Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Mayor, the Attorney, the Call, and the Citizens!

Scattered out on this blog there are comments both for and against our current City Attorney placed by local Citizens.

I, myself have called for the resignation of our City Attorney, not because I don't like him, but because I think this part of the law is not his forte. As I have stated before, we are entering into a whole new era with the Crestwood Court's, and other development's sure to come to Crestwood.

Some of us have looked at the Attorney Generals web site that covers the Sun Shine Laws, and while we are not lawyers (nor do we play one on TV,) we have come to the conclusion that the "closed door session" was, and is in direct violation of said law's! We know that he feels otherwise, but who is right? Wouldn't it be really ridiculous for two "non lawyers" to be right, and the City Attorney wrong? Well, we will find out as I will be requesting a ruling from the State on this the day after the election, and I will post it for all to see!

The Mayor has stated that he has complete confidence in our City Attorney, and I wonder why? I am not privy to anything at City Hall (and when they read this, it will be a lot less,) but I fail to understand the underpinnings of his belief.

The Sun Crest Call has contacted their attorney who said that we were in direct violation of the "Sun Shine law," but ours said we were not! I guess having two lawyers is like having two watches, you never know what time it is," but we can't have that in Crestwood!

In my humble opinion, as a citizen of this great community, I have lost all faith in the City Attorney, and I firmly believe he should resign to pursue other goals in life. There is no shame in turning over the reins to your successor, only in hanging on when your not wanted!

FLASH! Click on the header to see Missouri Law concerning ballot issues, ET AL. How do all of you interpret this? (The City Attorney has made his ruling.) HUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

Tom Ford

NO. 529


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you say the Mayor has complete confidence in the City Attorney, how exaactly does this translate into a bonifide reason for the rest of us to agree?

9:55 PM, July 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't for get the Mayor has a college degree in law enforcement and if he is ok with Rob, then who am I to question him?

7:58 AM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:58 AM. I hope you are being facetious. Roy has expertise in nothing! A degree in law enforcement is right up there with basket weaving or physical education.

8:13 AM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that what the Mayors campagin stuff said 3 yrs ago?

9:31 AM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From callnewspapers.com. Quotation from editorial titled "Voters can't afford to write blank check to Crestwood
City officials need to restore transparency in government" by Mike Anthony in this week's issue-

"Perhaps Mayor Robinson said it best in March 2005 — just before being elected to his first term as mayor — when asked about a bond issue the Board of Aldermen had placed on the April 2005 ballot:

" ... But I think that the monies that they've requested for this bond issue was like a blank check and I don't trust any politician, including myself, with your money and a blank check,'' he said.

We have yet to see a long-term plan to solve the city's financial woes. City officials contend Proposition 1 will "bridge a revenue gap that is anticipated to occur be-tween 2009 and when the (Crestwood Court) mall redevelopment is complete.''

That's not a long-term plan because we're sorry to say that the city's mall will never be the economic engine that it once was. Nor are we aware of a long-term plan outlining exactly — dollar for dollar — how Prop 1 revenue would be spent. Coupled with the lack of transparency in Crestwood government today, we don't see how residents can approve an annual blank check of roughly $1.1 million for city officials to spend any way they see fit for the next six years."

9:42 AM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's pretty convincing stuff. No plan will get a NO vote from me too. Like Ms. Duchild and Mr. Anthony say now and Mayor Robinson said three years ago, it IS a blank check. Saying that Prop 1 will be spent just to "run the city" is way too vague and asks for not just more money but more trust in our government. To put it bluntly, with the pay raises that were just made under the table and months before the board even approved them, you just can't trust Crestwood government right now.

11:28 AM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not wait until this weeks Call is read by those who post on this blog.

4:05 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it! Don't miss it!

5:39 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently Police Chief, City Attorney Golterman, City Secretary, City Administrator Eckerich, Char Braun, Carol Wagner, Barry and all the rest and even J. Foote all think it okay for their Prop 1 Committee to use our city's reverse 911 and Bulletin to announce their privately sponsored meetings. This is where the blank check issue comes in. Heft behind the scenes at city hall gets private pools approved to be built behind city hall and city systems used for private purposes. Let's just see which Aldermen have had enough and support their constituants by asking for some resignations. Good grief, will it never end. Now we have "Group Corruption."

