Friday, August 01, 2008

Election rules, and the Missouri "conflict of interest" statutes.

Is it just me, or do we see any sort of "Conflict of interest" violations concerning the August 5th ballot?

I have looked at the paperwork from the "prop 1 committee," and I fail to see where they state, "paid for by." (in the paperwork in the Call.) I looked at the Crestwood news letter, and It doesn't say that there either, so I guess the City paid for that one.

Now, what about the reverse 911 calls, who paid for those?

What I wonder is why all these fine people on the committee, and the City would risk a complaint that could cost them a bundle? Is it that important to them, are they just "sloppy," or are they getting bad advise? We shall see.

UPDATE: Please click on the header for legal opinions from Attorney General Nixon reference the "sunshine law," and conflict of interest. Please draw your own conclusions on these matters.

Tom Ford

NO. 530


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but isn't it the job of the city attorney to assure the city officials and employees that there is no conflicts with any laws pertaining to city business and if and when in doubt, to make sure they ask first ...! Isn't he also supposed to enlighten them on all state and local laws BEFORE they break them? Isn't the sunshine law one of these? Aren't election rules also on this list? Aren't rules regarding pay raises without approval one of these? Aren't questions regarding votes in behind door meetings one of these and what is a quorum?

Well, apparently the BOA thinks he is doing his job.

Do You?

10:10 PM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the use of the city telephone announcing system and the city bulletin being used for a non affiliated group for their own project? Anyone know who approved this??? This would be the head that rolls. Sorry, them are the facts. Wrong is wrong. City employees who can be convinced to say okay, go ahead, because they see the result being a tax increase and a raise made a drastic mistake and it is time to assure the voters of this city that this is unacceptable. Totally unacceptable. No one, I mean no one, agrees with this kind of action at city hall. No wonder there is so much negative chatter about a tax increase.

10:18 PM, August 01, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this group of leaders are just that bad as well. How many oops do they get away with at this place. With recent events even the St.Louis Police Chief stepped down.

You won't see anybody in charge here say they made a mistake and I doubt anyone will step down.

12:37 AM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Tom!!

time for the lawyer. mayor and police chief to go, they all three can't be making innocent errors.


8:13 AM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should our public officials obey the Missouri Sunshine Law?

Do they follow the Missouri State Auditor requests?

Does our public officials follow their own City of Crestwood ordinances?

Seems to be a pattern of doing whatever they want while in office!

12:00 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.”

-- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis,
Other People’s Money, and How the Bankers Use It, 1933.

Is that all of the city hall parking lights are out?

12:03 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this flip flop. This is form a conversation in October of 2007 between Miguel and the mayor. Notice who's stayed on track and who's the biggest flip flopper in the city. How can we trust the city when the mayor makes comments like these and then turns? Shame.

"I personally was caught off balance by Dillard's' closing," Miguel said. "And I was lulled into feeling that we would see a continuation of the decline that we have been seeing over the years. But we, in effect, fell off a cliff."

"Well, I don't know what cliff you fell off of," Robinson said. "There's been no cliff falling."

"Well, I consider the closing of Dillard's as a major problem," Miguel said.

"That's, as far as I'm concerned, that's just a negative point," Robinson said. "And it's an OVERSTATED SITUATION, which is backed by people who want to raise taxes and all things to be able to justify. We're not raising the taxes."

"I am not looking to raise taxes," Miguel said. "I have not used the word."

"I'd rather hear some positive than all the negative," Robinson said.

12:32 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:35 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:32, Thank you very much for your post, maybe now some of those who have kept their eyes closed since last summer will see how we have been led down the primrose path by the Mayor, the City Attorney and the Police Chief.
Time for the Citizens of Crestwood to after August 5th, read their Charter and remove those at City Hall who per Section 4.7 (b) qualify for Forfeiture of Office.

I know their are those who will claim I am only saying this because I dislike the Mayor, well if that is the case, maybe I am justified in my dislike.

3:05 PM, August 02, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well troop's, as Chester A. Rilley said in the 40's "What a revoltin development this is!"

One one side we have the City using our money to boost a tax increase, and on the other, a citizens committee that can't seem to get the "ethics" part of this thing right!

What to do? Well, as for me, I will be filing a complaint with the State Ethics committee the day after the election. If you would like to sign it with me, please advise, and I will bring it to you for your signature prior to my sending it!

This has got to stop somewhere, and here and now is as good a time as any!

I want a definitive ruling from the State Ethics committee on this one, and may the chips fall where they may, what say you?

Tom Ford

5:26 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor, Police Chief, and the City Attorney have lost the trust and confidence of the people in this city. Do the honorable thing and resign.

