Our Governing body wants a .35 per hundred (assessed value) tax increase!
Now on the surface that is a rather daunting figure to say the least! Couple this with a school district that will be back for more money, and a very greedy County who continues to take and take in the form of property tax "re-assessments," and you soon see that we will have nothing left!
As we have not yet slipped into the Marxist state that some feel we should pursue ("To each according to their means, from each according to their means,") I think we must take a very close look at where we are as a City.
First of all, we have a report that was presented to the BOA at the last meeting that shows we have a checking account balance of $5,542,660.00 on hand, with almost all of this years bills paid. The general fund is now $121,959.00 (or 5.2% under last year,) but the good news is the fund is $96,962.00, (or 4.3% over budget.)
As of June,08 we have 60.7% of budgeted general fund revenues. If historical patterns remain the same as in the past several years the general fund will come in at $4,009,798.00 or $160,400.00 over budget.
What the heck does all this mean? Well to me, it means we have the wherewithal to remain solvent this year, and into 2009 without a tax increase. That said we have leaders who will tell you that we cannot survive without one. As I see it, we can, and will survive if the needed cuts are made, if we stop ridiculous spending (a $15,000.00 web site,) and if we all agree to back this sort of thinking!
The Aquatic center will be paid off in 2011 (final payment is now in escrow for 2012,)the Kohl's TIF will be paid off, and unless were foolish enough to grant another ("stimulus package,") we will be back in the black!
What if? These is the tactics being given to us to vote yes, well, OK, what if? Let's say were in dire financial straits in 2009! Well there is still time to pass a tax increase at that time, no? Meanwhile we can always borrow the funds if needed (as we did on a failed police building project.)
I apologize for the length of this rant, but as I am sure you can see, I really do not believe this tax increase is needed at this time! Let's do what we must do at home, CUT THE SPENDING!
"A Crestwoodian voting for a tax increase is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders!"
Clarification: To clarify a couple of points...
The general fund revenues in paragraphs 3 and 4 are strictly general fund sales tax revenues. The Aquatic center is essentially paid off in 2011; most of the final 2012 payment is already in escrow.
The Kohl's TIF will be paid off in 2010.
I know there are many learned people in Crestwood who are for the tax increase, and I invite them to post their comments here. That is what this blog is about, not for smart remarks, but for honest reflections and comments on Crestwood events!
Tom Ford
NO. 522
As we have not yet slipped into the Marxist state that some feel we should pursue ("To each according to their means, from each according to their means,") I think we must take a very close look at where we are as a City.
First of all, we have a report that was presented to the BOA at the last meeting that shows we have a checking account balance of $5,542,660.00 on hand, with almost all of this years bills paid. The general fund is now $121,959.00 (or 5.2% under last year,) but the good news is the fund is $96,962.00, (or 4.3% over budget.)
As of June,08 we have 60.7% of budgeted general fund revenues. If historical patterns remain the same as in the past several years the general fund will come in at $4,009,798.00 or $160,400.00 over budget.
What the heck does all this mean? Well to me, it means we have the wherewithal to remain solvent this year, and into 2009 without a tax increase. That said we have leaders who will tell you that we cannot survive without one. As I see it, we can, and will survive if the needed cuts are made, if we stop ridiculous spending (a $15,000.00 web site,) and if we all agree to back this sort of thinking!
The Aquatic center will be paid off in 2011 (final payment is now in escrow for 2012,)the Kohl's TIF will be paid off, and unless were foolish enough to grant another ("stimulus package,") we will be back in the black!
What if? These is the tactics being given to us to vote yes, well, OK, what if? Let's say were in dire financial straits in 2009! Well there is still time to pass a tax increase at that time, no? Meanwhile we can always borrow the funds if needed (as we did on a failed police building project.)
I apologize for the length of this rant, but as I am sure you can see, I really do not believe this tax increase is needed at this time! Let's do what we must do at home, CUT THE SPENDING!
"A Crestwoodian voting for a tax increase is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders!"
Clarification: To clarify a couple of points...
The general fund revenues in paragraphs 3 and 4 are strictly general fund sales tax revenues. The Aquatic center is essentially paid off in 2011; most of the final 2012 payment is already in escrow.
The Kohl's TIF will be paid off in 2010.
I know there are many learned people in Crestwood who are for the tax increase, and I invite them to post their comments here. That is what this blog is about, not for smart remarks, but for honest reflections and comments on Crestwood events!
Tom Ford
NO. 522
Mr Ford, why have you made this complete turn against the city. I think all you are is a puppet for the men in power who don't want the increase. If not people and there families will be laid off. Maybe one of them will be your own son. Why do you insist on siding with one man who doesn't even get all the services the rest of you do. Mr. Ford I used to respect you, but now your are nothing except someone who nothing better to do than chat in this chat room of yours. Your article in the paper was totally un professional.
Oh brother, here we go again.
My question for you 10:47 blogger, is Crestwood run for its residents, or is it run for its employees?
10:47 PM blogger: Well, would you have any respect for me if I rolled over and spewed the party line?
My friend, it is what it is, get used to my calling the shot as I see it, not as you wished I would see it!
We are in very tough times, and we need tough leadership to pull through them. Face it, you not going to loose your job, nor is anyone else over this, but we must, and WILL tighten up the budget!
Sorry but I must beg to differ on my article, I loved it, but then I am not much of a critic on me!
Tom Ford
Tom, as a rule, gets my support about 50% of the time, this is one of the issues I support him 100%!
I agree wholeheartedly with Tom. I think we can cut back on the spending, trim the budget, and still function well without a tax increase. I think this can be done with the right leadership.
from http://www.stltoday.com/blogzone/political-fix/political-fix/2008/06/st-louis-county-voters-may-face-four-tax-bond-proposals-in-a-short-time/
by Phil Sutin
St. Louis County voters may see four money-raising proposals — three tax increases and a bond issue — in back-to-back major elections starting in November if county officials follow recommendations of a blue-ribbon commission.
The proposals would be:
> A half-cent transit sales tax increase and a “no-tax-increase” bond issue that could exceed $100 million on the ballot in the general election in November.
> A 1.85-cent use tax and a one eighth-cent parks sales tax before voters in the local elections in April.
The tax increases and bond issue deal with “critical issues that need attention,” former St. Louis County Councilman Skip Mange, the commission chairman, said on Tuesday.
The bond issue would require a four-sevenths favorable vote to pass. The other proposals would need a simple majority. If the two sales tax proposals pass, a county resident buying a vehicle worth $20,000 would pay an additional $125 in sales taxes. Businesses would pay almost all the use tax.
The commission decided on its recommendation on June 17, but won’t formally submit its views to County Executive Charlie Dooley until it completes a report. Before voters can consider the matter, Dooley has to ask the county council to put proposals on the ballot and the council must agree. The deadline for putting proposals on the November ballot is Aug. 26.
The 15-member blue-ribbon commission since last April has been considering the county’s needs for buildings, roads, upgrades for parks and public safety and projects for economic development. The group then has looked at ways to pay for the needs.
The half-cent sales tax increase would raise about $80 million a year for Metro’s transit system. County officials want half of that money to help support bus and rail service and half for expansion of MetroLink.
If the proposal passes, the county would reduce the transit system’s share of a different half-cent sales tax that has helped subsidize Metro since 1973 and use additional money from that tax for the county’s arterial roads.
County voter approval of the half-cent transit tax would trigger a one-fourth cent increase in St. Louis’s transit tax. City voters approved the tax in 1997, but officials never levied it because it was tied to a transit tax increase that failed in the county in the same election.
The county staff had discussed a $120 million bond issue. But Mange said officials have not yet determined the size of the bond issue they could propose without raising taxes. Among the calculations would be a guess at interest rates that would be available when the county sells the bonds.
The bond issue could help pay for such items as a new family courts building, relocation and expansion of county crime and health labs, renovation of the courts building and development of a countywide animal shelter at a building the county recently bought in Olivette.
