Filing closed for Crestwood Mayor!...... Mayor Robinson UN-opposed!
Well, well! After all the posturing, all the inane comments, and all the "watch me" rhetoric on this blog the filing deadline for Mayor has come and gone!
Guess what folks, all the "heroes" who talked so big have failed to file! Is it possible that we have an "all hat and no cow's" gang on here that is afraid to come forth and show us what they could do? In the words of the faithful Indian scout, "you betcha Red Rider!"
I guess you found out that it seems like a good idea, but when it comes to fish or cut bait time, you changed your collective minds? It's always easier to lead from the "cheep seats" rather than put your name out there for consideration isn't it.
Well I may be a party of a very few here, but I firmly believe that Roy Robinson has done a very credible job as Mayor, and I know he will do an even better one in the next three years!
Congratulation's Roy, lead on sir!
Tom Ford
Guess what folks, all the "heroes" who talked so big have failed to file! Is it possible that we have an "all hat and no cow's" gang on here that is afraid to come forth and show us what they could do? In the words of the faithful Indian scout, "you betcha Red Rider!"
I guess you found out that it seems like a good idea, but when it comes to fish or cut bait time, you changed your collective minds? It's always easier to lead from the "cheep seats" rather than put your name out there for consideration isn't it.
Well I may be a party of a very few here, but I firmly believe that Roy Robinson has done a very credible job as Mayor, and I know he will do an even better one in the next three years!
Congratulation's Roy, lead on sir!
Tom Ford
By the end of this week 6 stores in the mall will have closed since New Years Day. Hope plan B isn't another tax increase.
nobody filed because nobody wants to be stuck with the mess that roy has made.
SHHHHHHHHHH! (crickets chirping)
Can't wait to hear plan B. We are going to need it whether the mayor likes it or not. OR of course he makes known what cuts are still to be made. Doubt that will happen at the town hall meetings. I don't believe that the department heads quite agree that more cuts can be made.
Well, the next question is who do you plan to run for Alderman from the swim club next time?
Tom Ford
(crickets chirping)
I think the writing is on the wall. Home sales in the wood are in the toilet; rentals are increasing in number; plaza is not going to be replaced anytime soon AND to top it off, the village idiot is running unapposed.
Contract with the county while you can for police service; contract fire with the district and contract out public works. Personnel costs are close to 70% of the GF.
11:19 AM blogger: Gee you sound disgruntled! Is there anything we can do to assist, like help you move?
Get over it, we are and will be moving ahead, why not put your efforts toward that instead of complaining?
Tom Ford
what is the PLAN to move forward?
do we have a direction to follow?
do we have a leader willing to step forward and lead us with a plan?
After reading numerous positions given by residents on this blog regarding Crestwood and it's future, I think I have finally caught on to what is really at the bottom of those hostile and venting remarks made many times regarding our Mayor.
If there is a best case senario for the mall in Crestwood, and if all the issues surrounding its usage and renovations come to pass, if the necessity proves true that we do not need to pass a tax increase, and if every single issue comes true regarding a turn around for Crestwood, there is always going to be people who will never give Roy a pat on the back.
He is again being called "village idiot" and he is still being slammed about everything. So again, if everything does go forward and we do make progress in coverting the Mall, and the other isues come to fruition, it still isn't going to make these naysayers stop.
So, therefore, since they all have had the chance to be God Almighty, defeat Roy by running against him and didn't take advantage of it, I say you may call Roy any name you so desire, but you are the real cowards who just love to dump on him but that is all you really have to make as a contribution.
Roy Robinson then can be called lots of things, but you people are the cowards who let this "AWFUL" MAN run again when you obviously could do a better job. I have a feeling that your contribution to the City of Crestwood has allways been your pathetic mouths, and that isn't going to turn us around either.
So unless you are willing to do something besides move your lips, and unless you come up with some other excuse besides the one that says, "nobody wants to run because Roy has got Crestwood so messed up" which is nothing more than a cop out, I wouldn't say another word if I were you because you personify the word idiot not Roy Robinson.
Can't believe anyone thought that the way the city was runned before was better than now. It couldn't get any more messed up than it was. If you think so, it's probably because you were one of those poor led by the nose supporters of Don Greer and Company.
"The last King of Tahiti!"
Many years before Cook sailed the Pacific, Tahiti was a pre-modernistic island with a benevolent monarchy consisting of a King, his sons, daughter, and court. As it happened, Tahiti's last King of their pre-modern age was a, "man of the people" who saw no more need for a monarchy. As he didn't want to live in poverty or have to work for a living, he decreed that, with his death, the monarchy was to be dissolved once and for all, and his sons would work for a living, just as did every other Tahitian; save for his eldest son who would keep the antiquities of the monarchy and all gathered knowledge for future generations -- thus making the eldest the first librarian/museum curator.
When the King died, the Tahitians mourned (briefly), built a special hut that was taller than any other hut ever built with a large, open space in the top with drawings and ornaments of the King, gathered writings of the court, and other forms of antiquity belonging to previous monarchies of Tahiti. His throne -- a massive gold and mahogany structure -- went to this eldest son, curator of the shrine to the former King, to be displayed on the first, or ground level of the shrine. The Tahitians then went about the work of building huts, fishing, farming and making more Tahitians.
No one was allowed to occupy the throne but any who visited the shrine and prayed for good crops or good weather, could sit in it and see what it must have been like to be King. A small donation of fish or grain was asked by the King's eldest son to go to those islanders who were injured or sickly.
The remaining sons of the King became fisher folk but detested the work and, very shortly after their father's death, began plotting ways to regain the monarchy. The eldest son caught wind of their plots and devised a way to keep them from regaining the throne: by hiding it on the top of the shrine where none could see it, there was no possible way for the other brothers to regain it. The throne was the "seat" of power and none would bow to a King who had none.
The eldest brother, one very dark night, gained the assistance of those members of his father's court he thought trustworthy and, together, they pushed, pulled, hoisted, and carried the massive throne to the top-most part of the shrine and secured it there. With the throne gone, the other brothers gave up hope of ever regaining the monarchy -- as all in Tahiti were agreed that there could be no King without a throne -- and settled themselves to work.