I could only image what the employee's think.

You have lost the respect of all which will make them not effect leaders!

8:27 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine how the city clerk's office, for instance, must feel. The police get pay raises under the table and they get nothing? How do you think the administration workers feel? Or the maintenance and public works staff? Guess we see which employees are REALLY valued in Crestwood.

8:54 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better check the charter and see what it says about the rules to relieve people from their positions.

For some, maybe not the mayor, but for others you wish to dismiss, you may need a vote from the board of aldermen. They had to vote for a new police chief that the mayor chose, so maybe they have to agree to also dismiss the chief. Don't know about the city attorney or the mayor.

You do want to obey the rules which you say were broken by them, don't you? So you better check the charter or whatever else needs to be checked before you end up not following protocol.

Since much has been stated on this blog regarding this issue to the point that it has been over the top, I cannot help but wonder if you want to fire the city attorney and police chief only because the mayor chose them and you hate the mayor.

It seems awfully funny that every time you open a comment, there are always several who bring this up over and over again. I have to really wonder if, in spite of the fact that the city attorney and police chief have done things that you have objection too, if you are just using them as pawns, when your real objective is to get back at the mayor.

Because your obvious hatred for the mayor has been so full blown I think you are so possessed with Roy as mayor that you have actually lost it altogether.

It seems to me that your hatred knows no boundaries and some of you would go over the top to intimidate and cause disruption purely and simply to get back at the Mayor.

Think hard now. You know this is nothing new. People have been playing this game for years on a local, state and federal level. Only it was way before computers and blogs.

Political views have separated friends, relatives and co-workers to the point where people have not spoken to each other for years. Politics can get underneath a person's skin so bad that people take it too far.

You cannot tell me that the Truebloods and others in the previous administration are not out to cause as much chaos as they can for this mayor. I have never seen such disgusting and outright hatefulness come forth so abundantly as has been done to this mayor and his administration. It has to come from somewhere because it is so defiant and deliberate.

9:22 PM, August 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Truebloods and others needed to do nothing to cause this chaos in this administration. This administration did it all by them selves without any one's help.

Poster 9:22 you are really going to have to get off your position that anyone who disagrees with the mayor hates him. Tom now disagrees with the Mayor, does he hate him?

Further poster 9:22 this mayor did not appoint our current attorney, it was Mayor Brasfield.

In closing Poster 9:22, are you suggesting that due to your "affection" for Roy that you are willing to overlook his breaking of the law?

Read our Charter is the correct thing to. In there you will find where Roy, members of the current BOA, Dept Heads and the City Attorney have violated the Charter and you will also find what is prescribed to be done and who has the power to do it. If the BOA will not do it, then I guess it is up to the citizens to do it with RECALLS, (ARTICLE X), and INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM (ARTICLE IX).

10:26 PM, August 02, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:26 PM blogger: Good points my friend. Tom does indeed disagree with the Mayor and some of the Alderman on this tax increase, but hate them? Certainly not!

I have said repeatedly that on August 6th. we WILL still be here, the sun will still rise in the east, White cliff park, Spellman park, the F.D., the P.D., Public Works, ET AL will still be here!

Hate is a terrible thing that can consume the "hater," and do nothing but cause disruption in their lives.

My suggestion? Use this blog to vent your frustrations (not hate speech,) but at the same time, talk to the City Fathers, tell them what you want, tell them of your concerns because that is the only way to bring about change!

I believe you will find that ALL the elected officials here have an abiding love for Crestwood else why would they put up with what they have to in order to get things done?

When we disagree, we are doing nothing more than following in the footsteps of the founding fathers, and we are exercising our rights as American citizens to freedom of speech!

Please never forget that brave men and women have fought and died for us to have the right to disagree, so please use it wisely.

Whatever side your on, PLEASE get to the poll's and VOTE, that's the best way yet to agree, disagree!

Tom Ford

8:03 AM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:26 Well then do whatever you have to do as long as you got all your information correct and do it fast because I am really tired of hearing about it. Talk is cheap.

Also, you and Tom are barking up the wrong tree if you think that I am not upset by some of the things the mayor has done. You are also wrong if you think that by my words I have "affection" for this mayor.Get off that deal!

What I am upset about is that people or persons seem to keep saying the same thing over and over again about this issue. Fire, get rid of, recall, etc. etc.

Hatred is a strong word, but after I have seem with my own eyes how Mr. Trueblood and others acted on the dais, you cannot tell me that Mr. Trueblood and company are not waiting in the wings to hammer this issue all the way home only because anything that the mayor does is put under a microscope most of the time.

