Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A letter to the editor by Mr. Roger Anderson, long time Crestwood resident.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am posting a "letter to the editor" sent to me by a Crestwood resident. I called Mr. Anderson to verify the letter and ask him for permission to post it here, and he agreed. So without further adue,here it is.

Crestwood officials don't seem to think much of people they represent

October 24, 2007 - In a recent article titled "Crestwood looks to improve communication with citizens," it seems our beloved board members are beginning to work with percentages. That's the good news.

The bad news is they don't seem to think much of the people they represent. While a few of the aldermen think 80 percent are too busy to know what is happening or even care, the other 20 percent are troublemakers. Even our mayor thinks that some of you just don't understand government. So much for our self-esteem as good citizens.

In recent strategic-planning sessions that cost Crestwood residents $3,000, Aldermen (Richard) Bland, (Chris) Pickel and (Gregg) Roby and Mayor (Roy) Robinson commiserated with each other about the hardships they endure as elected officials.

When it comes to Crestwood, Mr. Pickel believes that 20 percent of you "are just going to be unhappy all the time ..." Mr. Bland believes that 20 percent of you "just sit back and take shots." Mr. Roby then said "You've got people that are constantly going to belittle and complain about your system." Our mayor then piped in "... it's hard for them, the normal people who don't understand government, to understand that you are here to do what's best as best they can for the community. They lose sight of that."

Oh, those darn normal people.

You and I know that Crestwood has had some tough times in recent years. We citizens have had some tough times, too.

But the ones who had it the toughest were our elected officials, some of whom like to continue the policies and spending patterns that put Crestwood in those tough times to begin with.

Oh, but I must be careful. I should not complain lest I fall into that dreaded 20 percent category.

Perhaps instead of these strategic-planning sessions that come up with such new and innovative ideas as a balanced budget or a revitalized main street, maybe we should send our elected officials to a spa, a retreat or even to therapy. What troubles they must endure. What harshness and criticism they must encounter.

After all, it must be difficult being up on that dais. Giving tax incentives to developers, proposing new taxes, spending our money and enduring these strategic-planning sessions must be tough work — especially since the city may or may not be on the brink of financial disaster.

So if you are lucky enough to be "represented" by one of these fine kings — I mean aldermen — be sure to bow down before them. Know your turn, however, as they are quite busy congratulating themselves.

Roger Anderson


Nuff said!

Tom Ford

NO. 406


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford
At my company, my boss is always referring to the 80-20 rule. Thank you for clarifying it's meaning. Does Mr. Anderson feel they were including him in that 20%?

7:02 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Roger Anderson and Tom Ford are in the group that will NEVER be happy.

8:04 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We need to be positive about the mall".....did the Mayor really say that? I just finished reading the article in today's Call, and all I can say is perhaps Roy needs to step down and let Mr. Miguel lead the City into 2008.

Mr. Miguel is right on track that we better be addressing this issue yesterday. In fact, this is the first time in a decade I've heard anyone say let's prepare for what lies ahead. I think most of us fear we're past the point of no return now, but certainly we should see the writing on the mall wall.

Who is the Mayor kidding when he says that we aren't raising taxes and that he's concerned about employee's morale? Roy will raise taxes, he'll just wait until after the April election to do so. Then he'll chicken out and go for some insignificant increase that really won't pull us up from the cliff we have fallen off. Employee morale isn't down because Dillard's closed, it's down because they haven't seen a raise in years and St. Louis County is looming close.

Since Roy has never been able to articulate his plan that he spoke of during his campaign, maybe Mr. Miguel can make up for it by presenting a plan to address the impending storm.

8:56 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Step down? If he had told the truth when he was running for office about how little he knew about running a city he would have never been elected.
Anybody but Roy in'08!

9:36 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering the state of things in Crestwood, fair blogger, it appears very few have known how to run a city. One thing for sure, keep the lawyers out of our city government. They are the worst. Most assuredly, they do know how to run off at the mouth.

10:37 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"they do know how to run off at the mouth."

I think the current mayor does a mightly fine job of that himself - oh, he's not a lawyer! Explain that one?

10:46 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I'm reading, it sure looks like our mayor can run off at the mouth too. If he spent half the energy he wastes on cute comeback remarks in the face of hard numbers and real logic and used it on actually coming up with a plan that would prepare us for the worst instead of blindly hoping for the best, he might just make a decent mayor. Hiding your head in the sand and coming up for air to make bullyish comments is no way to run a city. He's gone.

