Saturday, September 01, 2007

"Do something, just do something...." spoken at the last BOA meeting by Mr. Charlie Berry

Please click on the header to be directed to the South County Times newspaper article reference the last BOA meeting.

Well said Mr. Berry, I like it, low key, but with a sense of urgency that let's the board know were not happy!

Seems as though the residents want something done with the plaza, and NOW!

Tom Ford NO. 380


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Attorney Charles Berry representing the City of Cretwood in this lawsuit?

What is Attorney Charles Berry agenda for the Crestwood Mall?

8:21 AM, September 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

What lawsuit would that be? Please, let's wait awhile before we eaven consider that aspect.

Mr. Berry is just a citizen voicing his concern, nothing more, nothing less. I doubt he has any agenda for the mall at all, but you could ask him!

Tom Ford

8:41 AM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha for Mayor in '08

11:57 AM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha for Dictator in 08

2:26 PM, September 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:26 PM blogger: Dictator? now thats a bit harsh is it not? Why we havent had a dictator since Mr. Greer left, and we sure dont need another one!

I know how you must hate to admit it but Martha sure has her act toghether, and she tells the truth!

Unique in this day and age, and refreshing to have someone tell us when the emperor has no cloth's on!

Now you could attempt to refute her comments, but I am sure that you, as well as the rest of us know it's the truth!

Tom Ford

3:46 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When a women speaks the truth, she is a dictator.

When a man speaks the truth, he
is a liar.

3:57 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Charles Berry lost his law license?

How much does he earn from doing all of the Crestwood Mall tickets?

3:58 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"At some point in the near future, the Crestwood Point TDD board will hold a meeting to vote on issuing bonds for the Kohl’s project. One of the transactions to be reimbursed by the bond issue is THF’s acquisition of property from Rosebrook Real Estate. I have read all the material related to this transaction and am still confused as to why the city’s representatives on the TDD board and the City Attorney would agree that THF should be reimbursed $295K for a piece of property THF clearly never purchased.

I already discussed with one of the TDD board members his reason for approving this amount, and could not have been more dissatisfied, so I am asking you Mr. Mayor, as well as the City Administrator and the City Attorney: what am I missing? Why would the city agree to be a willing participant in a deal that gives THF license to steal $295K from the TDD? Is Crestwood in the business of offering public money as a consolation prize to developers and law firms who make mistakes?

The TDD board’s legal counsel, Robert Klahr, presented an opinion which is nothing more than an obfuscation of the facts. He supports his version of events with three affidavits so full of misrepresentations that they are meaningless. Additionally, he uses a non-contemporaneous memorandum written by a former mayor as proof that THF really did buy a piece of property that just happens to be completely missing from the original sales contract. Mr. Klahr would have us believe that we should determine what was bought NOT from the original sales contract, but from three affidavits and an internal memorandum. He would also have us believe that the two parties to the transaction, both of whom were no strangers to real estate deals, somehow completely overlooked the fact that the most important piece of property (the one for which THF could be reimbursed) was not in the sales contract. Furthermore, he would have us believe that the $850K price agreed upon reflected the seller’s inducement for the buyer to acquire not one, but two properties. If the seller was so intent on selling two properties, how could he have signed a contract that excluded one of those properties? To explain away the facts required an audacious and improbable story; Mr. Klahr provided it, and in a move that defies all logic, the TDD board bought it.

It is absolutely infuriating to stand here powerless to do anything except express my complete and utter disbelief that while “on your watch” Mayor Robinson, you are allowing a developer to steal $295K from the TDD, and in so doing extend the life of the 1% TDD sales tax at Kohl’s. The city, with a majority on the TDD board, would have been completely within its rights to exclude all of the $850K THF sought to be reimbursed for its property acquisition and yet here we are handing over public money to a private developer for property HE NEVER PURCHASED. Mayor Robinson, you owe the residents of this city and Kohl’s shoppers an answer, because Mr. Klahr’s fairytale of an explanation simply doesn’t cut it. What is the real reason the city agreed to negotiate with THF?"

Delivered by Martha Duchild on 8/21/07 at the BOA meeting. Also remarks reference PGAV and the Missouri Supreme court were made at the same meeting! Ask for the meeting transcript!shmnx

4:24 PM, September 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:58 Pm blogger: What is your problem with Mr. Berry? You act as though he has no say here in town!

If anything is lost, it seems to be you!

Tom Ford

4:39 PM, September 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:57 Pm blogger: Can I hear an AMEN!

Tom Ford

4:40 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Who are you?

