A "slight" change of plans for the June 24, 2008 Board meeting!
A while back I stated that there would be a "presentation" of the new Crestwood Court development at the meeting on 6/24! If you were going there to see the new plans, don't, as the developers have withdrawn from the meeting, and advised the Mayor that they are not yet ready to divulge the plans for the site.
I am betting this is a major blow to the Mayor and the Board what with the vote for the tax increase being held on August 5th! Many of the residents I have spoken with were waiting to see those plans before they made up their minds on how to vote on the increase, and now this.
I don't know where you come down on the increase but I would have loved to see what's in our future before the vote is taken, as it either strengthens, or weakens the need in my mind.
Early on I said this all boils down to whether we trust the Mayor and the Board to do the right thing, or we don't! I am afraid it's back to that, and only that, as you will not have the opportunity to see the "future" before the vote.
I have also mentioned "cuts." Well I think that's off the table as I was told we have cut everywhere possible now, in such places as the police department where we gained a reorganized department (two new Lieutenants, one deputy chief, and two sergeants) with the retirement of one officer, and still saved $76,000.00.
I hope we will have a chance before the vote to at least understand what we will have in the future, but if not, please get out, let your conscience be your guide, and vote!
Tom Ford
NO. 511
I am betting this is a major blow to the Mayor and the Board what with the vote for the tax increase being held on August 5th! Many of the residents I have spoken with were waiting to see those plans before they made up their minds on how to vote on the increase, and now this.
I don't know where you come down on the increase but I would have loved to see what's in our future before the vote is taken, as it either strengthens, or weakens the need in my mind.
Early on I said this all boils down to whether we trust the Mayor and the Board to do the right thing, or we don't! I am afraid it's back to that, and only that, as you will not have the opportunity to see the "future" before the vote.
I have also mentioned "cuts." Well I think that's off the table as I was told we have cut everywhere possible now, in such places as the police department where we gained a reorganized department (two new Lieutenants, one deputy chief, and two sergeants) with the retirement of one officer, and still saved $76,000.00.
I hope we will have a chance before the vote to at least understand what we will have in the future, but if not, please get out, let your conscience be your guide, and vote!
Tom Ford
NO. 511
Flip Flo0p,
so you got your copy of the CALL today to.
6:24 PM What's your problem, Rocketman???? If you think so little of Tom and his blog, that all you can do is make dumb and useless remarks, don't utilize it. If you want to say something constructive, however, do so; otherwise don't let your mouth overload something.
6:24 PM blogger: tell you what you do genius, start your own blog like Tim Trueblood did (oh, wait that failed didn't it?)
I guess you have a"better idea" than he did, or are you related?
Tom Ford
Don't shoot the messenger, but these items have been in the Journal's Town Talk forum (http://southcountyjournal.stltoday.com/articles/2008/06/18/opinions/sj2tn20080617-0618ssj-towntalk0.ii1.txt - link to current edition)over the past several editions:
" Killing the golden geese
We own a bsuiness in Crestwood. We do not get to vote on a tax hike. Now you want to double our taxes. We can barely keep our heads above water right now. When you shut us down and many more businesses like us what then Crestwood? Are you going to triple the taxes on the homeowners to make up the difference? Wake up, Crestwood, you are killing the city." 6-4-08
"Taxing proposal
For Crestwood's 35-cent tax increase. To make it fair for everyone, how about taxing residnts on a percentage basis on their property. That way everyone who is for this increase that has money to give away pays their fair share and people who are on a fixed income pay what they can. It would still balance out for Crestwood and not hurt the people that can least afford it. Apparently, the mayor, aldermen and certain residents don't care or don't have a clue that this tax increase will really hurt us." 6-11-08
The reorginzation cannot SAVE anything. The money has to be in hand. The only money that will not be SPENT is tha last six months of the salary and benefits. No dollars put in the bank nothing saved. In order to save that money the police budget should be reduced $76k for 2009. Watch carefully as the target moves. You can bet Jerry and Steve are watching closely.
Wow, Tom, I see you read the CALL today.
Cite your sources if you're going to use their information.
I think it is worth showing our Senior Citizens who are on a fixed income how the proposed 35 cent Property Tax Increase compares to their level of income growth.
This is based on a house whose value is $200,000.
In most cases, Social Security had an increase in 2007 of 2.3%.
The increase, if passed, will provide a 5.9% increase in cost.
I read Mr. Taber's letter to the editor in this weeks Call Newspaper. His questions need to be answered BEFORE the election by our Crestwood Administration who support the increase.
Right now the only answer's we are getting are:
a. we are cheaper that others now
b. City needs to keep our services
c. it wont hurt that much
Don't forget that 45% of our budget is used to the Police and Fire Dept.
Don't forget the average cost to the Tax Payer for a Fire Fighter is over $80,000 a year and Police Officer is over $60,000. And more is wanted?
9:14 PM blogger: Your right on the money my friend! I set that up to be a"tongue in cheek" remark, and I guess it was too veiled!
That whole idea of saving ANYTHING after the promotions of FIVE people is ridiculuos!
Tom Ford
I have just been informed that there will be a "by invitation only," closed door meeting of the Alderman at 6:00 PM on June 24th (in the mayors office) prior to the Alderman meeting.
Can it be that they will be privy to the new Crestwood Courts plans?
