Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Mehlville Fire Protection District want's to take over Crestwood!

This is one of the worst ideas I have heard since I moved to Crestwood! They say they can save us $200,000.00 per year by replacing the Fire Department, but what you didn't hear was that they will add between $.70 cents to a $1.30 to your property tax bill every year!

These guy's want to expand, and to do so they must take on new areas! Well, if we let them do this I guarantee you that the exemplary service we are used to will disappear, and so will some more of your fund's!

Don't believe me? Well start by asking Alderman Roby what happens when a FPD moves in. I am sure he will tell you what we saw in North County, where they got lost from time to time, or arrived late to a serious medical emergency, thus relying on a police officer to do the best they could (with limited training,) to save a life!

If you look at the savings only (which will disappear the following year,) wow! However, if you love your family, as most of us do, you will reject this out of hand!

Call City hall, the Mayor, and your Alderman, tell them this is not needed now, or ever!

Tom Ford

NO. 414


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you said is going to haunt you for a long time!!! I am not going to point out the stupid error you have made and let you swing in the wind with this post. What will be interesting is if and when you finally understand what the offer is, and what it is really going to cost the tax payers, will you have the man parts needed to admit on this blog how wrong your were?
Time will tell.

7:19 PM, November 07, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You have my feelings on this, so I will never retract them! Say what you will!

Tom Ford

7:26 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your feelings are your's but your facts are wrong.

7:32 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the Crestwood Fire Department!!! The department has done a terrific job of serving this community.

7:36 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I don't think you can compare anything in South County to North County. Entirely different beasts.

I'd like to read both sides of the story before I can comment further.

I remember a lot of people thought annexation was a good idea. Claimed cost savings etc. But now we see that it's very, very expensive to maintain all of the annexed streets. Streets are in bad shape. Police patrols are less frequent.

7:47 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:19 poster "...have the man parts needed to admit on this blog..."

What kind of comment is that? Please explain yourself.

8:54 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read Mr. Fords Post and although I think he may have transposed 2 letters in "FPD", I don't think anything he stated is incorrect. I will say that it does cost us $400,000 annually to reimburse the Affton Fire Protection District for fire services they provide to that area we annexed a number of years back but we would be paying a higher fire tax under Mehlville.

9:12 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you understand. These are "contracted" services. In the same way the annexed people in Crestwood do not pay the Affton Fire Tax rate. The residents of Crestwood would not pay the Mehlville Tax rate.

Correction: The article says $305,000 in contracted services right now to Affton.

For comparison anyway:
Affton rate is .80
Mehlville rate is .55

What was unclear is where does the new truck and ambulance come from? Do they already have it or are they going to buy it? Something we may not have to pay for now but are we willing to pay it in the future when it need to be replaced?

9:49 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't we already have TWO ALS fire trucks? Is there a problem with our current Ambulance service? Isn't our current Ambulance service ALS? What exactly does ALS mean. I was under the impression that was Paramedic service. Hasn't our city always had ALS Paramedic service? Anyone can correct me if I am wrong. Let me get this straight; if we needed any of Mehlville's fire trucks right now for support or back-up, would we not have access to them? Do they have access to our TWO ALS fire trucks right now for back-up if they need them? I think these are very interesting questions that I have just asked. Seems to me that our services would be CUT under this plan. I guess that is where the $200,000 "savings" would come from. What happens when the contract expires and we don't care for the "services" that they give. Do we start over with a new Fire Department? Is this whole thing even legal? Do we need more legal bills? I constantly read about the legal issues they have over there in that Fire Department. Seems to me he likes to stick his nose in everyones business, even two different school districts. Which one does he live in? We should be very careful listening to anything that this Mr. Hilmer has to say. Sounds like a used car sales pitch to me.

10:09 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One other question. Does this have to go to a vote of the people if it is even legal? Anyway we could have a poll of the bloggers on this site of who would be in favor of this scary endeavour?

10:14 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we were approaching other Fire departments looking for synergies I would be more comfortable. This feels more like a telemarketing call.

Fenton's rate is .62 not too far off from Mehlvilles.

Seems like we could stand to benefit from some combination of services. Problem is that no one wants to let go of their power.

I can't speak for Crestwood's sharing of services, but here in the Affton covered portion of Crestwood I've seen Webster and even Shrewsbury respond to calls.

