Rams loose, Steelers win!
Well, that's all folks for the Rams! Cleveland Win's to drop them to 0-8 for the season! The steelers beat the Bengal's 24 /13 to move up a notch in the standings, and closer to playoff berth's.
My deepest condolences to all the Ram's fans who read this blog, but there is a bright side to everything, so just think, the Ram's will have first round draft picks next year.
There is one other thing that I should mention while I am at it, and that is let's please watch the comment's we make on this blog, or to other's in Crestwood! Lately it seems that I am hearing all sorts of things said about others in town that are, well not true. It's not a good idea, and unless we can cite verification, I will remove them.
Tom Ford
NO. 408
My deepest condolences to all the Ram's fans who read this blog, but there is a bright side to everything, so just think, the Ram's will have first round draft picks next year.
There is one other thing that I should mention while I am at it, and that is let's please watch the comment's we make on this blog, or to other's in Crestwood! Lately it seems that I am hearing all sorts of things said about others in town that are, well not true. It's not a good idea, and unless we can cite verification, I will remove them.
Tom Ford
NO. 408
Q: What do you call 47 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl?
A: The St. Louis Rams.
Q: What do the St. Louis Rams and Billy Graham have in common?
A: They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell ' God save us!'
Q: How do you keep a St. Louis Ram out of your yard?
A: Put up goal posts.
Q: Where do you go in St. Louis in case of tornado?
A: To the Dome - they never get a touchdown there.
Q: What do you call a St. Louis Ram with a SuperBowl ring?
A: A thief.
Q: What's the difference between the St. Louis Rams
and a dollar bill?
A: You can still get four quarters out of a dollar
Q: What do the St. Louis Rams and possums have in common?
A: Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.
Tom Ford
"However the Mayor has requested $30,000.00 for legal fees to be earmarked for "economic development." Now here is where I draw the line folks. If we need another 30 grand for legal fees, how about we stop the "legal fee hemorrhage" that has been happening over the last few years, as well as up to now!
It seems like every time we turn around someone in authority is creating a law suit by their actions, or words. Can we get that stopped before we spend another dime on lawyers? Is it me, or have we become an easy mark? It would seem that we have the proverbial target on our backs, why, I don't know. But I do know it has to stop, and now!"
Tom Ford
NO. 401
posted by Crestwood Independent at 17:49 10/17/07
Tom, is this still the big issue for you?
9:22 PM blogger: Yes it is a big issue to me. As far as I am concerned, it's a foolish waste of our tax money!
Why should we pay to bail out some person who hasen't a clue how to work, or play with others? I thought that was a kindergarten must.
Did I do something to say I had changed my mind on that issue? If you are aluding to the Ms. Brown issue, no I havent changed my mind, but we must let this play out first, please!
Tom Ford
Play what out first? What game is it we are playing?
5:43 PM blogger: That's the point my friend, were not playing a game here, this is for real, so let it die!
Tom Ford
Since the mayor is on one of those "boards" (TDD, TIF, etc.) he should already be aware of the legal costs associated with using those development "tools" - don't you think? Why would he cushion the budget with a "guess" in legal costs? I don't get it.
The extra $ is not for legal costs associated with any development, per Tom Ford own post.
come on folks...Roy's hillbilly mouth and brain have caused Ms (or is it MR) Brown to file (or threaten to file) a discrimination and/or hostile work environment suit. The 30K is what it will probably cost to make it go away.
As a reminder: you voted for him!
9:08 am No, you come on. You are merely speculating like so many of us. You have no clue. What I don't understand is how we got from Rams Loose, Steelers Win to the mayor being a hillbilly?
That tells me right there that you have disliked the mayor before this Brown issue was even an issue.
I guess if your candidate would have won, the charismatic lawyer that he was, had he put this money in the budget, it would have been OK. Right?
Well Roy is from West Virgina, and he does take the Lord's name in vain at City public meetings. I don't know, maybe its just me but if it swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, odds are it is a duck.