4:54 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad when anyone offers opinions and ideas. This would include Charles Berry or whoever. However, Charles Berry, who spoke at the 3 meetings regarding Prop 1, at Whitecliff Park,regarding the vote for funds for the city blatently refused to let members of the audience speak or ask questions at the meetings. Going to a meeting regarding city matters in a CITY facility, with the audience being city residents and not allowing audience input is not my idea of dictatorship exactly, but you can bet I was not in the least impressed and due to that dictate, not convinced to vote for his issue, WHICH IN FACT FAILED. I don't like his style and found him a little too overbearing for such a serious subject. It just was not a pleasant nor informative experience for those of us who dedicated an evening to the matter. Remember, one is not supposed to grandstand in our fair city.

5:36 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger you are so right about Attorney Charles Berry!

I donot care if Attorney Charles Berry speaks but why doesn't he state he is a lawyer and makes like of money in City of Crestwood night court on the Crestwood Mall tickets!

What is his agenda?

When you ask Attorney Charles Berry a questions? You never get an answer on his connections!

Does Attorney Charles Berry live in Webster Groves?

5:52 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles Berry lives in Crestwood, and can frequently been seen dining at Malone's with our Police Chief and Mayor. It's anybody's guess what his agenda is, perhaps to make another run for alderman.

Will Martha be running against Roy Robinson, Tim Trueblood or both in the next election?

9:28 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who gives out DUI at Malone's?

9:40 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Martha dressed like she was in the business world, then she would gain respect from the audience.

When you dress like a mom, then maybe everyone would take her serious.

10:50 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joan Robinson in 08

10:50 PM, September 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, I've also seen the Crestwood Mafia at Malone's, suckin up the suds.

Makes me so proud. Berry and Kessler - Yeah Man!

11:05 PM, September 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"If Martha dressed like she was in the business world, then she would gain respect from the audience.

When you dress like a mom, then maybe everyone would take her serious."

Other than making no sense at all (read last paragraph!) I should like to take issue with your statement!

First we hear from the "feminists" who never want to see a women held down by being "just a Mom," and next we hear from the Mom's who think it's more important to raise their kids.

I fall on the side of the women who stay at home and raise their kids! Now I know that's not very easy in todays world what with the cost of everyting, but it is the way to go if you can.

Now, since when is "power dressing" needed to talk to our elected representitives? Are you saying that Martha would be more of a player in a business suit?

I don't think it matters what your dressed in at all. Just look at some of the Alderman, dressed to the nines who couldent put a coherent sentance toghether, or who try to berate the citizens!

Martha knows what she is about, she does not need a phoney aura about her to get her point across to these folk's, and you know it.

It's time to pull in tne "cat claws" and join her side, after all it's the right side!

Tom Ford

10:00 AM, September 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:05 Pm blogger: Might I point out that in order for you to have seen thoes folks at Malone's, you would have to have been there also!

Are we to believe you stop in for a "shirley temple" and watch everyone else? (this is not normal.)

If thats true, you may be on the path to destruction! I hope not' because I would hate to loose a fine blogger such as your self!

Tom Ford

10:09 AM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, this is where you lose people. You act all high and mighty, but when someone attacks one of your beloved three, you refused to believe.

Malone's does serve food for family's or couple's who are hungry. When you go in there and see the Mayor, Mr. Berry,the chief of police or the late Lt. Walsh all the time in uniform. You have to wonder what kind of lunch or dinner policy crestwood staff members has in the rules.

We remember the name plate on the end of the both for Lt. Wash and the picture that hung on the wall above the both. It's gone now by the way. Point is that they live there just about all the time and who knows what they are working on. It doesn't look good for city offical's.

Or the fact the chief of police went to Malone's after the aldermatic meeting with the usual bunch and left late. The police department got a call the next morning from the state patrol wonder why a city vehicle was in the ditch in hillsboro unsecure and no one around. Well it's the chief's vehicle and after they were able to reach him, he said he hit a deer. Well why didn't he call someone at the police department. He has another car now and why as a tax payer are we paying for him to drive to Hillsboro?

They are all buddies and cover each others back. Why do you think the chief went from a sergeant to chief over three staff officer's. Why is Charles Berry involved with everything now.

They know they can get away with whatever they want, and have gotten away with it. It's no beter than when Greer was there, the ego's are out of control.

Tom this information comes from several employee's that work in the city and numerous residence who see the dealings at Malone's. I have to belive there is some truth there! One thing is for sure the empolyee's have no respect for people who didn't work their way up the ladder.

By the way the Mayor was at Malone's the other night and had to be transported to the hospital. When will they learn, and yes my neighbor was having a drink with his friends.

There are still major issue's with are city leaders. I hope next year brings someone new that has no history with the prior alderman, mayor's or individuals who drink at Malone's

3:09 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why don't you show some respect for once in your pathetic life and let the late Don Greer rest in peace? You're one sick puppy.