10:50 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all know if know if the Mayor keeps breaking the Charter's rules the Aldermen can censure him? He can not be removed by anyone this close to the election, so it's either find some one to run against him or shut up and bare it.
Wonder if Roby has any interest in running, I could support him.

11:36 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need a plan B now!

11:54 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Roger Anderson's plan? Does he have a plan? Does he seriously think that Crestwood is going to get out of this financial problem without raising taxes? What is Roger going to do about the mall? SHould we shop Crestwood First? Wait, what about Kohls? Can we shop at Kohls? What about luring developers to town. How about THF--wait, no we cant because they were involved with the TID. Can we give out TIFS to lure developers? No? Yes? Roger, please share your plan...wait Roger does not own a computer in the year 2007.

1:35 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger did not write this letter.
Not that it matters

3:33 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the 80-20 rule?

4:56 PM, October 25, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:04 PM blogger: Your not as dim as I thought you were!

I agree 100%, Mr. Roger Anderson, Tom Ford, and a lot of other people will never be satisfied until it's done right! Sadly, so far that's not the case.

I have a novel idea for Alderman Pickel, Bland, and the rest of the boy's who feel compelled to low rate us. How about just doing your job's boy's!

You do that and things will get better, and then we will all be happier, so?

3:30 PM blogger: Your wrong there! If you don't believe me call him, or better yet the editor he sent it to! They will confirm it for you.

Just because he dosen't own a computer dosen't mean he is out of pen, paper, and stamps, now does it.

The 80/20 rule is simple! 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers.

Glad you asked that though, because in this case it would appear that 80% of you couldent care less, and 20% of us do, so what say you endevor to get on the 20% side and get this City going again?

Tom Ford

5:20 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question-was the Sappington House brought up at the board meeting Tues.night?

5:52 PM, October 25, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:25 PM blogger: It was, and it seems the Sappington House created a small firestorm, in that some of the BOA wanted to sell it, and Mr. Eckridge sort of got mad!

The Sappington house want's us to pay for 1/2 of the cost of the new sidewalk, and some oppose that.

I think the City ownes the property, and the foundation owns the house and library, so?

Tom Ford

7:04 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Eckrich and the code inspector getting new vehicles?

7:16 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, is they?

7:45 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plan B. Miguel in '08.

I don't always agree with him, but he makes his decisions based on research instead of emotion or ego. I repect that.

10:01 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every non emergency city passenger car should be an Aveo.

10:05 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think again about Miguel - the BOA discussed several time about Dillard's closing. Should not have been a surprise. If he can't remember something like that why would you put so much faith in him???

10:06 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was only discussion about closing.

10:25 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's not to love about the kind of person who immediately begins lowrating Jerry Miguel when someone says something complimentary about him. It has to be from someone who is just plain jealous. Real grownup, eh! I keep abreast of things as best I can and I was shocked to hear of Dillard's closing. Perhaps I have been in denial as I do realize they didin't have a lot of business. Good almighty Grief, if that is the worst thing you can say about Jerry Miguel, then he would most likely be the best Mayor this city has ever had. Best you get over your political grief ASAP as right now we don't need political capitol, we need brains and tenacity. So, quit your smallness, as we best be looking for all the help we can get. Enough of your sick politics. Outgrown it.

10:53 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:45 PM, October 25, 2007

Didn't care for the subject/verb agreement?

11:21 PM, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger Anderson may not have written this letter to the editor but it is his ideas and his signature.

Ask Roger Anderson how to solve Crestwood's problems and he has solutions but the clique wants all of the money on the business deals!

Has anyone noticed that we are in a recession similar to the 1970's which means cut-backs?

9:09 AM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City of Crestwood is only 4 square miles but is spending money like we are in Clayton.

When will the City Administrator tell the truth about are total debt that is not listed in the financial reports?

The oldest trick in the world is not to post all of your bills so the records look financially stable.

What law is our staff breaking?

Who will take the fall for this negligence? Mayor? BOA? City Administrator? Finance personnel?

9:13 AM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad Roger's letter was published, I would love to see what his plan is the fix Crestwood's problems. Could you get him to provide the Board and Mayor a copy of same?


9:26 AM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger Anderson isn't responsible for coming up with a plan to fix Crestwood's problems....if you want him to develop a plan, get him to run for alderman.

Just a few days ago people were complaining that residents weren't involved enough and didn't speak their minds enough, and now when one does, everyone challenges his motives.

9:59 AM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no challenge, just think he is smart so must have some ideas that would work.

