Possible cut's in the budget for 2008!
As I see it, there are a few salaries (and positions) we can do without now. First of all we seem to have two code enforcement officers for a three square mile town! I see no reason for two, as all of our building inspections are contracted to St. Louis County. In the four communities that I worked at as a police officer, the police department was responsible for code enforcement. The code enforcement people we have now are not "sworn officers" that I know of, and as such should not be able to write "ticket's."
The second place is the "assistants" assigned to the City Administrator. It seems to me that one should be enough, we seem to be adding them on a regular basis.
The third area is the animal control officer. I am told that, when needed, she becomes rather hard to locate, especially on weekends. Now St. Louis County has officers on call 24/7, and would seem to be a better deal in the long run.
How much money can we save eliminating these positions? Well, it might be enough to put our ambulance back on the street rather than converting it to a public works truck!
Tom Ford
The second place is the "assistants" assigned to the City Administrator. It seems to me that one should be enough, we seem to be adding them on a regular basis.
The third area is the animal control officer. I am told that, when needed, she becomes rather hard to locate, especially on weekends. Now St. Louis County has officers on call 24/7, and would seem to be a better deal in the long run.
How much money can we save eliminating these positions? Well, it might be enough to put our ambulance back on the street rather than converting it to a public works truck!
Tom Ford
I agree with you on all of those positions, and possibly more. There are two women currently in the courts.....there used to only be one.
The economic development director seems unnecessary in a town of this size....I think the city administrator should have that as part of his job description.
As far as assistants for the city administrator, there is an intern, an assistant, and a secretary. Couldn't one competent person handle all three of these positions?
And yes, Code Enforcement used to be handled by the police department, I'm hard-pressed to see why separate individuals are needed for this. Police officers spend 12 hours a day out driving around. Instead of handing out so many tickets, how about they make a few contacts every day regarding resident's homes? Although rumor mill from employees has it that the reason we have a separate code enforcement officer was so the city administrator could make a position for a friend of his.
Also, we have someone sitting out in the lobby area all day that seems to do very little when you drop by for business in the clerk's office....why aren't the gals in the city clerks office helping point people in the right direction?
It sounds like 5 positions could easily be cut from city hall, and I bet if there was deeper digging, even more could be found. Those salaries could help reduce our deficit.
What you have just described sounds like Normandy or Wellston, MO.
We can always reduce the services that we have now, but I for one will not accept same with out a reduction in our property tax rate. We were told by the Mayor that if we passed the increase to pay off the notes we wouldn't have to have an increase in taxes or a reduction in services. We would be debt free.
Why not include the extra money for legal costs in 2008 for as a reduction?
Does this new thread, started by Tom, strike you in light of what he posted below (on thread 396), a little like an attempt to cover up what he knows? Or maybe divert attention from somebody at city hall who has gotten the city back into a personal law suit again?
Who is the liar, the one who said the $30,000 was for expected extra legal costs fro the Mall/Westfield, that he didn't want to go back to the BOA for, or the person who posted below?
You figure it out.
4:40 PM blogger: I am positive I know what the $30,000,.00 is for, and no it's not the Mall!
Let me say this, the real reason for this need's to stay below the radar for a number of reasons.
You know the movie "A few good men" where Jack Nicholson said "you can't handle the truth?" Well,nuff said!
Tom Ford
5:46 PM, October 22, 2007
5:46 PM blogger: Nice try, but your off the mark! It is neither my friend, and once you get the news on this you will understand why!
I give you these bit's of information for you to dig into it for yourself, and apparently you failed to do that, didn't you!
Tom Ford
So, it's true then, that the Mayor lied when he said the extra $30,000 was for legal expense's for possible actions involving the Mall?
P.S. Tom, you are the 5:46 blogger!
I'm all for eliminating the positions and saving some dough. But we should also eliminate the positions of those who recklessly filled these positions. These are people not pieces of equipment. These decisions have an impact on peoples lives.
Only a select few should be qualified to make these hiring decisions...
And the code enforcement we have now is worthless. It was worthless under the police department too. If they were doing their job you wouldn't have to snitch on your neighbors.
Goodness Gracious, where is Inspector Kluso when we need him?
As for the innuendos about excessive staff - this is a good starting point for our aldermen to uncover. They need to find out who is running the show. But, you and I know that there is a lot of new staff, we just don't know why.
