Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Were Back in the ball game folks! Well, maybe, well...............

As reported by the "paper" we have reduced the 2008 projected deficit by $85,552.00 since last week! It seems they found some projections that were above what actual costs will be, so.

However the Mayor has requested $30,000.00 for legal fees to be earmarked for "economic development." Now here is where I draw the line folks. If we need another 30 grand for legal fees, how about we stop the "legal fee hemorrhage" that has been happening over the last few years, as well as up to now!

It seems like every time we turn around someone in authority is creating a law suit by their actions, or words. Can we get that stopped before we spend another dime on lawyers? Is it me, or have we become an easy mark? It would seem that we have the proverbial target on our backs, why, I don't know. But I do know it has to stop, and now!

That said, Gentlemen of the BOA, until I see a hemostat on this important artery, I am totally against the 30 grand for more legal fee's!

Tom Ford

NO. 401


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For one of the few times I can recall, I agree with you on your thoughts about the legal fees this mayor wants to write into the budget. And you know what really hangs in my craw? He want to do it in the budget so "he doesn't have to go back the Aldermen and ask the for the money". He wants to back door the Aldermen who have the say in how our money is spent.
I just have to wonder why he thinks there is a need for the $30,000 set aside, is for the suit Westfield brings against him or the City? Now I know what is more important to him, legal fees or a new telephone system.
Roy is just as I have been told he is, a walking Charter Violation!

7:28 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the city attorney has the Mayor's ear to me. Crestwood is the Cash Cow for Lawyers.Bring it on... folks, we budget for this!!! Seems our city attorney does not want to help us conserve our funds,or offer advice or wouldn't he have waylaid Roy and the board with some sounder advice?

The plaza does not belong to us. It is possible we have little to gain by sticking our proverbial noses into their business. If they don't break the law, and don't put in a porn store complex, why can't we just do the hope and pray thing?

Anyway, why does Crestwood continue to think it has the right to stick its nose into/take sides in every business enterprise that comes along. And spend any possible discretionary money we find on lawyers.

Remember the Tipton, Zorensky, Kroger deal years ago?

Remember the Drive In/National debacle?

Remember Kohls?

We don't have the money to stick our noses into this sort of thing. Let THEM duke it out.

Do you have any idea what these deals cost the city? It would have all come about had we just stuck to approving codes and giving permits. Since when do we have the right to dictate business decisions especially when it costs us a fortune and could implicate us in lawsuits?

Think about it. Why are we anticipating legal fees? Sounds like we are inviting them.

Little chance we are going to get exactly what we want up there. Let's give it a rest. I am totally fed up with legal fees and lawyers bills. Could be because they are exorbitant for this size city and we have a history of graft and corruption so bad it defies description.

Think about that, too!

7:41 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would that former BOA want to build a 14M dollar facility with an antiquated phone system? Sounds like this city is priority challenged. Remember, there are 9 people sitting up there on the dais. All 9 should be weighing in. Pretty much sounds like they did.

Can we lease a new system or buy a used one? We really are a very small city.

8:05 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Mayor thinks Westfield is going to sue him? Hay why worry, we will have $3 million in cash reserves next year. Ask the MAYOR about that, as he is calling all the shots for all 8 Aldermen up there.

8:12 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what till you read next weeks news, the projected deficit has changed again per this weeks Ways and Means meeting, and it's not towards the black ink. You just got to wonder who the heck is in charge up there.
The Three Stooges, Robinson, Myers Golterman?

8:16 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why would that former BOA want to build a 14M dollar facility with an antiquated phone system?"

Incorrect statement, but nice try.

Why don't you ask the current mayor why he has not kept that item in the budget? Don't start blaming the past on this one.

Oh, and the legal fees...seems like the mayor doesn't want to voice his reasons for making the request. Isn't he one one of those boards for TIF, TDD, etc.? He should know the approximate amount of money needed for legal fees associated with those types of tools. At least if that was the reason for the request, why didn't he just state that. Something smells.

9:33 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city attorney is to advise the BOA when presented with legal questions. He does not give the BOA "ideas", he interprets their proposed actions legally. The CA and staff are the ones that are supposed to give the BOA direction. Hmm, like the service class grandfathering. It's not the atorney's job to point out the difference in income projected and the amount of projected income told to the public prior to the ballot voting.....

9:40 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to continue paying all of the law firms to bankrupt Crestwood so we can merge with Sunset Hills and then Gary Vincent will be our Mayor!

Attorney Gary Vincent can then three pools of money!

Sunset Hills Pool, Crestwood Swim Club, and Whitecliff Pool!

By the way, guess who is representing Sansone!
You are right--Atty Gary Vincent's law firm

Now, how much in TIF, TDD, and CID will the Viking Hotel get in funding?