6:19 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robinson said the city eliminated 23 positions several years ago and has saved money by reorganizing the police department.

"We made all the sacrifices we can make," he said. "We can't cut the parks department. The fire department have become a skeleton, and now the police department has become a skeleton."

From March 5th Call:
"I think what's interesting about these numbers is we're right in the middle," Paillou told roughly 60 residents Saturday morning during a town-hall meeting. "And I'm very comfortable with us being in the middle of police services and fire services.

"They cost money. There's no denying that. We're not at the high end. We're not at the low end. We're in a conservative budget, so we're staying within that budget."

So where are we? At the bare bones bottom or in the middle? At least get your stories straight.

See you at the polls.

8:01 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is the annual lease payment for the 10 new Crown Victorias that we have and $95,000 that we encumbered to pay for our communications system that we're in the process of doing," he said. "If I can't communicate, I can't get that police car to your house. If the police car doesn't run, I can't guarantee it's going to get to the house."

$95,000 turned into:
A $377,600 expense in February for a new police communications system. City officials originally had planned to finance the system.

9:13 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, do you know if the $257,000 for the Crown Vics is the annual lease payment? How long is this lease?

Is 25K per car per year correct?

9:34 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See you at the polls.... and our next round of police hiring can come from Country Club Hills! You get what you pay for!

10:15 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would the next round of hiring come from there? Why, fifteen police just raises. And they are driving around in new cars.

10:27 PM, July 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the leaders of Citizens for Prop 1 are going to blame Golterman for their becoming a political organization way past the legal deadline. See this weeks Call.

Come on , if you cant see by now that Golterman and all the Dept Heads, including Helen Ingold, are doing only what the Mayor and this BOA want them to, then you must be blind.

I like the idea of resignations, starting with Golterman for not standing up to the Mayor and BOA and saying NO to some of their actions which violated the Charter.

Then our Police Chief who lives in Jefferson County, wrecks a City Car driving home, and no one can find the State Police record, then he violates the Charter with closed door pay raises.

Then our Mayor for telling us what we now know are lies to get elected, and finally, 6 of the 8 Aldermen for not following our Charter, which they took an oath to obey.

City Hall has become corrupt, and I for one will not vote to give them an extra penny of my money till it is cleaned out.

8:47 AM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City Hall has become corrupt, and I for one will not vote to give them an extra penny of my money till it is cleaned out...

Please... I'm sue you were saying the same thing when we had a CA "Buying" a city car (depreciated, by his hand picked finance girl, as a police car even though it was only driven by him.) with vacation time and then trading it for big black BMW with the rest of the tab being picked up by a hefty car alowence, a Mayor out of control after a holiday party and a "Special" Attorney providing us with a half a million dollars in bum leagal advice.

Kinda makes the current Administration look like allstars doesn't it!

11:44 AM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Way to stick your head in the sand and ignore today's problems by digging in the past. Mistakes were made. Get over it.

11:59 AM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The so-called victim of the past administration will never get over it and will never let anyone else forget. So we must endure.

12:25 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:44 AM, July 31, 2008

Blah, blah, blah....

12:36 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:25 and that is another reason I will vote no on Prop 1, your unwillingness to get over the past, who needs that?

1:11 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look like all-stars, not a chance! Look, bosses in any business have to discipline their employees and poster 11:44 sounds like someone how may not have been doing their job and as such was taken to task for it by their boss.
I for one want the dept heads cracking the whip on those who earn their living by my taxes. And you know what, like it or not Greer was doing the job of TWO dept heads at the cost to us the tax payers of ONE. Since his leaving look at the revolving door at city hall with in the administration dept and Police dept, if it was so bad under him how come the number of people leaving on their own accord is so much greater now than then?

I think the workers at city hall are making a statement with their leaving now as to their true feelings about the current "all-stars" in city hall.

1:20 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:20 PM Whoever you are, I do not know who made the statement at 11:44 am; but by your comment speaking of a "victim" - only one "victim" - in this Robertson/Greer scenario, you are speaking of me and we both know it. Funny that you single me out because there were many, many others victims.