So, why?
I'm glad you think it's funny when we have been lied to. Ha Ha Ha, the joke is on you if you don't demand answers to the question about the extra legal costs.
A good starting point is why and what is $30,000 really for and how can the city afford two new staff cars, but not a new phone system for us to reach our government when the current one breaks down ?
Go about your feeble attempts to fix the city problems by overlooking the fact that your mayor or Tom is not telling you the truth. What till next year at this time when the city is broke.
Some joke huh?
I am going to hear the tape this afternoon. I will advise all of you via this blog prior to the BOA meeting as I promised.
As far as attending the BOA meeting's goes, I can't hear a word they say no matter where I sit (half deaf,)so until they can get a new sound system.............
I think that's the reason some of us older folks don't go, why sit there and ask someone else what they said half the time?
The $30,000.00 qas I understand it was requested for POSSIBLE legal fees in conjuction with the economic development of Crestwood. The plaza would be covered by Westfield, so these POSSIBLE fees would be used for reviewing any and all contracts.
Now you all know what I know, and see, nothing nafarious, nor wicked at all. The Mayor asked for them so he wouldent have to go back to the board if it sould come up!
No lies told on any side that I can see (so far,) so find another rock to look under, as this is a non-story!
Tom Ford
Tom, they have hearing devices for the public to use. Mrs. Maddox used it all the time. Have you tried that? Doubt it, easier to sit at home/work and let the "cub reporters" feed you their view of the BOA meetings. Not an excuse if you ask me.
9:44 AM blogger: No I havent tried one, and I didn't know they exsist. I will; ask about them today though.
By the way, I don't need an excuse, from you, or anyone else! If you don't like my "reporting," please find somewhere else to complain, I am all stocked up here!
"It's good to be the King!"
Tom Ford
There are two women currently in the courts.....there used to only be one.
WRONG. There was always one full time and one part-time. For a time there was LT. in the Police Department that pitched in too. One pereson can not possible run the court.
Instead of slashing employees from the city, why not cut this $30,000 in "legal" fees? Anything that poorly explained doesn't deserve to be in the budget. And we all know that the only reason the street repair is in the budget is because you-know-who is looking to be re-elected next year. And if you're looking for employees to cut, why not the two new "seasonal workers" at Whitecliff? I thought we weren't hiring any new people. Let's hold the ground with what we have. After all, we'll have some leave soon anyway. Better to have them pick themselves off than go on a firing spree.
Tom said:
"Now you all know what I know, and see, nothing nafarious, nor wicked at all. The Mayor asked for them so he wouldent have to go back to the board if it sould come up!"
Nothing nafarious or wicked? The man is going around the Board of Aldermen to make this decision! Talk about ego.
The minutes should tell us what the mayor said regarding the 30,000 for legal fees in the budget. I was told by somebody at the meeting that the mayor stated it was for economic development. To most of us that would mean problems with the mall, but it could mean there is some issue regarding the absence of T. Brown, the economic development person.
In either case, we are just guessing.
However, I think this issue will come full circle soon as too many people are wondering about why the economic development person is gone. Doesn't sound good to me.
We can speculate all we want but if there is something shifty going on regarding T. Brown's absence, the powers that be should know that they can't hide this forever.
I agree with poster 1:04, don't slash people, they are what provide the services. They are humans that have family's to care for and some may even spend money in Crestwood. Say no to the $30,000 legal slush fund, say no to the 2 new staff cars, say no to at least one of the slab repairs. Say yes to a new City Hall phones. Say no to summer part time help.
Make these moves and I bet the General Fund, Public Works Fund and Parks Fund will all be close to or in the back for 2008.
Demand to know now what is going on with MS. Brown, it doesn't sound like she is happy with something that happened to her at City Hall for her to have taken a paid leave of absence. It would be Mr. Myers job to fire her if there was cause and I doubt there would be a paid leave offered if that was the case. Instead she has taken a leave of absence like Ms. Grave did at first, so I wonder if the same thing that happened then has happened again?
My dear
A tax Cut in your property taxes?
Did you recently have a brain cramp? You certainly haven't been listening to the posters on this blog. We are experiencing technical difficulties with our finances. So our Aldermen can cut away all they want but they won't cut taxes. If fact it will probably be the other way around.