11:10 AM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's wait and hear Mr. Miguel's plans, I think we finally have someone paying attention.

3:30 PM, October 26, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:05 PM blogger: Not being up on the new passenger cars, I was wondering if you could tell me what an AVEO is?

Tom Ford

6:06 PM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very tiny passenger car from Chevy, I believe. It's small.

7:15 PM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Chevrolet, Jim Butler has opened his new dealership in Fenton.

7:40 PM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, let's hear from Alderman Miguel as to what his plan B is now or maybe at the special Board meeting this coming Tuesday evening.

8:14 PM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$100K windfall from cell phone taxes that will help.

How can we spend a half million dollars on a communications system and not get a bid for it????

Would Crestwood joining the county central dispatch save money?

10:51 PM, October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should get the code enforcement officer a bike so that they can slow down and take a closer look at the houses.

10:53 PM, October 26, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:53 PM blogger: Well, I hope it's one heck of a bike! I was thinking more along the lines of a tricicle that would hold a "code book" or two in the basket.

Has anyone checked to see if the code enforcement officer is certified by the County to do this?

When last I checked, all building codes were enforced by St. Louis County. When I added a room, the County sent inspector's, and the only person from Crestwood that I saw was the fire marshall.

If we are paying these folks to check for grass cutting, trash removal, early trash can placement, or derilict vehicles in the yard, then may I suggest the Police department?

I believe that the police are in the neighborhood 24/7 (or they should be,) so who better to go after these "scofflaws?"

By the way, the police are "sworn officers" with the power of arrest (ticket,) the code enforcement officers are not, so Mr. Golterman had best come up with a ruling on that, and fast!

Tom Ford

5:15 PM, October 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:04 PM 10/24 Roger Anderson and Tom Ford will never be happy you say?

Maybe it's because their longevity with the city has made them skeptical. When you have been around as long as they have, broken promises are abundant and sly politicians come by the dozen.

If you are their aldermen, and you are so negative about them, maybe it's catching. You can't blame a person for being tired when you keep getting the same bull all the time.

I say to the aldermen, if you wanted work to be easy, you should have just stuck to your day job.

If it takes a little while for you to win over the 20%, maybe you should try a little harder. But you are not winning any brownie points by separating people 80-20.

1:50 PM, October 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right you are blogger. I hope that each alderman realizes they represent ALL the citizens in their ward, not just a percentage of them.

3:15 PM, October 28, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:15 PM blogger: Were it so fellow blogger! However, Ward two politics will never allow that to happen!

Alderman Knarr has done a good job of returning call's, E-mails, but Alderman Pickel has done neither!

It's the same old swim club, St. E's mentality that is so ingrained in Ward two politics for the last thirty eight years that I know of!

Well, at least we are half way there!

Tom Ford

3:47 PM, October 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Tom, Re: Alderman Knarr.
Mrs. Knarr is in hospital, she has been stricken with leukaemia.
Alderman Knarr has been at her side since this became known about 14 days ago.

5:48 PM, October 28, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:48 PM blogger: Correct! I knew about this some time ago. However Mr. Knarr continues to ansewer his mail!

What's the excuse for Mr. Pickel?

Tom Ford

6:21 PM, October 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers go out to the Knarr family.

6:35 PM, October 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you are saying that the aldermen use the 80%/20% rule by the previous posts. I believe that is the correct way to do it. The majority should have their voices acknowledged. If the 20% don't like how their alderman is voting, I guess that is because he voted the way the other 80$ wanted him to. Seems logical to me.

7:51 PM, October 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were Mr. Pickel, I would not answer your emails either. He would not bother with your silly blog and the way you mis-state , mis-understand and mislead. If you truly wanted to speak with Mr. Pickel you would set up an appointment and talk to him face to face. But it is easier for you to play on your blog.

8:54 AM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Would Crestwood joining the county central dispatch save money?"

I think what you mean is the East Central Dispatching Consortium. This is made of Clayton, Richmond Heights, Webster Groves and Shrewsbury. They dispatch police and fire from the Richmond Heights Public Safety Building. I’ve toured their facility. State-of-the Art!

10:30 AM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

80-20, 50-50, 90-10???

I guess some of our elected officials think it's ok to represent some of the people some of the time???

11:57 AM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the people DO NOT WANT TO BE REPRESENTED. Example--Tom Ford does not want to be represented by certain elected officials in Crestwood. In fact, I hear that some citizens do not even speak to the elected officials they do not care for.

