On Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 7:00 PM there will be a BOA meeting!
Well yes, we all know that don't we. What you may not know is the fact that Mayor Roy Robinson has VETOED the BOA decision to opt out of the "tax holiday!" This is interesting on a number of fronts!
1. He wants a tax holiday (on three of the best tax producing days of the year,) and he wants us to OK a .35 cent per hundred of assessed value tax increase!
2. He is doing this when the new Alderman from ward two (he voted against it,) will be out of town, thus losing his vote!
3. The BOA will need at least six votes to override the veto (only five will be in attendance!
4. We, the tax payers are expected to anti up to cover this "tax holiday" as usual!
Now, all that said I am wondering what the rational behind this decision of his can be? I discussions with some fellow Crestwoodians, I have come up with a reason, but I will allow you all to come up with the answers.
Believe me folks, this decision is not grounded in anything that will be of benefit to Crestwood, but it will be a vehicle to derail the tax increase in August! What in the world are we seeing here? On one hand we have a group of people who understand what we all face on a day to day basis, and on the other, well, I have an idea, but it isn't good!
To paraphrase Mr. Elliot Davis, get up to the meeting and tell them what you think about this travisty, because "Your going to pay for it!
Tom Ford
NO. 508
1. He wants a tax holiday (on three of the best tax producing days of the year,) and he wants us to OK a .35 cent per hundred of assessed value tax increase!
2. He is doing this when the new Alderman from ward two (he voted against it,) will be out of town, thus losing his vote!
3. The BOA will need at least six votes to override the veto (only five will be in attendance!
4. We, the tax payers are expected to anti up to cover this "tax holiday" as usual!
Now, all that said I am wondering what the rational behind this decision of his can be? I discussions with some fellow Crestwoodians, I have come up with a reason, but I will allow you all to come up with the answers.
Believe me folks, this decision is not grounded in anything that will be of benefit to Crestwood, but it will be a vehicle to derail the tax increase in August! What in the world are we seeing here? On one hand we have a group of people who understand what we all face on a day to day basis, and on the other, well, I have an idea, but it isn't good!
To paraphrase Mr. Elliot Davis, get up to the meeting and tell them what you think about this travisty, because "Your going to pay for it!
Tom Ford
NO. 508
Put down your drink and go to bed.
Anonymous! It is what it is, May I suggest you look into this travesty for yourself, or is that too much to ask?
Virtually anyone (even you) can pen smart remarks, but doing something to stop this is quite another matter, isn't it!
Call your Alderman, tell him how you feel about this foolishness, as we don't have the time or funds in Crestwood to play politics (and that's what this is!)
Tom Ford
This Mayor was playing politics the day he first ran for office. Why would he change his spots now?
Travesty is too kind a word.
from http://www.taxfoundation.org/research/show/2017.html
excerpt taken from "Holiday Season 'Tax Holidays' No Break for Taxpayers"
by Jonathan Williams 11-22-06
"Not only do tax holidays fail to live up to their advertising, they generate numerous problems. For one, sales tax holidays essentially allow the government to artificially influence the timing of purchases. By doing so, the government places itself in the business of deciding economic winners and losers – a function that should always be the sole responsibility of the free market.
Sales tax holidays also give the dangerous impression that government can manipulate the prices of goods in the free market. If prices fall during a temporary suspension of sales taxes, consumers can mistakenly believe the government directly controls prices. In reality, the government can do very little to affect the price of any good or commodity.
Considering the practical and the economic problems with sales tax holidays, why are they so popular? For starters, politicians love them. Tax holidays are an easy way for our elected officials to be seen as tax cutters -- even if the tax relief is paltry. Supporters of tax holidays can pose for photo-ops as “friends of the taxpayer,” while pushing off the hard work of tax reform for another day.
When lawmakers have so many good tax-cutting alternatives to choose from, it is truly unfortunate that tax holidays are so popular. It’s time for lawmakers to reject the gimmick of sales tax holidays and support long-lasting tax relief for all. If tax relief for consumers looks good for a few days, why not give it to them all year long?"
11:28 AM blogger: Outstanding article my friend, thank you!
This is one of the reasons this veto must be overridden, we have no time for "photo Ops" or any other thing that takes our eye off the target.
By the way has anyone noticed that NO ONE at City hall seems to be very worried about this forthcoming "problem" with short falls?
