Sunday, December 02, 2007

The dreded "T" word (tax increase) how do you feel about it?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think it's time to take a very close look at what we want, and need here in Crestwood. To that end I am starting a thread that will be sent to every Alderman, the Mayor, And Mr. Myers.

Before we start, this is not a thread to bash current or former City leaders, and none will be allowed. In fact if I find any posts doing that, they will be deleted at once!

Now that we have the ground rules out of the way, lets look at where we are, and what we face in the future. Our buildings are back out of hock, we have a balanced budget for 08, and we have more cash flow than we should (that will change very soon.) This is the good news.

Now for the bad news, the plaza issue is up in the air, the Watson Rd. exit is closed (for two years) off of I-270, we will need revenue to continue to operate as we are today, and the economy is any one's guess in an election year.

What to do? Well my idea is to garner a complete and comprehensive report on the state of the City, with projections for the next five years from Mr. Myers. Once we have a definitive report in the hands of the BOA and the Mayor they must share it with us, word for word, and line by line!

At that point it will no doubt become clear that we will need a TAX INCREASE to continue to provide the services we enjoy today! The only question as I see it is "how much, and how long?" I believe it may be as much as .44 cents over a five year period (sunset after five years or before.) Now comes the question, are you willing to come together and insure the future of Crestwood, or are you not?

I know this is a "death" question for any politician to ask, so I am doing it for all of them! We must see some leadership from the Dias on this, or I firmly believe we will witness the end of Crestwood as we know it today!

Well, there it is, I don't like it any more than you do, but it's going to be a fact of life, so the sooner the leadership gets behind it the better! Forget the campaign rhetoric, forget the promises, and give us the leadership we need!

Your comment please, they WILL go to the BOA, the Mayor, and Mr. Myers as I said, so your turn.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont you wonder if someone in city hall is feeding this word for word to Tom so he can 'float a trial balloon' and see how much outrage is stirred up?

11:40 AM, December 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, your wrong! This is my idea, and my idea only!

Tom Ford

11:53 AM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford,

I, like you, feel it is time to discuss this but I really think you would best serve all of us if you contacted Mr. Myers and gathered some solid information to present here prior to asking for comment. What, as citizens, are we going to comment on without some firm numbers to drive the discussion.
Can you tell us how our property taxes stack up to those communities around us? Can you tell us what our rates are for fire service compared to those communities? How far below those communities are we and how much would we be paying extra if we were to increase our Property taxes say $.40, $.50, etc? What are our current rates?
I would really like information like this before I comment.

12:04 PM, December 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:04 PM blogger: Good idea, I have posted the tax anf fire district rates on blog. Just click on the header to be directed to the site.

I warn you, this is a PDF file amd it takes a while to down load, but it's all there.

The rest will have to come from Mr. Myers, and the Board.

Thanks for the excellent suggestion!

Tom Ford

12:42 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 1st question would be why wasnt this done by our city fathers when the news of Dillards closing was 1st heard? Good leadership doesn't wait for plan B to be forced down their throat.
Having said that, I beleive that like another poster has said, we need to cut all costs (contract fire and police services) and sell off all assets (Crestwood park, city hall) before we are asked for a tax increase.
If not I see tax rate as high as $2.00 needed to keep current services, I doubt voters would go for that.

1:35 PM, December 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:35 PM blogger: Well if we do as you say, why not pitch the City Charter while were at it?

What you advocate is closing Crestwood! Without Police Fire, Public Works, or assets, there is no Crestwood, we simply cease to exist, ergo no need for a Charter!

Is that what you really meant to say?

Beleve me, it's not that bad yet!

Tom Ford

2:31 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, that is not what I said, if we can not afford or are not willing to pay for them, then we have to see what parts we can cut with the income we have. If that means cutting fire, do so, if it means cutting police do so, it means selling property (a park or city Hall) do so, but what ever combination of actions it takes to run the city with out a tax increase, that is what should be done. Done until the voters realize the want some of those service back and are now willing to pay for themselves.
I would figure all future budgets with out sales tax income from the Mall as a source of $ for the City, that is where the reduction is coming from, so why try to figure the rate of decline, simply do not include it in the budget. That way any income from the Mall is a surplus which could be used to pay off the bonds of Pro S faster.
Sell or rent our City Hall, if we dont need a $14,000,000 police palace, why do we need what we have now if we drop any of our current services? We could run City Hall from one of the many vacant stores on Watson, and not have worry about police radios and new phone systems.