A no-tax-increase bond issue, however, increases the time voters would pay a property tax for debt service. In such bond issues, governments structure new bond issue so they would pay off most of the new bonds after they retire existing ones.
A county use tax would raise $30 million a year. Half the money would go to public safety, park improvements and economic development. The other half would finance local government services.
A 1.85-cent use tax county use tax could help finance development of a $75 million public safety radio system that would allow police, fire and emergency medical personnel to communicate with one another at a disaster, accident or crime scene.
The one-eighth cent parks tax would generate about $13 million a year. The staff suggested using about $7 million a year for park improvements. The staff said the county could borrow $70 million through a lease-purchase agreement, the staff said. It would retire the debt using parks tax money allocated for improvements.
Among potential parks projects are the rebuilding of the recreation complex in Veterans Memorial Park in north St. Louis County, renovation of the Greensfelder recreation complex in Queeny Park in west St. Louis County and improvements to the Kennedy recreation complex in south St. Louis County.
Having four tax and bond proposals so close together could trigger a voter backlash, particularly in April. Mange said officials could review their options after the November election and put off part or all of the proposals the commission recommends for April. If officials choose to delay, voters could possibly see some of the proposals in the 2010 general election.
The use tax is more important than the parks tax because of the need for the public safety communications system, Mange said.
12:25 PM blogger: What was that I said about the county, oh yes, "greedy, take, and take!"
Folks, my gasoline bill for the last two weeks (one Ford F-150) are as follows:
(I have the receipts to show you!)
Now just where in the heck am I supposed to get the money for all these tax increases? From you Mr. / Ms. 10:47 PM blogger? or from my Mommy, or, I know how about I raise taxes to get it! Oh wait, that's a trick used by the Government when they feel they need more money, and I can't do that can I!
By now you get my drift! If this continues I will be ready to toss some tea in Sappington Pond, because the people that would take my last remaining dollars surly do not represent me!
Tom Ford
Well folks the City web site is up and running again, and guess what, we didn't have to spend $15,000.00 to do it!
I love it when it all comes together!
Tom Ford
ARTICLE VII SECTION (h)of our City Charter states that:
INSUFFICIENT REVENUES - If at any time during the fiscal year it appears
probable to the City Administrator that the revenues available will be insufficient to meet
the amount appropriated, it shall be reported to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen without
delay. The City Administrator shall indicate the estimated amount of the deficit and any
remedial action taken, and recommend further steps to be implemented. The Board of
Aldermen shall then take such further action as it deems necessary to prevent any
deficit, and for that purpose it may by ordinance reduce appropriations.
The Mayor has stated that the City will have a short fall of $600,000 this budget year. Is the BOA taking any steps to prevent this deficit THIS YEAR? Not one reduction ordinance has been offered much less passed since when?
Do you the reader, believe our elected officials are following our Charter?
When you attend your Ward's Town Hall meeting, ask your Alderman if he thinks this section of the Charter has been obeyed. Their answer should tell you if they read this blog or if the even know our Charter which they took an oath to obey.
Wow, take a look at the nice increases (4-6%) the Lindbergh School Administrators are getting...even though they have to borrow against their reserves. You're correct Tom. Lindbergh is going to have it's hand out real soon.
I will be meeting with Alderman John Foote this afternoon to get his reasoning behind the need for this increase, so I shall ask him.
I hope he will agree to post (in a lead thread) his reasons for the "sudden" need for this increase, so we can view both sides of this issue.
Tom Ford
Speaking of taxes, take a gander at the Federal level proposals by both candidates! WOW!
You can verify a lot of this here
Please spread the word.
This is something you should be aware of so you don't get blind sided. This is
really going to catch a lot of families off guard. It should make you worry.
Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election:
0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
28% on profit from ALL home sales
How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.
MCCAIN 15% (no change)
OBAMA 39.6%
How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.'
MCCAIN (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250
OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes will more than double!
How does this affect you? No explanation needed. This is pretty straight
MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
OBAMA Restore the inheritance tax
How does this affect you? Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.
New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet.
New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)
New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity)
New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....
New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!
Still think we can afford a tax hike of .35 per hundred of assessed value?
This is from a friend, and he is usually right on the money, so.
Tom Ford
I did meet with John Foote this morning, and as always he was very informative.
I asked him to write a thread on the blog reference the need for the tax increase, and he agreed that he would shortly.
In case you have not heard there will be Ward meetings to educate you on the needs (the first is Wednesday night for Ward three,) and you are to be notified by "reverse 911," or call your Alderman for times.
I have said my piece on this increase, and as I said early on, I have no intention of telling you how to vote on it. However, I strongly recommend you get both sides of this issue before you vote, and vote your conscience, it's that important!
Tom Ford
Who does Alderman John Foote represent? Bogeman? Mayor Robinson? What is he agenda?
What is Alderman John Foote creditials? Did he ever work in financials or just bookkeeping?
I give City Administrator Jim Eckrich one year. Jim was safe as a Public Works Director. The City Administrator is totally responsible for the city and can go to jail and be suit.
Show me or us the evidence that we need this increase.
Have all of the City's Books open to the public even the hidden accounts such as trust accounts?
Have we cut all of the cell phones for the city officials except the police and fire?
Which department will really get the .35 per hundred tax increase?
Streets, sidewalks, parties, Crestwood Swim Club, Rosebrook Real Estate Company, sewers?
Please give us the details.
9:57 PM blogger: Ward 4, and he has an extensive background in management. I trust him completely.
9:59 PM blogger: The "trust accounts" are what bothers me. It seems we have $500,000.00 (or thereabouts) in that one that "Can't be touched! WHY NOT?
How many more do we have, and what are they for? Ask your Alderman at the meeting! I have asked, and so far I haven't had much success, other than "were looking into it."
Tom Ford
Correction to July/August 2008 Crestwood Newsletter
Crestwood Swim Club Rosebrook Real Estate Company Government Center Parking Lot
In May 15, 2003 the THF Crestwood Point Transportation Development District (TDD), L.L.C. was created by the St. Louis County Circuit Court and funds were designated to be used for several transportation improvement projects. The parking lot improvement project will be funded through the Crestwood Point Transportation Development District (TDD), L.L.C. The Crestwood Point TDD has financed several transportation improvement projects immediately adjacent to the Kohl’s development, including improvements to Sappington Road and the construction of the cross-access roadway between Watson Plaza and Kohl’s, and Rosebrook Real Estate Company Crestwood Swim Club new pool. The Crestwood Government Center parking lot was originally included as part of the Crestwood Point TDD, and the improvements were a part of the original TDD budget for Rosebrook Real Estate Company Crestwood Swim Club new pool. These TDD expenses are completely unrelated to the City of Crestwood budget, and funds allocated from the TDD cannot be used for anything other than transportation improvements within the limits of the TDD except for Rosebrook Real Estate Company Crestwood Swim Club new pool.
Beginning in the summer of 2008 the parking lot at the Crestwood Government Center will receive some much needed improvements. These improvements will include new concrete, new curbing, improved lighting, revised landscaping, new fencing, retaining wall improvements, and new asphalt riding surface. The contractor for this project will be Gershenson Construction Company. The construction portion of this project is estimated to cost $580,000.
The City of Crestwood looks forward to the completion of this project. Should you have any questions regarding the proposed parking lot improvements, please contact the Crestwood Public Services Department at (314) 729-4720.
Questions: Who are the subcontractors for Gershenson Construction Company?
How much did Rosebrook Real Estate Company Crestwood Swim Club received from Kohl’s TDD, CID, and TIF monies? $850,000? $1.4 million? $2.4 million?
Which lawyers and law firms received salaries from the Kohl’s deal?
Why was Rosebrook Real Estate Company Crestwood Swim Club parking lot and tennis courts included in the 1998 Kohl's TIF deal?
