C/A Frank Myers resigns effective March 28, 2008!
City Administrator Mr. Frank Myers has resigned effective march 28th and will assume the position of City Administrator in Glendale, MO.
Frank came to us in rather troubling times, and has assisted in the turn around that Crestwood is experiencing now.
We wish Frank and his family all the best as he assumes his new position in Glendale.
Now, what do we do at City hall? I am thinking that a couple of positions can be shifted around and that should give the City the funds it needs to hire a professional accountant to fill the C/A job, as it seems to me we need a numbers person in that slot.
Time is not on our side as the Mall project as well as other projects will be moving forward soon, and we need a C/A in place to help the Mayor, and the BOA secure the best deal for Crestwood.
Tom Ford
Frank came to us in rather troubling times, and has assisted in the turn around that Crestwood is experiencing now.
We wish Frank and his family all the best as he assumes his new position in Glendale.
Now, what do we do at City hall? I am thinking that a couple of positions can be shifted around and that should give the City the funds it needs to hire a professional accountant to fill the C/A job, as it seems to me we need a numbers person in that slot.
Time is not on our side as the Mall project as well as other projects will be moving forward soon, and we need a C/A in place to help the Mayor, and the BOA secure the best deal for Crestwood.
Tom Ford
Why in the world would you suggest putting an accountant into a city administrator’s position? These are two entirely different skill sets.
Who would want a bean counter running the day to day operations of the city?
Alderman Miguel would.
That’s great. We would never spend money on quality of life items, e.g. parks, sidewalks, you know the stuff that makes people want to live and shop in a community. But then again, it is not cost effective to maintain a fire and police department when those entities can be contracted out at a lower overall cost (insurance, workers comp, benefits). But I am sure our Mayor knows best.
While there are different skill sets within a city administrator's job, accounting is very important.
2:46 PM blogger: Are they really? It seems to me we need an accountant in that position the way things have gone in the past!
I would like to see a "skilled" person that fully understood the numbers to assist the mayor and the BOA!
If we had that sort of person in the past, I doubt we would be where we are today, and there would have been no "police station" even thought of.
" Glad handing " can be done by just about anyone up there, but when it comes to "meaningful projections" we need a "bean counter!"
Tom Ford
That's what a municipal finance director is for!
What is the job description for this position? What year was it added to the City?
In other news..
Tom, you have any more details on the Starbucks incident?
Or the Leasing sign on the Dillards building?
Please tell anyone that has relatives in their teens to early 20's to view stltoday.com and look at the video under the article of Good Samaratin ....we need to identify them. Copy and past link below.
Horrible about Roger Kreutz. Those two kids I'm sure had no designs on him dying, but let's just hope they turn themselves in to face justice.
I see the Call has a story on that and on Frank Myers too online. Looks like we'll be naming an interim C/A next week and a full-time one in April. I wonder if we'll ever hear the "real" story as to why he's leaving.
There are blogs from the next blog down "News From The South County Times" which must have inadvertently been put there instead of on this one. Perhaps the blogmaster can move them to this site, if possible and keep the thoughts together.
Anonymous said...
Sorry for the repost: I was on the wrong link.
Just heard (Monday) the news about Frank Myers. No loss there! If I were a betting person, I would bet a $1 that Roy will do one of two things. Not hire a new CA (for financial reasons) and try to run the day-to-day operations or go as far as try to change our government structure to a strong mayor. His ego will be his and Crestwood’s downfall.
8:37 AM, March 04, 2008
2:03 PM, March 04, 2008
2:46 PM blogger: I moved it to this site for you. Your wish is granted!
Tom Ford
I guess when the BOA put time limits for comments during meetings and try to have everyone be civil does not apply to comments made by the mayor to the press:
"I don't want to be the one responsible for it. I will certainly be on your doorstep if we pay this money back and we run into a problem. We'll have to see how good you are up there being able to round up the money for us."
That's class! NOT!
