The Watson Rd. business corridor, what's the problem?
You know, I am struck by the fact that we have so many NIMBY (not in my back yard) folks in Crestwood. Yet when the tax increase issue is brought up they scream bloody murder!
Folks, please realize that we can no longer have it both ways here! If we shun business, we pay higher taxes for the same services we now enjoy, so I say let's back the business person instead of creating road blocks for them!
The Watson Rd. business corridor is a great location for anyone to set up shop, but all we see and hear is controversy about what sort of business can go in there! Recently Jim Butler Chevrolet, and Red Lobster have been commented on by neighbors who don't like the "smells. toxic waste, ETC" that POSSIBLY may emit from those fine business partners!
While I am not a lawyer (thank God,) I believe the term is "coming to the nuisance," meaning You knew, or should have known that the four lane road behind your property was zoned COMMERCIAL! Now it seems to me that when you buy property that is adjacent to commercially zoned property you should expect that some day that properly will be used for a commercial venture, no?
If this community is to prosper we must get off dead center and assist the business people, not constantly throw road blocks in their path. I couldn't care less what type of "tree" they put in front of the business or what size sign the have, I want them!
Think about it folks, and give us the benefit of your wisdom here.
Tom Ford
Folks, please realize that we can no longer have it both ways here! If we shun business, we pay higher taxes for the same services we now enjoy, so I say let's back the business person instead of creating road blocks for them!
The Watson Rd. business corridor is a great location for anyone to set up shop, but all we see and hear is controversy about what sort of business can go in there! Recently Jim Butler Chevrolet, and Red Lobster have been commented on by neighbors who don't like the "smells. toxic waste, ETC" that POSSIBLY may emit from those fine business partners!
While I am not a lawyer (thank God,) I believe the term is "coming to the nuisance," meaning You knew, or should have known that the four lane road behind your property was zoned COMMERCIAL! Now it seems to me that when you buy property that is adjacent to commercially zoned property you should expect that some day that properly will be used for a commercial venture, no?
If this community is to prosper we must get off dead center and assist the business people, not constantly throw road blocks in their path. I couldn't care less what type of "tree" they put in front of the business or what size sign the have, I want them!
Think about it folks, and give us the benefit of your wisdom here.
Tom Ford
Crestwood is not a "bedroom community". Our revenue is based on sales tax and the only way to increase sales tax is to get good businesses into the area.
We can be assertive with our conditions to allow new business, but if we keep putting businesses at bay because of those who live behind commercial property, businesses will go somewhere else.
I am not all that fascinated with big business developers using TIF's and CID's, etc. These are tools that the government has given business developers to assist them in their enterprise. Unfortunately, some big business people have abused that tool.
But some developers and business entrepeners are just trying to build a business and make a buck and enhance the community at the same time.
I like the fact that I don't have to travel far to get a good meal or purchase clothing. Crestwood Plaza has been good to me. Our restaurants are very good and even small businesses like "the little shoemaker" who has been here for years.
We have a highway going through town. People that live behind it need to understand that everything can't be about them. We got this terrible reputation of being hard to deal with because they have been catered to.
It's the same with McDonald's, Red Lobster, auto shops, and any business catering to people. The only thing they don't complain about is office buldings. They are fine but we can't pave Watson Road with them.
Look at Lindbergh. Look at all the commercial business they have. If you want more peace and quiet, you don't buy residential property abutting it.
We have chased away so many businesses. Years ago when Crestwood and other municipalities were encorporating, they had the option of choosing what type of city they wanted to be, either a "bedroom community" with mostly residential property or a "point of sale" city. Crestwood chose to be a "point of sale" city. Bedroom communities pay higher taxes. We rely on sales tax to exist. So for heaven sake, don't bite the hand that feeds us.
Out Back wanted to open here, but was refused an exemption to sign laws and the neighbors near where they wanted to open were concerned about the noise, etc. Now they are in Sunset Hills.
Members of the Board of Aldermen and the Mayor have sworn to never approve a TIF and/or eminent domain while they are in office. The need for these tools is debated on this blog monthly, meanwhile new business moves to other cities where the climate is more pro business.
The first place our politicians have looked for increase in taxes has been from the business community, not from the residents.
Name one person running for office who has had the guts to say this and felt they had any chance of winning their race? Instead we have elected people who have promised to "bring Crestwood back" with their plan to the old days.
The problem in Crestwood is the people of Crestwood who refuse to face reality and dream of how things were instead of facing the reality of how things are.
The problem in Crestwood is the people think they are so conservative and anti government, but want their government to do everything for them except raise the taxes needed to provide them the services they want and demand.
The problem in Crestwood is a lack of forward thinking with the majority of our politicians and the peoples fear of anyone who is forward thinking.
The problem in Crestwood is our retail is located in non-competitive location and our politicians are afraid too offer solutions, they would rather fight over former C/A's, Swim clubs and the protection of those business whose owners don't live in Crestwood, yet helped them get elected.
The problem is Crestwood is the avg. age of it's citizens is over 45 years old.
The problem with Crestwood is the power that our Fire Dept. Union has over our politicians. So much so that we walk away from a savings for 2008 of $200,000 while under the belief that what we have is better and we have it coming to us because we put up with the traffic problems around Christmas when the Mall is full of shoppers. NOT!
The problem with Crestwood is we are growing smaller in population and are not allowing our politicians to do anything to address that decline.
The problem in Crestwood is us.
This is a series of emails between Tom and myself regarding a question I had sent to the leaders of Crestwood.
All of you received my email question asking where I could find when the Alderman voted to loan money from the Sewer Lateral fund to the General Fund. I got 3 replies regarding the answer to the question, which I would like to share with you but will not. The reason is found in what follows:
Good one Tim! Please advise if you get an answer!
Tom Ford
rom: tim trueblood
Sent: 12/17/2007 8:31:46 PM
Subject: RE: 2008 repayment of loan to Sewer Lateral Fund
I copied a lot of people in my email, if I can get to the bottom of this would you like them copied in? Do you feel this is worthy of your blog?
I do indeed! Write it up and I will post it as a "lead" for you.
om: (
Sent: Wed 12/26/07 4:12 PM
To: tim trueblood (
Ok Tim, I am sending this to all involved for their OK. I will then post it for you. Interesting no one seems to know what fund is what though, no?
----- Original Message -----
From: tim trueblood
Sent: 12/29/2007 11:41:10 AM
Subject: my email/your letter
Saw your letter in the "RED" (that's what my family calls the Times) and agree with you 100%, great quote from a GREAT MAN.
Have you any further thoughts about the email I sent you over the 08 budget?
Happy New Year to you and yours, may your sons be safe as they protect us from the evil ones, idiots and sometimes even our selves..
Hello Tim, Martha and Jerry weren't all that happy with the print gig, so I let it go. Agree that "Ronaldus maximus" was a very great man, the letter I responded to had a smarmy remark about his polices, so...............
EarthLink Revolves Around You.
But Tom,
Who said that I was blaming Jerry or Martha or for that matter anyone, I'm just presenting the data as it was presented to me?
Nobody my friend, nobody, let's just rewrite and i will run it!
rom: tim trueblood
Sent: 12/29/2007 1:39:23 PM
Subject: RE: my email/your letter
Why would they be unhappy with the publishing of my question and their answer? Are they afraid of something? I can re write the email and leave out their names if need be, but I find it very strange that they would react this way and to a lesser extent, that you would let it go. Tom, this is big crap we are talking about, it's shedding light on what Kent L. did to our CITY and how now when that information is brought out, there is an attempt to cover it up.
I will send this as a letter to the local papers instead, thanks for you input on this.
Tim, if you will leave them out of it, I will put it on today! My concern was to try to keep everyone happy, but if there are no names, then, no blame so to speak! I would also send it to ALL the papers if I were you, I agree it should get ALL THE WAY OUT!
9:29 AM, January 06, 2008
Next I have pasted from Tom's blog his position on what the blog stands for and what his standards are. If you want the information I received let Tom know.
This is a "BLOG!" that is to say it's an "opinion piece," a place for everyone's comment's, and not a spot to show us you lack of vocabulary by using foul language!
If you wish to do that please go to, and rant with those idiot's!
Tom Ford
6:39 PM, December 14, 2007
Whatever that means? The Crestwood Independent is not for hire, I am an equal opportunity basher!