Please thank all of the Kohl's shoppers for paying for Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim club new swimming pool, new parking lot, new lights, and a new sewer. It is a beautiful save pool with free parking at the City Hall and at St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
Be sure to send a thank you letter and personally to former Alderman Gary Vincent who lives in Sunset Hills, former Alderman Breeding, former Alderman Duwe, former Alderman Kelleher, Alderman Pickel, Mr. Green from Planning and Zoning, and Mayor Roy Robinson.
Has their Rosebrook Real Company stock increased in value? Who has the most Rosebrook Real Estate stock?
How much has the City of Crestwood received in Intergovernmental monies from the TDD's and the CID's?
The City of Crestwood received 1% of the 1% of the Kohl's sales taxes.
Who spends this money?
Is Pool Specialists registered in the City of Crestwood?
If not, how many swimming pools did they sell from showing off Crestwood Swim Club?
Has the City of Crestwood received any of these sales tax dollars?
Please post the total Gross Receipts from the City of Crestwood businesses and a list of the Business Licenses.
How much money is actually going through the City of Crestwood?
Which bank is holding the city's monies?
What is stored in the Crestwood Public Storage location?
Quote by one of the founders of Rosebrook Real Estate Company Crestwood Swim Club:
"Our pool is such a mystical place"
It trully is hidden by all of the citizens of Crestwood in the government paperwork.
parking lot versus a new private safe swimming pool
I see your back Cathryn. Please try to stick to the issues of the thread. We have been all over the pool issue for two years, and I think it's time to give it up!
It is what it is, and no one on this blog can change it, so unless it springs a major leak, it's there for the duration!
I hope you will understand and continue to post.
Tom Ford
Grant's Farm will probably be sold for new homes or condos!
10:47 PM July 11th
I would just like to say that I just received the newsletter today and there are two full pages of explanations regarding the city's finances as well as other data that you can all use to judge whether or not this tax increase is needed.
After all, many of you stated on this blog that you wanted proof, now is your chance to get that proof. Go to the ward meetings and ask your questions and file your complaints. Also, at that same time, you can tell the mayor how much you dislike him, how upset you are with him, call him names and tell him he had no right to change his mind about the need for a tax increase, after he was re-elected.
Tell him that he is a liar since during his campaign, he said we didn't need one. And don't forget all the other garbage you seem to enjoy speaking about on this blog especially when you don't have to give your name. Yes, for heaven sakes, do what you do on this blog, only do it face to face at a ward meeting.
After all, you are so adamant and have no problems speaking about it anonymously. Why not go one on one while you got the chance?
I double dare you!
Is now the right time to spend $580,000 on a new parking lot? How can a City be so out of touch with what is going on? Are they in a vacuum?
I enjoyed the reverse 911 call. Meetings to discuss the proposed "revenue increase". Let the spin begin. Can't even call it a tax increase.
Did anyone see the comments from Fenton's Mayor Hancock on the Fox 2 Townhall meeting? His comments were something like this: "We saw the economic downturn coming and worked to right-size our city government"
Crestwood won't even put the hiring of a secretary on hold. They would rather put all of their employees at risk of a job cut.
CORRUPTION ELERT at One Detjen Drive
How on a minute every body,,get out your July/August copy of the CRESTWOOD CONNECTIONS.
Turn to the back page and look at the small print above the fold. It states
"Crestwood Connections July/August 2008-press date June 30, 2008."
Look on the same page just a little bit to the right and there is the Notice of the City's Website being corrupted.
Wasn't the website "corrupted" after June 30. 2008?
Look at page 3 the info about the town hall meetings. This information was 1st given to us by reverse 911 calls last Saturday, it was never mentioned in any of the Board meetings yet they knew about the meetings BEFORE July 1st.
My view is this website is not the only thing corrupted at City Hall.
4:06, I triple dare you to kiss Roy's ring at the meeting while you take a bended knee before him.
Wow! I hope no one ups the anti with the infamous "triple dog dare!"
Being the ultimate dare, no-one can refuse!
Good grief!
Tom Ford
5:27 PM blogger: Hum, that is a great point! How did they know there was trouble, before there was trouble?
I'm guessing the psychic readers hot line was in use here, and if that's the case. who is paying for the "900 number" calls?
Was it Shakespeare who said "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive,?" I think so.
Now, who is paying to rent the rooms at Whitecliffe, and the City Hall? If it's a "gratis" thing shouldn't the loyal opposition have been given equal time?
Your "revenue adjustment" could be only a start, what's next?
Tom Ford
5:27 PM, July 15, 2008
I find that interesting too. All of sudden, we get a reverse 911 about the meetings. Then the newsletter comes out all of a sudden. So "all of a sudden" I'm supposed to vote for this thing???
6:09 PM blogger: Wait till you get the "bums rush" from City Hall if you think that's something!
I have never see such a "puff piece" in my life! Take it to your Ward meeting and ask your Alderman to explain it! Then ask him where the "cuts" have been made.
" A Crestwoodian voting for a tax increase is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders."
Tom Ford
5:38 No. I dared you first!
6:09 When did you want them to give you notice - 2 months ago; and when did you want the information 4 months ago so you could forget everything in it? Had they did it that way, you would have bitched about them pressuring you too fast and too far in advance. You know yourself, you would be gripping either way it was presented. Why? Cause you don't want to know about the tax increase cause you don't want one. If every single thing was in place to show you that it is really a necessary tax, you still wouldn't want it. It is people like you that have had it good all these years that refuse to pay their dues now that things are rough in Crestwood.
7:38 look baby brains, the point is at the tax payers expense, the Crestwood Connections catches the current group of City Fathers in their own bold face lie about the city website going down. This along with the last minute announcement of the town hall meetings are another attempt to keep the voters of the city in the dark.
If the Connections is published 6/30/08, how could they know about the website problem which took place in July?
I do not trust this leadership package with my money or the truth any further than I could throw them.
And the Connections applauded the new Communication System.
The one that was budgeted at $95,000 and never sent out for bids. And ended up costing how much???
This is why I get mad Crestwood. You don't play by the rules.
They publish the newsletter on June 30. Yet the Web site goes down in July. How could they have possibly known that was going to happen on June 30? Time travel? Or did they want that Web site down for a certain time? Something is fishy in Crestwood. They need to explain this. NOW.
Yeah, the communications system that was budgeted at $95,000 and that the city paid for all of it because they didn't want to finance it. Yeah, that's smart. Ask for money from the taxpayers and go over budget this year on a radio system. Smart guys. REAL smart.
E-mail: rgolterman@lewisrice.com
Saint Louis University School of Law - J.D., 1987, Order of the Coif; SLU Law Journal; National Moot Court; Alpha Sigma Nu; Jesuit Honor Society
Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri - B.S.B.A., cum laude, Financial Economics and Philosophy, 1984
Gary L. Vincent
St. Louis University, J.D., cum laude, 1977, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland and Rockhurst College, A.B., magna cum laude, English/Philosophy, 1974
Phi Alpha Delta. Order of the Woolsack. Law Clerk to Hon. John E. Bardgett, Supreme Court of Missouri, 1977-1978. Speaker: "Discharge Issues," Missouri Bar Association's Annual Bankruptcy Institute, 2006. Alderman, City of Crestwood, Missouri (1998-2004). Board of Adjustment, City of Crestwood, Missouri (2004-2006).
What will happen to the City of Crestwood when Kohl's closes?
Who will pay the TDD, CID, and TIF bonds?
How many TDD's, CID's, TIF's, and 353's are in the City of Crestwood?
Does our City Officials have an emergency plan to pay off the bonds?
Is it legal for the City of Crestwood Public Officials to mail out compaign literature for a sales increase?
How much did this cost the city of of Crestwood for the extra flyer?
Who is the author to the Crestwood Newsletter?
Where is the accountability that Mayor Roy Robinson promised?
At least former City Administrator Don Greer had a signature!
Can the Citizens of Crestwood afford a property tax increase and a sales tax increase? We are in a Depression. How many homes will be going into foreclosure?