I am thinking that if we were going to loose revenue in our households we would have already started cutting back on something, no?
It is very interesting to me that City Hall has done nothing so far but propose a tax increase. Are they that foolish to pin all their hopes and dreams on a vote (which they will probably loose,)or do they know something we don't know, like it's not really needed?
The more I look at this, the more it doesnt pass the smell test! Please show me some attempts to reduce spending, cuts, and or REAL TIME figures to support your claim of a need for more taxes, or forget it!
Tom Ford
What in the world is the mayor thinking?
Does he realize the irony or even the hypocrisy of giving a sales tax break to shoppers while asking Crestwood property owners to almost double their taxes?
What kind of a message is he sending to the voters?
Does he have any solid evidence that a sales tax holiday will be beneficial to Crestwood businesses? Where are the numbers? Where is the proof?
I guess I'm asking too much.
2:10 PM blogger: If you are asking too much, well so am I and a lot of others!
As Evert Dirkson said, "A million here, a million there, before you know it, it's real money." (actually he said Billion, but I adjusted for Crestwood.)
Tom Ford
And others,
when is our Charter going to be followed? Charter clearly states that if the C/A becomes aware of a budget shortfall they will advise the Mayor and BOA of same along with the plan to but City back into the black.
Failure to obey Charter are grounds for removal or censure from office, and are to be started by the BOA.
If we need a Property tax increase, then how come we can afford a sales tax holiday? When will we see 2007 audited budget? What are the 1st quarter real budget results? What are the month of April and May's budget results? Is it time for another State Audit? How long will we allow the Fire Fighters Union be the tail that wags the dog in Crestwood?
These are the questions that could have asked if the Mayor had been honest with us and allowed Miguel to talk about the short falls and if the Mayor had believed J. Tate's prediction of an upcoming fiscal storm, as the current knowledge if it had been know then, most likely would have brought put someone to run against the Mayor for his 2nd term and these questions would have been asked in NOV!
Pure self centered politics if you ask me.
According to the website, here is the audit - http://ci.crestwood.mo.us/docs/agendas_minutes/boa/2008_06_10/city%20of%20crestwood%2012-31-07%20final%20audit%20draft.pdf
"If we need a Property tax increase, then how come we can afford a sales tax holiday?"
I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me either.
3:53, And 4;23 BLOGGERS: Good points both of you. Now after a brief review of the balance sheet, I do not see where we are DRT (dead right there) yet!
It does however call for some reductions in spending, and a few minor cuts to ride the year out. We know where to make these reductions, and cuts, so let's do it!
I am still at a loss as to why the Mayor wants this "tax holiday" when we need all the revenue we can get. Tell you what, remove the animal control officer position (save at least $70,000.00 per year,) and I will be more understanding of the need for a "tax holiday" because then we can afford it!
Tom Ford
It took Roy 3 years (and a secure second term) before he was willing to admit publicly that the tax the previous administration said we needed was real. Roy spent like it was water, allowed the CA to hire more administrative staff than the City has ever seen, has allowed his buddy police chief to equip the department well with cars and toys, and now he wants more.
Time to make cuts, Roy. If you don't start now, your Police and Fire are going to be contracted services. The residents are NOT sitting back and handing you any more money to toss into the wind.
You just slid by police hiring and promotions without a permanent City Admin to oversee these expenditures. What else are you approving? Mayors are not supposed to be running the City. Hire a City Administrator, selected by the BOA, give him or her enough time asses our revenues and expenses, cut it to the bone, then tell us what we need. Right now I'd rather hand my tax money over to County than to anymore corrupt Crestwood elected officials.
I am looking at a Macy's flyer delevered with my mail and see that they are offering 40-50% off on many items in their stores. Are they really going to be comming to Crestwood for a measly tax break or are they comming for the big discounts. It's time our elected officials start doing what we ask them to do and stop voting their personal feelings.
Maybe the reason THE MAYOR wants his sales tax holiday is because he thinks he is running again next April?
Or maybe he hopes it will increase the sales at the Mall as a part of a deal for the new owners he promised?
The board can only override the veto if both Adlermen Bland and Foote change their votes. They need to be contacted.
10:46 AM blogger: Well whatever he (or anyone else up there) promised, it's not going to happen! We don't have the funds for a TIF, TDD, CID, or a sales tax holiday this year (or next,) plain and simple!
