Thursday, November 01, 2007

The interview from St. Elizabeth church.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as promised, I am reporting on the much questioned interview by the Church.

We spent a very enjoyable period of time discussing the role of the the Church in the community, as well as my thoughts on the future. You may wish to calm your fears that the Church may close, as they have no plans to do so!

I came away from the discussion feeling that they plan to be more of a cohesive force in Crestwood by working with the City to bring all of us together!

All in all, a very good meeting, a very pleasant interviewer, and a positive result!

Tom Ford

NO. 410


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that St. Elizabeth's is doing well by renting out their gym and sports fields?

9:52 PM, November 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean they don't feel they have been a cohesive influence in the past since they now want to be?

Gotta wonder if they even know the reputation they have innocently received from Ward 2 Aldermen whose alliance with the church has been used as their pulpit for elective office in order to advance the private swim club in Ward 2. Not a religion offense whatsoever, but that of using the affiliation for all it's worth. No secret. Other parishes in the city have not been so used. Good to hear they will remain open. Are other churches in the city doing this cohesive thing?

2:12 PM, November 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:12 PM blogger: I did bring up the fact that Ward Two Aldermen seem to come from the Cucrch and Swim club more often than not, and the interviewer seemed surprised.

I also pointed out that it was unique to Ward two as no other Church body in Crestwood seems to exude that sort of influence.

While I was at it, I told him that quite a few people were not very happy with that fact, and gave him the web site to back it up. We shall see where that goes.

I was amazed to find out that most of the people he called to interview flat refused to do so, citing various reasons.

If you have the chance to do it, let him come, I enjoyed it, and I am sure you will also!

Tom Ford

4:20 PM, November 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if I understand what you are saying.
You say that many people in Crestwood are upset because many Ward Two Aldermen in the past have been members of a church which happens to be located in Ward Two. In all the votes that Ward Two Aldermen have made since there was a Ward Two, can you show me one example where their vote was influenced by their Church membership? Can you provide an example were an Alderman from an other Ward and a member of any other Church has cast a vote that was influenced by their membership?
Can you site an example where an elected official was not a member of any Church any where and if so did they ever cast a vote that was the same as an Alderman who was a Church member?
The fact is Tom, the problem you have with St E in Ward Two is their members many times vote for people they know, like and share common values with. My final question to you is, what the heck's wrong with that, isn't that why you voted for Roy, because he was someone you liked, shared his values and you knew him? Better be careful Tom, your are starting to sound like those lefty's who are against any one who is a Christian and hold elected office

6:27 PM, November 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you really are smooth. I got a bridge to sell you now. Anyone in this city who knows the politics of Crestwood, knows all about the tidy little STE's/swim club connection. So, don't ask for an explanation expecting an answer. It has been wayyyyy too obvious, a well known fact. Looking back over the history of the city, make a list, check the tag team voting, aldermen and Planning and Zoning board members who managed by hook and crook to get 850,000 for a falling apart private pool, and then rebuilt it in the breast of resident backyards depriving them of peace, quiet and property values. You may think you sound like you have a leg to stand on, but it just don't float! Frankly, it's shame on you for even trying to open your rebuttal box. Your logic is so unsound and so defensive, it will have a lot of bloggers on this site laughing their heads off.

7:42 PM, November 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well that didn't take long for a supporter to get riled!

Let's see:
"The fact is Tom, the problem you have with St E in Ward Two is their members many times vote for people they know, like and share common values with."

Well you just answered your own question, didn't you? Unless you believe in the "big bang," or the Physics of "cahos" your telling me that all these elected officials were just lucky enough to be members of St "E's" and the swim club!

My goodness, how would you like to own a brand new bridge that will be built when I sell the property?

You, and I as well as the rest of the bloggers know how it works, so please don't act like it's the luck of the draw!

Tom Ford

7:50 PM, November 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fr. Edwards knows the facts and evens swims at Crestwood Swim Club.

8:07 PM, November 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the your schools teach you how to flood out your neighbors,
use your speaker system for phone calls and pizza orders,
display the U.S. Flag on a bathroom wall,
play obnoxious music all day long, and sunbath all day?

Is that why schools are closing?


8:13 PM, November 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply amazing, the anti-Christian, anti-church people who post here.
Like the swim club or St.E. doesn't allow Tom to become a member? I believe his wife is a member of the church. Did she vote for the him or Pickel in the last election? Using the "logic" express here, she had to vote for Mr. Pickel.
If you want to win an election doesnt it make sense that those who know you more than your opponent, will vote for you?
The questions that the last group of posters over looked still stand unanswered, I assume due to the fact that they know they won't like the answers.
If what you say is true,and you don't like the results of the elections, then form your own "political party" to over come the influence that member's of St.E and/or the Swim Club have on elections in Ward Two. That is the sole reason for Political Partys, to win elections, no one is stopping you. If you feel so strongly about this, fight back start your own group of anti-church, anti-swim club citizens.
Why don't you post your organizational meeting notice right here on this blog and I am sure the crowds will be overwhelming. Put out flyer's telling those in Ward Two who are tired of the influence St.Es and the Swim Club have on the Ward's elections to join you in fighting back and getting your person elected in April'09. Of course to do so means you can't stay anonymous.