By Jerri Stroud
Local bankers say they are in good shape, but their customers are nervous as the bad news about lenders nationally continues to pile up.
"People who never asked about FDIC insurance are asking about it now," said Steve Marsh, president of Enterprise Bank & Trust in Clayton. "They also ask about exposure to subprime loans."
The questions come despite assurances from the president to the chairwoman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. that the banking system is sound.
TALK: FDIC and the economy: Are you worried about getting your money?
"The banking system as a whole is absolutely safe," Sheila Bair, FDIC chairwoman, said in an interview on CBS' "The Early Show."
Local bankers said they have been able to reassure most customers by reminding them that the FDIC insures bank deposits up to $100,000.
A few customers have moved deposits to other banks make sure all their money is all insured, said Andrew Baur, president of Southwest Bank.
Some customers have gone further. "We're finding that some people are wanting the cash in their hand or in their safe deposit box," Baur said.
However, most simply want assurance that their money is safe.
Experts said concern about deposits is misplaced.
"Individuals who are insured have no reason to worry," said Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president for banking supervision and regulation at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Those that need loans — if they're worthy of loans — we still see institutions making those loans."
The questions come amid this week's failure of IndyMac Bank and concerns about the health of Wachovia Corp. In testimony Tuesday before Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke tried to put IndyMac's troubles in perspective.
"Its failure … was inevitable," he said because the bank was weighed down by low-quality mortgages. "All banks are being challenged by credit conditions now," he said, adding that the Fed is keeping close tabs on the nation's banking sector.
Meanwhile, lawmakers are working to help troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The two companies hold or guarantee more than $5 trillion in mortgages — almost half of the nation's total. The Bush administration is asking Congress to temporarily increase lines of credit to Fannie and Freddie and to let the government buy their stock. The Fed has offered to let the companies draw emergency loans.
Stackhouse played down the local impact from the high-profile problems in the banking and mortgage industries. Although there are pockets of concern in the region supervised by the St. Louis Fed, the 67 banks headquartered in the St. Louis area are "all well-capitalized," she said.
The St. Louis Fed supervises banks in eastern Missouri, Southern Illinois, Arkansas and parts of Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.
"The real issue is, there are bankers who simply lost track of their role as the financial custodian of their depositors' assets," said David Naunheim, president of commercial lending for UMB Bank in St. Louis. "They just haven't stuck to their knitting."
Stuart Greenbaum, professor emeritus at Washington University's Olin School of Business, said banks are sharing in some of the pain that has spread throughout the financial services sector. Even those that are well-capitalized have seen the value of their assets fall. That has been reflected in lower stock prices, regardless of a bank's financial soundness.
"They're just worth less," Greenbaum said. "Shareholders have taken a hosing."
Analysts have cited certain banks, including Washington Mutual Inc. and National City Corp., as being in trouble because of their exposure to failed mortgages.
National City spokeswoman Kristen Beard Adams said there is no reason for customers to worry, and the bank remains committed to the St. Louis market.
"The turmoil in the market has had no effect on our ability to serve customers," she said.
Commerce Bancshares Inc. recently increased its reserves because of "a difficult environment," David Kemper, the company's chief executive. But he said the bank has been able to keep its losses from personal loans and credit cards relatively low.
The company reported Tuesday that its profits for the second quarter were up slightly over last year.
Rick Bagy, president of First National Bank of St. Louis, said local banks haven't been hurt as much as other markets because real estate values haven't declined as drastically as they have elsewhere. Most local banks avoided subprime loans, those made to borrowers with shaky credit.
"We all tend to overreact to information," he said. "Our opinion at First National Bank is that we have reached the bottom of the housing market in St. Louis. It may be flat. We are about — and I can't define 'about' — to improve."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
How many lawsuits have taken place in the City of Crestwood since Mayor Roy Robinson has been in office?
11:15 Sounds like very good credentials to me. What's the problem?
It makes no sense to continue trying to dwell on the past issue of the pool or who the players are. Only someone who has been gone for a long time wants to keep that issue going. Everything that should be done has been done and bringing it up over and over again isn't going to do any good. It is what it is. Crestwood has more important things to consider here. The article on this blog has to do with the tax increase so let's comment accordingly.
The one that was budgeted at $95,000 and never sent out for bids. And ended up costing how much???
Like the one that the County is going to put on ballot and provide at no cost to municipalites?
8:48 asks a great question, how much did it cost us the owner of the Crestwood Connections for a issue that supports a tax increase which will benefit the publisher of the increase, the City?
Where is the balance of both sides, will the City give those against the increase like funds to put into every home in Crestwood their position will a mass mailing?
I agree with you poster 8:48, where is the promised accountability from Roy?
I think it's time for State audit and based on it's findings, a recall campaign of the Mayor!!
Another reason the City wants more of our money?
It's in this weeks issue of the CALL, on the first page, read that the Board learns about pay hikes awarded to 15 officers without aldermanic ok.
This is incredible, the Police Chief takes it upon himself to increase 15 officers pay without the ok per the City Code, of the BOA.
Who the heck is in charge up there?
How can the BOA be the last to find out of this violation of the City Code?
Is this what the Mayor expected when he promoted Paillou to Chief of Police?
Who is going to hold the Chief accountable and start an Aldermanic investigation of what is going on and the real fund balances of the City?
Should the Mayor ask Paillou to resign or does the Board have what it takes to fire him for this violation?
If the Mayor does not fire the Chief for this, then I say we remove the Mayor from office with a recall as soon as the Charter allows us to do so.
What say you?
3:50 Yeah. Let's start an uprising; maybe we can picket city hall; or maybe we can start our own vigilante group and get rid of the whole police department.
Here we go again. Instead of calling your aldermen to get the real details, you rely on The Call to give it to you.
If you attend the ward meetings, ask that question then, or hear the story from someone who is involved in the city, like your two aldermen.
It wouldn't be the first time Mr. Anthony and his paper left important information out of his publication. I wouldn't trust him to give you all the details about anything this administration does, since he has always been against it in the first place. And that is not to say that this administration has done everything correctly.
I would be interested to hear details from those who are involved. There are two sides to every story so why not get all the facts before you speak against something. Maybe the pay hikes were included in the budget that was approved. Do you know? Maybe the pay hikes were not big hikes just something to show the employees that the city is at least trying to take them into consideration.
And why on earth would any city official do something illegal on purpose that he could get in trouble for? I cannot fathom that happened. It makes no sense at all.
So before you want to recall somebody; which I am sure you are ready to do, since you have obviously been looking for a reason for several years now, I would examine the whole issue. Doesn't that sound like a better way to go about it. Well maybe not in your eyes.
But the bottom line is as it always is: you don't like the Mayor, who appointed the police chief; therefore you don't like the police chief, and you can bet that The Call don't like him either. Which means Mr. Anthony will print what he always prints; only one side of things and leave other things out. When it comes to specific details, The Call, never does give all details to you unless negative. I will bet you probably stubbed your toe running to your computer to comment on this blog as soon as you put your copy of The Call newspaper down!
There is only one way to get the truth about this and that is to ask the people involved; otherwise, I am from Missouri.
Well, well, well! As it has been said, the devil is in the details, and with proposition 1 it coulden't be more true!
Did you know that it is a .35 cent per assessed value addition to your real estate taxes? Sure you did, and so did I.
What I didn't know (until I read the fine print under the staple) was the fact that it is also on our PERSONAL PROPERTY!
That's right folks, our PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX will increase as well! I hope you didnt buy a new vehicle, boat, airplane, or motor scooter this year because if this (God forbid) passes it's going to cost you!
I wish to thank Mr. Burke Wasson of the call for his article in today's paper because in it the Mayor stated (page 6) it was on real, and personal property, otherwise I wouldn't have known.
I give the City credit for hiding it to the point that a Philadelphia lawyer would have a hard time finding it, but Mayor Robinson brought it to light during his comments.