Did you check that the Viking owner is a Rosebrook Stockholder?
His daughter used to swim at Crestwood Swim Club.

What a small world!

Is that why Atty Gary Vincent left Crestwood for Sunset Hills? more TIFs, TDDs, CIDS?

Will the new Viking build a big "save" indor and outdoor swimming pool?

9:51 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to continue paying all of the law firms to bankrupt Crestwood so we can merge with Sunset Hills and then Gary Vincent will be our Mayor!

Attorney Gary Vincent can then three pools of money!

Sunset Hills Pool, Crestwood Swim Club, and Whitecliff Pool!

By the way, guess who is representing Sansone!
You are right--Atty Gary Vincent's law firm

Now, how much in TIF, TDD, and CID will the Viking Hotel get in funding?

Did you check that the Viking owner is a Rosebrook Stockholder?
His daughter used to swim at Crestwood Swim Club.

What a small world!

Is that why Atty Gary Vincent left Crestwood for Sunset Hills? more TIFs, TDDs, CIDS?

Will the new Viking build a big "save" indor and outdoor swimming pool?

As Atty Gary Vincent's last words and Alderman James Kelleher last words - "We never received our $1.00."

9:53 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was betting on the Crestwood budget, I would put all of my money in Savings Bonds because I believe that City Administrator has several bills not entered in the 2006 and 2007 books!

It happens all of the time in Local Government as one journalist stated.

So, how much are we really in debt.

$1.4 million? or $2 million? or $4 million?

9:56 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:53 you are pathetic. It is ROY AND THIS BOARD THAT HAVE DONE THIS. You really cant let go of the past and face the present can you.

10:17 PM, October 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, Roy and his boy Myers have done nothing to address the financial challenges Crestwood faces. It's easy to place blame, and the residents of Crestwood, especially Roy, don't have the ability to take ownership for their mistakes, they like to point fingers to the past.

Will Roy use the previous administration again for his upcoming election? Time to step aside Roy and let somebody take over that has some experience and knowledge.

Does the $30,000 budgeted for 'economic development' have anything to do with the disappearing economic development director? Is there some pay-off going on that the residents haven't heard about? Or do we have to have those funds to replace this position?

9:24 AM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we set aside some money to pay for the psychological counseling required by the triple poster at 9:53? This person obviously needs psychological help--paranoid consipiracy theorist. Lets pay for his or her counseling...they need it bad.

Roy's kid was a lifeguard at the pool many years ago.....uh oh

9:59 AM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The past is important to remember. But, the current administration has been in power since April 05 - almost 2 1/2 years. It is their ball game folks.

11:51 AM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put 11:51. Much as they deserve a lot of the blame, I'm tired of hearing how it's the old administration's fault. We know they did a lot of bad. But this bunch has been in there since '05. They're not newbies anymore. They're the old guard now. And that means THEY are more responsible for where the city is today than anyone in power a few years ago. Time to act as such. I tire of seeing the city take credit when things go well and point fingers when things go bad. You can't have it both ways.

12:30 PM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much is a new phone system?

Just think if the city used the money it spent on strategic planning ($9,000 last year and $3,000 this year) to use toward the phone system. That would have gone a long way.

2:32 PM, October 18, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Fellow bloggers. I received a call this morning from a person at City hall, who informed me that our City government will be more that happy to answer all of our questions if we would just call them.

Now I think that's a very good idea! Why not get the news from the main source, and go from there.

In keeping with that, may I suggest you call City hall, and ask for the Mayor, and ask away! I hesitate to call Frank Myers as I am sure he would be better served doing the Cities business, but the Mayor will be there for you.

Also, I was told that the $30,000.00 in legal fees is for a "set aside" only, and they have no need for it now, so, ask why if you wish to know.

They said there is nothing to hide, and the welcome your interest, so why not do it.

Tom Ford

6:03 PM, October 18, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:53 PM blogger: We have completly researched this at City Hall, and the law offices, THERE IS NO CHECK! There is no paper trail, so this never happened?

Now you begin to see some of the problems with the pool deal! How, and why do we pay for a section of land that THF never owned?

Tom Ford

6:12 PM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, why should we ask them, when we have your blog? After all it is "most of the news with none of the paper"!

6:14 PM, October 18, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:14 PM blogger: Correct indeed! However, take advantage of the offer anyway.

Maybe he has the "rest of the story"

Tom Ford

6:22 PM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think money is constantly moving like drug money!

Stop the books and see how much is really in the bank.

<-$1.4 million>

9:06 PM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Roger Anderson

10:00 PM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like St. Louis County and Crestwood.

