Fenton Chrysler plant to close the Mini Van plant, and cut back on the truck plant!
This is very sad news indeed as I am sure we have employees of that facility living right here in Crestwood! The "ripple" effect of this closing in October will be far more reaching however.
There are many parts producing companies in this, and other areas that will be effected as well. While driving today I thought about the likely effect on the local economy, and I am afraid it will not be positive. Now there is no sense in dwelling on this, as it's a "done deal."
I am however struck by the fact that Fenton gave them over 44 Million dollars in tax incentives to stay (TIF, TDD, CID,) and they are willing to walk away from that as if it never happened!
This brings me to the forthcoming Crestwood court's project. I have been told by very knowledgeable sources that the developers of our project may ask for up to 100 Million in tax incentives to get this done! I believe the new buzz word is "phenomenal," well in this case it certainly would be!
We are on the proverbial "pins and needles" now, so how can we give up ANY tax monies for anything? Sorry, but in my humble opinion the developers are going to have to do this one on their own! I greatly appreciate their vision, foresight, and investment in Crestwood, but the well is dry at this point, and I am dead set against any tax incentives for anything not already approved until were back on our financial feet!
Your thoughts please.
Tom Ford
NO. 518
There are many parts producing companies in this, and other areas that will be effected as well. While driving today I thought about the likely effect on the local economy, and I am afraid it will not be positive. Now there is no sense in dwelling on this, as it's a "done deal."
I am however struck by the fact that Fenton gave them over 44 Million dollars in tax incentives to stay (TIF, TDD, CID,) and they are willing to walk away from that as if it never happened!
This brings me to the forthcoming Crestwood court's project. I have been told by very knowledgeable sources that the developers of our project may ask for up to 100 Million in tax incentives to get this done! I believe the new buzz word is "phenomenal," well in this case it certainly would be!
We are on the proverbial "pins and needles" now, so how can we give up ANY tax monies for anything? Sorry, but in my humble opinion the developers are going to have to do this one on their own! I greatly appreciate their vision, foresight, and investment in Crestwood, but the well is dry at this point, and I am dead set against any tax incentives for anything not already approved until were back on our financial feet!
Your thoughts please.
Tom Ford
NO. 518
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10:40 PM OMG!!!! You are such a coward. Easy for you to say something so aweful when you can remain anonymous. If you showed courage and signed your name to this horrific comment, however, you would be embarrassing yourself. So therefore you choose to name-call Tom, anonymously, to save yourself embarrassment. Shows your true feeble, cowardly, and self-impressed character.
You are correct.
I am however struck by the fact that Fenton gave them over 44 Million dollars in tax incentives to stay (TIF, TDD, CID,) and they are willing to walk away from that as if it never happened!
Will this happen in Crestwood?
Is everyone ready for a merger of all of the cities in the St. Louis County?
Which city will file bankruptcy first?
If so, why wait.
Let's merge with Sunset Hills.
Ask the Canadians.
U.S. is in a depression and retail sales are falling.
Sunset Hills would never merge with Crestwood. Our economic development is down. Our plaza is in question. Sunset Hills would only merge with Crestwood if there was benefit.
10:40 PM blogger: first of all we do not use words like that on this blog !
Second, I guess you don't know us very well because if you did you would know we don't respond to threats! In any case, you know where to find me right?
Tom Ford
I saw the post pf 10:40 before you deleted it.While people agree and disagree with each other and you on this blog, I think what is happening to you is a personal attack from someone employed by the City who doesn't like your stand on the tax increase.
I've never read anything like that on your blog and it really has nothing to do with Crestwood as it seems to be directed to your son who serves Crestwood.
I am sorry those who support the tax increase have stooped so low.
5:35 PM blogger: Thank you! My son can, and does take care of himself, so let the games begin!
I doubt this person is from the fire department also, as they have much more class than that!
This sounds like a current, or EX Alderman (or wife of same,) who feels the need to attempt to elevate themselves from "useless" to, well, something.
The last time I looked this was still America and I still have my right to my opinion, and my vote, and guess what, I have used both!
Tom Ford
5:35 Wait a minute! Once again, you don't fool me and I hope others see through your deception.
You show who you are by your last sentence stating, "how could those who support a tax increase stoop so low" referencing the 10:40 PM comment which YOU made yourself.