"A Crestwoodian voting for a tax increase is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders!"
Tom Ford
5:03 PM blogger: Everyone alive knows the Call and i have had our "differences," but in this case, it's pretty much true.
I spoke to more than one Alderman( three to be exact,) and I will tell you that I believe it's as they called it (no pun intended.)
I have no position on this other than to say that I wish it had been done within the rules, but it's too late for that now, so.
Tom Ford
Tom, go to the city's Web site and look at Proposition 1 information. You'll see there too that it's on real and personal property. Real estate, commercial and personal property.
These pay raises for police weren't manufactured by the CALL folks. If you read the story, you'll see it was Jerry Miguel who brought this to light. I thank the CALL for printing these comments, which were apparantly at a board meeting last week.
Tom, shame on your for reading The Call. I use it to line my parrot's cage. You should know that The Call only prints negatives about this administration. When the previous administration was in force, you never heard one negative. How can you trust a paper like that? All they want to do is fire people up. Just because you do not favor this tax increase, don't compromise your principles by reading that rag. Even if what they say is true in this case about the taxes, I would rather hear it from another paper that has more integrity.
Sorry but that's the way I feel. The Call was a nothing paper until Jim Robertson made them part of this town and they got a shoe in by throwing their support to him. It has never changed. Mr. Anthony is out for Mr. Anthony and he will elude you and everyone if it means readers will believe his every word.
Well I still want to hear the whole story. If Jerry Miquel knows the whole story, and this whole pay hike thing was done without approval, then let the aldermen speak up and say so unanimously.
Jerry Miquel asks lots of questions and rightly so, but it doesn't always mean that there was something going on that was not correct.
I would be anxious to hear this whole story from the right people and not second hand.
"You should know that The Call only prints negatives about this administration."
Really? Then why is Jim Eckrich on the front page of their paper this week with a nice story about his promotion to city administrator? And why did The Call's Burke Wasson write a nice column about Eckrich on their editorial page?
With this balance between positive and negative, I don't think The Call reports positive or negative. I think they report the news.
But for some I guess it's easier to just shoot the messenger.
Focus on the real problem people. Don't blame the media on this one. Looks like the mistakes here came from city hall. Not the paper.
Sec. 20-2 of the Crestwood City Code:
"(d) Compensation. The compensation of the chief of police and of all other members of the police force shall be provided for by ordinance or resolution.
Chapter V of the Civil Service Rules has provisions for the following: Entrance Salaries, Promotions, Demotions, and Merit Salary Reviews.
Section 6 - Merit Salary Reviews
"The City of Crestwood is unable to fund the current merit salary reviews which were established through the pay plan adopted in 2003. Due to this lack of funding, increases to salary must be budget driven. Any amount allocated in the budget for increases in salary is subject to Board of Alderman approval. Performance reviews will continue on an annual basis using the established performance criteria."
Nothing in either of those rules providing for mid-year salary increases without proper board approval (through ordinance or resolution). The first mistake was made when the increases were discussed in closed session and implemented without an ordinance or resolution providing for this change in policy. The second mistake was made when the first mistake was uncovered: the board approved the mid-year increases based on a motion made in executive session (held immediately after the meeting where Alderman Miguel exposed the mid-year increases).
Martha Duchild
Martha! "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!"
You nailed it as usual, what the heck is the matter with these people? Do they really believe the "rubes" will never find out?
"Three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead!"
Hell's Angles credo
Tom Ford
So what you're saying is the board went into closed session and OK'd these raises after Miguel brought this up? I thought we couldn't afford pay raises. And they do it in stealth mode in closed session? That's great, guys. Yet another reason to oppose this tax increase. They're already spending money on raises in secret. Tom is right. THAT's why they want your money.
I love the defense of these latest actions by the City Hall leadership that can't follow the law of the City by those in love with the Mayor.
Shoot the messenger, I want to hear both sides of the story, call your alderman get their side, fact is if they did in deed approve these increases behind closed doors that is in it's self a violation of State Law.
So what are they going to say, yes we violated State Law and the Charter, so kick us out of office?
It's time for some full accountability by a outside source that doesn't have a vested interest in what is going on at City Hall. The States Attorney General?
With our Charter we the citizens have the power to change this. How much more will we take this? Now the tax increase applies to personal property as well, kind of like the old saw about I didn't know what I was voting for that used to be on this blog all the time.
Thank God for our Freedom of the Press! THANK GOD FOR THE CALL, where were the other two local papers, where were their reporters? Are they really reporters or repeaters of what the City tells them to write?
So what happens now! I thought the city attorney was suppose to make sure that things done by the mayor and board were according to the laws on the books. Should this issue not have been run by him first?
Isn't that part of the City Attorney's job to be consulted first to make sure that laws are obeyed and things are done in accordance with the city code?
He should be advised to check the code before things occur in violation of it, I would think. Isn't he suppose to protect the city officials so that these kinds of errors are not made?
Does anybody know the answer to that?
7:21 PM blogger: Well, yes he should, but his standard answer is "I will get back to you on that!"
As for me, I think we need a new City Attorney, and very soon! Why are we paying this gentleman $275.00 (or more an hour) to sit there and give us the "I will have to get back to you" answer? Is it me, or are we spending too much on an Attorney who is not giving us the answers on the spot?
Well, "I will get back to you on that!"
Tom Ford
Did anyone make it tonight to the town hall meeting on the tax increase? I plan on going to the next one but couldn't make it tonight. Was wondering if anybody had thoughts or a report on how it went?
I am still wondering about the city attorney. I wish someone could just tell me yes or no if he shouldn't be part of this issue regarding raises for the police department if they were against the code; or should we just ask only for accountability to be just on the mayor. Isn't the city attorney suppose to know what the ordinances and codes say? If not, then what do we pay him for.
Hold on just a second, while I agree with you that our City Attorney has been lacking in decisive actions, the Charter is written in clear English. The problem is not so much the Attorney as our law makers ignoring what the Charter clearly states what they should do.
They ALL took an oath to obey the Charter, they did not take an oath to do what they want until they are caught or the Attorney says they cant do something.
Why are we all so surprised. Roy just told his boy Paillou to make the promotions and he would take care of the raises. That way his boy looks good for the troops. Both of these people are jokes.
I am sure that it sounds good to say that city officials should understand the Charter and other city rules, but their interpretation of it could be incorrect. The City Attorney is suppose to know the correct interpretation of city laws and should be involved because that is his job. If he cannot protect our officials before they breach protocal and internal processes, the city has no protection.
If you expect the mayor and board to know and understand every word of all the city laws, and to be able to process all of it without benefit of counsel, they are not lawyers and we would have no protection when they interpret it wrong.
If you think that anyone would be so stupid as to purposely circumvent the laws of the city, you may want to make the mayor look bad, but you are also insulting 8 people on the board of aldermen and that is 9 people you are placing in a bad light. But you exonerate the City Attorney?
Let's say that the mayor and board went into a closed door session or whatever they did in error, to discuss pay hikes for the police, and by their interpretation it was not in accordance with the laws. The ramifications of that illegal act without the city attorney's review, could spell a lawsuit from all those persons who were suppose to get pay hikes.
I don't know what the city attorney's job description is, but I am sure Martha Duchild can give it to you. But he is suppose to know the laws of a governing body, I would think.
In my view, the City Attorney is the one who tells the city officials "hey, you can't do that". That's just my take. But if you still wish to just blame the mayor and board for doing something against the rules, and wish to only blame them, so be it.
9:51 PM July 16
I attended the Committee for Prop. 1 Town Hall Meeting last night. Not counting those who either worked for the city or were on the committee (plus spouses), there were no more than 10 in attendance.
Because the presentation was put on by those who support a tax inxrease, the information presented was selective. Obviously, if you are trying to sell something, regardless of whether it is a product or a tax increase, you will choose to present information that puts that item in the best light.
