Ladies and Gentlemen, I just received a call from City Hall telling me that the TDD bond meeting (Crestwood Pointe TDD) has been cancelled due to the inability of participants (other than us) to gather all the figures together!
I will advise you of the date when it's re-set in the future, but I am told it will be at lease 7-10 days from now.
Interesting that after all this time the bond attorneys, the bond sales firm and the developer still haven't got it ready to present. One asks the musical question "Now what?"
Tom Ford
No. 387
I will advise you of the date when it's re-set in the future, but I am told it will be at lease 7-10 days from now.
Interesting that after all this time the bond attorneys, the bond sales firm and the developer still haven't got it ready to present. One asks the musical question "Now what?"
Tom Ford
No. 387
I reviewed about 300 pages of Crestwood Point TDD documents from Armstrong
About 50 pages were about Attorney Robert Klahr's fees, Lewis & Rice fees,
and Attorney Robert Golterman fees.
Is Attorney Robert Golterman collecting from the City of Crestwood and from
all of the TDDs, CIDs, and NIDs?
Who is Attorney Robert Golterman representing? Developers? Districts? City?
How many permits are being issued from St. Louis County on the TDDs and
If a TDD and CID is a State Separate Political District, do they have to get
permits? Where is the permits required in these documents written by
Armstrong Teasdale and Gilmore Bell?
Did any one attend the BOA meeting last night? Sure would be nice to have some current news posted on this blog other than OLD Stuff like that posted
by 6:02p.m.
6:28 PM blogger: Nope, but I will give you the short version of the meeting.
Very few people attended, no newspaper folk's except for the South County Times, and a few of the City officials didn't make it either.
The Mayor read the letter from Westfield that sort of stated they were not at all happy with our blighting, and eminent domain ideas, and they may look at leagal recompence to regain their lost stature.
Any other questions?
Tom Ford
Sterling Levy, a stringer from the St. Louis Post Dispatch was at the Crestwood BOA.
Most of what you said is Correct. There were few people there and several city department heads were absent as was Alderman Miguel. However, Mr. Golterman read the Westfield letter not the Mayor.
Is it true that Crestwood Point TDD made reference to paying off Watson Plaza which is next to Kohl's?
What is the total lawyer fees?
Is this why the TDDs are at a shortfall like Kohl's and Sam's to pay the lawyer fees?
Is it true that the St. Louis, MSD, and MoDOT permits are not issued because our Director of Public Works is authorizing everything?
The St. Louis County has a legal agreement with the City of Crestwood for Building, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing permits.
Director of Public Works of Crestwood can only sign off on Landscaping.
So why can't anything be done for the poor Crestwood Residents behind the Sappington Square?
No permits?
Is it true that the property owners are liable for not having all of the permits not the developer?
Is Flash Gordon coming to the rescue of City of Crestwood financial crisis?
The Mayor and Alderman used to complain that we didn't have enough sales tax for the city.
Now, the Developers has control over the TDDs and CIDs sales taxes.
Will we be changing the name to Developer City? or Attorney City?
By the way, an Attorney is an Officer of the Court!
"leagel recompence", sounds like the City is getting an invite to appear in court real soon. Wonder how much this is going to cost us?
Guess the Mayor's promise of no eminent domain except over his dead body is just another one of his broken promises. Oh well, at least he has settle all the old law suits, but now he is replacing them with his own. Can't wait to see who he blames for this screwed up mess that has happened while on his shift.
What a comedy!!
It is not the Mayor's fault.
It is the City Attorney Robert Klahr's who tells the Mayor what to do at a fee of $110,000 a year plus collect attorney fees from the TDDs, CIDS, and other expenses we are not aware of at this time.
Under Matter of review.
Meeting is today on Crestwood Plaza
Crestwood — The owner of Crestwood Plaza and city officials plan to meet today about redeveloping the mall.
