Prelimanary approval given by BOA for Ms. Browns resignation.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have lost yet another Economic development director, in that Ms. Tryla Brown has resigned, and will be getting five weeks additional compensation pending the final vote by the BOA.
The "paper" broke the story in this weeks edition, and has said that reasons will be forthcoming upon completion of the final vote to accept. As this has been a topic of interest here, and other places in Crestwood, I suggest we hold comment's until it is in the open for all of us to dissect!
So far I have seen several suggestions that the Mayor did this, and so and so must have done that, but I assure you that when you find out the truth you will see that nothing is further from the truth!
Now on to the question of whether we need another one. Mr. Myers, and Alderman Bland seem to think so, but I don't! Please tell me one dog house that was constructed, or one grant received that can be directly attributed to the past two directors? Unless I miss my guess, the answer would be none, and yet we pay $84,000.00 per year to have one!
Memo to City Hall: If you really want one, why not appoint a retired citizen with the experience to do the job as a volunteer? Folks, this position is as useful to us as a broken snow plow! We have the BOA, the City Administrator, and the Mayor to "meet and greet," so why the extra funding for a City this size?
Tom Ford
NO. 409
The "paper" broke the story in this weeks edition, and has said that reasons will be forthcoming upon completion of the final vote to accept. As this has been a topic of interest here, and other places in Crestwood, I suggest we hold comment's until it is in the open for all of us to dissect!
So far I have seen several suggestions that the Mayor did this, and so and so must have done that, but I assure you that when you find out the truth you will see that nothing is further from the truth!
Now on to the question of whether we need another one. Mr. Myers, and Alderman Bland seem to think so, but I don't! Please tell me one dog house that was constructed, or one grant received that can be directly attributed to the past two directors? Unless I miss my guess, the answer would be none, and yet we pay $84,000.00 per year to have one!
Memo to City Hall: If you really want one, why not appoint a retired citizen with the experience to do the job as a volunteer? Folks, this position is as useful to us as a broken snow plow! We have the BOA, the City Administrator, and the Mayor to "meet and greet," so why the extra funding for a City this size?
Tom Ford
NO. 409
Several times Mr. Ford has indicated that he is aware of the details regaridng Ms. Brown's situation. How can that be??? I wish I was one of the chosen ones to be personally informed from City Hall. IF he really does know the details, aren't there any ramifications to the person that has provided the information?
I think you need to brush up on your homework. The Economic Developement position was going to be taking over duties paid to an external business regarding the handling of the TIFs, TDD, etc. Don't think a "volunteer" without any expertise would be up for the job. I am not sure if it was for both TIFs and TDDs, but instead of paying for services provided that are associated with them, Crestwood was going to bring that "in-house".
7:30 PM blogger: Gee, sorry but there was no person who provided anything!
I did it all by my self, as you could if you knew where to look!
From your post I doubt that you have full access to the County Library. Get with the program, look for yourself, and failing that, just wait until we provide the information to you!
Tom Ford
Tom has a son who works for the City and I am sure if you had a son who worked there you would know where to look.
Nothing wrong with that, so he does not have to go to the library
If Ms. Brown's departure was so benign, why are we giving severance pay to a person who was employed by the City for such a short time. Historically when employee's of the City get a pay-off, there is some scandal involved.
If the City is in such dire financial straits, how can we afford to shell out cash to employees just for leaving? I'd be glad to take a position for six months and get a cash pay-out at the end.
Why is Ms Brown gone?
It's my city, the employees are part of my city.
The finances are my business as they are part of my city.
Why are we paying for 5 weeks of nothing? Did we strike gold?
And, you want me to understand my city?
Why? How?
So far, we have paid off Licklider, Greer, Madrid and a Secretary. And others.
When does this end? It does not pass the smell test.
9:38 Right on!
Economic Development
$60,690 salary on Page 5-21
in Proposed 2008 Budget
in Actual CY 2007 was $64,254
Alderman Bland said "make it an entry level position"
I've got steam coming out of my ears over this one...Time to light up the phone lines.
Come on everybody. Take a look at the past ten years. If nothing at all happened except for general maintenance to the city where would we be?
No aquatic center, no eminent domain threats, no annexation, no sales tax increase, no new city hall plans, no car allowances, severance packages. Help me out here there is more. What kind of shape would the City finances be in?
Crestwood city government is a self destructing organization. We either need to get rid of it or limit it's power.
Poster 10:52 You know in a strange way I agree with your view. Not sure I understand or agree with you on the aquatic center, but you raise an interesting question.
So, I thought to my self who really runs the City day by day? If I read the Charter and the Code book I find that the real Supervisor of the City is the City Administrator. He answers to the Board, not the Mayor.
