Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Breaking news! Please watch the "You paid for it" segment on 2 news tomorrow night!

It seems that LARRY SALCI, Metro CEO, referring to Elliott Davis has made a remark that is not only wrong, but reflects on how he feels about the local citizens! What he failed to realize is that the camera was still running, and thus the remark is preserved for posterity!

Now Larry, if that's how you feel about us, how about your immediate resignation so you can find a job that you can fit into? How do you feel about the phrase " You want fries with that?" That said tho, I am not all that sure you can Handel that!

Your going to love this one folks, so please tune in!

Tom Ford

NO. 416


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw it and he said we were "clowns" Big deal this would be just another example of people being a bit over sensitive, and Mr. Davis knows how to push the buttons. He got a reaction from yet another offical. Everybody's human.

8:07 AM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Big deal"? Ok then.

9:09 AM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only $800 million over budget!

Now wants a tax raise to fund more fun for the Metro Project Managers!

Are they all driving BMW's?

3:25 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just received today's 'Crestwood Newsletter'. Some quotes from our Mayor:

'The Fall months are my favorite mainly because I and many of you enjoy watching the beautiful color change of the tree leaves.'

'We are presently working on the budget for 2008 and at the present time....'

Not to mention his run on sentences, improper punctuation and other grammatical errors.

Right under his article is the announcement for Mayoral Elections. Please, please, please, somebody file and stop us from this embarassment.

Unfortunately we can't retract what he says, and Mr. Anthony is always there to have it in full text for our City-wide embarassment. However, can't one of the City Administrator's many assistants proofread Robinson's work before it is printed????

3:27 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Ms Engold is too busy doing Google Searches on Ms. Brown for the Mayor to rewrite the Mayor's message this month.

3:59 PM, November 09, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:27 PM blogger: How about you doing it? You seem to have the time judging by the time of your post, and it would be a wonderfull contribution to Crestwood, so, what say you?

Tom Ford

6:49 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the times, and it stated employee's from the mall are saying the mall will close after the holidays. So much for everything is ok according to the mayor. The storm is coming!

Where there is smoke, there is fire. If this property is redeveloped you can bet it will take a few years. I hope there is another plan and it's in place soon.

8:40 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plan? Who needs a stinking Plan? We don't need no plan, we have a balanced budget, over $3,000,000 in cash reserves and the Mayor said we don't need a plan or a ballot in April's election for a tax increase.
Plan that's the kind of negative talk that will force the mall to close.
Another reason why we should say no to Mehlevill, we don't need to save $200,000 next year.

9:45 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee Tom are you asking poster 3:27 to become Mayor, since that is the only person who can write for the COnnections?

9:46 PM, November 09, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ah yes. where to start? I know, 9:46 PM blogger: True enough, but he is not the only person who can "proof read" for the "connections!"

8:40 PM blogger: If you listen to employees of the mall the sky is falling also! Please remember that a "plan" is the first thing to be tossed out in the heat of battle!

I would rather defer to the people who would know what's going on, not a retail clerk!

9:45 PM blogger: Gee, you seem to have it all in hand there! I wonder why you arn't willing to share your ideas, and your name with us?

None of us really know what's going on in that arena, so I am for allowing our leadership to get the best deal for us that they can. This one will tell us if we have the right people in place, or not.

Tom Ford

7:15 AM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What leadership are you talking about? I see nothing indicating any leadership coming from the Mayors' office.
Alderman Miguel tries to plan for the worst, the Mayor shoots him down. Others of the Board try to direct City into a discussion of what do we do if happens and are told they will bring it about by talking about bad things. The Mayor says if a Alderman has an idea or concerns he should not talk about it at public meetings but behind closed doors with him. What a crock! Leadership? You must be kidding, right?

8:12 AM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:12 AM blogger: Are you sure your looking, or would you just rather slam him?

I learned a long time ago that you can't lead from behind! Has he made mistakes? Sure he has, will he make them in the future, could be, but I KNOW HE IS OUT THERE ON THE LINE FOR US EVERY DAY!

I am afraid you long for the past when we had a Mayor in name only, and the City was run by a "gentleman" who certianly did us no favors, and the Mayor went right along with it!

Roy Robinson is the best Mayor we have had since Bob Bess, or Pat Killioran! They made mistakes also (we all do,) but we knew they were trying to get the best they could for us!

Don't fret my friend, the one great thing in your favor is that this is still America! You too will have a chance to shine if you want it. All you have to do is take your $5.00, a list of signatures, pay your taxes before Jan. 1st, and throw your hat in the ring!