I, too, would like a different city attorney but I still say, you had best know what you are doing and get all your facts straight before you pursue any kind of action. And, this is not a threat OK? I just want things to occur for the right reasons and not to get back at one person. That is all I am saying. "Affection" for this mayor? Pleez. You just don't read the correct things into some of these comments or you would see hatred spewing out of these remarks.

With total respect, you or others try to get people fired or canned from their jobs like the city attorney and police chief, you really don't know the ramifications that could follow and I am not a lawyer. Also you better be ready for the city spending more money because there will end up being lots of lawyers involved. If that occurs, people will be all upset even more because of money the city will have to spend for lawsuits, something they have been bitching about forever.

11:24 AM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what if Mr.Trueblood and others were "waiting in the wings to hammer this issue all the way home"?

If that is the fact, does it make the "issue" any less important or less a violation of the Charter? I doubt so. I feel however what you are expressing is "voter remorse" for having supported Roy so strongly only to find he, like all of us, has feet of clay.

Read the Charter and within it you will find the remedy for the actions the Mayor and others have made, there is no gray area there, there is no hate or love there, there is the law and it needs to be followed.

12:40 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voter remorse? You assume too much. Now you are claiming to be claravoyant and know who I voted for? That's a stretch.

Hey Fella! Makes no difference to me what you do in the future to the mayor or any other person who feel needs to step down.

I am telling you to make sure you have all the facts so you don't get your innerds in an uproar for nothing. That simple.

You on the other hand want to act so self-righteous about people breaking the rules of the Charter, that you allow everybody to see right through you, and conclude the real reasons for your actions which has nothing to do with truth, justice and the American Way. It has to do with vendetta. My opinion and I am entitled to it just as you are entitled to yours.

I don't care if it's the Truebloods or who it is, this is more about getting back at the mayor than any pure and honest motives on your part; so don't give me that balony about right is right.

Do what you have to do if you feel your right. Chances are you are just another bag of wind that likes to make yourself feel good on this blog.

1:20 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Batman.

1:25 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:20 PM, August 03, 2008

Some may or may not see this as an opportunity to "get back" at the mayor. I don't know.

What I do know is that some of his supporters, like me, are upset at some of his actions, whether it be policy decisions, legislative actions, or how he treats others on the board.

1:36 PM, August 03, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ah kiddies, can't we all just get along? Well,no we cant, can we. At least that's the way it would appear in this thread.

Please remember that the art of the dual went out a long time ago, and I doubt with our tired old eyes we could hit anything anyway, so it's a good thing!

I propose a small soiree` in the park the Saturday after the election for a get together to bury the hatchet (till next time,) what say you?

Tom Ford

2:08 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know if this "bag of wind" is allowed by poster 1:20 to go to a Crestwood park, so I may just work in my back yard, if that's ok with everybody.

2:40 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few examples of the Mayor not listening to staff or Alderman and running right over them.

"I personally was caught off balance by Dillard's' closing," Miguel said. "And I was lulled into feeling that we would see a continuation of the decline that we have been seeing over the years. But we, in effect, fell off a cliff."

"Well, I don't know what cliff you fell off of," Robinson said. "There's been no cliff falling."

"Well, I consider the closing of Dillard's as a major problem," Miguel said.

"That's, as far as I'm concerned, that's just a negative point," Robinson said. "And it's an OVERSTATED SITUATION, which is backed by people who want to raise taxes and all things to be able to justify. We're not raising the taxes."

"I am not looking to raise taxes," Miguel said. "I have not used the word."

"I'd rather hear some positive than all the negative," Robinson said.


"As I said before, this mayor is not going to be supporting any tax increase of any kind until I find, until I see that we have a problem," Robinson said. "Then we'll go and I'll be willing to go to the people and inform them of what the problem is and how the money's going to be spent."

"I'm not necessarily asking for a tax increase," Bland said.

"Well," Robinson said.

"What I'm asking for is ...," Bland said.

"There's rumors flowing in the background that's what you want," Robinson interjected.

"That's fine," Bland said. "That's fine. And if that is one of the strategies, pretending that it doesn't exist and pretending that by 2011 there's not going to be a shortage isn't going to make it go away. That needs to be one of the strategies presented, not necessarily the only one because I'm not going to support a tax increase by itself. I think it needs to be tied to a very strong, very, very aggressive economic-development plan. Because I don't think it's fair to go back to the citizens and balance our budget on their dollars. But having said that, I still think that we need to be proactive in this situation and I think that needs to be probably one of the strategies that's presented at the next meeting."