As for the charismatic lawyer as mayor, he wouldn't have had to put the money in the budget for me to be OK with because it is not a matter of being charismatic, it's a matter of having enough common sense to know what you say could get the CITY in trouble and then not doing it. It means understanding what the Charter says is law and then obeying the law so you don't leave the City open to law suits. It means a mayor who understand the Missouri Sunshine Law, and believes it applies to him.
To finish making your day a wonderful one, I am not poster 9:08, there are more than just a few on this blog who find current mayor a failure.
12:24 p.m. poster Amen, and I voted for him. I will correct that come April.
You do that!
But the question is ...
who ya gonna vote for???
Do you know who is running???
Please, enlighten us all.
3:30 Jerry Miguel
I thought Tim Trueblood or Richard Bland.
Or Martha or Alderman Roby, I would vote for him before any of those mentioned so far.
Can tell you one thing if Roy is the only one running, the turn out will the lowest as a percent in history of city. Plus there will be the highest number of write ins ever.
You all know that the Mayor does read this blog on a regular basis don't you?
12:24 Where Roy is from shouldn't matter to you or anyone. However, since you brought this up, are you saying you are prejudice against people from West Virginia? Well you may not take the Lord's name in vain, but you have a problem of your own called discrimination.
I know that the mayor may stumble and maybe he falls short of grace in your eyes, and maybe he is all the bad things you think he is. But the part you seem to forget is that Nobody does everything right not even your previous mayor.
No thanks to Mayor Fagan and his "commmon sense" to not "get the city in trouble" and his all powerful CA, we almost had a 14 million dollar police facility. So when you say, "get the city in trouble" make sure you remember that little deal.
I wouldn't think of changing your mind on this issue. So if you dislike this mayor, I hope the next one makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't use anybody's name in vain and is from a place that is more suitable to your discriminatingt tastes.
Maybe you should run against him.
9:08 AM blogger: In this case your very wrong! Our Mayor had nothing to do with this what so ever!
When the truth comes out, I hope you will do a few Mia Culpa's!!!
Tom Ford
Poster 4:59, You know, you didn't list one thing that would make me want to again vote for Roy. All you did was give excuses, blame others and offer no worthwhile solutions to the facts Poster 12:24 made.
Fact of the matter is if someone runs against Roy with no political history, they will have a strong chance of winning because all Roy can do is play the blame game, kind just like you did.
It is not a matter of liking or disliking the Mayor, the truth is he quite simply is unfit for the job and it would be a disaster for Crestwood if he were re-elected.
Do you realize he said that the Aldermen should not talk about "plan B" in public without first talking to him in private? Did you read were the Board is for the public input on the current problems of the City but the Mayor is against that? Did you read where he doesn't want Ways and Means meetings to be held on Saturdays when more citizens can watch and listen to the meetings, but wanted to continue to hold them during working hours on work days?
All of this in just the last two weeks. Why on earth would you still want to give him a pass and support him because he ran against Tom Fagan is beyond my understanding of what is common sense? There is no one running right now, why can't he do what is right for the City vs. what is right for his re-election?
So Tim, are you going to run?
I believe many times it has been said that the past 3-5 year's problems of Crestwood stemmed from lack of properly forecasting sales tax income? (recent history shows a major decline annually) Now when the majority of the BOA (by the way they are the governing body of the city, not the mayor)have requested this from the CA - by all rights, he needs to comply. Period. Go back and crunch the numbers!!! The CA needs to do his job!!
5:22 PM Why can't I do what? I am doing nothing different from you, I am giving my opinion. If it is not to your liking, too bad.
What is wrong with you fella? You see it your way, and I see it my way.
You are not the alpha and the omega in this city or the United States. If the people in Crestwood want another mayor, they will make it happen.
Since you seem to only see things your way and expect everyone else to do the same, maybe if you are elected Mayor, you will be telling people what to do and what not to do, just as you say Roy does.
5:22 PM Giving Roy a pass isn't how I see it! You ask why can't Roy see what is right for the city?
