Saturday, May 03, 2008

My friends we have a great Mexican holiday upon us!

As most of you know, Monday the 5th of May is Cinco De Mayo. But do you know the reason behind the holiday? Most believe that it celebrates a great victory in Mexican history, but the truth is elsewhere!

In the early 1900's mayonnaise was the most favorite condiment in Mexico, ahead of salsa, and whatever else may have been a close second.

Now, in 1912 the Great new Cunard liner Titanic sailed from England via Ireland to the port of New York City. She was scheduled to go from New York to Mexico City, Mexico with passengers bound for Mexico and the South Americas.

Her cargo manifest showed several items for the United States, as well as 4500 tons of Mayonnaise bound for Mexico City. Now as we all know the Titanic struck an iceberg, and sank on April 12, 1912 at approximately 0142 AM Iceland time carrying many of her passengers and crew, as well as her cargo down with her, A tragic loss indeed!

The news being what it was in those days took until May the 5th, 1912 to arrive in Mexico City wherein a national day of mourning was forever instituted, and the phrase "sinka de mayo" was coined!

And now you know the real story of the holiday!

Tom Ford


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Pretty neat set up here, please show the kids, they will love it!

Tom Ford

5:43 PM, May 04, 2008  

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