Westfield Group, the mall owner, has threatened a lawsuit because the city wants redevelopment bids for the mall. That would be detrimental to Westfield's economic interests, according to a letter sent Friday from Westfield. The letter was read at the Board of Aldermen meeting Tuesday night. The 48-acre mall has been put up for sale by Westfield.
The aldermen voted on Aug. 28 to begin the bidding process. Sales and tax collections at the mall have dropped 30 percent since 2002, and Dillard's plans to shut its Crestwood Plaza store next month.
Can Westfield suit PGAV and Gilmore Bell law firm since they are the City of Crestwood consultants?
Gilmore Bell law firm brags about $7 Billion of bonds.
"the bond attorneys, the bond sales firm and the developer still haven't got it ready to present"
Who told you that was the reason why the meeting was cancelled?
Westfield has corporate assets of $53.2 billion and profits for the first six months of 2007 of $1.67 billion.
Don't think PGAV and Gilmore Bell law firm would stand a chance.
Can the City of Crestwood also be included in any legal action? Hmm
Previous administrations had a much better communication level with Westfield. Wonder why? hmmmm
Ha Ha Ha
You would have thought the elected officials of our City would have learned by now not use eminent domain after what happen to them when they tried to used it against the Creston Center.
I thought current mayor was against it's use, that's what he said when he ran for office. He was pretty upset about what City was doing to Creston Center, why was that bad then, but now it's ok to use it against Westfield?
I know the owners of Creston Center were handing out Mayor's campaign stuff, maybe Westfield wouldn't help him get elected? Hmmmmm?
That mall owner from down under is a big Gorilla.
The only thing that will stop them is public outrage. If they sue Crestwood I think enough people would stand up against them that they don't want that kind of bad press.
They successfully killed the Sunset Hills development. Lot of angry people over there. They have more enemies in this part of town than friends.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Please notice the $850,000 -- same exact amount as the sales price for Rosebrook Real Estate aka Crestwood Swim Club sales to
THF Realty!!
WASHINGTON — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose campaign is returning $850,000 in contributions linked to disgraced fundraiser Norman Hsu, indicated Wednesday that donors who contributed that money could donate to her presidential campaign once again.
Who owns the land under Westfield?
Is there a land lease?
Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Gary Vincent and Robert Golterman Real Estate Company?
Chris Pickel Telecommunications Company?
Let me see if I got this right. City Hall called you about cancelling a meeting, yet three aldermen vote against notifying the media of meetings. Why the special treatment for you.
9:20 Am blogger: Please don't feel slighted. I got the call because they knew I would put the cancellation on the blog.
I also E-mailed as many people as I have addresses for to let them know. As most people haven't any interest in tha TDD meeting, there was no sense in a reverse 911 call, so they did the next best thing.
In looking at the "paper" this week, I believe the three no votes were exactly the right thing to do. Where was the reporter Tuesday night? And if you notice they still slamed Crestwood in spite of the vote!
Sorry, but I woulden't tell them what time it is, they haven't earned it!
Tom Ford
So the answer is yes, city officials are giving you preferential treatment. Sorry but I didn't see you at Tuesday night's meeting. Did I miss you.
10:02 AM blogger: The answer is NO! I haven't seen your blog listed, so unless you have a phone list to call, why would they call you?
Sour grapes my friend? Are you "out of the loop" now, or just wishing you were back in?
Turn on the telly, relax, and we will do our best to settle your blood pressure down for you.
Tom Ford
I talked with the CALL reporter yesterday. He was in Sunset Hills Tuesday night to hear more about the project at the Viking, which is being sold. PGAV, from what I heard, is involved in that also. Could that new development hurt anything new at the mall in Crestwood? Will people want to some to Sunset Hills instead of Crestwood? Should PGAV be consulting on two competing pieces of property? Questions that need to be asked.
10:02 blogger: I re- read your words dripping with venom, and I am remainded of a poem that tells me that this too shall pass!