4:12 PM, December 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:12 PM blogger: Ok, I get it, but once the services, and properties are gone, that's it, we will never be able to afford to re institute them due to start up costs!

Now is the time to decide what we want, not after we have sold everything in the wagon, because then we can only sell the wagon!

Tom Ford

4:22 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:12 Sell city hall? Wow. We sell city hall, and put our employees in an empty building on Watson Road!!! You are not funny at all and I am not laughing.

Sounds to me like we may as well chalk off being the City of Crestwood. Once that is done, no tax increase is going to get it back.

Once our parks are gone, there is no getting them back. We may get our tax increase, but we will have to start from scratch.

That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. This isn't like taking a favorite toy away from a child to teach them a lesson. It doesn't work that way.

People worked very hard to get a new city hall, and purchase the Wedimeier Property to get Whitecliff Park and those are just two things I wouldn't want to sell.

I don't want to be part of the St. Louis County Police Department or the Mehlville Fire District. You think Mehlville is extending their hand out to Crestwood out of the goodness of their heart? My dear blogger, it is all about money and politics. It always is.

Politics by the mere definition is fickle and two faced. Politics changes people especially opportunistic ones. That is what Mehlville is all about.

So far I am not homeless, I hope I never become city-less.

4:55 PM, December 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:55 PM blogger: AMEN my friend, AMEN!

Tom Ford

5:17 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who owns City Hall?

Rosebrook Real Estate Stockholders?

Headquarters - Crestwood Swim Club?

Gary Vincent?

8:12 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's sell Whitecliff Park and pool! We can get about $1.4 million.

It is not save pool like Crestwood Swim Club.

8:13 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:13 You know what? Why don't we all make a New Year's Resolution right now instead of waiting until January 1st.

Let's just stop the insanity with the Crestwood Swim Club, Rosebrook Real Estate, Kohl's, Gary Vincent, and the rest of it. Let's just all remember, me included, that when we get up tomorrow morning, what we say and do, can never be changed. You can't go back. It's done. So if we fill it with insults and hatefulness, it's there forever.

I am really tired of all of it; the bickering, the name calling, inunendos, incinuations, and the cloak and dagger routines. Don't you think that it's enough?

This has been going on for so long that it has created more chaos and friction than it has settled. When I stop and think of some of the things stated on this blog including some of my own words, I must admit that anger and desention just breeds more anger and desention.

All some bloggers do is play politics. It can make you mean and angry, cause you grief, and make a lot of people angry.

If you are still aggetated about the Crestwood Swim Club, so be it. But making remarks that you really know nothing about just makes you look stupid. What do you, I or anyone else really know that will stand up in a court of law regarding the swim club and all the bickering it has created? Nothing!

I have a neighbor who is dying. I see people that are heart sick; I see a man loosing his spouse, people loosing their mother, and grandchildren that will only have a few memories and some pictures of her.

Somehow it has made me realize that people living together in harmony, neighborhoods that care about neighbors, and doing your best to get along with everyone is one of the reasons why we moved into Crestwood to begin with.

Now if we all just can keep our wits about us, stop the sarcasm and be civil to one another, maybe we will get "Crestwood back the way it was" with or without a Mall.

Happy Holidays.

Sandy Grave

Worrying about who did what to whom, fighting and name calling just isn't my cup of tea.

We are only put on this earth but a short time, and so are you. I am really tires of fighting city hall and all the issues that we elect people to take care of.

So how about making a New Year's Resolution with me and start out in 2008 with only positives and not negatives.

11:03 PM, December 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I dont get the thought behind your post. just a few posts ago you said we were to trust the city fathers that they had it all under control. What has happen that you now are asking our views and input, I thought they were the experts?

11:51 AM, December 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my way of looking at things, this question is one that shlould have been talked about a long time ago. Who sets the agenda for the BOAS meetings? Who is "over all of Crestwood"? Who is the "official spokesperson" for Crestwood?
Who ever that person is, has failed to do their job in as much as it takes this blog to bring up the question.

12:40 PM, December 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:51 AM blogger: I hope they are the "experts," but in case I am wrong, I am hedging my bet's!

Plaza, no plaza, or whatever, we are still going to be in our homes come 08. If you haven't noticed, the home sales really are in the doldrums, at least in my neighborhood, so selling is no option at this time.

If I am right the City Fathers will have a handle on this now, however, just to be sure, I don't mind a bit of proding on our part.