People in attendance also received handouts from those who oppose the tax. One of the handouts provided relevant financial information which the Committee for Prop. 1 did not include in their presentation.
Had the meetings been agreed to and presented by the board of aldermen, the information provided would likely have been more balanced. Because the meetings are being held by those who wish the tax to pass, one can only say "Let the buyer beware."
Martha Duchild
Wasn't there an Alderman present at the meeting?
Read the Charter and tell us what you do not understand.
Explain to me how the BOA could not fire Paillou on the spot when they found out he had violated the Charter and had gone around them to give his people unauthorised pay raises?
Explain to me how the Crestwood Connections can foretell the future of the City's Website being corrupted?
Tell why the BOA has not formed an investigative Committee to look in to the the real balance on hand?
Explain to me why the Mayor is not keeping his promises that he made?
Who the heck is running this City, the Marx Brothers?
If the board of aldermen was not aware of the promotions in the department, then maybe there is some truth to the rumor that officers were promoted by favortism by the chief. How could the board not have approved these, and how could they not have approved the pay increases?
I agree, the chief should have been fired on the spot, but Roy would just step up to bat for him and say he approved it in the absence of a city administrator. These two are out of control.
This chief was promoted because he was a friend of Roy's, from a sargeants position. How much does he know about hiring new officers, promoting, and giving pay raises without a pay plan in place.
No wonder everyone from senior ranking officers all the way down are jumping ship as fast as they can find jobs.
Once again, I guess you think that the city attorney should not be included in the blame? You think he isn't suppose to be involved in this at all? Just Roy? Isn't it even more evident that the city attorney should be in this equasion especially if, as you say, no city administrator was there?
I don't know, but I keep stating that the city attorney should have had something to do with this whole idea, as it involves an ordinance or resolution and legal procedures. Not one of you seems to want to even mention it.
Are you just so all consumed with sticking it to just the mayor and "his buddy" the police chief that you can't see that we hire the city attorney to make sure we don't circumvent the statutes and the laws and the charter. And am I going to get in trouble with you all because I choose to include Rob Golterman in this mix?
If that is the case, what do you think about eliminating the city attorney all together and cutting costs that way, since you all don't seem to think we need him to be part of making sure city policy and the interpretation of it are followed. Or are you just having so much fun you can't stand anybody to interject a different thought?
Can't you see that the City Attorney does what ever Roy wants him to?
This city attorney is TERRIBLE. He's clearly compromising the law to cover up a mistake on this one. But of course I'm sure all he'll say when you ask him about it is "I'll get back to you on that"
And the board, GEEZ. Talk about burying their heads in the sand. Approving those pay raises after they'd already went into effect is like saying "I'm fine with us doing business in secret"
How can this city ever possibly ask us to trust them with more of our money on Prop 1 when they continue to hide things from the public, do business under the table and against the Charter, and also blow what apparantly little money we have on raises AFTER saying they can't afford the pay plan?
This is what I like to call being STUNNINGLY and EMBARRASSINGLY full of it.
6:34 PM blogger: In my humble opinion I have never had any respect for a person at a meeting who said "I will have to get back to you!" Either come prepared, or stay home!
I am chagrined that he has no command (or so it seems) of the City Charter, or for that matter, apparently, Municipal Law!
We pay him (or his firm) at least $275.00 per hour to sit there and tell residents, " I will have to get back to you, or I want to talk to ? first!" In a word, WHY?
The reason he gets the big bucks is to keep the troop's out of trouble, and apparently that's not working so well if you look at the pay raise scandal!
Well, His Honor likes him so I guess that's all it takes to stay aboard this ship, but if it were my decision, well by, by would be in order!
Tom Ford
Has any checked to see if the Fire Dept did the same thing with pay raises as the Police Dept. did?
My question is why didn't you people with no lives run for office to fix these problems. After all you seem to have all the answers.
Well one of you did run and if I remember you lost. So do the real people in Crestwood read this crap.
Well, well, well, could the real facts please stand up. Sounds like the former poster knew her stuff, however. Then why the confusion?
Wonder if it ever occurred that if the rules were followed and the aldermen had the expertise of a knowledgeable city attorney, things like rules and charters would have some relevance.
As for the question from poster about lawsuits. why didn't you ask how many and what kind of lawsuits happened during the former 2 administrations? How bout let's get to the bottom of our legal expenses and the road they took us on to get to our financial distress. Let's get old pandoras box a goin. Cause it will blow your socks off. And, it will give you a litany of why financial distress is the order of the day, far beyond just dclining revenue.
If the tax is on personal property, I will vote NO and will walk the entire neighborhood and tell them this.
Is anyone going to tell us the wording on this ballot provides for a new city hall?
10:37 PM: blogger: Someone sure does, there are over 93,300 hits so far and counting (and your one of them.)
Come back with some facts, and forget the lame attempt at insults, your not very good at it.
Tom Ford
10:37 Why because you had a life and ran for office and still screwed it up! Why because someone has to run for office to fix your mistakes?
You set yourself up for that one. And you continue to whine and carry on as if you did a good job.
Crap you say is on this blog; yeah the crap you left behind when you ran for office. We are still trying to disinfect city hall to get the smell out.
I have to agree with you Poster 6:07...... Will somebody please remind J.R. that he should crawl back into his hole. He had his chance, got played like a fiddle by Don Juan, let his liquor inflated ego over power his pea sized brain and slithered away during the dark of night.
Crestwood was pretty quiet and quant little town before Mr. "Sunshine" and his Bird Cage Newspaper arrived on the scene and never has been the same since.
seems the rule you recently posted about attacks on former elected officials wasn't read by last couple of posters.. An attempt to divert attention from the City's failure to prove their need for more taxes?
Sure doesn't make any sense in the context of this thread.
11:04 PM blogger: Right you are my friend! It would seen that some would rather lay a smoke screen to cover the mistakes, than face the facts.
Personally I couldn't care less who in the past did what to whom at this juncture, as we have much bigger fish to fry!
I believe it's time to let go of the past and get moving on fixing what's wrong right now, and believe me that will take care of ALL our time!
Tom Ford
While I am not one to name call, and I don't necessarily agree to point fingers, why is it OK for bloggers to chastise Roy and some aldermen, and now Matt Conley and even secretaries but not allow rebutals?
You know what I think? I think that when the Truebloods and fellow teammates cross the line on this blog, they don't seem to care; but let someone else points fingers and tell it like it was regarding Greer, JR, Fagan, Kent and the whole board of aldermen which Trueblood was part of, they come crying back to you wanting sympathy.
I remember Trueblood slamming his fist on the Dais and walking out of BOA meetings and I remember Fagan letting him and others get away with it. Oh sure, they have such a right to chastise others for not being perfect.
Oh that was different Huh Tom? "now we should look to the future, we should stick to the subject and we should just keep our mouths shut". I can tell you how this whole scenario started.
It all started when JR thought he could start interrogating people and use this blog as a court room; then it worked it's way to a secretary and now Matt Conley. That's how this whole thing started. You cannot expect people who were part of the old administration to not defend those who did nothing wrong? They were there and they saw and if you want to find out the truth, the names of those who were there at that time were given. So when they see something that tells their mistakes, they get angry and come crying to "daddy".
I think you as blogmaster should make the decision as to what should and should not be on this blog; and if some don't like it, maybe they will keep their mouths shut before they start blogging and making false accusations.
Those people who were part of city hall and were not part of the politics were doing their jobs and if they are going to be crucified just because some over zealous past mayor, to put it lightly, and his followers want to cause trouble, others have the right to be defended.
That's the trouble with some lawyers, they think they are above the laws of what is right and wrong.
10:28 AM blogger: Well, do we REALLY know who started it? I don't, but if you wish to continue to argue, please do.
At this point I don't care who killed Hitler as long as he's dead, but it would appear others do,so.........
I gave up long ago trying to "govern" the missives on this, or any other board.
Keep it clean, and let the "fur fly" as you will, I can't see what it accomplishes, but they're your comments, not mine.
