South County Times has a great letter to the editor!
Please click on the header to be directed to this outstanding local paper, and the letter.
The gist of the letter is that Mayor Robinson has done a great job of bringing Crestwood back from the brink. I fully agree with the writer, and I look forward to the further improvement of my town by Mayor Robinson, and the BOA.
But enough from me, please read it for yourselves, and join me in congratulating Mayor Robinson, and our BOA for an outstanding job in the face of severe problems.
Well done Gentlemen!
Tom Ford NO. 493
The gist of the letter is that Mayor Robinson has done a great job of bringing Crestwood back from the brink. I fully agree with the writer, and I look forward to the further improvement of my town by Mayor Robinson, and the BOA.
But enough from me, please read it for yourselves, and join me in congratulating Mayor Robinson, and our BOA for an outstanding job in the face of severe problems.
Well done Gentlemen!
Tom Ford NO. 493
Please remember the mayor is not the CEO of Crestwood as he thinks and demonstrates. The BOA deserves the kudo's for a job well done.
Remember,it is the BOA that is empowered by the Charter to run the city not the Mayor.
Remember the mayor had no influence on the sale of the mall. I sure hope he does not attempt to risk more of the tax payers dollars by investing in another business. Crestwood cannnot afford to lose more tax payer money on an investment without performance citeria (benchmarks).
Perhaps Mr. Miller should pay attention and ask himself what positive contributions the development commission has given to the city. Perhaps that letter to the editor would be interesting reading.
Mr. Miller is the chairman of the development committee and good friend of Roy Robinson.
Perhaps you should reflect on the fact that a meeting requires a leader / monitor, and that would be the mayor.
It's the mayor who takes the brunt of the fire when you don't like something, no?
I have never seen a posting where "Alderman, So and so is an idiot for this or that, but you sure don't mind blaming the Mayor, now do you?
Sorry, but in my mind if your going to get the blame, your going to get the credit as well!
Mr. Miller does pay attention, that's why he was elected chairman of the group. And so what if he is a friend, what does that have to do with it?
My friend, why not try not being bitter (and clinging to your guns and religion "B.O.",) for a while, and join the rest of us in making Crestwood a better place to live!
Tom Ford
"I have never seen a posting where Alderman, So and so is an idiot for this or that, but you sure don't mind blaming the Mayor, now do you?"
You must not read your own blog or have a bad memory, because on this blog their have been posts blaming Aldermen Kelleher, Miguel and Trueblood, and calling them names like idiot.
Poster 11:13 was not blaming the mayor for anything, just pointing out how the City Charter works and the fact that the Mayor had nothing to do with the sale of the Mall. Remember, the Mayor himself said that he wasn't aware of anything going on, that no one was talking to him right before the sale was announced. If he was telling us the truth, then what part did he play in the sale?
Well let's just stop all of this nonsense. The mayor and board run this city and that's that! I don't care who is empowered to do this or that by the charter or the magna carta!!! It's the aldermen plus the mayor-get it, that work together as a team. So get over who gets credit for this and that. It's just silly nonsense that gets everybody upset. 8 Aldermen cannot get things done alone and neither can the mayor, and that means whoever the mayor is, not just this one who obviously is not your choice. Good Lord, can't someone say something nice in a letter without everybody getting upset?
6:46PM blogger: Thank you for your wisdom here, and well said!
Like the man said, they had their chance to run against anyone up on that dais, but they didn't.
Face it Mayor haters, the man is doing an outstanding job, and he deserves credit when it's due.
Tom Ford
I wonder if you will still stand behind the mayor after the 1qtr financials are posted. Along with the 2008 budget - it is 2008??? right? why hasn't that been on the web site?
Yes that is right Tom! Some person or persons just cannot get over their obsession about the mayor. If he/she can obsess over a mayor in local government, heaven help him or her when they start critiquing the Present and Future President of the United States. Remember, that type of behavior has led to asacinations in this country.
