Saturday, October 20, 2007

Crestwood legal expenses, and obsolete positions in Crestwood.

Ladies and Gentlemen, As I read the posts below one glaring question surfaces, and that is why is Crestwood the target for so many legal problems? Now I know you can't run a business or a City these days without problems arising that require lawyers, but we seem to get more than our fair share!

At the last ways and means committee meeting a request for $30,000.00 in legal fees for "economic development" was made. I asked about it and was told that it was for the Plaza if needed, but that it would not be used unless it was needed. Good deal, but someone must think it will be needed or they wouldn't ask for it.

Now that brings me to part two which is do we really need the position of "economic development director?" Ours has not been in her office for some time now, and it hasn't changed the landscape of Crestwood one bit as far as I can tell.
If she were to leave, should we consider abolishing that position (saving $84K per year,) and giving that responsibility to the City Administrator, and the BOA?

So far as I can tell, our experience with this position is somewhat short of my expectations, meaning that I can't attribute anything really new to that position, period. Is it possible that we can save enough money here to get the new cars?

I await your suggestions, comment's, and yes criticism (normal!)

Tom Ford

NO. 403


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it is at all possible, you need to go to City Hall before the BOA meeting next Tuesday and listen to or get a copy of the ways&means meeting held this past wed.

8:02 PM, October 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TDD or transportation development districts are used by developers to recoup for the cost of the added infrastructure needs their development generates. This is usually by charging an added sales tax to all the patrons of businesses that are part of that commercial development. Many see this is taxation without [...]

1:53 AM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

TDDs: Who's watching the money and who's calling the shots?

TDD or transportation development districts are used by developers to recoup for the cost of the added infrastructure needs their development generates. This is usually by charging an added sales tax to all the patrons of businesses that are part of that commercial development. Many see this is taxation without representation. Proponents of TDDs will tell those opponents they could shop elsewhere. But how many citizens know which developments have these special districts? It is not posted anywhere and only after a purchase is made will the consumer know of its existence. Another problem, brought up by Karl Skala, 3rd ward councilperson of the Columbia City Council during a campaign forum this spring, is that TDDs are dictating how Columbia is growing. He believes that the city should have more oversight and input on how Columbia should expand. So not only is this a taxation without representation issue, it's also an urban sprawl without city oversight issue as well.

2:11 AM, October 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:02 PM blogger: I will be off the next two days, so I will do just that!

Tom Ford

6:54 AM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Crestwood Citizens:

Have you seen a TDD sales tax sign at Kohl's in Crestwood?

Five ideas: What do you think about these events that came up in the news this week?

By Lee Logan, Morgan Cook and Grant Smith

October 5, 2007 | 2:41 p.m. CST

Taxation without representation
Starting last Monday, that $5 meal at the Columbia Mall Food Court began costing an extra 2.5 cents.

Outraged? Sales taxes like this one — charged by the Columbia Mall Transportation Development District — cost shoppers in Columbia an extra $1.8 million last year. One of 12 in the city, the mall’s TDD plans to use the extra money to pay for road projects in the Stadium Boulevard corridor that funnels traffic to its retailers.

The Missouri General Assembly is trying to make sure consumers know when they’re being charged extra. Under a law that took effect in August, businesses within TDDs must prominently place a sign showing their sales tax rate.

TDDs are on the rise in Columbia. They surround the new Super Wal-Marts, the Bass Pro Shop development, the length of Stadium between Interstate 70 and Broadway and several retail centers along Range Line Street. The phenomenon is occurring as the city struggles to keep pace with infrastructure needs. A cornucopia of ideas for funding have been proposed, but in the meantime, through TDDs private developers are taking matters into their own hands and collecting millions in extra sales tax without having to ask voters for permission.

Are TDDs the best way to pay for road improvements? Should the public have a greater say about the tax rate they pay? Why or why not?

8:23 AM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some fair questions. Let's ask the question, where will the monies needed to make the road improvements associated with those developments come from. Keep in mind that the developer does initially pay those expenses and is only reimbursed as sales taxes begin to be collected. In addition if the developer was not required to pay those costs, we the tax payers would be paying the bill through our Residential property taxes. Would you rather pay a few extra cents at the time of your purchase and be assisted by the other out-of-area shoppers or would you rather pay an extra 2-3, 4 or even $500.00 dollars more per year by December 31st? That, my fellow citizens, is the way it would work. I think people often look at a piece of the puzzle without considering the whole thing. Case in point, Would you prefer to pay your Gas, Electric, Sewer, Telephone, and Trash bills for the year all at once or monthly? If you look at it that way the pay as you go system isn't really that bad. At least we, personally, aren't paying the bill unless we chose to shop at these stores.