Tom Ford
1:37 PM, December 29, 2007
Please don't be intimidated by anyone on this blog, speak your mind, you have that right as an American citizen, and (in spite of some here) as a Crestwood resident!
Tom Ford
9:29 AM, January 06, 2008
So, I guess we will see if this is an intimidation free blog?
I guess we will see Mr. Trueblood!
Tom Ford
" Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
in·tim·i·date /ɪnˈtɪmɪˌdeɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-tim-i-deyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -dat·ed, -dat·ing. 1. to make timid; fill with fear.
2. to overawe or cow, as through the force of personality or by superior display of wealth, talent, etc.
3. to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear: to intimidate a voter into staying away from the polls.
[Origin: 1640–50; < ML intimidātus, ptp. of intimidāre to make afraid, equiv. to L in- in-2 + timid(us) timid, afraid + -ātus -ate1]
—Related forms
in·tim·i·da·tion, noun
in·tim·i·da·tor, noun
in·tim·i·da·to·ry /ɪnˈtɪmɪdəˌtɔri, -ˌtoʊri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-tim-i-duh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, adjective
—Synonyms 1. frighten, subdue, daunt, terrify. See discourage.
—Antonyms 1. calm. 3. encourage."
Mr. Trueblood, I was thinking that by the definition above you may be guilty of the very same thing you say may happen here!
Is it not true that by asking the masses to write and tell me to post your message you are attempting to "intimidate" me?
Well my friend, it wont happen! I told you to post away minus the people who did not wish to be mentioned, but you chose to take it here instead, so...........
Tom Ford
To Tim Trueblood:
If you've got something, POST IT! I'd like to see more of these facts you claim to have instead of this he-said, he-said back and forth between you and Tom. Looks a little catty to me. Instead, think Dragnet. Just the facts. I'd like to see the info on the sewer lateral fund and general fund transfers. Do you still have your own blog? Post it there.
Sorry about your Steelers. As Cubs fans say every season, wait til next year!
2:50 PM blogger: Thank you very much! We shall persevere next year as you said!
Tom Ford
2:48 PM Tim, I would also like to see the facts regarding the sewer lateral program and what happened re: Leichliter. All I have ever wanted on this blog was someone I could trust to tell me "the facts, just the facts" on many things.
I would be so happy Tim, if you could tell us what you know. Things on this blog get crazy, mixed up, confusing and some people lie for their own justification or vengeance, or use 4 letter words when you offer an opinion.
If you were to enlighten me/us, then I would know that it is true.
I have a particular interest in the sewer lateral issue because I have had problems with my sewers recently, and the lady up the street just had to have her's fixed and thanks to the sewer lateral fund, it helped in the cost. If our elected officials and appointed officials are going to be able to tap into this fund, I am not going to be very happy if my sewer lateral is the next to bite the dust.
What about it, Tim. Thanks.
10:43 am I agree with everything you have stated and you have stated it very well. My only exception is I want to keep our Fire Department and not go with any other. Thing is, if we would just bite the bullet and increase the property tax we could solve a lot of problems including our Fire Dept. issue. A tax increase is way overdue. Look at the facts. Every thing we buy and need has gone up in the last 25 years and people should realize that it is pay back time and approve a tax increase. Also the powers that be should realize that it is necessary to keep what we have.
It is simple arithmetic. Take a look at your grocery bills, phone bills, fuel bills, gas bills, electric bills. Come on, they are all more than they were 25 years ago.
Mehlville knows we are vulnerable now and I don't trust them. I want to keep what we have and I am willing to pay more to keep our status quo. This was going to happen eventually. It was inevidable. You cannot put all your eggs in one basket, but we did.
However, I think you have done an excellent job on everything else you have stated and I commend you on that.
Unbelievable! Mr. Trueblood and Mr. Ford have knowledge regarding the transferring of funds and will not inform the readers of this site? What good is reading this blog site if no "real" information is communicated??? Time to close the blog if it's all about politics!
I fail to see the point of all these Tom and Tim blogs. If TT needs more info on the sewer lateral fund economics, try again. (For gosh sakes, wasn't this man once an alderman?) Sometimes it takes awhile to get answers. Sometimes, like in the past administration, NEVER. Why all the back and forth. Postering more politics or what! Now, as for what Kent L. did or did not do, well, how bout enlightening us TT and then we can return the favor by further exposing all the wondrous things Don G. did with your blessing. Sure we want things on the up and up regarding this fund. So, perhaps the BOA can enlighten us with the facts. Good grief, we already have one ex city official sitting on the Metro Link Board and we all know what an abysmal do nothing DS job they did.
After the answers are forthcoming on this matter, perhaps you can explain to residents why they almost got a 14.5 M. dollar police station while financially insecure and why the residents of Bali Court and Rosaire have a private swim club in their backyards. And where exactly is the transfer deed and the $1.00. AFterall, they are in Ward 2.
Tim Trueblood should work for the Call. Copy & Paste. That's the extent of their journalism and the extent of Tim's argument.
Great! Perhaps Timmy T. will explain how he let the City waste $500,000... closer to $600k with interest on the Lechliter suit. Perhaps he can enlighten us on the hanky panky that occurred at City Hall on HIS watch. Better yet, perhaps he can explain why former Mayor JIMBO left in the middle of the night and why it cost the City $30,000.. Oops guess it didn't count because the insurance picked it up!
9:51 You will never get any of those on the BOA to tell you any facts about Jimbo and his fiasco. Because they got all their facts from a liar. Never mind the victim. In fact, after he was dismissed, they showed their dismay by appointing him to the TIF Commission.
9:51 Oh My Gosh. Don't start talking about anything that DG was involved in cause if you do, his little girly foot soldiers will do what they were taught to do by the wise meister. They will use the F word along with names and cause Tom to take it off the blog. Never, Never talk about DG to his Charlie Manson girls. And don't ever bring up the bad and embarrassing old business that was done. We are suppose to forget it and just let it go away. And the bloggers are suppose to dry up and blow away too. Watch out because you have just opened up an old wound so look out for what comes next.
Tom has the answers, ask him all your questions.
12:02 Tom never said he has all the answers. He started this blog which gives people like you the opportunity to maline him and be real smug, as well as point fingers in an attempt to poke fun at him.
But Tom having all the answers is really stretching things.
Poster 12:02 Are you sure that Tom started his blog so people could "poke fun at him"?
Better re read you post, sounds like you got a bad case of you don't know what your talking about foot in mouth disease.
If you want the answer to Trueblood's question "were can you find the record of when the Board of Aldermen voted to lend the General Fund money from the Sewer Lateral Fund", ask your Alderman.
4:16 No, my post was at 1:28 pm. And you better re-read it because what I said is not what you stated. I said Tom's blog gives people like you the "opportunity" to poke fun at him. Did you pass the 6th grade reading class?
I was answering your smug remark at 12:02 stating to ask him all the questions since Tom has all the answers. Further regarding the "foot in mouth desease" at 4:16I think it is you that resembles that remark.
Insult Tom? Can't happen folks, at least not on this blog!
To be insulted one must believe they are inferior to the insulter, which for reasons that should be obvious, shall never be true here!
Besides, I am the only one who can insult me, and so far I have chosen not to!
Tom Ford
10:05 PM blogger: Well Mr. Trueblood may have knowledge, but I don't! In fact I received an E-mail from an Alderman who stated the following.
"I have the information Mr. Trueblood inquired about. It seems Tim thinks the sewer lateral fund borrowed from the general fund. The reverse seems to be the fact.
This is another incorrect method of using the tax payers money by the previous administration. The sewer lateral fund is a self funded insurance policy and as long as I am in office the money will be used as intended and nothing else. Better make sure future aldermen etc. understand and track the fund or it will be lost."
I know you want to know who said that, but I can't tell you as the Gentleman has not given permission to give out his name here.
So, now you all know what I know about this issue, and I strongly suggest you contact your Alderman for further!
Tom Ford
OK Mr. Tom Ford blabbermouth,
What about ALL OF YOUR late tax payments. Why haven't you paid YOUR 2007 real estate tax yet? You want to raise people's taxes when you don't even pay your on time?
