, there are lots of unanswered questions which relate to legality and for this reason our officials have absolutely no right to rule on the 295,000, to obligate this to us, as the light of day does not seem to be shining. Of course the private entities think that they have it coming. But the residents disagree, afterall, they were compromised by a secret deal and until the facts of the deal are made clear, city hall has the obligation to ferret out the facts. How plain is this?

6:03 PM, September 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the pool gave the city the deed to that property then it is assumed that the dollar changed hands but if it didn't it is a mute point as long as the city has a signed deed giving them ownership of the property. Any lawyer will tell you not to hand over ownership to anything without first receiving the money.

6:40 PM, September 24, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:40 PM blogger: There in lies the rub! This is far from a moot point as the City has nothing that we can find, and the check either was never written, or it's disappeared!

Who cares which one it is! I fully believe that to vote for this transfer of $295,000.00 at this time with no "correct paperwork" is a travisty!

Would you do it on your house if I wanted to buy it? No, you woulden't, and neither would anyone else!

Why the heck is the TDD board doing it then? This must be stopped, or I assure you that some of us won't rest until the real truth comes out, and someone end's up in very hot water!

Tom Ford

7:11 PM, September 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pathetic, vindictive, uninformed, unhealthy, uneducated just for a start....

7:32 PM, September 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TDD board is going to take on a big and costly liability. I presume they have full coverage. Best they be ready to give full explanation for any action taken. Sunshine must fall on this 'un, too.

10:58 PM, September 24, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:32 PM blogger: I, Like many others on this blog find your remarks to be noisome (look it up!)

But what can one expect from a person with so little conviction that they sign in as "anonymous?"

Find yourself another forum to whine at short round, were all stocked up here.

Tom Ford

5:39 PM, September 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you need medication. I only know of 3-4 people that sign their name on this blog.

7:34 PM, September 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you agree with Tom, it is okay to be "anonymous" if you disagree, you are a cowardly liberal. or is it kowarddly libberal or cowerdli libiral or...

6:36 AM, September 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am surprised as upset as Tom was over the cartoon the Call ran a few weeks ago, that he hasn't sent a letter to their editor, to express his outrage as he has done on this here blog of his.

4:16 PM, September 26, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:16 PM blogger: Well please don't be hurt, but I did send that letter to Mr. Mike Anthony of the "paper"

In fact Mr. Anthony called me last Saturday morning to ask if I had written it. I said I had, and we then launched into what I considered to be a productive conversation.

I believe we both came to an understanding as to what our thoughts were, and I was glad to have the chance to discuss it with him.

He offered to print it anyway (twice,) but I told him that the letter had achieved the desired results (our conversation,) and told him it was not nessessery as we had the conversation.

We both agreed to forget about the matter, and thus, no letter was printed, and there will be no further remarks from me on the subject.

Tom Ford

5:38 PM, September 26, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:36 AM blogger: Too much coffee? Get a grip! Focus on your own failings, give us the benefit of your "wisdom" with your name behind it!

Sign your real name, show some courage, or maybe rent the Wizzard of Oz, and see how the cowardly lion made out!

Some day before I go to the great beyond I hope to see you break out of your shell, and sign your name, you can do it, go for it!

Otherwise, in the words of the troop's in Viet Nam in the 60's, "it don't mean nothin" my friend.

Tom Ford

5:52 PM, September 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You read it here first, Tom Ford admits he spoke with the Great Satan, Mike Anthony, and came to an understanding. Has Tom sold his soul to the devil? What will Ms Grave think of this? What will the Mayor who will not even speak to the Call think of this?

6:15 PM, September 26, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Has Tom enlisted the aid of "the editor" to assist in the pool controversy? Will there be another soldier in the fight to halt the TDD?

Subtrafuge abounds here, no? Stay tuned for the next episode of " the one eyed old fat man, and the editor, strike!"

And by the way the popcorn will have a small price increase ($.75 cents) at the next showing!

Tom Ford

6:34 PM, September 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the pool members must park on my parking lot, how much responsibility do they share on its maintanance?

5:47 PM, October 05, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:47 PM blogger: Zero, Nadda, nothing! Why didn't you know it's a privlidge to have them take up the lot?

"Blue collar" peasant's such as ourselves are lucky they decided to move into our area!

Why, just think of the Kohl's shoppers you saw in swim suits shopping last summer and you will understand the value of these folk's!

Tom Ford

6:30 PM, October 09, 2007  

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