Tom Ford
IF..... "Rudyard Kipling"
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
10:46 "only thing that will stop Westfield is public outrage" You are kidding, what are you going to do not shop at the mall? Guess who that hurts, it hurts the City. How about pickets, who does that hurt if sales drop, the City. Focus people, please focus. The days of smoke and mirrors are over.
Tom, you get calls from City Hall because you have a blog and a phone and email list so you can notify people about meeting changes? And a paper can't get an email from the City doing same?
My, my, my Tom, you are a part of the Crestwood incrowd" aren't you now.
4:49 BLOGGER: And I take it your not? In the words of one of your fellow bloger's "Sad, very sad!"
Please try to get back to your former glory, for the sake of your health!
Tom Ford
Sad that this person is not part of the incrowd? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you an elitist, "incrowd" snob named Tom. Congratulations, Tom. You've made it to the highest degree of bias. Kind of reminds me of one of my alltime favorite movies, Citizen Kane. "What would I have liked to have been? Everything you hate." This blog is nothing more than an arm for the mayor's agenda. So consider the source before you read the words defending his buddy. Tom will never oppose anything from the mayor on this blog. So how can we trust him to judge Crestwood with unbiased eyes?
7:12 PM blogger: SAD? I will tell you what's sad my friend, and that's your cowardly approach to this blog!
Sign your name, or face the fact that your comment's mean nothing to me, or anyone else!
Tom Ford
Mayor Roy Robinson complained about not having enough sales tax dollars.
Now he gives all of the sales tax dollars to Armstrong Teasdale law firm, Lewis Rice law firm, and developers.
Sign your name poster 8;50, .like Tom said, or your words mean nothing. Fact the fact!
Well now let me see ... someone on this blog site thinks the Mayor is singlehandedly responsible for an approaching holocost. Never mind that the votes to approve or disapprove action comes from 8 aldermen, not the Mayor. Never mind that the City Attorney is the point man for legal advise and is receiving ample pay for same.
How long have the people involved known of this cancelled meeting? Why are the parties not prepared? How long has this been on the bulletin board? Is there a time element limiting the time frame? If so, is there foot dragging here? Shall we ask the City Attorney to advise the board of all constraints? Shall we ask the City Attorney why his advisorial capacity is so limited? Shall we further ask him if he has any conflict of interest issues in this or any other city matter? Do we need to give this man a job description? Does he have one in the other cities he is city attorney for?
Those who want to blame the Mayor because the powder room is out of Charmin, need to stop long enough to realize the quality and quantity of our legal advise seems to be lacking some serious dedication. Does one have to wonder why lawsuits lie so often just below the surface? And why they so often spring out of nowhere? Is not the City Attorney supposed to be our armament against lawsuits? Or at the very least, use his legal experience and education to investigate and advise? Who exactly is he representing? Maybe we need to dwell on this until we get an answer! Obviously our city needs assistance from a qualified and dependable attorney. One whose agenda is parallel to ours.
Don't you think it is time to ask where was the legal wisdom of the city attorney regarding closed door meetings such as the one meeting where the aldermen voted as a consensus rather than roll call - please, what role does the City Attorney play if not to advise about secret meetings, consensus votes? What is he being paid to do? Leave the city to sink or swim? Please, what is the reason to have a paid city attorney if he does not protect our aldermen and mayor against obvious mistakes and potential lawsuits? Both of which seem to have become part of our city scenario. Is he not supposed to intervene when there is the possiblity of liability and bad advice from entities such as PGAV, developers and zoning board members who are members of a private swim club which is totally dependent on the city hall parking lot to reach their pool and who seemed to have involved the city in their obligation to THF.
Aldermen who agreed this Sunshine Law issue be put in permanent form must be wondering what happened. Surely the legality of these closed meetings is CLEARED with the City Attorney first! And, for that matter on the issue of regular meeting dates, newspapers have the ability to find out when city meetings are being held especially when they are on a regular date. Since when did this suddenly become fodder for feeding the fury? Blame the Mayor. Blast the city! No Pulitzer here!Surely notifying newspapers of our REGULAR meetings is something that has happened for years, but suddenly became an exaggerated column by none other than the editor of a local free newspaper whose claim to fame seems to be to climb on every opportunity to run down a city who has 8 aldermen, 1 mayor and 1 City Attorney who apparently did not have the wherewithall or time to simply call this newspaper and stress our desire to comply with whatever need they seem to think is so important. To assuage the gods.