10:23 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word to the wise. By STATE law, Mehlville FPD does not have to charge the same rate to Crestwood residents that their own taxpayers pay. They can simply contract a rate to Crestwood. That is because the fire districts in the state went to Jeff City and got the law changed to favor themselves just as they protected themselves FOREVER on annexations. That is why Crestwood will continue to pay the Affton FPD over $300,000 a year and this cost will be going up forever. Are these the people we want supplying fire protection? Do you think MFPD really cares about Crestwood? They want the $2+ million from the city and the collection of $600 to $700 dollars for every ambulance transport in Crestwood. Currently MFPD has a tax ceiling in the area of $1.25 per hundred on property. I applaud Mr. Hilmer for not levying that rate on his residents. But what if Mr. Hilmer and his fellow board members were no longer in control of the Board? A subsiquent Board would have the right to raise taxes to the approved ceiling. How would the contract with Crestwood be affected? How long would Mehlville taxpayers tolerate Crestwood residents paying a lower rate than they pay? Beware of placing youselves at the mercy of a fire district governed by a three member board with the City of Crestwood having no voting rights.

10:34 PM, November 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said. It is an absolute reduction in services also!

7:22 AM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if?

8:28 AM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another point to consider... The Fire Sales Tax can only be used to fund a MUNICIPAL Fire Department. You can't use it to pay for contracted fire service... the City of Town and Country already looked into this.

So, this $700,000 would not be available to pay for the service.

10:12 AM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good point. We NEED that money!

10:40 AM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To What if. Very insightful analysis. Was your head in the sand when THE CALL was writing article after article about the abuse of the Mehlville FPD three member board on their tax payers before Mr. Hilmer was elected. Did you miss the article in the Post Dispatch concerning three member boards in our area and the influence of the union on these boards. It is not what if? But when will the majority on that board change. When it does change you will have no choice but to take their offer or ask for a bid from another district.

1:02 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But what if Mr. Hilmer and his fellow board members were no longer in control of the Board? A subsiquent Board would have the right to raise taxes to the approved ceiling. How would the contract with Crestwood be affected? How long would Mehlville taxpayers tolerate Crestwood residents paying a lower rate than they pay? Beware of placing youselves at the mercy of a fire district governed by a three member board with the City of Crestwood having no voting rights.

10:34 PM, November 07, 2007"

Bingo! Amen! My concerns exactly!Excellent questions!!!

1:10 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A question I'd like answered....if we DID go to contracting services with Mehlville, could we discontinue paying through the nose to Affton and include the annexed area in this contract?

I see the writing on the wall for Crestwood, whether good ole' Roy will admit it before his attempt at re-election or not, Crestwood residents are going to be faced with a property tax increase in the very near future. I would much rather pay my money to Mehlville directly on my taxes than throw more money at Crestwood for inept politicians and city management to waste.

Most cities are covered under a fire protection district rather than trying to budget their own department. With talk of Crestwood being so poorly managed and in such dire straits, and with the mall obviously on the way out, this could be a very good move to prevent the further decline of our City.

Some may look at this emotionally and say nostalgic things about the Crestwood Fire Department, but times have changed and Crestwood must change as well. I would highly support a move like this in order to save money. The tax payers will know exactly where their increase has gone and Crestwood will have that much more money per year to get us back into shape.

1:19 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1;19, Affton WILL retain Fire Protection in the annexed area. That is the law! Bottom line, if Mehlville comes in with a ALS fire engine and ambulance our services will be reduced, possibly drastically.

1:23 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:19...go get educated. I don't mean that in an insulting way. I just don't think you know all the "what ifs" that go along with this power move by Mr. Hilmer and his faction (The Call among a few others in this city).

1:26 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody knows all the what ifs, but we should ask and learn the what ifs before we say no to a plan that might help Crestwood. At least somebody is proposing a plan!

1:47 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:19 PM

I agree that Crestwood has its issues. The decline of sales tax revenue is a big worry along with the mall. And yes, city hall has had its issues. However, the fire department is one area that is ran well and provides excellent service. Do we really want to change that? No knock against Mehlville, but we have it great in Crestwood when it comes to fire protection.