Remember before the current mayor, the BOA tried to educate the public that there was a need for more income. But as the mayor has stated "Crestwood just needs to pay as you go". Guess that is not working out.
I don't think that comment was made to the press. From reading the article, it looks like it was made to Alderman Miguel. Either way, though, you're right. It's disrespectful and more than a little hypocritical of a guy asking for more civility. I agree with Mr. Binz's letter to the editor. The Mayor does owe an apology to the board.
I'm a supporter of Roy, but he needs to cool it. Respect is a two-way street as is communication.
True, so that leaves the option of not filling the position. I also see that there is an ad for a finance officer. That must confirm the rumor that the other Frank is also leaving.
We must agree to disagree. I have not and will not trust anything the Mayor says. I have known him tooooooo long and tooooo well.
12:54 PM, March 05, 2008
Anonymous said...
12:54 Well bully for you. If you are so dead set against this mayor, you had your chance to run against him, how come you didn't take it?
2:12 PM, March 05, 2008
Anonymous said...
Same ole, same ole, the return of the nasal gladiators, once again jumping to conclusions. This is what they do best. It amazes me. If the world burps, the downsiders blame Roy. We are used to it. He could be the 2nd coming of Christ and this bunch would find fault. What a way to help our city. Obviously Roy is doing better than expected as these bloggers and their saber rattling still cannot get over Roy; how they do go on. How apparent their "Goat Is Got."
Perhapz Mr. Meyer can better handle the smaller city of Glendale. He does seem to have a habit of changing jobs. Maybe his skills simply did not measure up to his personal expectations and if so, he did us and himself a favor. If true, then now is a good time to put heads together and determine the city's needs and priorities. Now is also the time to consider someone with all the needed skills to guide our city through the rough waters ahead. Personally, I think our BOA has 9 good minds perfectly capable of working together toward this end. Sans politics.It would be a disservice to think they will not be able to aptly measure the situation and come to a conclusion and a plan which will best serve our city. In the doing, I would suggest the entire board be part of the hiring process and that a newcomer have a probationary period and that their background be thoroughly covered. The job will be a challenge and thus will need a hard worker without a big ego, all the necessary municipal skills and who realizes Crestwood is not a stepping stone. Getting in a hurry, despite the fact we need to, could prohibit the thorough hiring process needed and not allow for thorough interviewing.
Whatever the job description, certainly it will need someone with fiscal and HR skills. Someone who rolls up their sleeves and for whom delegation is not the #1 job description.
The Charter is not an option. It is just fine as it is. But, then, the blogger with the dart gun is still pouting over that escapade.
2:39 PM, March 05, 2008
One thing never changes with the posts on this blog and that is the blind support of Roy as exampled in posts 2:12 and 2:39. Same supporters every time with the same words responding to what they feel is any criticism of Roy no matter how small. Next they will post attacks on former Mayors and aldermen and C/A's. Just like sunrise, very predictable.
Is ROY never wrong in your minds? He must be a god if that is the case.
This makes the sixth employee on the admin side in a year that's left. What's going on up there! This seems way to many if you ask me.
Is he also getting a package to leave or is this voluntary?
Feb 12 came and went and there has been no anouncement on the mall.
"Same supporters every time with the same words responding ....." 6:31, March 5.
Well,talk about predictable ... Let me add, "with the same response every time from the same people."
Hmmm. Package Deal:
To: Licklider, Greer, Madrid and the 3 harassment suits - all from the former administration. Oh, and by the way who brought this up, who is covering the same ground?
Oh, and yes, often when budget cutting comes and people have to pick up the slack and raises are hard to come by because a city or business is having to cut corners people have been known to jump ship. No one is defending Roy, people just get tired of you "piling on" as it has become apparent that you, blogger, are energized by every opportunity to jump on Roy, and every opportunity to share your opinion here.
What ever happened to the additional cuts the mayor said could be made?
6:31 3/5 You ask "is Roy never wrong"? Well in your eyes is he ever right? Seems that is the better question.
