Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Death taxes, and the "annual tax grab season!"

While not about Crestwood, it will give you some idea of just where the "Tax and spend" crowd is headed.

Have a family business? Want to see it evaporate into the coffers of the Feds? Well you may just be given that opportunity my friends.

It has been said that "all politics is local," and I believe it. Now with our City fathers looking for more money to spend, will it be long before the City comes up with a plan to tax the surviving family member?

Ridiculous you say? Well yes, for now, but take a very close look at proposition 1, and tell me if they are going for Real estate, and personal property, can death taxes be far behind? After all it may be the only place left to go when they drain the coffers dry!

Please click on the header for the story, and note it's about my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers!

Tom Ford

NO. 523


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom thanks again for this update.

I am starting to believe with the most recent events that the down fall of Creatwood really picked up speed when we passed term limits. No one on the BAO except Miguel who has been there the longest knows a thing about the Charter or how to stand up to the Mayor and his buddies.

2:49 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

POST DISPATCH today reported on the Ballwin city fathers who pulled a fast one raising their utility tax without public intervention. They claim that because it was once lowered, it could be brought back without a vote. Sure cities are having financial difficulties but what does this sort of action do for trust in city gov't. Crestwood city fathers are so afraid we will sink without a tax increase that they have put all their eggs into the tax increase basket. But we have had so many different people handling budgets and hiring and cuts and so many employees leaving and learning that everyone seems to think a tax increase is the magic potion. However, residents are also facing financial difficulties and expectations that city fathers and employees face facts. The city has been overstaffed, too many police cars, employee cars, etc. too many white shirts in P.D. How about an unused software program and an unbuilt city hall, and pool that leaks money. Doesn't exactly envoke trust. What about the huge expense of paying Affton Fire Dist for fire protection in a portion of our city? Who gets lateral sewer dollars. I don't even know who benefits. Crestwood has been living off tax increas, LOC's and dreaming dreams of a return of the mall. Time to face facts. We are tiny little town, we do not need to pretent otherwise. We have a nice town, a great school district, and much to be proud of. The elected best reconniter and determine that it is time to scale down big time, just like I must. And not temporarily. Right now we are being taxed to death and have word more is on the way (from utilities). ReEal Estate Tax is incredible and now is the time to stop this wild train. Perhaps the best way is to send the message we have had enough. Aldermen who do not have the time or ambition to head off this tax flurry and cut literally to the bone don't need to sign up here. It is very obvious there are just a few who have the picture, but the rest just seem to show up.

5:12 PM, July 17, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

From what I heard transpired at the Ward Three meeting last night, I will be surprised if anyone votes for this increase!

These were billed as "informational meetings," a make up your own mind type thing, but what actually happened was quite different!

First of all Alderman Miguel was never notified of the meeting (in his own ward,) and didn't know about it, until he got a reverse 911 call on Saturday morning. Second many people never got the call, and last but not least the person registered as "Citizens for prop 1" leader became very, very up-set, and I don't understand why.

Now in my mind an "informational" meeting is a place to find out both sides of an issue, but it has become apparent your either on their side (prop. 1 supporters) or your going to be ridiculed as a "child of a lesser God!"

Thank goodness Mr. Jimmy Murphy was there to pass out the facts and figures for the loyal opposition, or they would have been out of the picture!

There is two schools of thought here, and both have some merit, that said we want to be informed, but from both sides please!

This is not a personal thing at all, this is business, pure and simple, and we must keep emotions out of it for the sake of the City.

So to the fine folks at Citizens for prop. 1, please just the facts at the next meetings, or you risk the chance of losing your message in the shrill rhetoric!

Tom Ford

5:39 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, that makes no sensce at all. The Crestwood Connections knew about the meetings when they went to press 6/30/08, why wasnt Miguel told at the same time?

6:11 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miguel didn't even know about the meeting? What a travesty. This city is seemingly doing everything it can right now to get people to vote no on this tax increase. I almost expect to see a banner outside city hall soon that says: WANT TO KNOW HOW TO GET A TAX INCREASE TO FAIL MISERABLY? JUST GET A LOAD OF US!