It's the old "trust but verify' method that worked for Ronald Reagan, so why not here?

A bit clearer now I hope?

Tom Ford

6:00 PM, December 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you let us know when you take all these ideas to the Mayor and what his response is?

6:22 PM, December 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:22 PM blogger: You bet I will! I will be letting this run for a week, and then I will print it out and deliver it to City Hall!

I don't know if I will ever get to see the Aldermen, but I will see the Mayor, and Mr. Myers.

Tom Ford

6:50 PM, December 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be nice if somebody could tell us, for sure, how the mayor feels about a tax increase and what the CA thinks. I had heard that the mayor said NO to the tax increase, but as time has passed, if that is still how he feels, maybe he can elaborate on his reason and maybe the CA can also elaborate on how he feels about it.

It would also be nice if our aldermen would speak out their feelings on cutting costs, or passing a tax.

Bloggers speak to each other via the blog about issues, but it would be nice to hear from the powers that be, with a "final answer".

8:09 PM, December 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, no sarcasm here, I live in an annexed area of Crestwood. Now that I have had a number of years to compare Crestwood vs. unincorporated, I really see little difference in services.

Crestwood pays the Affton Fire tax.

County had better streets. Crestwood does not fix stormwater problems.

Seemed like we had an additional patrol officer with the County. Now we get a drive by.

Crestwood has code enforcement..our subdivision already has it.

The reality is that it's never going to stop getting more expensive to provide these services and all of the overhead that comes with it.

9:25 PM, December 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Ford is a typical liberal. Friend of the unions and tax raiser. And you call the South County Truth Spot liberal? I don't see them clamoring for a tax hike!

7:34 AM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had any confidence in our City's administration and elected officials, I would surely support a tax increase to keep my community a vital place. I simply have no faith in Mayor Roy Robinson, the people he has chosen to run our City, and most of the aldermen currently serving.

10:18 AM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a tax increase is needed, but, watch out! If this comes out that crestwood is going for a tax increase, you better believe, that Hilmer and Milligan will have tons of articles in the paper saying crestwood is raping the tax payers and saying he could save so much money and at the same time, TRY to make crestwood officials look like boobs as he did with those poor guys over in Mehlville. It's a never ending battle with them, they love it.

It amazes me how someone lables themselves as a proffesional investor when he gets hundreds of thousands from his dad's estate. I'd be a proffesional too if I won the lottery. Hilmer never worked a day in his life, to see what a real person with a strong back needs.

11:03 AM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:18 am Well then you just may get your wish when the County takes over our police department and the fire district comes into Crestwood.

Liberal, Conservative or whatever you are politically,doesn't mean a thing in Crestwood. City fathers run on a non-partisan ticket. If you do not have confidence in our leaders, we will just let the chips fall where they may.

But sooner or later the reality of a tax increase will need to be put to the people. If you wait until you have a 100% unity and confidence in all city officials, we will never progress. I can't remember a time when everyone was unified with our political leaders in this town.

And if you don't think we need a tax increase, you tell me how any city can survive in the 21st century on 30 cents per $100 valuation. How much do you pay for a candy bar now versus 30 years ago? Need I say more?

11:15 AM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:25 P.M
You must live in Grantwood Village, because when there is a inch of snow on the ground I see the Crestwood Street Dept pollowing the streets. I look at Grantwood Streets they are covered with snow long after my street is plowed.

I live by OLP and when I'm off from work I see the Crestwood Police doing school patrol at OLP. Wacthing the stop sign at the trail, or sitting on the side streets. I get tired when I'm watching t.v. in my livingroom, at how many times the Crestwood Police officer drives by on Sunray.

I've noticed a hugh difference in patrol with crestwood compared to county.

12:12 PM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to 7:34am.
That was a real eye opening experience visiting that site! You can't even respond to anything on there. It is definitely their way or no way over there. What a jope! Obviously put together by the Call, Aaron Hilmer, James Stonebraker, and there posse.

3:37 PM, December 04, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:43 AM blogger: Hi Aron, Bonnie, and Mike! Glad to see you can answer the bell so early!

By the way they don't have to "clammor for a tax hike," They build it into the yearly increases each City gets, Right Aron?

Tom Ford

5:34 PM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:12 PM, December 04, 2007

"because when there is a inch of snow on the ground I see the Crestwood Street Dept pollowing the streets."

That's overkill and a waste of money and wears out the streets faster. Not something to be proud of.