Personal Property Tax Paid: 415650488
Tax Year Tax Interest Penalties Other Charges Total Tax Amount Paid Date Paid
2006 $295.47 $13.97 $1.83 $0.00 $311.27 $311.27 12/5/2007
Real Estate Tax History:
Tax Year Owner's Name School Code Sewer
Lateral Fee Amount Due Amount Paid Date Paid
2007 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $28.00 $1,755.23 $0.0 Not Paid
2006 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $28.00 $1,576.23 $1,576.23 4/24/2007
2005 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $28.00 $1,481.73 $1,481.73 12/23/2005
2004 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $28.00 $1,149.93 $1,149.93 1/19/2005
2003 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $28.00 $1,088.73 $1,088.73 1/26/2004
2002 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $28.00 $989.72 $989.72 12/31/2002
2001 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $0.00 $989.90 $989.90 11/29/2001
2000 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $0.00 $811.56 $811.56 12/31/2000
1999 Ford Thomas C Linda C 138DD $0.00 $810.31 $810.31 12/7/1999
Mr. Ford, I don't know which Alderman you spoke to but he seems to have his facts mixed up. I have not seen any comments from Mr. Trueblood to indicate that he thought the money was borrowed from the GF to the sewer lateral fund.
The following quote from your source is not pointing the fingers at the former CA Mr. Greer, but Kent L. I guess the mayor is trying to hush this up.
"This is another incorrect method of using the tax payers money by the previous administration."
Why would an Alderman not want the truth to be stated to the public? Did the mayor give them strict instructions not to talk about it?
Your assumption about why I did not want my response to your question posted on Tom's blog is wholly inaccurate. You copied me on a question, and I answered according to what I learned at a BOA meeting. My response, which represented my sincere offer to help you out, was to you, and you alone. Had I intended it for public consumption, I would have copied my response to all the others on your original email message.
If you were wondering why I did not want Tom to post it on the blog, all you had to do was email me and ask. Instead, you chose to post your email to Tom in which you insinuate that I (and others who were also sincere in their efforts to assist you) was attempting to "cover things up." Your actions belie your character. I'll consider this a lesson learned.
Martha Duchild
Love it - last meeting minutes for the BOA meeting: 11/13/07!!!!!!!!!
Martha, by not telling the facts about the money transfers is to COVER UP and truth. Simple.
9:12 PM You disgust me whoever you are!!!!
To put personal information regarding anybody on this blog is the most diabolical, sadistic, and insane thing anyone can do. You are lower than low.
What you placed on this blog is nobody's business but Mr. Ford's. If you were not such a disgusting coward and put your name on your comment, chances are we could find lots of things to put on this blog about your personal issues.
First of all, I think you are or should be certified crazy. This is what you find in the Inquirer. You belong in a rubber room somewhere.
You have no right to display information of a personal nature about anyone in order to diminish someone as you have done on this blog. People have a right to privacy about their personal debts and monetary status. How could you step over those lines considered personal and confidential and cowardly not be man enough to write your name. How can you sleep at night?
You are a disgusting, hateful and a pitifully ignorant person; lower than an animal and someone who belongs in the insane asylum.
You have ultimately showed your big stupid behind and you win the prize for the reason why the devil is alive and well and living in Crestwood.
I thought I heard it all on this blog, but you are right up there at the top of the tree and win the prize for cruelty and slime.
Since you were able to get this information so easily, if I were Tom, I would start a "witch hunt" on you and track you down and put your name in big bold letters on this blog so everyone can see the sneaky coward that you are.
Nobody but you gives a rat's behind anyway about his or anybody else's taxes. Is that suppose to get us all upset? All it did was make you look like a fool for doing it.
9:12 PM You are the blabber mouth; not Tom. I thought all the nuts were in Brazil. I was wrong.
Because your words spew of venom and hate, you have showed us what people are capable of to make a point.
Well, you may think your words won't come back to haunt you, but you are sadly mistaken. You can run but you cannot hide.
The 9:12 blogger has provided comic relief to this blog. Knowing Tom, he is probably thinking we should consider the source and of course, knowing what we know about the Crestwood Losers, this spiteful blogger has, finally, at last,put the final touches on the fact that the winners are "where it's at" and proved to us all that we did in fact elect the right Mayor. Now, thanks to 9:12, all those who enjoy membership in the Losers Club are truly considered certifiable nut cases and we are eternally grateful voters realized this in time to shake it up at the polls. All those associated with this dark side of our city (well known by the way: supporters, former candidates, former employees, and ex-officials) are now junked in together and subject to consideration as being the sender and sending this 9:12 pathetic attempt at discreditation. They have the sender to thank for darkening all their names and sullying all their reputations. Thanks so much for providing the proof in print that we are the good guys. The ones who have the best interests of our city at heart and who now know that clearly the sickos are defined by their ignorance and childishness. Totally unfit for public office. Right now, we have some excellent leadership on the Board. If/when the tag team voting begins again, we will realize the depth to which small town political hicks will go to prove whatever it is this ilk likes to prove.
Tax records are PUBLIC INFORMATION not personal or private. Mr. Ford chimed in with venomous blogger Mike Heins critiquing a late tax payment by the Call Newspapers. Heins has a lot of gall criticizing someone for paying taxes late when he did the same thing.
Mr. Ford chimed in by saying: "Mike, a real crusader like the "paper" shouldn't have to worry about paying their taxes! Why these paragons of virtue only exist to tell us what to do, not do it themselves! You know that they had good intentions, so what's the problem! By the way what sort of chump change four flusher hasen't got $57 bucks to send to the County? - Tom Ford"
These guys have lost all objectivity when it comes to the Call. That's why we have given this blog the title of "Crestwood Incoherent". Can you say HYPOCRISY?
6:59 Well you sure got our attention and made your point by placing Tom's personal information on the blog, didn't you?
Hope this satisfies you, cause the rest of us really don't give a hoot. The only people who care are those in your small, brain dead group who think the previous administration walked on water. All we feel now is that along with having a wicked tongue, you also have no integrity.
You must really feel proud and smug. Too bad you don't give us your name so we can find out personal information on you, that is public record of course. The only thing we know about you is that you don't care what you have to do to prove a point. You are coward, pure coward. that's what you are.
Oh, that's right, you are out to prove your "bravo" and "heroism" no matter who you step on, but instead you prove neither. Your hateful nature is what guides your sad, sad impulses.
And you justify giving out personal information because it is public record and because you can? But that doesn't make you smart, that just shows us you are vendictive. Had it not been tax information to make Tom look bad, you would have dug deeper to find something else. Right? Public information that you found regarding taxes is not out there so you can rub somebody's face in it. It is not suppose to be used to demean people, stupid!
I think you should work for The Call. Maybe you will run for mayor and Mr. Anthony can do his usual slamming routine about your opponent in his rag paper. You and Mr Anthony could really win a pulizer prize some day for your narrowmindedness in dealing with issues and people.
Let's face it, you are the only one who really gives a flying fig about Tom's taxes or anyone else's. And your journalistic excellence with words like "blabber mouth" wow that takes a master's degree.
What's even more ironic is the fact that if you hate him as much as you seem to, why do you keep reading and posting on his blog. If you would discontinue doing it, then you wouldn't get your bowels in an unroar anymore, and you wouldn't suffer from constipation.
By posting your comment, 9:12 PM Jan 7th, do you expect points for honor, and integrity? No. You are just as much a "heel" now as you ever were.
I was taught a long time ago not to assume to know what someones motives were. Since you were copied in on my email to the Officials of Crestwood, I took that to mean you thought of yourself as one as well.
At the time of my email I could not recall or find when the Board had approved a loan to the General Fund from the Sewer Lateral fund that needed to be paid back per 2008 budget. Turns out the Board Never did approve said loan.
If you go to the City website and look under minutes for June 24 2005 you will find a PDF for the Operations report. This report on pages 5 and 6 advised the Board, Mayor and Don Greer how the General Fund came to have a debt to the Sewer Lateral Fund. You will see a rather interesting letter fro SW Bank regarding the election in May of 2005.
Read it and compare the interest rates we paying on our current "notes" vs the bonds in 2005, there's some wasted money for you.
The only person who answered correctly the question which lead to my locating of these minutes was Mr. Myers, who wasn't even employed by Crestwood at that time. What is interesting is what follows.
The only people still on the Board from 2005 are Alderman Miguel and Mayor Robinson. Neither of these them knew the answer.