I have a few friends who are obsessed about who will become President to the point where they send me all kinds of propaganda, but only about the candidates they not only dislike but "hate", yes I mean "hate". Who wants to put all their energy in "hate". I don't. And who really knows what is the truth from the lies anyhow.
It is one thing to be concerned and worried as to what our leaders will do in the future locally and nationally, but it is another to make it the beginning and end of every conversation to the point where it is "picked" to death.
I wish people would stop arguing over political parties or persons in office to the point where they loose all their objectivity. Any human being is capable of doing bad or good and that means Democrats and Republicans and every other party. But to obsess over every little thing! Please! Some people would vote Democrat or Republican even if their candidate committed "mass murder". How much sense does that make?
Just as in Crestwood, everybody doesn't have to like who we have chosen for mayor. But the mayor cannot stand alone on anything. That's why we have 8 aldermen. Those who choose to lurk behind the scenes and feel compulsed to pick things the mayor apart need to get a life. Persons like that cannot possibly have a life of their own as they are so busy obsessing over government which is dubious and fickle half the time anyway.
12:43 So you think that if the financials are bad in the first quarter, it's this mayor's fault. How convenient of you to blame it on the mayor while every single solatary person in the United States right now is watching and waiting for a recession. How intelligent of you. As if to say if there was another mayor, Crestwood would be so much better right? There you go again using your narrow minded attitude to blame the mayor you hate in the first place. Short trip for you and so easy for you to condemn instead of realizing what is happening in today's economy is the reason every city is suffering.
Oh Yeah, you sure do win the prize for intelligence, I have to give you that!!!!!
You are correct. The BOA need to take some of the heat. Several on the BOA had asked for a "plan B budget" and did not get it from staff. Wonder why - ask the mayor and then ask the BOA why they did not speak up and demand an alternate to the 2008 budget numbers!!
Go ahead and ask the BOA how the mayor had made it quite clear that no mention of a tax increase be addressed at the public meetings.
Ask them how any of their ideas have to go through the mayor to get on the BOA adgenda.
Ask them why they can't stand up for the citizens if Crestwood. Maybe it is because it is a lost battle???
Haven't seen any of the cuts that the mayor said can be done, yet the 1st quarter financials (after the bulk of sales tax income has been received for the year) show enormous deficits. Explain that!
Yeah, he's done a great job.
Don't blame the economy. This downward spiral has been forecasted for over 3 years. No one wants to listen.......even when J. Tate gave projections - the mayor stated "those are just a guess" - well I think they were pretty correct based on the 1st qtr financials. Of course the 2008 approved audit is not posted on the web site, so I doubt if the 1st quarter financial wil be.....
12:43 PM blogger: I will stand behind him as well as the BOA because we elected them. We must have believed in them once, and I still do.
Gasoline is now $3.59 in MO. and I have seen it at $3.79 in Illinois! Insurance is up, food stuffs are way up, credit card rates are up (So I hear, I don't have one.)
From what little I know about running a company (I did 2.1 Million in 2007 with a descent after tax profit)I believe we ALL will be looking at cutting expenses, and soon.
I am making more phone calls and driving less than before, and from what I see on Watson Rd., on weekends, it's the same with everyone.
County taxes WILL go up, they have to in order to survive, and don't be shocked if Crestwood, and everyone else follows suit.
This is going to be a rough year for a variety of reasons, so were just going to have to ride it out, and as for me, I will stick it out with my current Captain and crew.
Tom Ford
I still say that it would not matter who was mayor at this particular time; to the victor goes the spoils and that's the truth.
It would not matter who was in charge right now; we are all suffering for past mistakes incurred locally, as well as the state of the State and the nation. And the astronomical cost of this stupid war and bailing out our banks with their careless misuse of mortgages on our housing stock in this country.
You can't sell your home at an honest price and expect to get top dollar on capital gains; it isn't going to happen because of the domino effect. So you suffer.