Taking your 10 yr window I realize that the C/A 10 years ago was not the late Don Greer, but Kent Leichliter. He was the C/A when the Aquatic Center, annexation, eminent domain and sales tax increases first took place. He was the C/A when the City's former Play Plan was put into place. He was the C/A when the plans for the new Police Station were presented. He was the C/A wouldn't/couldn't work with the Ways and Means Comm. members that Mayor Robertson gave him, Maddoxx/Trueblod. He was the C/A who along with Matt Conley told the Board that the vote on the bonds for the extension of the sunset on the Capital Improvements Sales tax(funding method for the well known Police Palace) did not tie the Board into any thing, only to find out two weeks later that the bonds gone on the market the day after that meeting. That he had lied to the Board. He was in charge when after Aldermen asked him for information at Board meetings about current financial data, said he had never had his abilities to do his job questioned before by a BOA. He was insulted. He was the C/A when it was discovered that the city's books were all screwed up and he and his financial adviser couldn't or wouldn't explain the books. He was the C/A who after he left, the City hired a auditor to try and figure out how much money the City really had. He was the FIRST and only employee to get a severance package to get him out of the way so the audit could be performed without his interference.
That's when the Train went off the tracks. Every thing since then has been an attempt to put the City back on tracks, with a lot of false starts, mistakes, personal failures, misguided efforts and general scrambling around to political point the finger at an other elected official. A history review however shows that 10 years ago is when most of our current problems started.
The question then is this, if the problems started with an out of control C/A who was not being watched by the BOA, then what is the current BOA doing with the current C/A to ensure this is not repeated? Is anyone or thing preventing the BOA from doing their job of managing the C/A? Of so, what does the Charter provide to correct this? If there is no one in their way, what does the Charter say we the voters can do to change their lack of management of the C/A?
Start looking at our government in that light and you will see how it is the BOA who controls the City, per our Charter.
8:50 am
I don't think the majority of the readers on this site want to hear the history before Greer. Maybe they weren't involved in Crestwood's city government during that time....
Funny you should bring up the Charter. Last night I read up on the duties of the CA and found that maybe the current BOA needs to do the same.
The CA is required to recommend a budget & a projected 5 yr. capital improvement, replacement & personnel needs program. Is this the information provided by the former employee Mrs. Tate? I believe those numbers also included projected revenues.
The CA is also to estimate the amount of deficit and any remedial action taken and recommend further steps to be implemented. Then the BOA would take further action to prevent any deficit Why would the Ways and Means committee and the CA provide the BOA with a budget that is not in balance?????
The CA is also required, at least 45 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, to submit to the BOA a capital & personnel needs program for at least 5 years and include a list of all capital improvements, replacement & personnel needs with appropriate supporting information, cost estimates, methods of financing, time schedules and the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the proposed facilities. - This sounds like "Plan B" should always be on the table!
By the way your comment was Great! Those are the facts.
P.S. It would be interesting to find out monthly how the nonexpendable fund (cash reserves) are used. Does Crestwood need almost $3mil? History (when citizens were provided more information regarding cash flow) shows only $1.2mil to $1.5mil was needed for cash flow purposes.
Anyone know this information?
THANK YOU 8:50 for doing some research, the most enlightening thing I've read on here ever. So, we had a very long run of corrupt, or at the least inept and lazy, administration. Then we had a few months under Greer, who tried to tell us these facts, but was never able to change anything, because along came Roy, who turned this into a high-drama political fiasco full of allegations of 'dating, in order to get elected. What has Roy done to change anything except continue to point fingers at the previous administration? Oh, he drew Lickliter and Connelly back into the fold to make his allegations look legit. Good job, Roy.
Thanks too, 10:13. Tell the Mayor to go shake hands until April when we unseat him, and quit interfering with the man who is supposed to do the job. THEN, let's ask that man where all of these required documents are for budgets and plans. Or is Miguel the only one with that information?
Lastly, is there any way for the BOA to contact Ms. Brown personally and find out the truth about what happened, let the residents know if there is any truth to the allegations of inappropriate behavior?
Depending on how Ms. Brown has her phone number listed, the Board could not contact her until after her resignation was in effect. Reason, it is against the Charter for ANY elected official to interfere with any employee of the City without going through the City Administrator, that includes Dept. Heads of which Ms. Brown was one.
None of this however prevents a non elected private citizen from contacting her.
In other words, I wouldn't count on your Alderman from contacting her for you, but would instead contact her yourself.
P.S. To get the information you asked for you would have to ask Mr. Myers in a Board meeting, or one of the members of the Ways & Means Comm. (Alderman Miguel, Foote or the Mayor).
I would be very surprised if they could give you what you want at the time you ask for it, however, I do think that with in 5 working days they could. If that failed, ask the Aldermen from your Ward. If that fails, write a letter the "paper" outlining your efforts to become an informed Citizen and how your government has denied you that right. I am sure that this outline will be more effective than posting on this blog in getting what you have asked for, sorry, but thats the story.