One good reason were into this mess (as well as the school system) is due to the tax give aways we have seen in the not to distant past!
The new owners of Crestwood Courts bought it at a fire sale (17.5 M,) and as such should be able to finance their own renovation, so let them do it.
Please don't tell me they won't do it, for goodness sake they OWEN it, what can they do but increase the value? I don't know about you, but I am all stocked up on threat's, so "fish or cut bait!
We have nine good men, tried and true on that dais that we elected to do the peoples business, and show leadership in times such as these, and now is the time to get busy and DO IT !
"Friends don't let friends vote for a tax increase!"
Tom Ford
I have a great idea; this heading says Board of Aldermen meeting 7 PM Tuesday, June 10th.
I have read all of the blog comments under this heading. And all I can say is:
Why don't the person who stated under this heading that the mayor is a hypocrite get up at the meeting tonight & tell the mayor about his "hypocrisy"?
Also the person who is upset with the Tax exempt holiday mentioned under this heading go to the meeting tonight and tell the mayor?
Further, why don't the person who commented under this heading ask the mayor at the meeting tonight, how can he ask for a tax hike from us when he is giving out free bees to shoppers?
Plus the person who stated under this blog heading that you feel the mayor is doing this because you think he is running again next time? Ask him tonight; you can bring it up since you are so sure about it.
And please, the person who stated under this blog heading that Roy is playing politics and he is a travesty, for heaven sake, tell him that during the meeting, in the microphone so everyone can hear you.
Ha! Oh No! You would rather say these things behind his back when you could say them to his face.
Talk about being a hypocrite!!! Better examine your own conscience.
5:28 PM blogger: We shall See if that happens, meanwhile are you planning to voice your approval for this tax holiday at the meeting?
You know where I stand on this, but I am not sure where you do. Could you please give us your opinion on this matter.
And by the way, I coulden't care less whether it's Roy Robinson, Tom Fagan, or Tom Ford doing this, it's wrong, period!
Tom Ford
5:28 PM, June 09, 2008
Well the meeting hasn't occurred yet. But you probably won't attend so why are you so concerned?
5:28 poster
I have a great idea too! Why don't you go to the Board of Aldermen meeting at 7 PM Tuesday, June 10th.
Why don't you voice your support for the mayor? Or do you support him?
Why don't you voice your support for the Tax exempt holiday and tell the mayor?
Further, why don't you congratulate the mayor that he is asking for a tax hike from us when he is giving a sales tax holiday for shoppers? Or are you against it?
Plus, ask the mayor if he is running next time. Maybe you could offer your support?
And please, tell the mayor what YOU think of him.
Ha! Oh no! It's easier to chastise others on the blog!
Maybe, just maybe you should examine YOUR own conscience.
....." his buddy police chief to equip the department well with cars and toys, and now he wants more.
Sounds more like the Greer\Robertson Adminstration.....
One good reason were into this mess (as well as the school system) is due to the tax give aways we have seen in the not to distant past!
Tom, can you tell us exactly what money we gave away? I've researched the TDDs and CIDs and I can't find any mention that any of this money would have come to the City bank account. What am I missing?
The Kohl's TIF will be paid off next year... according to Alderman Miguel.
6:48 and 6:57
I guess you are going to tell me that both of you go to all the board of aldermen meetings as you so asked me?
But if and when I want to voice my opinion regarding the mayor or his holiday plan or anything at all about the city, I have called him myself or called my aldermen and have even asked to have a meeting with them, one on one. I certainly don't rely on a blog.
Also, you are just assuming that I want a tax increase and approve everything the mayor says and does and that isn't true, you just "assume" it. Once again, going off like a gun half cocked, just because I am trying to make a point.
Who said that we only rely on a blog? Are you not "assuming" that we do?
I've called and e-mailed my aldermen too.
10:56 Good comeback but I don't assume anything. I am glad you have spoken to your aldermen. Maybe you will have something good to say about them.
Who is going to pay for the "Mayors block party" at Whitecliff on June 14th?
I don't know. I'll try to find out.
Who's going to go to the Mayors blcok party?
Not me.
anyone here vote against the annexation of Afftonwood? I did vote against it twice. Seems like Crestwood never cared much about that area when the only commercial development in the area was a massage parlor in the woods. But then when Kmart went in....whoa ho nellie!
has that area ever been an financial asset for Crestwood?