As such, you had best get your story straight about me not doing my job and being taken to task.

You can say whatever you want about the circumstances surrounding what happened in my case, but I would be careful regarding the truth and the circumstances surrounding what occurred to me on and after December 12, 2002.

You, and others, always do what you do best, believe what you want to believe. And if the way you take someone to task is by threats, then you condone that type of behavior in the workplace. Further, if you think for one moment just because a person is a big shot lawyer, that gives him credence to push himself on anybody, especially after lots of drink and to a female, I know all I need to know about you.

In fact, I remember you very well. You made it pretty clear in previous comments on this blog what you think of me and and I am sure you will again but of course, you will do it anonymously to protect yourself. How convenient!

If you and others really want the truth, call me or come to my home any time and I will fill you in on the truth, that is if you want it.

My issue is very clear. I feel that if you don't like this administration, you have a right to say what you feel. But when you choose to defend the previous administration of Robertson and/or Greer, please defend them by using other criteria instead of what you think you know of me.

There are many other victims (plural) besides myself that have had experiences with Mr. Greer, as an employee of the City of Crestwood that were improper, biased, incidents of sexual harrassment and impropriety, that I know happened especially in the police department.

Don Greer covered them up and you know it. And knowing it, you would still use anyone or anything to defend him. Now I am requesting you to leave me out of your explanations.

Just because you didn't sign your name or use mine, doesn't mean I don't know who you are.

You are smart and intelligent. Surely you can come up with all the good things Greer and Robertson did without putting me down to achieve your goal.

Thanks for your consideration.
Sandy Grave

2:38 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds more to me like the City Attorney is Roy's scapegoat. He likes him because anything that goes wrong, like the prank his Police Chief pulled with pay increases, gets everyone riled up at the City Attorney. The Police Chief can make play dumb and pretend he doesn't know the law, which he should since it's part of the recent charter, and we can all get mad at the big, bad lawyer.

Also, a list was posted with the names and positions that were included in that 'pay adjustment', that supposedly only brought a handful of police officers up to a set salary due to an injustice in the pay system. I saw names on there that weren't police officers, including radio people and a secretary that was hired by the current chief. Those 'pay injustices' were supposed to have occurred PRIOR to this police chief, so how could his secretary have been part of that group?

2:45 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mistakes were made." Is that what we are calling fraud and sexual assult these days?

2:59 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again. Get it over it. I could care less what happened five years ago or even one year ago for that matter. The here and now is all that's important.

If you look back too much, you will soon be headed that way.

3:39 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:59 I agree with your comments. If Roy did made those same boo boo's, they would never call them "mistakes". Especially people on this blog who blame him for everything. Roy would definitely be hung at High Noon in the city hall parking lot.

3:43 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:39 You don't care because it wasn't someone in your family like your wife or daughter. With someone like you, it has to get personal before you care. Further, you hate this mayor so that makes it easy.

3:45 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There are many other victims (plural) besides myself that have had experiences with Mr. Greer, as an employee of the City of Crestwood.."

Sandy, that being said (by yourself) - why do you rattle on and on like you were the one being singled out??? Guilty conscious?

4:09 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote the post at 1:20 and was not thinking of you at all when I wrote it. What I was thinking of was, were there other victims and why had they not taken their case to court as you had if they had been mistreated as you had?
You would have been better to not have said a word about my post because it really wasn't directed at you.

4:54 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:09 Should I feel guilty? More importantly, I guess you feel I am guilty; guilty of what, I don't know.

If I am guilty of anything, it was trusting people I should have not trusted.

I put my faith and trust in the two people at city hall that I thought would be great to work for. You can ask anybody how I was looking forward to it. I was let down and in the worst way possible by the two people I admired the most.

You want to make a federal case out of this? Just keep asking me more questions.

On this blog, in my comment, I was speaking to one person and trying to tell him that there were other women at city hall that were also victims besides myelf but the only one that person spoke about was me. Yes, this blogger gave out no name but it was all about me.

The implications were stated and I resent them because my case had to do with much more than what was mentioned.