First, make sure you that have NO idea whatsoever what the money from the tax increase will be spent on. Say it will be for services and to run the city, but that's it. Other than that, don't name one thing that the tax increase will be used for. Keeping people in the dark with the ambiguous excuse of "services" is more fun!

Second, don't bother to make ANY projections at all for the next year. After all, you don't want to give people an idea what their city will be like if they don't vote on it, do you? That would take work! Looking ahead is BAD! We don't need no stinking future in Crestwood!

Third, say that you can't afford pay raises AND THEN hand out pay raises to your police officers in secret and without board approval from an ordinance. You may not have enough money to run the city in a year or two without this tax increase, but you might as well blow some residents' money now while you can!

Fourth, let your board have the gall to "fix" this problem by whipping up a last minute motion in closed session to vote on the raises a month or so after they went into effect. Who's running the city here? That's kind of like letting the tail wag the dog.

With all of these "expert" decisions being made, I'd say it's a fail proof method to get Prop 1 shot down.

6:18 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess this proves that the 6/30/08 press date was WRONG.

6:19 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, can you possibly post a summary of what Mr. Murphy handed out?


6:25 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it sounds like there is truly an agenda to not play by the rules here.

Problem is... Do we have anyone with some common sense who is willing to take on these clowns for the meager salary that a mayor gets?

6:39 PM, July 17, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:18 PM blogger: Wow, I love it, well said!

6:25 PM blogger: I will get a copy from him and scan it into the blog for you!

6:39 PM blogger: We do indeed! Alderman Miguel, or Nieder would be an excellent choice, no?

Tom Ford

7:17 PM, July 17, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:11 PM blogger: Reflect on this for a while. Would you invite the person who "knows what is going on, numbers wise" if your doing a Rah, Rah show to worry the great unwashed, or would you keep them out?

Simple, subterfuge rules the day here!

Tom Ford

7:22 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miguel for Mayor? No way. He lives in the annexated area (known as Crestwood East). By having Affton Fire Protection District provide his fire protection he can not represent all of the citizens. When he was campaigning for alderman he failed to answer three simply questions I asked him.

9:38 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the folks in Affton Fire are well represented now by Crestwood?

9:40 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I encourage everyone to take a closer look at the Lindbergh School District as now they have started deficit spending.

Yet they still have room for nice pay raises.

9:43 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has any checked to see if the Fire Dept did the same thing with pay raises as the Police Dept. did?

9:50 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people should be ashamed. Do you know what the people of crestwood do for you every day. You people want everything for nothing. Why not pay up and help secure you city services. I think every time I look at this site I lose IQ points. Mr. Ford get a life and spend time with your family instead of this.

10:42 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having read the above blogs, I will add my two bits as I am sadly getting a sense of deja vu.

I attended the 3 meetings held by the original Prop 1 group, several years back, the one that did not pass. It was run in recollection by Char Braun, Jerry Bratz, Carol Wagner, Charles Barry and some others. It was held at Whitecliff and I was told no rent was paid for the room as it should have been; it was not a city run meeting but rather run by individuals. All yearning for a tax increase or its equivalent. The meetings were dominated by Charles Berry, who refused to allow the audience to participate unless comments were tax favorable. When I say refused, I mean refused. A great deal of the audience were thoroughly disgusted and disturbed. I recall seeing in the audience: Roger Anderson, Frank Spinner, Mssrs Nider, Miguel and Foote prior to their becomming aldermen.

I do not think these meetings should be held by a "group" but rather be like a debate with 2 moderators, one pro, one con. This group is trying to sell a tax increase without telling us what jobs have been cut, exactly what has been done to solidify our bottom line and the amount of waste that needs attention. It's like it is none of our business. We hear they are doing these things, but no specifics. Since at every turn we have some govt body in our pocket, why is being against a tax increase so amazing? Why are our questions and negativity a surprise? Why is the spin one of help, we need, we need, we need - not one of here is what we have done and are doing. This group is not qualified apparently to answer this sort of question, so they shift into campaign tactics. All gravy no meat.

