A very interesting parallel between Cities! (sent by a reader)
This article is about Sanibel Island, Florida, and the property value in decline! Do you notice any interesting things being done there that we are not doing here? Please click on the header to be directed to the article!
Your comments please!
Tom Ford
NO. 507
Your comments please!
Tom Ford
NO. 507
Thanks for posting this Tom!
The POST had 2 articles this week regarding the financial situation in University City and the cuts they are making and considering. It sounds like they are using some very good sense and some of it regards fire and police. In fact, many municipalities are having difficulty with the bottom line. It is a fact of life and they are not considering tax increases, but rather tweaking their budget. The times they are a changin.
Agreed, and what is Crestwood going to do to change with them?
Tom Ford
Tweak the budget??? Oh come on! Let's just raise taxes!
Pick up the phone or meet at Starbucks with your Alderman and ask him to list ALL the cuts that have been made in the past 2 years to accomodate our sinking revenues. Ask him about the number of employees at city hall and the salaries. Ask about bright ideas regarding Whitecliff; how many police cars we have, etc. Ask him the exact reason he voted to put the item about the tax on the ballot. What was his reasoning. What is his proof. Is this being done to protect his position. Or, just ask him to state the full case for the 35 cent increase. Then ask him the percent of the whole that we pay to the city attorney. And, what predictions he has as regards the affect the new mall owners and their plans will have on our city and when. Make sure he knows that some of the major causes beyond the sinking revneues has been really bad leadership on the board of aldermen, and that if the job is not what it is cracked up to be why he ran. Ask him if all these threats about losing services are for real and if the tax does not happen, what is his game plan. Sorry, but this is his job and at this time we are looking for answers. If we cannot get boards who are responsible and answerable and dedicated, why would we want to continue to be incorporated?
Did you ever notice that this kind of note on the blog raises hair on some necks, those who are for every tax that comes along? Why do these types think we wish to continue to buy every story, every temporary budget and every miscalculation that comes along?
10:33 I have no idea what you are talking about. I never hear anything on the blog for a tax increase; all I have ever heard, with few exceptions, are that the city officials are not doing enough, we are being deceived and lied to about needing an increase in taxes, and that everybody on the board of aldermen and the mayor are a bunch of dummies who don't know what they are talking about and are feeding us a line of manure.
Never saw or heard about anybody's hairs standing on end that believe "anything" that is said about needing a tax increase is for real.
Which blog are you looking at?
"If we cannot get boards who are responsible and answerable and dedicated, why would we want to continue to be incorporated?
Did you ever notice that this kind of note on the blog raises hair on some necks, those who are for every tax that comes along? Why do these types think we wish to continue to buy every story, every temporary budget and every miscalculation that comes along?"
Poster 10:33 PM, June 05, 2008
What are you so scared of? Crestwood voters will be given a chance to vote in August. What is wrong with that?
The facts are very clear... sales tax revenue is dropping like a rock. Why shouldn't voters be given a chance to see if they want to replace that revenue? Crestwood doesn't compare to other cities that are having finacnial problems... not other cities are seeing a 12% DECLINE in sales tax revenue during the first quarter of 2008.
No worries and yes the facts are very clear. Sales tax revenue has been DROPPING FOR SOME TIME NOW. Yet the board continued to spend and spend. The mayor said no plan B, told Miguel he didn't know what cliff he fell off of and said there would be no raising of taxes. Here we are after the election and the mayor has changed his tune. But he's hit a sour note with a lot of folks in this town.
5:16PM blogger: Stand by for a major announcement reference the mayor's decision on the "Tax Holiday!"
Tom Ford
Geez Tom, you sound like a news reporter getting ready to break a story near the top of the hour! Tardo
Stand by for Nothing. The mayor has vetoed the BOA decision and that will be on the Agenda Tuesday.I certainly hope our BOA realizes the Mayors error and overrides his veto.
They can only override the veto if both Adlermen Bland and Foote change their votes. They need to be contacted.
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