Thursday, November 29, 2007

A great tribute to Firefighters everywhere, Thank you!

This was just to good and to patriotic not to post here. It's rather timely I think as this discussion looms on retaining our Men and Women.

A lot of remarks have been placed on this blog about my being "tight with the Firemen." Well, guess what, I am! My friends, until you have stepped through the door of a burning building, or helped to pull survivors from a car that is on fire, or for that matter brought back to life a two year old that choked on a sliver of a hot dog you have no idea the intensity of their job's.

We all think of Police and Fire as a necessary part of the budget, but they are rather more than that. They are the ones who will do whatever it takes to save you, no matter what the personal risk to themselves. They are the ones who face that crazed criminal in your house, or the fire that threatens to leave you homeless, and Mame your children, and, yes they are the ones who will be there in seconds to save your loved one if a heart attack should strike!

Am I "tight with the Firemen, you better believe it, I have been there, I have seen their act, and believe me, it's a darned good one!

Please click on the header for one of the best artists rendition I have ever seen.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is awesome!

10:22 PM, November 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:22 I agree. As much as I would love to be a hero, like they are, I just couldn't do it. It takes certain individuals to become public safety people.

But I can imagine how worthwhile it is for them when they save people from death, when they deliver a baby or protect a home from being destroyed.

I will always be proud of both our fire and police departments and I hope we can keep them forever. Their jobs are not for the weak and I also commend them and thank them.

5:10 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two days before Christmas, and I cannot help but think about the firefighters and police officers who will have to work to protect the City while everybody else is celebrating Christmas in their own homes. The will be working shifts and never knowing when they will be called out of their stations to help us.

I also commend them for assisting in saving lives and keeping a grip on crime so we can feel safe in our own homes.

Death is cruel and comes in many forms. To have the dedication of certain people that put themselves in harms way every day to keep us safe is only done by few and the brave.

Police officers live with stress every day and watch with vigilance for those who do us harm.

Firefighters and paramedics protect and serve and are fighting fires, and reviving people who would otherwise die without assistance. That is so awesome.

I salute all of our public safety personnel that help us now and throughout the year. In the cold of winter, the heat of summer and all the days in between. You are all special. You are all heros.

Keep our fire service and police service. I am proud of what we have in Crestwood.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from a grateful resident.

1:26 PM, December 23, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:26 PM blogger: I am sure they all thank you for your kind words!

Both of my Sons will be on duty Christmas day, but we will have a celebration when they get off (6:00 PM)

Merry Christmas!

Tom Ford

4:38 PM, December 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:26 PM, December 23, 2007

Well stated and heartfelt! Best wishes to you and yours this Christmas holiday.

And best Christmas wishes to you and your family Tom.

9:29 PM, December 23, 2007  

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