"Politics makes strange bed fellows," I forget who said it, but it's true!
Well this is a day that is rare! I opened the "paper" to the editorial comments, and low and behold, I agree with Mr. Mike Anthony!!
Folks, I read it three times to be sure, but by golly this time Mr. Anthony has a darn good point! The City Attorney has been giving us "advise" that is more than questionable for some time now!
I am not sure when it started, but the C/A has tossed out (in my opinion) some really silly opinions. Now I know that having two lawyers is like having two watches (you don't know what time it is,) but some of his "rulings" are just plain, well?
Mr. Anthony! As hard as it may be for you to believe, I agree! It's time for a new City Attorney, and soon!
Tom Ford
No. 395
Folks, I read it three times to be sure, but by golly this time Mr. Anthony has a darn good point! The City Attorney has been giving us "advise" that is more than questionable for some time now!
I am not sure when it started, but the C/A has tossed out (in my opinion) some really silly opinions. Now I know that having two lawyers is like having two watches (you don't know what time it is,) but some of his "rulings" are just plain, well?
Mr. Anthony! As hard as it may be for you to believe, I agree! It's time for a new City Attorney, and soon!
Tom Ford
No. 395
Please post Attorney Robert Golterman's resume and salary.
Can the citizens of Crestwood suit Attorney Robert Golterman over the Kohl's deal?
Please interview Roger Anderson to find out how many times he has questioned the spending of money on consultants at Crestwood Board of Alderman meetings.
09/28/2007 - The Crestwood Board of Aldermen on Sept. 25 gave preliminary approval to a bill that would permanently "grandfather" about 40 businesses into the service business sub-classification, which was eliminated in April 2006.
Is Perma Jack one of the 40 busineses with the lower tax rate?
Hey hey!
Ho ho!
Golterman has got to go!
You know it's bad when he ticks off both the CCFR and the Call.
10:09 No Perma Jack pays taxes on gross receipts. Period and for the last time. Perma Jack has always paid on gross receipts for many, many years. Call Tina the City Clerk.
This is what I found on Mr. Golterman. Please cut and paste the link for further.
Tom Ford
All things considered, appears Mr. Golterman is a labor lawyer and not a municipal lawyer. Having been an alderman for Ward 2 who served with G. Vincent, President of Rosebrook Realty/Crestwood Swim Club, it is possible that his talents lie elsewhere, and his political local background might jeopardize and persuade his leanings, with possibility of conflict. Think the CALL is on the right track as any city attorney not fully appraised of the sunshine Law and Consensus voting, would not be a good fit.
One of the writeups about Crestwood recently quoted an alderman as saying something about "letting it go" or "getting over it" / whatever. Guess what was meant is the deal over the private Crestwood Swim Club and how it sticks in craws, on this blog and actually in the lives of many in Ward 2, where residents are sick and tired of the invasion it has pepetrated on their lives. It will take many moons, if ever, to forget this kind of travesty and the fact that city officials forsake the greater good. As long as this pool sits in its present location with its legaleese and money facts in a cloud of contention, it is likely to persist in "craws."
This pool is not in every neighborhood, it is in Ward 2. It is not in Ward 1, 3 or 4 and apparently not on the unaffected's radar. It sounds like this alderman might consider it "an inconvenient truth" albeit something which many are profoundly ashamed of.A chapter in city history equal only to the one which tried to foist upon us a building suitable for a suburb twice our size, mismanagement of funds and Napolianic rule. One does not have to look far beneath the smutty surface and see city officials, members of this pool, up to their kneecaps in deception, to see how this whole thing came about.
Something this rank is not going to vanish because of one man's opinion. I hope he will keep this unsavory transgression at least in his vest pocket in order to help steer us out of the unseemly past and into a brighter day. Yes, I can understand the need to forge ahead and work on our future. Certainly. Time is short sometimes and matters at hand important. But I just ask this alderman to trade places figuratively with those whose lives were overturned in a deal so shady that grass won't grow. This is not a grudge thing. In the real sense of the word, the mere existance of this pool is an unjust act serving the FEW not the MANY. This alone should be of concern to anyone civic minded enough to volunteer his time to serve his city. Which by the way is appreciated, especially when there are no ulterior motives.
Mr. Anthony's expose on Mr. Golterman aside..... Why didn't Mr. Anthony ever do some investigating to find out why, during the previous two Administrations, another Attorney, by the name of Chris Hesse, was allowed to milk the City for nearly $400,000? Mr. Hesse’s bum legal advice cost us well over $500,000 by the time you figure in interest on the $400,000 we had to borrow to pay him PLUS the cost to settle a lawsuit that he, former CA/Police Chief Greer and disgraced ex Mayor Robertson cooked up?