I keep trying to let it rest until some mouth on this blog wants to bring up what they think they know.

Being the lawyer you are, you can keep questioning me or let it go. The police department had lots of things happen that were never disclosed by Mr. Greer because he always covered his buddies; just those he hand picked. If you were not hand picked you either got demoted by threat or you left when you saw the ax coming. I saw nothing coming that's how stupid I was.

Now, I am not on trial, I just stated my issues. You know in your heart that nothing I say is going to allow you to agree with me so why keep up with the interrogation?

5:23 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:54 OK then I apologize and I am sorry. But I hope you understand that I am so hurt and upset and I know people who listen to the wrong people will still try to blame this all on me.

I worked for over 30 years and loved city hall; and to have to leave like that took it's toll on me and my family.

If I thought for one minute that this was going to happen to me, I would have never started working there 30 plus years ago.

I really think I will take this whole ordeal to my grave and I hate myself for being such a fool and taken for one.

Sorry again. I am really so sorry.


5:27 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I accept and will do all I can in future to be sure any comment I post is clear in who I am posting about.

6:07 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunlight is the best disinfectant

“Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.”

-- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Other People’s Money, and How the Bankers Use It, 1933.

6:57 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is time to bring everything out in the Sunlight!

All those in favor of asking the following to resign, say I!

Mayor Roy Robinson
City Attorney Golterman
Chief of Police

Time to come out of the closed offices and move on to your caves!

7:00 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much could we save by having a retirement party for Attorney Golterman?

We need to hire a retired lawyer with experience on preventing lawsuits.

7:03 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Mayor Roy Robinson walking like Don Greer?

What happened to his compaign promises of opening the books?

7:08 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was Carol Wagner on the TIF Commission for Kohl's with Attorney Robert Golterman?

Pat Kapsar, Chair
Jerry Bratsch
Forrest Miller
Philip Sidlo
Karen Shuster

Is her business registered in Crestwood?

7:40 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Attorney Golterman contract been updated since May 24, 2005 by Mayor Roy Robinson?

$2750.00 per month for
(a) Regular and special meetings of the BOA
(b) Meetings of Board of Adjustment
(c) Other meetings as agreed with the City Administrator

$205.00 per hour for
1. Research and prepartion of written memorandums or written opinions that exceed the "Office Hours".
2. Draft ordinances, resolutions opinions or memoranda that exceeed the "Office Hours".
3. Negotiations with other parties with respect to contracts, purchase or sale of property and drafting of contracts and similar matters that exceed the "Office Hours."

Who writes Attorney Golterman contract and approves of his contract?

7:50 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


no more corruption in Crestwood

8:15 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Year 2004

(353 is a Urban Redevelopment Corporations Law 353.010 R.S. Mo.)

5/29/2004 Second reading of 353 and CID ordinances, and approval upon signature of Mayor Fagan

3/30/2004 to 4/01/2004 Execution of Development Agreement.

Ordinance No. 3880 2nd Reading 12/14/2004 Mayor Fagan
Approving a preliminary funding agreement between the City and WEA Crestwood Plaza, LLC

Ordinance No. 3881 2nd Reading 12/14/2004 Mayor Fagan
Approving an agreement with PGAV for Crestwood Westfield Shoppingtown

Is everything ready for a 353 instead of a TIF for the Crestwood Court?

Is it true, that you do not need a TIF board because this is a 353 Tax Abatement?

8:17 PM, July 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bet your sweet bippy Ms. Chrissy Everet.

8:27 AM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy TIF Batman, are you posting that Mayor Fagan did something right? I thought he and everybody else at City Hall way back then was under the evil influence of Don Greer?

Does Roy know about this action by Mayor Fagan and if he does what does it mean about the tax increase?

Where was Roy in 2004, he was on the police board happy with Greer as police chief and the planned police and city hall upgrades. Tossing back a few cold ones after the police board meetings with our future police chief?

9:08 AM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had Crestwood opted out of the sales tax holiday, it would have been in a lot of company. I wonder how many of the cities that are opting IN are also asking residents to double their property taxes?

Below is a list of those cities opting out-


"Below is the list of cities that will not participate in the 2008 sales tax holiday. City sales tax in these locations will still be collected on the sale of qualifying holiday items.