"Just so that we're out in public and we're being very clear, if you, if the board thinks that they can pass a tax issue without my support, the only problem is you will find out the road gets pretty rough," Robinson said. "There will be no tax support because the people know that we're doing everything that we can to do that. And when the time comes to be able to ...

"I'm not asking for that, mayor," Bland interjected. "I'm simply stating that that is a strategy. It needs to be presented. That's all I'm saying."

"OK," Robinson said. "And I may support one ..."

"And that's fine," Bland interjected. "I'm not asking you to at this point. I think that's very premature. However, to assume that that is not a strategy to deal with a long-term economic shortfall, I think, is shortsighted."

"Well, there's a lot of things we can cut before we get to the point where we have to ask for a tax increase," Robinson said.

"And I would ask the city administrator to include those in the strategies to deal with the potential shortfall," Bland said.

Ward 4 Alderman Steve Nieder agreed with Bland and pointed out that the uncertain future of the Westfield Shoppingtown Crestwood is further reason to develop strategies now.

"I echo everything that Alderman Bland just said," Nieder said. "The five-year plan that we saw was, not that we didn't consider the plan, but it was merely a point and a statement of what could possibly happen. But it did not carry any strategy of any sort. And we definitely need to have a strategy because we do have a major business here in town that is sick to say the least. And we have nothing to do with making it well ... It's extremely important that we come together with a strategy in light of what's happening.

"And your (Robinson's) point of the new businesses coming on line, well, we have no proof or record of what they're going to contribute."

Board President Gregg Roby of Ward 3 also agreed that the city needs to take a proactive approach to prevent financial problems instead of reacting to them after they happen.

"If you see a comet heading toward Crestwood, you alert the people to the problem," Roby said. "You don't wait until it hits and then tell them that you've just been hit by a comet. Being proactive means that we need to set a plan in formation with our options."

Alderman Work session 6/26/07

City Administrator Frank Myers warned aldermen at a June 26 work session that the city could be headed for another financial "storm" based on former Assistant City Administrator Justina Tate's projections that expenditures will exceed revenues in the city's three major funds - the general fund, the capital-improvements fund and the park and stormwater fund.

Even with Tate's best-case scenario of moderate revenue growth, the city is projected to end 2007 with a combined loss of $53,846 in its three major funds.

Despite Tate's projections, Robinson said he is not worried because any actions taken by city officials will be budget driven.

"These assumptions are purely that," Robinson said. "Everybody, this five-year plan is not in concrete. There's a lot of figures, and anybody that can play with figures can play with it. What I'm saying is when you follow the budget and you know what you have coming in and when you don't have enough funds coming in, you cut back to make sure the spending is held in check. You eliminate a lot of the assumptions in there that there's going to be a lot of expending down the road and there's pay raises and there's all this stuff. What we've always said is it's budget driven ...

"You hear people talk about we need more tax increase. I'm not in favor. We don't need any tax increase.

Mayor runs over 4 Alderman, the City Administrator and Asst. C/A.
Claimed a Tax increase would not pass with out his support. Guess we will see if one will pass with his support.

3:40 PM, August 03, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:40 PM blogger: Well, if this "round mound of sound" (me) is allowed to go, you bet your farm key's you are!

The yard will wait, the beer (or) won't (it gets nasty when warm.)

Tom Ford

3:53 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:36 I am upset at the mayor too and I am sorry if I offended you; but you offended me with your remark about voter remorse.

First, in order to speak of the mayor stepping down and then firing people, you can say it needs to be done. But when you become part of doing it, if that's possible, you need to have all ducks in a row which I don't feel has been done.

You can't believe by any stretch of the imagination that the mayor or any employee or city attorney is not going to come back with facts that occurred which you may or may not know? You think they are going to lay down and play dead because of what the Charter says? Not without a fight, I am sure.

That was all I was trying to say. No need to tell me I was suffering from voter remorse or anything. You think that any of the people in question are just going to get up and walk out of city hall without fighting for their own necks Maybe you better make sure you don't walk away with "egg" on your face. What is said on this blog about the raises given to the police officers, about what part the mayor played in his closed sessions and what the city attorney did or didn't do in his job can come back to haunt you.

You should walk a tight line when it comes to what people say and how they say it at any time. People not all people but many have their own agendas. Twelve people can be given the same story and by the time the 12th person tells the story, it is totally different. I learned that in grade school.

I just don't trust anybody that opens their mouth on this blog about what they know and what they think they know. I almost always feel I need to see or hear things for myself first. Bloggers can get you and I all upset and angry for nothing. If what they say is not the whole story and you believe it, that is when you feel put upon and that's when people go crazy believing the wrong remarks.

