Did you know there was a carnival at Crestwood Courts this past weekend?
I didn't until I saw the Ferris wheel and the rides set up on Saturday morning. In fact when I mentioned it to my wife (so we could take the Grand kids) she called the Crestwood Police dispatcher to ask when it opened, the dispatcher didn't know there was one there either.
I am sure you have to pull permits, and safety inspections for that sort of thing, and I am just as sure that was done. My question is what didn't the police, know about this in case of emergency, are we communicating department to department as we should be?
The real question here though is why wasn't this promoted in town via the Crestwood Connections, or the City web site, or the "paper?" Nit picking you say? well maybe, but there are several restaurants, and stores that may have benefited from an out of town draw, people wise (and they produce TAX revenue.)
Please don't try to tell me that we need an "economic director" for that sort of thing because WE DON'T! I think we missed a good chance to introduce Crestwood Court's, and pick up some "extra" cash to offset the planned retail tax holiday.
Tom Ford
NO. 515
I am sure you have to pull permits, and safety inspections for that sort of thing, and I am just as sure that was done. My question is what didn't the police, know about this in case of emergency, are we communicating department to department as we should be?
The real question here though is why wasn't this promoted in town via the Crestwood Connections, or the City web site, or the "paper?" Nit picking you say? well maybe, but there are several restaurants, and stores that may have benefited from an out of town draw, people wise (and they produce TAX revenue.)
Please don't try to tell me that we need an "economic director" for that sort of thing because WE DON'T! I think we missed a good chance to introduce Crestwood Court's, and pick up some "extra" cash to offset the planned retail tax holiday.
Tom Ford
NO. 515
you nitpicking? Yes! Why didn't your wife call the mall? You will be the first one to rail if the mall owners will want a TIF and yet you expect the City to shill for a weekend private carnival. Don't go looking under every rock for what the City hasn't done...
Who at the mall should she have called?
If the owners of Crestwood Court were having a carnival, wouldn't it be a nice idea for them to advertise/market it?
You answered your own question. No leadership.
If the city, the police and the papers didn't have anything on it, that's the mall's fault plain and simple. They can't just have a carnival unannounced and expect people to show up.
I agree with you Tom, the Mayors 1st ever Picnic got more play in the Crestwood Connections and City's web site than the carnival did.
Never forget all politics is local.
I wish more people knew about the carnival. With the influx of younger families coming to Crestwood, I'm sure it would have been well-attended.
12:53 ~~ do you know that it wasn't well-attended? Do you know what the intended desires were on the part of the event organizers? This event may very well have exceeded their expectations, but no one here knows... A fact-free blog discussion is just that...fact-free, but somehow this becomes one more opportunity to be negative. Amazing! The city advertises its own sponsored events not the goings-on of everything in Crestwood. Did you know that there was a Red Cross bloodrive located at Starbucks at the same time as the carnival? Too bad the samee passion to poison couldn't be translated into community support to show the family of the man who lost his life that Crestwood cares...
Ok then .... whatever you say ....
What food can't make up its mind?
A waffle!
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8:32 PM blogger: You bet I will be the first one to rail against any sort of TIF (cant get one now, TDD, CID!
Sorry but we gave all that away to Kohl's, a hardware store, and a jumping jack place!
1:33 PM blogger: I have an idea, why doesnt the Crestwood Swim Club hold a benefit, and show us the way?
Tom Ford
Tom Ford
Ok Sparky, I'll stop the border line jokes, but you got to admit, it was funny.
"Please don't try to tell me that we need an "economic director" for that sort of thing because WE DON'T!"
I think we already have one, just under a different title - management analyst or something like that.
Tom, didnt you say you were not going to mention Crestwood Swim Club anymore. Couldnt resist could you. Stop.
8:51 AM blogger: I did, in a "negative" light! I thought that was a positive idea that we ALL (member or not) could join in on, no?
From you comment I guess not, and that's a shame!
Tom Ford
why dont the masons have a benefit?
The carnival was absolutely great. The owner said they put it up on short notice but still it wouldn't have taken long to put up a few flyers. I'm more interested today to hear what happened at the boa meeting tuesday night. I heard it was terrible. what say tom?
6:29 PM blogger: Tom was not there, why? Well I have to get up a 0430 to go to work (if you doubt me, I will be glad to be your wake up call,) and I am in bed by 20:00, that's why.
When I get a report from one of my "operatives," I will let you know.
