Monday, March 31, 2008

Off duty Crestwood police officer AIDS County officer under attack!

On Sunday night While off duty, and getting gas, with his wife in the vehicle officer Mike Ford witnessed a St. Louis County police officer at the 7-11 station, corner of Rt.21 and Gravois become involved in a physical altercation while attempting to effect an arrest of a wanted subject.

Officer Ford came to the aid of the County officer, and after a short but very physical altercation assisted in subduing the suspect and completed the arrest in conjunction with the County officer.

Why do I tell you this? Well, we have had some posts about how we need St. Louis County to patrol our streets, but in this case (as it would be in Crestwood,) there was no other County officer to help the officer in question. That is not a good thing by any stretch of the imagination!

I think we should be very proud of the men and women who put our (and others) safety above theirs, for without them to guard us the enemy would surely be at the gates in no time flat!

Tom Ford

NO. 484


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Job well done. Glad to know that police officers are really on the job and observant when off duty.

10:48 AM, April 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Isn't that 7-11 the one that's less than a block from County 3rd Precinct Building? If it is, I think the County is a little over stretched! From what I’ve been hearing the County Police are having some serious issues… Their turnover is high and they have some VERY unhappy officers.

12:13 PM, April 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Ford, you are the man!!!!By the way you still suck at racketball/tennis.

2:58 PM, April 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you and your sons for your service! A police officer is a police officer, around the clock, 24/7, wherever he/she goes.

3:47 PM, April 01, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:13 PM blogger: Correct, less than a block from their station, on the same side of the street!

So much for back up, and response time!

Tom Ford

5:38 PM, April 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:09 AM, April 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Crestwood Police Department a National accredited agency like the St. Louis County Police Department. Is the Crestwood Police Department a full service agency like the St. Louis County Police Department with air support and crime labs. By the way I talked to the Captain from the 3rd and that incident did not happen that way and there was other cars on the scene from St. Louis County. So have your facts straight when you blog the incident.

10:29 AM, April 02, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:29 AM blogger: I talked to the people who were there! There were no county cars or officers present until after the altercation was over, and the subject was hand cuffed!

AFTER he was subdued between six and eight county cars and officers arrived on the scene, but not before!

There was NO Captain on the scene at any time prior to, during, or after the incident,just ask him.

I believe I will go with the people who were there at the time, and not someone such as yourself who feels the need to diminish our police officers, our department, and our community.

No, we do not have an "air group," nor do we have a K-9 corps, nor do we have the paperwork for your accreditation. What we do have is as very, very dedicated group of men and women willing to protect, and help you at any time, not some group of people who couldn't care less about Crestwood, but do have all the items you mentioned!

May I suggest you move to an unincorporated area of the county so you can bask in the knowledge that if you ever need them the county police will be right there, after they get the Helo started, the dog out of the pen, and find the paperwork!

Tom Ford

11:46 AM, April 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the 10:29 am blogger is one of the many US citizens who believe that modern Police work is limited to the boundaries of their respective venues. This is not the case in our modern day and age. Getting past the "Barney Fife" days of a deputy unable to arrest a person outside their area, Police nowadays are armed with more training than ever. POST certification required for the glorious St. Louis County PD is the very same certification required to be a crestwood Officer, as both are both in a Class A county. A County Officer could jump ship and become a Crestwood Officer, or vice they both have the same level of certification. I say Kudos to Officer Ford for his quick actions in assisting a fellow officer- regardless of where their paychecks come from! On a side note, ask most any administrative Officer (Lt. or above) and they will tell you that "National Accredidation" form CALEA is nothing more than an un-needed $30,000 payment to a private firm for a bunch of worthless stickers on the sides of your squad cars. Being certified through CALEA means nada in terms of more or better training....or areas in which the Officers are allowed to pursue and or arrest.

2:24 PM, April 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Crestwood needs the use of the helicopter that County Police shares with St. Louis City and St. Charles County (police agencies), all they have to do is call. Just like all the other muni's in the area as well as Jefferson County Sheriffs office does as well as the Highway Patrol and many other jurisdictions do. The accredidation thing is totally bogus and a huge waste of money.

2:37 PM, April 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The above bloggers are jealous of us who prove ourselves to the public. In most cases those departments are just to lazy to go through the accredation and probable could not be accredied anyway. Keep up the good work and protect your little muny with your handful of untrained officers.

2:53 PM, April 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know of one certain fact- the 2:38 blogger is not, I repeat, IS NOT a Police Officer. #1, If he/she were, they would understand what utter nonsence CALEA is in the first place, and #2 if they actually believed that CALEA jargin, that would make them one of the higher command staff positions in the County PD....and if THAT'S the case- they would know how to spell!
On a side note....I know a bunch of the Crestwood guys actually worked for County at one point or another...seems as though they jumped ship like every other Officer there-poor pay, understaffed precincts and lousy health care!
You're not a cop...don't pretend to be one of us. Our lyalties do not lie in the color of our brothers and sisters skin tones or uniforms. We watch out for one another, and could care less about which agency is better than the next. We go to the places wher we are paid the best and offered the best health care for our familes. Ford acted just like any other copper would- he helped a fellow Officer who needed a hand. I guarantee a County Officer would have done the very same for a Crestwood copper.

