Sunday, September 09, 2007

Steelers 34 Browns 7! And the "LAM's Loose!"

The bride of the Crestwood Independent can fly her flag a bit higher this week folk's as our football team wins again! Now why would we like the Steelers you say living in St. Louis? Well, they are a "blue collar," running team playing the old fashioned "smash mouth football!"

Of all the teams in the NFL, that's the one that represents our beliefs the most! We never back down, we run straight ahead at a problem, we overcome adversity, and we never quit!

That said, we came from "blue collar" Steel town's (Pittsburgh, and Cleveland, and were proud of it,) where people knew how to work hard, and play hard! I never saw a "quitter, or a shirker" growing up as a kid, nor did my wife!

The reason for this rant? Well let's just say that the petty problems of Crestwood can, and will be overcome, and we will all be better for it!

Tom Ford

No. 386


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't mean to steal a moment from your Steeler's, but did you hear that Crestwood revised its Sewer Lateral Program?

It's now a royal flush...

sorry, I just can't help it.

9:13 PM, September 09, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

That's OK, good one!

Tom Ford

5:40 PM, September 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much money is Attorney Robert Golterman earning as a City Attorney?

How much money is Attorney Robert Golterman collecting from Kohl's TDd, Kohl's CID, and other TDDs and CIDs in Crestwood?

Who is Attorney Robert Golterman representing? City of Crestwood?
Developers? or himself?

11:31 PM, September 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This last set of questions can most likely be investigated and answered for us by the loyal followers of CRAP. Those not happy about expenses, and who want the sun to shine on everything. Here then is their opportunity to make their point. Find ways to make this position less expensive. Save me the time.

9:22 PM, September 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Steelers 26, Bills 3!

Lams 16, San fran 17!

Folks the Steelers have a very big tent! You are all welcome in it! Become a Steeler's fan before it's to late!

By the way, if youy would like to join us for a game to see a Football team play, please say so!

I will provide the space, the beer, the snacks, and the chance to see a "real football team in action!

Tom Ford

3:53 PM, September 16, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Need I say it? STEELERS win big time!

Ram's, well they loose again!

Tom Ford

3:44 PM, September 23, 2007  

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