Sunday, December 09, 2007

Crestwood Board of Alderman Meeting on 11 December, 2007

Agenda for the up coming BOA meeting on 11 December, 2007. The meeting will be in the BOA chambers starting at 7:00 PM. Several items are on the agenda, as well as ordinances to be passed, so why not try to attend. (click on header for info.)

I will be at our annual company meeting that night, so please give us your thoughts on the meeting after you attend.

I am given to understand that a brand new super adult beverage store is going in next to Ace Hardware. I think were showing some movement here on the retail business so if the Mall news is a good as they say, well.......

Tom Ford

NO. 434


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the agenda and then went to the 2008 budget. I see that the budget calls for repaying the Lateral Sewer Fund $50,000 that the General fund borrowed in 2007.
Does anyone recall when the Board voted to make that loan? Why if the budget was balanced did the loan have to be made?
Is the ability to loan money to other funds the reason why the City increased the max. cap the Sewer Fund could have, to borrow from it, instead of lowering the tax rate we are paying like was originally promised when we voted for it? Sounds like the Administration pulled a fast one on us and found another way to cover of their red ink. I guess this why we will not be given the chance to vote on tax increases or the MFPD offer in April.

4:01 PM, December 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CASH FLOW! The City recieves a big chunk of its income between November and December from property tax. This is the end of the Fisical year, so the City is "Cash Poor" and then at the end of December and especially January is "Cash Rich".

11:46 AM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do when did the Board approve the loan from Lateral Sewer Fund? Is the reason for the loan a cash flow problem? Isn't that the reason Greer claimed City needed a reserve fund to meet cash flow needs? Isn't that the fund that some called a "slush fund"?
Is the 08 budget really balanced or just smoke and mirrors again?

1:11 PM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are very good questions but I doubt if the average citizen will ever get a straight forward answer. Try asking at the BOA meeting and see what I mean. Me thinks its smoke and mirrors!

3:24 PM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It bugs me when people say "me thinks"

3:29 PM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It bugs me when I cant get answers to honest questions.

4:50 PM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto - if someone does try at the meeting to get answers, let us all know. Thanks

4:54 PM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mail or call your Aldermen tonight asking they ask for them at the meeting tomorrow night before the budget is voted on the answers to your questions.

8:31 PM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean a liquor store is going in next to a child oriented store? Are the intials D.C.?

10:14 PM, December 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, first the Pink Pool Hall, now a liquor store. Any business is not good business. These are signs that Crestwood is moving downhill. Contact your aldermen, insist that they consider what kind of town they want.

10:12 AM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's next? A payday loan store and a pawn shop?

10:29 AM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

London and Sons Fried Chicken?

11:26 AM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I suggest a gun shop and a place to hire daily laborers...

11:34 AM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"bringing Crestwood back".
I miss my Salvation Army Store.

12:27 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have a Hillbilly and a Hoosier running the city, what did you expect!

3:05 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, pal, but what is running the city is a 9 member BOA. If you are not too 'country' possibly you have a phone and can call your alderman with your questions, or how about attending a meeting. Calling names went out with the bathwater. It serves no useful purpose besides letting someone like you feel big.

As for the kind of businesses going in. First you complain about empty stores then you don't like the options. Again, sitting at home writing on a blog does nothing to put your opinions forward. When you limit yourself to throwing stones, you have no one to blame but yourself for the end result. Thankfully, there are many out here who care enough about our city to say more progressive things, vote, go to meetings, volunteer and support our BOA and our city. I feel sorry for you, blogger when I consider your surly contribution.

3:16 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I was unable to attend the BOA meeting (prior commitment), could someone please tell us what solution came about regarding the 5% cash in the GF? The BOA meeting minutes will be weeks old before the public knows anything.

3:48 PM, December 12, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well I am back in town (been gone the last three days,) so maybe I can get some answers for you tomorrow.

At any rate I will try. I think it would be neat if we could get a small local TV station to televise the BOA meetings. I know it's done in some communities, so why not here?

Tom Ford

4:20 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they would only post the minutes minutes as drafts, the public would not have to wait several weeks to read what is going on. Check out the city of Sunset Hills, all meetings have minutes posted, not just the BOA and they post them as drafts prior to BOA approval. Too simple of a solution I guess.

4:27 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 3:16,
Sorry but there are only 8 members of the Board of Alderman. The mayor is not an alderman and can only vote to break a tie on ordinances. He can not break ties for anything that is not an ordinance. Like breaking the tie for Martha Duchild to have a position on the Civil Service Review Committee. That was illegal, read the Charter and the City Code book to confirm this. By the way, the Salvation Army store is still vacant.
Tom, Charter Cable has offered to broadcast free the BOA meetings if the City spent the money to improve the lighting and sound system in the meeting room.
What I do not understand is how it seems the news that there is a federal law requiring a 5% cap on reserve moneys is shocking news to the Board, Mayor and City Administrator! Didn't any of them read the rules before signing the agreement with the bank? We have had two budgets (2007 and now 2008) where this cap should have been a factor in the Ways and Means Committee development of the City's budget.
Why wasn't it done? Why wasn't this dealt with sooner? Did no one know about the rule? If they did, why didn't they act on it before now?
I am getting very worried about a City being run by a Mayor who picked Mr. Myers and the members of his Ways and Means Committee of which he is the Chair, and allows this kind of thing to happen to Crestwood. He can't blame anyone else for this, he was in charge 100%.