Tom Ford
6:08 PM blogger: I don't know, I belong to the Kirkwood Lodge # 484, AF & AM. You should call the Crestwood lodge and ask them.
While your at it check with the Knights of Columbus at St. Elizabeth, and see if they want to do it also!
Tom Ford
The meeting last night was great. There were several public hearings and agreement on zoning matters, agreement on on how to divvy-up Federal Block Grants, a proclamation on the Relay for Life fund raiser for Cancer, agreement on purchase of fire rescue equipment, agreement on renewal of the trash contract and agreement on MSD night work in the future. There were a few comments from the crowd during the public comment period and a few comments from the Mayor and several Board members on having met with the new mall owners. It was your basic local government meeting.
It went great? Really?
7:29, compared to what?
Was it so good that it was like a "holiday"?
You know, holidays, a time of celebration, taking time off, or in our case, not having to pay sales taxes on certain purchases for one weekend. Oh, but the city wants to double your property taxes. Sorry. I guess it ain't such a holiday after all.
To the past three commentors, why didn't you go to the meeting yourself, you blow hards; afraid you might think it was a great meeting too. Oh that's right, your negativism about this mayor would circumvent any affirmations from you. You make your way in life by your one dimensional attitude especially when it comes to Crestwood.
"To the past three commentors, why didn't you go to the meeting yourself, you blow hards; afraid you might think it was a great meeting too." Name calling. Classy. Your mom would be so proud. As for the meeting, couldn't make it, family issue. I would have if I could have.
"Oh that's right, your negativism about this mayor would circumvent any affirmations from you." Wasn't always negative about the mayor. I was quite supportive of him. His actions over the past year or so make me wonder. I am not a blind supporter follow the leader no matter what he does of anyone. Are you?
"You make your way in life by your one dimensional attitude especially when it comes to Crestwood." So say you. Your entitled to your opinion, even if it's very wrong.
4:30 to answer your question, Poster 1:07 is not just a strong supporter of the Mayor but one that almost seems in love with him. Any question that is asked regardless of it's intent if it's answer reflects poorly on the Mayor, Poster 1:07 springs to the Mayors defense. It's really something to read, next he/she will now post something about how current Mayor is better than past ones or something about Greer, or they cant wait till your mayor is on office so they can pick on that person...It really is almost pathological.
5:31 pm blogger: At this point I really don't care who the mayor is! We are spending way to much time "finger pointing," and to little time fixing our problems!
The who lied, or who did what to whom is nowhere near as important as the "how do we fix this mess?"
As for me, I am not for a tax increase for something that may, or may not be needed! If you agree, call your Alderman, tell him how you feel, and let's see if he can explain the need to you!
Tom Ford
Who cares? So a carnival came to town and you didn't know about it? You wouldn't have gone anyway. You don't even attend the BOA meetings. All you do is sit at your keyboard and look for issues to criticize so you can stir up controversy. Do you really think anyone but Crestwood Court had any advance notice. As I understand it, the Carnival owner had a cancellation and to keep his people working and equipment running asked the CC if they could set up for the weekend. Whether they published their event or not there were still benefits to them being there for the mall and the city. But you are more concerned with why noone knew in advance. Who Cares? Get over it.
8:556 am blogger: The truth is, I can do what I want to, when I want to, and this IS MY BLOG!
So now you get to decide if you want to read it, or not. If I "ruffle your feathers" so much the better because at least your forced to think for a change!
Tom Ford
8:55 Well I care about it however, I will wait until they get everything in motion at the plaza before I make a decision.
Down the line, promotions and carnivals or anything that will happen at that plaza should be publicized. If they are going to make this a community based plaza as was stated, where the community will be involved, as well as merchantizing and marketing, they will have to notify the public.
That has to be part of their plan. Just because they have not submitted one; well, let's just hang on OK? This has got to be tough. We all want everything right now but we are living in very unusual times right now in this whole country!!!
So, I am not going to give up on the new people. This is not a great time for retail anywhere; it is not a great time for many industries that have sustained the test of time. It's very scary even as we look at our own lives and just existing, and the cost of things. Whether it be because of high gas prices, or the DOW or home and bank closures. It's a domino effect; one thing effects the other.
Let's face it, things look bad right now for lots of people who don't have millions invested in a new plaza.
Most of us can assume we have all the answers and know everything about renewing a big plaza, but we don't know beans about what goes into it.
So, I refuse to give up on it and mark a big black cross on its doors. We don't have anything further to loose by trying to stay positive. We already know what the worst possible scenario is.
So let' stop with the doom and gloom.
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