What I call the "silly season" is upon us, so look for the worst in all of us to come out in full bloom before April! That's a good thing though, it proves we can agree to dis-agree and still enjoy each others ideas and witty banter!

Tom Ford

8:36 AM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, the silly season started 3 years ago this coming April when we elected this mayor. To be frank the fact that he is out there every day on the line for us is what frightens me the most. Total incompetence, no people skills, everything is done to get re-elected, no vision for the furture or understanding of same, and a total disregard for the Charter and the position he is to take per it's rules.
I think no one runs against him. After he wins and takes the oath of office and he comes to us for anther property tax increase that we all know is needed now and should be on the April ballot, the voters will say no. Watch, then he will fire Myers blaming him for his failures to address what Miguel and others are tying to do now. Then I hope the citizens realize they have another 3 years of the same and take out the needed paper work to remove him from office. That's what I see happening.

10:46 AM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:46 AM blogger: Well, gee, let's see here.

"Total incompetence, no people skills, everything is done to get re-elected, no vision for the furture or understanding of same, and a total disregard for the Charter and the position he is to take per it's rules."

That's a rather scathing portrail of the past two mayors, but if that's how you see it, well.

Tom Ford

2:47 PM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have a status on the Sappington development?

I'm surprised there are only 2 stores in there so close to the holiday shopping season.

Have any other stores signed on? Is Pancheros still going in there?

Also, on Dec. 14 if someone responds to the the request for development on the mall will those be public?

5:23 PM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the Mayor, he is "in charge of the whole City".

10:19 AM, November 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Pilgrims many of you sure know how to keep the bullets flying regarding this mayor.

It's funny how several of you think you know how you would handle things and slam the mayor because "he did this or didn't do that".

What will really be a crack up is when you or the one you think would be the perfect mayor is elected. When he/she ends up walking in the mayor's shoes, we shall see what story they shall sing. Why? Because straightening this mess can't be done in only 3 years.

Mr./Mrs. Blogger, you may be perfect with your punctuation and your spelling, but if what you say in those perfectly spelled words doesn't mean anything, out goes your master's degree in English Comp and it "ain't" going to get us more sales tax, or economic development or anything. And shame on your if you base your opinions about anybody on that alone. That's what embarrasses you of all things? Well excuse me, Mr. Perfect!

Also, you can have all the elocutionary skills of a well-educated lawyer, but it means nothing if the words are lies and excuses.

If you think that anybody in this town can fix what has gone wrong in this town over the last 12/15 years in just 3, for heaven sakes, I beg you to have the person run for Mayor! But I can tell you that saying you can do the job and doing it are two entirely different things once you walk in those shoes.

You cannot tell me that anybody really knows what it is like to run this city on a daily basis unless you get your feet wet first. You may think you know it all, but you don't.

But suit yourself and keep making statements that you may have to eat someday when another person is elected Mayor.

And keep throwing those bullets. I want to see that person you feel can do the job of "Superman".

4:11 PM, November 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the mayor had a plan.

5:01 PM, November 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:01 Oh Yeah, I am sure he did have a plan. He just never discussed it with you. Well shame on him!! Jimmy Carter had a plan, so does George W, so did a lot of Presidents. What did you think Roy's plan was going to be? Cause he didn't tell you, that means he didn't have one?

When you are elected to office, it doesn't mean a plan is going to work. Maybe it didn't even get off the ground. Like I said, all people that run for office, have some type of an idea of what they are going to do, but once in office, they see much more than they ever thought they had to deal with.

That bunk about he had a plan, he had a plan. I am sure he did and other mayors had plans too. Did they discuss all their plans with us? I doubt it! Give me a break!

Nobody knows what kind of mess they are really walking into, until they physically walk into it.

Let's say that you are hired for a job, and you have wanted this job badly and finally got it. When you walk into your office, do you know exactly what all of your responsibilities are going to be? I doubt it. As days and months go by, you will probably be doing more than you ever thought you would be doing. What's the difference in running for office?

All the Presidents of the United States didn't walk in office and three years later know everything.

And as far as using bad language, name me one person who hasn't slipped. George W was asked if he would vote for Hilary. He said **** NO and it was so stated on television. Sure it is wrong but so are other things that have happened. However, if you don't like the guy to begin with, you would go down that road. Shame on him, etc. etc. And many of you have. I never said it was right, I said it was human. Too bad you, who are without sin, feels they have to cast the first stone.