One stormy night many years later the roof of the shrine became waterlogged and the heavy throne fell through, killing the eldest brother and his family as they slept. With the throne miraculously returned to view, the people decided it must be best to have a King and appointed the village idiot to the post -- as an idiot, he might have great ambition to enslave the people, but no ability to do it. The new King's first order was that no one in Tahiti who lived in a grass house could ever again stow thrones.
And now you know "the rest of the story!"
Tom Ford
Folks, I just got around to reading a "letter to the editor" (read friend,) from one of our ex-Alderman in the mail box "paper."
I see that he is extolling the editor to continue to watch the current team running Crestwood! This I found to be rather interesting to say the least.
It seems that he feels bad things are going on now as never before. I was struck by the fact that he conveniently left out the part that under his watch the following happened.
1. BMW for the C/A
2. expensive office furniture for?
3. 14.5 M police station (stopped.)
4. swimming palace for? (built)
However, now we must be very vigilant of the shenanigans he Say's are going on at City Hall!
I agree that we must all be aware of what our money is being spent for, but I wonder why at this late date he is now worried about it. will we see a re-emergence of his dynasty here in Crestwood?
Tom Ford
Trueblood did not have a dynasty for gosh sakes. He had a copy of Robert's Rules of Order and St. Vitus Dance and a wifly sidekick who liked to be noticed. He did have the opportunity, but failed to stick solidly and persistently up for the Rosaire and Bali Ct. people whose life has been imesurably provoked by the private swim club in their back yards and for his city which has to share its city hall parking lot with these poolateers. Where was his concern over the $850,000 pool debate? Wow, silence! It was his ward, he should have done his pipe up dance then, eh! All a travesty (not to mention a shady deal handled by put up aldermen) which he could have made a lot more noise about. More silence! He also, being so adamant about city mistakes present, could have noticed along the way past, that the city coiffers were shrinking to the degree that spending one more dime on a proposed 14.5 M.dollar city hall rehab, complete with Police Chief Office suitable for thh Czar of Earth; changouts, etc was all a pipe dream. Oh, yea, TT worshipped at the throne of The Donald (ho ho dig that work ethic) those lawsuits, the paper shredding, the on duty romance; he supported the rehab, the CA BMW, the brokerage deal on this private pool, the premature Charter Meetings the new furniture and plants ($1800 desk chair), etc. He sat there MUM and let the alderman next to him rudly insult officials duly elected by their constituants. Classy, real classy. He seemed to think if they could ramrod a Charter change through, and change the term limits, it would clear him to run again. Didn't happen. In other words, how stupid did he think we all were??? Now, since he is no longer in a public office, he spends his time lowrating the present administration and any and all efforts made to facilitate budgeting and managing the financial times. On top of this, he writes a letter to the CALL praising their role in sunshining our city. Problem is the sun seems to be shining a lot brighter/more penetrating now than when TT was there. I particularly remember the editorial on what a great city admn Kent Lichliter was, then what a great CA Don Greer was, however both left the city in shambles and both walked out with a ton of dough! To be clear, I see it good that a paper presents the facts, ALL THE FACTS - but don't particularly think it smart for a small localized paper to lean so heavily on one side as opposed to the other. WHY ... because it is one sided politics and the advertisers are the first to see it. And they should try to partner to the cities in their area and promote good will. Now, had I seen a sunshined editorial on mismanagement of funds, 850,000 for a pool and the $1 deal, the fact that members of the pool were on the Planning Board and BOA (hmmm interesting) or perhaps a scenario about how people in that area lost their privacy, their peace and tranquility and their entire summers - well I would call that responsible reporting. But, attacking the present administration at every curve for working together to turn things around is deplorable. There are 9 men up there trying and trying. Then there are ex officials who are so jealous they kick in at every chance and a local paper who cannot imagine that many have now come to view them as a rag and even stop delivery. With little effort they are going to earn that title and render their editorials for naught.
5:03 Well done. Well done. You didn't miss one thing. I applaud you in your efforts to tell it exactly like it was, and why.
RE: Bali court. If I were you, I would be more concerned about how some of the tenants are keeping up their homes rather than than how the pool has impacted property values. How many homes on that street are rental units?
6:15 PM blogger: No doubt you would be because that would deflect from the real problem "the pool," now wouldn't it.
Has it crossed your mind that the property values may have dipped so low that the house is no longer a viable sale item?
Failing that, how about the fact that the "renters" might have bought the property was it not for the pool?
No, I doubt it because you can only see the pool side of this, and not the side of the people who must live with this travesty!
Tom Ford
Why don't you tell us,blogger. Then, how many rentals are there citywide. I am not tickled pink about that either. But it has nothing to do with the price of eggs as concerns the Crestwood Swim Club and its invasion of Rosaire and Bali Court and our city parking lot.
Of course, we are all concerned about property upkeep. That is a given. It does not, however, dispossess the effects this outlandish private swim club has had on the neighborhood. Please don't try to dodge the issue by citing a common concern that has to do with all neighborhoods. You are obviously one of the pool protectors and thus fail to give a hoot about its impact on those who have lost their summers. In this way, you also prove you care not a darn for your city. But then, this pool is joined by people in other cities who could care less, as well. Not only is it placed in a totally illogical place, it was approved and financed and built under secretive conditions with all sorts of possiblity of illegal and political influence. Stay Tuned.
And by the way, why don't you tell us about your neighborhood. Any rentals or homes that need to be spruced up. Can we scrutinize your block, compare rust spots.
Gosh, is it the City's parking lot? Hasn't the pool owned the property where it now sits for close to 50 years. Did the people who live on those streets not understand that something could be developed and built on the property adjacent to theirs. Sounds pretty dumb to me. Don't the trucks that deliver to the Shop and Save bother them too?
Take a stroll down Bali side backs to commercial and the other side backs to a swimming pool...most folks would view that as an amenity. That's what happens when you buy property that backs up to someone elses...Maybe the reason the property values are so low is that the commercial property towers over Bali court....
"He seemed to think if they could ramrod a Charter change through, and change the term limits, it would clear him to run again. Didn't happen. In other words, how stupid did he think we all were??? "
That statement just shows how stupid you are. If you had paid attention to the facts, you would have known that even if the term limit elimination was passed, Mr. Trublood would not have been able to run again for office immediately after his term expired.