2:06 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to see why Tom is so up in arms about the switch to Mehlville? Because the Crestwood firefighters paid over $2,000 for his failed 2006 aldermanic campaign!

The following comes from the online archives of the Call. This article was in May 2006.

Guess you're just following marching orders, Tom? I suppose you CAN be bought after all. I know you didn't actually take the money and that they spent it on yours and Mr. Wallach's belief. But I guess it's more about who you know than what is right. Keep marching, good soldier!

Staff Reporter

Sometimes money does not win an election. Just ask former Crestwood aldermanic candidates Charles Berry, Tom Ford and Darryl Wallach.

Berry spent more than any other Crestwood candidate this year — $4,410.47 reported May 2 — including $2,372 in campaign contributions toward a losing cause. Ward 4 Alderman Steve Nieder defeated Berry April 4 with roughly 11 percent of his opponent's campaign expenditures on hand. Nieder reported April 18 that he spent $500 on his campaign — $400 of which came as direct contributions.

The Professional Firefighters of Eastern Missouri Local 2655 also learned that its money does not translate into victory when it endorsed Ford and Wallach. The group reported April 30 to the Missouri Ethics Commission that it pumped $2,408 apiece into election efforts for former Ward 1 candidate Wallach and former Ward 2 candidate Ford. No money from the firefighters was specifically given to the personal campaign funds of either Wallach or Ford, so neither man is legally required to report the funds as campaign contributions. But the firefighters group did report spending $2,408 apiece on their behalf."

2:48 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per YOUR quotation of the paper, it says the union local spent money on the elections, NOT the Crestwood Fire Department.

So besides attempting to bash Tom, what does this have to do with Mehlville/Crestwood situation?

Mr. Ford is entitled to his opinion, whether you like it or not.

3:00 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:48 Nov.8th What about you? Do you want us to switch over to Mehlville? I would like to know because it sounds like you want Crestwood to switch, and are upset with Tom because he is against it.

What's your point? Are you chastising Tom Ford because he wants to keep our Fire Department?
Is your comment suppose to be some deep dark secret?

Did Tom and others do something illegal? Did the firefighters?

Who ever said that money bought elections? Many on this blog have already determined that St. E's gets their guys in all the time.

3:11 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Local 2655 IS the Crestwood fire department. Same employees. Figures he'd follow his marching orders.

I am supportive of at least studying the move. Saving $200,000 per year and switching to a highly reputable fire district (probably the most in the county) is a good thing. Not saying Crestwood's fire dept is bad. Just saying if you have an opportunity to make it better AND save money, you at least have to consider looking at it and opening a discussion with Mr. Hilmer instead of rejecting it off the cuff. You can support it. You can reject it. But at least consider it.

3:16 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. To not consider just looks hard-headed and, quite frankly, DUMB. I don't elect my aldermen to reject something out of hand. I elect them to CONSIDER proposals as they come and make the best decision they can. However they vote, I will respect it. BBut I hope they respect the public enough to at least discuss it and take a vote.

3:37 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16...."highly reputable fire district (probably the most in the county)"??????????? You too, need to get yourself educated.

3:48 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16..."I am Aaron Hilmer, tooting my own horn!"

3:50 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1:02
At least poster 8:28 has their head in the sand, not up the mayor's backside like you.
I guess what everyone is saying is we don't want to save $200,000 next year, we want to keep what we have and we are ready to pass another property tax which we we be given to vote on next Nov. AFTER the April election. Imagine that.

Think people about what is being said. Here we have a chance to save $200,000 in 2008 alone without a tax increase. If and when there is a increase the City picks up the tab not the homeowner. Think who has to most to lose if this passes?

Why its Fire Fighters Union local 2655 that's who. Not their members, many will get jobs with Melville which pays better than Crestwood does. It is the local that losses. Support the claims on this blog of poorer service with the change, so far no one has been able to do so.
Knowing that who do you think will be against this cost saving, better service providing change?
Local 2655's leadership, and those candidates who they supported in their run for office. They would be Mayor Robinson, Tom Ford, Darryl Wallach and Charles Berry.
Watch how these people react to this idea to get a feel for who is really behind the change

4:18 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why we should not make this change.
1. Mayor has said there is no need for a tax increase in 2008.
2. 2008 budgets in the black.
3.City has a 3.1 million dollar cash reserves.
4. City has a surplus of over $100,000.
5. We do not need to save $200,000 because of points 1-4.