Some of these things are nothing more than Petty nonsense. If you dislike a person, you can go on and on about everything; if you like a person however, you will make excuses. That's what is done on this blog, a lot.

I do not excuse the mayor for what he has said and it is wrong. What I won't do is believe that he isn't human and I say he made a bad mistake. Can you say you have never slipped up yourself? Harry Truman had a temper and slipped a lot. I thought he was a good President.

5:49 PM, November 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His campaign was to bring Crestwood back and that he had a plan. What is so unusual for citizens to inquire about that plan? The disappointment came when asked about what measures he would be taking and not getting any answer. I am confused why when asked point blank - no answer. Cloak and dagger stuff to me. Very disappointing.

10:24 PM, November 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:49 Why are you so afraid of admitting that Roy made promises to get elected and hasn't kept them? Is it because you are related to him in some way? The Presidents you listed sure took hits in the eyes of the public, what make Roy above the same?
Fact is, if he did not know how big the mess was, then after 3 years he surly must have a plan by now, WHAT IS IT? If he wants my vote what is his new 2008 plan?

7:34 AM, November 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:34 am Good Morning! You have a right to vote for whoever you so desire. But you are still taking a chance on the next person. I just don't eel that anyone can get this mess straightened out in three years. Why don't you give him a chance to make it work?

Many years passed before the truth was known about our financial situation and at the same time we were loosing sales tax and still are. Those are hugh factors to consider.

However, if you think anybody out there can do a better job, then do your thing. However, you should know by now that the only heros we have seen so far are in the "comic books". Quick fixes are only in movies.

I appreciate your comment. Thanks.

9:35 AM, November 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find your email and the reason you out line for giving Roy your vote next April weak. What is his plan for the next 3 years if re-elected to fix the mess you outline as the City currently in? When & will he share it with us the voters?

Do you not think that when you voted for current Mayor 3 years ago you were taking a chance then? What action on his part in the last 3 years has convinced you that he should get your vote again this coming APRIL? In other words what has Roy done in the last 3 yrs that would make me/ or you, want to vote for him again? The idea that the mess will take more than 3 yrs to fix doesnt work as I do not believe the City can wait three more years for a solution, it needs one now. And as much as I hate to admit it, either a tax increase on the April ballot in April or take the offer of the Mehlville Fire District now seems the only ways I know of that will keep the City afloat at this time next year. What his is position on those matters? From what I have learned his position is to not allow the Board to talk about it, the only reason I can see for that position is he doesnt want to give anyone ammo to be used against him by someone who runs against him. So it strikes me that the Mayor is very selfish in his desire to get re elected, someone I will not vote for. Sorry, he hasn't done anything in the last 3 yrs to get my vote for another 3 years. I hope someone runs against him so I can vote.

3:18 PM, November 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3:18, If you think that taking the "deal" offered by that snake oil salesmen is going too keep us afloat next year, then I believe you need to be educated. First off, what are we gonna do when we loose the income that comes with 1/4 cent fire sales tax that we can't keep if we contract out this service? What happens after the the contract expires and they decide to change the rules of the game, sort of like a "take it or leave it" situation? Do you think you will have a voice on any decisions that are made by that board if they take us over? Do one of us citizens get to sit on their board? Why on gods green earth would we ever want to give up control of OUR fire department? This whole thread started about some guy from metro calling people from St. Louis a bunch of clowns. This Aaron guy must think some of us in this city are clowns if he thinks we are going to fall for this ploy. I feel like he is trying to sell me a late 80's Ford Sedan that "looks great, runs great", but has to be towed back to his lot after it can't even make it to my house without dying. I could go on and on with the reasons not to listen to this joke of an offer from a little man with designs on a county council seat. Hey, I have an idea, if he wants to give fire protection to Crestwood, go try and take over Affton and he can cover the annexed area. Good luck with that. By the way, I believe Affton Firemen are represented by the Teamsters. I think I read that somewhere.

3:42 PM, November 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What control. Do we the voters in Crestwood have now over our current fire dept.? None I can recall, so please list those items that the citizens have had a say in. Oh yeah, I forgot we voted to pass the Sales Fire Tax, and we have a citizens board (Fire Board) but again what say have they had?
p.s. you really got it bad for some guy named Aaron, almost sounds personal, can you explain?

5:08 PM, November 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:08 PM blogger: We the voters have the final say (if you use it) on the fire budget, the fire board, and just about everything finincial that the FD does!

We never have had to us it because Chief Kessler does a wonderful job along with every person in that firehouse of getting the job done!