3:18 PM, April 02, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Untrained officers? Are you some sort of idiot, or just unknowledgeable of how the system works?

A "muni" officer has exactly the same training as a county officer, in fact they both train at the same police academy!

You have "proven" yourself to many on several occasions when they had to come to the aid of a "county" officer when his pals were "out of position!

Pray tell, is that what "accreditation" is, the art of always being "somewhere else" when your needed? I wouldn't doubt that you Cary an inflatable 10-46 ( vehicle blocking the road) in the trunk for just such occasions.

Go forth and do what you all do best, get a cat out of a tree!

Tom Ford

3:23 PM, April 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again with someone who just wants to start trouble with all this nonsense about accreditation. I also could tell that the person who made the negative comments about an off duty cop was not a police officer.

What you have to take into consideration on this blog or any other blog, is that some people who love to create trouble, and will use any form of communication to give others grief. That's because they are so unhappy within themselves, they love to cause chaos wherever they can.

I never take negatives reported on this blog as the truth when someone states things in honesty. Think about it? Who would give plaudits to a police officer who used his expertise and training while off duty if it were not true?

I commend the officer for a job well done and if others want to lament further about it negatively, find a good psychiatrist who can help you get a life.

6:18 PM, April 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CALEA is a HUGE waste of money! You are paying $30k to put a sticker on the side of your police car. Only 16 of nearly 100 local law enforcement agencies have wasted the money. If departments like Brentwood, Ladue, Sunset Hills, Kirkwood, Des Peres, Manchester, Town and Country, Maryland Heights etc. haven’t bought into the gimmick, why should we? I think we can find a better use for $30k.

6:45 PM, April 03, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:45PM blogger: Correct! We have sworn, certified officers now, we don't need a "sticker" to tell us how good they are!

Forget the person who wrote that comment about needing certification, or anything else, for they were obviously not in tune with reality!

A police officer belongs to a very tight fraternity, one that believes in helping each other, and they do just that on a regular basis.

To the detractors of our police and fire personnel I would say, don't worry, they will still save your sorry tail when you need it, for they are PROFESSIONALS first and foremost!They won't even ask if you like them, they will do what the signed on to do, and you can rest assured, you will be very happy with the results!

Tom Ford

7:59 PM, April 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:55 PM, April 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

list of missouri accredidations from the CALEA

10:22 PM, April 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our hats are off the the departments that are on that list. It does show that there are still some police agencies that are not totally lazy.

10:55 PM, April 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had trouble with the link so...

Ballwin - staff size 70
Joplin - 103
Richmond Heights - 42
Shrewsbury - 20
Kansas City - 47
Jefferson City - 127
Blue Springs - 108
Bolivar - 24
Chesterfield - 94
Clayton - 60
Florissant - 102
Gladstone - 47
Grandview - 65
Hazelwood - 77
Independence - 277
Jackson - 30
Springfield - 409
St. Joseph - 160
St. Louis - 2374
University City - 103
Webster Groves - 48
Hillsboro - 224
St. Louis County - 944
Troy - 68
Columbia - 46

9:03 AM, April 04, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:5PM blogger: YES I DO! Now read it again, and if your still not happy, go somewhere else, were all stocked up on malcontents here!

Tom Ford

10:55PM blogger: Lazy? No, but as George Bernard Shaw said, "Those that can DO, those that can't teach!"

Enjoy your sticker mania, I will enjoy our VERY WELL qualified police protection!

Tom Ford

10:46 AM, April 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our hats are off the the departments that are on that list. It does show that there are still some police agencies that are not totally lazy.

Or stupid enough to pay $30k+ for a sticker! Again, are the following departments "lazy"?

Brentwood, Ladue, Sunset Hills, Kirkwood, Des Peres, Manchester, Town and Country, Maryland Heights

Two Kirkwood Officers just gave their lives for their City! I guess they were "lazy"! There Chief is a well respected former County Police Major by the way.

10:50 AM, April 04, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:50 AM blogger: We have the steak, why pay $30,000.00 for the sizzle?

Tom Ford

2:31 PM, April 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go babbling again:

3:07 PM, April 04, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:07 PM blogger: Gee, your harsh!

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it."

I doubt I could say it ant better myself! Case closed.

Tom Ford

4:36 PM, April 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't feel that a department that hasn't become CALEA is lazy. I think that many who are aware of the changing tide in public perception have realized that accreditation not only raises the bar but it gives you a higher nationally recognized standard that juries can understand better and can relate to when something goes horribly wrong. For the public to realize that the department is functioning from a nationally accepted standard clearly shows that the organization when the extra step and have accepted that the bar has been raised and that they are up to the challenge

8:40 PM, April 05, 2008  

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