As far as a tax increase, I have stated many times that it will be the only way to go to stay on track in Crestwood. And maybe the mayor is stalling right now about a tax increase, but it is going to happen in spite of how he feels. He will reach the point, if this lull goes on, when he and others will have to do it.
We should all be able to understand that if we have to pay more to keep what we have, that's not a sin when you see that we have gotten by until now with the lowest tax rate in the county. Isn't it time. You pay more now for a cup of coffee then you did 20 years ago. Doesn't it stand to reason that in order to keep Crestwood going in the right direction just in excalation costs alone, it will have to happen.
Everything we need now to keep up Crestwood, costs twice or three times as much as it did 20 years ago; so what's the problem with understanding why we need a tax increase now.
Crestwood needed money over 3 years ago. We have been limping along by not replacing equipment, not doing storm water projects, etc. which in the long cost more.
The small tax increases we have had were just to keep Crestwood above water.
I knew that the "Pay as you go" mentality was going to catch up with Crestwood.
Since citizens have not seen any glaring cuts in services (which were predicted 3 years ago) - why should we sanction a tax increase. The mayor said additional cuts can be made - let's see them.
No, the small tax increases were small because no one then as now really knows how much the City needs.
J. Tate was right, the mayor was wrong.
The BOA then was chicken to stand up to the mayor when he was wrong, now we are going to be asked to pay for his mistake and their lack of spine?
I don't think so!
4:19 So the mayor was wrong 3 years ago when he said no tax increase was necessary and because of that, you would rather say NO to a tax now to teach him a lesson? Well shame on him should be shame on you!!!!
I say better late than ever. Once again with your small brain mentality, this tax issue shouldn't be about getting back at the mayor because of his so called "spineless ways" as you call it. It should be about what is best for the city. But you would reject a tax issue to punish the mayor. Wow! So in essence you would not only be cutting off your nose to spite your face, but everybody else's too. How insane!
Nothing like being a person who cares about the viability of our city. You are more interested in your own personal vendetta against the mayor. How wonderful.
Once again poster 7:33 pops up their rather empty, mean spirited head in defense of the Mayor when all that was posted was a historical fact.
Oh how sweet it must be to be so blind as to be always ready to attack in defense of the mayor. If you read the post, dear blogger 7:33 you will note that the BOA took a hit for their failures to.
My point in all of this is, can we trust an city government who says they don't need a tax increase in the fall of '07 and in the spring of '08 say they need one? All before the 2007 audit is even finished. How will they know how much they need to ask us for, oh brave but non-thinking defender of his honor?
What cuts has the mayor made that he said we could still make back in Sept? So was he wrong or right then? I happened to think he was right, so I hope you can digest that before posting another hate filled personal slam against anyone who you think is attacking the mayor of your life.
poster 7:33
P.S. the mayor said no tax increase were needed in Sept'07 and before he was elected in May '05. After he was elected in '05 he asked for his first tax increase, just the facts mam, just the facts.
Poster at 4:19 PM, April 28, 2008 -
I agree with your comment.
I do believe that the current administration cannot do their jobs. The BOA are so bullied by the mayor that they can't speak for the citizens of Crestwood???
We have given the current administration 3 years to produce results and provide direction. I see none of that. It is like they are "playing government". (like small children play school)
Well, the facts are that times have changed since the Mayor said no new tax increases! Who knew that oil and commodities would jump like they have?
In my business sheet metal is up over 65% from a year ago, and rising, fuel is nut's, and equipment is a month to month factory quote thing.
How can we realistically expect these 9 men to have the answers ahead of time when a chain link fence company can't give you a firm quote out past 14 days?
They are doing the best they can under some very volatile market shifts, so if you have a better crystal ball, by all means tell us about it (and I would like to borrow it also!)
Tom Ford
Forest Miller has about as much credibility as his failed city of SouthPoint.