3:49 PM, September 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:09 PM blogger: Well the so called "three" will never need my help to explain anything to you. or anyone else in this town, and you know it!

I call them as I see them, plain and simple! When they are wrong, I say so (read some of my posts,) but when they are right I will defend them!

3:49 Pm blogger: "pathetic life?" Well I don't think so my friend! I am enjoying every nano second of it! I will not allow myself to be disrupted by fool's, idiot's or liberal's! And once you reach that plateau (if you ever do,) you will understand!

Mr. Greer garnered no respect form me in life, and I refuse to become a hyprocrite and praise him in death! Sorry but that's the way it is. You have a choice when you hit the key to this blog, so if you don't like it, well!

Tom Ford

4:36 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you are a hypocrite, Tom.

Crestwood Independent said...
4:22 PM blogger: You will see that there will be nothing posted about Mr. Greer that shows him in any sort of negitive lite!

Mr. Greer and I had our diferences, and I cannot deny that, nor would he if things were reversed. That said, I always found him to be a worthy opponent, and as such I respected him for it

Mr. Greer will be missed by many here in Crestwood, and it would appear you are one of them. I am reminded that one should never speak ill of the dead, and I trust that we shall not see that here (and we won't.)

4:49 blogger: I am truely sorry for your loss.

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, September 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, I dont see your point here! Being nice has nothing to do with my feelings, or yours now does it!

Tom Ford

5:28 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the South County Times, dated 8/31/07, article titled "No More Delays"

"When Mayor Roy Robinson reported that he had received a letter from Westfield officials at 4 p.m. that afternoon asking if the city could delay the RFP for two weeks, several members of the audience of the audience shouted a resounding "No." "

Tom or any other blogger,

Question - Does anyone have any idea why Westfield wanted the city to wait two more weeks?

8:46 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Once again you are going way too far about women.

First, all of the BOA are men and at a certain age.

What does the BOA expect when a women is speaking? A jacket with nice slacks and some small gold earrings.

You can't change how they think. It is the way they were raised.

A male can go up in jeens and give his speech and the BOA will listen and thank this hillbilly with mud on his shoes.

When a women speaks at a BOA, you have to look like a loan officer or like a Missouri State Representative in order to gain respect and not be called a dictator.

"Dress for success" book is based on millions of dollars of research.

It has nothing to do with feminists. It is your audience. Crestwood is conservative and expects everyone to dress a certain part to gain respect.

If you want all of the women to dress in their bathing suits after being at the pool, then don't complain about a women being a dictator.

I think a mom, a grandma, and an aunt came be referred to as a dictator because they run the household which is great.

Behind every good man is a good dictator women to keep him in line!

Mayor Roy Robinson can't take the heat when a women is right in public. He probably never had any women bosses except for his wife!

10:16 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't the Mayor at his own home drinking with his friends?

He is taking a huge risk!

10:23 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much money did the Crestwood Swim Club/Rosebrook Real Estate receive from the CID and TIF?

All everyone talks about is the TDD for $850,000.

It could be $1.4 million if you include monies from the CID and TIF!

11:40 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Martha speaks, she has the facts.

The Mayor doesn't like to be questioned!

How can THF Realty suit the City of Crestwood with three affidavits and no signature by former Mayor Brasfield?

THF Realty will suit Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club for their $850,000 or make a business deal with the lawyers?

11:41 PM, September 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Run Martha, run!!!

8:21 AM, September 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need more women in office.

It gives a balance to the politics.

Maybe the women would eat at Imo's versus Malone's.

8:48 AM, September 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:46 P.M. Sept. 3rd

Perhaps Westfield wanted the city to wait two weeks because the mall has already been sold and they did not want the city to spend money on the RDP's. Just a guess...

Martha Duchild

8:54 AM, September 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can bet THF wont respond to redeveloping Crestwood Plaza thanks to all the loudmouths!

9:29 AM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:29 Am blogger: why do you care, Do you need another pool built?

I know this may esxape you but there are hundreds of developers other than THF!

I guarantee you I don't have a problem with it if they don't bid! I think they will anyway though as they see us as a "cash cow!"

Tom Ford

4:58 PM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:16 PM blogger: Well if that's the case (and it better not be,) I am going to open a little kisok in Cty hall, right in front of the BOA chambers!

We will be renting "womens power business suits" to those who wish to speak to the Board! In fact I can think of a former "leader" who might come out of retirement to be a fitter!

Now that just how silly it is to think that women are not paid attention to! Since when do we have a "fashon plate" on the dias? Why, not since bow ties have gone out of fashon up there have we had anything but nicly dressed fellow citizens!

