Friday, May 16, 2008

Who has the lowest gasoline prices in our area?

Please click on the header, put in your zip code, and you will find out. Would you believe there can be as much as 5 cents difference.

I posted this a while back but I felt it is more relevant today than before.

Tom Ford

NO. 501


Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny how the tax rebate checks and the high gas prices roll out at the more or less the same time, at least my car get good mpg's......we need to go back to 55 mph and end this, but that ain't likely

7:50 PM, May 16, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:59 AM blogger: Your right, it won't happen because we now live in a society that requires speed (cell phone, fax, blackberry, ET AL!)

I have to drive a pick up truck to be able to Cary large HVAC items, and since I travel at least 225 (usually more) miles a day it gets expensive to say the least!

Who would have ever believed that a tank of gas and a couple of beer's would be $95.00? My average gasoline bills per week are $230.00, and climbing! Boy am I glad I sold the boat and airplane when I did!

What to do? Well if the Government would shore up the dollar against the Euro we would see the oil prices come down, but they won't do that either! Drilling in Anwar (or anywhere else) won't help as we do not have the refinery space to refine the oil anyway (idiot's took care of that 35 years ago by not allowing new refinery's to be built because (you name it,) so here we are!


Tom Ford

7:45 AM, May 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does this say about our government? Who are these people running our country?

Perhaps it is time to get off the cell phones and blackberries long enough to put some heat on things. Otherwise we deserve this mess.

The oil situation alone should sound a National Knotted Shorts alarm!

This La La Land is fast losing its amber waves of grain, its shining seas, its spacious skies, and its fruited plain, and all pretense of common sense. Heck, don't write or call your rep, don't get fiesty over your lack of leadership. Let it ride. Your grandchildren don't need security.

But, guess what, our miserable State Legislature has adopted the ice cream cone as our state dessert, thrown up their papers and gone home. Now ain't that grand?

The national gov't has passed (not vetoed yet) the farm bill which is so full of holes it could cause a flood. Subsidies for the rich. And Americans just sit and take it. Ah yes, cold beer and Cards.

Let's just let someone else worry about it. For now, we have a job.

12:55 PM, May 17, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:55 Pm blogger: "What does this say about our government? Who are these people running our country?"

Well to me it speaks volumes! We have day traders, futures market traders, and hedge fund people getting rich on the backs of the great unwashed!

True enough I am no economist, bur neither are they if they want me to believe in, say Ethanol for example!

Did you know that the production of ethanol requires more energy (and ground water) than oil based products, and that is much less efficient than gasoline? And yet we drive up the cost of corn (now $6.00 per bushell on the future's market,) to make the stuff!)

The problem is that the National parties run nothing, there are people behind the curtain that pull the strings of these puppets, from the President on down!

Graft, corruption, and common greed are the hallmark of Washington these days, and Jefferson City is right up there with them!

What to do? Well short of a revolution I am a believer in "term limits, by vote." In plain English vote the fools out of office every time you get the chance before they ruin this Great nation and the Great State of Missouri!

Now before you all say I am not consistent here please note that I did not discuss the third rate ward healers in St. Louis County, or the officials of Crestwood! These are topics for another thread.

By the way, If anyone wishes to write their own thread please E-mail it to me with whatever header you wish to use and I will put it up for you.

Tom Ford

1:42 PM, May 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think the return to 55 MPH would kill the gasoline speculators (Oh NO!) and lower the price significantly and quickly.

But then to the future...there are people on both sides of the national energy discussion that need to be more flexible.

1. We do need to up the general MPG's of cars and trucks sold in the USA. Now I know that would not be poplar with the big V8 SUV crowd, but the situation that we are in makes the case.

2. We do need to drill in "sacred" ground here in the USA, and at this point I really would not care if Polar Bears are drowning in water from the melting ice caps. We cannot remain dependent on our traditional suppliers to help us out (as demonstrated by the Presidents rebuff from the Saudi King to increase production).

In addition I have heard that the state of Montana has enough coal reserves that (according to their governor) can be turned into diesel fuel and gasoline selling for about $4 gallon....furthermore... Montana has enough proven reserves to supply our energy needs that way for 100 years at our current level of consumption.

We really do need to (and I will today) e-mail our state and federal representatives and wake them up.

8:56 AM, May 18, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:56 AM blogger: You have no argument from me! I do think however if they lifted the lame restrictions on over the road trucks (driving time VS down time,)and restricted them to 55MPH we would see some relief on diesel.

Every day I am on one or more of the interstate highways driving 70MPH only to be passed by a very big rig doing at least 80!

This is not conducive to traffic safety, not to mention mileage!

Tom Ford

3:19 PM, May 18, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well folks, I was in Illinois today (as I am most every day,) and the gasoline price is now $399.9 per gallon, with diesel at $4.79 per gallon!

How much higher will it go before people just do not show up for work, and the truckers park their rigs? (I wish it would happen now, as the prices would tumble in a hurry!)

I am betting on $7.00 gas, and $8.75 diesel before the year is out, so...........

Tom Ford

7:04 PM, May 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, ya know with gas prices going crazy and the Saudi's not willing to play ball with about we send the good folks at OPEC a message.....our brave troops come home from Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Quatar and Bahrain, and you can defend your kingdom by yourselves.

7:18 PM, May 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:18 Very well said. Also consider that maybe we should do a little more for the people in THIS country who have and are still suffering from Katrina as well as others in the US of A that get little or no assistance when disasters occur. Those persons who suffer "overseas" are rushed with assistance from us immediately. Plus how much has this war cost us? Even some of our allies have not stood by us on this one! Where is the line drawn?

Thought charity began at home?

11:07 AM, May 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard on the radio this evening that this fuel cost spike will estimate to cost Americans $90 Billion dollars.

The tax rebate checks will extimate to put $105 Billion dollars into the economy.

What a coincidence!

7:20 PM, May 30, 2008  

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