Or as much as Tim Trueblood.
"Well, the facts are that times have changed since the Mayor said no new tax increases!"
WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.....Crestwood needed money prior to the past 3 years but the mayor refused to believe it and now maybe the "pay as you go" will turn into "cut services as you go"
It is amazing to see the Crestwood Truth, that is, that we have an excellent good sport Mayor willing to be a dartboard for the disenchanted who are so full of hate that target practice is their customary angst reliever. These city exers get their jollies trying to run Roy down. However, by now we all recognize this trend and actually find it amusing. Please keep it up, you have convinced us that Roy is the best Mayor this city has ever had. You on the other hand are one bitter mess. But, we love the free entertainment.
If the services need to be cut to give the citizens relief so be it. My question why does the fire department need two fire trucks when they have assistance from all of the departments around them, like wise the police department the amount of officers and cars for such a small city. If we can contact out for our ambulance why can't we consider looking into both the fire and police. Please no comments from city employees: THANK YOU.
I like my police and fire department. I want to keep them. You want to abandon ship? Live somewhere else. I am a resident and not a city employee. Let's just cease to be a city; let's just call it a day and surrender our status.
You have several bad years out of how many, where your city is in trouble, but rather than work to find a solution to keep what we have, even if it means a few more cents out of your pocket, and you want to run from the problem. Judas!
"At the same time, Miguel said he was surprised by the closing of Dillard's and wants to make sure that the city is financially prepared if another such closure occurs.
"I personally was caught off balance by Dillard's' closing," Miguel said. "And I was lulled into feeling that we would see a continuation of the decline that we have been seeing over the years. But we, in effect, fell off a cliff."
"Well, I don't know what cliff you fell off of," Robinson said. "There's been no cliff falling."
"Well, I consider the closing of Dillard's as a major problem," Miguel said.
"That's, as far as I'm concerned, that's just a negative point," Robinson said. "And it's an overstated situation, which is backed by people who want to raise taxes and all things to be able to justify. We're not raising the taxes."
from Call Newspapers, 10-31-2007,
article titled "Crestwood mayor, alderman clash over need for 'Plan B' by Burke Wasson
"Please remember the mayor is not the CEO of Crestwood as he thinks and demonstrates."
Does he think he is CEO or emperor?
King !
9:44 am No, Don Greer was King. He said so: "I am King; this is Don's world". Truism!
says who, back that up your statment with proof.
Talk to the people he demoted or fired for no reason other than they didn't fit in his plan and he wanted all "his own people".
Name then, I don't know who you are talking about?
You ask another stupid question. You are playing a cat and mouse routine with me here. What you really want is for me to give up my identity. Sounds like a lawyer trick to me. I won't give names because I don't need your affirmation on this. I heard things and saw things first hand.
Nice try.
If you can't give me name of the persons Greer mistreated, then I have to believe you were either one of them of there were none. So how would telling us names disclose who you are? And who would care who you were anyway?
9:08 PM He got rid of good detectives that were picked by previous police chief Mel Loyd. He wanted all his own people. There were at least 3 or 4 that were harrassed by him and quit. Tom Jones was one of them.
Other good men were forced out by his threats. Greg Bopp was one. Now you know two names and how much you want to bet, you will still not believe me.
Major M. was demoted so Greer could make room to promote his dear friend and made him, Major T. Major T then made a big boo boo and harrassed two female cops K and S. They filed a lawsuit and used Mary Ann Saday as their attorney. The City paid those two female cops $20,000 each and the bad Major got to keep his job until Mr. Greer found him a new one. Did he get railroaded out of Crestwood like he would have if he had not been a close and dear friend of Greer's. Did anybody do anything about it, like the CA at that time? No.
Now, is that going to satisfy your taste buds? NO. Cause it isn't really going to matter to you. You will still believe what you believe.
A great letter from an uninformed citizen (or friend of the mayor?)!!