And Tom, come down on me using the word "stupid" - I personally would have used a phrase like "does he think we were uninformed" instead. I guess that blogger was just showing his/her colors! (not pretty ones either)
Remember, the Call is the one who gave JIMBO a "Sunshine" Award.
Then not a peep as to why he resigned in the middle of night nor why a "broke" city was paying $100,000's to the lawyer buddies of Don and JIMBO.
Perhaps Timmy T. would shine some "light" on these two items as he was sitting right there when it all happended!
Well, well, well, you took the bait. It is known Timbo could not run if the Charter changed. But it brought you out so that it can be said you are apparently familiar with the Charter and realize the meeting to reconstruct the Charter was illegal. Check out the meeting eligibility dates. But, no never mind, your PLAN didn't work. Perhaps this is what leads to your constant state of angst. This is simply an inconvenient truth. An unecessary Charter disconstruction was a fairy tale, a political manuever. So, who are the stupids now?
Now, for the comment about Bali Court. The new pool was totally relocated and to an area which affects more homes. The old pool was behind 2 or 3 homes, but the pool was far less disruptive and secluded and a tad farther away. Many homes in the city are located near commercial enterprises, just not on top of a private swim club where noise, clutter, invasion of privacy and water damage are an issue, and where it never in a blue moon crossed anyones mind that a pool relocation in that invasive spot would happen. Surely no amount of grease on this wheel could happen. But, it did. The homes on Bali and Rosaire were built long before this relocation. Why don't you check out the names on the BOA and Planning And Zoning Board when this was passed and see how many names were serving on a city board which passed this travesty. Goodness Gracious Sakes Alive, imagine all those pool members who suddenly decided that civic service was the way to go. Get on that Board, plunge ahead. Represent a minority. Collect those dues, that initiation, clean up on the KOHL'S deal.
There are homes by Reco Industrial, Watson Industrial, behind Bally's up to Sunset Hills, behind Kohls up to Sunset Hills, Behind Crestwood Plaza, behind Starbucks to Grant, but they are not sitting in someones backyard and they were not voted in by their owners/members. The decent thing would have been to take the big bucks and take that pool to a more suitable place and of course not be approved by members. This pool is not more important than city residents. Especially since most members live in other cities. And, of course, the financing has some extremely bad connocations. Perhaps Mr. V could better explain.
Oh, yeah. Does this pool pay income tax, how much and does it pay tax to the city. It sells food.
As for the use of the word stupid in a nother blog. Don't think uninformed fits the bill. We all know the truth. Avoiding the truth would be stupid. We are informed and this then is why responding to those who think ignoring propriety is okay is so much fun. When some glob thinks a private swim club used by private membership sitting in neighbors backyards, with "new rules" approval and financing is more important than integrity, decency and community building - well that is a trump card with slobber all over it. When city officials promote a Charter change with an ulterior motive, the hair on the back of necks stands out of the informed.
These types of matters have caused a chasm in our community and have promoted a distrust of elected officials in Ward 2 and one in Ward 4 for many years. Yes, siree the water has gotten to more doors than you think. You see, as regards the pool, location is not the only undigested fact; the finances and the approvals are heady stuff for a state attorney general to sift through. As regards the Charter, connivinig to disrupt our city's form of government for self servicing purposes eventually opens up enough eyes to discover a need for a new day, a new slate and a new offensive. So, term limits is a blessing for Crestwood, As for the, the more it is defended by some of its members, the more it becomes clear why it was so wrong.
Is it not the heighth of arrogance to state that the people of Rosaiare and Bali should have known better than to buy their homes there because it would inevitably be developed. This means that most of Crestwood would have remained undeveloped due to the fact so much backs to commercial or industrial. However, these folks PAY TAXES, and are not private. tiny parcel, this private development, plus the fact residents do not want to share a parking lot at city hall with private enterprise. They got plenty of money for their decrepit pool and should have moved elsewhere. How smart is it to lowrate the neighbors, call their property bad and their desire to live in Crestwood a bad choice. Does this not describe exactly the point made that this whole matter is suspect. Pretty evident there is no respect for the people and obviously for the laws of ethics and voting. Only members of this private swim club find this all defensible. And, they sure do know how to howl at full moon.
1:41 PM, January 29, 2008
Well, well, well, time to take your prozac.
3:25 PM 1/29 Well, well, well yourself! Funny how when someone takes the time to tell the truth about bad issues and very bad mistakes in the previous administration including extremely bad manners on the part of several aldermen and mayors, "it is time for them to take a Prozac".
I think you at 3:25 should have had a labotomy if you think the words you make slight of are anything other than superb. You seem to be the one who is certified crazy because you can't handle the truth.
How easy for those of you who sit in ivory towers and blame the wrath superimposed on the people who reside on Rosaire or Bali and the loss of their property values on the owners. A quick "pill" is not going to fix their problems and they have lived with no assistance from anyone at city hall for years.
That, in a word is just plain stupid, and displays to it's fullest the "self-serving" nature of those from Ward 2 who were voted into office "specifically because" they were part of the pool crowd, the in-crowd to protect their interests and that of their shareholders. The more their egos are ballooned the more clout they undeservingly get at the expense of others (who have always been considered low class).
I wouldn't keep up my home either if it sat underneath the trillion pound elephant which struggles for a breath of air every day.
It's the same old people passing down their (I WANNA BE LADUE, PRIVATE SWIM CLUB MENTALITY) to their offspring that will make it continue, and the beat goes on. And as long as residents keep voting for special interest people from Ward 2, who are willing to put that issue over residents who are suffering because of it, it will never change.
If you are not part of that role playing, "I am better than you" crowd that never ceases to exist, that crowd that has always paid homage to their clan and never cared about anything other than that clan, you may as well forget making that pool issue primary on the minds and lips of those you cast your ballots for in Ward 2.