My neighbor was at the meeting last night and said the Mayor was out of control and attacked the Aldermen verbally. Do they really lack th Kahunnas to stand up for what they think is right? It is good to see that the mayor is always right.
Come to find out, searching around the county municipalities and reading the POST, most municipal gov'ts are in a snit most of the time. These days bring big problems what with the TIF's, lawsuits, developers, and on and on. Not to be outdone, Crestwood is doing same. Better to have disagreements than none at all. Seems the last administration just sat by and let the CA run the show and ended up with him leaving with jingling pockets and a BMW, and the city in deep doo-doo.
So what the heck has the current jerk in office done to pull us out of the"doodoo"? Can you spell, NOTHING?
6:10, Don't forget when the Board had members who stood up to the mayor, there were people who blasted them on this blog for being so political.
You ought to go to a meeting sometime and try to stand up to Roy, it is not funny the way he treats you, his boss.
Fact is the Mayor is a big bully, who as one of his former supporters told me, keeps forgetting he's not a Sargent in the Air Force any more.
How do you spell NOTHING?
Looks like we have the old jerks and the new jerks. There were just more old jerks. It simply does not get much worse than the Robertson/Fagan/Greer times.
10:25 PM, October 24, 2007
You really need to move on. the past has been well documented. The past was known when the mayor took office (and before). He was the one to state that he would be a full time mayor and lead the city out of the deep doo-doo.
Tell me how he has done that???
The $500,xxx per year payment for the "past sins" is not the only thing dragging the city down/or at least lack of movement forward as the mayor stated.
Thank you poster 10:44 for you insightful post. I was just about to lose what little faith I had in the people of Crestwood after reading post 10:25, but you have saved the day. Keep it up, we have got to put an end to the Reign of King Roy the 1st before it is too late.
We are in a recession like the 1970's.
Has anyone noticed all of the lay-offs and outsourcing?
Crestwood will merge with Sunset Hills.
It is only a matter of time that Gary Vincent gets his wish with Golterman!
Crestwood will probably not merge with Sunset Hills. Why would Sunset Hills want us? What is the benefit to them? We have debt, aging infrastructure, and an outdated plaza. I love my city, but we've got some issues to work through. Sunset Hills is doing fine without us.
If anything happens to Crestwood and even this is highly unlikely, it will disincorporate and be governed by St. Louis County.
Why would Golterman and Vincent want the two cities to merge?
It sure seems like we are not trying very hard to save money along any line. As I see it our biggest expense and mistake is our city attoryney. If you check all the areas around you'll see that he is way over the top in his salary range. It seems our mayor is very fond of him yet most citizens think he is not such a good lawyer especially for such a high priced one. The animal control issue too seems like something we could do without. I've been told that one of our alderman recently told a citizen that he 'lied' about the fact that other neighboring communities do not charge for dog tage and they do not have animal control boards. It seems that for such a small community we have the champaign taste with our 'beer pocketbook'.
Better not forget that the Mayor was gonna close the animal control committee after he was elected until Mrs. Thies asked him not to. After he reappointed her to the committee, guess who became one of his biggest supporters?
Politics anyone?
As far as I can see the Code Compliance person doesn't enforce the city ordinances. Do we have a monthly report from this person of the number and type of non-compliances?
Ok, folks. How about some accountability. I agree that the City Attorney is not the best and is overpaid and short on info. Most of us don't have a clue what the total job desc. is for Animal person or code person. Or if they are even needed full time, if at all. Do we have cross training at city hall? Maybe we need to impress these facts on the city fathers. Why don't you make a good/fair list up and get on the agenda and inquire of your BOA? This cat and mouse game is getting quite old. The longer we postpone this fact finding, the longer it will take to balance the budget and get on with the life of the city.
Also, why is someone constantly trying to plant the seed that Macy's is going to close. Maybe so, maybe not, but why would anyone get joy in declaring this as a way to demean the Mayor and BOA?
10:19 PM This city is riddled with rumors and inunendos. Why? Because people in this town play politics.
It's no different than the National Inquirer here in Crestwood folks. If there is a way to demean an official that certain residents dislike, they will find a million ways to make him look bad and look no further than that.
If there are a million ways to make him look good, you will never hear those words from their mouths.
It is no different than the two party system in our Fed. Government, only without party affiliation.
It won't change and it will continue until the end of time.
By reading this blog, you can see that for yourself.