When I tried to follow up on Tom's promise to publish my findings to my question on his blog, he said he wouldn't do it for the reasons he has stated.
What I found hard to believe in his position are the statements that he had recently made about his blog being a place where you could ask questions and no one was exempt from them, which I included at the bottom of my post. That is why I found his actions so hypocritical.
The other thing that jumped out at me and I would hope any others who think about this, is how our Mayor said he was in the former City Administrators corner, that "he knew him" I believe were his words. Later the Board was asked to settle the law suite with the former C/A by the Mayor, asking while he knew of the events as outlined in the memo from Ms. Madrid in June 2005.
You see, the problem in Crestwood is the people who live here, like the 2nd post on this thread. What started out on my part to get the facts has become an event of name calling, cover ups, lies, and general bad behavior all because no one knew the answer to a question and some didn't want any one to know that. I read with great sadness the over used lines about asking so and so about this or that, which is akin to school yard chants of "your one to". Sadness because the truth of what happened to the General Fund was not being dealt with but instead in my opinion, was being recreated again in the 2008 budget. Sadness because this event has turned into the typical Hatfield vs. McCoys feud that seems to happen on this blog so often. The real problem is still out there if any elected person wants to address it in the correct legal manner, there was no loan, the repayment is based on the Forensic and State Audit findings. The money for the Sewer Lateral Fund was never put into it's account but was blended into the General Fund by a former C/A.(Anyone care to ask why the amount show owed by Ms.Madrid is different from that which the 2008 is calling for? Anyone care to ask the Mayor why the difference, how will it be made up and where the balance owed is shown in 2008 budget?) And the only reason the City wants to correct this now is to avoid paying a Federal Tax penalty for having too much money on in the General Fund. To which the next question you should ask is why has the City allowed this to happen? Why does the City need so much cash on hand?
The answer is again in the minutes from past Board meetings. To summarize, it is a simply matter of cash flow needs and the projected decline in the sales tax dollars from the Mall. The City is sandbagging for what they are pretty sure is going to be a large revenue decline and the way the "notes" were structured, the City can not hold more than 5% in reserves to meet this decline.
This should be the subject of this blog and the question asked of our Alderman and Mayor, "how with the 5% cap is the City going to be able to pay it's bills without another property tax increase"?
Tim Trueblood
12:13 PM Tim, would you approve an increase in property tax? I think it's about time, don't you.
We cannot depend on sales tax any longer to sustain us. We should have increased the property tax "gradually and slowly" for years. We didn't. I guess we never thought there would be a rainy day.
If you agree, do you think that we can get the residents on board and make them understand that we need this to keep ourselves afloat?
If you disagree, can you explain.
How can we exist in the future without it, when escalation costs on everything are going up and the day to day operations of the city are also going to go up? By that I mean just the normal, every day costs of running a city without any major capital improvements.
I just can see us going on like this, can you? Why hasn't this been addressed? I have asked this question before, but I can't get an answer.
Sandy Grave
My, how quickly people forget! Remember these "transfers" were NEVER approved by the BOA or the mayor.
Findings from the Forensic Audit:
Interfund Debt of Major Funds
June 22, 2005
Due from Park and Stormwater Fund $ ( 1,115,509)
Due to Capital Improvements Fund $267,649
Due to Sewer Lateral Fund $57,617
The citizens approved the tax for each individual fund - NOT to be used in any other way or for any other fund. Why has it taken so long to put the monies back into the appropriate funds?????? And why do the elected officials seem to not have any knowledge regarding these transfers? Each budget year these unauthorized transfers should have been addressed.
"I guess we never thought there would be a rainy day."
This is 2008! The information was given to the public regarding our financial situation in 2004/2005and asked to authorize the purchasing of Bonds to get Crestwood we pay higher interest and still need more money!
10:34 pm and 11:11 am
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics - Even if you win, you're still retarded.
HA! How TRUE. That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.
I agree that it's in poor taste to put someone's personal information on a blog. South County Mike (Mike Heins is his real name) is wrong for putting Bill Milligan of Call Newspapers' tax info on HIS blog. AND this anonymous blogger on here is also WRONG for putting Tom's tax info on THIS blog. Tom may have looked a little hypocritical criticizing the Call for not paying their taxes on time when didn't either. But at least he didn't take hit below the belt like Mike Heins and this anonymous blogger.
Hi Sandy,
I can not support a property tax increase until the mess left by the former, former C/A is cleaned up and we have a good idea of how much is needed to balance the Funds.
I will not vote for a property tax increase until the voters have had a chance to vote on the MFPD offer that they claim would save us $200,000. This action alone and the result of the election would give a strong indication if the people of Crestwood are ready to pass a property tax increase. But City Hall currently lacks the guts to be fearless and have this on the ballot in April.
The imbalance of the Funds and the improper funding of same has been addressed, it starting right after Kent L. left his job. The BOA at one time passed an ordinance requiring the inter fund debt of $900,000 owed pay paid off over 10 years at $90,000 per year.(General Fund owed Public Works & Stormwater fund) I do not know if or why this plan is still in effect. I know I'm going to make you and others mad but to find out you need to ask our Mayor that question, but remember when he ran for office he said the City didn't need a computer system just a couple of secretary's and pencils, and later at a Ways and Means meeting he pushed for a budget that could be one page of paper.
I can not support a property tax increase until we have another State Audit, because I do not believe we have had properly trained people doing our finances since 2005.
These are just my thoughts and opinions and you did ask for them, right?
Hope you had a great Christmas and the New Year offers you hope and happiness.
One other thing, my problem with Tom is not personal, I just have a hard time trusting him now, when he "fences" postings that his friends are opposed to, while claiming to allow posts regardless of who is effected by them. That just does not seem to be the case and it makes him look like a tool of certain people in the leadership roles of Crestwood. I think he could have done better.
I thank you for your information and appreciate you taking time to answer me.
I hope and trust that 2008 will be a good year for all of us in this great place to work, live and play called Crestwood.
Sandy Grave
Presuming there is major concern over comments on this blog, i.e. fund transfers - where would our overpaid City Attorney be in this picture? Should he not essentially be aware of the things which are not according to Hoyle? As we go from Mayor to Mayor, from City Admn. to City Admn, from official to official, from budget to budget, from city clerk to city clerk, who is the party responsible for some sort of transference as goes legal fund transfers and pending pendings.?
If Mr.Tim is so concerned in his rhetorical quest, I feel that a blog is not exactly the proper place to use as either fact or actuality. He seems to like associations with city administrators, so why doesn't he just utilize some discretion and ge the facts in the proper place. Indeed this blog is full of politics, but it is also full of some very good thinkers. Those is the latter category truly get tired of the chest thumping, people who find the most Easter Eggs, theatrics and the efforts to belittle all who are in disagreement with who they may have replaced. This garners nothing, and makes the perpetrator appear small. Voters have the privildege of obtaining info and speaking with officials when they have concerns, certainly. But melding it in with a measure of politics and trivia disguised as concern, on a blog no less, does seem self serving and petty.
In the meantime, will someone please advise what role a city attorney should play in discerning how fund activity should be handled.
Tom, I have a picture of your laughter as you are reading that you are a hypocrit. Do you also carry a bound copy of Robert's Rules of Orde :)? I enjoy your blog immensly as it distinguishes the fact that there are so many great residents here, who essentially get much good info from the blog and share ideas and have learned through time to seperate the bad eggs from the good eggs and the politics and sore heads from the good 'uns. It's grand entertainment and allows focus and logic to reign.
5:45, Other than trying to discredit a fellow poster, what exactly are you talking about? As for finding information, its on the City Web Site and for the City Attorney, check out the Charter or your State Rep.
Isn't interesting how when the posts start to get to the bottom of an issue, a post like this shows up to toss it off the tracks?
5:45 PM blogger: Well I must be "discredited" if the lad who would be king (Mayor) is to do any good at all!
I think this is a "hoot!" Why because it means I am getting to them if they must "play in the sewer."
In future postings you will see some very interesting posts about "the lad who would be king," and you can make up your own mind about whether Crestwood can Cary all that "baggage" without a couple of over the road trucks!
Come on down and take out the forms to run "short round!"
Tom Ford
"Former Ward 2 Alderman Tim Trueblood, who was an alderman for 13 of Greer's 16 years in Crestwood, said he already misses him and had rarely seen a stronger work ethic."