If the swimmers consider themselves elite or the in crowd, or in anyway resemble Ladue, etc. then Ladue has lost its luster. Elite do not have a scrubby little pool, with a reputation of fat crass women toting the bale, and call it private, buried in a neighborhood with dubious financing and codes which interupts a residential area and has to share the parking lot with the city's city hall. Altogether rather tacky, at best! Those members who this pool in Crestwood live in Crestwood neighborhoods which for the most part are modest, not elite. And they don't share their privacy with noise, water, music, lights, invasion. Nope, they care not for what they have done. One has to wonder at the wisdom of the blogger/s who are so cavalier in their comments and bravado. Sorta reminds me of neighbors up a street who never rake leaves and then when the wind blows all their nice neighbors down wind, who rake, inherit leaves. This is called lack of consideration and this is exactly what the pool has done. Did you notice that blogger does not tell us about whether this pool pays taxes, afterall they collect initiation fees and membership dues, sell food and obviously have a tidy bank account. They do not tell us whether or not they accept minorities. No, they tell us that the neighbors should have left the 2 residential streets empty so the pool could exist. Now tell me, who needs Prozac?
clearly, you do.
8:20 PM, January 29, 2008
I guess you have not attended BOA meetings when most of your questions have been asked and answered.
If you have a problem, or need special attention, I suggest you contact your alderman or better yet the mayor and ask away.
By ranting on and on, shows you don't know the answers to your questions or refuse to believe the answers already given at BOA meetings.
If the problems ceased to exist after these so-called board of aldermen meetings you mentioned, where questions were "asked" and "answers" given, this case would be closed and the issue moot.
Since it was never done to anybody's satisfaction but the pool members, don't tell me about what occurred at the board meetings.
Since your shiny high-nee was obviously there at these meetings, why don't you refresh me and tell me what you think I should have heard.
The people on Bali and Rosaire are amongst the apathetic residents who are tired of trying to find a "savior" in city hall that can save them from this travasty. But the pool members have "clout" or "politics". They have railroaded these residents for so long, the residents are tired and worn out.
No, we sure are not Ladue. But you forget, this is just a game pool people play. It's a game of pretend like children play. These members lay around the pool and pretend they are better than everybody else. Those members who do not live in Crestwood could care less about why the pool is still around. And, of course, I have been told that many of these new pool members have enormous incomes, which impresses those little minnions and makes their membership all the more impressive, in their eyes. Thus, the gene is implanted for those that follow. And the beat goes on.
Maybe the pool can rent their pool house out to the dirty movie store that wants to come to Crestwood. That would be better than a pool, wouldn't it?
What's the point??? The pool is not going anywhere! You have no damages to recover (remember zoning)The city is not liable so you can't recover with it or more!
Someone has chlorine water on the brain. The questions referred to have NEVER been answered. However, blogger should do more than try to sell this. So, have at it. Spill the questions and the answers. Gladly I will listen. If you have answers, or logic it should be presented. Comments about Prozak don't really apply. But blogger, I guess, is into immaturity.
So, let me contend.. see how you like it. For the Prozako whose idea of defending the indefensible pool, well what a hoot! Surely this numnut, how do you like that, does not truly believe that this pool in anyway spreads goodwill, benefits the city or its residents or enhances their status; pays taxes or is a source of pride. It has become concrete baggage, a joke. Conversation regarding this ridiculous little poolie will never end, not as long as the heavy dark cloud over its financing, and construction and coding and approval exists and as long as it invades its surroundinig neighbors, who this total prehistoric promagnon thinks should have known their lives and their backyards and their property values would be forever changed and thus never moved there. What kind of pride or enjoyment could ever happen from membership in this pool? Oops, excuse me, I forgot, the poolies give not one darn what their fellow Crestwoodians think of them. And trust me, those of us who read your dribble and know the membership list, are not impressed. Not just about the pool,but about the malignant class of people who belong there.
The politics, etc. etc. etc. of this matter simply will never go away. Your arguements will never float. Your lack of class and caring for Crestwood therefore will hound you the rest of your life. So go ahead toss around the Prozak language. THIS you obviously have a handle on. And, when time permits, please answer those questions that are still out there.
4:29 I agree and those questions will never be answered and were never even addressed by the Ward 2 aldermen.
It's like this......Aldermen had to make a choice whether to be loyal to their swim club or be loyal to ALL of their constituency including those residents who abut the pool property.
By their very acceptance to become a Ward 2 aldermen and their oath, they should have been able to vote FOR something being done to alleviate problems at the swim club that have plaqued residential owners for years.
Because they were swim club members, they had to abstain and not vote on swim club issues. So why on earth were they voted for in the first place, when they could have never represented ALL of their constituents?
Answer. Because many belonged to St. Elizabeth Catholic Church whose members all thought they would be favored if they cast their votes for a member of their church.
They have an inner support system of people who forget they are not the only people to be accounted for in Ward 2.
It feels so secure and so nice to go to church and see your very own alderman sitting a few pews down from where you are. Surely, if you had any problems at all, being a member of the church meant clout for you if you ever had an issue with the city. And then when you did have a problem, your ward 2 aldermen would ask for the support of others on the board to favor your request, and so on, and so on. Politics is the name of the game. No mention of integrity and honor there!
It's not rocket science to understand the dynamics that has gone on for years. But now we have tough decisions to be made regarding the loss of equity and loss of value to property in this very ward whose people needed the support of their aldermen, and these very aldermen just abstained from voting anytime the pool issues came up. Sure hide behind the curtain of conflict of interest. Then you don't look so darn guilty.
There would have been an uproar of immence proportions, if, in fact, many previous aldermen lived in that same affected area on those very streets. Oh Boy it would have been real different.
I guarantee you that there would have never been a brand new state of the art swimming pool in that same area today. No way. I can think of at least 7 aldermen in Ward 2 who would have never let it happen to their home values.
So now, therefore, you tell me what drug I am on, and if swim club members and church members are taking the welfare of the Whole Ward into consideration on this issue when they abstain? But every three years, they still run for office and get voted in. And they get in as smooth as Pulos hitting a grand slam.