4:50 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4:50 Dec. 12th

From Section 4.4(a) of the city's charter, regarding the Mayor's Powers and Duties:

"The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Board of Aldermen, but shall not vote on any question except in the case of a tie."

It does not say "ordinance," it says "any question." The mayor's tiebreaking vote on my appointment was consistent with the authority provided to him in the charter.

Martha Duchild

6:10 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charter offered to broadcast board meetings for Crestwood free of charge? And the only stipulations were that the lighting and sound systems were upgraded? When was this offered? I don't recall this offer recently? Was this offered under Fagan? Was this offered under Robertson? Brasfield? Why didn't they do it? What were they concerned about? I thought Robertson got a "Sunshine Award" or something. How come he did not pursue this?

7:35 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(d) APPOINTMENTS - The Mayor with the advice and consent of a majority of the Board of Aldermen present, shall appoint all members of committees, boards and commissions.

7:50 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me. The mayor, CA and/or the BOA acted like they were unware of the 5% cash surplus limit????? Unbelievable. I'm just a citizen and I knew that one.

I too agree, this was the responsibility of the mayor and the CA to ensure that this was addressed. The mayor is the "chair" of the Ways and Means committee and the mayor is the direct report of the CA. This certainly should have been taken into account when setting up the 2008 budget! Along with taking into account more major losses in sales tax income for 2008 besides the loss of the Dillar's income.

Does anyone know what the BOA decided to do regarding this?

The repayment of funds owed from the GF should have been done as soon as any surplus of cash was in the GF. The authorization of the tax collected are fund specific by a vote by the public. I believe these "owed monies" were from the 2002 audit when they found a deficit of $1mil. and by the way the $1mil deficit is part of the "note" Crestwood now owes.

10:06 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:50 PM, December 12, 2007

I guess some choose not to read the whole Charter. Like, only hearing what you want to hear.....

10:10 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you Hear What I hear ...

ex officials mouthing off! Again!

10:27 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:50 P.M. Dece. 12th

All issues voted on by the BOA require a majority for passage - ordinances, section 3.10(d)and appointments, section 4.4(d) alike. In cases where there is a tie on any question ( the all-encompassing term "any question" referring to any question before the board), the mayor breaks the tie.

The language in section 4.4(d) is an acknowledgement that issues requiring a majority may end up in a tie vote, thus the need to give the mayor the authority to break the tie.

Martha Duchild

10:28 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You have got to be kidding me. The mayor, CA and/or the BOA acted like they were unware of the 5% cash surplus limit?????"

When did that happen? As far as I know, they knew about this for awhile, and it was dealt with.

By the way, what's a "Dillar"?

10:31 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Charter offered to broadcast board meetings for Crestwood free of charge?

10:36 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:31 PM, December 12, 2007

I was commenting on the post of 4:50 12/12 - that post stated

"shocking news to the Board, Mayor and City Administrator! Didn't any of them read the rules before signing the agreement with the bank?"

11:22 AM, December 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear Macy's is leaving the Mall in January. Anybody here the same thing? I also hear that more than a few other mall retailers will leave also. Looks like we won't have to worry about that 5% anymore.

3:33 PM, December 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that no news from the BOA meeting has been posted here. What happened to the "cub reporters"?

Also - does anyone know if there is a paper trail regarding the transfers from the Sewer Lateral Fund to the GF? I have never seen it outlined in any budget, etc. And if the money is transferred into the designated funds, (because it was owed to that fund) how can it be taken out and put back in the GF to pay for other bills unrelated to the Sewer Lateral fund, etc.??? Any thoughts?

Doubt any alderman would give us a straight answer.

5:10 PM, December 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to a meeting and ask! Otherwise, you are a coward!

11:20 PM, December 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I have asked my Aldermen and have read and re-read the 2007 budget and all the minutes from 2007 Board meetings.
There is no ordiance, or any mention of the Sewer Lateral Fund loaning the General Fund any money. Neither of the Aldermen recall ever voting for the transfer. Period.
Shades of Kent Lichtlieter all over again, transfering from one fund to another without a vote of approval by BOA.
I'm glad we have the saved money, but I feel that what we are doing now is wrong, that we should pay off more of the note instead of repaying fake loans.

7:55 AM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Go to a meeting and ask! Otherwise, you are a coward!