Ash Grove
Bellerive Acres
Beverly Hills
Black Jack
Byrnes Mill
Carl Junction
Cool Valley
Crystal City
Des Peres
Eldorado Springs
Fair Grove
Flint Hill
Freemont Hills
Garden City
Grant City
Green City
Half Way
Hawk Point
Holts Summit
Jefferson City
Kingdom City
Loma Linda
Marble Hill
Marlborough Village
Merriam Woods Village
Moscow Mills
Mountain Grove
Mountain View
Mount Vernon
New Haven
New Madrid
New Melle
North Kansas City
Oak Grove
Osage Beach
Platte City
Platte Woods
Poplar Bluff
Reeds Spring
Richmond Heights
Rockaway Beach
Rock Hill
St Ann
St Mary
St Peters
Ste Genevieve
Sugar Creek
Town & Country
Twin Oaks
University City
Walnut Grove
Warson Wood
Webster Grove
West Plains
Willow Springs"

12:44 PM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shucks folks we don't need the sales tax, we are gonna raise your property tax for you.
Don't even try to drive on Watson and Sappington road, they will be too jammed with shoppers coming to Crestwood cause of our sales tax holiday

Roy the Mayor and a bunch of our current Aldermen.

2:53 PM, August 01, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:17 pm BLOGGER: Do you have any back up or support materials on this 353 deal?

If so, please list them here as I would like to send them on to Jefferson City with my complaint against it!

These idiot "tax abatement" programs are the reason ALL of us see the "tax and spend" crowd come out of the woodwork every year for more money!

If a developer wants to "develop" something, let them risk their own money, I am tired of having to subsidise clowns with more money in the bank than most of us put together!

No more "sweetheart deals" like Kohl's, and the parking lot for me, as for you, if you want to keep shelling out the hard earned bucks to folks so they do not have to take the risk, go for it, I don't!

"A Crestwoodian voting for a tax increase is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders!"

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And remember, this tax hike applies to personal property too-your car, boat, or trailer.

5:35 PM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line, it is time for the city attorney to go. If he did not have enough legal expertise to tell the Prop 1 committee that using the city funded reverse 911 system and city bulletin for personal use was WRONG; and he must be constantly enlightened regarding the sunshine law; and he did not advise the Police Chief that the salary increases for certain policemen were not kosher without formal inquiry - well tell me please what does it take to ask him politely to resign. He surely has embarrassed himself enough by now. Not to mention his affliations with the private swim club and its total disservice to the city in its unlikely spot. And of course its interesting financing. He was afterall an alderman who served with the president of the swim club. Tell me, please .... exactly what does he do and what has he done to earn a dime of what he makes. Sit like a log on the dais preparing his bill? If we are short on cash and legal expertise -why is he still here? Blank check indeed!!! What a perfect example of city backpeddling to the imperfect past that has led us to so many disturbing political disasters. Aldermen who must depend on this sort of legal help must be part of the problem. And this is serious stuff. Why vote yes on a tax increase when we still have this kind of leech? At what point is the opinion of city residents compelling enough for action to take place?

9:43 PM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimbo Roberston for City Attorney!

9:58 PM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why did Jim Brasfield appoint this attorney?

8:15 AM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did Jimbo Robertson appoint Chris Hesse to handle the Lichliter Lawsuit? Or, on second thought, did he appoint him? He must have because we paid over $500,000 to him.............

8:55 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice of a closed meeting of the Crestwood Board of Aldermen to consider legal matters was held on 11-11-03 in accordance with Mo.Rev.Stat. § 610.020.2. Said meeting was convened in accordance with §§ 610.022.1 and 610.021(1). Following information, advice and discussion with attorneys for the City, the following motions were offered and voted upon as follows: 1. Motion (by Alderman Breeding) to select Chris Hesse as the lead counsel and to file suit against Kent Leichliter immediately and research and file against additional defendants as determined by Counsel. Seconded by Maddox. a. On the first issue of selecting Chris Hesse as lead counsel
AYE: Breeding, Maddox, Duwe, Alexander, LaBore
NAY: Fagan, Trueblood, Vincent
b. On the second issue of initiating a suit against Kent Leichliter, researching and filing against additional defendants as determined by Counsel.
AYE: Fagan, Trueblood, Breeding, Vincent, Maddox, Duwe, Alexander, LaBore
NAY: None
Submitted by Donald E. Greer, City Administrator this 22nd day of November, 2003.