Reading the facts in the previous blog reads like a Mario Puzo book. But what is sad is that people have actually used and abused St. E's and allowed a sad commentary on its reputation to occur. An earned reputation spawned by political poolers, created by people with no ethics and apparently scant religion. And, of course we all know who they are. None of our other Parish's in the city have experienced this outrageous methodology and are held in high esteem. Sadly, the pool pidgeon on this blog has forgotten how many members of St. E's live on Bali and Rosaire. How anyone can look in the mirror after running for office in Ward 2 and taking advantage of the faithful is besides me. There must surely be a huge payoff and ulterior motive to the involvement of Rosebrook Realty/Crestwood Swim Club. The smell from that concrete pit with umbrellas is the smell of thuggery at its best. This pool is a cancer to the city and the neighborhood and a disgrace to city offices held by officials who with no compunction used the position and their church to shortchange the city.
If someone were to pen a book using the 2000's in our city gov't and its officials as a fictional backdrop, Stephen King would have to move over.
Chapter 1 would find voters going to our public city hall and finding splashing and noise and cars from a private swim club impinging upon their sense of "city" as they shared a parking lot, and seeing neighbors with lost privacy and apparently in the process of living in a slum area, having not had the good sense to not move there.
Chapter 2 would start the saga of churchie/poolers turning a city ward into a mafia church and pool centered aquarium. This would be a very noisy chapter.
Chapter 3 would center around politics and the workings of how bad things happen to good cities. It would relate how members of a private swim club and a local parish had an insatiable itch to become paragons of city gov't and run for office.
Chapter 4 would revolve around the shennagins of incompetence and arrogance and outbursts and rudeness and name calling in city gov't. And, how officials were too lazy to see the forest for the trees thus losing control of the city.
Chapter 5-30 would include the picadellos and paper shredding and abuse of power and mismanagement of funds and power mongering and ineptness and campaign lies and undocumented legal bills and fancy cars, and harrassment lawsuits and employee lawsuits and employee payoffs, and sexual innuendos, and new furniture and millions of dollars of LOC's and plans for a city castle which would then become collateral to a bank. This chapter would include the tag team tactics of the ever faithful poolers as well as city mouthers whose claim to fame was virtual mouthage and allegiance to a czar who ran the city behind the scenes so that officials, if so inclined, could try for say a state office.
Boy oh boy have I had fun with this. See what happens when a boozo who throws around the word Prozac and belittles anyone who has interests and concerns for their city which include a dinky little pool which is an ugly wart in Ward 2 and is associated with the politics and corruption in everything that can go wrong in a decent city and did.
Second book will include the efforts and intelligence of at least 5 Aldermen and a Mayor whose main thrust is actually fulfilling their campaign promises and forging ahead to bring our city to its full potential. This is the breath of fresh air that will help blast us into a much better tomorrow.
two words...bitter and angry
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
"10:38 PM, January 30, 2008"
I bet you can't wait until Johnny Vegas opens! You could use some TLC!
3:43 Pm blogger: I removed your message as it is not necessary for you to use names like that on this blog!
Tom Ford
Interesting comments on the swim club to say the least! If I were a member trying to defend the indefensible I think I would just let it go before they really get their tails shot off!
I guess the defenders of said pool didn't know that there are a lot of citizens who are less than thrilled with their existence in the area they are in.
By the way when will the swim club get their own trash container, and fenced wall for same as stated in the C.U.P.? And please don't give us that old "were waiting for the parking lot" excuse.
While you are at it, a flag pole would be a nice gesture as well. I really don't believe the American flag was meant to be hung on a bathroom door!
Just an idea for you if your going to do any improvements this spring.
Tom Ford
How about the way the Oakland Airport is treating our returning heroes? As a vet. I would think that would attract you'r bile a lot more that a swim club.
4:42 PM blogger: You are 100% right about the Oakland airport fiasco! I have forwarded an E-mail to the airport manager explaining my disdain for their behaviour!
And while I was at it, I also sent the BOA and mayor of the town of Berkley a nasty note reference their decision to tell the Marines they are not welcome in their town!
I have no idea where these liberal idiot's are hatched, but I loathe to think their parents would claim them, I sure wouldn't!
The swim club is another matter though, it's local, it's wrong for that area, and I am not happy with it one iota!
Tom Ford
Well then, you and those who agree with you need to open your pocket books and either pay for a lawyer to make just in court what you believe is unjust, or pool your money and purchase the swim club.
That's the American way of doing things instead of crying about it all the time, do something about that has an effect.
I am not one iota happy about the fact that Tom Ford is delinquent in his taxes!
You would know exotic when you see it I presume. Will you be seen there, at Johnny's? How funny are you! I will color you hysterical.
As for TLC, blogger, my cup runeth over.What I could use is some justification for the tacky little puddle with the illigitimate perch. As it roosts there, people are reminded of the character of those who overlooked ethics for self serving action. Their reputation will follow them forever having stuck to them like pond scum. And, to think that this dinky puddle was possible thanks to the ugly side of politics and the political perpetrators who knowlingly and could care less compromised the pools reputation and the city's convivial constituancy as they forsake the idea of serving the people. ALL the people. Not only that, their names are all familiar and in some cases it came as a shock having read their campaign promises, talked to them at our front doors, and trusted them. And now, they have the gall to say our Mayor made a mess. Based on their reputation and voting patterns and the awful mess they left behind, it amazes me they have voice and gall left to continue to reveal a style better left forgotten.
Blogger 10:35 1/22
I particularly liked your blog.
"nobody filed because nobody wants to be stuck with the mess that roy has made."
I did not realize that there was sand in our city, but that is where you have buried your head.
These kind of comments come from poolers, St Easers or ex-officials and their hangers oners or better yet a combination of all. Judged by their behavior, this comment was typical of at least 5 people with whom we are all well acquainted. Despite your vindictive personalities, which I hope does not penetrate all your positions in life, Crestwood moves right on by your ascerbic stance on anything which would benefit our wonderful city or lend credit to our current adminstration. So, of course this backlot puddle is and will remain a scab on our city. It only benefits a few. Crestwood is here for the many. Never the twain shall meet. Those of us who care about our city's future thankfully far outnumber those whose frantic angry recall seems to feed on a latent hope to see their home values sink as low as their ethics. Now that is truly "bitter and angry." And those crickets do indeed chirp.
The inordinate length of the last comment is AMAZING! I believe he/she (I dont' have special powers to determine the gender)has severe psychological powers....