4:38 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:38 PM

Do you really believe that? I'm not so sure about the $3mil being cash in the bank. Nor do I believe that 2008 will stay in the black.

Have you seen any financials to support this belief??

4:48 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:18 PM, November 08, 2007

Oh wise one, could you please give us a brief synopsis of the recent history (past ten years) of the Mehlville Fire District?

5:06 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone on this blog, or Mr. Hilmer GUARANTEE a cost savings to the residents of Crestwood for the next ... oh ten to twenty years or so?


Furthermore, before you rush to conclusions how wonderful a deal this would be, notice how he says
"I believe we can..." and "If achieved". If and I believe ... where are the guarantees?

5:12 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find humor in many of the statements by bloggers who think this would be a fantastic deal. You seem ready to jump in with both feet. Reminds me of the police station fiasco. ...Oh great, yeah let's do it lets build this big police station crime is rampant in Crestwood lets build build build! spend! spend! spend! To heck with the naysayers!

5:15 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont need any background check on the last 10 years of Melhville Fire District, cause we are in the black and do not need a tax increase, we don't need to save $200,000 a year cause we got 3.5 million in cash reserves, and a surplus. Any elected official who is aganist turning our fire protection over to Mehlville needs to publicly promise they will not support putting on the ballot anytime in 2008 a tax increase of any kind. I am sure with the cuts our Mayor said were to be made that there is no need for a tax increase nor the saving on $200,000 a year.
Please contact you Aldermen like I did mine and ask them to say no to Mehlville and no to any tax increase vote in 2008. I am sure they will.

5:19 PM, November 08, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:48 PM blogger: Gee wiz, just when you think you have it right for a change, up comes the truth!

The firefighters chose the person they felt best suited for the job! I responded to a questionair the same as all of us did, and they made their selection, period!

It's not our fault that they chose not to align with the two that were elected, in fact I guess their answers were not what they wanted to hear.

"I can be bought!" Well that's interesting now isn't it? If that were the case I would have praised the swim club, the local church group, and the usual suspects attached to same!

That did not, nor will it ever happen, and you know it which is why you must attempt to discredit me! No, I can't be bought, nor can I be threatened, or insulted (I consider the source,) but I can, and will continue to point out the shady deals, and the down right lies that your "ilk" continue to attempt to foist on Crestwood citizens every day!

Tom Ford

5:21 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:19 PM-

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!!!

Let me tune my violin! Ok, sounds good ...

Ok, I'm ready. What were you saying?

6:24 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:19 PM

Can YOU or Mr. Hilmer GUARANTEE that Crestwood would save $200,000 per year?

6:27 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zuznpeMay I ask where all of you wizards were in 2004 when public hearings were held on this topic and were discussed at lenght by former members of the board of Aldermen.Shall I name them, Fagan Breeding, Maddox, Duwe, Kellaher, LaBore, Miguel,Trueblood. The same PLAN which Mr. Hilmer now is claiming as his was proposed at those meetings, ableit done internally without contracting with Mehlville. Why did you not jump on this back then. Citizens spoke at those meetings requesting no change in their services. Where were you. If I remember it was the same dollar amount and there would have been a reduction in services. Just as there will be now.

7:14 PM, November 08, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Mr. Hilmer will sound good, move in and take over the firehouses, and then.................

Well were going to need to spend more money for services than he thought, thus an increase in the total!

You have the best protection their is now (two trucks on every fire call,) so why would you want to reduce that to only one? Please look around and tell me where the "fire hydrents" are located on your street, oh wait there are none, are they!

A pumper can hold only so much water, sooner rather than later, you will need a second one! Now, are you willing to wait for another one if your family is at risk? You tell me!

I said it before, and I am saying it again, thanks, but no thanks to a FPD!!!!!

Tom Ford

7:26 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City is flush with cash, why would they need another $200,000?

7:41 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If consolidation of police and fire departments does not happen now it will in the near future. Too many chiefs per square mile in St. Louis County and not enough "indians".

7:44 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not believe you, you are not telling the truth, support what you have posted with the facts and the names of those who gave them to you.