10:04 PM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be behind a tax increase if the City was serious about cutting things out of the budget. But whenever something comes up the alderman won't turn it down. There is a big difference in Nice to have vs. Have to have...

They need a big board at City Hall that says these are our priorities...Fund these first.

-SUV for Pub Works director
not a necessity. Why not a pickup or a fuel efficient car?

-Crestwood store
not a necessity

-Wireless Internet at the Whitecliff
not a necessity

-Light Pole Banners on Watson
not a necessity. not really a positive either.

-Color City Newsletter
not a necessity. there is nothing in it that needs to be shown in color.

-Grant's trail maintenance
not a necessity.

-Eliminate all carryover vacation days

-Rubber surfacing at playgrounds
nice, but is it more necessary than another police officer?

Does Crestwood pay for gas for City provided vehicles that get taken home?

10:21 PM, December 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a parent of young children, I would appreciate you backing off of your concerns about the rubber surface of the playground. It is a matter of safety. Also, the Grants trail is a huge asset to our town. I also use the wireless internet at Whitecliff. Back Young people and young families probably spend MORE money in this town than you. They are the ones who are going to 'bring Crestwood back'...and NO I am not saying that the seniors are not valued, gracious, important, taxpaying citizens. However, you need to make sure out City maintains the parks and keeps them safe for families and does not sell off our parks. That is an obscene idea.

8:14 AM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


While you're at City Hall, ask how many resumes Myers has out. Word on the street he is trying hard to bail, but getting no takers.

Does that show a lack of confidence in the city OR the mayor?

9:08 AM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:14 am I agree with you. I am a senior but I think you express one important factor about selling of Crestwood's assets. Children and families growing up. Save our parks and save our police and fire protection.

10:11 AM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:08 a.m. I've heard the same rumors.
I would think that if true it expresses his lack of confidence in both the Mayor and the City.
Which makes me wonder if the "plan" the Mayor has as he noted in the paper for 2008 is going to work.

12:17 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some idiot below said:

"It amazes me how someone (Aaron Hilmer) lables themselves as a proffesional investor when he gets hundreds of thousands from his dad's estate. I'd be a proffesional too if I won the lottery. Hilmer never worked a day in his life, to see what a real person with a strong back needs."

Dear stupid person (and lousy speller), Aaron Hilmer dug sewers for a living working for his Dad's small business. Hilmer's father suffered a stroke and is totally disabled. Any money his father had was spent on his care. Aaron never inherited his "dad's estate". Aaron's father is still alive, hence no inheritance. Hilmer invested a very small small of money (around the same amount a Mehlville fire fighter puts the into their pension fund a year) in stocks and rolled it over into a considerable amount of equity.

Again, more lies from Mehlville union employees. You guys are a bunch of losers. Get over it!

1:11 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:08... let me be clear, it is not a rumor as you stated. I got it from one of the companies downtown where he applied.
He was a bad choice from the start. Roy wanted someone HE could tell what to do just like the other appointments he pushed down the board's throat. Sounds kinda like somebody else, doesn't it!

1:47 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all makes sense if you just recall The Mayor's most recent quote, he said, "I control the whole City,you (Aldermen) just control your ward".

3:40 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor should have said he is responsible for the whole City because all citizens vote for the mayor and only aldermen are voted on by Ward.

However, there are some things that the aldermen can do that the mayor can't control and that is overriding his veto. Also all the people in Crestwood can vote on propositions and other things that require a ballot and he can't do a thing about it.

So don't be thinking that a mayor is in total control because he isn't. You make it sound like he is the sole ruler on every issue. That is not at all correct.

But if you dislike him, as I am sure do, you can drive your statement into the ground, and I am sure you will. If that is the case, you can elect somebody else in 2008, so suit yourself!

4:22 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that the filing period has opened, does anyone know if there are any candidates running for Mayor?

4:55 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why bother, we are beyond any saving.

5:36 PM, December 05, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:14 AM blogger: Well as a Grandparent I agree with you! As far as I am concerned I don't wish to cut anything that will hurt the kids!

We sometimes have a tendency to forget what's really important here (the kids,) and think only of ourselves (the "big" kids.)

EVERYONE IN CRESTWOOD is important, especially our children, and grand children, let's all try to remember that!

Tom Ford

5:52 PM, December 05, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:36 PM blogger: Great attitude my friend, thank God George Washington didn't feel that way when they were about to cross the Delaware River to attack the Hessians at trenton!