Same supporters, you say! Seems to me, you are one of the same "non supportrs".
You and yours have been ranting constantly about him but still didn't throw your hat in the ring to run against him.
Therefore, I would just leave your comments in a big pile with the rest of your nay sayers friends cause they are meaningless.
When has Roy been wrong?
Great question, if the Roy's supports claim that none ever give him credit for the good he does,why don't they lead the pack into pointing out his failures and his success? Or are they saying by their defense of him that the criticism is correct but not valid unless someone balances it with the good he has done?
So what good and what bad has Roy done, poster 1:48?
Great question, if the Roy's supports claim that none ever give him credit for the good he does,why don't they lead the pack into pointing out his failures and his success? Or are they saying by their defense of him that the criticism is correct but not valid unless someone balances it with the good he has done?
So what good and what bad has Roy done, poster 1:48?
After reading the comments against Roy on this thread I must say I am shocked that ONE OF YOU BRAVE SOULS didn't file for mayor!
If you didn't like what was going on why didn't you put up your five bucks, your REAL NAME, and challenge him?
Oh, wait I know, it's a lot easier from the "cheap seats" where all you have to do is tell your friends how tough you were!
History has shown us plenty of people that are willing to complain, but darn few who will jump into the fray.
I think we know where you stand here as I don't remember your REAL NAME being on the ballot!
As Jack Nicholson said in a Few Good Men, " I suggest you pick up a rifle and stand your watch on that wall!" Until then, I don't give a ---- what you think!"
Tom Ford
YO, Tom, what's matter, not fun anymore having Roy accountable for his own actions and after 3 yrs in office, not able to blame former officials for condition of Crestwood?
No one ran cause no body wants to be subjected to Roy's supporters anal inspection. Plus it's a lot more fun watching him swing in the wind as staff person after staff person jumps ship for better run Cities. If you think Frank was weak, wait till you get a load of his replacement.
Hmmm. Package Deal:
To: Licklider, Greer, Madrid and the 3 harassment suits - all from the former administration.
It's Lechliter... get his name strait. Actually, Lechliter was from two Administrations ago... on the JIMBO Robertson Watch, you know the one which we gave, I mean sspent, $500,000 to his and Greer's lawyer buddy.
10:38, didnt your forget the part about Don Greer, Ms. Madrid and the Police Palace that you always put in your post?
Oh hey,10:44 your morning juice gotcher-bile up?
Hello 2:28, how many city administrators has the City had?
Who was the mayor when 2/3 of them left?
Now my bile is just fine, thank you, how's yours?
10:44 see comment number 21 on Post 471 for the response you were looking for. It was just like you said.
WooWee, 10:44 someone really got you guys churning. Great way to celebrate TGIF. You made my day. Gratious. Apparently the heat in the kitchen is not fireproof.
Wonder if I could patent an application that would prevent Roy haters' shorts from knotting. Ah, shucks, that wouldn't work 'cause it would prevent me from certain local people watching. Love those with a funny gait. Don't you?
4:26 pm Since you seem to be so doggone smart, why don't you tell us what good and what bad the mayor has done since he was voted in.
Tell all of us minnions what makes you the "answer man". Sounds like you have been keeping your opinions underneath your "Cape", Superman. Why not share your words Oh Cape Crusader? Pray tell us what is the good and bad from A to Zinc regarding the Mayor?
What's the Point? Everythings good.
still waiting for the "fair minded " supporters of Roy to give us their understanding of his strong and weak points. yawn, it's all good is right.
can't wait to read their letters to the paper supporting their man, ha ha ha.
Can't wait to see what he brings to the Board for our next C/A, this will be hoot to watch after the word gets out that Roy has run off 2 out of the 3 c/a's the city has had in its history.
Let the spin begin!!
8:33 AM blogger: I see you still wish to remain in the shadows! Boy that's some courage of your convictions there!
If you know so much, why don't you come out and "save" us?