2:06 PM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the problem as I see it, regardless of how we got here, the city needs more money to keep current levels of service. It is either more money or less services.
That decision is ours the voters to make, no one else has that right or responsibility. The elected officials of our City now know that the increase in property tax to pay for the bonds aka "notes", was not enough. Bad leadership caused that.
Now it is time for the same elected officials to show us if they have learned a lesson by moving NOW to have on the ballot in April of '08 a increase property tax. Failure to do so will but nothing but pure politics on our elected leaders part.
If the increase is on the ballot in April '08 and if the voters turn it down, then the elected leaders of our city will know with out a doubt that the voters want a reduction in current services. If the increase passes, then the leaders will know the voters of the city want to keep our services.
But, it is our call to make, no one else has that right or responsibility. Demand your Alderman grow a set of man things and stand up to the Mayor and demand he either make cuts NOW or put on the ballot in April '08 a tax increase. We have till end of November to make this happen.

2:49 PM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:49 PM I agree. No if's, and's or but's.

However, I also think that a committee of good, intelligent and honest citizens should be formed and help assist the elected officials and oversee the process. After all, we should be a part of it too.

We want hands on involvement so we are all on the same page with this. No more allowing people to mislead us cause we won't tolerate it and I really don't think with this new board of aldermen, they will either.

For instance, we will need to consider the escalation costs and cost of living we live with every day at this time in history; they will need to do a comparitive regarding what our neighboring cities taxes are.

If we are not going to make it a substantial increase because the mayor and board are afraid of losing votes, that fear will be past on to the residents. Right now, we are so far behind other cities it isn't even funny.

I am sick and tired of having everyone conscentrate only on getting new developments and TDD's, CID's, etc. These tools for development were put out by the federal government to give people an incentive to development BUT it has gotten so out of hand because people including lawyers know how to get around the law.

I know that development is important, but enough is enough. The developers have found a way to get a free ride and you and I are paying for it. It seems to be that way with everything. Look at the rising cost of medicene today. It's disgusting how much we pay for medicene to keep us well and fit. But it only costs pennies for the pharmacutical companies to manufacture.


And you have to remember that all these years, taxes have been going up on gas, electric and utilities because of the cost of everything; so why do we think that the city of crestwood can sustain us on the pitifully low tax rate we have been paying for years and years.

They need to once again let us be part of getting A TAX PASSED AND COMMUNICATING with us so we know exactly where we stand.

5:45 PM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:45 I wish we had the time to form a residents committee, but i fear we don't. That our voices will be heard on election day may be the best we can hope for at this late date.

5:54 PM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:54 PM To do it in November it is already too late. Doing it now would almost certainly mean disaster. People don't want to rush this. This has to be presented to the public with enough time to have them digest it.

Would it be so bad to wait until the April election; or would that not be good because of the mayoral election?

Anyhow, we can think and plan and make all the discussions we want on this blog, the first question would be how do we convince the mayor and board of aldermen and the CA that it should be done. Bet they are all going to say NO.

6:20 PM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:20, unless I am mistaken, the BOA has only till end of NOV to get this ON the ballot for the April '08 elections. That is what is I am saying, there may not be enough time between now and the closing for adding of ballot questions n April.
I would agree with you to try to get on NOV ballot would be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is past the date in which items could be added to the NOV ballot, I am am always talking about the April election. Did I make myself clear as mud or what?

8:51 PM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:20 P.S. I agree with you again, the 1st problem to overcome is getting the BOA to act now, even in the face of the Mayor being against this. You see I believe the Mayor has till mid Jan 08 when the door is closed to anyone else running for mayor, then if no one does he can do one of several things.
1. would be to wait till after the election in 4/08 to announce the need for a tax raise. Then any alderman running in 09 would be under the gun for their pro or anti tax position in their election in April of '09. Those running in '09 are Pickel, Bland, Roby and Nieder.

2. After he's sure that no one has filed to run against him, the mayor could call for a special election asap which might be 4/08 like if some more bad news at the mall pops up, like Macys closing in Jan or Feb'08. Then he claims he is just a victim of Macy's and maybe the C/A for not heading their leaving off.
In any case if the BOA forces the matter and the issue of tax increase gets on the 4/08 ballot this may cause someone to run against current mayor, and I believe that is the real reason why nothing has been done to date.

I believe there are 7 out of 8 Aldermen who know the REAL reason for the $30k extra in the budget, that know what the Mall will look like store wise by March'08, and who know where MS. Brown has gone and why she has taken leave.

Can or will they tell us depends on who has the man parts.