11:20 PM, December 13, 2007"

In the past I have attended meetings and I saw no one get up and ask many of the types of questions on this site. Talk about cowards; go to a meeting and don't ask questions! Maybe you know you won't get a straight answer.

8:40 AM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the new store that is supposed to be coming to Crestwood.
Friar Tuck

Welcome to Crestwood.

11:19 AM, December 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Indeed, welcome to Crestwood!

Tom Ford

6:20 PM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which clients of Attorney Gary Vincent's law firm will buy out the Crestwood Mall and Jim Butler Chevrolet?

Will his first woman partner, Attorney Shulamith Simon who was our City of Attorney during the Kohl's TIF, TDD, and CID with Rosebrook Real Estate Company aka Crestwood Swim Club?

Is that why Attorney Gary Vincent was allowed to vote for the Kohl's TIF, TDD, and CID?

Is there a conflict of interest when you are among other lawyers, partners, and your client?

Sure did get a sweat deal for entertaining your clients and politicians!

General Life Insurance Company; Arch Chemicals, Inc.; Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc.; BJC Healthcare; BP Products North America Inc.; Capital for Business, Inc.; Central Institute for the Deaf; Charter Communications; CIT Group; ConocoPhillips; Dema Engineering Co.; Emerson Electric Company; Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc.; Express Scripts, Inc.; Fleming & Company; Fred Weber, Inc.; FujiFilm; GE Capital Solutions; GE Commercial Distribution Finance; GE Commercial Finance; GlaxoSmithKline; Globe Life & Accident Insurance Company; Heizer Aerospace, Inc.; Hilton Hotels Corporation; KETC Channel 9; Kranson Industries, Inc.; Lamar Corporation; McDonald's Corporation; Monsanto Company; National Corn Growers Association; Olin Corp.; Pace Properties, Incorporated; Sansone Group; Siemens Corp.; Standard Machine & Manufacturing Co.; Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated; United American Insurance Company; THF Realty

7:43 PM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how Tom welcomes the new business, but declines to provide information on the topic of the BOA and the outcome.

10:53 PM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought we were supposed to hear news on the mall on the 14th? What happened?

Also, before the BOA allows a liquor store into this area, did they collect crime statistics on areas that currently house large liquor stores? I doubt the retired population of Crestwood is going to keep this store afloat and that we will be bringing in traffic from the east on Watson Road.

11:28 AM, December 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:53 PM blogger: Perhaps you missed the part of the post that said I would be at the company meeting, and not in town?

At any rate, when I get the information, you will get it.

Tom Ford

12:27 PM, December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Perma Jack a subcontractor for Rosebrook Real Estate Company aka Crestwood Swim Club for retaining walls?

Will Perma Jack be bidding on the Crestwood Mall development?

If so, will Mayor Robinson abstain from voting?

Was Perma Jack one of the 40 companies that will continue at a lower tax rate?

Sweet deal for our Mayor's wife!

Time to buy a Perma Jack franchise for all of the new work in Crestwood!

12:28 PM, December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Attorney Gary Vincent and our former Alderman of Crestwood and President of Rosebrook Real Estate Company and a member of Crestwood Swim Club allowed to vote for the Kohl's TIF, TDD, and CID because of former City Attorney Shulamith Simon was a partner of his firm and because of firms clients such as Pace, Stifel Nicholas, THF Realty, and Sansone?

Husch & Eppenberger, LLC
Attorney Gary Vincent
Gary practices in the areas of bankruptcy, commercial law, real estate law, and general civil litigation.
Professional Associations:
The Missouri Bar
The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis
About the Attorney:
Gary served as law clerk to the Honorable John E. Bardgett of the Supreme Court of Missouri.
Gary joined Husch through the combination with Ziercher & Hocker, P.C.
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
City of Crestwood, Missouri (Alderman, 1998-2004 and Board of Adjustment, 2004-2006)
Speaker, "Discharge Issues," Missouri Bar Association's Annual Bankruptcy Institute, 2006.
1963: Shulamith Simon was elected as our Firm's first woman partner. Shu was the first female partner in any St. Louis law firm.
Attorney Shulamith Simon used to be the City of Crestwood City Attorney during the Kohl's TIF deal.
General Life Insurance Company; Arch Chemicals, Inc.; Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc.; BJC Healthcare; BP Products North America Inc.; Capital for Business, Inc.; Central Institute for the Deaf; Charter Communications; CIT Group; ConocoPhillips; Dema Engineering Co.; Emerson Electric Company; Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc.; Express Scripts, Inc.; Fleming & Company; Fred Weber, Inc.; FujiFilm; GE Capital Solutions; GE Commercial Distribution Finance; GE Commercial Finance; GlaxoSmithKline; Globe Life & Accident Insurance Company; Heizer Aerospace, Inc.; Hilton Hotels Corporation; KETC Channel 9; Kranson Industries, Inc.; Lamar Corporation; McDonald's Corporation; Monsanto Company; National Corn Growers Association; Olin Corp.; Pace Properties, Incorporated; Sansone Group; Siemens Corp.; Standard Machine & Manufacturing Co.; Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated; United American Insurance Company; THF Realty
Land Use Development & Financing
Our Land Use Development and Financing Practice Group works with virtually every type of financial and real estate transaction. We handle all aspects of development work, from the acquisition of land through the construction and leasing of commercial, industrial and residential properties including eminent domain, zoning and land use matters. Our Firm represents national, regional and local enterprises and developers in redevelopments, tax increment financing (TIF), tax-abated investment projects, transportation development districts (TDD), tax credit based programs, and other private/public partnerships undertaking incentivized real estate transactions. Our attorneys handle a substantial amount of sophisticated zoning and complex condemnation work, and represent both landlords and tenants in leasing transactions.
Our land use development and financing attorneys represent a wide range of lenders including community banks, regional banks, money center institutions, asset-based lenders, and life insurance companies, in all types of financing transactions. The experience of our attorneys includes bank acquisitions, structuring and documentation of commercial loans and municipal finance transactions, workouts and bankruptcies, and consumer regulatory matters. Several members of our Group have developed national reputations in the fields of acquisition finance and lender liability.