"The time that I spent on the Board of Aldermen and working with him as police chief and as city administrator in 13 years was highly productive," Trueblood said. "He was a hard-working, honest individual that any city who had him as an employee was doing well by themselves."
The "Call," And now he is a bad guy?
7:22 PM Wait a minute I want to get this straight. Did you say that The Call interviewed Tim and the quotes are what Tim said about Don Greer? Please tell me I misunderstood.
"The "Call," And now he is a bad guy?
7:22 PM, January 08, 2008"
What are you trying to say? I don't get it.
None of the last 6 posts have anything to with the future of Crestwood, it's debt or the balance of it's funds. It's just like trueblood said was going to happen in his post to Sandy, it's like a school yard of kids calling each other names.
Grow up Crestwood, grow up.
And, now you are part of the school yard!
Haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Each blog stands on its own, makes its own contribution. No hard set rules. Appears you like being in the fray. All's fair.
As for Mr. T's opinion of DG, that is his right and his opinion. It is not shared by too many people, however. Think there is a need for some serious hindsight here. As for acting like children, consider which side is providing all the nasties. In what way is that constructive. Consider, then, which side should "grow up."
As for the predicting part. Acting like children. Have you noticed that despite all the bloggers who so obviously are full of rancor about today's leadership, Crestwood still stands. Apparently the majority of us are grownups.
Now, other than using so many words to talk about the lateral fund, etc., I haven't yet read anything but an opinion. How about the facts, man, just the facts. Stir it up is akin to the playground idea - right! Guess the C. Attorney does not have a job description. Who, then, can aldermen ask for advise?
The fact is the amount the General Fund is giving to the Sewer Lateral fund is less than was reported as due.
The fact is there was no loan to the General Fund.
The fact is Tom has said one thing and has done another.
From his earlier post it seems very clear that Tim wants to bring in the Mehlville Fire Department. I wonder if he will use this in a possible mayoral campaign?
9:0l am I also wonder if Tim is going to run for mayor. That's why I would like for someone to tell me if he, indeed, sent out all the bouquets in the Call regarding DG. If he was so taken by Mr. DG, I would like to know before I cast my vote for him for mayor.
It will make a big difference to me for sure.
So, can someone please clarify that for me and tell the truth or maybe Tim would rather answer that for himself.
If he thinks that DG was great, he need not ask me to put his sign on my lawn. I know the truth about that guy and it isn't from rumor.
Did you really expect people to make bad and politically incorrect statements to a newspaper about a person after their death? Get a grip.
Tim's email address is
phone# is in the book it's 3148220816
ask him yourself if you want to know.
Looks like Roy is once again running against Don Greer.
I would not be the first time we elected a dead guy.
Oh good grief, we have all had enough of TT. He served his time, did his deed and was a major factor in putting DG on a pedestal which started the city on its current decline. There are not enough words to explain away this chapter of our city. FAGEDABOUTIT! people. The one thing we need is history to stay history,let it remain a stain remover. Move on. See our city through a fresh intervention.
1:17 PM Forgetting about it is easy when you were not involved with the history of what happened under DG's watch.
Therefore, if TT doesn't run for mayor, I don't care what his likes or dislikes are. And as someone stated, he has a right to express his views. But so do I.
And if TT is running for mayor, which he probably is, I will not vote for him, if he gives this deceased man one ounce of credibility after what I saw, and I will not vote for him in that case.
Show me your friends and I will tell you what you are. If those who felt that DG was a great person can express their views, so can I. I have no use for power mongers who say and do anything to get what they want. I saw that happen with my own eyes or else I wouldn't be so adamant.
So, if some straight arrow, righteous person or Tim himself can answer the question for me, I will be grateful. Also, to whom it may concern, please forget the 4letter words and sentiments previously used to condemn me for my opinion.
Amen to the above! Many share your opinion. Most prefer to try to move forward and admit that the recent past held unexplainable regrets for residents and our city. What a lesson we learned (I hope) Yes, we had a bad run and those associated with its promulgation would best be served to lie low and not admit their participation in this low ebb in our city. In our case, there simply is no redemption, no explanation and no justification.
At this time, I happily see our board trying to keep the candle lit. I honor their efforts, their intelligence and persistence. I hope it continues. We have surely had enough big mouth grandstanders with private agendas whose reputations lent nothing but distress to our city.
8:43 PM blogger: What's Tom got to do with it? I had no power to "move money" in Crestwood! That would have been the C/A, the BOA president (Mr. Trueblood) and the rest of the elected officials, not Tom!
Tom Ford
Read the Call for yourself and decide.
6:26 PM Thanks for the info regarding The Call.
But because of the bias information written in The Call since it's inception, I took my name off of their subscriber list several years ago. Because every time I read it, I could see who was on Mr. Anthony's "hit" list and who wasn't. He never printed anything other than his bias.
Mr. Anthony, however, was a green horn regarding Crestwood and needed to get into the front door somehow. So he supported Jim Robertson and his campaign to give himself and his paper credibility.
With Mr. Anthony, it is all about favortism and DG made sure Mr. Anthony printed all his "tripe" for the good readers of Crestwood.
Mr. Anthony and his crew have always printed one side and not all sides of issues and chooses which people to slam and which not to. Just like DG chose who to demote, fire, and threaten; and how to cover for, who to bed down with, and who to psychologically induce. Therefore, I chose not to read The Call.
In retrospect, I guess I should have been reading it to hear how TT really felt about Mr. Greer. Had I done that, I would have saved myself from being so surprised.
After reading the comments from The Call stated by a previous blogger under this comment, I guess that TT did have a very special connection to Mr. Greer.
So, if he does run for mayor, I can only conclude that he will have the backing of the same old crowd that worshipped DG on the dais that thought he walked on water even though he was the world's greatest manipulator.
I am sorry when anyone passes away. But passing away doesn't give a person integrity and honesty. You have to earn that while you are alive.
My, how quickly people forget! Remember these "transfers" were NEVER approved by the BOA or the mayor.
Findings from the Forensic Audit:
Interfund Debt of Major Funds
June 22, 2005
Due from Park and Stormwater Fund $ ( 1,115,509)
Due to Capital Improvements Fund $267,649
Due to Sewer Lateral Fund $57,617
The citizens approved the tax for each individual fund - NOT to be used in any other way or for any other fund. Why has it taken so long to put the monies back into the appropriate funds?????? And why do the elected officials seem to not have any knowledge regarding these transfers? Each budget year these unauthorized transfers should have been addressed.
None of this happened under the current administration, the problem was created under the Kent L Administration and was discovered and corrective steps started under the Greer Administration.
Oh, right!
And what about taking the audit findings, and despite the fact the cupboard was bare, and city property was collertal for a 3.5M $ LOC, trying to rent a suite at the Plaza while the 14.5 M $ rennovation at city hall took place. How could you call this kind of ethic "corrective?"
Don't think the lateral fund transfer is campaign fodder, or the Big Kahuna, but I sure do think it will open Pandaro's Box. Give it a rest Tim & Co.
The imbalance of the Funds and the improper funding of same has been addressed, it starting right after Kent L. left his job. The BOA at one time passed an ordinance requiring the inter fund debt of $900,000 owed pay paid off over 10 years at $90,000 per year.(General Fund owed Public Works & Stormwater fund) I do not know if or why this plan is still in effect. I know I'm going to make you and others mad but to find out you need to ask our Mayor that question, but remember when he ran for office he said the City didn't need a computer system just a couple of secretary's and pencils, and later at a Ways and Means meeting he pushed for a budget that could be one page of paper.
8:40 AM Tim, you are asking people to ask Mayor Robinson for answers. But you are the one who needs to ask him the interfund question at the town hall meeting.
This issue you refer to, you say happened after Kent left. But you don't give a date. Which CA are you talking about? The new CA that came after Kent was Don Greer. You would never blame DG for anything wrong I am sure.
I know that this is going to make you mad, but lots of things happened to the City that were wrong and they happened on your watch when DG was CA and Police Chief. You and others were sucked into his nest and believed every word he said. I know that KL did do things wrong and I agree with that. The biggest thing Kent did wrong was not checking DG's past before hiring him to see that there was a consistent pattern regarding his mismanagement of funds.