4:58 AM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:58 Thanks for the info. This is the first time someone has stepped up to the plate and shown bloggers in writing, what the actual process was in originating the Leichliter lawsuit and how, indeed, the board of aldermen and city attorney were involved. I thank you very much for this info.

Until I see something that shows me that we as citizens have something substantial to oust the city attorney, police chief and the mayor for such as impropriety of code and/or ordinance violations and until I know that the board of aldermen are in agreement, I don't think anyone has a chance in hell of pursuing resignations from anyone.

You can act all high and mighty on this blog, Tom because it is yours, but you don't stand a chance going to the Missouri Ethics Commission when things in Crestwood are not clear about the issues.

Until you speak with the people involved and the aldermen and the city attorney about what has occurred, you should do nothing until those things are done first.

10:53 AM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:53, wrong Tom stands more than just a "chance" by going to the MO Ethics Comm.
The group Citizens for Prop 1, was illegal from the day it was registered as it's leaders did so within 30 days of an election. That alone is enough reason to go to the the Commission.

12:19 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:58 AM, August 04, 2008

Ask those same Aldermen who voted for the lawsuit if 1) They had ANY idea how much it was going to end up costing (Around $500,000.) 2)Why the City did not inform their insurance carrier when a counter suit was brought against the City.3) Why the City was left facing a huge potential counter claim with NO insurance coverage.

The fact is that this case WAS NOT handled properly. It was more EGO than substance and the only party that benefited from it was Mr. Hesse thanks to Don and Jimbo.

Nice try!

12:23 PM, August 04, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:53 AM Blogger: Unless I miss my guess you have no idea what I will be requesting from the Ethics commission, and about whom, now do you?

High and mighty? not at all my friend, but I do wish to have some answers as to why several things seem to have happened during this election that seem to be "strange!"

I have no way of getting to the bottom of this as I hold no subpoena power, nor am I allowed to question the parties that may, or may not be involved, but they do.

You may be surprised to learn that the Mayor, the Police Chief, and the City Attorney are NOT the reasons behind this inquiry in the first place.

The Ethics commission is the correct place to go for this type of inquiry, not the blog, the paper, or the local cocktail party.

I shall give it to them along with what I believe to be the facts in this inquiry, and from then on out it will be up to them to make a decision.

The State of Missouri has some very stringent rules that must be followed for any election (I will be a poll supervisor in Fenton tomorrow to help insure this.) If they were followed, fine, if not, well they are spelled out in the handout that all committees, and candidates receive when they apply, and they should have been!

I hope this will clear up the "high and mighty" allegation, as I believe we deserve no less that the finest Government, and City we can get!

Tom Ford

5:36 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

something strange about this election, it is the 1st tax increase that I can recall where the Fire Fighters Union weren't active in support of the increase.

Any ideas why?

6:01 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, I don't think they were active in the last BOA election either.

7:52 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to recall they were out in support of Roy two elections ago and Prop S, at least their Union was on the streets.

8:41 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robinson, then a year later for some of the aldermanic candidates and Prop S.

8:46 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who not this election, any one know or care to guess?nwoipta

7:30 AM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fire Union will not support Roy after he was unable to deliver on promises he made to them from his first campaign.

Sadly, the only promise he did keep was to hire his unqualified drinking buddy as chief of police

3:15 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What were Roy's promises that he made to the Fire Fighters Union?

4:37 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry. Not going to re-hash the past AGAIN.

7:58 AM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:58, no really, I wasn't aware that promises had been made, I didnt realize it was old news.

4:54 PM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:36 Aug. 4th. But Tom it was stated on this blog that the mayor covered up this closed door meeting with the police chief and the police raises were given, not in accordance with the Charter. Then the City Attorney who was also reappointed by the mayor was included. Bloggers said the mayor is sneaky and he needed to be recalled. They, were all in it together. You as much as agreed when you wanted the ethics commission to get involved.