9:20 PM, November 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blogger sees no anti religion, anti christian. Not a speck. I do see a politician wrapping themself in the christian, religion piosity. Still not gonna work, pal. And by the way, you won't be needing to tell people how to organize, etc. etc. Didn't answer your questions, eh. What about the people who have lost their summers? What about the interesting deal Rosebrook pulled?? Apparently you think the rest of us fell off a watermelon truck. Where are your answers? Your kind of religion mixed with your kind of politics is irreverant to the church. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics. You are the perfect example. Your type of golden rule is not the same as mine. Surely you know what foolish preachering your post exacted. Please on behalf of religion and the Catholic religion in general,don't insult us.

12:12 AM, November 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok,PAL I wont insult you but neither will I try to understand how your logic became so twisted to think that St E has caused you sleepless summer nites, PAL.

4:52 AM, November 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:20 PM blogger: Well, what is "simply amazing" is your reaction to this thread.

I don't see any dispersions cast upon the church, or for that matter the swim club at all.

Your fellow bloggers are simply telling it like it is, nothing more, nothing less. With respect to joining either entity, please allow me to point out that I was baptised in the Lutheran religiion, I attended Lutheren schools, and I am not going to change at this late date.

Now as far a joining the pool is concerned, well first of all I fear I would take up a good portion of it myself, and thus garner more hatered!

So I defer to the old saying by Grocho Marx "I would never be a member of any club that would have me as a member!"

Tom Ford

8:14 AM, November 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, then form a club of Lutherans who would oppose any member of St. E from winning any election in Ward Two.

7:32 PM, November 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:32 PM blogger: I have a better idea, what say we take up a collection and get you some help!

You see evil behind every rock don't you, snide remarks at every post!

Well if your going to continue to make a fool out of yourself, I will not stand in the way!

Tom Ford

8:31 PM, November 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, save the collection for the club you need to form against members of St E or Swim Club from winning political office in Ward Two. Isn't that what your and your "two friends" who posted beef is about your lack of power? Read your own post and others below and then tell me you don't see any dispersions being cast on StE's. Read again and tell me you don't need to form a Political Party in Ward Two to stop what is quoted below? These are just from this most recent thread, go back in to your blog and you'll find even more of same.

"I don't see any dispersions cast upon the church, or for that matter the swim club at all." Tom Ford 11/3/07.

"I did bring up the fact that Ward Two Aldermen seem to come from the Church and Swim club more often than not, and the interviewer seemed surprised.

I also pointed out that it was unique to Ward two as no other Church body in Crestwood seems to exude that sort of influence.

While I was at it, I told him that quite a few people were not very happy with that fact, and gave him the web site to back it up." Tom Ford 11/2/07

"Gotta wonder if they even know the reputation they have innocently received from Ward 2 Aldermen whose alliance with the church has been used as their pulpit for elective office in order to advance the private swim club in Ward 2." Anonymous 11/2/07

"Anyone in this city who knows the politics of Crestwood, knows all about the tidy little STE's/swim club connection. So, don't ask for an explanation expecting an answer. It has been wayyyyy too obvious, a well known fact. Looking back over the history of the city, make a list, check the tag team voting, aldermen and Planning and Zoning board members." Anonymous 11/2/07

2:39 PM, November 04, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:39 PM blogger: Boy, oh boy, the truth just seems to get to you dosen't it friend!

There is a vast difference between the truth and "dispersions!" We all know that Ward Two politics begins and ends with two entities in this town, simply the truth!

Power mad, power hungry? nope, not a bit of it, but I will point out these small, insignifiant items when I see them.

You all had your chance to shine when Mr. Trueblood put up his blog, but you didn't did you? In fact all of you let him down by not posting at all! Why? Well he wanted you to identify yourself, and Lord knows you could never do that, could you!

To identify your self would never allow you to tell the cocktail circut "I sure told him," now would it, because you wouldent have the nerve to do it if we all knew who you were!

But, hey, don't fret, I still like reading your posts, and you buddies still love you, so bolg on oh master of anonymity!

Tom Ford

3:52 PM, November 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mistaken did not need to identify yourself to post on Mr. Trueblood's site.

8:10 PM, November 04, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Really, he had to approve it right? Get over it, your loosing this one and you know it!

Tom Ford

4:34 PM, November 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

T. Ford "Well he wanted you to identify yourself"

No he did not.

