Meet Michelle Obama! As promised, here is her bio from their web site.
Please click on the header to be directed to the site that will give you a heads up on the background of Michelle Obama, presumptive Democratic candidates wife, and possible first lady.
Again, this is for your information, and should be used (as is Cindy McCain's) as a method of better understanding the candidates for the top job in the Country!
Tom Ford
NO. 514
Again, this is for your information, and should be used (as is Cindy McCain's) as a method of better understanding the candidates for the top job in the Country!
Tom Ford
NO. 514
Tom, I too will sit this one out. This is afterall "The Crestwood Independent" and until and when our local situations take on a sunnier stance, and there is no room for "conversationl growth" in this regard, I just find additional angst regarding national elections and politics a step beyond what this so-called local blog is intended. To take this political leap onto the national scene, which changes daily, needs another stage.
Between FOX,CNN, MSNBC; the Sunday Shows, the Internet, Drudge, Huffington, various newspapers etc. I am enlightened a-plenty. Frequently, a dose of local chatter, as this blog, puts everything in perspective. I actually hope you change your mind and keep this blog completely local. Our city at this time does not need national politics on a local blog to distract us from matters at hand on our city scene. After reading both the rosy bios of the possible first ladies, I think we can agree both are nice, capable, pretty, fashionable, smart and acceptable and would compliment our nation. Period!
3:23 PM, June 22, 2008
3:23 PM blogger: Well, I did what I said I would do, and posted both sides (wives only) for everyone to become informed.
We shall now go back to "the local stuff." Such as my wife calling the Police department to inquire what time the Carnival (on Crestwood Courts lot) opened yesterday (so we could take our grandson.) The dispatcher didn't know there was a carnaval there! Do we need better communication's here, or what?
Tom Ford
Neither did your son.
9:03 PM blogger: I am sure your right that neither of my sons knew about it, did you?
The point is, we should have if Crestwood is going to be promoted!
Tom Ford
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