But now that the tax issue didn't pass, I am sure you will find that all these people who were upset with the mayor, were only upset about the tax increase and used the police raises as another excuse to say no to the tax. Cause now, nobody seems to care one way or another about the police raises as they are too happy that the tax increase lost.

Haven't heard one word anymore since Tuesday about the recall, or firing of anyone. Strange, I think.

5:56 PM, August 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:56 The tax hike was one issue. There are many other issues in Crestwood that must be looked at.

11:25 PM, August 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tax issue is the only issue anyone really cared about. The other issues I guarantee you will now be lost in the wind because now, the people who opposed the tax have what they really were upset about. Everything but their real reason for not wanting the tax increase was used by the opposition. This was the opportunity for those who depise this administration to get in their digs in, and people went for it. Politics was the more important thing. Residents have been pampered in this town for years. That's why seniors stay here. They can give all the other tax entities what they want, but forget about Crestwood. Sounds like a plan to me.

Nothing will be done regarding police raises or recalling this mayor. The people never cared about it in the first place. It was all about the tax. You can bet on it.

9:26 AM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a right to your opinion, but it wasn't just all about the tax increase.

Oh and "Residents have been pampered in this town for years. That's why seniors stay here. They can give all the other tax entities what they want, but forget about Crestwood. Sounds like a plan to me."

That's rich! You should take that act to the Funny Bone.

10:48 AM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:26 AM

Yes, you are so right. See, we shouldn't have to worry about the burdens of the taxpayer. Not at all. We should only worry about our city. New cars, raises, whatever they want they should get, because the city exists for its employees, not the residents. The residents just live off the fatted calf. They don't have to worry about anything. So what if times are tough or if senior citizens have a hard time paying their bills. Tough. The fact that city employees might be riding around in 5+ year old cars, now that's the real tragedy. So what if young families have a tough time with house payments and tuition for their kids. That's just tough. Those young families exist for the city, plain and simple. Besides, we have a great leader. He spent most of his life in the federal govt. We all know how efficient the federal government is.

11:06 AM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me tell you something loud mouth. I didn't have two nickels to rub together either when I was young; you think you are the only one? Young people struggle.

37 cents is what people in this town paid for Crestwood services for many, many years. The city is the residents. The employees are not overpaid and they are not bitching about it. Where do you get off thinking that? Because some police officers got raises? Get a life.

There are other things that will deteriorate in this town if you don't pay attention and stop playing politics. You think your services are going to last forever? You think snow plows and trucks and cement, and every other thing in Crestwood isn't going to get old and need to be replaced? We cannot live off of sales tax alone,get it?

Maybe we will be OK for awhile, but it is only a matter of time, when you will see the results of a No vote and I don't mean the employees. Get off your dang high horse about the employees. This is about your city, you stupid mule. You think that the city has been taxing you to death? Look at all the other things on your bill besides what you pay for Crestwood. 37 cents per 100 assessed valuation. You can't buy a cup of coffee today for what you paid 25 years ago.

4:43 PM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen you name-calling crab, Crestwood's income has gone up - utility taxes and property taxes.
So don't be so judgemental you know it all.

Now we are on coffee? You dropped the milk thing?

You are so right. Coffee and milk are more expensive, so let's put more burden on the taxpayer.

Hey, know it all, you forgot creamer. And sugar! And artificial sweetener! Those have gotten higher too!

6:54 PM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you want Crestwood to pay for your cream and sugar too? You would!

6:56 PM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the plastic spoons to stir coffee. Those have gone up too!

We must serve the city. The city does not serve us. We must serve the city. The city does not serve us. We must serve the city. The city does not serve us.

7:04 PM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city has served you well. The city has served you well. The city ha served you well. And now the well is getting dry.

7:48 PM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The well has got about 5 million in it. wouldn't call that dry.

8:47 PM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK you win. Have a nice night

9:32 PM, August 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You too.

12:32 AM, August 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, adults at play, I think my head is going to explode.

9:08 AM, August 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My head already exploded...

10:01 AM, August 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:17 AM, August 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:17 Can't stand it when people try to get along on this blog huh?