If PVAG suggested the city send out letters to developers and the city gets challenged by Westfield -then pray tell where was the City Attorney?Where does this liability lie? PGAV or who? What is the City Attorney being paid to do, let the Mayor take all hits for all mistakes and relieve himself of all responsibility? Transparent government - this sounds pretty good to me. But frankly I don't buy that our aldermen are trying to keep issues from the public. If they are, then it must have been at the discretion of the City Attorney because where I come from it is his duty to make sure the i's are dotted and the t's crossed when it comes to LEGAL! Right now, if I was an alderman, I would be wondering what other surprises might be on the horizon. As for the 295,000 issue, think this board better step beyond the threat of discovery on this. There are details here for which they are responsible and which I question. Time to get the legal help required to serve the residents of Crestwood. Not time to dismiss it just because of a full plate. Lost revenue, a for sale Plaza, etc. etc. are all important, but this 295,000 issue could very well be the biggest snafu of all time. There are lots of twigs on this tree. No longer can the originators of this deal hide. Granted they have moved from the city now, were a former alderman at the time the Kohl's deal was made and apparently did not assume that up the road questions would loom. But, surprise, there are those who did not fall off a watermelon truck!
If you want to toss around the "secret" meetings dealy then you are most likely beside yourself with grief and wonder on the secrets of the whole pool fiasco. This missing sunshine. Why not let the CALL find out all the answers for us, search for the sunshine. This is what they do best! Surely they are up to the challenge. Maybe they could call Jean M for assistance. Surely it is more important and professional than riding the dead horse of dragging down our city while we are trying to work together to get things moving, and provide our employees a place to work where there is no rancor.
Well said. I highly doubt any alderman suspected what they were doing was against the Sunshine Law. I agree. The blame for that "faux pas" is squarely on the City Attorney. He's argued his way out of trouble before and I expect him to try again. But I really think the board should reconsider his contract when it comes time to renew it again. He is obviously giving them questionable advice. And honestly? Who are you going to trust more with the Sunshine Law? The city attorney? Or the attorney for the press association that makes her living studying the Sunshine Law and advises cities and papers of all size in the entire state? Mr. Golterman is very knowledgable on city matters and that's respectable. But is he as knowledgable on the Sunshine Law as Jean M? I don't think so.
The board acted on bad advice. It looks like this consensus voting has to go, at least in closed meetings.
As for the CALL, I may not like a lot of their opinions. But I respect them for bringing this issue out to the public, no matter what their bias might be. The city certainly wasn't willing to tell the whole story. The CALL filled in the blanks for us on this. Their motives aside, that's admirable.
Also well said. And yes, we need to know our flaws. But we also need to know how to avoid these flaws. We cannot continue to have the Mayor blamed for everything. He is not to blame. This blame game does not make sense. It makes our city look like Barneyville. We cannot continue to depend on a biased paper to be the town crier. The City Attorney and City Administrator are the responsible parties to this end. If they cannot keep our powder dry, it is time to find who can. They are accountable to us and our elected officials. It does not get any simplier than that! Every meeting seems to be High Noon! Come election time, rest assured, those with the big guns will be asked the big questions.
Here here!
Agreed it's time to hold the City Administrator and City Attorney accountable for this situation. Not saying heads will roll. Just saying they need to wake up and smell the coffee. These back door meetings just won't do.