Maybe it would actually require some work, as opposed to listening to meeting tapes? Or maybe it would reveal that Mr. Anthony was nothing but a mouthpiece for Robertson, Greer and then Fagan? Given Mr. Anthony’s track record, I don’t believe he should be passing judgment on Mr. Golterman, Mayor Robertson or anyone else who is stuck trying to clean up this mess.
11:15AM blogger: As you might have guessed, some things are "sacred cow's" to the "paper!" Things like the pool debacle, the lawyer fees, and certian past administrations.
Mr. Anthony has the talent, and the troop's to "get er done" if he want's to, but from time to time the "motivation switch" seems to get stuck.
It's unfortunate because he could be a real asset to this community if that didn't get in the way.
Tom Ford
This time, Mr. Anthony had his thinking cap on. Golterman needs to go. No if's, and's or but's.
AS for the comment on the Hesse guy's big huge legal bills to the city. Pray tell, blogger, where was Fagan, Robertson and Greer when these bills were coming in - with the architect planning the 14.5 Million dollar city hall? If you ever wonder who broke the bank - think about it!
11:15 am Oct. 6th
If I could come through this computer right now, I would kiss you because you said it exactly right.
Had Mr. Anthony of the Call published articles of truth regarding Jim Robertson, Don Greer and Chris Hesse, he could have assisted Crestwood with his journalistic talent and we would be a lot better off for it today.
Mr. Anthony could have been a big help by putting the truth out there regarding Jim Robertson and his bad boy drinking traits, as well as Don Greer who did nothing but let the city pay the bill for his high-priced BMW and much more. Mr. Greer put a lot of people out of work and condoned the sins of his teammates by covering up the misdeeds of his choice personnel. He hired all his own foot soldiers, threatening people with demotions and firings to get his people into their job positions. Positions held by those who were either too old, knew too much or were not sleeping with him.
Chris Hesse, lawyer for the City for employee relations, reaped a fortune thanks to Don Greer.
Oh Yes, Mr. Anthony had all the clout in the world to get the truth out about a lot of things, but here's how it came down:
Jim Robertson gave The Call its start in Crestwood when Robertson was running for office and The Call was first coming out. Further Robertson wanted Greer to become City Administrator. Don Greer knew he had a chance with Robertson to become a CA, something he always wanted. Greer manipulated Robertson therefore Greer being Robertson's buddy and future CA was also exempt from the wrath of Mike Anthony.
Then Greer gets in bed with Chris Hesse, and makes him TONS of money in lawyer fees and retainer fees for the city in employee affairs, and Greer then protects Hesse from any bad publicity from Mike Anthony, because Hesse is obeying Greer's every wish. Why not? Because of his obedience, Hesse got windfall of money from Crestwood. Note:(check the invoices from 2002,3,4,5 and 6)cause you won't believe it unless you see it for yourself. I don't think they are destroyed because of audit purposes.
So... Mr. Anthony sticks his head in the sand and knows better than to push anybody's "bottons".
You wouldn't believe all the money the city gave to Chris Hesse for handling cases. It would blow your mind if you saw how much money we gave him.
Further, it might also bring you to realize that many of you are complaining about $2,000 here and $10,000 dollars there with this administration which I am not condoning one way or the other. But...you are talking six figures with Mr. Hesse for several years. Mr. Hesse loved every minute of doing anything for Don Greer cause Mr. Greer paid him very well out of city funds.
Just thought you would want to know.
2:27 PM, October 08, 2007
Sandy... GET OVER IT! You're just a bitter old lady. You got your money...go away!
Where are your manners, the man is dead and can not defend himslf. How rude and unkind of you, again.
3:48PM blogger: Well pilgrim, I guess someone struck a nerve here! By the way, if that is "Sandy," which I doubt as she would have signed it, your wrong on at least two counts here.
1. Sandy is not bitter, she is one of the happiest people I know in Crestwood!
2. "old Lady?" Nope, a very vibrent young Lady who just happens to know where the bodies are burried!
She does however have a talent for getting under the skin of the local "debutant's" who instinctivly feel the need to look down their noses at the great un-washed!
Tom Ford
7:01 PM Al capone is dead too but when you speak of him, you speak of how he led his life. Nothing further to say on this one.
4:48 says who?
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