7:46 PM, November 08, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:46 Pm blogger: Sorry friend, I will never reveal the names, so believe it or not, your choice!

However, if you don't believe me, ask for yourself! Go up to City Hall, meet the folk's and ask the questions that I do.

Failing that, just wait for an outcome to see if I am right, or not!

"Illigitimus Non Carburendum!"

Tom Ford

8:30 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, those wizards at city hall really know what they're talking about.

Flush with cash? How do you figure? Are you taking the C/A's word for it? The man is manipulating those numbers to make Roy look good.

I predict IF Roy is re-elected, within a year after he's re-elected, he will fire Frank Myers and say he was "misled" that the city had that much cash. $3 million in cash? They say they're getting that from the audit and financial projections. I say if you take a look at it, you'll see they're wrong and either they don't know how to read it or don't know how.

Fools. And you would trust these so called "experts" to tell you that a fire district proposal is bad? PLEASE. I'll trust Crestwood leadership when they stop blowing smoke and covering up the REAL numbers to protect Roy in his bid for re-election.

The man has put himself above the city. His ego will be his downfall.

9:55 PM, November 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to wonder how many of the ANTI Mehlville post are from the leadership of Local 2655 who would not favor this change, even though it would mean a wage increase for many of their current memebers who are Crestwood Firefighter?

7:13 AM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of wondering, why don't you contact them to find out?

9:16 AM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sure, why dont you give me your phone number and I'll call them.

9:47 AM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you ask a Crestwood firefighter if they want to go to Mehlville. You may be surprised by the response you get. Maybe they like it where they are currently.

10:38 AM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:47 AM

Why would you want my phone number to call them????

11:36 AM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any of our representatives that does not consider this option needs to be voted out. Anything Crestwood can do to harness our financial problem needs to be looked at closely.

I don't believe anything about being in the black now. First there was a financial storm, then there wasn't, then there was again, now there's not again. They throw enough statements out there and they'll be able to quote one as being right when we are taken over by St. Louis County.

Don't depend on Roy to do the right thing and consider this option. Remember who he toted out to the polls to support him to get elected???? That's right, our fire department and members of their union.

1:06 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:06 Wait just a darn minute, are you saying that the City is not flush with money? That we won't need a tax increase in 2008 to stay out of bankruptcy? That the are no more cuts like the Mayor said there were that could be made? That Dillard's closing won't mean more business for Macy's like the Mayor said? That City doesn't have a cash reserve of over $3 million like Mr. Myers said? That the budget isnt balanced for 2008 so we wont need the $200,000 savings provided for with this offer?
Man, have you got a lot of negative vibes. You must be one of the below:

1. Faganite
2. Greer supporter
3. former elected official whose side lost.
4. a liberal

to think that way. Why don't you just take your posting and go some where else, cause all you doing is upsetting the apple cart for Roy's re-election. Worse than that you are making me think, and open my mind, which by the way, is closed and made up.
Stop it, you former elected liberal, Faganite official who favored Fagan over Roy and thought Greer was ok. Just stop it.

2:43 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:43 PM

Have you seen any financial to back up the CA's statements regarding the nonexpendable fund having $3mil+ in the bank????

Have you seen how the nonexpendable fund has been "tapped" throughout the year for the internal "line of credit".

Are you telling me that at year-end the nonexpendable fund will have $3mil in cash and the other major funds will be in the black???

Until you can show me (from Missouri) I think the CA is playing the same game as in the past; shuffle the money around on paper.

Do you really think that the communications equipment would have been taken out of the budget if there was really $3mil in cash in the nonexpendable fund?

Does Crestwood need the $3mil for cash flow during the year and that's why the money will not be used for the badly needed equipment? In the past years the line of credit for cash flow was between $1mil to $1.5mil. Why on earth would we need to keep $3mil for cash flow?

Another thought; if the Crestwood has too much cash in the bank, aren't we required to pay more on the "loans" than outlined in the Agreement?

I think you are trusting blindly. Maybe you didn't agree with the numbers previously provided by the administration (with only 3 employees), but at least they were provided. Now we get quarterly percentage power point presentations with how many in that department??????

I wish someone would have the guts to ask bluntly if the $3mil CASH would be in the bank and with all funds in the black by the end of the year. The nonexpendable fund is to be "paid back" by all other major funds by the end of the year. Doubt it.