The biased newspaper, I have a reason to believe, serves a purpose. Without them, we wouldn't know the warts and all face of the city. Sometimes it takes the most biased of people to shine the true face of a city to the rest of us. It's not pretty. But it is needed. Take it with a grain of salt though. They may work hard. But remember. They don't live here. So how much can they really care? Nonetheless, the CALL is a "necessary evil" if you will. Sometimes we need that mirror shined on us. Sunshine, they call it. I beg to differ sometimes. But I am glad the bastards are around to keep us in check. This is one of those situations. The true test is not for them or any other biased paper from out of town. That test is for the city. How they react and act to this will truly tell the tale.
Let the SPIN begin!!
Strange how these very same arguments to support people at City Hall in the past were roundly laughted at and discredited but now are being used as a comon sense approach to support the new mayor.
Just recall what the Mayor said when he asked for your vote, about having an open government and how he would be in charge and because of his training in Federal Law enforcement, we could all be assured that while on his watch there would be no law breaking going on.
The most experienced Alderman with the longest time in office is Alderman Miguel, four (4) years. He had to have known what they were doing was breaking the law. All he had to do was vote no for the closed meeting to protect himself if the meeting in fact should not have closed. It's been done before.
Guess who the latest victim for the Mayor's blame game will be?
Why should we trust a new City Attorney that this Mayor picks?
11:47 The mayor picked the one we have now, so I doubt that any other city attorney he picks could do a worst job. Plus whoever is chosen by the mayor has to have approval by the board of aldermen to sanction the appointment.
Personally, I have never heard of a city attorney whose primary job it is to advise our mayor, or any mayor in any city, and their respective board of aldermen, and allow an unlawful breach of the law to happen and not realize that he failed in his job.
I am really upset about this as I have been to board of aldermen meetings for many, many years, from Frank DeStefano to the present, and what in name of Heaven does Rob Golterman do?
Those of you who want to stick it to the mayor can go ahead, but if Roy would have picked someone else when he was first elected, that board of aldermen he worked with then, would have never approved it.
Rob Golterman was City Atty. from the previous administration and Roy could have picked anybody but knew what he was up against.
He basically gave Golterman a chance, and in my opinion, we were snuckered and are paying money for somebody who should have never kept such an important position.
You can't expect Roy or this board to know the ins and outs of the law. Mr. Golterman gets big bucks from this city and others he works with and I think it is all about the money for him. Just my opinion. Maybe with a different city attorney getting involved, we wouldn't be stuck with swim club issues and all the tripe that came with it. He WAS AROUND BACK THEN ALSO REMEMBER.
RE: Crestwood City Attorney
Wasn't he an Alderman from Ward 2 and served with Gary Vincent, President of Rosebrook Realty Co., owner of the PRIVATE Crestwood Swim Club located behind city hall in what seems like resident backyards and using our parking lot to get to their pool. Check out whose reign this all happened under. Check out agenda affiliations.
Check this out:
See how many members of this PRIVATE swim club, which has to use our city parking lot to get to their pool, have served as aldermen and members of the Planning and Zoning Boards. Go ahead and check this out.
Find out how and why and when the city and the $295,000 enter into all this. Let's get some firm facts on this? Maybe call in the architects of the deal! See the paperwork, the deal.
How 'bout if:
We ask to review and learn about city attorney bills/charges, etc.
What is the job description?
Based on affiliations, is it possible the position could slip into political and not necessarily be a logical or sound choice?
Let's check out other cities and find out their criteria. See if our concerns are valid.
On how many fronts does a city attorney charge us? How many lawfirms are mingled with city business? Total legal picture.
If a city Attny has a personal affiliation/past/connection with our city, is it to our advantage or not? Are efforts made to help reduce costs in services?
Is it just other legal people whose hands are stuck in our pockets? Why so many legal hands?
Do we maybe need to get a firmer grip on this legal drain to our city? Like ASAP!
If a City Attny is not the one to advise the board that the heavily touted "Sunshine Law" is being abused - WHO IS?
Where is a City Attny when the legal stakes are the highest, for instance, concensus voting rather than roll call, Secret Meeting structure/definition?