Tom has had sense enough to delete that first comment, but you think you are real cute don't you?
You are one and the same and you stink! What is worse is that you will continue to do this cause you are as low class as they come.
What a pity that you get so much enjoyment out of humiliating honest people who are no way as disgusting as you.
Why not go one step further, and use the St. Louis Post Dispatch to use your 4 letter words against Tom and his family. But then, this blog is easier isn't it. The Post would just throw your comments in the trash and consider you a "nut case".
6:38 PM Tom, there are more people on this blog that are against a tax increase than for a tax increase. This person at 5:35 PM is only assuming that the remark at 10:40 PM was from a blogger who supports a tax increase. That's a big assumption and should be taken as such.
I think that poster at 5:35 pm is the same one that commented at 10:40 PM. on July 1st. Nothing in the 10:40 PM comment indicated such an assumption should be made.
Once again, I think the commentor at 5:35 PM is full of balony. Be careful Tom, people are playing games with you on this blog and I think 5:35 is one of them.
Somebody on this blog is just wanting to cause distruction and mayhem. Please be careful.
6:56 PM blogger: Indeed you are no doubt right, but I have dealt with punks like this for most of my adult life, so..............
Tom Ford
What is the total debt in the City of Crestwood?
Is the City of Crestwood paying for part of the bridge by Grant Road, City's Parking Lot, $300,000 Communication Systems, and purchase of city's police cars?
What is the percentage that the city is paying for all of these improvements?
Is that why some of our city officials want a tax increase?
Who is tracking the city's short and long-term debt of all expenditures?
What is the total amount of gross receipts by businesses? Who is paying their share? What is Perma Jack paying?
Does everyone need a cell phone? How much are we paying for the extra minutes? How many employees have SBC DSL, cell phones, pagers, and a city's car?
Is it true that our city if only four square miles? How much are we spending by the foot to keep up to Ladue?
Tom -
There are those of us who appreciate reading the info and points of view on your blog but don't usually post. I did not see the offensive post, but just wanted to thank you for creating and updating this blog for all of us Crestwood residents. Sorry somebody acted badly.
I am not sure right now how I will vote on the tax increase, but people acting hateful are not likely to persuade me to their point of view.
Are you watching Starbucks, Dominos pizza, Linens and Things, Home Depot, milk, eggs, electronic pricing, and other retail businesses?
If everything is made overseas, the shipping costs will be doubling and trippling?
When will our city officials start saving for the worst times?
If they continue to keep spending instead of saving, you will have to continue to cut?
If you raise the taxes, how many more foreclosures or real estate sales will be happening in Crestwood?
The city officials have to learn to stay within their budget.
When you compare your actuals with your predicted expenitures from a few years ago, you are tripling your spending habits! NOT SAVING.
Pay as you go is the best philosophy.
These litte cities were never meant to have large budgets. Only the State and U.S. Federal to protect our Homeland.
Vote NO to tax increase.
This will show us how much money is really in the banks in different accounts that are not disclosed in the General Accounts!
If 52% of the citizens of Crestwood are Senior Citizens,
HOW will they be able to pay for a tax increase by both the City of Crestwood and St. Louis County?
Senior Citizens income is dropping due to low interest rates at the bank, MSD increase, St. Louis County tax increase, and food increases.
If the Senior Citizens sell their property, who will buy them? Europeans?
Is it true that the City of Crestwood will be paying 25% of the cost of putting in a new bridge by Grant's Farm?
Yes, 20 to 25 percent. The Pardee/Grant Road bridge will be replaced. I believe the rest of the funds will be picked up by the federal government and some by MODOT, if I remember correctly.
8:59 AM blogger: Well yes, we will be paying for a part of the bridge! Sounds familiar doesnt it, as in "I have a bridge I will sell you!"
Tom Ford
There are some darned good and interesting comments on this string. The times are hitting the city and its residents equally hard. It does seem int he reading that a tax increase is way too iffy for a yes majority vote. Too many unanswered questions to allow any more hands in our pockets. Not enough proof that money has been handled expediciously. Too little proof the need is not somewhat exaggerated. Too little promise financial expertise is alive and well at city hall. The amount 35 cents is too much and the time, 6 years, too long. Crestwood has had way too much wool pulled and way too much politics played to gain enough confidence to stick our necks out.