I am sorry that our city has financial problems. I am sorry that our sales tax is down. I am sorry that we can't give employees a decent raise. I am sorry that things have to be cut back.
Did Roy cause all these things to occur? No. But will those who did not and will not support him blame him for everything? Yes
Why? Because they can! Can all this come to Crestwood in only 3 years? No. But those who supported the previous administrations won't admit it.
And the beat goes on. And there is nothing you can do about it.
10:19 PM This city is riddled with rumors and inunendos. Why? Because people in this town play politics.
It's no different than the National Inquirer here in Crestwood folks. If there is a way to demean an official that certain residents dislike, they will find a million ways to make him look bad and look no further than that.
If there are a million ways to make him look good, you will never hear those words from their mouths.
It is no different than the two party system in our Fed. Government, only without party affiliation.
It won't change and it will continue until the end of time.
By reading this blog, you can see that for yourself.
I am sorry that our city has financial problems. I am sorry that our sales tax is down. I am sorry that we can't give employees a decent raise. I am sorry that things have to be cut back.
Did Roy cause all these things to occur? No. But will those who did not and will not support him blame him for everything? Yes
Why? Because they can! Can all this come to Crestwood in only 3 years? No. But those who supported the previous administrations won't admit it.
And the beat goes on. And there is nothing you can do about it.
12:57 You are the "beat" and you do go on, Yawn.
Problem is you and those who love Roy, can not see his failure to produce as he promised he would when he ran. If he had done all he said he would do I doubt this blog would ever mention his name, it's about his short fall between his promises and results. It's pure garbage to say he didn't know how bad it was until he got into office, what new information has he uncovered that the public didn't already know? He has failed to do what he said he would do.
7:10 am Then work like hell to get him out in April! Simple as that. Just don't expect any candidate to change Camelot in 3 years. Lots of unanticipated issues happen in 36 months. Let's see what excuses you will come up with if that happens.
10:09 Excuses are Roy's speciality, he wanted the job, promised he could turn city around, no one put a gun to his head to make those promises, he is over 21. He took oath of office to support the City Charter, from his recent comments about who controls the City, I doubt he has kept his word. Took oath to support the Missouri Constitution and based on his actions surrounding the State Sunshine Law he has broken that oath as well.
I will work like hell if some one runs against him to get him out of office, and if no one does, I will not vote for him, ever again for anything.
In a perverted way I should hope he does get reelected because then he couldn't blame the former mayor because that would be himself.
Roy Robinson it is now clear, had no plan or a glimmer of a idea what to do when he took the oath of office. The only promise he has kept was to remove Mr. Greer and Ms. Madrid from their jobs. I guess for some that is enough to vote for him again, but not me.
12:25 PM Yes, he got rid of them and that is good enough for me.
Don't think you voted for him the first time so why would you do it now. In other words you are a Faganite pure and simple. Enough said.
12:25 PM Oh Sure Poor Tom Fagan; shame on this mayor for blaming everything on him.
Fagan's a big boy now. He should stop crying while his buddies wipe his nose with their handerchiefs. And he also took an oath.
I think he should run again and then he can blame everything on Roy. Turn around is fair play.
You know that is not a bad idea for anyone who wants the job of Mayor. Thanks!!
You got it Richard, go for it!
NOPE, BLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:59 PM I agree that it will be Richard Bland to run for Mayor.
Mr. Bland is a buddy of Fagan's. Fagan can get Bland to run, then, Fagan can get back at Roy for defeating him in the last election, without having his name involved.
Then Bland can get all the other Faganites to cast their votes for him, like the Kelleher's, and the Trueblood's and many more. Then he could even get some legal advise from Rob Golterman who has never been a Roy supporter even though he gets paid as city attorney of Crestwood. Makes good poltical sense to me.
And then, if Bland does defeat Roy, we can once again try to convince the residents that we really do need a new 14 million dollar police station, have a ground-breaking ceremony, and name the new station in honor of the deceased chief that almost made it happen.
6:31 Right on! Man, did you ever sniff that one out, how did you do it? You realize how much of mess you have made for Bland and all the other Faganites by uncovering their plan and going public with?
While your at it maybe you can uncover a copy of the PLAN Roy said he had for Crestwood when he ran for Mayor? Great work, keep it up.
Oh, by the way, the CIA is hiring, you looking for a job?
7:34 PM Nope! Ain't interested in working for Crestwood. Having too much fun aggrevating people like you on this blog.