Perhaps we need to consider some of the answers and facts and problems listed because it appears we need timely legal advice, guidance and grit that we thought we were paying for, but are possibly not receiving. Perhaps our legal advice needs to be managed by a party with credentials of unquestionable neutrality,who can be counted fully upon to stick to non political agendas and who is willing to lead our officials away from barbed wire, and who has the time. Maybe those who are so eager to blame the Mayor or certain aldermen need to look a little further before vocalizing.
Stop to consider:
What percentage of our budget goes to legal - to a city attorney, other legal? Have we reached the the OUCH Factor here? Is it not time to access the damage, make changes? Be responsible?
How many times do we hear a less than firm "I think" or "maybe" at meetings. What exactly does a city attorney do, what description is put on their bills describing service?
Why were so many legal invoices from other than city attorney FOR SO MUCH MONEY sent to the city in the former administration which said "for service rendered" but NO description, no scrutiny???
What does it take in this city to see red flags?
While some on this blog are determined to run down the Mayor, they are virtually doing nothing more than solidifying his position. We certainly know what bad leadership is, we have witnessed it first hand: lack of integrity, mismanagement of funds, huge lawsuits and legal bills, immense Letters of Credit, scandal at city hall, Mayors resigning, Aldermen acting like misfits, wasted time and money spent on a mirage of a Taj Mahal, and now we see ex-officials blue with rage on this blog condemning every current rock in the road and trying to defend the indefensibles perpetrated during their service. Oh yes, we can define unqualified leadership. All this while there were attorneys on our board. Imagine that!
Those unable to slam anyone but the Mayor, who think he is incapable, and on and on need look no further than their cronies. This is a one-horse town folks. Appears we'd like to keep it simple, solvent and in the realm of pleasant. We have grown to expect that those of you who are not big enough to get beyond cynicism are going to keep harping and doing little to team up.
Put on your collective thinking caps. Ask you own questions. Get some anwswers. We are trying to economize, stay out of trouble, put our city on firm footing. When some of you get over yourselves and lay off the Mayor, and anyone who even acts like they support the Mayor, you might find out that the bigger fish in this city is preservation. And, you know, your property will suffer just as much as mine if you don't act and think and talk responsibly.
If you want to look into a very good attorney (for City Attorney) who lives in Webster groves, and is a professor at St. Louis U. May I recommend Gerard Fowler, ESQ.
Dr. Fowler has no axe to grind in Crestwood, and would make an excellent choice as he is now an arbitrator of some renoun!
Tom Ford
Why don't you make that suggestion to Roy during one of your closed-door meetings with him.
3:08 PM blogger: Great idea, why the next time we have a clandestine meeting in "the bunker below City hall" I will do just that!
Meanwhile I am going to send the triangulation vans out to find your computer and place a "bug" on your out going mail (best wear your tin foil hat!)
Those of us in the "inner circle" have that power you know, so beware!
Now if that dosen't illistrate the sillyness of your remark, I don't know what will.
Tom Ford
You defenders of our Mayor are such a laugh. Roy has been in office going on 2.5 yrs, if the 1st boa was so bad that he couldn't replace Rob, why didn't he do it after his 1st year was over and he had a "better" boa to work with? Don't forget that during the year of the "bad" boa there was an alderman who voted against going to closed session that was about real estate. Don't say it was the boa fault, remember also that Roy fired a bunch of the citizens that sat on boards and the boa didn't stop him. In fact the only time the bad boa stopped him was when he tried to get a property tax increase on the ballot shortly after he was elected.
6:02 PM blogger: Do we have a "former official" here? Wow, your going to pop a blood vessel here if your not carefull!
This may also be a wife of a "former official" (ALA Mrs. Edwards) who is coming to the defense of the grand pooba hubby.
Whatever the case, you will have to face the fact that the prior board had no intention of working with Mayor Robinson!
Like it or not, Mayor Robinson is doing the job! He has brought us back from the horror's of a 3.5M loan at the bank, and yes, "under his watch" he has moved the City forward!
