Saturday, April 05, 2008

Off topic for Crestwood, but relevant to America none the less!

If your a Vodka drinker, please click on the header to see the latest ad program now being broadcast by Absolut Vodka in Mexico!

I will NEVER, EVER buy a bottle of that "wannabe vodka" as long as I live after this! I don't drink the stuff (beer is my drink,) but if I ever have to get any for a "get together" you can bet it won't be that brand!

News update: As of today (4/8/08) Absolut has pulled their ad from the market place! Nice response to an overwhelming complaint from the bar owners, and consumers. Too little to late if you ask me, so don't buy the trash!

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the absolut-jerks will run an ad for the U.S market, showing the Rio Grande being ninety miles wide, running from the Texas gulf-coast to the San Diego beach....I doubt it....

1:19 PM, April 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a tool. It's a tv commerical!

3:02 PM, April 07, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

O course it's a "tool," what elsee would a TV commercial be?

Somehow I doubt you ment it that way, but if you want to try again, well.

If I were you though I would let it go.

Tom Ford

3:54 PM, April 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said... has an interesting letter posted April 5, from a California bar owner to Absolut.

4:40 PM, April 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, if you want to talk about buying American, I think that is great and I agree.

But let's not bring up old subjects that are better off left alone.

I am a margerita person myself, but if the only thing imported to the United States was Vodka, we would be doing great. However, if you ever shop Walmart or other stores, imports from China if made in America, could help foster the needs of many people who are one step from being poor in this Country.

For years, I have asked myself why that is and I still don't have a clue or an answer.

What in the "hey" is the matter with our leaders in the White House? We give so much to other countries. That is OK to an extent but I thought charity began at home? However, it doesn't. All one has to do is take into account the devastation in New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina and see how much assistance they received from the Feds. They were helped more by the kindnesses of church leaders, philanthropists and others rather than our own government. To me, that just doesn't seem right.

What's worse is that the list goes on forever of things this Country gives away to other countries.

Now I understand from the news that some of our assistance to the failing banks and mortgage companies with our ecomony are being helped by China to the tune of 200 billion or trillion dollars. I can't even fathom that much money. I have never heard anybody speak of wealth like that in this country. That makes me very nervous but we have helped make them rich.

5:29 PM, April 07, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I had, or have no intention of bringing up the past, what's over is over. That said, I do agree that this country needs a complete overhaul when it come to our spending abroad and here at home!

Why we can't or wont secure the borders I have no idea, but it had better get done, and soon. There are entire hospitals closing in California due to the cost of illegal aliens.

They say charity begins at home, and I agree, so let's take care of our own for a change!

If a person wishes to come to this county Legally I am all for it. Take your turn, learn the language, and work at citizenship, and then ask for your "entitlements," not before!

We have some very major problems people, and I really don't see anyone running in either party that will work to solve them! All they can see is a vote!

Tom Ford

6:19 PM, April 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a picture on the news today of a pregnant "illegal" who was still wet from swimming across the border to get into this country. She was already dialating to the point where she was ready to give birth any minute. She wanted to make sure the baby was born in the United States. I couldn't believe it. Is that sick? Maybe I'm sick!

I am on social security but who knows how it's going to end up. These people should not be allowed to take what you and I had to earn after years of putting into social security. How is this stuff going to stop? Some day, I guess we will have all of the illegals here so we will have to swim over there? Is that how it goes.

8:38 PM, April 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:29 PM April 7

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal a while ago detailing the amount of federal money that went to Louisiana for hurricane relief. It was in the billions. The issue has less to do with the lack of federal relief as it does with the amount of red tape (at the state level) preventing those funds from being distributed.

Martha Duchild

10:45 PM, April 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha, thanks for your comment.

However, I just wonder how much "red tape" do impoverished people in other countries have in receiving relief from the United States? It seems like we keep dishing out money to them all the time. I could be wrong, but I would bet they get help a lot sooner than we do.

Also it seems that the Governor of New Orleans and the Mayor were pretty vocal about the waiting time for relief from Katrina. That is so very wrong. How very sad!

Also, just because it took so long at the State Level doesn't make me any happier. Persons on the State and Federal Level are suppose to be in their high seats doing their jobs to protect us. Someone apparently dropped the ball. And I don't think it's the first time either.

What angers me is that those persons at the State Level who held up the assistance in a timely fashion in New Orleans would have come to their aid in a heartbeat if they were the ones homeless who lost everything.

2:37 PM, April 08, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Absolut has pulled their ad from the marketplace!