4:12 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I ask how is Crestwood supposed to pay Mehlville for the service if the $700,000 from the Fire Sales Tax is not available? Seems like this discussion is moot considering we would be around $500,000 short of what would be needed to even consider the rest of the deal. Can anyone help me with this?

4:24 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mehlville taking over Crestwood's fire and EMS services would be a net improvment over the current system. Mehlville provides Advanced Life Support on all of their pumpers, plus is able to provide better ambulace service than Abbott who normally only have one paramedic per unit. Mehlville has two. Mehlville also pays its personnel better. Of course the Mayor and 'ol Tom Ford both were supported by the Crestwood fire fighters'union Local 2665. Local 2665 hates Aaron Hilmer. We'll be watching to see if the union's infuce over the city is greater than the will of the people. We want Mehlville!

4:35 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want Mehlville, move.

4:47 PM, November 09, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:35 PM blogger: those of us who have seen the end result of a "takeover" will tell you, this is the worst idea going!

Do you for one second think that they are going to tell you what will happen next year? No they wont, and by that time we have no trucks, no employees, and nowhere to go but to pay the price they want!

I have seen this happen to many a community both with fire districts, and police service! "we want mehlville!" Who is "we?" I don't, and neither would anyone else if they were looking at the future!

Believe me folks, if you take off the new sheep's suit they trot out you will find the biggest, nastiest, wolf on the planet!

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Tom for one second, why, with all your connections, don't you tell us what is going to happen next year? You seem to have a crystal ball, how about using it?
Does any one find it strange that if you disagree with Tom or the MAYOR on this blog about any issue, someone will get around to telling you to move?

Typical liberals!

5:21 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:06,4:48 Do you mean you do not believe our Mayor when he says there is no need for a tax increase, we have over $3 million in cash reserves, that there are more cuts that could be made, and the Mall is doing just great? So if you don't believe him, you are saying that he is only trying to wait till after the election to drop the other shoe on us? How can you say such a thing, why he promised not to lie to us, he promise to have a plan, he promised that we didn't need a bond but a note issue passed. You are just being mean spirited because you guy lost the election. He is a great leader, a good deer hunter and he drives a cool red SUV's. Further, he owes nothing to Local 2655, any more than Mr. Ford does.
So we don't need better service, we don't need to save $200,000, cause Mr. Ford told us we didn't and he is best buddies with the mayor. And nether of them would ever ever not tell us the truth, so cross my heart amen.

5:33 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:24 How do you expect Crestwood to pay for the Mehlville service? The Fire Sales Tax goes to pay off the Afton Fire District for the annexed area protection. The rest of the City fire protection is paid for from funds from the General Fund. So, if we accept this plan, (1st one I've seen on paper since Roy got elected) the current $ going to pay for the Crestwood Fire service would go to Mehlville, but would cost $200,000 less than what we currently have in our budget. Hence the $200,000 savings which does not include the current Fire Chiefs salary or his City SUV. The Fire Tax $ would go continue to go to Afton for the annexed area as it always has.
Net effect, no tax increase, improved service, better pay for the firefighters. Read the letter from Mehlville and the article in the Call not what you are reading here and you will see that Mehlville is not asking you and I to pay for the service by placing a increased on our property tax, but contracting with the City who pays it out of the current budget.

