Link to a rather interesting blog, reference the National scene.
I am fully aware that some are put off by the national news and elections, so I am giving you the choice of clicking on the header to read this, or not.
(The comments made in the blog are the sole responsibility of the blog master, and do not necessarily reflect the belief, or opinion of the Crestwood Independent.)
This was sent to me by a friend, and agree or not it does have some interesting points of view. I believe someone here on this blog said it's healthy to see both sides, so here is one of the sides for your enlightenment.
Tom Ford
(The comments made in the blog are the sole responsibility of the blog master, and do not necessarily reflect the belief, or opinion of the Crestwood Independent.)
This was sent to me by a friend, and agree or not it does have some interesting points of view. I believe someone here on this blog said it's healthy to see both sides, so here is one of the sides for your enlightenment.
Tom Ford
Very wise words to heed during this political season ~~~~~~~
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away
men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they
could and should do for themselves.
---Abraham Lincoln
Tom Ford
Nope, sorry. This isn't an intersting new perspective, no - it's the same old agenda with which we've been forced to live for the last decaying seven years under the current Republican regime. The problem is the far-right is running scared that maybe, for the first time in as long as I can remember, voters will have a real choice for change and just may put somebody into office who will not hand over the fort to the rich. The rich already pay too much? BS. I pay far more percentage wise of my total income for my total taxes than any rich man or woman. Mark my word. And where does our welfare go? To the poor who won't work? No, that's only 1%, but about 25% of our welfare goes into the pocketbook of some rich developer, military contractor or oil tycoon, in government welfare subsidies for the wealthy. Our taxes right here in Crestwood are going up so we can guarantee the profit for whatever rich tycoon buys Crestwood Mall. My gosh, if the free market doesn't work, by all means get big government to come in with some government program to hand money to the rich so they can be sure to make a killing in profits on something they otherwise may not invest in. That's our welfare problem, and just maybe Obama may help to stop it. And, yes, the rich among you (I define rich as anyone making big money for doing nothing, like big oil investments etc. By rich I don't mean Mr Working Class Success making $60,000 a year, like some right-wing propaganda likes to infer) may not like what may be coming. So these kind of smear tactics to get McCain More of The Same elected are to be expected. After all, the right wing status quo may be starting to fade and lose their former glory, and that's got to be hard to accept for those who write blogs like that one.
2:26 PM blogger: Your point is noted, and since I promised not to turn this blog into a "National" thing I will not comment.
I do believe we shall have to agree to dis-agree though.
Tom Ford
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