Too little, to late for me, but it's gone anyway.

Tom Ford

4:27 PM, April 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you for your service to our country that, along with others, has protected my right to today cast my write in vote against Mayor Robinson.

4:46 PM, April 08, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:46 PM blogger: Your very welcome my friend, and thank you for voting!

When I was there only 71 ballots had been cast in my ward, that's a great shame.

Protect your freedom, Vote!

Tom Ford

5:10 PM, April 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the low voter count shows what support there is for Roy. Nothing like winning with 15%.

6:08 PM, April 08, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:08 PM blogger: Winning by 15% is great, why you say? Well it's still winning!

Complaining about that is like shooting your worst enemy, getting a one day sentence and complaining about it!

I fear you have forgotten what constitutes a win! He only needed ONE more vote than ?, and he is the winner, remember?

Ah well, you had your chance, you failed to do it, so enjoy three more years of good, solid Government brought to you by the people who care enough to put their hat in the ring!

Congratulations, Roy, and all the winners on the school boards!

Tom Ford

6:39 PM, April 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I believe the low voter count shows what support there is for Roy. Nothing like winning with 15%.

6:08 PM, April 08, 2008"

He is unopposed. With unopposed races and school board races only, there is usually a low voter turnout.

7:00 PM, April 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:08 PM NO. You got it wrong. I heard the media state it on the news last night. ALL elections that have no opposition and school board elections NORMALLY HAVE A 15% TURN OUT. So put your anomosity back on yourself and others who choose to still whine and carry on about Roy. You had your chance to run against him or find someone else who would and didn't do it.

Had you done that, I guarantee the percentage of votes would have been much higher. The persons who keep track of all the statistics at the board of elections commissioners gave us the facts, so get over yourself.

10:21 AM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:46 Apr. 8 The topic of this heading is case you need to be reminded is "Off topic for Crestwood, but relevant to America none the less". And you choose to tell us about your write in vote against Roy Robinson????

You just can't stick to the subject, can you? And exactly what do you and the other "write in's" prove by doing it? Why "write in"? You couldn't have run against him!

I guess it is just more fun to let him be mayor so you can get your "digs" in for the next three years. Imagine revealing all that "hate" for another three years.

Mr. Brophy, for instance, I have never seen you come to a board meeting and be happy when you voice your opinion. You poor soul, you gravitate to those who put on a show to gain your confidence so you can join in their pathetic club and don't even realize you are put upon. When I see you in church, is being hateful and argumentative what speaks to you? Get a job somewhere and get a life instead of letting others manipulate you.

1:42 PM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get a job somewhere and get a life instead of letting others manipulate you."

Better take your own advise.
Don't ya know that Crestwood doesn't need a tax increase and that storm water projects, along with other maintenance items can wait until 2012?????????????? Drink the kool-aid.

3:26 PM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tax increase? Another one?

How many tax increases have we had in Crestwood in the past 8 years?
5? 6?

Hey, I have an idea. How about trimming some spending!!! You know, spending, when you buy things?

Like instead of ten new police cars? How about just five?

Or that new SUV for the public works director?

Or the replacement for the Pardee Road bridge?

Maybe, just maybe if the board didn't spend so much, Crestwood would not be in financial straits.

5:05 PM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:26 I have a job and have a life.

5:38 PM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:05 PM You mean this board is spending too much or the previous board of aldermen? We are buying more police cars now? Be specific, unless you are deliberately being tongue in cheek.

5:42 PM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, what I mean is that the city (board and administration) needs to check its spending.

6:06 PM, April 09, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

More OT!

I have 4 extra tickets for the Robbie Knievel event at St. Louis Stadium this weekend if anybody wants them.

He's going to try to jump 500 Democrats with a bulldozer.

Should be a good time!

Tom Ford

7:15 PM, April 09, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:08 PM 4/8/08 blogger: I believe you said mayor Robinson had only 15% of the vote! What "spin" can you put on this? Only 15% of the registered voters came out? So what?

This is from the St. Louis County web site my friend.

ROY ROBINSON . . . . . . . . . 774 96.27
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.73

What say you now? I will give your people credit however, my goodness, 3.73% on your side! Fine job of turning out the vote!

When can we say, "I told you so!"

Tom Ford

7:27 PM, April 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:06 Again be specific; what kind of spending are they doing? Are you saying that this board is spending as much as the previous board? You are speaking in generalities.

What did they spend that was out of order? As far as I know they didn't OK any 14 million dollar police facility which all your partners in crime voted for.

10:14 PM, April 09, 2008  

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