11:22 PM blogger: I wish we had that deal in the woods now! Seems to me that it would be a real money maker (for the City,) what with all the "stress" of everyday life!
I will tell you it did wonders for the residents of that area though, it really lowered their fire district expenses.
Tom Ford
8:47 PM blogger: Information on a T.I.F. and how they work!
"The tax increment financing dispute
TIF districts are not without criticism. Although tax increment financing is one mechanism for local governments that does not rely on federal funds or an overall increase in municipal taxes, many question whether TIF districts actually serve their resident populations. TIF districts are often implemented in blighted, lower-rent, areas. As investment in an area increases, it is not uncommon for real-estate values to rise and for gentrification to occur.
Currently, thousands of districts operate nationwide in the US, from small and mid-sized cities, such as Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Akron, Ohio to the State of California, which invented tax increment financing in 1952. California maintains hundreds of TIF districts and leads the nation in debt issued through tax increment financing.[citation needed]
The city of Chicago, Illinois, is a major urban area in the Midwestern United States, and it has a significant number of TIF districts and has become a prime location for examining the benefits and disadvantages of TIF districts. The city runs 131 districts with tax receipts totaling upwards of $500 million for 2006.[1] Lori Healey, appointed commissioner of the city's Planning and Development department in 2005, was instrumental in the process of approving TIF districts as first deputy commissioner.
Given the influence and power held by Mayor Daley of Chicago, local, elected officials have been unwilling to criticize the Chicago's tax increment financing program due Mayor Daley's unwavering support for these districts. Cook County Commissioner Michael Quigley has been the exception, questioning the wisdom of expanding tax increment financing districts, calling for substantive reforms, and putting accountability into the governance of such districts. His office recently released a report on TIFs.[2]
Cook County Clerk David Orr, in order to bring transparency to Chicago and Cook County tax increment financing districts, began to feature information regarding Chicago and Cook County TIF districts on his office's website.[3] The information featured includes City of Chicago TIF revenue by year, maps of Chicago and Cook County suburban municipalities' TIF districts.
The Neighborhood Capital Budget Group of Chicago, Illinois, a non-profit organization (that consisted of various member organizations and employed outreach and research staff), advocated for area resident participation in capital programs. The group also researched and analyzed the expansion of Chicago's TIF districts. Though the organization closed on February 1, 2007, their research will be available on their website for six months.[4]
The Chicago Reader, a Chicago alternative newspaper published weekly, has published articles regarding tax increment financing districts in Chicago and in Cook County, Illinois written by staff writer Ben Joravsky. Joravsky's articles are critical of tax increment financing districts as implemented in Chicago.[5]
Currently, the largest TIF project in America is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico: the $500 million Mesa del Sol development. Mesa del Sol is controversial in that the proposed development would be built upon a "green field" that presently generates little tax revenue and any increase in tax revenue would be diverted into a tax increment financing fund. This "increment" thus would leave governmental bodies without funding from the developed area that is necessary for the governmental bodies' operation."
Tom Ford
Hey Tom,
When are we going to get news about the BOA meeting on Tuesday?
As soon as our resident "nut job" gets it from his "cubbies". You know he wasn't at the meeting.
"As soon as our resident "nut job" gets it from his "cubbies". You know he wasn't at the meeting."
10:23 AM, June 12, 2008
Well, I was going to give you a report on the meeting, but now I think I will let you find out for yourself!
By the way I would rather be a "resident nut job" than a squirrel such as yourself with no nuts, and no job!
Tom Ford
10:23 Good Grief Charlie Brown! I read your comment and was going to ask you who the "nut job" was! It never occurred to me that you were being that hateful to the person who owned the very blog that has given you the right to use it.
If you dislike Tom Ford enough to be so forward and abrasive, I have no idea why you would even want to put anything on his blog.
Usually people who have such a profound distaste for someone or something, stay away. Further, no body really cares about your overt remarks anyhow.
Nobody cares about Tom's either, including family members!
4:30 PM blogger: Well you sure must, you keep writing! Am I getting under your bonnet? Gee, I hope so!
Tom Ford
4:30 Family Members? I think you should quite while you're ahead. You start talking about family; have you got one? If so, they must be very proud of you and your bad attitude. Tom signs his name, more than a coward like you does.
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