12:33 PM, December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was THF Realty added to the client list of Husch & Eppenberger, LLC? After the approving of the $295,000 to THF Realty with the Crestwood Point TDD with Rosebrook Real Estate Company aka Crestwood Swim Club?

And who is the President of Rosebrook Real Estate Company and owns 32 shares of stock and was our former Alderman and member of Crestwood Swim Club? Attorney Gary Vincent working for Husch & Eppenberger, LLC?

Is this one of the compaign promises Mayor Roy Robinson made to you know who ?????

printed on Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 09:08:15 -0500
> Representative Clients for Husch & Eppenberger, LLC:
> Ameren UE/CIPS; American General Life Insurance Co.; Arch Chemicals, Inc.; Barry-Wehmiller; BJC Healthcare; BP Products North America Inc.; Capital for Business, Inc.; Central Institute for the Deaf; Charter Communications; CIT Group; ConocoPhillips; Dema Engineering Co.; Emerson Electric Company; Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc.; ESCO Technologies, Inc.; Express Scripts, Inc.; Fleming & Company; Fred Weber, Inc.; General Electric Capital Corp.; GlaxoSmithKline; Globe Life & Accident Insurance Company; Heizer Aerospace, Inc.; Home Builders Association of Greater St. Louis; John Q. Hammons Hotels and Industries; KETC Channel 9; Kodak Polychrome Graphics; Koman Properties, Inc.; Kranson Industries, Inc.; Lamar Corporation; LCRA City of St. Louis; Leggett & Platt, Incorporated; MasterCard International; McDonald's Corporation; Monsanto Co.; National Corn Growers Association; Olin Corp.; Pace Properties, Incorporated; Rockwood School District; Sansone Group; Siemens Corp.; St. Louis Convention & Visitor Bureau; Standard Machine & Manufacturing Co.; Stifel Nicolaus & Company; United American Insurance Company; Westfield America, Inc.; Westfield Corp.

12:56 PM, December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness we are bringing back the issue of the pool to this blog. It truly IS the most pressing issue facing this town. Thank you for bringing this urgent and compelling issue back to the forefront.

1:30 PM, December 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:30 PM blogger: Well someone asked a while back for this to happen, and it looks as though it did!

The Chinese have a saying, "Be carefull what you wish for!"

Tom Ford

1:57 PM, December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wishing for proof that the Sewer Lateral fund lent $53,000 to the General Fund any time in its history, because I cant find where it did.

What I am wishing for is a chance to vote on the MFPD offer in 2008.

I am wishing for evidence that with all the cash we have laying around that we will need a property tax increase in 2008.

Something tells me there is no Santa Claus in Crestwood when it comes to granting these wishes.

2:41 PM, December 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The "basic summery" of what happened Tuesday night, and thanks to the "head cub report for the info!

"Schaefer Auto Body’s request for a CUP was denied - 6 against and 2 (Miguel and Nieder) in favor.
Friar Tuck Beverage’s liquor license request was approved on condition of hours of operation.
Greg Yawitz and Frank Myers were appointed to the Crestwood Market Community Improvement District.
Ordinances were passed for the reconstruction of the Pardee Road bridge and the service bridge in Whitecliff Park, with funding assistance coming from the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission.
All three budgets, General, Parks and Stormwater, and Capital Expenditures, were approved for the fiscal year of 2008.
The Request for Development Proposals for Westfield Crestwood Plaza was extended to March 3, 2008. The request was extended because of a possible sale and changes in the TIF laws for the upcoming year.
Lengthy discussion occurred concerning the cash reserve options for the budget. To comply with a 5% or less cash on hand requirement for the Royal Bank loan, the board voted to repay $331,228 to the Capital Improvements Fund from the General fund and repay $53,281 to the Sewer Lateral Fund from the General Fund."