Before I voted in the last mayoral election, I asked myself why Tom Fagan deserved to get re-elected. I came up with a negative when I stopped and considered that he allowed Don Greer to have all the power by wearing two hats.
I also came up with a negative when I asked why on earth Tom Fagan would support a 14 million dollar police facility and I asked why he was allowing Alderman Kelleher to slam Alderman Miquel and call him a snake in the grass on the dais, and why Tim Trueblood was allowed to storm off the dias.
Mayor Fagan let his meetings get out of control; no better or worse than what you say Roy does.
So, whoever you are, Roy got rid of Greer and we have money problems, which reinforces the fact that we surely didn't need a brand new police facility.
What has happened with this mayor will live after him too and if he has been so disgraceful and others see it your way, then let the chips fall where they may in April 2008.
There are people who point their fingers at only this mayor, and see nothing wrong with the last mayor or the one who was before him. I, however, will weigh it all, see who is running against Roy and will make up my own mind based on present and past disgressions.
Hope this satisfies your fiesty little mind.
8:06, If it's good for you, then I am happy for you. Let me see, the ONE good thing this mayor did was get rid of Don Greer? He died recently, does Roy get the credit for that as well?
5:22 Is right on the mark!!!!!!
7:41 I agree with 5:22, I share her view, is that ok with you?
By the way, those who like to bring up events that happened 2/3 years ago at BOA meetings seem to overlook Roy taking the Lord's name in vain at the last meeting. But i guess when your Roy and you think you "control the whole city", you can be a little unbalanced at times.
Good grief, pls don't mention Fagan or Trueblood ...
You keep wanting us to get over the past, well to do that you must do the same. They were pathetic. Get over it.
8:33 PM Sounds like you still haven't calmed down.
I only tried to answer your comment, so don't get all upset with me.
In the last mayoral election, I based my determination on past experiences with the previous administration.
What you are telling me is that in April, 2008, you won't base your vote on what Roy did in the last three years? Oh Sure you won't. You are already bringing up things he has done or not done. Come on, I did the same thing you are doing only I did it based on the previous administration and not this one.
You see we are more alike than you care to admit. Now shut up and go to sleep.
12:37 What I am telling you now is that Roy has given me zero reasons to vote for him again after the last 6 months of his performance.
I am also telling you that I will not shut up, and I suspect, there is nothing you can do to make me.
So unless you can back your orders up, don't waste your time giving them
12:14 Sir, I have no intention of giving you orders, I just made a suggestion. Maybe I should have said, come up for air every once in awhile.
I agree that if you feel that Roy has not given you any reason to vote for him again by his performance in the last six months, vote for his opponent.
However by stating this, what you are saying is that you are judging Roy exactly the same way as I have judged the previous mayor, by his performance. But when I explain what I feel the previous administration did to negate me, you take offense.
Therefore, what I am trying to tell you is that you are chastising me for looking at the performance of the previous administration when you are doing the same thing with this administration. I apologize for the offensive remark. Nevertheless, I am just trying to make you understand, we are using the same methods of reasoning, just using different people. I will respect you views, if you will respect mine.
I apologize Tom, It was not Roy, one would suspect, but even worse, Frank! You would think that a C/A with a Masters in Public Administration would know better. But then again…he was Roy’s Boy!!
4:49, what are you talking about?
From the previous comment, it seems that the CA has offended T. Brown in some way shape or form! I have heard that he carries himself differently around the office than at BOA meetings.
"you heard" that's rich.
Why dont you do just like Mr. Ford said to do and march up to City Hall and do some work and find out the truth.
""you heard" that's rich"
What a snot you are. Ok - an employee told me...better? My comment was no more vague than some of the comments made by Mr. Ford with no "backup facts"!!!
well, why dont you go to city hall and just ask like Mr. Ford did? Lazy?
8:38 AM blogger: When you wish to see the "back up facts" or the truth, stop by the house, and we will discuss it!
Tom Ford
Steelers, 38, Baltimore 7!!!!!!
Tom Ford
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