5:48 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of Crestwood's pumpers are ALS equipped 24/7/365. They have been for years! Mehlville's are not ALS equipped 24/7/365. Only some of the time (no matter what Aaron Hilmer says). What do you think ISO is going to say when we only have one firetruck in the firehouse? Crestwood was just evaluated by ISO and could be receiving a class 3 rating in the near future. If Mehlville takes us over, are you sure they are going to keep the rating they have? It may go up. Did you ever stop to think maybe our Firemen like working in Crestwood. I know a few and know they take pride in not only their department, but the city as well. I know they love working here, even with all that has been going on in the past. That ambulance they are talking about putting in there will be gone constantly going to Fenton, Kirkwood, Lemay, Affton, back over to Mehlville, Webster Groves, Shrewsbury, back to Affton again, Valley Park, back to Affton again, back over to Mehlville, back to Affton again all while we only have ONE firetruck (maybe ALS, maybe not) sitting at that firehouse to handle the other medical and fire calls. I bet ISO will just love that. And yes, you better believe they will know about it. While that ambulance is gone, we have to wait for another Ambulance from one of those above mentioned areas. That could take quite a while. Abbott has an ambulance stationed in the city all the time, until it runs over to Mehlville for a patient needing to be transported somewhere they won't go. When that Ambulance gets a call they immediately send another one over to cover. Yes, alot of the time they only have one Paramedic on. If it is a call where two Paramedics need to be working on the patient in the back, a Crestwood Paramedic goes with them. Most of the time their are four, count them, four Firefighters on the truck in Crestwood. When does Mehlville ever have four on the trucks. Someone answer me that. I've been told professional standards strongly recommend four people on the truck. Crestwood has that alot. I consider myself very fortunate to have that kind of service, especially at the rate I pay for it. I don't buy the whole "Mehlville has better services" cow dung that this Hilmer fellow is shoveling down our throats. We want CRESTWOOD. Put that in your pipe and smoke it 4:35! Getting down off my soapbox now...ouch....just fell...better call 911 and ask for my Crestwood ALS pumper with Abbott right behind them. Wouldn't be the first time (clumsy wife).

5:51 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT WILL NOT BE BETTER SERVICE! Sorry for yelling, just want to make sure you here me. Only one firetruck is not better service. Only five firemen at the firehouse is not better service. An ambulance gone all the time in other cities transporting non-residents (and making them pay for it, lining Mehlville's pocket) is not better service. That fire sales tax will go bye-bye if this "deal" goes through. We can't keep it.

5:59 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the article in the CALL, then ask your Alderman for a copy of the letter, figure out the miles you are from Crestwood Fire House, figure how close the Mehlville trucks are stationed around but outside of city limits from your house. Don't let the fear tactics of Local 2655 leaders who have so much to lose if this goes through they will lie like crazy to stop it. Don't forget the Union Leaders at Mehlville got all their perks taken from them by Hilmer which cut costs to the citizens and some of the posts you are reading here are due to their hate for him for cleaning up that Union.
In other words, read the stuff written by people who have no fear in using their names. Go to a Melhville Fire District meeting and ask in person the questions you have. Don't trust me, the Mayor, Ford or anyone on this blog, find out for your self. I think you will be pleased with the offer after doing so.

6:35 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice try Aaoron.

7:00 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would encourage the city of Crestwood and the residents to talk to some of the MFPD employees. Mr. Hilmer is a liar and a master manipulator with the help of the call. The moral and working conditions are at and all time low.He recently hired 2of his high school buddies from the city fire dept. and after spending $50,000 of tax payers money to educate them at the County Fire Academy, they both left and went back to the city fire dept.NEVER READ ABOUT THAT IN THE CALL DID WE?

7:09 PM, November 09, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:21 PM blogger: you said,
"Well, Tom for one second, why, with all your connections, don't you tell us what is going to happen next year? You seem to have a crystal ball, how about using it?"

Good idea my friend! For 2008 I see us getting some very good news reguarding Ctestwood business, as well as the fire department remaining in tact.

Gazing a bit further into the "ball," I see certian factions attempting to run a candidate (from the dias) for Mayor that will be so far out of the main stream (liberal) that Mayor Robinson will win by a handy margin!

As I look at the state of the City, I see improvement in finances, and a willingness on the part of the BOA to work with all the citizens (least they be replaced!)

Next I see more frequent town hall meetings to discuss finances, as well as what the citizens want in the form of services!

On the National stage, I see Hillary being soundly defeated as part of a referendum to oust socialist thinking in America!

So, all in all, I think we will have some exciting times right here in Crestwood, so unless you want to move to an area that has the Mehlville FPD, I suggest you stick around for the fun!

Tom Ford

7:09 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, per the Times, the Mall is closing next year after the holidays, so much for improved City finances.