Frankly, it's show time. The extras in our personal lives are being reduced daily, so to expect the city to get to bare bones is not out of line. If I was going to vote yes for this tax increase, I would have to ask for plenty of insurance. We have had so many lapses in professional leadership and so many fuzzy reports, by so many employees, that confidence or lack thereof has become the order of the day.
Too many little cities, too many Boards of Aldermen and Mayors, too many city vehicles and equipment and city halls, and employees and services. Too much overlapping and white shirts and too much retail overbuild. Volunteer officials are faced with harsh realities they are not armed to handle. Mostly because they are partime and not given acccurate facts. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has a new set of rules. Something has to give. Everyone has to sacrifice and realize this. Maybe if my Real Estate tax had not jumped up $600 this year, for no reason, I would feel different, but it did and I don't. I am now a rebel with a cause. This is ridiculous.
P.S. Does any one care to advise the level of professionalism we have at city hall to advise us of our fiscal capabilities and accuracies? Perhaps the rah rah people for the tax can obtain enough facts to verify the need.
Don't look for any info on City web site, it's strangely down, another news black out for Crestwood Citizens.
Yes, it's been acting up the past couple of days.
9:13 7/2
Your comments are good ones. I think that we should note that the current administration is within budget on approved expenses. However, the projected revenues will most likely fall short of budgeted numbers.
And because financial indicators are changing hourly and daily we are faced with more dire issues in this country than our small insignificant city.
While people lose their jobs at Chrysler and perhaps in the near future at AB, we cannot predict what tomorrow will bring. We must work with what we have today and adjust our budgets as we go. I believe that is what the Chrysler workers are doing right now.
Now that Chrysler is closing you will most certainly see further foreclosures, bankrupcies, less shoping by those who will ask "do I pay my house or car payment or buy new school clothes? And let's not forget the stock market and it's effect on the economy as well as its effect on the elderly's nest egg. I really don't know what tomorrow will bring for any of us but in the big picture the City of Crestwood really is insignificant. Whether or not you vote for or against the tax increase really makes no difference. Your house will still be there, your schools will still be Lindbergh, you can still go to church, you will still have police and fire service and parks to take your kids to, and trash pickup a redeveloped mall and all the other things you currently have. Noone is going to deprive you of those things.
I agree completely. I have lived in Crestwood a long time and never have given our political machine any consideration. These are people who thrive on power, seeing their names in print and being able to sit at the dias and say look at me. I don't have time for that type of ego trip. My time is too valuable and there are more important things for me to deal with in my life.
I will tell you that for as long as I have lived, there has always been someone with their hand out or in my pocket. It is just not Crestwood! Politicians are really professional PickPockets. Every last one of them looks for ways to get more money to accomplish the task of running their territories. And in every case it is their job to get the taxes before anyone else does because they know that the citizens are only going to pay so much before they start voting no. Remember, "The early bird gets the worm", or in this case the money.
Keep this in mind as time rolls on. In this country, every year you have to work additional days to meet your tax requirements for that year. When I started working, I had earned enough money by February to pay my yearly tax obligation. Now 40 years later, I have to work till May before my tax obligation is earned. In another few years it will be June and before you know it our Grandchildren will have to work a whole year just to pay their taxes. And that is just a fact of life.
Why would anyone anyone take the time and risk to fool with a website for a city of under 13,000 people? That, like many other claims coming out of City Hall these days, is way to much to believe.
I think it was shut down by our "City Fathers" until after the election to keep voters in the dark as the to the real money condition be looking at audited reports.
I smell a desperate rat.
Unless...and think on the bright side for a moment...they are updating their information - from 2003.
One can only hope???
7:21 PM blogger: I hope your right, but I fear that would be way too much to hope for.
That said however, I will be very impressed if it happens!
Tom Ford
The Chrysler employees can blame the layoffs on there greedy union. This will also happen to AB, the unions of this great Nation can only blame them selfs for the down fall of our work forces and failing businesses. I do agree our communities should not bail out these idiots.
11:42 True to a certain extent. However, if the employees of companies were being treated fairly in the first place, unions would not have had to be formed.
Greed has no barriers and there are just as many companies out there that want to suck up their profits for their own personal gains unstead of giving employees a break.
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