4:55 PM, November 05, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:55 PM blogger: Unless your Tim, or karen, how do you know what he wanted, or you one of the very few who posted there. and if you were, why did you stop?

Tom Ford

5:27 PM, November 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh! I have lots to say.

Well, some things have never changed with St. E's, and some of us just got older, but have never forgotten unfortunate things that happened at St. E's and playing favorites.

Years ago, many women didn't work, I had too work. There kids and my kids went to St. E's. Those persons, therefore, had much more time than I to devote to volunteerism. That's wonderful. However, if you were not part of that click, forget it. I was never invited to join them and I certainly was never invited to their pool to become a member.

I was always on the outside looking in, and the aldermen, always from St. E's, were worshipped and adored. Were they necessarily going to look out for ALL ward 2 residents? They were so involved with St. E's and their functions and people, I can't say they were but will give them the benefit of the doubt.

Attending St. E's, my kids were treated fine for the most part; but I remember a bad incident that happened to my one child which I will never forget. Because I worked and didn't have a lot of time to participate in things at church like the other mothers did, my one child almost didn't get to go on a girl scout outing because the officers said that I didn't make enough of a contribution to working up at the church. My child was in tears over this, all her friends knew it, and the scout leader was wrong in doing it. Worst of all, I didn't see anyone coming to my defense! I felt so bad for my child as well as, I felt that I was singled out to be some sort of bad mother.

Out of at least 10 to 12 mothers, maybe 3 or 4 were the only ones who would give me the time of day, at ballgames or at St. E's outings. I tried to make conversation many times, but most of the time, parents were too wrapped up with each other to care.

Today, most of the people in those clicks are gone. However, I am sure others have taken their place because I still see it happening.

Becoming an elected official should not be based on what church you attend. And if you attend St. E's and are elected, but have not represented all the people in your ward, have been unprofessional and a person who is more interested in your own personal glory and show it by your actions, especially how you posture yourself on the dais, you should not be elected just because you belong to a certain church. But it has happened. As long as they show up for church with wife and children in tow, that's good enough for some.

This is a stigma passed down from generation to generation; and I dare someone that isn't a church member to try and run against one who is. Maybe they will win, but chances are they won't.

Tom Ford doesn't have to start his own "anything" as someone suggested. His wife is a devoted member of St. Elizabeth; I am sure she voted for him but I am also sure that there were 25 others that voted against him only because he is not from St. E's. Pure and simple.

No need to get offended. This is merely history. I say, if a person works hard, works for all constituents, and cares enough to act professional to his fellow aldermen and his constituents, instead of showing his temper and acting like a idiot, vote for him; otherwise pick someone else. Whether he is from St. E's shouldn't be the primary criteria.

12:56 PM, November 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like taking the Lord's name in public at a meeting? Like the Mayor? That I guess is acting professional and not losing his temper.

11:48 AM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"instead of showing his temper and acting like a idiot,"

This definately describes our mayor to a tee...and he does not show much respect to the Aldermen or citizen's that speak at BOA meetings (only when it is not what he wants to hear of course).

It is a shame all of the BOA seem to be on the same page regarding next year's budget/forecast and the mayor and his power have overshadowed the voice of the public.

Hasn't it been brought up many, many times how the past administration did not take heed of the history of the declining tax revenues????? Why aren't you all screeming now??????

4:23 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:48 I was only addressing the "specific" details regarding St. E's and Ward 2 aldermen that have been elected.

Now you want to throw the Mayor into the mix when he was never a Ward 2 aldermen, which I was specifically speaking about.

Your comment is out of context but if you so desire to use it as an excuse to make the aldermen in Ward 2 not look so bad, I guess you can.

And I guess you are assuming that if certain aldermen or x-aldermen who have exploded on the dais before had an opportunity, they would NOT take the Lord's name in vain HUH?

5:34 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And I guess you are assuming that if certain aldermen or x-aldermen who have exploded on the dais before had an opportunity, they would NOT take the Lord's name in vain HUH?:

HUH???? Fact is they didn't, but the Mayor did.

7:36 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Father Edwards ever see Kelleher at a board meeting?

8:46 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:46 Probably not!

9:49 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7;36 pm As I said before, I was not speaking of the mayor; you brought him up.

And if it makes you feel better and all fuzzy and warm, I don't like anybody to take the Lord's name in vain no matter who it is. But I also have a problem with people calling their fellow aldermen names and showing their anger by storming off the dais.

Next time, however, if you choose to comment, make sure you stay on the proper subject matter which had nothing to do with the mayor.

Heaven knows, if you choose to hammer on him, there are at least 15 different ways you can comment about him on this blog.

Thank you.

10:00 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hammered the nail on the head!!

7:17 AM, November 09, 2007  

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