And just like Fagan and the rest of the boa, there is no way you will place the blame for things on DG even now. You thought he was wonderful and even said so in The Call. DG then hires a finance person who was the talk of the Mo. Fin. Officer's Association for years, because of her reputation with men, and her inability to keep a job. And you still can't figure out why. Hiring someone who had credibility for that job would mean that the person might disagree with DG. That would never work cause he wanted control of everything.
Maybe we do not have good people who are responsible in the finance department now, but at least they have no hidden agenda and try to do the job. Mr. Greer did all of the finance person's work himself, so he could maintain his almighty control. That's what a dictator does.
Now, all these people that are still in Crestwood that were part of his network are on the outside looking in and have no more protection or special privileges or coverup's and they are trying to give this new administration a black eye because they are now on the outside looking in.
I am sure that your hate for this mayor supercedes anything you care to do for the residents and that would be your biggest reason for running against him. I am equally sure that the rest of your crowd feel the same and have only political motives that is, if you run for mayor and I am sure you will. If not you, someone else from the "hate Roy" people.
I am sure you won't care in the least, but sorry you won't get my vote.
Roy was sucked into DG as well then as he voted to hire him as police chief when he was an Alderman. Roy ran against DG 3yrs ago when he ran for Mayor and seems to be doing it again. Wouldn't you like a PLAN B like Alderman Miguel suggested instead of no plan at all for future?
History, if you take the time to look for it on the City website, will show you that KENT was the C/A when the Police Station rebuild idea was started. History will show you when the Bonds salesperson came before the BOA to explain the way the Bonds were going to work that Maddox and I asked her and Kent and Matt C. if any vote we took that session locked the City into any thing. We were told no, it did not. Two weeks later the BOA voted against selling the Bonds because Maddox had suggested the City save the money instead of borrowing it through the sale of bonds. At that time the BOA was told by the Bond salesperson, Kent and Matt that we couldn't undo our last vote because "bonds had already been sold since the last meeting" due to our vote then.
Keep in mind at that time who our C/A was and that all our funds still being were blended into one. Only after the change in who the C/A was did the City's true financial condition known. After the bonds were sold and before the real financial condition was known.
History will show you that the BOA were told then that since the bonds were sold to defease them would cost the City's its credit rating. The BOA believed that since it was presented to us by outside experts from banks and lending institutions.
I am posting this dear blogger 1:49, so you may know that if you want dates and times, you can use your time to look what you want on the City website, because I am not going to do it for you. As for your voting or not voting for me, I could care less for two reasons,
2. Someone posted my email and phone number on here, if you want to know the 2nd reason why I could care less, you can call or email me like Martha Duchild did (thank you Martha, it was a pleasure speaking with you) and we can have a nice first name conversation in which I will answer any question you ask that I know the answer to.
Until then, have a nice day.
tim trueblood
4:00 Tim OK, Mr. Leichliter was CA when the bond deal was being set up and you got bad answers when you asked him and Matt Conley pertinent questions. That was a very big No No. I was not very happy about Kent myself for a lot of reasons too. And remember, I admitted in my comment that Kent did things wrong for sure. I also undertand that you could care less if I vote for you or against you. And I agree, it shouldn't make any difference to you. I am a nobody.
I am only asking you, one question and I shouldn't have to sign my name to get an answer. Did you, as you stated in The Call, applaud Don Greer as CA, and believe in him and think he was great as both CA and Police Chief.
That's all I want to know. And as you can see, I am not going to "sugar coat" my feelings, but your answer is very important to me. I am just being honest with you and I don't want you to get angry just as you wouldn't want me to get angry.
Tim, even in spite of what you feel toward me, I have always, for years, liked you very much, and I still do. Never, were you unpleasant with me, and were nothing but kind to me when we have spoken which is more than I can say about other aldermen.
Don Greer may have always acted responsible when speaking with board members or the mayor or anyone who was important in his life. After all you put him where he wanted to be for a very, very long time in two very powerful positions. And if you were one of his chosen employee disciples, you could expect to be rewarded by more money, better positions and a liberal attendance/absence record. You could do things and know that he would cover them up and I know that he did, many times. I heard what I heard and saw what I saw.
But if he didn't pick you, you could expect to be harrassed, and watched all the time, so that at any time you could be fired. Of course, why would you know about those things you were sitting on the big shot side.
And even if you asked him for answers directly about certain things, what makes you think that they were all truthful? Because you believed in him, that's why.
I just respectfully request an answer to that one question Tim, that's all I need to know.
I am sorry Greer has passed on which is always sad, but did he do anything good for city employee morale? Only if you were one of his disciples. Otherwise, he had no use for you.
Sorry poster 5:23 I don't answer anonymous questions like your's. No offense meant, it's just my standard. Call or email me.
5:39 PM OK Tim. I will do just that when I get up my courage, which I am short of sometimes.
Why? It's because I have tried signing my name several times on this blog and have been called some pretty rotten things because my views are different than others. But conversely, I, too, have been sucked up into the muck and mire and let people get to me.
So because of that, I don't have the stomach to sign my name anymore.
So I will honor your request and call you.
So anyway, what's wrong with Watson Rd? Can anyone admit that it's already oversaturated with retail? Are we bringing in new business or just reshuffling? Most major chains are afraid to develop too far from an Interstate.
I don't think anything is "wrong" with Watson Road itself. While some chains wish to develop near interstates, others build along main streets too. Just drive down streets like Manchester or Olive away from 270 and you'll see plenty of development. Or look at Mackenzie Point near Shrewsbury, or streets in the city like Kingshighway. There's a lot of development located away from interstates.
Fortunately, Watson Road is located near the 1-270 - I-44 intersection, so it is somewhat close to highways.
I think part of the problem is Crestwood's long-standing reputation for being unfriendly to business. If you are a business owner and want to expand your signage, you may have difficulty. But, if you're a developer and wanting a tax incentive package (TIF, TDD, CID), however, you may get a very warm reception.
Agree with you 100%!
Crestwood needs the Watson Road business, but it seems that all one hears from many of the residents is that they dont want any money making business near their homes.
Frankly, I dont' blame any of the stores that have left "Incredible Crestwood" over the years. They start up shop here on Watson Road (at great investment) and then all the City wants to do is to plant pear trees in front of their business so that no one can see it.
The "Camelot" days of Crestwood being the center of the South County retail universe are long over. We have to compete and cooperate with business to get them here and to keep them here!
It seems that many times Crestwood is it's own worst enemy. I would wish that SOME of the city leaders would have the nerve tell these perpetual whiners to either shut-up or put up with more taxes.
"I can not support a property tax increase until we have another State Audit, because I do not believe we have had properly trained people doing our finances since 2005."
Tim, what exactly was Diana Madrid properly trained for?
The Auditors had to make over 200 correcting Journal entries to clean up her mess. That dropped to less than 10 when Justina took over the finances from Don and Diana.
Speaking of votes... How come you, Don, Jimbo R. and Tommy F. never gave us the chance to vote on spending $650,000 (All borrowed money.) on the Lechiliter Lawsuit? Perhaps it was because most of the money was going to Don's Lawyer Buddy Chris Hesse?
Maybe that's why the City, under YOUR and Don’s WATCH, never turned Kent's counter claim over to the insurance company. The City was left with a huge exposure when Kent’s lawyer stated asking some very unpleasant questions during depositions.
You want my answers, sign your name to your question, or call or email me.
tim trueblood
9:42 Speaking of votes... How come you, Don, Jimbo R. and Tommy F. never gave us the chance to vote on spending $650,000 (All borrowed money.) on the Lechiliter Lawsuit?
Look in the charter. You don't get a vote on thoses issues da.
Whose idea was it to bring suit against Kent Leichlichter?
Those who decided to bring suit against Leichlicter - who were they?
Interesting. Trueblood all of a sudden won't answer anonymous comments? Wonder how many anonymous comments he has made on this blog?
Mr. Trueblood,
Do you normally share emails between yourself and other parties such as you did on 11:33 AM, January 06, 2008?
I guess you won't answer since I choose to remain anonymous.
Mr. Trueblood,
Are you going to run for mayor?
You said you won't answer anonymous postings. That's too bad, because this is a public forum.
Mr. Trueblood,
How many tax increases in Crestwood have you supported?
Once again, I won't expect an answer.