8:22 PM blogger: Yes Sherlock, Tom indeed does have a Son that work's for the City!
However, Tom never asks him for any information, nor would he provide it if I did, so were back your looking for yourself!
I go to City Hall, I call the Mayor, City Administrator, Aldermen (well most of them,) and the Public Works director if need be, and that's how I get the information!
You too can be a "cub reporter," but you will have to drop the bon bon's, turn off the soap opera's, and "Go ye forth" and look!
A determined person armed with a smile, a kind word, and yes, if need be, a F.O.I.A. form will be successful, believe me.
Now, if you wish to move up a rank or two, send me $275.00 plus shipping and handling, along with 584 jar seal's, and your secret clearance, and decoder ring will be in the mail!
Tom Ford
There will be a meeting at City Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 6th to discuss the budget for 2008.
I am told that the Economic Director position has been eleminated from the budget, as well as other items.
This would be a very good place to bring up our concerns to the Board, and as soon as I have a firm time, I will post it.
Tom Ford
As I understand it, that meeting is a work session. I don't think they are required to have public comments. If you want to comment, and I encourage you to do so, go to the BOA meeting on the 13th.
Poster 8:50 AM
I'm not disputing how well the aquatic center turned out. It's great. My point was where would we be today without it?
It's kind of like the Lindbergh school district building a huge new swimming pool at the high school and then turning around a couple years later and saying all the school buildings need new roofs. Who would overlook something so important? What's more vital the pool or the school? What's more vital the aquatic center or streets without potholes and storm sewers that don't flood?
There needs to be someone looking at the bigger picture.
To the blogger who described Licklider's reign and then said Greer inherited the position but could do nothing because of Roy.
Are you kidding me! Did Nothing! Boy, your sense of history is weak, man. Weak! Prior to Roy we had Robertson who resigned to spend more time with his family leaving behind a nice expensive employee lawsuit, and then Fagoon inherited the seat and turned the city over to Greer. Now if you wish to rebut this, kindly tell us what major positive contribution was made by these 2 mentioned Mayors and Greer - 'cause Im'a listnin. Hey, you brought it up.
P.S. Maybe someone else can enlighten the blogger to whom I refer. I am on my lunch hour.
Are you telling us that the BOA is supposed to vote on whether to give TBrown 5 weeks pay without knowing why? What is the big secret here? Do we have a bunch of little people up at city hall? When they are hired do they presume that if things don't work out, they automatically sue. What the heck is going on here? 5 weeks pay, good golly Molly. Get real! Maybe we need to un-incorporate. This kind of city hall sucks!
We don't need this position, not unless we have a pretty decent bank account. Sounds to me like we need a personnel director and a financial whiz. Mr. Myers should have been told we are not rich enough to make him a CEO, with lots of peasants. Rather than overpay dept heads and give cars, how bout we save up to give our long time employees a raise rather than always rewarding those who quit because they got their feelings hurt. What is this sucker city? Also, why do we need full time code and animal people? How hard is this board trying to get us back on track. Ever heard of the word sacrifice?
3:18 PM Well I am not on my lunch hour so I will continue for you.
I was hoping someone would finally reply regarding the comment where the person blames all our problems on Leichliter. Oh Brother has he been buried under a rock!! Surely he is saying that as a ploy to get people churning. Surely nobody could be that stupid!
I agree with you 100% when you say that Greer had two mayors right where he wanted them in Robertson and Fagan. You are right on and every word you say is true.
Robertson wanted Leichliter out of there and Greer wanted the CA job and told department heads of his desire on many occasions.
As a matter of fact, we never had any big employee lawsuits until Don Greer came on board. The pity was that both Fagan and Robertson fell right into Greer's trap and to this day will never admit they've been used.
Had Fagan got rid of Greer like the City of Wood River did, he would have won his election but you won't ever get him to admit it.
Some day when and if you want to research something, go to the Hayner Library in Alton and see the articles regarding how Greer almost Bankrupted Wood River and the management letter they received from their auditors.
Our two mayors gave Greer carte blanche and he got everything he wanted; the first being Leichliter's job. After he got that, it was smooth sailing.
To this day, I don't think they realize that they were used just like Don Greer used everybody to benefit himself and his lust for glory.
Such a pity that two smart lawyers could be so blindsided.
3:29 PM I agree that they do not need Ms. Brown's position. If our CA can't do that job, well then, I thought he was hired because he turned other city developments around?
However, I do hope that this stops the speculations which are all over this blog regarding the 30,000 that was suppose to be in the budget specifically for this lawsuit, etc. etc.
I hope that the bull can stop now and it isn't held over the mayor's head anymore.
It just makes me angry when people start making suppositions on issues when they are no more capable of knowing anything than the rest of us.