Defeatist attitudes are like a cancer, they spread for no good! Lighten up, it's Christmas time, your still alive, your still in your home, you can still post here, and we still love you!

Now what more can you ask for?

Tom Ford

6:09 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:14 AM, December 05, 2007

I think you totally missed the boat on the post about priorities. The point is that if we don't want a tax increase we have to start saying no or come up with creative alternatives and "put away the plastic".

What good are all the "Nice to haves" you value so much if we can't pave our streets, have a City phone system that works or pay our Police Officers a decent salary? I'm glad your laptop can get online at the park. It's pathetic that your next phone call to City Hall may not go through.

I'm sure the Public Works director realizes that if we don't save some money his job will soon be in jeopardy. The alderman thought they knew better and decided to go against his recommendations for a car and got an SUV.

And if you are worried about safety, loose rubber mulch has better critical fall height ratings than solid rubber. Long run cost about the same.

7:30 PM, December 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If, indeed, Myers, City Administrator, is putting out resumes one has to wonder how bad we need a CA who wants to bail when things are not rosy? So, as a taxpayer and voter, please consider that usuns out here are no longer going to sit still for city employees getting paid a dime when they resign/leave/quit/get fired. No settlement. Period! Enough! Why does this blogger always want to blame Roy on hiring the CA when a committee did the interviewing and basic choosing? If Myers wants to leave, it would be the proper thing to do to bring in that same committee and have a sit down. We are tired of surprises, payoffs, and politics. If he is staying because there are no job openings elsewhere, we also need to know this. We truly need someone who is dedicated enough to help us through the problems that confront us. Halfhearted is not good enough. It is time for the BOA to get the score so they can have the lay of the land to help with the decisions that need making. We have not had much luck with City Administrators, perhaps we need to aim higher. If this is all a rumor started by bloggers to stir up the dust, then lets hope someone will advise us differently and we can get on with getting back on track, with the help and dedication of the CA.

10:55 PM, December 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you taken this poll to the folks at City Hall yet? Let us know when and what their response is.

7:02 PM, December 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the city officals read this site at all, I wish they would use it to give us the facts. Seems like it would be a good communication tool, no?

10:20 PM, December 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City Website used to have a forum where you could ask a specific Alderman or the Mayor a question for all to read as well as the answer they replied with.
I found it a very effective way to communicate and air out issues for all the public to read with the elected officals, which worked.
If memory servces me right, it was taken from City Website shortly after Roy was elected, reason, unknown. Maybe to reduce compition with this blog, or maybe because ALL elected officals could reply for the record, not just the Mayor.

8:04 AM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually that forum came down before the Mayor came to office. The questions got too controversial.

I guess they took it down because they would have legal issues if they were to censor your comments. After all it's funded with your tax dollars.

11:24 AM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog started in October 2005. The forum was taken off the city's website before then.

12:38 PM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never saw controversial questions there, what are you talking about?

6:25 PM, December 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:02 PM blogger: I have forwarded it to every elected official as well as Mr. Myers as I promised.

To date only one response by one Alderman has been returned, and he just wanted to know where I came up with this idea!

Ah yes, same day different "bravo sierra!"

Tom Ford

6:27 PM, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what idea?

11:14 AM, December 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To blogger 10:55...get your facts straight. Roy interviewed and made the selection for City Administrator all by himself, with absolutely no input from any staff members OR elected officials. When he put a vote before the BOA to hire him, they were so blindsided by this news that they requested a meeting to find out who he is. A Saturday meeting was schedlued, where Mr. Meyers drove down from Illinois to meet the BOA so they could put a face to a name. They had no knowledge of his lack of ability to hold a job for any length of time or his less-than-stellar performance record.

As is and was typical of our board, they were too lethargic to question Roy beyond this, and allowed the hire. If you don't believe me, pull the minutes from those meetings and the specially scheduled meeting for Meet Mr. Meyers.

If you don't believe his job history, do some digging, it's all there.

This was the first of many actions by Roy that have gone unchecked. When the BOA allowed this to happen, it set a precedent for Roy to 'run' the City, which as many have pointed out on this blog, isn't his job. He had Meyers in his pocket from day one by hiring someone who has a hard time getting hired anywhere else.

Roy went on to fire all his resident volunteers and appoint new board members and appoint his buddy to police chief.

Somebody needs to let Roy know that the Mayor doesn't run the City, and we need to have aldermanic input in the selection of our next administrator.