This city has had more than enough of Fagan. and Bland does seem to like to hear the sound of his own voice. I would think Trueblood smart enough to stay away from that gang. Don't think he supported the pool. He was crazy about Greer and his Roberts Rules, tho. And, another thing, if Roy doesn't do another thing, he has provided the GREATEST PLAN ON EARTH. BAR NONE! He got rid of the decay at city hall and has become a dart board for all those in the city whose only joy in life is to criticize. Despite these soundoffs, the beat goes on. We are moving on, not at the speed of light, but I see progress and so do many of our forward thinkers. If the Roy haters want to hate - well, hate on. This blog is just the vehicle for your gout.
7:51 You don't aggravate me, I find you to be a major source of humor and inside information to what the Crestwood Underground is doing.
8:01 Cuddos to you. You have said exactly what I feel. Now if you can get the guy at 9:25 to button his lip, I would really appreciate it. He's trying to play dumb as if there isn't a plan of attack that isn't going to rear it's ugly head to defeat Roy in April.
You don't have to be a member of the secret service to know what is coming down. You just have to know how to play politics.
Thanks Roy, good to see your farm in the country still has internet service so you can read this blog.
Well. let's see. Threats, threats, threats. Wowie, katowie! Well, now, turn about is fair play! How about a complete expose on the private pool, the deal, the steal and the participants ... should somewhat dampen the riots and limit things at election time. All the names, votes and deals are on record, and on the tips of many tongues; so might want to reconsider all your vitriolic sageness. Politicians, architects, contractors, for the pool, its all on record. And remember, you started this string with your constant jabber about
the Mayor. Losing must have been really really bad for you.
12:28 am I totally agree. Please continue your comments so that I am not the only one who tells it like it is. Do continue to comment anytime you can.
8:01 I hope you can also foam the flames of fire on this blog to people that think Roy didn't have a plan, etc. etc. and they carry on with their ignorant bantor. Roy got rid of Greer and Madrid and that to me was his plan. First you have to clean house which he did.
Greer cleaned house from the first day he got here but it was for his own personal gain. He wanted his own people and he made no bones about it. I.E., hiring people who were his past buddies, and firing or demoting others that in no way deserved it. People who knew too much that might interfere with the Furro's plan or ask too many questions. If they were hired by the previous chief, that was enough criteria to get rid of them. Talk about lawsuits and grievances?. They all started with Greer ever since he got to Crestwood.
He threatened to quit every time he didn't get his way. New computers, new cop cars, new everything. Leichliter was so overwhelmed, he would give in and ask the finance officer to find a way to get it done. It was always Greer's way and Leichliter fell for it. Pure and simple. That's what a sociopath does?
You really think that it was Leichliter's idea to OK a new police facility when just a few years before, he knew we didn't have the money to buy a new fire truck for the fire department and had to purchase a used one? Who more than Greer, a police chief, would feel the need for a new police faciltiy? Unfortunately, Leichliter didn't want to loose his friend, buddy, confidant, and department head. It was wrong, but it was never, ever his idea.
You all talk about a plan? You don't think before Roy was elected that Greer didn't have a plan? Ask any of our department heads what he would say to them about wanting Kent's job?
Greer wanted his own everything; too bad you couldn't see what others saw on a daily basis. Too bad many are gone or deceased or they could tell you some of the things he would say; especially when Kent was on vacation and in Kent's bad judgement, he would make Greer Acting City Administrator!
I pity any of you that give in and are swayed by those who know they assisted in putting us where we are today, in the toilet.
Thanks Don and Jim, nice to hear from you all again.
Possible cuts in the budget? Get rid of the Kiosk. We never needed it before and we don't need it now.
The City Clerk's office is the first office people see when they come in the front door. The clerks inside that office have always assisted people who were lost. They have even assisted those who can't find a street, or needed help with a vehicle accident or any type of assistance. They have a huge map on the wall that help people who are lost, and they are well equipped with a multitude of information at their fingertips.
Talk about wasting taxpayers money! You are paying someone to sit there every day and help people when a few feet away there is an office that has been doing that for years.
After all, it isn't like we have a big 3 story building where people would get confused or turned around and don't know where to go.
There should be no politics involved in eliminating that job whatsoever. So why hasn't it happened?
I don't know ask the Mayor, he said he "controls the whole City".
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