"These kind of comments come from poolers, St Easers or ex-officials and their hangers oners or better yet a combination of all"
"Judged by their behavior, this comment was typical of at least 5 people with whom we are all well acquainted."
Who are the 5 people?????? Don't keep us in suspense! Please rant on, your disserations, with no resolution or corrective action, are entertaining.
Too bad you can't figure out who they are cause maybe you are one of them.
Too bad that when the previous administration was taken down, you didn't realize that although your accomplishments through your years of service were many, the actions of that shameful mayor and the man he made CA, destroyed your credibility as well.
And instead of seeing it for what it is, and being angry because of it, you do nothing but slam the present mayor and board members who had the presence of mind to try to turn it around.
Anonymous said...
"I am not one iota happy about the fact that Tom Ford is delinquent in his taxes!"
9:34 PM, January 31, 2008
Well, your wrong as usual, BUT THAT WOULD BE A NORMAL THING FOR YOU!
Please oh wise one, tell us why the record shows them paid? I know your not the brightest bulb in the harbor, but you could have checked your facts.
Next thing you won't like about me will be the fact that I know too much about that "Saddam Hussain" pool deal on the hill!
How many of your buddies were involved in that little program? And while your at it, explain to the folks here why the conflict of interest laws were conveniently bent by the dual members of the P & Z board and the swim club when the CUP was approved by the P & Z board.
Heck, you can even go into why you still haven't complied with the CUP by having a trash container and a fence to hide it.
Next where is the deed for the land showing you sold it to THF so they could claim it as a TDD? Oh wait, there isn't one to be found so far.
Then you can close it all out with the fact that most all of the members do not live in Crestwood, and have no vested interest in what happens here!
Tom Ford
The inordinate length of the last comment is AMAZING! I believe he/she (I dont' have special powers to determine the gender)has severe psychological powers....
Rivals the mess the Sunset Hills Board did to Sunset Manor. Is there no shame? THF must be overjoyed at the hole dug on this 'un. The story behind the story. The puddle behind the tar patch. (Title for Book 3)
"These kind of comments come from poolers, St Easers or ex-officials and their hangers oners or better yet a combination of all"
They sure do.
This blog is full of comments trying to reverse the charges. Sorta like a pooler sing-a-long. A bunch of old and middle aged political farts protecting their concrete turf.
Now let's see, why would anyone with a grain of sense object to a private swimming pool sitting behind a public city hall surrounded by homeowners who have lost their privacy, home values and their summers with some dicey financial shennagins. Gotta use psychological powers here.
"Judged by their behavior, this comment was typical of at least 5 people with whom we are all well acquainted."
Who are the 5 people?????? Don't keep us in suspense! Please rant on, your disserations, with no resolution or corrective action, are entertaining.
Oh, for Pete's Sake, you don't know the names, Ask around. Make your big list and then narrow it down. You can do it! This will be very entertaining. Grab a beer at Malone's. Chill! As for resolution or corrective action: fill the puddle in with concrete. As for ranting, love that, have you noticed your prose seems a tad testy. You know this city is not here to provide for private pools by means of officials/attorneys, members of Rosebrook, with creative lingo and financing that passes due to the membership of the city board. Old puddle one thing, new puddle an altogether different thing. This will be news until that concrete truck pulls up. That would be PLAN A.
Anyone know the name of the Architectual Firm which drew up the plans for the pool and the name of the Contractor who built it, and if per chance thereif there is any board affiliation? Also, who negotiated the deal with THF?
Go march on City Hall and find all your answers there. Elliiot Davis, Attorney general, governer, the IRS, MSD and the rest of them. You keep telling us to stay tuned, hold your breath.
the only purpose of this blog is for the anti-pool forces. Otherwise, people dont get too amped up about anything else.Yawn, I am bored with this conversation. I am off to Florida for the rest of the winter with the rest of the elitist members of the pool. See ya next summer! You little sad sacks can sit in your cold basement all winter and complain about the pool all you want.
3:29 PM blogger: I had no idea you and the "denizens" of the pool went to Florida in the winter.
I also had no idea any airline flew to Florida, Illinois either!
Well, at any case, take your lap top with you so we can keep up on your witty banter.
Oh, and while you are there do you think you could get a couple of fake tropical trees, and a pink flamingo or two for the pool? That's all that is missing so far as I can tell.
Tom Ford
2:16 PM, February 01, 2008
Again, ASSuming....I was not an Alderman.
And why would I want to frequent Malone's. Wasn't it in the area that Crestwood annexed? I don't think that Crestwood receives any sales tax from the sales in the annexed area.
Oh, and I think that you should be more concerned about how the city is going to make ends meet rather than a deal that has already been put to bed. (swim club issue) Besides, I hate reading the same comments over and over again. Unless the situation is going to change, I suggest you focus your attention on subjects that are current.
4:40 Does talking about the pool issue make you feel guilty? Maybe because you are?
Maybe it is mentioned over and over again, because we want to make sure that it never happens again; plus one should keep a clear mind on the nature and balance of who they choose to led Crestwood forward in the future, so that in the future ALL contutients in a Ward are fairly treated and NOT just a few who fly to Florida for the Winter.
Don't have a clue why anyone choses whichever spot they frequent. It's free choice. However, that particular spot has had more than a few visits from locals, Aldermen among them. Stands to reason they will talk politics. It's possible the big laid plans of mice and men was overheard. Never know.
Oh, yes indeedy, we are all concerned about how to make ends meet. But you can bet your sweet bippy, you will hear about the lamentable past for a long long time; for you see, it's unruly disposition continues to impact the present. Are you noticing the predictible voting pattern? Nevertheless, this board is far superior to its predecessors despite the obvious poolers and foolers faction. And, so far no scandal, no Mayor resigning, no harrassment, no dynasty; and when the cupboard is bare, did you notice how hard it is to mismanage funds?
If we had ever seen just a little bit of regret, remorse, recognition, apology of/for how things were and admission over this past which is so haunting and documented, perhaps it would not be such such a beacon. But this floodgate is wide open. When those such as you who do not want to hear about it, argue that it is put to bed and you don't want to hear about it, well it is still wide awake. It has not had time to heal. Residents actually had to take up the sword. The Police Castle died. The Charter lives. The administration changed.