I know of only one person and possibly two who never pay attention to anyone much less a woman, and that's not going to change until he is voted out!

The very idea that one must make a grand enterance in full dress uniform replete with medals and dress sword befor anyone pays attention is, well.............

Now you know how I feel about "dress for success" at a BOA meeting. I guarantee you that if Martha or any other woman want's their full attention (minus one)
they will get it!

Tom Ford

5:23 PM, September 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:35 PM, September 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Heavens. You bloggers and your comments run all over the place. First we are all over Charlie Berry, then we go to Greer, and them we get on Martha's back. At least she says what she means and isn't afraid of you. She has total control over her thought processes and isn't ashamed to sign her name, which is a gigantic risk on this blog. I applaud her for it; shows her honesty and integrity which is more than I can say for all of us. You sign your name here and should be ready for human sacrifice!!! Martha isn't afraid of the naysayers as they rip her apart for her attire and other things which is really stupid.

Then Tom gets ripped for his words. I say who on this blog feels so superior about themselves that they need to be everyone's personal critic.

It's a free country ya know, and as such, people can say as they feel and even change their minds about things if they so desire.

Thank God we all don't have to be perfect to comment on this blog; if that were the criteria, there would be no commentaries.

I hope some of you do good at your day jobs, because by the time you comment on this blog, your brains all sound like mush.

I don't care if Martha wears her pajamas to the meetings and I don't really give a hoot about Charlie Berry and the court system.

Further, it's Tom's blog, you don't like him, go somewhere else and speak. Chances are you get all your news from The National Inquirer too. That in itself speaks volumes about some of you.

7:51 PM, September 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn??? Is that the best you can do?

10:51 PM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:51 PM blogger: For that blogger, I would say yes!

Tom Ford

6:55 PM, September 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forest Park Balloon Race starts next week with Crestwood Swim Club blue and white umbrella.

Do they have a permit to fly this balloon?

8:43 PM, September 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The full quote by resident Charles Berry as taken from the South County Times article NO MORE DELAYS 8-31-2007 is:

"Do something. Even if it's wrong, do something. If it's right, all the better. Just do something."

"Even if it's wrong"???

Enough "wrong" has been done up at city hall. The city doesn't need anymore.

7:13 PM, September 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see this press release from Jefferson City, Missouri?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday July 19, 2007

CONTACT: Samantha Brewer, Public Affairs Coordinator(573) 751-5313E-mail:

“In their current form, Missouri's TDDs are about as close as you can get to taxation without representation,” State Auditor Susan Montee said. "The General Assembly needs to take action or Missourians will continue to pay these higher taxes with little or no input into what they are paying or how their money is spent."

(JEFFERSON CITY, MO) – Today, Missouri State Auditor Susan Montee released an audit of Transportation Development Districts (TDDs). As of December 31, 2005, 98 TDDs had been established in Missouri, including 29 established in 2005. An additional 22 were established in 2006. While previous audit of TDDs (SAO Report No. 2006-12, issued March 2006) reported various issues in the areas of public awareness/involvement, accountability, and compliance, the 2007 General Assembly made only one change to the TDD statutes addressing issues reported in the prior audit.

TDDs are established for the construction of transportation-related projects, and governed by a board of directors with the authority to impose sales taxes within that district to pay those costs. In 95 percent of the districts the property owner/developer petitioned for its creation. All of the districts have additional sales tax on retail items sold within the districts' boundaries imposed by the property owner/developer. This results in higher sales tax than the retail establishments outside the district's boundaries. The TDDs are created without public input and sales tax is increased without a public vote.

Officials or representatives of 97 of the TDDs reported total estimated transportation project costs of over $923 million, while 87 of those TDDs reported total estimated revenues of over $1 billion would be collected over the lives of the TDDs.

The current audit found issues in the areas of construction contracts and project management, professional services, budgetary matters, and financial reporting. Competitive bids were either not solicited or appropriate bidding procedures could not be determined. Written contracts related to the construction or construction management services were not always prepared or approved in a timely manner. Requests for proposals for various professional services were either not properly solicited or documentation was not available to provide assurance that such proposals were solicited.

Various matters were noted related to transportation projects costs claimed for reimbursement by developers. For example, it appeared the costs claimed by a developer for reimbursement were included twice, overstating reimbursement requests by approximately $123,800. In addition, in one district, customers of the major retailer in the district were incorrectly charged sales tax at a rate higher than that approved by the district for an 8-month period, resulting in an overpayment of sales taxes by the retailer to the district of approximately $60,000 for this time period.

11:20 PM, September 06, 2007  

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