With Mehlville, well, your just a number, and a darn small one at that!

PS, it may be Aaron himself, who knows?

Tom Ford

5:56 PM, November 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:18 PM You have asked me lots of questions regarding my comment at 9:34. Now let me ask you one?
What makes you think that a newly elected person who wins the 2008 mayoral race will be able to do a better and faster job? Wouldn't you also be "taking a chance".

You cast your vote, you take your chances. And the idea that it will take another 3 years to get this city back on track may not float with you, but it still might take that long whether you like it or not.

And you are no more sure than anybody else that another candidate can make it all better.

But thanks for drilling me with a lot of questions, but we both know that even if I answered all of them, it isn't really going to make any difference to you and how you feel.

I didn't comment on this blog for you or anybody else to get up in my face with questions. I stated what I feel, and you can get answers to your questions from somebody else. I am not trying to debate. I will leave that to you and others.

9:21 PM, November 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point is that during the current mayor's campaign he stated he had a plan to bring Crestwood back. I didn't see the other candidates claiming they had a "plan" but rather stated their intentions to move the city forward.

I guess he would say anything to get elected. (along with using the firefighter's union!) If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie, again!

11:05 AM, November 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor's plan for 2008 is to get re-elected no matter what he has to do or say.
Isn't that right Mr. Mayor, your honor?

12:22 PM, November 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plan? Isn't trying to "move the city forward" a plan? I was there for the mayoral debate. I also heard Tom Fagan say we were going to save money by keeping Don Greer in two powerful positions. Way too much power for one person.

And that is when I picked my choice. I think the reason why Roy didn't state a plan was because the first thing he was going to do was get rid of the police chief/city administrator.
And that was a great step in my opinion.

Also that is all you are doing is giving your opinion. You call this mayor a liar, OK, your opinion again, because you say he didn't have a plan, etc., etc. You say he is this and that and whatever. You can say whatever you want; all I am saying is if you think the next mayor isn't going to do things wrong too, you are just kidding yourself.

Tom Fagan in his infinite wisdom to "turn the city around" was OK with a new 14 million dollar police station. Why? Don Greer said so, that's why. Not good enough for me and that is why your candidate lost, pure and simple.

If you criticize all those who signed the petition to stop this 14milliion dollar, or as it was stated capital improvement deal, because of misleading ballot language, then there are quite a few people in this city that beg to differ. Nobody put a gun put to their head to sign it. Where they all stupid? According to one person on this blog, they are and wait until you hear him again since I probably opened a "can of worms" on this ballot language issue, again and still.

Anyhow, I still thank you for your comment. I just don't agree.

12:36 PM, November 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it that when the Mayor appoints a personal friend to be the Police chief that isnt 2 powerful positions under the control of the Mayor?
So Roy stopped the police station and got rid of Greer, what else has he done in the last 3 yrs that he said he was going to do in his plan and what is his plan for the next term that will get your vote again?

4:21 PM, November 16, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:05 Am blogger: Please give us one, just one thing that backs up your statement that the Mayor Lies!

I don't see it, and truth be known, you don't either (but it sounds good to you!)

If you want to see a few "lies" let's delve into the police palace deal!

Tom Ford

6:20 PM, November 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police Place is over and to bring it up now is just dodging these questions:

Why should Roy get my vote in 2008?

What is his plan if re elected for our City?

We all know he reads this blog, so he can put his answer here, without the famous why don't you ask him reply.
I just did ask him.

7:59 AM, November 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just realized what Roy's PLAN is. A great weight has been taken off my shoulders.

Roy decided to become Mayor to provide the city with a municipal dartboard. Realizing the mess the city was in, he felt if he showed up daily and parked in his spot and gave fodder to the CALL and this blog and his competition at the polls (by virtue of his victory alone) ... the knotted shorts set would be assuaged. He will have provided enough pure hate release to get the drug companies in a bind while providing a public health service to those in our community in need. You know, the ones whose every thought and deed is now dedicated to Roy Bashing/Winning at Darts.

I, therefore, commend Roy's sacrifice. It is an incredible PLAN. While providing our city's more testy souls and ex-officials emotional release, a chance to play darts, the opportunity to use all sorts of big ugly accusatory words, and give the CALL a reason to go to press, Roy has managed somehow to help steer us into tomorrow without the burden of a 14.5 million dollar city hall we neither needed nor wanted and has rid us of an administration which turned the city over to a ruthless administrator and his crew, and a board bent on self destruction. Yeppo, Roy is presiding over a brand new BOA, which is busy and apparently committed to utilizing its various talents in hopes of finding a joint workable PLAN for our city which will also satisfy those on this blog whose agenda has been one of wrath and limited to revenge and the discovery of ***ROY'S PLAN***, which ha ha ha, I discovered.

