The "paper" has a tongue in cheek comment about the Mayor!
Folks, I never thought I would live to see this day, why I almost thought that the "paper" was in fact coming in on the side of Mayor Robinson! Alas further reading of the editorial by Mr. Wasson reveals the same old rhetoric.
Yes, it's true that he is running unopposed this time, and it's also true that there have been a few closed door sessions, but what about all the good things that have happened with him, and the new BOA at the helm?
Click on the header and I believe you will see that Mr. Wasson follows the old party line of the "paper" in what appears to be lock step with his boss, unfortunate, as I thought there was a chance here for reconciliation, but no.
I am particularly interested in his quote at the end which should say it all for us, as he still seems to feel we are a bunch of rubes in need of his salvation. To that end, I have one for him as well.
"liberals, it's not that they are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
"Ronald Reagan"
Tom Ford
NO. 457
Yes, it's true that he is running unopposed this time, and it's also true that there have been a few closed door sessions, but what about all the good things that have happened with him, and the new BOA at the helm?
Click on the header and I believe you will see that Mr. Wasson follows the old party line of the "paper" in what appears to be lock step with his boss, unfortunate, as I thought there was a chance here for reconciliation, but no.
I am particularly interested in his quote at the end which should say it all for us, as he still seems to feel we are a bunch of rubes in need of his salvation. To that end, I have one for him as well.
"liberals, it's not that they are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
"Ronald Reagan"
Tom Ford
NO. 457
from "No reason for Crestwood to complain about mayor" by BURKE WASSON from the SunCrest Call:
"Instead, Robinson's detractors did nothing, proving they are more productive at whining than working. At least Robinson is making an effort."
True indeed, and that's why I almost bought it!
Tom Ford
Say what you may, Roy may be the last mayor of Crestwood as the city may not exist in three years.
And, truth be known, we may not live long enough to see it! However, I doubt that a City as resilient as Crestwood will meet it's demise in the foreseeable future!
Tom Ford
Did you ever notice that dailies and most weeklies do indeed have Opinions and Editorials, but seldom become crusaders, week in, week out, year in, year out? Many have human nature offerings and the ability to lighten up.
Have you noticed a distinct pattern in the Wednesday mailer, and its editorials and editors who pride themselves on a rather narrow and predictable perspective. But, no one cares because its slanted version of the current administration in Crestwood is common knowledge and our city's gov't and current administration is not their only target.
Whenever reporting becomes a crusade and verbatim transcripts are considered news and weekly editorials are predominantly a soapbox of grudge, this becomes a signature paper which has turned into a "harpie" bird cage liner. It has lost any chance at literary prominance. There is a 3-letter word for this kind of weekly. When its readership has come to expect a lack of balance, it signifies a certain lack of professionalism and lack of regard for readers who only get one side of every story presented to them and usually in a derogatory fashion clearly meant to cast dispersions.
If the earlier blogger thinks this mailer considers us rubes, I imagine the advertisers are thrilled to know of the limited potential of the circulation. I cannot help but imagine what a grind it is to sit with a recorder and laptop through hours of municipal bondage as part of a job assignment. I have to imagine that judgemental editorials are somewhat of a salvation and a chance to relieve tension.
Well, that's why he gets the big bucks, and will someday graduate to wearing a tie (pulled down.)
If he doesnt like the gig, he should move on to, say Pravda, or write for Move on .org.
Failing that, how about getting a script for? However he does it, he needs to leave Crestwood to it's own devises!
Tom Ford
Someone alerted me to the editorial, so I went online to read it and in my opinion, it's a good, sensible editorial.
Martha Duchild
Martha, your right about it being sensible, now if they can just stick to their word here I will be impressed!
I would have liked to see it more on the side of Mayor Robinson though, who I believe is doing a very good job with the problems he inherited.
Tom Ford
All a matter of opinion, Martha. As the months go on, we can have a better final analysis.
2:02 PM Feb. 5
I'm intrigued...a better final analysis of what?
Martha Duchild
Value City is closing.
I hope the Crestwood Smart Growth Alliance will be out trying to find another tennant. Could have had upscale condos paying for their own fire protection etc.
What is the Mayor's plan for this site?
That's in the past. It's time to move on!
Or does that argument apply only to some?
Wasn't the city going to use a tax incentive to assist the developer to build those condos? Can anyone remember? What type of tax incentive and how much was it for? I think the developer was going to be Mills. This was about the same time our city leaders were planning a police palace and items such as a nice car allowance.
If this bugs you so much, how come you didn't run for mayor? Did you see Wasson's article? It gave me a good laugh.
Time to move on is what many of the business in Crestwood are doing these days, and their doing so has nothing to do with what happened over 3 yrs ago..It is happening today because of what is happing now.
No longer can we afford to blame the past for current situations, to do so will bring our City down. We need somekind of plan to move us forward regardless who didn't run or who is the mayor.