And, there you have it!

Tom Ford

3:25 PM, December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It bugs me when people say "me thinks" because those of us educated people know it's "me tinks" I'm not that smart but I'm smart enough to know paying attention to trivia is a lot less stressful than paying attention to facts and figures (if you can get the correct ones) Anybody heard the news we were to have received by Dec 14th? Any truth to the rumor one of our "top" men is looking to leave Crestwood. Maybe he's seen the Titanic.

12:59 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Methinks ... (just kidding). There may not be any news for a few weeks or more since the RDP for Crestwood Plaza was extended. A sale may or may not occur by the end of the year/beginning of next year. I haven't heard any rumors about anyone leaving either.

1:56 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask yourself, is widening and straightening the Pardee road bridge going to make it safer? Or will it have just the opposite effect? Narrow and curvy, drive slow. Straight and wide, drive faster.

Why couldn't we just make minor improvements instead of a grand reengineering?

And where will the pedestrian lane lead pedestrians? There is no sidewalk?

Ahh...You have to love consultants.

2:32 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the widening of the Pardee Road bridge is a waste of money. I haven't heard anyone in the Providence Park or Grants Farm Trail subdivision who wanted that bridge changed. The way it was designed CAUSED people to slow down and use it carefully.

City Hall is still spending and spending.

2:39 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Ward is that Bridge in? The Alderman from that Wartd should be held accountable for such a waste of money.

3:55 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ward 3, but the whole board voted for it.

4:08 PM, December 17, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I wlll ask Steve Nieder.

Tom F0rd

5:28 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:08 I agree with you. The whole board of aldermen voted on it. If the aldermen representing that ward saw a need for it, he must have not heard anything to the contrary from his constituents.

I remember that stretch of road being dangerous 40 plus years ago, when I was almost involved in an accident at that very place.

There are lots of places where people should slow down because of a narrow or winding road, but it doesn't necessarily force people to slow down. Sometimes people don't slow down fast enough, or use poor judgement or sometimes they may just take their eye off the road for a splite second. That is what happened to me, and that's all it takes. It was a very close call. I still remember it to this day it was so close.

If every person was careful when crossing narrow bridges or at dangerous intersections, accidents wouldn't happen in the first place.
There are careless accidents and then there are accidents that happen by circumstances when a better road can make the difference.

I am glad they are doing something about it.

6:14 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Ward does Alderman Nieder represent?

6:56 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:26 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here it is 12/17/07 and I am only able to read the BOA meeting minutes from 11/13/07!!!!

In doing so I was astonded that the following was reported:

"Alderman Roby reported that at the Police Board meeting, it was stated that cameras are being installed in the ten new police cars. Mayor Robinson said the cameras were purchased
approximately four years ago; however, this project had never been acted on because he was only
recently made aware of the purchase."

Seriously, he has got to be kidding us. Let see...full time...looking for ways to make cuts in the budget ... these should include knowing about the current assets owned by the city.

Wouldn't you think that at least the police chief would know the assets of his department?????

Anyone else think this is strange?

10:36 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I do, but you and I will be the only one who will say so on the blog.

10:38 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the cameras were purchased four years ago, 2003, the late Don Greer was Chief of Police and City Administrator. He retained those positions until late 2005, early 2006. So the purchased cameras were never installed in 2004, 2005, and 2006 either.

Why don't you discuss the camera situation with the police chief and the mayor?

Police Chief 729-4800

Mayor 729-4710

11:10 PM, December 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a better idea, why don't you contact them and tell us their answer.

7:18 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should I? Either you (or someone else) brought the issue to this blog.

I simply stated there was a lag time of 2-3 years in which the previous chief of the police department did not have the cameras installed.

Your "better" idea ... isn't.

8:52 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, where is the news on the mall? This is beginning to sound like many times before that we hear rumors that Westfield was going to announce something and then nothing came of it. Roy promised news by now.....

9:14 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The RDP was extended until March.

We may or may not have news on the mall until a possible sale takes place.

9:37 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that the previous administration ordered police cameras and did not have them installed? For how many years?

11:04 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What were they thinking? Ordering cameras not having them installed? And they only get installed after this administration acts upon it?

11:08 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't over look the fact that current Mayor was on the Police Board untill he was elected to be Mayor, so he knew about the cameras before he was elected. I don't buy for one minute that this was the first he knew about the cameras.

Good thing the previous administration isn't running against current administration, Mayor would have a lot of questions to answer.

11:58 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try and try all you want, but this camera thing seems to me to be another mess left over by the previous administration.

12:05 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 years 4 years, could be Roy, could be Tom.

3:22 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 working days after the BOA meeting and still no updated minutes. AMAZING. And the citizens expect them to be on top of things at city hall?????