10:19 PM, October 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:06 PM, October 18, 2007

I agree - citizens have not seen any financials. We should be provided monthly showing how much of the nonexpendable fund (now called "cash reserves"?) is tapped. It is our internal "line of credit" and we should be able to see the check book on a monthly basis.

I also agree that I doubt there is really hard cash in that fund. At least not the number the CA is claiming. I doubt if on 12/31/07 after the money is "paid back" to the nonexpendable fund - there would be a balanced budget.

11:38 AM, October 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roy agrees with the C/A 100%.
Citizens havent seen anything, neither has the BOA, the budget goes public next Tues for approval by the BOA. How many of you will be there to ask:
1.Why do we need $30,000 for legal?
2.Why cant we spend $25000 on phones?
3.What is the Mayor's and Ways and Means plan B if mall sinks further?
4.Where is MS. T. Brown?
5.Can new streets be afforded just because it's an election year?

1:38 PM, October 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the agenda for next Tuesday's BOA meeting. The city is providing two of our dept heads new cars for their use.
Guess that is another reason why we cant get our City Hall phone systems upgraded. That and the $30,000 for extra legal expense in 2008 I guess are examples of what Roy said were other cuts that could be made before a tax increase was needed.

7:29 PM, October 19, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:00 PM blogger: That's interesting, the Roger Anderson I know dosen't have a computer!

So who are you?

Tom Ford

7:33 PM, October 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who i am is more important to you than the City buying two new cars, when we are broke?!

10:55 AM, October 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:55 Sir or Mame, if two new cars are being purchased, they had to be approved in the budget. The budget has to first be approved by the ways and means committee and then by the mayor and board or else they can't be purchased. If this was a budgeted item, there are several people you need to finger to play the "blame game". A copy of the budget is in the city clerk's office and if you so protested the purchase, you should have said something to your two aldermen instead of just blaming the mayor. The department head who asked for these two new vehicles had to justify it in their portion of the budget. Do you have all the details as to why these two cars were purchased; maybe these two purchases are justified.

1:08 PM, October 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight, it is up to poster 10:55 to do the research on the purchase of the two new cars and the budget from which them came from? Correct?
Would you not then said it was to voters to do the same on ballot issues that they cast a vote on?

3:38 PM, October 20, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:55 AM blogger: In this case, yes! I am more interested in why you chose to use someone elses name in your post?

You didn't tell us the truth, we caught you, and now like harry reid (lower case intended) you want to deflect the question!

Sorry, dosen't work with me!

Tom Ford

3:45 PM, October 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot's of questions, no answers.

Who is getting the 2 cars? Why? Seems like at this point in time, we need to cut back on this perk. Are we not still trying to swim? Let's get real? No Company cars until things are better. If not, why not???

If Twyla Brown is on leave, why? Didn't she just come on board of late? If she is gone is she being paid? If so, why? Sorry, again, here, but are we still a ways from being financially fit?

Surely one of the bloggers has these answers or an incentive to call and get these answers and share with us. You know, a public service. Otherwise quit talking about it.

4:28 PM, October 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:55 here, Tom, what are you talking about, using someone else's name? I just posted a response to every body's major heartburn trying to figure out who a poster is instead of thinking about the idea being posted.

7:32 PM, October 20, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:55 PM blogger: If you wern't the person who posted another's signature, well I was wromg. However you sure sounded like it in subsequent posts.

I see no reason to use another's name on any sort of comment. Just post anonymous, or use your real name (generic statement.)

Again if it wasn't you, I am glad you brought it to my attn. But then who was it?

Tom Ford

7:01 AM, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Twyla Brown is on leave, why? Didn't she just come on board of late?

FMLA ... Family and Medical Leave Act

1:02 PM, October 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the Tipton, Zorensky, Kroger deal years ago?

Remember the Drive In/National debacle?

Remember Kohls?

These stores paid and/or are still are paying our bills. So what is your point?

1:03 PM, October 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you even have a clue how much in legal fees it cost the city of Crestwood to stick their noses in the Tipton, Drive-In and the Kohl's/Swim Club business? Check it out. Check it out good. I'm' not going to do your homework, but trust me I'm aware of the end result. The wrestling matches involved did not need city intervention, it all should have happened by letting them duke it out. But, no, for some reason this city can't leave well enough alone. Sadly, you cannot ask Mayors Vitalis, Killoren and Murray as they are deceased.

4:36 PM, October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 4:36, Hay, wake up! Roy is running our city now, havent you heard, no negative talk, it makes the business in Crestwood leave. So, shhhh, please or Macy's may leave or Mens Warehouse or Dairy Queen, opps they already did. See what you caused, it's your fault.

11:50 PM, October 24, 2007  

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