11:22 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The board DID have input in this selection. If they were unsure, they could have merely voted NO.

11:30 AM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have been a 4way tie, with Roy braking it in favor of his boy. Recall the vote on Ms.Duchild's appointment.

You are still right about someone telling Roy he doesnt run the city, I guess unless someone runs against him, that will never happen.

12:06 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still, the board could have made a statement, and they did not.

3:09 PM, December 18, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe there was a citizens committe lead by John Foote that interviewed all the candidates for C / A, and then reported to the Mayor,and the board.

Mr. Myers was invited to come to town with his family to meet the board on that Saturday, which he did, and the rest as they say is history.

Tom Ford

6:18 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what I remember as well.

6:55 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who asked the Board approve Mr. Myers?

9:27 PM, December 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/18 blogger
11:22 a.m.

Anyone who goes to this much trouble to try and rewrite history is either lonely, misguided or under some sort of spell. What we have here is the Director of the Roy Basher Club and the chatter is quite familiar. So much so, that it is recognizable. Sadly, however, this pathetic dribble is full of error. This blogger doesn't even care that the info he posts is full of holes. However, we all have a free will to laugh at, feel sorry for or unite with this blogger.

Hey, bloggers on this site all know by now to expect this blogger to chime in at every opportunity and run down anyone whose dogma disagrees with theirs.

As for me, I always feel so much better knowing that the blogger gets out all their angst when they blog and I get laughter which they say is good for the soul.

1:18 PM, December 26, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:18 PM blogger: It will never change, believe me! Roy Robinson is the "poor man's George Bush!" The sun come up in Crestwood, it's Roy's fault, etc!

I liken his detractors to the Ron Paul group, nice rhetoric, but no chance of making a difference. At any rate, Roy has accomplished much in three short years whether they want to admit it or not.

Tom Ford

2:03 PM, December 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to write in Alderman Roby's name for Mayor in 4/08. I urge others to do the same.

4:11 PM, December 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:31 PM, December 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why not? It still is a free country isn't it?

11:39 PM, December 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The aldermen who are serving on our board each have a vote and they have input and questions and right now I personally think they are needed in the chair in which they now sit for more seasoning. They are getting a good lay of the land and facing facts every meeting. Their contributions, questions and input are invaluable in this serious time in our city's history. Actually, [eople who are still getting over Roy as Mayor essentially care only for small town politics. We don't have time nor patience nor money for any more of this childs play. However, I have no quarrel with Mr. Roby whatsoever.

This is a very good board which has had a large assignment. Only when the 2, sometimes 3 aldermen slip into the tag team, chest thumping highly recognizable politics, do we lose a little ground and trust. Despite themselves, though, and politics aside, we are gaining ground. And we are used to the sour grapes regarding Roy. We have progress, we have hope and we have 9 officials helping us get it. This would include our Mayor.

One thing, we have no one to blame but ourselves if tax issues and political deceit start to cloud the horizon in Crestwood. Let your thoughts be known. Not just because you don't like a paint sprayer behind your home, but because you care about your whole community.

!!!Show up for Crestwood!!!

11:48 PM, December 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:48 I agree "let your thoughts be your own". Those words are the most important thing to keep in mind when you are an elected official. And citizens should go to board meetings and do their own research before making decision on who is and is not doing a good job.

Don't let anyone who is biased try to sway how you feel. Some people cannot be trusted, especially those who get into politics for their own glory. I don't see that anymore like it was in the past.

I trust our new board of aldermen members. And at this point, I see that they are trying to make good decisions most of the time. I hope that when candidacy for mayor comes about, that the candidates will keep their campaigns honest and truthful.

Being a good mayor or an alderman are not for the selfish. It's hard work and only people who feel they can handle hours listening to constituents and spending time making calls and asking questions should apply. That takes diligence and takes time away from work and family obligations.

Wishing that Crestwood has a great 2008.

4:54 PM, December 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so it is okay if the CA answers questions by a BOA member in private instead of at a public meeting????? Pretty pathetic. A $200,000 mistake should have been explained at the meeting.

5:03 PM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:03 PM blogger: I agree, it's our funds to begin with! We need a bit more light on this, as I hate "secrets!"

Besides, nine people can keep a secret, as long as eight of them are dead, so we will find out anyway!

Tom Ford

5:24 PM, December 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Private meetings with Aldermen and C/A about public funds?? End this disgrace, write in Roby for Mayor in April 2008.

8:16 PM, December 27, 2007  

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