5:00 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should the citizens be any different than our elected officers of the City?

5:01 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Roy was on the police board during the time that these cameras were purchased and knows the whole story why they are only now being installed. I'm sure, however, he'll use it as an opportunity to say that he's being more effective than the last administration.

Remember, Roy was also on the police board that appeared before the board of aldermen requesting a police building be built.

6:12 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember. But he was one who asked that it not be built when he saw the city's finances spiral downward.

6:16 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fagan in office at most 1 year of the reported 4 years that cameras not installed into Police cars, Roy, 3 years.

9:22 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does that mean Roy did not know what he was voting for when he voted to extend the sunset on the Capital Improvements Tax? He knew what it was for, don't kid yourself.

9:25 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost can't wait for someone to beat Roy for mayor just to be able to compare what bloggers are going to say about the next one.

I will be interested in what if anything will be different. Some blog comments will be new but I think that it will be more of the same most of the time.

Whether it is Roy or someone else, things will always go wrong, all promises will not be kept, and mayors will come and go. But stepping into new shoes almost always give us sore feet except of course, in Roy's case where no excuse is good enough. Let's see what excuses are given for a new mayor when problems come up.

No mayor will have all the answers and no mayor is exempt from criticism for not having all the answers, but if Roy is not re-elected, let's see what criticisms and excuses are made for a new mayor.

Maybe a new mayor will do what we feel is correct on some things, but there will always be those who will make blog comments on mere heresay, suspicions, lies, deceit and whatever else comes from the human spirit and playing politics.

People believe what they want to believe. Whether it is a new mayor or this mayor, whether it is a new CA or the previous CA, whether it is this police chief, etc. and so on.

People have made remarks about this mayor's wife, and insulted her on this blog. And in the future, we will still have some who insult others, and use the F word to ridicule people. But I cannot imagine a new mayor having to deal with the sarcastic and insane comments that this mayor has had to contend with.

But the more things change, the more they will stay the same. No matter who gets elected next, I guarantee you that the political hatred in this town and on this blog will still be paramount.

11:04 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to reflect upon your own words also regarding the past administrations.

P.S. I don't think that previous mayors based their campaign on the promise that they had a plan to bring Crestwood back!

8:31 AM, December 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roy ran a Jerry Springer campaign out of desperation, since it was his fourth attempt, and only lucked into it because he had nasty half-truths to spread.

Fagan didn't have opportunity to show us what he could or couldn't do, and Robertson obviously left in disgrace.

However, this City did enjoy a time when well-intentioned, intelligent people wanted to serve as alderman and Mayor. We need only look as far back as Pat Killoren. She was a Mayor that Crestwood residents could be proud to call their own.

While I agree that people call Roy names that just lower the entire City, they aren't without merit. One only needs to attend one of Roy's public speaking appearances to be embarassed that he represents our City. Imagine how our little town must appear to any prospective business owners that Roy attempts to cultivate. No wonder we are getting liquor stores....."cheap cheap".

Sorry, we can do better, and we will do better.

4:07 PM, December 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I love Dirt Cheap!

But I hate Roy's public speaking . . .ugghhhh...makes us sound dumb.

4:20 PM, December 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't the BOA vote to have the city's CA as the spokes person for the city? Did they ever reverse that decision? Never saw it in the BOA meeting minutes.

10:41 PM, December 19, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:41 PM Blogger: Indeed they did but that was when Greer was the C / A. I don't know if it carried over to to Mr. Myers though.

Tom Ford

4:59 PM, December 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom and Poster 10:41, You both are repeating a common and wide held false urban rumor.
What the Board really did was by vote state that the City Administrator MAY be the spokesperson of the City. They did not say he was to be the only one or that Roy the Mayor at that time could not represent himself as the City Spokesperson. Why this took place is what needs to be told.

Roy had order Greer to not speak to the Press without 1st clearing with him or to act as the Spokesperson of the City when he was not at City Hall and questions were asked. The Board at that time recognized that the Mayor, per the Charter did not have that authority. The Charter clearly states in SECTION 4:3 (e)"The Mayor shall have no authority to intervene or otherwise interfere with the exercise by the City Administrator of the powers and duties provided by Section 5.2 of this Charter". That Section in (j)states that "the City Administrator shall perform such duties as are specified in this Charter or may be REQUIRED by the BOA".
Roy's action was in violation of the Charter that he had taken an oath to obey and uphold. The Board at that time was simply recognizing that per ARTICLE III, Section 3.1 that "all powers of the city shall be vested in the Board of Aldermen". At the time of this violation the Board had only one other recourse short of impeachment, and that was to vote as the Board did. Today, however the Board could use their power of censure to stop a violation of the Charter. I believe there are readers and posters of this blog who wish the BOA had impeached then and failing that, the current Board would enforce the Charter and use at least the threat of censure of the Mayor.