9:19 AM, August 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When has that happened?

7:47 PM, August 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor and the board had chances tonight to get to the bottom of the police raises and the use of city resources for a political action committee. Guts were lacking to say the least and they chose not to. I'm ashamed of our board and our city. These are dark days in our city.

11:24 PM, August 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't anybody get up and ask them point blank, about it?

Why didn't you question your aldermen while you were at the meeting?

Did you ask and they dismissed you or something?


9:12 AM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Didn't anybody get up and ask them point blank, about it?"

"Why didn't you question your aldermen while you were at the meeting?" Two aldermen brought up some issues. The public tried to speak and was shot down by the mayor.

"Did you ask and they dismissed you or something?" See above.

These are dark days in Crestwood. But hey, it's not all bad. You want to advertise in Crestwood? Ask the mayor and see if he will let you use reverse 911!

10:00 AM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I think all of these issues boil down to this.

If you want to know what really went on with the pay raises in the Police Department, putting things in the newsletter, reverse 911 calls, or what constitutes town hall meetings, being biased and not being biased, and all of the other issues that are plaquing bloggers, call your two aldermen and ask them what is going on and if things were done illegally or legally.

Instead of blurting out things about what is going on, go to the source. If you don't like your aldermen, talk to other aldermen in other wards. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time with speculation and not knowing the real facts.

The aldermen were all present for all of these things. Work sessions, whether or not they need to be closed door sessions; and pay raises, legal interpretation by the city attorney and anything else you are upset about. Bloggers have done nothing but pick, pick and pick. It's spreading like wildfire and I think there are lots of people who don't know who or what to believe.

Nobody at all, in all these blog messages have called their aldermen. All they keep doing is getting more angry. Find out the true answers and stop playing information booth.

When you find out the real reasons and legalities on all these issues, let us all know.

Personally, I don't have a problem with any of the issues because if there were inproprieties going on, it would have already reared it's head and we would all know it. You might feel that some officials are not acceptable or truthful, and not to be trusted, but there are those that are.

Pick up the phone and call your aldermen since you can't get anyone to address you at a board meeting. Otherwise, without going to the source, you might all end up with egg on your face.

3:31 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm ok, not sure where you've been but the aldermen discussed these issues last night and from what I heard, some of them received several complaints. Don't believe me, listen to the tape.

The board as a whole FAILED to do anything about these issues.

The 'source' (nice term for the board - I'm not sure if I would call them that anymore) did NOTHING. It's time to take it a step further.

3:43 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 115
Election Authorities and Conduct of Elections
Section 115.646

August 28, 2007

Public funds expenditure by political subdivision officer or employee, prohibited--personal appearances permitted.
115.646. No contribution or expenditure of public funds shall be made directly by any officer, employee or agent of any political subdivision to advocate, support, or oppose any ballot measure or candidate for public office. This section shall not be construed to prohibit any public official of a political subdivision from making public appearances or from issuing press releases concerning any such ballot measure."

3:46 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some stated at the board meeting last night that they received complaints but nothing was done about it?

So you got no answers at the board meeting? Therefore, I would call my aldermen and ask them why not. Then they need to give you an answer on the phone. I would not be satisfied with an "I don't know". They were present at the work sessions, they met about the pay raises and they know about the reverse 911 calls and the town hall meetings. So they need to give you a straight answer without passing the buck. And the blame game has to stop and don't put up with it. If they are not going to answer the hot questions on their own, they should be able to get a ruling from the city attorney even if they have to call him on their own. A simple yes or no regarding "are these issues legal or illegal"; pure and simple.

If they prove to be legal, there is nothing that needs to be discussed any further. If not, things need to get done and people need to be accountable.

If you have to, I would speak with all of them; surely someone can tell you if you are going down the right road or not.

Tom said something about the Ethics Commission. Ask him what he had heard further about all of these issues.

I am just thinking that maybe nothing was done illegally because surely someone on that board of aldermen would be all over it by now.

4:26 PM, August 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:46 Please explain what you are getting at. Is this about the town hall meetings or the reverse 911 issue? Explain

4:28 PM, August 13, 2008  

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