We are a town of 12,000, 4 sq miles or less. Small burg. Affton Fire takes care of the annexed portion of our city. If there is 1 patrol car on the south and 1 north of Watson - why do we need so many cars? What are they all doing? How many officers do we have and what are their positions, job descriptions, salaries? Why do we not consider joint dispatching like other cities? Mall traffic is low - so how bout some explanations as to the size of our services. If there is one. How much crime do we have? How many fires? Is this not a fair question if you want m ore of my money? How many layers of administrative help do we have? Does anyone, even officials, really know? Why not? Hey, we all know the score at companies and the ways of the world: cuts, layoffs, benefits. And, we also know of some major political mistakes this city has witnessed in the last few years. So where is the surprise about the resistance to this tax increase? Morale, sure I know about morale. As do the Chryler, Boeing, American Airlines, Anheuser-Busch, Enron, etc. etc. people. Not pretty out there sometimes. Crestwood is not an island for gosh sakes. It's tough all over.

Why not lets see if this city can go in lockdown and face the music. Because the constant tax grab and committee whining is beginning to make this city lose its lustre and make us wonder why in the world we would want to be incorporated.

We want to see responsible people at the helm, but we have seen so many changes that our heads are spinning. We have seen rude and ignorant leadership, name calling and politics run this city in the past and now you wonder why anyone would be a skeptic. Municipal jobs are not known to make one rich. Herd Mentality Politics do not make a city prosper. In our case they have set us back with bad figures, bad results and bad publicity. It will definitely take a series of open books, continued belt tightening and a large dose of facing the facts. I remember this same Prop Group was around when a former city administrator and his merry band of bandits and politicos wanted to sell us some swamp land. Apparently many others also remember. Ah, lessons learned. Well, this board is living with this nightmare and it is time that they make some serious demands on whoever is getting paid to handle the city affairs. And it is with hope that it is ultimately made clear that expectations are high and if we voters must make do with our lot, so must the city.

Someone told me that mall owners want to raise the parking lot to street level. WHY? Do you think I want to see a TIF for this kind of nonsense?

All you folks pro and con this tax idea, why don't you come around 12 months a year and participate? Put your Alderman on the spot. Hound the Mayor. Have expectations. Listen up. If all a tax increase is going to do is produce the same kind of government we have had during the last 3 administrations, then woe is me. Tax and Spend. Sound familiar.

10:57 PM, July 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are willing to let you tell us how much bang we are getting for our buck. The floor is yours. Pls be specific.
P.S. If you are a city employee but do n ot live here, why are you on this blog? If you are a Prop committe member, are you friends with a city employee?

11:06 PM, July 17, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:42 PM blogger: Whats wrong, can't stand the truth? Sorry, but I will stay right here twisting knots in your shorts, I love it!

If you want to pay more taxes, I am sure the City clerk will accept your kind contribution at any time, just trot up there and tell her your under taxed!

As for me, not one farthing more to a community who would outspend a democrat on a junket (and that's going some!)

Get used to it, when I think it's wrong I WILL say so.

Tom Ford

2:58 PM, July 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:58 pm
Tom, thanks for your words regarding the tax issue. I understand what you are saying. However, I would caution you regarding putting political affiliation tongue and cheek on this blog.

We don't need to keep hearing that you are not a Democrat. Also, for what it is worth, my vote also has been on the Republican side for several years. Either party being slurred isn't OK with me.

Most of us on the blog, already know how you feel, but by saying things one way or the other about political parties, is no better than the local newspapers favoring one administration over the other.

I realize it is your blog and I thank you for putting it out here for everyone. But, I don't like to hear political slurs, religious slurs or slurs regarding race, color or creed.

I would never want to hurt your feelings, but it just isn't right in my way of thinking.

If certain individuals have done something bad in this city, and it is the truth, I among others have said so on this blog and it is as it should be; but as far as jokes regarding political affiliation especially on the State or Federal level, and because we are at the brink of a Presidential election, you are just opening yourself up to being criticized. Not only that, it will also bring forth a multitude of bad comments from those who favor one political party over the other. I don't think I could stand to listen to that new "can of worms". We have enough of that within the City of Crestwood. Otherwise, why would you call it "Crestwood" Independent? It is not suppose to be the United States Independent.

3:25 PM, July 18, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:25 PM blogger: You know I thought about that after I posted the response, and your right, we will keep it local from now on!