3:07 poster -
I've looked in the charter, and it's a shame that the charter commission did not propose more checks and balances for city staff and elected officials. The only proposal that passed was censure.
What the heck is wrong with you....citizens have stated there is absolutely nothing wrong with the city's charter!
You are right! I stand corrected!
Whose idea was it to bring suit against Kent Leichlichter?
Jimbo, Don G. and Timmy T.
This is not a public forum. It's only a BLOG.
Sorry, it's a blog that is used as a public forum. Are not blogs used by the public?
from the Merriam Webster website -
“... a public meeting place for open discussion c: a medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas ..."
Well, I have no idea what a "blog" does, or doesnt do! This one though has apparently morphed into a public forum, or at least it seems so!
At any rate, enjoy your chance to "toss in your two cents!"
Tom Ford
Thanks Tom for your blog!
You give us a place to discuss, rant, and ask questions.
Who said earlier on this blog the financial situation was not discovered until Kent L. left? If so, then the audits were totally needed. Okay, then why was it full steam ahead for the police building, software, new furniture, fancy car, and department heads coming out of the woodwork? If Mr. T is so concerned about finances, pray tell how on earth could he manuever in his position while paying Madrid a dime? It was no secret she was clueless (and I am being kind here. Do you know her salary?And if Mt. T did not know this, he was on another planet. His love affair with the (geeze work ethic) DG, was astonishing for someone who is now doing the knit picking trick on the current troops. The man was a charleton. What kind of glasses were you wearing?
Why all of a sudden is Mr. T trying so hard to come across as so knowledgeable and assuming that we all think his wisdom and word is the bottom line. This blog is, to a large extent, a forum of sorts, and it is open to interested parties. Mr. T. I'm sorry, but you left behind lots of unanswered questions, you did not seem concerned when Robertson pulled his little stunt, or revenues started to fall while you were voting yes on the Plaza Lease. Or when you were sitting next to the red faced village idiot on the dias and not in the least chagrined. Or when you thought it funny to rip out Roberts R OF Ord. so you could try for Roy.
How much attention did you give to the votes of aldermen and Zoning Board members who are members of the private pool, who allowed this private swim club to be built in a totally absurd place? Since it is in your ward, did you help organize the residents affected to help them defeat this total travesty? Who exactly did you represent? How loud was your objection? Did you just stop with a no vote and the pool and the people be darned?
I am counting on your not answering these questions since you have told others to call you. However, it does seem you are a tad selective in this regard. Starting things, but then closing shop when it comes to certain questions. On this blog, we have a lot of give and take. And to a greater extent, most agree that all those lovely city employees who sued the city and got paid off, were weasels and did not help the bottom line which you seen concerned about now. It may take awhile for us to forget who supported these city employees. All of us know a whole lot more now than we did then and plan to keep it that way. First time so sit goes... it was Shame on you, a second time would be Shame on us! This is why we are in protective mode.
As for signing ones name. Have to think you were not aware that there are those who visit this blog whose main objective is not reasonable interaction,but rather evolving into ugly vindictive sore heads whose claim to fame is calling some of our more productive residents, officials, and board members names that show just how small is the opposition. Why, then, would anyone invite this kind of exchange upon themselves? It simply has no relevance to productive blogging. You do realize that since you did choose to post comments, but not answers, there would be a debate.
How can you ever be sure even when someone signs their name that they are who they claim to be?
12:37 AM You hammered it right on. I agree with your comments. Diana Madrid got her 72,000 salary because Don Greer had to pay her for services rendered. No other finance person got that kind of salary in such little time. Let TT explain that one which he won't. Let TT and the rest of them tell me why the hanky panky was allowed at city hall?
Let TT tell us why he and others didn't know about the hanky panky with all of Greer's secretaries? If they didn't know it then, they should know it by now.
Why didn't they get copies of the Wood River newspapers to see what was written about his bad management style and how it took them months to fix their budget? I did. So what TT and others did was they let Leichliter go and got someone a million times worse.
When they let Leichliter go, which I can understand to a degree, they fell right into the hands of someone who wanted Leichliter's job from the get go. Leichliter may have started the police facility issue but the idea came from Don Greer who wanted this grandeous structure to make himself look good. (Part of the Napoleon Syndrome). Leichliter was faltering in his job for years. He had tremendous health issues and mental issues. But that Police structure would have never been his idea because his enthusiasm in his job was faining for years because of his health.
Whatever Greer wanted he got from Leichliter, or he would threaten to leave. It's funny that this building was only meant to improve the police department when the fire department had to settle for a second hand fire truck because we had no money. So how do you reward one safety department and not the other? When you are Don Greer and only think of yourself, that's how.
It's a pity that Leichliter let this dog rule, all along Greer wanting Leichliter's job (Chief Kramer's words years before he died) "some day Greer will have Leichliter's job".
And Greer got total control from TT, Fagan, Jim Robertson and the others on the BOA. And finally, finally after years of planning, Greer had arrived to manipulate, threaten, dismiss and hand pick all his little soldiers without blinking an eye. Covering up the misdeeds of a mayor and his hand-picked crew.
Everybody else was fair game. And you tell me he wasn't a dictator? He just put on a different disguise when talking and controlling the governing body of Crestwood and they fell for it.
And now TT may be running for Mayor. Why? For the betterment of Crestwood residents? No. Because he hates Roy and so does Fagan, and if he wins, he can get back at his opponent which is the worse reason in the world. Politics!
You see, it is not always good to let things in the past go. In this case it isn't.
Thanks Kent, nice to hear from you.
My pleasure Karen.
It's been my pleasure Jim.
I just thought of something that I think is interesting. Many people on this blog seem to think that they have all the answers to the future of Crestwood, dragging up the past, giving their versions of what happened, what was bad and what was good; what mistakes were made and in some cases, a lot of balony.
We all think that we are right and everybody else is wrong. There are those who are right winged and others are radicals.
But everything that we are saying and commenting on is never going to amount to more than one single sentence when someone in 20 years decides to write about the History of Crestwood because we have the same old thing going on.
People are people and there is always going to be two different groups in Crestwood. Crestwood will never be united together and politics is always going to rule.
So there will never be anything of any magnitude of accomplishments to write about many years from now unless something changes.
You make some good points 7:27 poster. While there may be some unity, there will always be divisions and factions. That's part of the political game, unfortunately.
But Crestwood is not alone. I've attended board or council meetings in other municipalities and they can get quite heated too.
I think the key in local politics is to never forget the past, yet focus on the future. Move forward. We need to ask ourselves "what's next?"
I believe what is next is to fill in the Private Crestwood Swim Club with Concrete! Then, make Crestwood into 3 wards, eliminating the Ward 2 dynamic, which has been totally toxic to the city for years.
Then, never ever vote for a candidate who even attempts to discredit their opposition based on pure politics, as opposed to running a campaign based on hope and desire to remedy problems and present progressive ideas and be a good friend to our community. You, know, a nice person.
Then, when a candidate gets elected, make sure they have only the best interests of the city at heart. Not private enterprise or to make an impression on their boss.
6:42 Good and right on. Wouldn't that be great? An honest and fair campaign? Unfortunately, it won't happen here. Politics has run this city for years. If anybody runs against Roy, you can bet it will not be for our betterment, it will be to get back at Roy.
They will make it sound like they have the best interest of the city at heart, but it will be more of the same. It always has been that way. And it will be someone from the Fagan/Robertson era who have a personal vendetta.
It wouldn't matter if Roy walked on water, the political factions don't know how run a campaign based on anything other than politics.
Politics is fickle, politics is a manipulator, politics stretches statements and makes inunendos about opponents, and politics has no shame or conscience.
Correct 8:04. But, guess what, this is a small town. We know and can identify all those who would try to slay a candidate not of their ilk. We know their names, their pasts, their connections and ultimately the reasons behind their candidacy. If they were part and parcel of the developmentally deficient past, whose ability to sling dirt is only surpassed by their obvious dislike of our city, then their motives will be clear and their campaign a farce. Two fancy guys who live on the same street and ran for office and had ritzy, glossy, arty mailers learned this lesson. You can't fool people all the time - anymore!
11:58 I sure hope you are right. It gives me a glimmer of hope. I always said the people in Crestwood were smart; I hope I am right about that. I think the reason they were tired of the tripe 3 years ago.