Bottom line is, no matter if you wait until after this election or do something before the election, people, whether the mayor, police chief, city attorney or any employee at city hall is not going to walk away from their jobs without a fight and you better be ready for it.

That's all.

4:09 PM, August 03, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:09 PM blogger: Follow procedure, and protocol, do what the Charter requires, and let it go from there!

I agree, innuendo will not cut it, just plain hard facts, so I plan to refer this to the State, ethics commission and let them make the call on this one.

As I said the results will be posted here once I receive them.

Tom Ford

4:39 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I hope it doesn't take until next year. Plus the way some talk on this blog, they are ready to chop off heads now.

5:00 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you all agree with me that is is very hard to get the facts when so much of what our City Govt does is in executive session, behind closed doors?

5:33 PM, August 03, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:33 PM blogger: Yes, I would, hence the "Ethics commission!" We may be "bamboozled" but I really doubt they will!

Tom Ford

6:00 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger 9:22 makes it sound like politics has been around forever, we should just accept it and move on. I thought the whole point was to be BETTER. Wasn't that what Roy was selling? He missed the mark, and he should be held accountable.

I don't hate the mayor, don't know him personally at all, but I don't want him to be our mayor. He has misled, waffled, and abused his power. He, the police chief, and the city attorney should be held accountable, they should no longer be associated with our fine town.

Remember folks, everytime we complain and they are still seated in their offices, it just confirms their power, they can sit back and smile and believe they are invinceable. Time to actually do something about it. Call your aldermen.

10:13 PM, August 03, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say that if there is some concern over getting a ruling from the attorney General that the issue at hand may not be very clear in the first place.

9:38 AM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:13 I agree with the fact that they should call the aldermen. See what they say about the whole issue. See what actually happened before you start going to the State Ethics Commission.

Also, you can read aything into my comments previously made. That's your privilege but I never said that city officials shouldn't be made accountable for their actions.

I am the one who brought up the issue of the city attorney before anybody else even thought of it. However, Tom is ready to go to the ethics commission, with what?

Tom is loosing it. He use to be the one to get all the facts. Has Tom called the aldermen who were involved. If so, I never heard one word about what the aldermen said. Which aldermen did he call? What did they say about going further with this police chief giving raises behind closed doors. Did he even call Rob Golterman cause even though I think he should have stepped in on this closed door issue and other issues, I want to hear what he has to say. Let him tell us along with the police chief.

Don't be ready to crucify anyone until you have all the facts. People did that in biblical times and you see what happened.

10:00 AM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, according to 10:00AM poster, you're losing it. Is that true? I've already lost it, so it's not a big deal to me!

11:26 AM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:00a.m. is not losing it, they have lost it already.

12:15 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:26 here - I've been told I lost it, mostly by my friends, family, co-workers. Other than that, some people think I'm normal...

1:54 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on St. Louis county Police and Affton Fire. I have a lot of money I would like to spend and I want to give it all to the 2 of you. I think it was said by the inventor of Tootsie Role Pops " "Theres'a sucker born every minute"

1:59 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if this tax increase would not pass, there's plenty of money to pay our police and fire for several years. Besides, they have decent working conditions. The police, at least fifteen of them, just got raises and they are riding around in new cars. The firefighters are working under a new contract.

So your little tootsie roll jab was kind of sad.

2:29 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:59 PM, August 04, 2008
"I have a lot of money I would like to spend..."

Great! Run up to city hall and write them a check so they stop raising our taxes. That would be wonderfully generous of you!

2:34 PM, August 04, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:59 PM Blogger: Actually I believe it was W.C. Field's in the movie "Never give a sucker an even break."

11:26 Am Blogger: Lost it, heck I never had it!

10:00 AM Blogger: Actually several things I have questions on. I have no possible way to find out for myself whether the use of several items in tomorrows election was ethical, so I will ask the experts (so to speak.)

The way you sound you would think I was heading the Spanish Inquisition for goodness sake. Not at all my friend, but I do believe we need to check on a few minor things here.

I am sure you will agree that if things were not done properly you would want to know about it, no?

Tom Ford

5:04 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is exactly what I am saying Tom. Ask the board members what was going on. They were involved in the raises for police officers and if they were not, then ask them what's the deal. Surely, they know about it. Also we would want to hear what they have to say on the issue about the mayor, and the city attorney.

I won't be happy until everything is known on both sides before I feel a posse and vigilante group is picked to go on a rampage.

Missouri Ethics Commission is where you go when you have all the facts and hear both sides.

I have heard nothing from those closest to these issues. All I have heard are bloggers which means nothing in making a final decision.