Final note, didn't the Civil Service Review Committee make a change in the Civil Service rules that now prevents anyone BUT the Mayor and City Administrator from acting as a spokesperson for the City?

7:13 PM, December 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger 4:08.

I contacted my alderman and he saw no problem because the city only had to pay a portion of the cost.

So it's okay because it's someone else's money?

We are not saying it can't be made a little wider. The question is why so wide and so much longer?

And there are just as many arguments in the opposite direction that say natural impediments actually make a road safer. The whole road is narrow and curvy, not just the bridge. And who is to say you will not get more traffic on the road when the bridge is widened? More traffic = more chance of an accident?

If the bridge is so dangerous now then why are there not big flashing warning lights?

I just think this is another example of not thinking this one through and letting the engineers go without a budget.

The city will pay $316,000 towards reconstruction.

Ask your alderman how many feet wider and longer the bridge will be. There was even talk of a parking area?

Pretty soon our street will be a gravel road, but we'll have a nice new bridge.

10:51 PM, December 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points. Just think if the city did NOT authorize the rebuild. The city could have saved the $316,000 - that's almost equivalent to the loss of sales tax income from Dillard's.

11:37 PM, December 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the money for the Whitecliff bridge and the $17,000 for a slightly used SUV for the Public Works Director.

11:44 PM, December 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what portion Crestwood will pay towards the $720,000 Whitecliff bridge?

Is this the wooden bridge that is no longer used anyway?

I don't understand this one at all. If it can remain closed for the next 2-3 yrs why does it ever need to be reopened to traffic? No one lives back there any longer. The City has 4 wheel drive vehicles just for this purpose. Police cars drive those steep grades often.

The stormwater repairs have never been funded in the rest of the city. Are they planning to sell this property and they need it to be accessible?

8:21 AM, December 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the South County Times ( article
"Whitecliff Service Bridge To Be Rebuilt With Federal Grant" by Eileen P. Duggan

"The estimated cost of $720,000 includes $120,000 for engineering in 2010 and $600,000 for construction in 2011. The city will be responsible for 20 percent of the cost, about $144,000."

12:39 PM, December 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:21 Dec. 21st

I use the bridge when I walk my dog in the park, and I see plenty of others (walkers/joggers, bikers, and other dog walkers) using the bridge as well. So yes, people still do use the bridge.

Martha Duchild

11:06 PM, December 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:13 PM Dec. 20

From Chapter II, Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations: "No employee in the Classified service shall act as a spokesperson with respect to inquiries from the media/press regarding City matters without approval from the City Administrator."

I believe this answers your question.

Martha Duchild

11:12 PM, December 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the changes in Civil Service rules, how does this effect whistle blowers? Does this change supersede the Charter powers as given to the BOA as found in ARTICLE III, Section 3.1 that "all powers of the city shall be vested in the Board of Aldermen"?
Does this mean that a Firefighter or Police officer can not speak to the media at site of a fire or accident without the blessing of the C/A?
Has this change been reviewed by legal for possible violation of a person's Constitutional rights? Do you think it would stand up in court? What is the punishment for violation of this Civil service rule?

10:38 AM, December 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it curious how previous bloggers (7:13 PM, December 20, 2007 and 10:38 AM, December 22, 2007) have quoted Charter ARTICLE III, Section 3.1 "all powers of the city shall be vested in the Board of Aldermen".

So ... does that mean the board is responsible for anything that happens in city government?

Or ... do they have (or want) power without the responsibility?

If all powers rest with the board, where does the responsibility rest?

2:09 PM, December 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Board HAS the power, that doesn't mean currently, they are using it by any stretch of anyone's imagination. If they were to use their power as vested in them, then yes they would be held responsible for the results of their use of their power.
However, I have read on this blog, as I am sure you have, where those Aldermen who do so against this Mayors wishes, attract the title of Faganite. Interestingly enough, the issue of responsibility no longer comes up with this Board, as they vote lock step with the Mayor.

5:21 PM, December 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If they were to use their power as vested in them, then yes they would be held responsible for the results of their use of their power."

So now they are only responsible for the power they USE?

Or, are they responsible for the power they have?

7:00 PM, December 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They use.

8:03 PM, December 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:38 A.M. Dec. 22

There is a subtle, yet important, difference between speaking on your own behalf, and speaking on someone else's behalf. It would appear from your questions that you have not yet grasped this distinction.

Nobody has taken away any city employee's right to speak on their OWN behalf. It is when they wish to speak on the CITY's behalf that they need to check first with the city administrator. The updated rules and regulations were approved by the city attorney and modified and approved by the board of aldermen.

Martha Duchild

11:11 PM, December 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, is that the real reason we paid off MS. Brown to leave?

7:17 AM, December 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the board is only responsible for the powers they use?

Then who is responsible for the powers they have but do not use?