Sorry for your angst, but please remember that tomorrow will be worse (the Rams will loose,) so please remove all sharp objects from your home before you turn on the game!
Tom Ford
6:02 PM Maybe Roy should have released Mr. Golterman from his duties as you so state; but then again, maybe he still doesn't have enough votes from this new board to do it. Do you know if he does or not????
If you think it's that easy to get rid of people appointed by a mayor, maybe that task should have started long ago, when Don Greer was appointed CA and Police Chief by Mr. Fagan. Then we would have never had to worry so much about the here and now. He and his lawyer friends reaped tons of money from this town and his $850/month car allowance could have gone for something useful amongst other things he reaped. We had more police cars than we knew what to do with. Many of them sat in the parking lot for months. What a guy!
Our dwindling sales tax should have been spotted at the turn of this century, 2000. The department heads all knew it and also knew about a lot of things but were not about to circumvent the mighty City Administrator at that time.
Roy wasn't around then, but Golterman was and was keenly aware of the swim club, being a member himself. There were a ton of lawyers who belonged to that fraternity that were willing to devise a plan while being paid a lot of money to get the new pool. They all knew just how to do it too.
At least this mayor got rid of Mr. Greer and his sweetheart. Got ridiculed up and down for that one too.
If that's all you have to comment about, well chances are you wouldn't like this mayor if he walked on water.
My view and how I see it.
I am going to quit reading the funnies 'cause I'd honestly rather just read the negative comments on this blog about Tom and Roy. It makes me laugh and realize just how profound and effective their leadership is. These two have sure as heck got someone's goat and the sound of their broken record is music to my ears. It means our city's progress is enviable and someone out there just can't handle it.
Thanks for the laughs and for your past service. Hope you enjoying the rest and the time to bone up on Roberts Rules of Order.
Let's Hear It For Tom and Roy. Here's to the City of Crestwood and the guys with the white hats.
Wow! you really need to open the cretswood pooling blog and see whats on there now!
What is the pooling blog mentioned in previous blog?
Tired again? Boy you really should get some sleep! The best is yet to come "binkey!"
Tom Ford
tired of this blog being used by some troll who only has one issue and that is the swim club.
10:13 PM blogger: Well you do have the opportunity to start another topic you know. So, what would you like to bring up? The TDD, The CID, The plaza?
Go for it my friend, it's your chance to shine!
Tom Ford
I like that word troll. Sounds creepy and dark and organic. But,I got to thinking about the comment and decided that bloggers don't seem to be as upset over the Plaza as over the pool. Thus giving the troll a wide berth to bring up the pool. Think the Plaza will somehow find its way. The pool however is pretty much a classic travesty. Self serving,and dangerously destructive to a city having been approved in the dark under clandestine trollish doins, by staged boards determined to undermine any chance of integrity. Greed, nothing seems to matter in a situation like this unless their is a maze of hands under the table and an attorney whose claim to fame is wheelin and dealin to the dueling banjos in the dark. Anyone who thinks this will stop being a topic of blogging is dreaming. There is no defense for that pool and apparently no reprieve.
Talk/blog/whine all you want, get over it. Do you really think that the swim club will have any ramifications from your investigation? The only entities that are involved would be the city and THF. Try and use your energy to find ways to keep the services you have in Crestwood. I for one expect higher taxes. You get what you pay for...
10:51 PM and 8:33 AM bloggers: I believe there is a "repreve" for this pool travisty, and that is for the pool folks to open it up to Crestwood Citizens minus the membership!
Let's face the fact that this is the right thing to do, because in the long run we, and every un-suspecting soul who shop at Kohls will pay for it.
Open it up to the resident's, give them a safe place to swim minus the need to send in a 4x6" family photo for "identification purposes" and I believe all will be well.
Well, with the minor exception of the folks on Bali Ct. and other homes in the close proximity, but their hearts were broken long ago anyway.
I trust there is a fully reserved place in the nether regions for the dual membership Aldermen, P & Z members, and whomever else pushed this through!
Tom Ford
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