Tom Ford (I)

4:02 PM, July 18, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:25 PM blogger: Here's your hand out!

Before voting on August 5th, please consider the following:

Proposition 1 will DOUBLE your Crestwood Property tax and will be the NINTH tax increase proposed by city leaders in eight years!

1. August 2000 Proposition C Passed
Sales Tax/Parks and Storm Water

2. August 2002 Proposition S Passed
Sales Tax/Capital Improvements Extension

3. August 2003 Proposition 1 Passed
Sales Tax/Fire Department

4. April 2005 Proposition 1 Failed
General Obligation Bond/Property Tax

5. Nov. 2005 **Proposition R Passed
Increase Merchant License Fee/Gross Receipts

6. Nov. 2005 **Proposition S Passed
Tax Increase/Gross Receipts/Commercial Utilities

7. Nov. 2005 **Proposition T Failed
Tax Increase/Gross Receipts/Residential Utilities

8. April 2006 **Proposition S Passed
Property Tax Increase

9. August 2008 **Proposition 1 To Be Decided
Property Tax Increase

**Proposition 1 is the FIFTH tax increase proposed under Mayor Roy Robinson!

Tell your city leaders you want fiscal control.
Tell your city leaders to work within their budgets. Vote NO on Proposition 1!

Tom Ford

6:13 PM, July 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put in this perspective, above; it is downright frightening. What in Sam Hill are they doing with our money? Even if I were for the tax increase, it is too much and too long. What were they thinking. I honestly don't think the right hand knows what the left hand is doing. It is the blind leading the blind. There, I feel better now. NOT.

7:23 PM, July 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know why that same group of residents who keep chanting and meeting and pushing tax increases keeps coming back for more and more and more? Really, what are they up to? We have 5 seasons in this city, Fall, Winter, Summer, Spring and the Prop 1 Committee season.

7:27 PM, July 18, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:23 and 7:27 PM bloggers: Bingo! It is what it is, and no amount of sugar is going to coat this one!

Tell your neighbors about this "tax and spend" idea, let them
in on the fun. I don't know about you, but this is a bit much for me to get behind.

.35 cents for two years maybe, but SIX years? Nope!

Tom Ford

8:01 PM, July 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Roy was not going to be a Tax and spend Mayor, what happened to him?

10:51 PM, July 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears from mr. Murphys flyer that only alderman Miguel was around for any of the Tax increases identified with the exception of Prop 1. Not sure I understand why we are being critical of the current board. have they done anything but roll back our property taxes this past year? I recently went to the community center for a workout and was surprised to learn that the hours they are open have been reduced in the last couple of years. does anyone know why this is? isn't the community center supposed to be open for us the residents?

1:26 PM, July 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Miguel was elected in 2004. I'm not sure if he supported the tax hikes in 2005, but he did support Proposition S in 2005. He does not support this current tax increase.

I think the hours of the community center were reduced a few years ago.

1:39 PM, July 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

correction to above: Proposition S in 2006

1:40 PM, July 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have asked for prudent spending and cuts to help avoid tax increases. Changing the hours at the Rec Center makes perfect sense. Plus, considering the percent of people who utilize this facility, this is just one of those things people must adjust to. The days of excess are past. Buckle down is the new theme. And not just at the Rec Center. No surprise here.

2:54 PM, July 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's close the rec center if noone is using it. We could lay off all the workers and save a bundle. While we are at it lets sell off some of our other parks and let developers build homes in them. that would bring us more propeerty taxes and we wouldn't need a tax increase. and while we are at it let's cut the police dept in half and save a bundle. we could then sell off some of our police cars and we would be so cash rich we could fix the streets. Why didn'tsomeone else think of these things? I jthink I should run for alderman or maybe even mayor. and one more idea, let's give the annexed area back to st. Louis county and we can get rid of the cost we pay to the affton fire dept on behalf of those residents. I think I will suggest these ideas to my alderman.

5:49 PM, July 19, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:49 PM blogger: Me thinks your trying to be too cute by a half!

We need some very serious comments here, not someone who is trying to be "cute" but missing the mark.

Tom Ford

6:11 PM, July 19, 2008  

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