6:30 PM, December 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am trying to imagine the consequences of city employees chatting with reporters at will. Would we have seen headlines from the real beans being spilled about why a Mayor resigned, why a city administrator and finance officer suddenly and together left the city, why there were several sexual harrassment suits filed, etc. etc. Perhaps, just perhaps it is sensible for the town crier to be someone who uses descretion and protects a city which has had an uncanny amount of scandal, mistrust and financial mismanagement. I could care who it is who disperses our statements as long as they get it right, it is not self serving and puts our city in a good light. Because they will be held responsible and accountable to us all. Preferably, however, because it would be unfairly advantageous, I think elected officials should maintain decorum and not always try to constantly steal thunder.

11:22 PM, December 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/13 BOA meeting - the last meeting minutes on the web site.

11/27 BOA meeting minutes "approved at the BOA meeting 12/11" are still NOT on the web site.

Maybe next year??????

1:37 PM, December 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! Where are the minutes?

Sorry, I just had to.

5:35 PM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Or, " How many minutes could a minute writer write, if a minute writer could write minutes?"

Tom Ford

5:40 PM, December 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed! Good one!

6:04 PM, December 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

End this disgrace, write in Roby for Mayor in April 2008

8:13 PM, December 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:22 PM Dec. 26th. Can you please elaborate on your comment?

You have stated in your comment that a city spokesperson should use descretion when speaking about the bad acts/issues which occurred at City Hall and you have mentioned several from the past. Do you mean that in the future, it is OK for the city spokesperson to hold back on telling the truth as long as they do it to protect the city? If so, then you are giving people a blank check to do wrong again if it is going to be covered up. You say "discretion" I say "covered up".

Also, can you elaborate on your statement that you don't care who the spokesperson is for the city, as long as they get things right and protect the city and is not self-serving? Get things right, according to who? Those who wish to use discretion to protect the city?

People as you so stated, who were elected or appointed to high positions in the city have done things that have cast a shadow on their own integrity. Therefore, they have already done damage to the city. But you say the spokesperson should first think about protecting the city regardless of the ocurrence that has caused the city shame in the first place? I must be missing something and I apologize if I am.

So are you or arn't you saying that it is OK to keep the truth about unwarranted or bad incidents occurring at city hall from the public, as long as the so-called spokesperson does it to protect the city? Which probably means that the spokesperson has also instructed the mayor and board that by their silence, they are also protecting the city.

When a spokesperson does that, they are merely using their loyalty to the city as a pretense to protect those who did wrong.

There seems to be some kind of dubiousness your comment wants to convey in a subtle way. Exactly what are you trying to say?

8:14 PM, December 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Frank, but only in private.

12:16 AM, December 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love the naiveté on this blog. It is obvious that no one has ever held a position of authority in government (and yes Tom, being a wanta-be reserve cop does not count). The simple true is you don’t get to know! The general public does not need to know, nor should anyone be required to explain it to you. That’s life in a republic.

9:02 AM, December 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:16 Yes Thanks. I might just do that.

9:02 AM I agree. It's OK to remain anonymous with comments because we live in a republic. What about mentioning someone's name on this blog to send a four letter word message. Is that OK too or should I ask Frank?

A person can say whatever they wish to say, but someone who shows their true colors by speaking in such violent terms, has no business being in law enforcement.

10:02 AM, December 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02 AM, December 28, 2007


11:46 AM, December 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02 am If a person has the right to address another by name on this blog, make accusations about that person, and use a four letter word against her to get their point across, then he/she should also state who they are. If the words are so awful that the blogmaster has to erase them, it is not something to be proud of and he/she should be glad they were erased.

These are the same people/person who speaks of truth and honesty but don't practice what they preach. People who speak of others as being self-absorbed and self-serving need to only look at themselves first before preaching.

This blog is all over the place with comments. I think it is a good thing for the most part, but some people are players, they love mixing it up, they love to play their hand, and will lie and refute the truth when they have been brainwashed in the past.

If this CA also uses the same tactics, he is also wrong. But maybe this CA is disliked by some because these same people are no longer "the chosen ones" like they were before, and are on the outside looking in instead of being pampered and taken care by the previous CA. Now, it's a different story.

If someone has an opinion that doesn't agree with your's, name calling and stepping over boundaries to become verbally abusive only makes that person sound desperate to make a point.

But, as was stated previously, we live in a republic and I guess anything goes.

3:27 PM, December 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elect Gregg Roby for Mayor in 2008, write his name in, no promises, no lies, just honest, open government

3:39 PM, December 28, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:27 PM blogger: "But, as was stated previously, we live in a republic and I guess anything goes."

Not here is doesnt! This is a dictatorial site, I don't like it, off it goes!

By the way, it's filing time! Where are all the great statesmen who would be Mayor? Why, from the rhetoric on this blog there are "many who can do a better job!"

Remember, the quicker you file, the quicker we get to take a "complete look at your qualifications!"

Tom Ford

4:12 PM, December 28, 2007  

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