Tom Ford
8:33 am Is Roy also responsible for "global warming"? Seems he is responsible for everything else, right?
What do you mean two or three CA's. Oh that's right, I guess you felt that having one person doing double duty as CA and Police Chief wasn't giving one person too much power. Sorry!
To me, if that is the only thing Roy did, it was the first step in trying to turn this City around.
You keep saying that we should not continue to bring up the past, but yet you manage to speak about "2 or 3" CA's who left Crestwood and blame Roy.
And who would ever say that Roy is always right? Let's get that straight whoever you are, Nobody is perfect, NOT EVEN YOU!
It's too bad your hatred is showing. It's too bad that you are the one living in the past.
Personally you would have hated anyone who ran for mayor no matter who it was because you are a follower, and base what you know on what others tell you rather than finding out the truth for yourself.
"And who would ever say that Roy is always right?"
99% of the posts on this here blog say Roy is always right. If you say different the poster gets called all kinds of names by Roy's lovers, like you.
Anonymous of course, that's why a letter to the editor of any paper carries so much more weight.
Would the last poster please stand up. Where and who ever claimed the Mayor was always right. If you can clarify that and point out where this claim was made, perhaps I can rearrange my thinking. Please provide some sort of backup. You sound so doggone sure, but I just can't put my finger on proof.
Thank Ya!
7:21 I so agree. Who ever said Roy was alway right. And if it bothers 5:07 so much, why does he continue to read This Blog?
"If thy eye offends thee, pluck it out".
I don't get The Call newspaper anymore because I refuse to read the tripe they say about Crestwood and the Mayor. So, I suggest you do the same and just refrain from using and reading this blog.
Tripe it is.
9:56 AM blogger: If your going to by some "tripe" I believe Shop and Save has the best price in the area!
Tom Ford
Tom, did you ever eat tripe? It's the belly of a cow and it reminds me a lot of some of the bloggers cause when you eat it, it's like rubber and hard to swallow.
10:38, didnt your forget the part about Don Greer, Ms. Madrid and the Police Palace that you always put in your post?
Yes, I forgot it, just like you want to forget about Roy stopping the lawyer gravy train of $30,000 a month legal bills with NO detail!
How many law suits are we paying lawyer fees for now? Law suites that will allow us what? TIF? The very thing Roy ran against, he now spends our tax dollars on in their support. I guess you forgot that, as it's too current of an event.
The city joined other cities along with the municipal league challenging recent TIF revisions. The cost not to exceed $10,000.00 if I remember correctly.
The question I have is ... Why? Why did Crestwood join that lawsuit?
4:52 PM blogger: the answer is CRESTWOOD PLAZA! While we may not use a TIF (I hope not) to fund the project, we none the less must look like we could.
And that is why (in my opinion) we ponyed up for the law suit.
Tom Ford
what good is it for us to pony up in the law suit, the sale has fallen through, the deadline again has past on replies to the RFD, with no replies?
So am man's promise to not get City into law suits is only good as long as someone doesn't remember his promise? That's what we used to call situational ethics.
If I remember correctly, did the city not say it was willing to use TIF in its request for redevelopment proposals for the plaza?
So basically, Crestwood already made its statement that it was willing to help the new owners/developers and possibly use TIF.
6:02 PM blogger: BINGO! The Board did say that they would back that I believe, so.........
In the words of the late Everet Dirkson. "A billion here, a billion there, before you know it it's real money!"
Tom Ford
Regarding the mentioned lawsuit. And TIF's in general.
Excuse me: But does it not take a majority of the board to make this happen?
6:52 PM blogger: Why yes it does my friend, and if I remember right Alderman Roby put it over the top with his vote(the law suit that is.)
I guess the majority thought it was a good idea.
Tom Ford
6:52 PM
According to what I remember in the Call, it was 3-3 vote (Aldermen Foote and Knarr were absent). The Mayor broke the tie.
Thanks. Looks like democracy at work!
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