6:32 PM, November 17, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:32 PM blogger: Excellent my friend! The "Roy haters" seem to forget all the good he has done, and pine for the "good old days" of third rate ward healing lawyers!

But I digress! I say on to bigger and better things with a person at the helm who knows the course, and not a "stay at home" leader who couldent manage his way out of a revolving door!

We need ROY in 08!

Tom Ford
"The darling of the Fire Department!"

7:00 PM, November 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got so busy patting myself on the back for my historic city shattering discovery of Roy's Plan that I forgot to mention Part II of Roy's Plan. Which is: Providing the shoulders on which to place all blame for revenue loss and Plaza decline. I believe, however, he does draw the line on accepting blame for Rams' losses. However, if it would help, you can share the city dartboard.

7:06 PM, November 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:06 After reading your comments, why don't you just come out and tell us how you really feel.

7:36 PM, November 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I to take then that the reason I should cast my vote for Roy in 2008 is because his plan for the next 3 years is to be the fall guy for future failures and problems of Crestwood?
Somehow I was hoping for something more than that, like a platform, a vision to share with the voters.
Sounds to me that you are suggesting that Roy has a martyr complex. Sorry that's not enough to get my vote again.

1:10 PM, November 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:10 PM I see no comment that suggests you vote for Roy for any specific reason at all. SO Don't then!

Still doesn't mean we will be better off; it just means you are day dreaming into thinking someone is going to come into Crestwood on a White Horse and make all our problems go away.

You call current problems excuses. I say they are problems, but call them whichever way you are so inclined.

You think the mayor has a martyr complex? If you are so smart, let's hear your magic plan for getting rid of what everybody else is suffering for right now; a decline in sales tax, real estate not selling, TIF's that have been misused by developers, adjusted rate mortgages, and a war that keeps going on and on. Plus, why don't you tell your aldermen how you feel. See what they say.

The board with the exception of Jerry Miquel, just voted at the last board meeting to OK'd Meyer's plan to give a promotion to a girl who will be the same as a economic development person (with a different name) and then hire another girl to take the promoted girl's place. Yes, your aldermen OK'd it. Not the Mayor. I say where are the cuts in personnel. It makes no sense to me; perhaps your aldermen can explain it.

Jerry Miquel is the only one who said, that the issue was sprung on them too fast and he felt he needed more time to OK it. Now that's what everybody should have said. There are 8 of them and only 1 mayor. And I am really angry about it too. Can't they say no, we have enough; where is the hiring freeze???? Why can't people be cross trained for heaven sakes to work together?

Things are slow enough right now that nobody up there is straining to get their own work done. Cross train some of those gals. They are all smart people; we have no dummies up there.

That's what people do when it's necessary to cut budgets,they work as a team.

4:45 PM, November 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:25 Get a grip on reality. Why didn't the mayor veto the Board's vote? Why did the mayor approve the budget the Ways and means committee sent to the board, he is on that committee? Read the post before 1:10 and you will not see one reason to vote for Roy again based on his ideas for the future of the city. Not one has been issued by him, he just wants to keep a low profile so no one will run against him... You wait and see what happens shortly after Roy knows he has the election wrapped up, what he does, then remember this post.

6:48 PM, November 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:48 PM Hey, who says Roy will "wrap it up". Sounds to me like you don't think he has a chance to "wrap up" being re-elected anyway. So why worry about it?

Oh Yeah Sure, "Roy could have vetoed the vote" at the last BOA meeting that was on the table to promote and hire. Let's not blame the 7 aldermen who OK'd it. THEN, had Roy vetoed it, you and others who dislike him to begin with, along with the aldermen who can't stand him, would have a field day chastizing him for being too "powerful" and "never letting them speak", "trying to control everything" etc. etc. and etc., which we have heard a million times before by people on this blog including you.

Sure! Let the aldermen off the hook, why don't you? You get more excited blaming Roy who you don't like in the first place.

I get it! We just let the mayor take the heat instead of asking yourself, why the aldermen let it happen. They are suppose to protect us; they are suppose to be the sounding board; Oh that's right, Roy won't let them talk. I see.

PS tell me what to grip while you gripe!

9:41 PM, November 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, have you got it bad for Roy your man.

6:37 AM, November 19, 2007  

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