Tom Ford
Who the heck is JR?
I am noticing some very interesting and viable blogs regarding Crestwood's City Attorney, whose take home pay is excessive and whose legal expertise, as goes municipal law and our charter to be exact, is limited.
Now, rather than get on the horn and take this a step further and express this obvious disatisfaction, which sounds credible, we just write blogs on the matter. Actually, if I were an Alderman or a Mayor and this level of legal skill was so lacking, I would be concerned to the point that I deemed it time to get serious about hiring a more learned city attorney. This "raise" issue is not his first misstep. We really cannot continue to settle for 2nd best when it comes to legal or financial in this city. I really don't care if Roy likes this idea or not, or if there are not aldermen who will raise this matter, I CARE, others CARE, and the money expended for this unqualified attorney is YOURS and MY money.
Good grief, do the voters need to take to the streets again and pass a petition to get a new city attorney? Crestwood is in no position with the Plaza ReDev and the financial situation to settle for 2nd best. Now is the hour!
Please don't ask me to support a tax increase, if as elected officials you are blind to the seriousness of this matter. No more Old Boy's Club. It seems skill is getting extinct on Detjen Drive and no wonder we are in such a fix. Someone needs to put this bug in Roy Robinson's and the band of 8's ears. ASAP. Last time I checked we are paying them a monthly stipend to PERFORM.
3:25 PM Well I am glad someone is listening.
Simply put, I can really understand the comments about the mayor because he has done a lot lately that I question. However, it also angers me to think that there are those who feel that just because you are a mayor or aldermen, that they should know every single solatary word in our codes and charter just to keep blaming only them for doing things that are up for quetioning like these pay hikes. That's why we have a legal expert, a City Attorney. His job is to review all correspondence, ordinances, legal protocol, and anything that may put the city in an illegal status. He has to know the State Statutes and the laws on the books better than anyone else; that is his job hello!
I am sorry to tell them but in the midst of their blame game regarding especially the mayor, they neglect or "do not want" to understand that the city attorney's job is to catch anything that is illegal or unethical that the mayor and board do, so as to keep the city out of "harm's way". I too, feel that he is useless in his job if he does not do this.
Why others besides you are not also upset about it, can only be that Rob Golterman is also part of the Boys Club that was around when the previous administration was around, and those opposed to this administration would hold Golterman "harmless" from any wrong doing. I mean come on and let's call it what it is. Some bloggers are only zeroing in on this mayor especially because they all dispise him: like Trueblood, Fagan, Robertson, Greer (past tense) and all the others attached at the hip with the aforementioned players. You see, they all liked and still do like Rob Golterman; they hate Roy. Pure and simple. So how cockeyed is that?
I agree with you on your comment. But watch out now, because you better be ready for the aftermath since I made a few points. I will get a thousand lashings. You watch! Hope you are still around to chime in.
That is exactly right, our officials cannot be jack of all trades. But I cannot believe they will sit there and depend on less than adequate and expensive legal aid from an inept city attorney. That business about the police raises and charter, etc. of late is not rocket science. Where was this mental giant when they needed him? Do they feel he is going to be able to keep them out of legal hot water? How long do you think they would support this attorney if the bond on each official was dropped?
How can a resident get a copy of the invoices paid to the city attorney?
Bring on the lashings. BetcherBippy the truth will get the B#$^@*'s down.
I believe the Charter says the City Attorney can be removed on recommendation of the Mayor and with the advice and consent of the majority of the BOA, or by 3/4 (6 out of 8) vote of the BOA with no right of appeal.
Start you fight to get rid of Golterman with the Mayor.
"I remember Trueblood slamming his fist on the Dais and walking out of BOA meetings."
Do you remember why he did that?
Do you remember Truebloods' final speech to the BOA on his last meeting as an Alderman?
Do you remember the promises Roy made when he 1st ran for Mayor, can you recall how many he has broken?
Do you see the things that Fagan said would happen if Roy got into power have happened?
Do you think the Police Chief now thinks Miguel is a snake?
Do you really think any of the people you list read or post anything to this blog?
Do you think Roy reads and posts to this blog?
4:29 PM blogger: Right you are reference the City Attorney, however I remember the Mayor telling me he had "complete confidence" in him!
Well, at least one of us does, because I sure don't! The man is a competent, and very nice person, alas he is out of his element when it comes to Municipal law.
I want someone who KNOWS the charter, Municipal law, and is able to recite chapter and verse at the BOA meetings, is that too much to ask for $275.00 per hour?
Good luck asking the Mayor to replace him, because that will not happen. If he is to be replaced, the BOA will have to force the issue, and I am not sure that will happen either given the makeup of the Board.
Tom Ford
I don't give a rat's behind why Mr. Trueblood slammed his hand down on the dais! He still did it and you don't do that if you represent your ward. That's not a very smart thing to do. There is no reason good enough for that kind of behavior. Further, it should not be tolerated by any mayor at any time and I don't care which mayor it is.
Also, I don't really care what Fagan said about Roy being elected, What I do know is this. Tom Fagan could have won the election until he put one man in charge of two important positions. CA and police chief. And as someone else stated on this blog, Fagan now knows he was wrong about Greer and has said so.
Fagan lost the election because of it, and that is the only reason he lost.
Further, I don't care if Roy told residents he had the Holy Grail, he won because Tom wanted to keep Greer in two positions and that is a fact, Jack. End of Story.
Plus, I also don't care who reads this blog or if Jerry Miquel is liked by the police chief cause it makes no difference to me.
When Tom Fagan, and Jim Robertson were mayors, along with the board of aldermen members at that time, they all would have been sold by Greer for 30 pieces of silver in a heartbeat if it meant getting one step closer to his plans. His plan was was total control. He got total control by using important people at "puppets". He "used" them to get what he wanted. By placing Greer with that much control is why Fagan lost. I was out there walking the streets and talking to everyone canvassing neighborhoods at that time, including people in every ward, and the majority of them said the same thing about Greer having too much control. So suck it up and realize that you don't know squat about what you are saying.
Tom Fagan and anybody that was empowered by this city, was nothing more than a stepping stone for Mr. Greer and the truth of the matter is, the day that Mr. Greer walked into this city, we were doomed. He had a plan from the get go and his plan was to use people, important ones, to reach his goal. His goal - his own people and his own dynasty. So don't tell me about Roy this or Roy that and don't tell me about Tom Fagan and what he said. Greer used Fagan just like he used everybody else. That's why Fagan lost.
The End.
8:34 well, now that we all know how much you hated Don Greer, tell us how you are voting on the property and personal property tax increase?
Reason I ask because it doesnt matter one bit what your claims about the past are, what matters is now and how we vote in August.
4:14 PM blogger: Go to the City web site and look for a "Freedom of information act form (or FOIA.) Fill it out with a request for ALL the billing records and give it to the City clerk.
She will call you when it's done, but beware you will be charged per sheet, so only ask for what you really want to see.
By the way, ALL of the Cities records are available the same way, so keep it in mind for future reference.
Tom Ford
I have one simple and direct question. Does anyone here really believe that "what we find out" from past employees is going to change one thing today?
Lord, I hope not, because it will not, and we all know it (or should.)
What's done is done! Now we must FOCUS on what we are going to do from here on out!
It's "an old Indian trick" among politicians to get the masses fighting among themselves so they can continue in the fashion they want to. Are we really going to let this happen?
So far the focus is not on the target, rather where the target used to be. I guarantee and insure you that when we do that we set ourselves up for a sure miss, and allow them to frolic and play fast and loose with our money!
If this is what you want, please by all means continue! However if you really want to change ANYTHING at City Hall, FOCUS on the here and now!
JMHO (just my humble opinion!)
Tom Ford
9:14 I do not want a tax increase and I am just guessing but I don't think most people want it either.
When it was first announced I thought it was a good idea, but the more I looked into it, I too see things that should be cut from the budget.