11:05 Boring? What do you want, more Hanky Panky at city hall; or maybe someone can start up another 14 million dollar police facility idea. Maybe you weren't so bored when that was going on. Maybe we can hire another nit wit finance person who messes around with the big shot to earn her 72,000 a year salary?
1:40. You’re just jealous because he did not pick you.
1:40, Name the nit wit financial person we have now. Under Ms. Madrid and her boss the citizens and Board got MONTHLY reports on ever aspect of the City's cash flow, loan balances. Even reporting to the Board and Mayor in June 2008 the fact that there had been inter fund misappropriation of moneys before they she was hired. Something that is yet to be repaid by our current nitwit. What is their name again?
4:08 You got monthly reports but Greer did the reports, not from her. Maybe those persons we have now doing the finances are not to your liking or other people's liking, but if you have questions about them, you should go to the town hall meetings coming up; you don't get any points putting your complaints on the blog.
Say 6:31 how would u who put together the reports, did you once or still work there? Who said anyone was unhappy bout the people working there now, point is simple, the reports the city had and needed then they got, can't say that today, can you?
8:53 PM, January 17, 2008
I agree. Say what you want about the past employees, but they gave much more information regarding the budget and cash flow (monthly) than the current administration
I think that the current CA stated that the current staff is not proficient in the area of providing fund cash balances.
10:14 PM Jan. 17th
I was at the meeting where the city administrator made the comment in question, and he was referring to the task of providing a projected cash flow analysis, not a fund cash balance.
Martha Duchild
So what is your point?
Cash on hand, bills to be paid within the period equals available cash. I know more complex than a check book but....not rocket science.
8:21 AM Jan. 18
I was not trying to make a point; all I did was correct your paraphrase of the city administrator's comment.
Martha Duchild
8:53 You paid 72,000 a year for a finance officer whose boss, Don Greer, did her work? What a waste of money.
Greer hand picked her for obvious reasons and it wasn't for her brains. By hiring a lame brain, he could put any numbers he wanted together and he did. Numbers as well as people can be manipulated and Greer was a master at it.
He got a finance officer who didn't even know what questions to ask much less care. He was getting what he wanted from her including a "front" for everything because if it was found inaccurate later, she could be blamed and not him. You people haven't a clue how you were screwed without ever being kissed.
Read the newspaper from Wood River and you will see how Greer mismanaged their funds so badly that they had to hire a firm to get it all back in order and it took a very long time.
10:39 AM, January 18, 2008
Did you attend meeting when Ms. Madrid fielded questions from the BOA and public???? Seems she had answers and did not have to ask the CA. Now when questions are asked of the CA, he does not answer at the meeting, but wants "private" conversations.
Hello Mrs. Clark, glad to see you still have your old copy of the Wood River paper with you.
Copy of that Wood River paper is in lots of hands to read. You probably wouldn't read it, even if you had access to a copy because you don't want to read how inept and controlling Greer was and how he mismanaged funds.
But still you expect us to give credence to Trueblood who was Greer's follower and thought that Greer sat at the right hand of God. Tim Trueblood would be mayor for all the wrong reasons, the first being he hates Mayor Robinson. Bland would also be doing it in reverence to Tom Fagan. There is no objectivity to make Crestwood go forward because they would be running to get back at Roy.
11:25 I understand from reading the paper today that the CA is going to be at the Town Hall meetings and is going to talk about the budget and anything else your little heart desires. Also the Mayor is going to refrain from comments at those meetings, so he does not get ridiculed, but I am sure there are some, like you, who would criticize that also.
Incidently, Ms. Madrid was coached by Greer to speak and those figures were all Greer's, and after all the time she was there, that was the only time she ever spoke about expenses and money; all the other times it was Greer.
The only reason Greer is even in my comments is because I feel that Mr. Trueblood if he runs against the mayor would follow in Greer's footsteps as he holds him in such great esteem. And there is no way he would be running for the citizens of this town; it is all about politics and hatred.
At least the public got financials in the past. Until the BOA stepped in the current was all about percentages!
2:01 And you believed everything you saw on those financials, and can swear beyond a reasonable doubt that those financials were accurate and not made up? Well good for you. There is a bridge in Booklyn I want to sell you, cheap!
And you believe the one's you see now? If you can get any at all that is.
Why in the name of heaven is there so much talk on this blog about Trueblood? He told us he could not take the heat and was getting out of the kitchen "Goodbye Crestwood Independent." I was hopeing we could take him at his word. Really, Tim Trueblood is not a time who has come. The future which we are all hoping for does not need a reminder of the lurid past.This would include all those sunshine boys who, having once stomped around on the dias, and tried to disrupt Roy and flashed their Robert's Rules of Order around and get this, were in cahoots with FaganGreer and the Police Palace and the Charter Farce ... well ya know, we punched their card and it is expired. Now can they just go away and let the ones we voted on run our city to the best of all their abilities. Sour Grapes has become an obsession for them and it is really sick! How dumb do you think residents are in this city that we don't know the lot of you who can't seem to hang it up and just go on and on and on. If we want to protect our future, we have that right. You need to find another hobby.
I agree! BUT! Is TT really going to go away? Maybe we will find out next week.
All I can say is I have every article in every paper for the last 14 years about Crestwood. Some are virtually verbatim. So, I know every vote, every decision, every step and every lame excuse and better yet, every mistake.
It's good to be the king!
YeeHaw! Watcherback.
Well I guess the petition didn't tell you anything, did it. If residents wanted it, they would have let it happen. There clearly wasn't the type of PR needed to make it fly, or it would have.
Oh Timmy T, Timmy T where are you?
Read the following from City Administrator Meyer's Memo for the upcoming financing for the Police Communication System…. “The Board authorized the staff at the December 11th Board meeting to proceed with
obtaining a proposal from Montgomery Bank related to financing the Communications
system. Included in your packet is a loan proposal from Montgomery Bank for a five year
loan. The Board has not received an actual loan agreement because Montgomery Bank has stated they will not draft a loan agreement until the Bank has received authorization from the Crestwood Board of Aldermen to proceed with the 5 year loan. The Bank is also
requiring some general information about the City’s finances and insurance coverage.
The five year loan is for $356,386.06. The interest rate quoted was 4.67%, however, this
rate is not locked in until an official loan agreement is signed and returned along with the
documents requested by Montgomery Bank. The estimated total interest cost is $41,609.94 based on the loan proposal. The attached financing proposal includes the
amortization information for a five year loan.”
Sounds a lot like the COPS on Police Palace? You know, like you claim that you were “mislead” by Kent and Matt. I’m sure you will be at the Board meeting not to let this travisty happen again!
Or maybe the whole COPS thing on Police Palace was some complete set up job by you, Jimbo and Don G!
"like you claim that you were “mislead” by Kent and Matt"
That is fact not a "claim"
"That is fact not a "claim""
Oh really? According to who? TT, JR, DG?
What possible reason would they have had to do this?
I've been told that there is much more to this story... such as a certain former Mayor, wanting to be State Rep, making phone calls inbetween meetings bragging to certian individual about his "Operation Anaconda" to get rid of certain large CA that he didn't like.
contact alderman Maddox for the truth.
Plan B
The sore heads cease and desist. The people have spoken.
The unhappy facts of the past are not fiction, they are facts that have impacted all our thinking and our city. They are a lot harder to get over than sore heads losing and mouthing off on a blog.
Chin up unhappy ones. We have bigger fish to fry and no longer want to hear your defense of the indefensible.
Crestwood, and our Nation for that matter are in it for the long haul. Thats the PLAN.
Where can I get a copy of said PLAN?
I've been told that there is much more to this story... such as a certain former Mayor, wanting to be State Rep, making phone calls inbetween meetings bragging to certian individual about his "Operation Anaconda" to get rid of certain large CA that he didn't like.
Yes, I too heard stories about "BIG JIM" bragging about his "Operations".
Is it therefore, your opinon that these rumors you have heard are true?
Having read the lists of contributors to former Crestwood officials campaign funds, and hearing from one of them (state office) who at one time was going to assist in getting a Crestwood official a state position, well gotta say, that scares the begeezies out of me. Big Time! Better just stick to law office job. Memories in this city are long.
8:17 Big Jim didn't want to be State Representative, he told me he was going to be Governor. He wasn't going to fool around with the "little" titles. Then he would appoint Greer at Lt. Gov.
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