It's the past that got us to where we are now. Historically, Crestwood has not been friendly to businesses. It's been friendly to developers, but not businesses. You can blame this administration all you want, but the problems have been around for years, possibly decades. I've seen potential new businesses approach the board and the treatment was not friendly or welcoming at all. Add to that restrictive sign ordinances, and there you have our business climate.
4:53 You are exactly right. People appointed to boards and commissions have made businesses jump through hoops to come into Crestwood.
That bad reputation lingers still, and for years, I have seen business owners get so upset with how selective and particular we were regarding everything including landscaping and signage that some even bowed out of the deal, like Cunetto's for example.
People on boards and commissions caused them to have to spend much more money for curb and sidewalk appeal. And many people really got carried away with it too.
So when I hear about some of the businesses that want to come into Crestwood now, that leave us wondering what is happening, and I hear how upset we are to accept some of them into the community, I think to myself, it is our own fault now that we were so picky years ago and made many business people angry.
Well for what it's worth, the time I spent on the P & Z board was very interesting!
I will say though that some on that, and other boards spent more time worrying about what the Landscaping, and the sign size was rather than the tax base the business would have created!
Since the day I moved into Crestwood it has been the same thing, "make the business jump through hoop's!" I think it's high time that we changed that philosophy and "invited them to town!"
Folk's, we can't have it both ways anymore, we either invite the business to come in, or we raise our property taxes!
Incidentally, I guess you know we now have two law suits against us from two businesses that wanted to come to town, so more money down the drain, for what?
Tom Ford
Are the two current lawsuits are the fault of:
1. former administrations.
2. citizen volunteers who sit on boards like P&Z, or Signs.
3. mayor who appointed those citizens to those Boards.
4. everybody in Crestwood except the current administration.
Like poster 4:22 said, our problems today are today's problems.
So you jumped from the business climate to lawsuits? Pretty big jump. Are you just looking to blame this administration/board?
But let's go with your subject of lawsuits. Out of curiousity, how many lawsuits occurred during past administrations?
Oh, and while you're at it, what about all of those legal fees?
Do any of the board members see an invoice?
Hay, Tom brought the lawsuits up not me, I'm just being a good citizen and asking questions about today, not about yesterday, which cannot be changed vs. today which can be.
But do I understand you correctly, current government can only do wrong if they do wrong in an area that former government did not fail in? Just so we all understand the rules here. It's new failures or mistakes that can be talked about, nothing old?
Just want to give it some time although it "sounded," at first glance, just fine. I remember an editorial once by same writer which said Roy was a very likeable guy, etc. Then over time, future columns reniged to a degree. So, will hold opinion for a while, wait and see. And hope that we see a positive and continuing slant on our city. This would help eliminate all intrigue for me.
Oh yeah, we all remember the Grant Watson development submitted by Mills. Everything else was to just shut down, right! Well, Mill's was quite hungry for this project,as well as the one in Webster across from their city hall on down eastward. Webster residents were up in arms and chose sides and formed committees and had signs made and debates/arguements and guess what, they determined Mill's plan to be undesirable. There was little faith in the Grant Watson development, perhaps for good reason, and perhaps you, sir, can enlarge on your comments and explain what our cost participation would have been since you seem to consider it a mistake that we did not go this route. All developers are not created equal. But I will listen to your explanation, since it sure looks like you were 'serving' then.
Value City is closing not just in Crestwood. But it looks to me like if the land should sell, there is plenty more room for affordable condos or homes. I hope this is not just another ploy on your part to 'place blame.' There is plenty of that to go around.
Wasn't the city going to use a tax incentive to assist the developer to build those condos?
Yes a portion of the NEW Property Taxes over 10 years... would have been half way through by now.
But the big thing was Mills was going to pay the Affton Fire Protection District Bill saving the City $35k a year. With the additional bodies that were going to locate there the City would have gotten around $100,000 a year in new revenue.
Now we are going to have a vacant "BOX" generating nothing.
Maybe we can get one of those "NEW" churches to buy it and it become tax exempt?
Anyone care to guess who wrote that last Blog?
Did you know a free condo for a city official was a consideration.
Seems we didn't get the development there that he wanted AND we didn't get the 14.5M dollar city hall either.
Do you reckon the blogger may have left out a few facts?
Support your claim that a city official was to be offered a condo.
Then we can talk about a blogger leaving out a few facts.
5:44 PM blogger: I guess you know that a public official getting a free "condo" would be construed to be "acceding to public corruption," and land that person in jail?
Why do I doubt your claim?
Tom Ford
Could be a claim, a rumor, or a fact.
Public corruption. Nah! not in Crestwood. This city was handed over in pristine condition.
it is a rumor until the scumbag who posted it backs their filth with proof. the only story about Crestwood and public corruption that can be supported by simply looking into the past record is the one where a state rep who lived in Crestwood was thrown out of his political party.
Spoken like a true anonymous blogger. Insinuate, cast dispersions, but proof and names absent. Just more filth. Another bottom feeder.