Tom Ford
One would think that the revenue generated from the properties that were given CIDs would help offset the Mall's losses. What's going on with these properties?
And you can't even blame the economy..Take a look at Sunset Hills or Brentwood. Storefronts are full.
If I hear one more comparison between Crestwood and Webster, Kirkwood etc. I'm going to throw up. They have little if anything in common, hence the difference in taxes.
There are two meetings scheduled. First one is Tuesday the 24th by invitation only. I am sure the quantity of alderman attending is limited to less than five. Five or more would consitute a meeting and would have ot be open to the public. Plus the mayor and owners of crestwood court can divide, sell and measure the attitude of the BOA.
BOA please be careful and listen only. No commitments are required now. Let the other side of the negotiation make the first offer.
Invite only meeting, man is this starting to feel like Mayor Daley of Chicago has come back from the dead and is running Crestwood.
"If I hear one more comparison between Crestwood and Webster, Kirkwood etc. I'm going to throw up."
You are right, they have an administration that knows what they are doing!!!!!
Tell me why can't Crestwood be citizen friendly like Kirkwook and Webster Groves. I have lived in this City for sometime now and with out question it is the most unfriendly city in St. Louis County. I have heard this from many of my neighbors. I really hate to tell anyone that I am from Crestwood:
Learn how to spell Kirkwood.
10:33 am Yeah I agree about Kirkwood, but they also have a big property tax which helps them keep things up and if you compare their property tax with ours, that's why they can operate without worry or frustration. And they keep their eye on their money.
4:23 PM blogger: It was a very friendly City at one time, and then it became a "faction" town.
There were the people who were for so and so, and the ones for this and that, and the twain became further and further apart. And then there was the private club that caused some ire among the residents as well.
I think we can move back to the way it was if only we can give up the inane rantings aimed at one side or the other. That's not likely to happen though as this has turned into the "Hatfield's and the McCoy's," and there is no end in sight!
4:26 PM blogger: Give it a rest, this was obviously a typo, and as such does not need your help!
Tom Ford
What a riot!
First ...
"Tell me why can't Crestwood be citizen friendly like Kirkwook and Webster Groves. I have lived in this City for sometime now and with out question it is the most unfriendly city in St. Louis County. I have heard this from many of my neighbors. I really hate to tell anyone that I am from Crestwood:
4:23 PM, June 20, 2008"
And then ...
"Anonymous said...
Learn how to spell Kirkwood.
4:26 PM, June 20, 2008"
So much for being citizen friendly!
Remember, turn that frown upside down! Let a smile carry you a mile!
Hopefully I spelled everything correctly!
5:08 Tom, you need to ignore those who would have to make a point of punctuation or incorrect spelling on this blog.
We all can fill the correct words in and know what you mean when the finger gets on the wrong key.
That is their way to find fault with everyone, in order to make themselves feel self-important. Otherwise what else would they be able to come up with to make themselves look good; certainly not their charming personalities.
5:05 PM, June 20, 2008
Kirkwood also has tremendous economic development.
I was told today (about an hour ago) that the Tuesday night meeting may indeed include some sort of "presentation" by the new owners of Crestwood Courts.
I know there is one for the selected Alderman at 6:00 PM, but I am given to understand there may also now be one for the citizens.
Stay tuned as things do change rather rapidly here in Crestwood!
(unnamed reliable sources)
Tom Ford
What bothers me in all of this is we the voters have to pull teeth to get the information we should have in order for us to make an educated vote come August.
The presentation by the owners of Crestwood Court in my view is just another example. We shouldn't have to have private meetings with the Mayor, we should be able to ask our questions at a Board meeting and get the same answers there as we would in a private meeting.
But I fear that is not the case.
Kirkwood also has tremendous economic development.
ALL DONE WITH BIG TIF'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, and Kirkwood's budget is tight too.
Speaking of budgets, can any one find out how much the Mayors Breakfast/Picnic cost us in tax dollars?
7:10 AM blogger: That's a simple request. All you have to do is go to the City clerk, request a Freedom Of Information Act form, fill it out, and you will have it.
You can also download the FOIA form on the City web site and have it ready to go when you hit the door.
When you get the information, please post it here for all of us to see, thanks.
Tom Ford
You know we really don't need a city of Crestwood. If we were to just close the dooors and let St. Louis county take us over we would still have Police, Fire, Parks, Trash pickup, Etc. We would have everything we have now. And we would be paying more for it. It seems as though all or most of your bloggers received their labotomy's from the same Brain Surgeon. As the Blog Master or Host it is your, or should be your, responsibility to provide facts. You know, like you are the Rush Limbaugh of blogging. My suggestion is that you take each item or service we receive and break them down by our cost vs. the County cost. Example: do we pay our Police officers more than County? Do our Firefighters make more than Affton, Mehlville, Fenton Firefighters? Do their citizens pay more for those services? Do we pay more for Trash than county residents? These are the things I would like to see you point out to your audience.
9:23 AM blogger: We have been over that ground before, we will pay more for County services with a much slower response time!
If you challenge that statement, go to the County web site, look up the costs (as I have done,) and come back and tell us where I am wrong.
In fact I will give you the "lead story" on the blog, all you have to do is get those numbers, and post them to me in an E-mail.
I will print it word for word (unless there is nasty language,) with your name (must be present to post.)
Now it's up to you!
Tom Ford
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