7:11 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The facts are the Pro Prop 1 group violated state election laws. That action(s) had nothing to do with police raises behind closed doors. That action(s) was a violation of City Code and Charter, for which the CHARTER has the punishment for doing same with in its rules.
Read the Charter people, what Tom is doing is 110% correct as it relates to the ballot issue of 8/5/08. The closed door pay raises are something we the people will have to deal with using the Charter if needed.

8:40 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anybody notice the lime green pumper in the fire station. It was bought used. How well off is your city funded???

10:51 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I noticed that. I also noticed the fireman have a new agreement with the city that was approved in late 2006. I also noticed 10 new police cars plus the remaining fleet. And I also noticed that 15 policemen got raises. So, I think my city is funded very well.

Vote NO on Proposition 1.

11:02 PM, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like lime green fire pumpers in a city our size, it looks good, even if it's used. Most of the time it just its in the fire house like the rest of the fire equipment, getting waxed and washed. AS LONG AS IT WORKS who cares about the color of if its used or new?

7:28 AM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say call for a vote of no confidence by the employees. That will send a message to the BOA.

9:01 AM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Election turnout is light so far. So please, whatever your decision, please go and vote!

10:50 AM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did and I voted No.

11:02 AM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good! But if you voted yes, that's OK (I voted no myself), but just please vote. I was amazed at the low turnout. A lot of men and women fought and died for our right to vote and we have a great opportunity before us! So please vote!

Ok, I'm off my soapbox. But one more thing, be careful in this heat!

12:03 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:01 "employees"?, do you meant the people who are paid by the City of Crestwood to work for the owners of Crestwood, (the citizens of Crestwood) voting no confidence in the owner's BOA?
Unless an employee lives in Crestwood, they either accept what is paid them or they leave the employment of the City.. Outside of that they have no power over the BOA of Crestwood,the City and the owners of Crestwood, short of what State and Federal law provides for.

3:51 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:51 Well I guess you told them huh! You are beginning to sound like the owner of a a tribe of migrant workers (slaves) who works for pennys in the fields in the South. People who had no rights and if they opened their mouths they get 20 lashes from their Massa! Wake up, it's the 21st Century.

9:01 made a statement but I don't see anybody making a uprising about it but you. Right away you had to get on your "muscle" about it as if you were king of the jungle. It was a mere comment by someone. Why make a Federal case out of it.

Employees have a right to have their opinions. Besides, you don't even know who 9:01 is. So cut the crap and cool your jets about the employees and about YOU being the OWNER.

Employees are human beings and don't have to be a Crestwood resident and who says only you can say things on this blog? Further, you seem to be the only one with a big chip on your shoulder.

Well, now that you have put all the employees in their place, I am sure they will all shudder in their pants tonight now that you set them straight.

Isn't it wonderful to feel so powerful. NOT!

6:53 PM, August 05, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well I have just returned from working the poll's in Fenton, MO.

We started at 5:00 AM on the set up and worked through until 7:40 PM with only one hour to eat lunch.

As we all know by now, the turn out, wasn't! This is sad to say the least as I believe we had no more than 17% turnout at the place I worked!

I can hardly wait for the results of this, as I can't believe this low a turn out. Do we have "voter apathy, or what?

Tom Ford

8:34 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:53 "let them eat cake"

8:47 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:53, I don't care who 9:01 is, let them have a vote of no confidence for the BOA, it doesn't mean a thing unless they live in Crestwood. Read the City's Charter's Article XIII GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 13.2 and tell me how much power the non resident employees of Crestwood have.

8:53 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's start cutting!

1. Close the community center and layoff all staff.

2. Reduce City Hall hours to 9 to 3

3. Purchase used ambulance and start trasporting EMS patients to ONLY St. Anthony's and bill $800 a trip. Hire collection agency to collect fees.

4. $100 False Alarm Fee. Doubles with every false alarm

5. Contract out Police Dispatching to Sunset Hills.

6. Cancel all street repairs and use capital imrpovement sales tax to run capital assets.

7. Layoff all street department personnel and contract for snow removal. (Resident can only call City Hall M-F from 9 - 3 to complain that they can't get out of their driveway.)

Estimated annual cost savings of arround $1.9 million.

9:27 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Who says the employees are going to do anything? Why get all upset because someone made one comment on the blog? Who is making such a federal case out of one comment. Now all of a sudden the employees are being drawn into this issue.

Good Lord. Are you now saying that besides the mayor, police chief and city attorney being on death row, the employees are now in the mix? Why even say anything at all about employees. You make it sound like they are bunch of no goods or something.

Many employees at the city of crestwood love their jobs and do them well. Why keep threatening them about the charter or codes when they haven't done anything to deserve it?