As far as the mayor not being the CEO, etc. Somebody needs to tell him that and the BOA who refuse to stand up for the people they represent because of him.
1 PM Told yeah that you wouldn't believe what I said. You are making an excuse again regarding my comments, that I am a "friend of the mayor's" and an uninformed citizen. Well go ahead and believe what you will and keep believing others cause the truth is easier for you to swallow. You are the one who is uninformed and don't know the truth from the lies.
How pitiful!
1:45 PM, May 15, 2008
I believe you have a problem. My comment at 1:00 was regarding the South County Times letter to the editor. Get over yourself.
3:06 Since the topic of this blog message has to do with the South County Times letter, I can understand that your comments were meant for that specific topic.
However, if you review all the comments under this heading as I have done, you will also see that many people strayed away from that original South County letter topic.
Because you did not specifically state your comment was regarding the Times Letter in your 1 pm comment, I thought you were also speaking of different issues. I apologize for that.
1:45 can't get over herself when it comes to the subject of Greer, she acts like a spurned lover doesn't she?
4:14 She?
All things considered, Mayor Robinson most likely had no idea of the total extent of distress in the financial condition of the city when he became Mayor. That secret, afterall, was limited to the infamous CA and his loquascious cohart, the former Mayors. However, don't recall this CA enlightening the board of the deteriorating condition of the city piggy bank. Didn't see any cuts at city hall, or reduction of city cars. In fact, this CA had been so busy approving architect plan and changeout orders for his new diggs that no way was he going to mention the mere facts of sinking revenue. Didn't appear that Mr. ex-Mayor and company had any arousal of curiosity in this vein either; and 2 audits expressing mismanagement of funds certainly did not seem to explode any of the plans of The Mayor and his Man and their cronies on the board as they chose to negotiate the lease of mall facilities to relocate the office while city hall was rebuilt.They ordered furniture and approved a software package and 'lessons' (never used). Finally residents got nervous and dreamed up Prop 1, which failed, as THE REAL TRUTH of its need was GENERAL not SPECIFIC! Just "show me the money" ask no questions. Do not ask to see the beef. Just vote yes.
The new Mayor stepped into this condition which included this illusive City Administrator, an incompetant "finance officer" (surely you jest), a civil war in administration and lots of unexplained legal bills, employee payoffs and pending lawsuits. Not to mention a useless and overpaid development position, and a developer who confused a private pool agreement with a sensible legal document and 850,000 payoff involving a TIF. The Mayor also inherited a pathetic nucleus of rude aldermen suffering from loss of power, the big head, and absenteesism as they watched pandora's box opening and details falling out and lots of intensity as residents eyes began to open.
Getting the facts and figures since those times has been a real trip. How does one unravel a skein of this proportion? How does a city function under the weight of a huge 3 Million Dollar LOC with tainted books, nasty officials, and sinking tax revenue and a desolate mall.
So while it is easy for Mr. Nasty to negate Mayor Robinson's hope that all the figures presented were workable, as they should have been, it appears they were not and the board should have joined together to hire a financial guru with enough chops to spit out the truth. As happened, the bottom line changed course every week.
I thank Mr. Miller and Mr Robinson who have presented strength in their hope for a better day. It was I'm sure Mayor Robinson's hope, based on what was presented, to keep our tax rate as is, or at the least defray it with hopes of improvement. Prop S was to help but the hole was too big and projections too elementary.
I do so hope Mr. Nasty who so disagrees with the countenance of Mayor Robinson and Mr. Miller, will present his expertise to this blog forum in a positive fashion solid enough to highlight some form of progressive forward movement that will leave no doubt as to its healing powers and its ability to spin straw into gold. And when this mission is accomplished he will come to terms with reality. Until then, he will have to keep reading the continued and lengthy defense of NOW as opposed to how we got here from THEN.
12:05 AM blogger: That's a BINGO if ever I have seen one!
Tom Ford
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