Strangly enough we didn'thave mismanagement of funds until 2 audits proved otherwise.
Prove that a state rep who lives in Crestwood was not thrown out of his political party. No insinuations, no dispersion's, it is fact as reported in the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the only reason I do not use that person's name is because Mr. Ford doesn't allow any posts about that former state rep on his blog that are truthful but negative. But a little effort by anyone can give them the name of the former state rep who lives in Crestwood, something that can not be said about the rumor being spread in post 5:44 of 2/7/08, a real bottom feeder.
Interesting that you are so sure that rumor is the word. If you consider it rumor why are you so uptight? This is a blog, sir.
Who's uptight and who are you calling "sir"? Mr. Ford himself doubted the truth of the condo claim. Is your problem here that the statements about the former state rep living in Crestwood who was kicked out of his political party can be verified and is not a rumor and therefore this blog is only for rumors?
It's a sad and total shame when all people can do is bicker back and forth during this horrific time. You should be so proud.
I second 1:12. You people are sick individuals. Sick sick sick. Put down your petty issues and SHUT UP. Your problems are nothing compared to the families' lives ripped apart in Kirkwood over this senseless and violent tragedy.
1:40 If this Kirkwood tragedy doesn't give us a wake up call, I don't know what will.
Remember we all have read comments on this blog that are upsetting, hateful, irreverent, sick and horrific. Then something comes around that makes our comments pale in comparison like the senseless acts of multiple murders just a few blocks from our city.
There is nothing more unacceptable or tragic than one person who feels that murder is his only answer. Murder is murder, and to take the life of another is the ultimate sin. And who would have thought that it could happen so close to home.
The total waste of a human life, the total waste of a human heart, human flesh, a human brain dessiminated by one person on others - as his only way out, and his only way to seek satisfaction.
Somebody's father, mother, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather died yesterday. No time for them to say goodbye, no time for them to tell their families how much they are loved and will be missed. That tiny decimal of time when they took their last breath is gone. No more time outs cause murder can never be undone.
So how can it be that while Crestwood is bickering over our mayor and our city, the mayor of Kirkwood is clinging to his life, only wishing that all he had to worry about was bad press, or bringing back a city, or finances. How much does Mayor Svoboda's family and friends feel betrayed and ripped apart by feelings that they never hoped or dreamed they would have to deal with, and still hoping that prayers and cries to God will bring him a full recovery.
When we hear of yet another two police officers killed in the line of duty in Kirkwood. Do we not say it could have been in Crestwood as well? And which is more profound Crestwood's fixable problems or what Kirkwood has to deal with. All Crestwood needs are people who are willing to work hard, and have the diligence to give our officials time to work things out. Kirkwood has lives that will never be able to go forward and they have to deal with that. It is time to deal with our issues with dignity and respect for one another.
Take pause and maybe thank God that our police and fire service people put their lives on the line every day for us and for our protection. And tell our mayor and aldermen, we are proud of our police and fire personnel and we want to keep it that way.
We better count our blessings.
Sandy Grave
No! If this doesn't get us back to a sense of thankfulness and recovery for our City when you think what Kirkwood has ahead of them, then I really and truly feel sorry for you.
Proud of This Mayor Board of Aldermen, the ones before had this coming to them.
1:12 &1:40 So what you are saying is it's OK to bicker back and forth the rest of the time? Seems to me it's just as much a wasted of time and good common sense then as it is now, don't you agree?
"1:12 &1:40 So what you are saying is it's OK to bicker back and forth the rest of the time?"
1:12 here
What I am saying now is that let's not bicker back and forth anytime. We are a community and we live next to one that has shared a great loss. Don't get me wrong, I've done my share of bickering and I'm not proud of it. But let's at least try, and all we can do is try, to do better.
God bless you and your family.
4:30 A waste of time indeed. I will tell you what is really funny.
All the bickering and name calling and defending done on this blog by those who chose to believe all the hogwash put forth by those in charge of the previous administration has meant nothing. Word after word praising their intelligence and their wonderful plans and how we should have just have allowed the building of a 14 million dollar police facility etc.
Then there were others commenting and picked apart on this blog because of the unethical conduct by a previous mayor, and city administrator, plus a meriad of mistakes made under the deamons of deception on their watch, who were chastised even by those people who were capable of knowing right from wrong.
And NOW after all of it, the time came and went for those who were unhappy with this mayor to file as a candidate to run against him, and no one does.
Yes, it came time for that same self-righteous clan who felt Roy was not capable of doing his job to put their name out there and become a candidate for mayor and no one does. Fascinating!
Seems to me that someone especially one of those who hammer our mayor into the ground on this blog, in the newspaper, in their neighborhoods, who deliberately lie or slander him, never even put their hat in the ring. It speaks volumes to me.
By their shear absence to run against Roy, verifies my theory that none of them put their money where there mouth is. It perfectly illustrates that in their never ending quest to convince us of their integrity and honesty, they did nothing to prove they were not people who believed in their own words.
I rest my case.
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