I doubt any of our current board could match the illicit and unethical officials of the past administration and the "Jesse James" who spoofed them. For this we are grateful. There is promise. Most of all, the city's backbone survives and the people >>>> well there are no better and most of them swim at our City POol, Whitecliff, and do not impose on the sanctity of other residents privacy or use politics or religion to sidestep the rules.
You know, I seem to recall hearing the same "comments over and over again about Roy," about all aspects of this administration and frankly, it pleases me no end to see how hard it is on such as you to "handle the truth." As for the pool, that story just keeps growing. It is the energizer puddle. An illustration of all that can go wrong in burb government run by ineptness and self interest, gov't gone awry. A visible reminder every time we park on the city lot, we look at the poor neighbors and feel sad for them. We are ashamed of the officials whose conscience took a leave of absence. So, why should anyone quit talking about it??? No it is not over.
As for tomorrow. We are completely capable of handling tomorrow. The residents are resilient. Lessons from the recent past are invaluable to our future. But this time, our eyes are open and hope is definitely in the air and we are grateful for those in this city who are paying special attention to details, funds, services, and campaigns. I think we've got it better together. But, sorry, the pool and the past are still hanging out there. You should have thought of its impact when it was happening. You should have stuck up for what was right then rather than sweep it under the carpet.
And so the rantings of an unhappy mind continue.....yawn.
Ah, the return of the yawner. Back in full form. In denial. Denial being the escape valve for our tired tired yawner.
Will let the blogger forum determine who is the unhappy one.
Yawn? Please tell us what that is supposed to signify? Your bored, you don't care, your above it all?
Whatever it means, it does show that your continued posts here are the rantings of a person who is like a moth to flame! You just can't give up can you?
Tom Ford
I am going to say the person who is furious about a pool that was built and finished four years ago and is still complaining about the police palace, past dead administration is the unhappy one. The other one just needs a little sleep.
Ya think!
No, I don't!!!
6:29 PM Your comment is very well written and is what I hope everyone reads and understands because it puts things into perspective.
You at least acknowledges the fact that the past issues are over and done with, but forgetting them would be a mistake. And the only reason why they are still brought up is because the issues of the pool and the police facility, the expensive BMW, and lawsuits and more, were a true illustration of what happens when bad management and bad ethics enter a city and when you give credence to bad people you placed in charge, who are not interested in the city at all.
Also, it is hard not to mention the irrational and embarrassing tactics and behavior that existed in the past, when people keep slamming Roy for so much less, and calling him disgusting names, as if he was either suppose to straighten it all up in three years, as bad as it was, or that it could remotely compare to the damage that was done prior to his election.
These people we elected at that time would still be rallied around a CA who wanted his own castle, Robertson who according to his own words should be the Governor by now, and who supported everything his appointed CA told him to support, including the police palace. Then Tom Fagan gives him more power by placing him in two very important positions. My Gosh, by then, the now deceased CA thought he could rule the world.
Come on, didn't anybody realize that we didn't even have enough money to purchase a brand new fire truck even before that time frame, and had to buy a used one from Fenton?
These mistakes have made critical history in Crestwood and should never be forgotten. They are historical because they brought Crestwood to it's knees. So Roy comes in and gets elected and now these same people think "He" stinks but not the people who put us where we are today? Broke!Think about it? And we should just forget about it? Sure! Pearl Harbor too, I guess!
So rather than reprimand Roy for this or that, why do they not have the where-with-all to ask those who got us to this point, what the "hey" were they doing during the past administration to keep this from happening.
And if they don't want to answer that question, maybe they should just shut up since they didn't seem to keep us from where we are now.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
11:26 AM blogger: I deleted your comment for one main reason. If you wish to make such accusations sign your name or keep them off this blog!
Clearly you don't know mayor Robinson or you wouldn't be making such baseless charges!
Tom Ford
To those so concerned about the PLAN. Looks like Roy had one afterall. To run for a 2nd term and continue in the joint effort to restore Crestwood to a pattern of reality that can be dealt with.
Thanks Roy for not resigning to spend more time with your family, for not trusting the whole government to a CA with an insatiable lust for power; or being involved in an unredeemable Christmas Party debaucle. For bringing a lopsided imbalance of city government back into line. For assuring us that our CA is accountable to us ALL. For presiding over a BOA which is sophisticated enough to be "grownups,' and being polite enough to realize a Mayor is the one voters chose for Mayor.
We are happy for the Townhall Meetings and the opportunity they present to see inside our city government. It would seem, now is the hour. Good Luck with it Roy. It will be a while before things are GREAT, but for now, they are BETTER, considering...
2:26 No one could have said it better. Thanks. You are so absolutely right on with your comments - all of them.
I just wish everyone could see the truth and honesty in them. Gives me hope that maybe others can also see the real truth especially with regard to our previous mayor and his unethical behavior and shiny example at city gatherings, and those of our previous CA. It had so much to do with why Roy won the election three years ago and why he is unopposed today.
It just proves that the past administration thought they could fool the residents of Crestwood but residents are much smarter than they were given credit.
I loved your words blogger; short, to the point and right on. You are brilliant. Hope everybody pays attention.
Thanks for the kind and well thought out praise for my post (2:26 2/5/08). I agree with you about how smart I am.
You are also brilliant to know when you read something that is good, like my post, and then take the time to let all the readers of this blog know so.
I'll keep posting brilliant, truthful comments if you keep praising me. This is what will turn our city around.
4:27 Well, I've been around a long time; and I have seen and heard it all. I will keep praising you as long as you keep seeing the whole picture regarding our city. Many on this blog, don't see it at all.
Something had to happen to turn things around. But things don't get turned around if people are not privy to the truth.
Prior to the last three years, the truth being distorted for so long, left us in a state of chaos. But you can only fool people some of the time and Crestwood has finally seen the light. You. my friend, just happen to see it clearer than most. I applaud you!
Would someone please praise me?
I love Roy--arent I smart? praise me now.
Crestwood swim club is very bad! exalt me for that opinion.
I love Tom Ford--worship me for that.
I hate liberals...this is worthy of your praise.
Thank you. I await your praise.
Thank you for the applause! It took a long time for me to reach this state of mental clarity that you have so properly described in your post of 6:01.