The Kiosk should be eliminated because for years, we did without one; and everyone got their information from the city clerk's office when they walked in the door. I don't know why that position isn't eliminated as well as the Kiosk itself.
I also feel that there are others in the offices that could go part-time or be eliminated.
Why do we need all these computer wizards and employees working as assistants to finance?
Also Mr. Meyers did a lot of hiring of persons that were unnecessary. Are they all still there?
If everyone in the administrative offices were cross-trained, until we get squared away financially, we could have good personnel doing double duty for awhile as well as saving down time when people go on sick leave or vacations. Cross-training to me is just a good idea for efficiency in any office because personnel become that much more knowledgeable with city operations and assists greatly in running a city and it saves money.
The more you learn as an employee the more valuable you become.
Tom; Doggone you. You have said on this blog many times, people who do not learn by their mistakes in the past, tend to repeat them.
Now all of a sudden, you are doing a complete turn around.
What's wrong with you? Yes comments on the tax increase are paramount but when people start stating things about the past that they hear from people who have no clue what they are talking about, it is up to others to tell them so.
You and others may think it is wrong, but I don't. When anyone tells stories on this blog that speak volumes about their ignorance of past transgressions, I feel we need to say so. Otherwise, it just balloons into loonacy.
Post a list of all employees and what they do.
$580,000 parking lot.
After all, you paid for it!
10:43 AM blogger: perhaps I was a bit "unclear" in my remarks. I am not against "remembering the past," but what I worry about is that we spend way too much time fighting with each other.
FOCUS on the target! Remind people if you must, but, FOCUS on the target! One of our finer Alderman once told me that when your duck hunting, you don't shoot at the flock, you pick your duck, aim and fire!
That could not be more correct, and it darn sure applies here, FOCUS on the problem at hand. If the problem is DIRECTLY related to the past, say so, but "pick your duck!"
I hope that better explains my thinking.
Tom Ford
12:15 PM blogger: Right you are, we paid for it in TDD funds, Now the question is, who is going to use it?
Tom Ford
Please, tell me I did not see that the parking lot cost 580,000. TDD money may not come from ourcity til, but pray tell do we not all participate in the BIG til?
Two weeks ago on a Sat. the city hall parking lot was totally jammed with cars. If this was due to a swim meet, I would suggest we give that small lot back to the pool and rent it from them (did anyone ever find the bill of sale by the way) and then charge them for the use of OUR lot and part of the 580,000. Really, this is my lot and your lot - and frankly I don't want a bunch of out of towners on it.
I don't care whose money the 580,000 is it is exhorbitant. Good grief tone it down, get serious. No matter where the money comes from, it is taxpayer money. Okay! Get more bids and get off this kick of replacing everyting during these bad times. This is why so many people are going to vote NO. City Hall is simply not trying hard enough. And, yes, Myers hired too many people.
I would suggest we give that small lot back to the pool.
That "small lot" is over half of what you see next to city hall.
In defense of the City Attorney, one must realize that he is part time. He is only at the city once a week, so if Roy, during his general ruling of the city choose to do something illegal, stupid or just 'cause he can', then the best that can be done by Rob is to fix it after the fact.
Law 101: the answer is always "it depends" not I will get back to you.
9:09 He is paid by an hourly rate and he has to turn in a sheet showing what he has worked on and how many hours. That is multiplied by his hourly rate. So I wouldn't call him part time per say.
Nevertheless, he should not be there for "after the fact" or to "clean up the mess". A city attorney for what he is paid, is an advisory counselor to interpret the law. If he doesn't protect the city from illegal issues before they occur, then he is worthless and is not doing his job.
Personally, I think that the whole issue of rate hikes for employees didn't fall into the illegal category or else why isn't it being addressed by the governing body. I don't hear of any board member speaking out about it. They should be appauld if it is illegal.
Or maybe we should wait until the Call, tells us more? After all, Mr. Anthony for sure, would be able to dig up something.
Guess we will just have to read more this week cause he won't let this issue get away.
If there is an issue here, why should Mr. Anthony or for the matter, any journalist let this get away? It's called reporting the news, and that is what the freedom of the press is all about, like it or not.
You are absolutely right. Freedom of speech. And that is why I say you can read all about this tax hike/closed door session in the Call in upcoming editions; however, if this tax hike thing is found to be legal and is not in violation of a city code, and exonerates this mayor and board, you can bet that Mr. Anthony won't tell you. And if he does, he will low ball it and soft petal into a one sentence paragraph. He is only interested in things done by this administration that give them a black eye, with few exceptions. Every once in awhile, he will throw us a bone to throw us off; mostly, however, he is still faithful to JR the previous mayor who used his newspaper to glorify his campaign.
4:48 who said anything about the tax increase being on the ballot is illegal?
Do you have a scoop or something? Explain.
9:59. You are correct about the hourly rate. That is the problem in a nut shell; you can not get an opinion for every decision you make. Crestwood would be better off hiring an in house counsel as long as it wasn't one of Roy's boys, i.e CB
4:48, I read the Call today but must have missed what you were claiming would happen. Care to fill us in?
8:57 Mike Anthony in the Call is faulting the city attorney for not instructing the mayor, board and the police chief stating that the pay hikes did not follow protocol attached to the codes and city charter for pay raises.
I agree with The Call. Bloggers have been tearing the police chief apart for this procedural mishap when in fact, if it was, the city attorney should have caught it. However, this was in the budget that was passed and never in the history of three police chiefs has there ever been a resolution or ordinance passed for pay raises.
The City Clerk who gets the agenda ready for board meetings in the past years have never had to get an ordinance prepared for pay raises and when she does get ordinances prepared, the city attorney is the one who prepares them.
Every department head has a budget to prepare for their department and all raises and/or promotions are solely inputted by them before their budget is passed by the mayor and board.
The police chief did what all his past chiefs did and included it in his budget and now people on this blog want to place the blame game on him for not knowing the rules or codes or charter or whatever you call it; when he just did what all the other departments have done for years; include raises for police officers in their budget.
I don't agree with people who think they know everything or those who choose to cause strife and argue about it on this blog.
10:11 AM July 24
When department heads create their budgets, they allow for the salary increases that accompany ANNUAL merit reviews.
These were MID-YEAR "salary adjusments" that were NOT budgeted and had nothing to do with the annual salary reviews.
No one questions whether or not the raises were deserved, as that is not the issue. What is at issue is that the city, by code, requires that compensation for police be passed by resolution or ordinance. There was no ordinance, resolution, or public discussion of this policy decision.
Martha Duchild
Martha, then you are saying what? That this police chief and not the city attorney need to be accountable? Where do you feel we should go from here as this breach was done and the city attorney has a obligation by his job to site these things. This having been done before is no excuse; but isn't there something amiss when the person whose responsibility it is to make sure codes are followed, doesn't say, "this is illegal"? Shouldn't everything be passed on to him, if especially it is proper procedure to have an ordinance passed? He is definitely in charge of reviewing ordinances and is suppose to collaberate with the city clerk for items to be placed on the agenda and I do know that for a fact.
What sayeth thou?
12:06 July 24
My comment was straightforward; its purpose was to inform the previous poster of the specific issue hand. I implied nothing about responsibility, nor did I intend to.
Martha Duchild
When were pay raises given out in the past but not in accordance to the Charter?
This is starting to sound like a urban rumor.
Fire the Chief and the Attorney for not obeying the Charter. Read the Charter and you will find the penalty's for failure to obey Charter clearly out lined. Are we a City of Laws or Personal Privilege?
Where have you been living under a rock? Raises and promotions occurred all the time when Greer was police chief without benefit of passing ordinances or listening to the charter. You think this all just happened now and the past was just urban legend?
The person who is suppose to be watching out for breaches in our laws on the books in the city attorney.
The person who is suppose to be watching out for breaches in our laws on the streets of this town is the police chief.
just what I thought, we have become a City of Personal Privilege.
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