Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fellow blogger has questions on clothing donations, and taxes!

Do we have anyone who can help out here? These are very interesting questions indeed.

Tom Ford

NO. 481

"Tom, below is an idea for the blog, if you want to put it on there. Have been getting lots of calls from "Charity Clothing" and "Children's Home Society" - same people. However, I finally got curious and asked them who they were. The lady was flabbergasted and had to go get someone who read me a bunch of stuff which made no sense and was unable to tell me where the clothes, go or any other info which would identify them. Kinda got my curiosity up... I then went to a web site about Clothing Donation Funds which really got my curiosity up, and did not list the above, nor the clothing drop boxes sitting all over the place, usually 2 on each site.

Also, my tax person told me there is a form one can fill out by the end of April about your property taxes being so exorbitant (mine went up 549.00) and that is exorbitant. She did not know the name of form or where to get it. Do you know?

Well, I do not know, but I bet someone on here will have an answer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as the clothes-donation issue, some of the boxes on various parking lots are containers that belong to resell it shops - at least that is what I thought I saw on TV news awhile back.

As always, donate to a charity you know or are comfortable with.

7:48 PM, March 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is what your poster is looking for regarding Property Tax Relief.

2:17 PM, March 28, 2008  

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