9:06 PM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These wonderful services you speak of? What are they? They don't appear to be better than our neighbors? Certainly no better than those we received prior to annexation.

10:06 PM, October 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, I got one answer back from an Alderman concerning a town hall meeting.

This one said we should "all get off our computer's and come to a BOA meeting!"

He further stated we do not need any more meetings, because we don't attend the ones they have now!

Well, that's one out of eight, so there is still a chance they will go for it, if not, well plab "B!"

Tom Ford

9:10 AM, October 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, that is nothing more than a "cop out". They should know that people with out of town jobs and who work nights can't get to board meetings. But for one or two good town hall meetings held on Saturdays, has always worked in the past. They don't even want to try, that's what makes me angry.

I don't know who you talked with, but I am definitely not voting for him next time around.

If that isn't a stand off statement, I don't know what is.
We didn't have anyone attending board of aldermen meetings when the cap. imp. tax was put on the ballot either but they still put it on the ballot to where nobody was informed.

It's politics as usual again and still. That really angers me. Because nobody attends board meetings, we should just let them do what they want, which is basically nothing.

This guy is strictly there for the glory and nothing more.

10:26 AM, October 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:26 Let me say even more about what your posting. The Ways & Means meeting used to be held Saturday morning so if any one wanted to attend at least work would not prevent them from doing so. Now the meetings are during the work day and all 3 members of the committee are retired. I really don't believe they want the public to attend these meetings.

Town Hall meetings?, too late, too little and by law not were BOA can vote on issues. The BOA meetings are the place to go. But it seems that most of the real work goes on in closed executive sessions were we cannot access the issues till after the vote. I recall the mayor telling one citizen that they only came up there every two weeks, that they weren't there every day like he was so all they were doing was stirring up stuff. That I think really stinks

Tom, a question for you, you posted that you were going to listen to the tapes from last weeks Ways and Means meeting, what do you have to report?oysmw

4:28 PM, October 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it possible if they put the 30,000 in the budget for legal, it will enable them to eat away at it without approval for such as misc...? whereas, if they have to ask for it, it will have an explanation and description, public knowledge, accountability.

Remember the huge legal bills in the thousands,without a description, paid for in the Greer days? Known fact!

5:10 PM, October 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the alderman is right in that residents should make the effort to attend meetings when possible. This alderman probably does not know that my aldermen do not return phone calls unless it is from one of their supporters. Plus, aldermen in this ward have a private agenda which has turned people off. Eventually, lack of representation turns to lack of faith. Maybe it appears that this site seems like a report card of sorts for our officials, but it does toss around ideas some of which are fairly decent ones. In some cases, I feel when reading these blogs - unrest, but hope - and one has to admit that with the financial restraints and sometimes the doubt surrounding same, and the lack of faith from prior times and prior leadership, people can get restless. All in all, though, I think people use the site and the computer to participate in gov't in a way so as not to become disenchanted. Nevertheless, I would rather see them up at city hall, too. And, thank you to the alderman who was called because he has every right to feel that it is better to participate in person. In my case, I would just like to feel like up at city hall there are people who have the expertise to do the job that needs to be done. And, another thing, I like open gov't, no politics and officials who welcome interactioon with their constituants.

5:24 PM, October 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:28 PM blogger: I called the City Clerk today and requested a time to listen to the tapes of the meeting. I wanted to go there at 2:00 PM today, but that was not to be.

I have a firm appointment to hear the tapes on Tuesday at 2:00 PM (your welcomr to join me,) and I shall report on them after that.

Tom Ford

5:35 PM, October 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 5:24/5:10, I think when Tom hears the tapes he will hear the Mayor say he wants the extra $30,000 in the budget now so "they" don't have to keep going back to the BOA for more.(CHARTER ANYONE?)

Love to join you Tom, but I am not off work tomorrow.

I know this is going to make some readers mad, but am I the only one who finds it interesting that aldermen are telling us to be at the meetings if we want to better informed, yet at least one of their wives admits she didn't know what she was voting on when she voted for the Sunset Extension?

6:01 PM, October 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, okay ... tomorrow will only be better if we become better informed. So, then we must determine whose job it is to do this. Then we must dedicate ourselves to this end. Start by joining Tom tomorrow. Attend a meeting, participate. If the city continues to confuse, then we must work on plan B.

Let's keep up the typing heads, too, but let's also support our BOA to the extent that they support us. We have a large investment in our city and we surely want to protect it. We most likely aren't going to pick up and leave when the going gets tough, this is OUR city. Resigning is not an option. So, let's pull together. There is only 1 side, our side.

6:30 PM, October 22, 2007  

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