10:19 PM, August 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

based on the comments posted above blogger 9:01, I believe they were referring to a vote of no confidence by the police department employees against the Chief for his actions not the alderman.

8:45 AM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:45 PM Thanks for the information however, 9:01 never said one word about "Police Department" or "Police Chief" in the 9:01 comment, so it is not "based" on his comment. So defend him all you want.

The tax increase failed. So now you can embark on your next issue about the raises in the police department. Let's hear about and see what all the angry people do about the violations of the charter, and all the other things they say they based their NO vote on, including the closed session, police raises, et al. Now they can use all that energy to vent about it.

I will be anxious to hear all about the results of going to the Ethics Commission. Like I said before, whoever wants the ax to come down on certain individuals best have their reasons and information fresh and ready to prosecute or recall or do whatever they feel they can do according to the Charter. But I am here to remind you that Don Greer violated the Charter and codes of conduct and every other kind of rule, all the time. BUT IT IS ONLY NOW THAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. WHY NOW? OH! that was different cause he had everybody in his pocket when he promoted, demoted and THREATED TO FIRE PEOPLE and basically did what ever the heck he wanted. Didn't Tom say that if we don't look back at our history, we tend to repeat it?

Oh I see now. You were the ones that were Greer's team players and got away with everything, AND NOW THAT THERE IS A NEW CHIEF IN THE HOUSE, JUST MAYBE that's why you dislike this mayor because he picked his police chief just like the other mayor did BEFORE HIM, and picked his city attorney, just like the other mayor did BEFORE HIM. All those previous decisions and issues that happened then - you don't care about; but NOW that there is someone else who sits in that seat that isn't doing things the way you feel they should be done, NOW it is time to do something about it BUT NOT WITH THE OLD CHIEF, JUST THIS ONE.

Go ahead and see how far you get. Especially the person who stated in his comment about the employees who live here and who don't, etc. etc. The person who thinks if you don't like Crestwood, leave. He owns Crestwood CAUSE HE IS A RESIDENT. Yeah that's what Don Greer thought too.

So to those who feel as he does, I say I love Crestwood and I feel that maybe "you should leave", and take all your drival with you.

10:52 AM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you have a screw loose. your rambling is bizarre

11:02 AM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:52 A.M.
It was wrong then and its wrong now. We can't take back what happen to you. We are truely sorry for what happen to you, so please leave it at that ok. Greer is dead you win.

11:52 AM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second that emotion.

4:52 PM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:52 and 4:32
Excuse me. Are you speaking to me because if you are, you would know that in no way do I condone any employee or supervisor or public official getting away with not obeying rules and regulations in Crestwood.

If you know me, you would know that it was because the rules were not obeyed that caused me grief and sorrow. So I do not, nor ever would I want anything to be done that was not in accordance with the laws.

I was so stupid as to think that nobody would stoop that low especially all the people I idiolized but they did. And if people are doing it now, I want it to be investigated.

The mayor, board of aldermen members and the city administrator at that time, all failed me. I am still shunned at the grocery store to this day by Pat Duwe, Dr. LaBore and several other individuals who I will not mention. They can't even be cordial to me? Why? Because Don Greer told them if I filed a lawsuit against the City, I filed it against them. To this day, they believe it. Don Greer told me to never set foot in city hall again or he would have me arrested. How about that? Does that mean that if someone makes a comment on this blog about him, it is me? It is true that I have no love for the man but stand in line if you think I am the only one.

My problem would have been if he threw me out of city hall, nobody but nobody would have come to my defense and that is for sure.

Listen sir or madame I have a lot of hurt inside me but it doesn't mean that every time something is written about Greer or Jim Robertson it is from me. But will I forget that I was treated like a common thief by the people I thought were my friends on the board of aldermen? Well that indeed was and is the worst part of my whole ordeal. See if you can handle that from people you cared about for over 30 years.

Finally, it's not easy to sign my name, but I do it OK? Further, I will always dispise people who feel that they are above the rules then and now.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sandy Grave

5:50 PM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, if the Aldermen think those raises were hunky doory, color them "easy." It is their responsibility to right this wrong. Not ours. Now that we know about it, they are behind the eight ball. They represent the citizenry, the taxpayers, best they not forget.

No wonder the tax inc. failed.
lack of accountability
scare tactics
limited expertise
lack of cohesiveness

Now if the above is not the case, we will obviously see action taken by this board on the police raises, an explanation as to why a private group was allowed to use the reverse 911 and bulletin to announce their private tax symposium, and when we can expect to see a new city attorney. And who exactly approved the tax meeting invites.