12:02 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:54 AM

If Tom Ford is a constituent of Mr. Pickel's, Mr. Pickel should respond. It's called representation and constituent service- something not thought of too often in city hall. An elected official represents all of the citizens in his/her given ward/district, etc. Novel idea?

12:04 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The elected officials should vote the way the majority of the people he represents want. There will always be the voice of the public. Doesn't mean that the few that screem the loudest are in the majority!!!!! Get over yourselves. Maybe you aren't in the majority???? Ever think of that?

2:21 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless, Pickel should still reply to an e-mail of a constituent. Ever think of that???

3:40 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:02 PM, October 29, 2007

Your post is one of the most ridiculous ones I have read on this blog. Congratulations!

3:42 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never heard of anyone not wanting to be represented ...

3:43 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:29 PM .... And there have been times when some aldermen wouldn't speak to a citizen if he/she came face to face with em in a grocery store. So what! There are 8 to choose from. No one says that you have to speak to only the two in your ward. It isn't going to do you any good to get angry about it. Just vote for someone else at re-election time and hope for the best.

4:09 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note of clarification. Just because an Alderman ran in a particular ward does not mean he represents only those citizens. He actually represents the whole of Crestwood and as such should respond to anyone who requests his assistance.

4:42 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does this all fit with the Mayors statement the "he controls the whole city, the alderman control just their ward"?

5:14 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:42 PM


5:22 PM, October 29, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:54 AM blogger: Of course Mr. Pickel can't be bothered with this "silly blog" but you seem to do a fine job of it for him.

Why, Mr. Pickel is far to busy handing out checks to various locations from SBC / AT&T (our money again folks) to be bothered by anyone from deep in the poor, blue collar side of ward two!

Sorry, but if he had no intention of answering his constituants why in the heck did he run? Oh wait, I forgot, the swim club representitive, they have to have one on the BOA at all times!

If he dosen't want to answer me, fine! But hey Chris at least try to look like a man of the people (all the people!)

Tom Ford

6:17 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With comments like those, it is no wonder that YOUR alderman does not respond to yourpathetic little emails.

8:22 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the mayor why he turned down Alderman Pickel's offer to save the City (that's you and I, Tom) big money for the much needed City Hall phone system through Pickel's working for SBC/ATT?
Maybe you should ask Alderman Pickel the question, pretty sure if you ask, you'll get an answer. Don't trust the Alderman, then ask the President of the BOA for his view, he's an ex-cop like you, surly you trust him?

that question, you'll get an answer.

8:56 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's not very nice. Are you an ex-alderman?

9:16 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:22 -
That's not very nice. Are you an ex-alderman?

9:17 PM, October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess he already knows you are not in the 80% and doesn't need to be bad mouthed any more than he already has on this site. To respond to you would be opening himself up for more badgering.

9:17 PM, October 29, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:22 PM blogger: Pathetic or not, he should answer ALL of us!

8:56 PM blogger: "Be careful what you wish for," I did ask Alderman Roby, and he said it never happened!

I for one am glad, or we would have had a clasic case of "conflict of interest" to play with here! Go ye forth, re-check your facts," and come back to see us some time!

9:17 PM: blogger Are you telling us that because we are not in the 80% coveted group we deserve no representation, or is he? Either way, I think it's a load of bravo seiara!

What if the low down 20% refused to pay taxes due to "taxation without repersentation?" What then oh wise one?

By the way, I am proud to be in that 20% group, it has some of the best Crestwood citizens I know as members!

No, were not pool members, and no were not invited to the cocktail parties, or the Holiday fairs, but we are doing our best to see that you can attend secure in the knowledge that someone is watching the coffers!

Tom Ford

5:43 PM, October 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, are you in a sexual relationship with Jerry Miguel?

7:43 PM, October 30, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:43 PM blogger: Now just why would you ask that? Is it the reason that you hope I am available for you?

Sorry, but I have been married for 41 years without a hiccup, so fantasize all you wish, but alas it will be un-requited love!

I feel your pain!

Tom Ford

5:23 PM, October 31, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares if Pickel does not respond to his constituancy. Really. Ward 2 is used to this. Many of us call aldermen in other wards as they don't have private pool or ST E's affiliations which have tended to mandate their political actions. Sad fact, but true. We all know it. Not a proud way to hold office.

10:04 PM, October 31, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:44 PM blogger: Darn good point, and when the man from St. E's comes to interview me tonight I will make that point to him!

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, November 01, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I did it! We shall see where that goes!

Tom Ford

4:57 PM, November 02, 2007  

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