9:50 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the article in the CALL, then ask your Alderman for a copy of the letter, figure out the miles you are from Crestwood Fire House, figure how close the Mehlville trucks are stationed around but outside of city limits from your house. Don't let the fear tactics of Local 2655 leaders who have so much to lose if this goes through they will lie like crazy to stop it. Don't forget the Union Leaders at Mehlville got all their perks taken from them by Hilmer which cut costs to the citizens and some of the posts you are reading here are due to their hate for him for cleaning up that Union.
In other words, read the stuff written by people who have no fear in using their names. Go to a Melhville Fire District meeting and ask in person the questions you have. Don't trust me, the Mayor, Ford or anyone on this blog, find out for your self. I think you will be pleased with the offer after doing so.

9:50 PM, November 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the person who wrote the facts about Mehlville Fire having 7 ALS fire trucks but are not staffed everyday with paramedics on it. Without a paramedic on the truck, it is not considered an ALS truck. Also it is a fact that if there was an ambulance stationed at the Crestwood FD, it would be running mutual aid calls quite a bit. Just listen to a fire scanner and you can hear it. I certainly would not like having to do CPR on a relative for 10 min or longer waiting for an ambulance or fire truck coming from a long distance, if the one closer was already on a call. Also I believe the Firefighter local is 2665 not 2655. If Mehlville takes over the Crestwood Fire Dept. who thinks that they would employ any of the Crestwood firefighters that are 40+ years old and the ones that are not paramedics? There would be quite a lot of employees that would be left without a job. There are enough problems in Crestwood, without Mr. Hilmer coming over here and making a mess of it like he did over at Mehlville. It will be interesting to see the outcome of this mess!

10:35 PM, November 09, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:50 PM blogger: I am old enough to remember when a newspaper had headlines stating "Dewey wins, Trueman defeated," and the beat goes on!

If you believe that the mall is gone, why not hold a candelight vigil, sing "Goombia," chant "we want retail," and tear your garments?

Things change every day in the Real Estate business, and I believe our leadership knows that, so sit back, RELAX, and watch for the picture to change!

Tom Ford

7:26 AM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Tom, we have the leadership in place that knows best for us the unwashed and stupid. Let them rule us as we have voted them into power. After all, the Mayor himself said the City has no-money problems the Mall is doing great, we have $3 million in cash reserves and he is mayor.
Do not question authority, do not worry, do not think for yourself, tom has all the information, he will hand it out as his best buddy the mayor tells him to. Trust Tom and his best buddy, they mean us no harm. Tom said we don't need to save $200,000 in 2008, that has to be true. Report all those who disagree with Best Buddy to Tom, do not go to Mehlville to ask your own questions, do not think;. Best Buddy knows what is best for all of us.

Best Buddy it good for us.
Best Buddy loves us.
Best Buddy can do no wrong.
Best Buddy is in charge, RELAX, don't worry.

8:21 AM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please don't forget the name Tom is done with a large "T", not "t"!

Tom Ford

9:00 AM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

By the way, you just lost your chance for the "proof readers job!"

Tom Ford

9:02 AM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except for the lower case t in your name Tom, are we to believe that you agree with the post made by 8:21?

10:48 AM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:21 AM blogger: No, you are not! That post held nothing constructive in it at all.

Anonymous has succeded in wasting band width for their own amusememt only. I only wish there was a coherent thought amoung the trite diatribe spewed by the blogger, maybe then we could move forward!

Tom Ford

3:20 PM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at your post of 7:26 and tell us is you really think we should just relax or if we should be developing plans in public for you know, just in case?
Here city has offer to save $200,000 in expenses, and you are saying relax, don't worry, be happy, don't think about the offer, don't examine it for yourself readers, just rely on Roy's ability to handle the City.
My question is Why should we?

4:22 PM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Here city has offer to save $200,000 in expenses...",

For how long?
Any guarantees?
What if the composition of the 3 member district board changes, what then?
What if we get rid of our fire department, our equipment, Mehlville takes us over, and hikes our taxes? What then?
Have you compared the history of the Crestwood Fire Department to the history of the Mehlville Fire District?

4:28 PM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:22 PM blogger: Well for one reason, you have no plan to change things one bit, only to complain!

Second, neither you, or I know what's up the City's sleeve, so I suggeest we leave it to the people in charge!

Tom Ford

4:54 PM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:19 PM (11/7) blogger: I am still waiting!

Tom Ford

4:55 PM, November 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting for what?

8:13 PM, November 10, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To see the ghost of stories past, present and future, that's what.

Tom Ford

3:28 PM, November 12, 2007  

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