As for lawsuits, do think we have had enough of these, however, the next person at city hall who thinks suing is the way to go best think again. I think the residents will definitely, this time, pass another referendum and sue the toad back.

11:54 PM, August 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:50. "The mayor, board of aldermen members and the city administrator at that time, all failed me."

From what I heard, you were just a secretary in different departments of the city. It seems you have elevated your expectations above your station.

8:52 AM, August 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:54 PM Toad?

If the city has the right to recall public officials and fire whoever is involved with police raises because the law was broken, then I am only assuming that the person you call toad, should have the right to file a lawsuit if some public officials did not follow the laws.

If the issue pertaining to the toad has to do with breaking the laws by city officials and creates a hardship on the city employee (toad), what recourse would the toad have to get justice?

Treating the toad with no regard to the laws, forced this toad to seek counsel. If laws apply to illegal police raises and other code violations, should it not be the same for the toad? Or should you just use your size 10 and stomp on the toad and smash it to death?

Unless you can give the toad (singular) a name, I play this one close to the chest.

Everyone should seek justice and deserves it. And no one should roll over and play dead when something is done to them that is unlawful or unethical by the previous administration or now.

So I guess you can be more specific. Are you speaking of Leichliter, or you speaking of the two female cops that filed a sexual harrassment lawsuit against the Major in the police department who was Greer's friend, where they each received $20,000 that was covered up by Greer, or are you speaking of me or maybe another toad? I would like to know.

For what it is worth, frivolous lawsuits are also not sanctioned by me; other than that, justice should be for everyone even hot shot lawyers and bad city administrator/police chiefs.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sandy Grave

10:02 AM, August 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:52 Well once again, another country heard from. "You were just a secretary in different departments"? Shouldn't matter if I was the janitor; everybody has rights; even you who makes comments you know nothing about.

Sandy Grave

10:09 AM, August 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:52 If I could make one more comment if you will allow me.

I agree with you that the elected officials cannot get involved in personnel matters as I assume you thought I wanted a special favor from then accordin to your comment. But I never expected them to get involved that way. All I wanted from any of them was just a kind acknowledgement when they would happen to see me out and about, since I was not a stranger to several of them. But they didn't.

Conversely, they ask for the mayor's resignation and then reward him by placing him on the TIF Commission.

When board members saw me or spoke to me in person or when I called them by phone, they could have stated their position in a kind way and told me they at least understood my pain. Was that too much to ask by a lowly secretary that you say I was. Was that too much to ask. I had worked with them and known many of them through my executive secretarial position for 30 years.

If you think that I wanted anything more, you are wrong. I say they failed me because and only because they felt by asking the mayor to resign, they did enough. But they showd me that after all was said and done, he was still a part of city government on the TIF commission. When I, according to Greer, was barred from coming up to city hall, the louse that I was.

Thank you.

Sandy Grave

11:56 AM, August 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:56. OK but what does your past situation have to do with what the CURRENT chief of police and mayor have done.

The past is the past. the current situation needs to be dealt with without any regard for anything or anybody from the past.

1:59 PM, August 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:59 Thanks. I was just making a comparison that if this administration is found to have done things in violation of the codes, these things should be dealt with and I agree with that.

But conversely there were several violations made by public officials that happened in the past, one of which happened in my case. And no one at city hall did anything about it - i.e. the official was asked to resign, which he did without benefit of the truth being known, and then appointed to the TIF Commission which to me shows that he was still acceptable to serve the city. But I was held in contempt because I filed a lawsuit as this issue ended up causing me illness, loss of work and as such, there was no other recourse for me. So they reward this official by appointing him to a commission but for me, I am told that I cannot ever set foot in city hall. If you are going to obey the laws and recall people who disobey them, it is too bad that it wasn't done in the past. Those who wish to chastise me because I filed a lawsuit, would have done the same thing if they felt that justice was not served. Had things been done correctly, there would have been no reason for the lawsuit. Unfortunately nobody wanted to go against the CA/Police Chief who made up all his own rules and got by with it. Just merely making a comparison, that is all.


Sandy Grave

Sandy Grave

3:39 PM, August 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the CA/Police Chief who made up all his own rules and got by with it."

What rules did he make up that were in violation of City Code and Charter?

6:44 PM, August 07, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:39, 6:44 PM bloggers: THE MAN (Greer) IS DEAD! Please keep your eye on the target!

Who the heck cares what was? Concentrate on what the current problems are now before they escalate into insurmountable grief!

We now have problems that will never be solved by dredging up the past kids! We need leadership now, not later after we re-hash old times, so for God's sake, please let it go!

Tom Ford

7:17 PM, August 07, 2008  

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