Can we finally stop hammering about the 30,000 in the budget now? Or should we accuse the mayor of doing something else with the money? Gezz!
Posters 10:13,10:18,11:03 You were right, at least one bloger (3:18) is not interested in what happen in the City before Mr Greer was City Administrator and before Mr Robertson was mayor.
Nice work 8:50, too bad it will be overlooked by most who read this blog.'s not mysterious at all...Ms. Brown departs quickly, they ask for $30,000 in legal fees for that department, then there are meetings and Ms. Brown gets a fat severence check and all is swept under the rug. We'll never know the truth unless Ms. Brown shares it with us.
Is it true that Mr. Myers is now hiring a consultant for financial matters for the city? Mr. Ford, do you have any information on this? And if this is true, how much are we spending?
7:43 AM blogger: I will look into it and report back here!
Tom Ford
As promised, no new budget item for a position like that in the 08 budget so far, however...........
"The work session is open to public comment and if any resistance to public comment is offered the resistance will be delt with.
Please encourage all to be there. We have eliminated the economic development position but I suspect the C/A will return with a proposal for a another position."
Now your as informed as I am, so let's both go tomorrow night ans see what's up the C/D's sleve!
By the way, I think he will be out of town at a meeting, so we shall get the hear our new finance director fo a change.
Tom Ford
Tom, who are you quoting?
6:17 PM blogger: A member of the board, sorry, I can't reveal which one.
I wasn't asked to do that, but I never told the person, I would use their name either, so..........
Tom Ford
Now who is part of the "special group" - give me a break.
5:07 PM blogger: What would you like broken? Are we to assume that you don't understand confidentiality, or is it that you would just "give up" you source?
Either way, sad, very sad!
Tom Ford
What I think is sad is that the public does not know the same information that you seem to know. Why?
The alderman broke confidentiality when he told you, a person who is not elected to office and therefore by law not allowed access to the information.
You therefore, have access to privileged information that you could use for your own personal gain, as could the leakier.
As you are not the "press" therefore are not afforded the protection under the Constitution. I would be careful about bragging too much about having access to confidential information as it could come back to bite you.
By the way, how was the meeting to night? Did you do what your "source" asked you to do and attend the meeting?
Myers was hired for his ability to turn an aging mall around. Did he really turn it around? Or was it going to happen regardless of his involvment. People can take credit for a lot of things.
Maybe Crestwood should be reduced to a village.
"The alderman broke confidentiality when he told you, a person who is not elected to office and therefore by law not allowed access to the information."
That is the single most imbecilic remark I have seen on this or any other blog, period!
""The work session is open to public comment and if any resistance to public comment is offered the resistance will be delt with."
The public is not allowed to know they can speak? Where in God's name do you think you are, China, Russia? Since when is it a secret about what the meeting, and it's format will be about?
My God, I hope you are not, nor ever have been an "elected official," as this type of half tailed dictitorial thinking does not fly in the Crestwood I live in!
Brag? I never brag, I just ask in a very nice manor, and I get the answer, simple! When, and if you take off your Napolian costume you should try it, until then, please take you inane comments somewhere else, were all stocked up here!
Tom Ford
If it is legal why do you have to protect your source? Protect them from what? And if what you say is true, why is it confidential?
7:31 PM blogger: for the same reason I don't ask you for your name!
You remind me of why the "Hells Angles" motorcycle club said the following, " Three people can keep a secret, as long as two of them are dead!"
Now, accept it it for what it is, or don't, either way I coulden't care less!
Tom Ford
I think you are making up over half the stuff you claim someone in power told you because you can't tell us their name.
My feelings, accept them or not, I am not going to change until you change, and I care even less than you do.
5:32 PM blogger: Well if you feel that way, refute it, simple, no?
However, if you look at it most things I say come to pass, so if I am making them up, I must be darned good at it!
Now you see the real beauty of a blog, you get to make all the remarks you wish, as do I, and we leave it to our fellow citizens to decide who is right, or wrong!
And last but not least, if you coulden't care less than I do, you woulden't have responded, now would you?
None the less, enjoy the "witty banter" and blog away!
Tom Ford
I love the line in Tom's post about the City having Mr. Myer and the Mayor meet and greet prospective business looking at Crestwood. The image my mind sees is the business person shaking their hands, and thinking, "I hope I get to the buffet line before these two do".
4:08 PM blogger: Now, now! Is that nice?
As Winston Churchill said in a conversation with a female rival (who disliked him greatly) when she blurted out "Sir you are drunk!"
He simply responded, "madam, I may be drunk, but your ugly! Tomorrow I shall be sober, but you will still be ugly!"
We all have our "detractions" so.........
Tom Ford
come on Tom, I think I saw you almost smile on that one. Admit it.
6:13 PM blogger: Well, yes, but please don't tell anyone! We all know I am the most P / C correct person in Crestwood!
Tom Ford
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