I see now life is much better for me now that I am privy to the truth. It is good for all us to have you pointing out how the truth before three years ago was distorted. I can tell that you have that wisdom and intervision because as you said your self, you have been around a long time. Thank you for staying, I know there just had to be times when you wanted to leave, but your strong belief in truth, justice and the American Way prevented you from leaving in our City's time of desperate need.
Ignore poster 6:08, they are just jealous that you haven't praised or applauded them. Hopefully if they read this blog long enough they will reach the purity of truth, thought and wisdom that you have and I am ascending to.
We wouldn't be where we are today with you, thanks for not leaving.
6:08 "Aren't you smart". No, you are just "smart-mouthed". You approach your comments with so much angst that you would never be believable. Nobody cares about your wrath! Thank God!
Those who irritate you and tilt your wagon would have never made it this far without residents realizing something was indeed rotten in the previous administration and someone had to take a stand.
You may think you are scoring point by your cryptic remarks, but they are but a clanging symbol full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
11:46 You are 100% correct, anybody who doesn't agree with you and me and our view of history are nothing but "a clanging symbol full of sound and fury signifying nothing".
Man, does this feel good, I'm so happy to be on the right side this just once in my life, how in God's name did I stand my self before I got the approval of you, poster 11:46? This feels great to be accepted by the correct wise people that have lived so much longer in Crestwood than I have. Thanks so much for opening my eyes to your truth and taking me in!!
Just for the record, the blogger of the 2:26 2/5/08 blog did not send the blog below. While I appreciate the kind and praising words of the 3/24 February 6 blogger, I would never be so arrogant as to claim to be brilliant, smart, etc. I can't imagine why someone would claim my blog. But then by the tone of some of the blogs on this site, there are some mighty unhappy campers in this city and they seem drawn to this site and to the cheerleading of anything derogatory. Maybe this is their idea of good clean fun. At any rate, thanks for the praise.
Thanks for the kind and well thought out praise for my post (2:26 2/5/08). I agree with you about how smart I am.
You are also brilliant to know when you read something that is good, like my post, and then take the time to let all the readers of this blog know so.
I'll keep posting brilliant, truthful comments if you keep praising me. This is what will turn our city around.
4:27 PM, February 06, 2008
Shame on you whoever you are at 4:27 for cowardly trying to assume somebody else's identity. Have any bogus passports to send out to people across the boarder? You could make some money using your intelligence to further your own personal causes in such an enterprise, rather than giving yourself plaudits by pretending you are somebody you are not.
You have nothing to contribute to this blog except trying to throw people off it's course. But it is so typical when you consider people like you can't stand it when others are commended that have an opposite view than yours.
I see you are still using the past administration's routine of misrepresenting people and using underhanded tactics, for your own manipulation, but no one is laughing except yourself with your stupid idea of jokes and fun.
With people like you representing the loosers, no wonder you and your kind failed Crestwood.
PS Blogger at 2:26 2/5 I still commend you on your great comments.
As far as 4:27 you are just a nomad, going nowhere and will always be a whimp and a nobody.
This is crazy!! Poster 4:08 is not me, they are the person who posted on 2/5/ 2:26. That was me not them. It was me also that posted at 6:01, so the real fake poster wimp is the poster who posted at 4:08.
I hope all of this clear to all of you now, of so please explain to me who is really me and who isn't really me.
Thanks for listening.
We need Poster Passports.
You mean that "they" (who ever they are) do not know who posted what??? No way. The people "in the know" can figure out who is posting. Just ask them.
ask who?
Poster 2:26 2/5/08 repeats that they are NOT poster 4:27 2/6/08.
Also, poster 4:08 2/7/08 is the same as poster 2:26 2/5/08 who pointed out the error by posting it on the 4:08 2/7/98 post.
Poster 10:15 2/7/08 clearly said "Poster 4:08 is not me," they are the person who posted at 2:26 2/5/08 - this is correct.
Poster 4:08 is not a wimp, but they can identify their post, they don't consider themself brilliant and they do appreciate the kind words of several of the bloggers who agreed with the original post.
Walk through it poster and pls be careful who you call a wimp.
But if me is not who I say I am then who is who I say I am not?
11:53 Doesn't matter "who's on first", the real wimp knows who he is. Let's stop the insanity now.
When you consider what Kirkwood is going through right now with life and death situations happening just a stone's throw away from Crestwood, none of this "he said" "she said" isn't relative or pertinent anymore.
Some bloggers have been playing games to confuse others under this comment. We should have Kirkwood's problems and see if we could come together in unity as they are doing with their present crisis. This should bring us all back to reality folks. We are talking about murder here and pretty darn close to home.
Think about it.
You are absolutely correct. And I'm sorry I tried to clarify. I should have just let the kids play. My original message was sincere.
Kirkwood has had so much sorrow in the last 2 years and right now our city's problems are dwarfed by it. There is much to learn of the human condition when tragedies happen. May we have the good grace to realize this.
If you heard ex Alderman Richard Breeding on KMOX this morning, you would think he felt when he was an Alderman in Crestwood it was dangerous at the Board meetings. See if you can get a tape or transcript of his call. Very interesting insight to his thoughtsk
12:15, but the rest of the time we can go ahead with the insanity?
The Kirkwood nightmare should be a wake up call for us in that it should help us understand that bickering with each other or making insane remarks and statements that impede working relationships to put our city back together, leads to bitterness and angst and irreconcilability.
However, if you don't see the irony in the fact that we quarrel over things in Crestwood that are not half as devastating as what Kirkwood now has to contend with, when we could be using all our time to work together, I have nothing more to say. \
Their mayor is clinging to his life. How many on this blog have yet to say anything other than hurtful remarks and damning remarks about our mayor and refuse to give him one ounce of credibility in at least trying to bring Crestwood forward. After reviewing comments it seems there is no room for cooperation and in some of your words, a death wish is visible.
This Kirkwood isue is cause for reflection my friends and it speaks volumes.
Our mayor, how about the hurtful things said on this blog about former mayors, aldermen and other city employees, is the only person to be concerned about now is our current mayor?
10:31 PM Well then, let everyone examine their own conscience. We can all learn something from this tragedy.
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